Tuesday, October 20, 2009


New thread.


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NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon to all and Thx, Steve!

NatureNut said...

Read back~~~of course spoke about work computer. Since I was not allowed to email information request from coworker, I called the ITC office to complain & ask for help. They said a phone call does not do much~~should email the problem to them!!!!DUH!!More aaarrrgggh!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

OMG, Loretta, did you scream in their ear??

NatureNut said...

Lynn, I had all kinds of trouble w/album PopUp last night, but finally got everything on by 11 PM!
Gotta go--think my 10 minutes quota time is up for this BLOCKED site!

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Ladies...taking a break.
Loretta, it's time for you to retire, BEFORE you have a nervous breakdown!

Sharon, if you are going to send me an invitation, please let me know way in advance so that I can shop for a dress!

How's the knee Lynn?

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - you were definitely a bottle buddy!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Sharon, time to spill the beans...

Judie said...

Happy late afternoon! Thank you, Steve and Loretta.

Just home from the big school house and trying to catch up.

Jo, glad the doctor's appt. went well and glad the prednisone is helping.

Lolly, listen to nurse Lynn and take it easy with the back. I hear Shirley might enjoy some pecans while resting in her recliner. Just need someone to deliver them -- wonder who might be a candidate?

Found Asian beetles at my front door when I got home. Never seen them around here before, ever. Lovely critters. Husband yelled STINK BUG! Told him was NOT.

Back to my routine -- time to gaze into the frig. Think tilapia tonight with cole slaw, if I can get some made up quickly.


Costume Lady said...

Hi, Judie...Gene, or was it Jack..went to the store (wasn't Sheetz) to get some Talapia, which was on a great sale, and they had none! So, we will have chicken legs baked with potatoes.

I just saw GEORGE, the eagle on the momster's album...HYSTERICAL! Check it out if you haven't seen it!!

Costume Lady said...

Jo or Paula...can a video be posted on the Momsters Album?

Costume Lady said...

Not a video...a slideshow?

Costume Lady said...

I think I have over-done my break. Gene has three car loads in the driveway:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wanda, Pat has had the flu so the wedding has been postponed! :)

Paula, what am I spilling the beans about?

Bird Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

WOw! what a beautiful day:) this weather is great!
For some reason I am hungry for pecans...

Lynne2 said...

Judie aren't they amazing? They look like lady bugs at first but if you really look they are all different shades and patterns....evidently this is what they do when they search for a place to hibernate for the winter. And we have had lots of real Stink Bugs too! Got some video and turned the camera on myself to show the ones in my hair and got video of one landing right on my nose! Now all I have to do is learn how to post a video!

deb said...

Lunch time here, rain hasn't arrived yet, but it is sure hazy outside. Good news, pretty soon I won't be driving over mud anymore to get out of my neighborhood! They are pouring the last bit of road today!

deb said...

Please keep the stink bugs where you are, I don't think I could deal with them.

Lolly said...

JO, Joseph's birthday was just great. He and two friends had a ball at the pre game activities as well as the NTU football game. Laurel said they went to sleep about midnight. Then the family was there for the afternoon and evening. He tossed a football with his Uncle Michael. We decorated his room (NY Giants) YUK! and it looked cute considering. He slept in his new room that night for the first time. Laurel said he made his bed the next morning. Let's see if he keeps it up! I have a picture of it and will try to post it tomorrow as well.

Lolly said...

Planted some pansies today. Trimmed some potted plants getting them ready to move to the greenhouse when the need arrives. May not be for a while but we have them ready. Leaves are really falling now. We have had a windy day and they are all over the lawn.

Lolly said...

Have my scarecrow out with some chrysanthemums and a pumpkin. Fall is here! Oh, and my fall garden flag.

deb said...

That sounds very festive, Lolly. Most of my leaves are down, but my neighbor's huge trees always fall late in the season.

Lolly said...

Our leaves are just starting to fall. Good to hear from you Deb. It seems like you have not been on much lately. Missed hearing from you.

Going outside now. Jack handed me a glass of wine and invited me out to the front patio.


deb said...

I haven't been on a lot lately. Work, etc seems to keep me off more than I like.

