Saturday, December 08, 2007


Fresh thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Have a great Saturday. The sun is out and the rain has stopped!

And don't forget, only 17 days till Christmas!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Enjoy your weekend!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Paula isn't it like a statue. Been there along time now.
Wish we could take pictures of Maine.

Holding door open for Jo and Wanda put coat on Paula.

Costume Lady said...

Come on in Jo so Dana can close the door...

wvgal_dana said...

Jo calling Jo over to new thread that Steven put up for us thank you Steven

Mema Jo said...

I made it over - Thanks!
I was watching the ME eagle

Moosewatch cam is running.

Mema Jo said...

Two hummers still in the nest this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Closing door others can open not locked since Jo is here.

That Eagle at Maine flew in at 9:17amEST

MITS said...

Ok, I'll come in, Jo seems to be sun here cloudy damp, temp is 42°

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Dana Jo and Mits. Glad you made it over. That Maine eagle is like a picture postcard.

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome over Mits...glad you made it in.

Eagle still on branch at Maine

Eagle head at Teroso

Eagle barely see top of head at Cape Coral

BW eagle left

I keep checking on ZZ but she hasn't came back into den.

Pandas at DC one was sleeping last time I looked. One was doing the Ray Charles thing on a door outside.

Mema Jo said...

Moose is checking out all the feed bins but not finding anything. Maybe we will get to see Pook bring out the feed. I would love to see her & Sidekick just once on the cam. I wouldn't go out with feed if a hungry moose were there waiting! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Paula have you found anyway to take a picture at Maine?

wvgal_dana said...

I can't believe both hummers are still there.

paula eagleholic said...

And Wanda - Good Morning, sorry I missed ya!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - you have mail :)

paula eagleholic said...

So pretty to hear the eagle calls at Maine..

fish crows at BW

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle just flew off at Maine almost 1 hour there. Beautiful thank you Maine eagles

paula eagleholic said...

Poop shoot - and off we go in Maine

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---HELLO!!---PAULA--DANA--WANDA---JO & HELEN!!!----It's a foggy grey/pink sky here in WV this a.m.---temp. now 38°---snow is melting--will probably "freeze" tonight!!---I really slid off the hill last night!!---(ho!)---lots of bang-ups on I68 yesterday!!---EAGLES EVERY WHERE!!---Hope they visit the "HOME PLACE" soon!!-----LIFE IS GOOD!!---ENJOY THE DAY!!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula my pink kittens feet are dancing like in the movie Happy Feet lol ty still don't know how ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Norma it out there. I was slipping just getting the newspaper. There are still slippery spots.

Costume Lady said...

ZZ is in the house!!

Costume Lady said...

ZZ is playing with a bundle of bamboo.

normabyrd said...

OH YEAH!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!----Checked the 'LITTLE PRINCE'---WOW! this "ADORABLE" black & white panda is up in the tree---LOOKING BACK AT ME!!!----He knows how to PLEASE his adoring fans!!!

normabyrd said...

EAGLE at MAINE is gone!---Love the sounds of the wind & water!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Norma!

wvgal_dana said...

Hurray look I think only one (1) hummer in nest?????

Mema Jo said...

I had been reading the newspaper - opened the Hummers and Yepper!
I only see one little chick too.

paula eagleholic said...

OMG you are right Dana. 1 hummer fledged!

wvgal_dana said...

I am moving around looking in the branches but don't see it anywhere. Jim will be so please but sorry didn't get to see it fledge.

MITS said...

Deb, missed it too....sun finally coming out here.

normabyrd said...

Watching PRECIOUS SQUIGGLES!!!---Don't you want to just give her that little push off the straw mat!!--Has anyone seen her step down?

Mema Jo said...

Mom hummer came back to feed the chick that is still in the nest.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA---I see you survived the night!!---I have always enjoyed having my grand-kids sleep over!!---When they numbered 3--bit different!!!---ho!---Still fun--less sleep!!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana- did you get a pic of the hummer fledging?

Mema Jo said...