Time to head back.

floralgirl said...

Hi DEB:) Bye Deb:(

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, you are spilling the beans about some invitation that requires Wanda to buy a dress.

Wanda - you can't post a slideshow or video on Momsters

Eagle at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

OH, Sharon, nevermind, ya'll are talking about your wedding to Pat! Choo choo

paula eagleholic said...

Megan, I would have invited you over to share in Shirley's pecan pie, but I ate it all. :)

Mema Jo said...

Just finished dinner - kraut & hotdogs!

Wanda - I hope Paula can give you the
advice about your beautiful slideshow
onto the Momsters'. Those of us on the blog and FB are the only ones to enjoy it. Maybe we could attach and send out in an email to all momsters/dadsters.

Sorry about your plans having to change Sharon - I really think he is using a bum excuse!

Lynne I didn't make it all around to check out our Bottle Buddies but I remembered when your plans changed that Paula made mention of putting you back!

Loretta - follow Wanda's advice and think about retirement and all the travel you would like to do in hubby's antique/historical car! Your Open House pics are great.

I SISSY comes in on this thread I am hoping she will put her FB pics into the Momsters' album.

hedgie said...

Good evening. Beautiful day is giving way to darkness... but no frost predicted tonight!
Lolly, please take care of your back, and you, too, Lynne!
Deb, will you be happy to be able to have a clean truck again?? Hate roadwork!!!
I sent Delphia an email about her post....hope she removes it quickly!
Jo, sounds like good news from the doc!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Paula already answered you by the time I posted...... Maybe we can get it out to all through an email.

I hope those 3 car loads were all looking for costumes

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - bad comment from Dr was
As long as you're wheezing
you'll be on prednisone......
Did cut me down to 5mg daily.

Mema Jo said...

Tonight is Tues TV night! 3 in a row!
I am so selfless about most things but
not my time.... I don't like sitting for that long even though I enjoy the shows. Go figure........

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Is anyone elses' glow-stick still glowing? Set mine off accidently getting everything out of the truck Sat. night and it is still going strong! Fun!

hedgie said...

Jo, know that the pred is not the most appealing thing to have to keep on taking, but it's better than the alternative!!! We sure don't want any relapsing!!!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, my glo-bracelet lasted a little more than 24 hours...yes, fun...we need fun!!

Jo, this is my favorite TV night. I also get tired sitting through 3 shows, sometimes I sleep a few minutes, then miss something very important. I look at Gene to ask him what happened and he's asleep too:( LOL

Costume Lady said...

Doctor gives GeeGee prednisone for her appetite. It has been at least a year. Asked him if she should be taken off of it by now and he says no???

Mema Jo said...



If it doesn't I will get Sissy to bring over to E_M

Anonymous said...

Nice Buck on Pix pop up cam

Lolly said...

Wanda, I loved the three pumpkin pictures you posted on the momster album.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly and all others - Please go to FB with your own sign on or with the link I just posted.
On the right - Sissy's DC and Shepherdstown Pics! You'll love them.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Crunch! Hope you had a very sunny & pleasant day!

Almost getting ready to leave here for TV shows........

Stay awake Wanda OR call me if you lose the plot! lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo nice here today to.

magpie said...

Hi !
Just jumping on with a quickie.
I went to grocery store (Martin's) with James, guess who we saw!
Ed and Dana...
Ed had commandeered a riding cart, Dana was taking a big chance walking IN FRONT of him. Told him no reckless driving allowed.
They both looked good...we shared a little time, then on to our respective shopping. Dana has been busy from start to finish of each day and just does not have time to get on to Blog...

Did anyone see the Newborn Moon?

Okay, grandson here, back to what he is up to.

Lynn James says Hello back ☺

xo ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

Will do, Jo!

magpie said...

my brother was in your wife's son's wife's class at school ...
Small World...and I was in class with Steve, and have worked with Deb during my EMT years with Hedgesville Fire Department.

Judie said...

Here's an idea -- When Sharon marries Pat Mohyhan lets all throw pecans instead of birdseed when the TRAIN goes past. Lolly, keep some pecans on hand for Sharon's wedding.

Lynne2, I thought at first I was looking at the world's largest lady bugs then realized they were Asian beetles. I do like the colors.

Megan, hope your daughter feels better very soon.

Lolly, great that Joseph had a fun birthday. Sure hope he has many more and continues to make his bed. The wine Jack offered you -- was it Pinot Pecan?

Feel your pain Wanda. I miss something on t.v. only to find husband has been watching through closed eyelids -- no help at all --except he's quiet.

Oh dear, glo stick. Maybe that's why I'm so tired tonight -- I need to activate my glo stick.

Later to say g'nite.

magpie said...

take that back, Crunch, I was in Joseph's class I think...been a long time I am kind of forgetful a little on the names

Anonymous said...

Magpie Look out know some one at that Fire Hall. I can't think of her name. His name is BOBBY. Live out the road across from High School.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Off to TV

Anonymous said...

Doe at snowman cam now

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

2 deer at pix now

Lynne2 said...

Good evening Eagletamigos!

hahaha! Jo...great name for the link to FB!!!
and Judie... great ideas for Sharon and Pat's wedding!
Margy, didn't see moon, hoping to see meteors in the pre dawn sky in the morning!
Have a good and safe and cozy restful nights everyone! night all!

stronghunter said...

Good evening all! Winding down from a long day at work. Been lurking a little.

stronghunter said...

Good night!
Will see you tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You lurker you!

Mema Jo said...

TV Break! See if I can read comments

floralgirl said...

Go Jo Go!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am now listening to Train's new album off a website. It is great! I cannot wait for that concert!

floralgirl said...

What concert?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, since you asked, Train and Uncle Kracker will be performing at the Fillmore Charlotte on November 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Only 3 weeks away or so...you must be getting excited, no?

Mema Jo said...

It is getting cold outside again...
I guess 50° isn't too cold! The sun spoiled me today.
Not sure if I am watching The Good Wife

Horrors if the first blizzard is on Nov 15th! Sharon you get those 4 dogs trained on the snow sled just in case!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - what time does your day start tomorrow?

Only another week and it will be Wreath gathering time!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No Paula, not very excited at all! :)

floralgirl said...

8:30 tomorrow -Jo. Last week of October coming up already...Gotta get my wreath frame order in...
nite all:)

floralgirl said...

What is exciting? some mode of transportation...can't think of it...starts with a t...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


hedgie said...


Mema Jo said...

I just closed down my FB so the link I had posted will no longer work..

It is getting near to the sleepy hollow road...

paula eagleholic said...

Truck! :)

deb said...

I am home and it is raining, poor farmers are never going to finish the harvest at this rate.

Mema Jo said...

You know --- Choo Choo Choo.......
runs on tracks!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Mema Jo said...

You're not even warm yet.......

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if anyone witnessed the object in the center of BWO platform disappearing??

Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone please check the Momsters group for my email addy

Mema Jo said...

Did do, Delphia Thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

TRAIN, TRAIN, CHOO CHOO TRAIN!! PAT MONAHAN!! YEAH!! Good night everybody. Talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night To All!
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all!

(((hugs))) ♥

hedgie said...

Thanks, Delphia! Appreciate yoour hard work!
Yo, Jo! I used your link to FB just because it was faster than going to Favs and finding my link....but it opened up on MY page, not yours!

Judie said...

Oh, I've got it -- 4 dogs TRAINed on the toboggen.

Megan, sure hope you have a specially good holiday season.

Am tired tonight. Going to get some sleep. Hair cut tomorrow a.m. After that need to prepare for Thursday's regular students and the new police class starts on Thursday night.

Sure hope Andrea is having fun with the family visitors. I think she really needed a break from school and regular grind.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Judie, you are right on it, except there are 5 here - can't forget Buddy the Bassett!

hedgie said...

Good TV tonight!
Good time spent with lap dog!!! She just loves it.

NatureNut said...