I sent the pic to Jim with the time we saw only the one in the nest. Hopefully he will send it to Joe, the cams webmaster in case he didn't catch it happening. We could have an MT NEST by the end of the day!

wvgal_dana said...

I think the one that left the nest. Is somewhere above the hummer in the nest. See the one in the nest looking above itself alot. Even after Mom feed it. Watching sibling that left the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Hee hee Jo I had already sent one through Eaglet_momsters so Jim would get it lol lol

wvgal_dana said...

Two minds are better than one sometimes ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Allen's Hummingbirds are among the smallest birds, they are only 7.5 to 9 cm (3-3.5 in.) long and typically weigh a little over 3 grams (0.1 oz.). In appearance they resemble their closest relative, the Rufous Hummingbird. A male Allen's hummingbird has a fiery red-orange throat, white collar, and metallic green on its back and cap. The female's upper body is green. The tail and sides are orange-brown and the throat and central belly is white with iridescent dots on its throat.

Time to hatching
16 days (average)

Female Allen's hummingbirds usually start building their nest before they mate. After mating the female alone has to finish the half built nest. She uses moss, bits of vegetation, spider webs, bark flakes, and pine needles to finish the cup-shaped nest. This nest is only about 4 cm (1.5 in.) from top to bottom and 4-5 cm (1.5-2 in.) in diameter. She lays only two eggs, which are about 1 cm (1/2 in.).

The female alone incubates the eggs for about 16 to 22 days. Once the baby hummingbirds are hatched, the mother fearlessly protects her young. She alone has the duty to feed them until they are ready to leave the nest. She feeds them by inserting her bill into the baby's mouth and regurgitating food from her crop. Chicks usually fledge (leave the nest) in about 22 days and are immediately independant of their mother.

Click for more info

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. I still have a blue eyed, curly headed little boy asleep in my bed. Sometime in the middle of the night he came down the hall and crawled in. Last night he said 7 year olds were big enough to sleep by themselves.I guess he changed his mind. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Joe is out of town, but said he would show his wife what to do, so hopefully she was able to tape it.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Awwww, Anne!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Anne guess you are more snuggly than his pillow ( :

MITS said...

lots of snow at the OREGON NEST

normabyrd said...

The HUMMERS are so BEAUTIFUL!!!!----Only GOD could paint them in such glorious colors!!

MITS said...

looks like they might be working on the new eagle cam at BW:):):)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for the information. I was thinking the mother would go to where the one that fledged landed and would feed it there for awhile. hum once you go not like the eagle ....Hummers are on their own.

Mema Jo said...

Anne, That memory will be a "keeper"

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle in Teroso nest

normabyrd said...

MORNING ANNE!!---Now I am getting envious of you and PAULA----I wish mine lived closer!!!---Nothing SWEETER than a sleeping child!!---ENJOY!!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Wing flapping going on the hummer in nest.

Mema Jo said...

BW said that weather permitting they were trying to get their new cam up today! Monday was the projected day to turn on the Eagle Cam for viewing.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Mits. Thanks! I meant to check that this morning...

Anne-Marie said...

Brandon and I have been looking at a moose in the snow, cold wet nests, and kids playing on the beach. The fish camera is broken. Its been the same fish for days

paula eagleholic said...

Baby hummer is back!!

Anne-Marie said...

If anyone sees an eagle please tell me.

deb said...

Morning everyone, I came back early because we are supposed to get 5-8" of snow to see one of the hummers fledged, but there are 2 in the nest. It must have come back!

Anne-Marie said...

eagle at blackwater

wvgal_dana said...

Yep I got picture of the fledged hummer coming back into the nest. Sent around to Eaglet_Momster with time.

Hi Deb

paula eagleholic said...

Anne - Eagle is at BW now!!!!

normabyrd said...

HELEN!!---WOW!!---I just checked the OREGON NEST!!----You are CORRECT when you say "OREGON HAS SNOW"---ho!---Now they really have SNOW!!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Wonder if the hummer we felt fledged. Did what our Spunky did and branched it lol lol

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at Cape Coral

Anne-Marie said...