Blogger cop didn't get me, been doing emails, on phone w/daughter, etc.
Coming down w/my annual cold---took my allergy Rx and has done nothing.
Love all the Momster Open House pics!
Gotta get to farmhouse office early in AM, as I'll be the only one there & they're expecting a delivery. Gonna be 74° & want to wear my new eagle shirt, but no one will see it! LOL
Congrats on Sharon's wedding!
Re: retirement~~~wouldn't get to go anywhere but the mailbox!
Gotta see news & hit the hay.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

I better say Good Night the same time as I am saying Hello....
Good Night to the Roosters, that is, and Hello to the Night Owls...
Got to read old thread and new one.

☺ ♥

magpie said...

Loretta, probably am going to miss you on this one:
James and I saw a beautiful red 1964 Chevrolet Impala, four door, in the parking lot of the grocery store. It was a beauty! I got some pictures and will post them tomorrow some time. ☺

magpie said...

Rats, getting on too late with some of this but what the heck, I know others have insomnia like I do.
Asian Beetles, Judie and Lynne2:
I went to a very nice vacation spot in SouthWest Virginia a few years ago, there were two cabins (both rented out to couples, I was solo in another building) and the lodge keepers had their hands full with thousands of those Asian Beetles. About wore them out!

Also Lynne2 I have degenerative disc disease at L4-5 and S-1, have to make lots of adjustments with everyday life. From years of car seat installations, and work at the fire department mostly. :(
But I get along pretty good in most cases...

hedgie said...

Have tried a couple more times to post pics to albums, and still a no go!! Don't know what the problem is.....

magpie said...

I didn't see any Eagle alert notices for this evening, guess that means there were no Royal Palace visitors.

Baby Moon was gorgeous, but very low and hard to see, should be more visible Wednesday night with clear skies, look South/West after sunset. ☺
I am going to try for the meteors in a few hours after a Panda Nap.
Maybe I will activate my Glo Stick then ☺

magpie said...

For once, I have not had computer problems with either posting or viewing the albums...saw ALL of Loretta's late last night, and most of the others, and have been able to post, but I haven't tried anything yet tonight.

hedgie said...

Tub time. BBL to say goodnight. Might catch Jim or Andrea or A-M!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

How is the sound thing going Margy?

magpie said...

Okay, Bottle Buddies - actually fine wine glass Buddies.
I made it a point to go to each table and view our absent dinner guests, let me see if I can remember all those beautiful and handsome folks:
Deb, Lolly, Red, Movin' Jim, Chrissy, Andrea, Lynne2, Norma and Helen graced by Present Jo in the Middle; I'm still thinking on this one, going through names, but this is a start.
You were all very well-behaved !

magpie said...

Oh I have good sound, but can't stand opening up Pix Pa these last few days. Woof !!!!!

magpie said...

You're up kinda late Sharon, or are you up early! ....too excited about the upcoming though postponed nuptials, eh??

First thing I heard when I returned home tonight was the lovely whistle of the train going through the crossing a half mile away! You would like this neighborhood, Sharon ! ♥
You can have my WAX if I just earned it, can make yourself more bootiful for the event ☺

Costume Lady said...

I have enjoyed all the photos on Momsters Albums...we are getting good! Love "George" the Eagle:) Wonder if he rolled around in Sissy's trunk, like he did in Jo's? Tell us where he is going to reside, Sissy?
I'm going to hit the hay.


magpie said...

Oh Gosh, Another Train through the crossing, Sharon....can you hear train whistles where you live?

magpie said...

I bet George was buckled in like a passenger.....!

I saw a German Shepherd in the back of a pickup truck today, and he had what looked like Sunglass Goggles on. I wanted to get a picture but could not....
had to drive instead !

Good Night Wanda and Gene....xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Oh, I will be glad when I get my glasses fixed! I have to hold up the left side to see, what with no ear piece. Makes it hard to type! lol Can not see what I am typing.

So, I am going to say good night.

Rain starting in the morning. Flash floods are expected since the ground is already saturated.
So, Jo, I will work on pictures tomorrow. ☺

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

And to Sharon....sweet TRAIN dreams!

magpie said...

Yo Jo: Glad you have a what sounds like a caring and capable team of doctors...hope all things continue to go well with you....


magpie said...

And it sounds like Lolly is NOT behaving....planting pansies with a bad back! Tsk Tsk.... Even as short as I am I can relate to that having to bend at the knees at the bathroom sink....
wish I was a builder, would do things diffently around here for myself !

magpie said...

I'm one comment behind most people hitting the sack tonight. Sigh....

Good Night Lolly, hope sleep is restorative. I can picture you holding those glasses as your describe...☺

magpie said...

Wonder how Glo is doing....

magpie said...


paula eagleholic said...

Caught up on blog...too much to comment on....

Candy was a bottle buddy, too! You got all the rest correct, Margy.

And I am so sorry that I forgot to make Dana and Ed a bottle buddy, too. Please accept my sincere apologies, Dana and Ed!

Heading to Mom's tomorrow for some midweek work...heading down the home stretch. Been catching up on the neverending paperwork pile.

Catch ya'll tomorrow night, have a great Wednesday!

Hugs to all ♥

magpie said...

Okay, I am going to set out my cold weather clothes, and the makings of hot chocolate, something to lie down on in the wet grass....in case the skies are clear around 3:30 for some meteors. No, I Do Not have to work Wednesday, it is a vacation day for me.

So, Good Night from this Roost now too.....

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and Hedgie...it might be your browser...do you allow pop ups...it asks that stupid question about sharing other stuff with the group, which I would suggest you answer NO...it won't let you post pics until you answer that stupid question..at least that is what I have discovered...others my have some thoughts...hope this helps.

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie - I am using IE...

magpie said...

Thanks Paula.... good restful sleep wishes....Candy...you know what? That is one that I didn't see ! Phooey....

hedgie said...

Paula, I use IE, but I've never gotten a pop-up message on the yahoo pages.
Normally, pop-ups are blocked and I get an option to un-block on a lot of other sites.
Good night to all you sweet people. Sleep well, and have pleasant dreams!

Bird Girl said...


Bird Girl said...


Bird Girl said...

must be a teenage boy at the camera controls because they just did a super-zoom on an elephant's, erm, ya know

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Not much time to post--gotta get to bed! I'm just plain tired!
Hubby, the kids, and I went by Amtrak TRAIN (!) to San Juan Capistrano today, and we had SO much fun! Must try to download my few pictures tomorrow. We went to the nice petting zoo, and spent a LOT of time there; the great-granddaughter and granddaughter absolutely LOVED it!
Many really sweet animals; will tell more tomorrow. Watched the Angel game tonight (WOOF!), studied after dinner. Prayers for everyone's needs to be met, and for health for all. LOVE the pictures of the dinner and of the Open House! We were supposed to go out for an early breakfast with Sister-in-law, but she has an important meeting at work and can't make it. We get to sleep in!!! Will re-schedule the breakfast if possible. Talk to you tomorrow. G'night! God bless! :o]

magpie said...

Any sky-watchers out there?
I went out at 4 and stayed until 5:30 - saw six pretty good ones meteors, hard to tell how many I missed from the angles I couldn't watch. But that's kind of like watching grass grow. Sure heard some nice TRAINS rolling through though.
Good Morning Eagle Friends

stronghunter said...

Good morning Margy. Glad you got to see the meteors. Having my morning coffee and just checking in before packing up to go to work. Bridge club tonight. Next month it is at my house.

See you later!

magpie said...

Hot Red 1964 Chevy Imapala pics on my Fun and Dandy link.

magpie said...

Well, make that Impala ...not sure what an Imapala is

magpie said...

Well Hi there Shirley, so nice to see you, and Bye Now....
Bridge, my parents and a few siblings loved to play Bridge, the best I could do was pinochle :)

floralgirl said...

Is An Imapala like a oompa loompa?
No meteors sighted here, hubby went out at some point this morning, he said he thought he saw ISS tho. All I saw was my pillow, too tired to get up.

magpie said...

Ooompa Loompa sounds pretty good Megan. November Leonids will be more worth getting up for...I think you made a good choice this morning, pillows versus shooting stars. Venus got a late start this morning.
I didn't see where ISS was scheduled here but it sneaks in sometimes.

magpie said...

How's your Little One doing today?

magpie said...

By the way, Megan, I Love that picture of you in the black hat that Sissy took ☺
It's You !