Brandon wants breakfast. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

2 eagles at Cape Coral one on limb above nest the other down in nest hard to see

paula eagleholic said...

Great pic, Dana!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW really preening.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, so is the little hummer!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB----Hope you have the SNOW SHOVEL out!!----Yesterday they forecast WINTER WARNING, etc.---Thank goodness---we didn't get it!!---But we ALL were waiting!!--

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - Mom just cam back and fed him!

deb said...

I am in a Heavy Snow Advisory, not much wind, so guess that is why it isn't a Winter Storm. I wanted to get home early so I could get the snow blower ready. It is gassed up and I started it to make sure I was ready. Let it Snow!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, That's the spirit, Deb!

wvgal_dana said...

Cam at Teroso stays on for awhile then goes black. Have to close out all the way. Then reopen. There is an eagle in the nest calling.

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I think the "little" HUMMER seems happy to be back HOME again!!---o!

deb said...

Deer with the moose now.

wvgal_dana said...

Going to go say hi to Ed and read the paper.

Hold down the fort

MITS said...

Deb, you go girl!!!!! I'm having the same problems with Tesoro also, Dana

normabyrd said...

WOW DEB!!!---THAT SOUNDS like a song in the making---How about--"The snow is snowing---the wind is blowing---dah--dah--But what do I care--I have got my 'snow blower' to keep me warm---LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW"!!!---ho!---

normabyrd said...

DEB---What kind of deer do you have in SD?----WV has lots of White Tail!!---This is our last week of deer season!!-----

deb said...

East River has almost all White Tail, but the more you get to central SD you will see some Mule Deer. West River is a mixture of both. West River also has antelope.

normabyrd said...

SNOW is melting in our NEST!!

normabyrd said...

DEB---Educate me---about your hunting seasons---is there an open season for the antelope??---

deb said...

I don't know about the antelope, I will check for you. There are quite a few different deer seasons, between bow and arrow and guns. We have an abundance of deer, in fact, we just got ranked as one of the top 5 states for deer/car accidents. Not a good thing. The biggest season here, though, is pheasant. I think the state doubles in size on opening weekend.

deb said...

Here is the info I found on the GF&P's page for antelope.

Sept. 29 - Oct. 7 for firearms units 15A/B, 27A/B, 35A/B, 49A/B, 53A/B, 64A

Oct. 6-14 for firearms units 15E/F, 27E/F, 35E/F, 49E/F, 53E/F, 64E

Sept. 29 - Oct. 14 for all other firearms antelope units.

deb said...

Wow, there is even a muzzleloader season for deer.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I gotta get out of here! Things to do! TTUL!!

normabyrd said...

DEB---I have tasted your pheasant!---my Dad had a friend who hunted in SD---He shared!!---DELICIOUS!!--My husband had hunted some in the West---I remember MONTANA,IDAHO & COLORADO---We have an abundance of deer in our area too!!---LOTS of deer kill on our highways---During rutting season--it's down right dangerous!!---WV is a rural state with many "curvy" roads!!---We, too, have the different hunting seasons, bow, doe, etc.--Do you hunt??

deb said...

No, I understand the necessities of it, but I stay as far away as possible.

deb said...

We even have mountain lion season now, which I struggle with. They do need to be controlled, but twice this year a mother with babies was killed . The kittens were rescued, but there has to be some better way to have the seasons.

normabyrd said...

We also have muzzle-loader season--and special permits for orchards, etc.-----Seems are states have a lot in common!!!---I have always wanted to visit N & SD!!---Maybe some day!!---(after I go to ALASKA)--ho!--Thanks for your info!!!

deb said...

I got to go to Alaska last year and it is absolutely beautiful. I don't know how many times I said, "It can't get any better than this." We did the land/sea cruise package, which was nice, as you don't have to worry about anything. Now, though, I want to go back and spend more time at some of the places we saw. I, also, want to go to Haines, AK, sometime in the October through December time frame for the eagles. I can't imagine 3,000 to 4,000 eagles.

normabyrd said...