Costume Lady said...

Megan,the reason Mr. Megan couldn't see what Margy saw: he needed to be lying down in the grass with a cup of hot chocolate;)

Costume Lady said...

I love that picture too, it's adorable:) Those are the kind of shots I like to get.

magpie said...

Good Morning Wanda....and Gene...once the coffee maker beeps ready ☺

Wish I coulda been an owl and coulda turned my head around more...

Our nest sure looks pretty this morning, just ripe for a Visit !

Costume Lady said...

Donations are on their way to their prospective receipents. I would like to announce the details, but don't know if I should??? HELP??

Costume Lady said...

Yep, you guessed it, Margy. Waiting on coffee maker to BEEP:)

magpie said...

I like the picture I got of you and Gene at Friday's dinner ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Which one is that, Margy? I don't very often like my photos. I am not very photogenic:(

magpie said...

I will send you an attachment on an email....

magpie said...

I disagree...I think you ARE photogenic...for example, you and the large land turtle at Patuxent...those were great!

Costume Lady said...

Ha, ha, that was fun...never thought I would be picking up a turtle that was half as big and me:) LOL

floralgirl said...

Hello Wanda and Margy:)
That picture is not one of my favorites...
Kid is feeling awful...

magpie said...

Sorry to hear that, Megan, about your daughter. I am off and available today...do you need any help ?

Costume Lady said...

Got it, Margy...we do look like we were having a good time...and we were!

magpie said...

I think that is Shirley's little hand going for the spinach dip in the bottom right corner ☺
Yeah, I like that picture a Lot !

Costume Lady said...

Hope it's not the FLU. It's no fun to be 16 and sick. I can remember when I was 16 and so looking forward to the Homecoming dance...new gown and all. Got sooo sick, couldn't go:(

magpie said...

That's a bummer Wanda, that would be a heartbreaker...

Costume Lady said...

Coffee maker beeped a half hour ago. I needs it! BBL
Have a wonderful day...72° today and 75° tomorrow:)

floralgirl said...

I don't think it's the flu. No fever so far, she just feels and looks awful.
I got work covered today, thanks Margy. Surely if anyone deserves a day off it's you.

magpie said...

Megan - I sent you my phone numbers...call or have daughter call if you need anything...

I'm going to disappear from here for a little bit too, but I'll be close by and the phones are ON.


magpie said...

If there is any dizziness or nausea, could it be inner ear infection maybe? That can make one totally miserable...

Okay, be careful and I hope your day is a good one, Megan...prayers for the little one....xo

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone. Trying to stay on task this morning so I am not working all day. Today is Tom's birthday, gotta make a cake!!

floralgirl said...

Good grief, so far every day this week feels like a Monday:(
Have a great day everybody:) It's gonna be 70° and the sun is shining!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Just finished trying to read the blog--ho!---Didn't understand most of it---but MEGAN---pray the 'KID' starts feeling better soon!!---Maybe this beautiful weather we had yesterday & promised to have t again today will make EVER'BODY
feel like DANCING & SINGING all day long---MITS!---Anxious to hear all about the BABY!---bet he is walking & maybe talking!---and breaking every one's heart that see this handsome BABY BEN!!!---Beautiful eyes!---give him a kiss from GRANNY NORMA!!!---remember to hug a child today & give thanks for this WONDERFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN!!-----LIFE IS GOOD!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MAGPIE---SHIRLEY---MEGAN---SISSY & WANDA---ENJOY YOUR DAY!!---running late---study group this am!!!

Costume Lady said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR NEW "MAN" ON THE BLOCK! Was so good to have you join us at Open House, and hope you had a good time. Come back next year, maybe the weather will be better. Just remember to be careful with your tickets!:) LOL

magpie said...

Good thing the Eagles did not make an appearance today... Sissy would not have been able to stay on task!

What kind of birthday cake for Tom ? Can you freeze some for the next Nest Visit ? (say that three times fast...☺ )

and Happy Birthday Tom ! ☺ ♥ ♪ ♫

xo (Oh, there is an eagle at BWO though ☺ )

NatureNut said...

Good Sunny Morning to Everyone!
Here at the farmhouse office, tons of robins and blue jays flitting about & I was able to get on this 'puter w/out nasty windows!
Checked nest, too, but nobody home now.
BBL, if I can stand to stay here---feel lousy, but order to arrive & no one else here today + lots of work---nibbling those Tylenol & cough syrup!
Well gotta go so 'puter police don't come!!!
Happy B'Day to Tom!!!
My hubby's B'Day is tomorrow!

hedgie said...


And good sunny morning--at least here!!
Megan, sure hope your baby gets to feeling better.

magpie said...

Loretta, didn't know you were feeling bad too....Woof!
Hope it is short-lived...
and that your day goes fast, glad the birds are there for company.

Hi Lynn ☺

hedgie said...

Loretta, sorry to hear that you are under the weather, too! Feel better!!! can you go home AFTER the delivery?

hedgie said...

I have developed and am FIGHTING a bad fever blister---ugh! So glad I wasn't DEFORMED and uglier than normal for our weekend! Using ice, alcohol, Abreva and Rx. Denavir.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Going to be another beautiful weather day out there. Hope all of you get to enjoy some of the sunshine!

I think I smell that cake - Keep an eye (nose) on the oven and Don't burn it!

Happy Birthday Tom - It was great meeting you and hope you enjoyed your weekend! Wishing that the year ahead is very good to you and those you love

magpie said...

Lynn! Don't talk about my friend like that! " uglier than normal ". Cut that out! ☺
I don't have an eagle cane but I will find one and come after you!

I hope your malady heals up quick!

Hi Jo - yes, definitely a day for going outside unfortunately I did a little of that before sunrise and now I might need a Panda Nap before going out again ☺


magpie said...

Doing my part to keep the postal service in business, have a load of sympathy cards to send out...
THEN nap THEN outside

Mema Jo said...

Just got conflicting comment &

Don't ask me what I just said
I'll try to remember.....

magpie said...

Big family, friends of mine, lost their Mom last Friday...

magpie said...

highlight and copy...saves me every time, soon as I quit doing that I get blogger copped...
Hope I didn't knock you off, Jo...and hope I just didn't do it again

Mema Jo said...

I think I said that Ceil told me she has Jury Duty today.
I also said I was sending out the
Silver Alert for Helen

Ceil's hubby had so many pics of Baby Ben still loaded in his camera... That grandson of Helen's is BEAUTIFUL !

Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO Yes I held my breath and had I been a second sooner I bet you would have knocked me off again...
Our blog has some glitches that I wish it would fix - conflicting comments and then I always wanted it to update automatically as the comments were made. ((hugs to Margy))

Mema Jo said...

Lovely Lynn - don't you fret and stay away from the mirror - you will
always be a beautiful gal to all of us
Just don't pucker up just yet !

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone~

Happy Birthday, Tom!!! Hope it's a great day for you!

Today's the day for Huntington Beach! Beautiful morning; sun's shining and it's not too hot!

Gotta run--ggd is begging me to come and watch cartoons with her!
Breakfast beckons, too! Will be back later this afternoon.

MEGAN, prayers for your daughter! Sure hope she feels better quickly!

Have a good day.... :o]

Mema Jo said...

Andy - You are going to be one homesick grandma when the kids leave.
Thank goodness you will have your studies to help take you mind off of their absence! Love 'em lots while they are there! ((hugs to Andy))

Lolly said...

Good morning Momsters and (Dadsters, if any are around!)

Happy Birthdy to Tom. Be sure Sissy treats you right!

Lynn, feel for you and the fever blister. Don't you just hate them?! I get them easily.

Rainy day here. Started around 6 AM and has been steady since then. 66 and WET!!!!

Jack has gone. Eating lunch with a friend and giving blood before that.

I promise I will work on my pictures today.

hedgie said...

Don't remember who I was telling about the show "Living with the Wolfman" on Sat. Repeats will start running on Oct. 28th at 8pm EST on Planet Green channel(286 on DirecTV). No word on new episodes!

Lolly said...

Cute, cute, cute video of Diego and his 8th exam. He is just too precious!!!!

deb said...