WV has a bear & wild boar season---I AGREE with you on the hunting!!----have always hated it!!--Deer season is needed here---Shouldn't say this---but if some one kills anything out of season!!---They throw the book at them--BIG $$$ fines!!---Close to murder--(kiddin')---But you know what I mean!!

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like a panda Norma is up a tree lol

normabyrd said...

DEB--I can't imagine ALL THOSE EAGLES either!!!---If I saw them---I would think I had died & gone to heaven---ho!---ANNE---(HEDIGIRL) went this fall---She LOVED it!!---We followed her cruise on the inter-net---That was COOL!!--felt like we all had gone with her!!---You might like to talk with her!!

Mema Jo said...

Sun is really shinning! Should have a snow-free nest in a few hours.
I think Sidekick (black cocker spaniel of Pook's on Moose watch cam) had been out around the bins & I guess all the moose decided to leave. Good time to fill up those bins with feed/apples.
Going to get some lunch -
Welcome home Deb - Sounds as though you are really going to need that snow blower.

normabyrd said...

DANA---I saw him up the tree this a.m.---now I see him roaming & stopping to listen at the fence!!-----must hear his parents???

normabyrd said...

SLOTH BEARS are out at NZOO---They are up close to the window!!---Can see the children looking in---aww!---That's a SWEET pic!!

normabyrd said...

The 2 CLOUDED LEOPARDS are curled up together on the straw---Outside of their den on NZOO

normabyrd said...

I think BELLE & LIBERTY should notice the NEST is ready for them!!--No Snow!

deb said...

Only one hummer, I missed it again.

deb said...

The nest has collapsed into itself.

movin said...


I was skimming the comments and saw that Mema Jo had a pic of the elder Hummer fledging, so I looked ... sure enough it has fledged. But as I was looking at the second one, the first one returned to the nest and perched on the far side for a moment...probably trying to convince the other one to get with it.

Last night just at dark the older one seemed to get the idea of hovering ... even over empty air and then back to the nest. Not sure if that was the first flight or not.

It's a beautiful, cool day after the rains in So Cal. We were very lucky to get a fair amount of rain without a lot of flooding and sliding. Hopefully some ground cover will return before heavier rains hit us.


deb said...

The first one left and then came back for a few hours and has just left again in the last half hour.

movin said...

Thanks, Deb (is it?).

From what I've seen with the Black-chins at my feeder, right after fledging, the mother leads them around the territory, showing each of them where the good flowers (and feeders) are. They are just like "brand new, right out of the box" and very curious. They usually will check anything the frayed ends of ropes, and colored pictures on boxes, etc.

According to Wikipedia, the mother can continue to feed them (probably insects) for a short while. And then they settle into the cycle of seeking food withing their established territory.


movin said...

The first one is back for rest again...looks tuckered out.


movin said...

The mother Allen's just fed both of them again.


deb said...

Yes, I am Deb from Vermillion, SD. The hummer just about left again, then must have changed its mind.

deb said...

Yeah, I figured out how to change my blogger name, so from now on I will come up as Deb.

movin said...

ZZ is rolling and grabbing her feet again...very funny.


movin said...

Deb, what part of SD do you live in? I'm from the SW corner of Minn. originally, and I have close family in that area and some have moved to Sioux City too. So I've been through SD a time or two on the way back and forth.


deb said...

I am in the SE corner of SD. I live about 40 miles from Sioux City. Up until March I worked there. I am originally from Sioux Falls. I have a sister in Huntington Beach.

movin said...

Yes, I've driven through Sioux Falls several times, stopped to eat a couple of times. Nice town.

My Mom said the H.S. kids in the Depression used to go across the border to Sioux Falls to big band dances, etc. Lawrence Welk was one of the big bands of the times.

She met my Dad there at a dance..he was from Minn. too, lived in a town near hers.


movin said...

The elder Hummer is still resting, feeding and preening back on the nest.


movin said...

Mom was from Tracy, and Dad was from Currie, where I was born.

Mom's paternal grandfather had settled on a homestead, sod house and the works, in Walnut Grove ... where "Little House on the Prairie" was located.

My Great Uncle, who inherited the homestead, farmed it most of his life, but got sick and moved to town late in his life. Sold the old farm not too many years ago.


deb said...

I have friends in Slayton, MN, which is not far.

MITS said...

getting to be that time of day...

MITS said...

going to step out of the room so they will come in:).

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. I watching that beautiful eagle, Mits.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And gone!

MITS said...

DARN, off he goes, Sharon.

MITS said...

probably will be back I hope.

MITS said...

maybe not:(.

movin said...

Both hummers in the nest again... I wonder how far from the nest it has flown by now.

I don't think most of us have seen this kind of detail on Hummingbird development. We usually see them when they show up at our feeders or in our gardens, but we don't know anything about the action in and around the nest.


movin said...

ZZ is sleeping in the anteroom on a bare floor.


deb said...

There is a man on the moose cam filling the bins!

movin said...

Yeah, Deb, I recall the name "Slayton" and if that's where they would truck hogs to, I might have ridden there when I was about 3 1/2 or so.

I recall making a run in the snow and ice in the cab of a truck with my Grandpa driving and his oldest son on my right. We made it OK, scared from time to time is all, but there were many cars and several semis that had skidded off the road and into the snowbanks at the bottom of the ditch. I think it was Slayton.


movin said...

Looks like a cockapoo or something sniffing the moose buckets.


movin said...

3 or 4 Mule Deer at the Moose site.


movin said...

The Moose all have a blanket of snow on their backs, but they seem to enjoy it.


Mema Jo said...

Tom Otto - Kent Forum - Report on the Nest Hole: I haven't checked this forum for recently, and just notice the squirrel hole photos.
During the last maintenance climb (Jan 06 ?) that furry little bugger came out of the lower half of the complex, looked us over, yelled something in squirrel language, and then went right back in. I know said "little" in the last sentence, but this eastern gray is anything but little. It might the biggest I've ever seen. It certainly wasn't to worried about us being there. Maybe it's hoping the next egg will fall through the hole, right into the kitchen.
Maybe Loraine will give us an answer about the 'hole repair'!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Deb - At 5:49 pm you mentioned on the blog about the feed bins on the moosewatch cam being filled. I think you were seeing Pook (female) doing that - On another forum she popped in and introduced herself! She has the webcam and it's on her property. Very interesting lady!

Bob Quinn said...

Well, I've been negligent in stopping by. Hope everyone is well. I've been working on selecting and reprocessing photos to submit to the National Wildlife Refuge Photo Contest. You can submit up to ten taken at any refuge over the last two years. So I went back through thousands of photos and ended selecting 30 at first, reprocessing all of them and then narrowing it down to ten. Finally finished and submitted them. So now I can get back to the normal stuff. Here are a few from Friday evening at BW:

Friday's Photos

MITS said...

Just BEAUTIFUL pictures, Bob. What is that little bird in the last picture???

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Violet is a deer! (meaning she is a sweetheart)

Bob Quinn said...

I'm not sure what that last one is. It's some kind of warbler but I couldn't figure out which one looking in my book.

Bob Quinn said...

Wanda - That's a delightful photo of Violet.

Mema Jo said...

Bob, Here's rooting for the ten pics you sent in to the contest! From what we have seen throughout this year - You're A Instant Winner

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - It's open to professional as well as amatuers so I'm not expecting a top finish. My goal is to have a photo or two selected to be added to the NWR image library. Last year they slected a little over 200 to be added.

movin said...

Thanks for another set of great

photos, Bob ... love em.


Costume Lady said...

BOB, Did you enter the one with the Mama fox and her Kit?
I think that one is priceless.

Bob Quinn said...

Wanda - I couldn't enter the fox. It was not taken at a National Wildlife Refuge but if it was it would have been my first choice.

Here are the ten:

Contest Photos

Password is momsters

Mema Jo said...