Off to work, we had an 1" of rain so far today, Saturday's forecast is for sun!

hedgie said...

Thank you all for sweet compliments.
Lolly, never had one until 2 wks. before I got married---caught from "him"--wonderful for wedding pics!!
Ever since, get them easily, too---so bad one time that I thought I had an abcessed tooth because whole side of face was swollen and very painful---it was just extreme nerve irritation from the herpes----but Rx's prescribed by dentist ever since. Said he had never seen it so bad.

hedgie said...

I get one almost every time after a dental apptmt., plus with colds, and stress!!! Must have been too much excitement last weekend!!! And then have to go to dentist in 2 wks!!

magpie said...

I wasn't going to mention the "S" word STRESS

Lolly, I would offer you an umbrella but Sissy and Tom hijacked one of mine. ☺

Sounds like a great opportunity for you to relax and listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
and give that back a rest.

magpie said...

It's not raining here but I think I will put on the Sound Machine that someone gave me and pretend it is and take a short break. Not at all done with my things to do yet

Hope the rainy day will be okay for all affected. Holds down the brush fires, remember, that's a good thing.


Lolly said...

Okay, I have had my breakfast. I know it is late, but I like to eat breakfast after my coffee.

Now I am going to try to accomplish a few things.


Mema Jo said...

I wonder to where those beautiful balloon pics have flown.

Going to see Diego

Where are our eagles?

Mema Jo said...

Diego's 8th Exam: Wake Me When It Is Over He is so adorable! I love to hear him whimper. Young attendant at the exam is in 7th heaven holding him.
Tried to find update on Names....

Mema Jo said...

The autumn leaves have covered the ground on the Snowman Cam.

I wonder where all the turkeys have gone?

Mema Jo said...

Asia trail: 2 little otters running around
Cam Yard 1-B - Beautiful Sloth Bear!!

Mema Jo said...

Asia trail - cam in Yard 2-A
Another Sloth bear !!!

Sissy got a good pic when at the zoo of the sloth bear and tons of pics of
Tai! I wonder why........... lol

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to have some lunch!
Today is Gymnastics day for Alexis aka Meatball! lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My poor sick Pat Monahan tried to perform at the tour opening concert last night and was too sick to. Now they have had to cancel their concert for tonight. He had better get better before November 15! :) I am thinking he has the flu! I am sure he could use some prayers!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I get the cold sores or fever blisters inside my nose. Had one this past weekend. I use Zovirax...works in about 4 days, if I catch it in time, it doesn't develop at all.

hedgie said...

Poor Wanda---would really hate to have one there! I've had a hard time getting Bowers to give me Zovirax to "have on hand." Don't think he care3s about prevention or catching it early---just wants that money from office calls. Six more months and I can ditch him, I hope, and go back to my regular dr.!

Costume Lady said...

Zovirax is very costly, but to get rid of a feaver blister quickly is PRICELESS! It does last a loooong time.

hedgie said...

Lunch is over and I am gearing up to go out and blow some leaves....as they fall on my head!!!
Talked to mom---sis may have H1N1...boo. :(

hedgie said...

Where is Mits??? Did she have zoo duty today??? We didn't get a nest weather post!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My pic is the sunrise here this morning.

magpie said...

That's beautiful Sharon.....
Nice capture...

Oh by the way, I was kidding earlier when I said Tom and Sissy hijacked one of my umbrellas. Sissy thought it belonged to Sharon or Thelma so she actually hijacked it from them!

Just absolutely kidding of course, but the umbrella, IS in Bluefield ☺

magpie said...

Wait 'til Megan hears this:
I had three little stalks of snapdragon plant left, and one of them is blooming flowers this morning!

My yellow Butterfly Weed plant pods are teeming with teeny tiny insects, which I figure are baby Milkweed bugs. They are completely motionless.

magpie said...

Yesterday on a back road to Morgan County, there were so many grackles flying overhead, they created some really neat shadows on the road surface. Guess they are getting ready to head South....

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful sunrise out your front door - or was it out the back door?
Which ever, it surely is beautiful.
I need to start getting up early enough to see one. For right now I'll settle for the sunsets out my back door.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...