Bob That is quite a variety! The judges certainly will find the qualities they are looking for in any one of those!

Bob Quinn said...

Here are last year's winners:

Contest Winners

movin said...

Bob, I looked up New World Warblers in Wikipedia, plowed through perhaps a hundred species, but I didn't find the one pictured in your collection either.


deb said...

Thanks for letting me know who was filling the bins. I took a picture of her and one of a moose eating with the dog and put them on my page. I don't know how to put them on the post page, like Dana did, so did what I have learned to do so far.
Bob, those are fantastic pictures. I wish I could do that!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Deb! I was so hoping you had a picture of Pook as she was filling the bins! You also got one of Sidekick.

Mema Jo said...

Check your email Momsters.......
Deb - put your pictures out for all to see. ((HUGS))

Mema Jo said...

Time to say Good Night All

Snow has all melted - at least here it has! I am sure more will come!

Peaceful dreams and restful sleep
to all my eagle buddies!

movin said...



Bob Quinn said...

Goodnight all!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

This is another good morning to sleep in. It is 36° and rainy.
Haven't seen any nest visitors yet, but will keep checking.

Costume Lady said...

MY GOODNESS, you all are REALLY sleeping in! Good for you...

I have posted some more photos on my "Wanda's Wishes" blog. Nothing real special, but I am getting practice. I can't seem to get the lettering right. It doesn't always go where I want it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Costume Lady said...

Can't wait on Lib & Belle any longer....Time to get ready for church.

Proverbs 17:17a KJV

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!!---The ROYAL FAMILY is probably waiting for better weather!!---ho!---It's a COOL--RAINY--FOGGY day in WV this a.m.--temp. 37°---Will wish the SUN TO SHINE for CINDI!!---ENJOY THE DAY!!----going to check your new photos---you are getting to be a pro!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Looks like I missed some interesting conversation yesterday.

Bob the pictures you picked out for the contest are beautiful. Nice variety. And one from NCTC as well! That would certainly be an honor to be in the gallery. Best of luck! You are number one in my book.

I read the hummers are still coming and going....will have to check up on them.

And Deb's pics too of them filling up the bins...

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

...and this note on the BW eagle cam

Technical Note -
We have the new camera in the tree. We need to perform some final equipment work this coming week to get the signal to our PC. We should be live once that work is done. Thanks for your patience.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle calls in Maine...

paula eagleholic said...

2 hummers in the nest...

and now 2 moose

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - When you are adding photos, it gives you the option of centering, left or right. Then when you add your words, it gives you the same option - look at the little icons.

paula eagleholic said...

Can't get Tesoro up this morning...

MITS said...


MITS said...

PAULA, Tesoro is up now:).

MITS said...

Eagle at BW

MITS said...

both hummers still there....eagles in Maine very loud

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Mits

And did I miss something there? Looks like an eagle laying in the nest.

MITS said...

the loons and the crows are really loud also up in MAINE.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a switch going on right now!

MITS said...


MITS said...

yes, there is an eagle there, just saw the head.

MITS said...

I just checked and Tesoro had an egg this time last year, so I'm assuming they are sitting on an egg or two:):):)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA & HELEN!!---WOW!--DEB is really in a league of her own!!---I had watched some of her photos last week---Truly AWESOME pictures of nature!!---THANKS AGAIN DEB for sharing!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Can you send me Linda's email address?

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BW now.

normabyrd said...

The HUMMERS are so BEAUTIFUL & they twist their heads up & down---as if they are happy we are watching!!!

Red said...

Good morning everyone.
A new thread is up.

normabyrd said...

OREGON still has tons of the WHITE STUFF!!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' RED!!---What's the temp down your way?---Still very foggy here--temp. now 38°--

Red said...

Wow. We're having a heat wave. 69 degrees right now. Expecting in the mid 70's today. Sure isn't December weather.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty and Belle are sure working on the nestorations.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Belle has something on her beak. Hope it is a wet leaf and not an injury.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now they are gone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...