Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday December 3

New thread.


NillaWafer said...

Gooddddddddddd Morning Eagle lovers 1st and going to bring others!!!

NillaWafer said...

Hi Steven Thankssssssss for the new thread, hope you are enjoying this holiday season and seeing the eagles would be the best present can you arrange it???????????? lol

NillaWafer said...

Happy Birthday to My English friend across the Pond Doreen... May this day bring joy and happiness and memories galore, Lord knows you wont ever be 39 any

Anonymous said...

Good Sunday Morning to All
Hi Nillabean - Thanks for the new thread Steve. Everyone is grateful to you for thinking of us.
Birthday wishes for you today, Doreen
I am going back to the previous thread to see what I may have missed this morning. BBL

Anonymous said...

Well I read that I missed seeing George out in Kent. He sure is a daring little squirrel - he just might wind up as Dead Meat if he visits at the wrong time of day! I am anxious to have Norma on today since the WVU game went so well! Beautiful day out there to be selling wreaths Megan Hope business is booming!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mits for closing down the blog last night. And yes, you did get an A+ on the test! Sharon I knew I could count on you! Thanks!
I hope Doreen pops in here sometime today.
Need to get some Cams up & running.

MITS said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven....Happy Birthday again, Doreen!!

MITS said...

Doreen is probably busy celebrating, its just about dinner time there, maybe she will stop in after cake. George does not stay long, but like you said, Jo, one day...dead meat. I don't want to watch that one.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

DC Cam 2: Tai & Mei are playing King of the Mountain...

Anonymous said...

Hi Doreen Hope your day has been wonderful so far! The little prince is showing off for you. Be sure you come in this coming Wed to check our cam being turned on. Guess you're as disappointed as we are with the cut down on hours to view the little princess in GA. Hope you voted for her official name.

Anonymous said...

Morning, all :)

Happy Birthday, Doreen!!!

Anyone heard from Birdgirl lately?

3 days and counting!

Please support the NCTC eagle cam. Visit
to make a donation or purchase lovely eagle items made with photos from Todd Harless!

Anonymous said...

Just saw quick in and out by George...yup, I agree, he'd better watch out!

Anonymous said...

Hi There, Paula I guess I missed George again.
I have been watching Tai & Mei
Tai will not let up on pestering Mei.

Anonymous said...

1:00 and all is well. No eagle sightings - mainly watching Tai beat up on Mei. BBL

Anonymous said...

3:00 - I came back but I am leaving again. Son & great-granddaughter coming to visit & will be staying for dinner once her dad arrives.
See ya this evening! BBL

I pray all of you are having a joyous Sunday... Peace to you & yours...

MITS said...


MITS said...

Good game last night Normabyrd.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick Hi to all. I left a much longer message this am on old thread. Not lots of time for blogging right now, but I do think about each of you and continue to be excited for Wed to come soon!!!! I have that day off. Will Blog some a little later if possible.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

HEY Norma... How bout them Cowboys.

MITS said...

There is a very interesting web-site I saw on a local news is called...ANY SOLDIER.COM...CHECK IT OUT IF YOU GET A CHANCE.

Anonymous said...

9:00 Tai is tormenting his sleeping momma. He climbed up and sat right on top of her. They had been sleeping side by side but he is up & about & now he is eating more bamboo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my eagle buddies. I hope everybody had a wonderful Sunday. The East River Mountain Town Band had its 10th Annual Christmas Concert at Pipestem State Park this afternoon. Of course, they have the most awesome percussionist playing for them so it had to be good! :):)

MITS said...

Sounds like fun, Sharon. Jo, Tai looks like an old pro eating that bamboo.

Anonymous said...

I wonder just who was the excellent
percussionist was. That's not the horns, is it? lol Andrew! That's who!

Mits He sure goes at that bamboo - chews it right off. I do notice when he is out in the yard that he puts any sticks in his mouth to try them out I guess.

Anonymous said...

I(s Tai doing the 'wiggle dance' or the 'scratch my hiney dance'?

Anonymous said...

Wham! Tai hit mom right in the head with the piece of bamboo he dragged up the rocks.

MITS said...

Yep, he is just like a dog in that respect...pick up a stick and chew on it.

MITS said...

Something just went into the water at wavelit, might be a hyena.

Anonymous said...

Mits, is your training schedule this week the same as last -- Mon-Wed-Fri?

MITS said...

And now it is running away.

MITS said...

Pete's Pond must not be live lately, its 4:30a.m., it can't be that sunny yet.

Anonymous said...

I agree about PPond - I have seen those 2 at the same trees before.There showing Fatty - same spot as the other night.
What is the dark line in the left side of the water hole(Wavelit)?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so glad Doreen stopped in for her birthday wishes!! She is a very special lady! But, of course, I have found a few of those special ladies around here! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am recording Miracle on 34th Street on my DVR so I can watch it later. It is the old version which is my absolute favorite Christmas movie. Never could get into the newer version.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. Have a peaceful and restful night!

MITS said...

I saw that Jo, I was wondering the same thing.....Yes, Sharon, that is my favorite also. GOOD NIGHT AND PEACEFUL DREAMS!

Anonymous said...

I was playing a game & all of a sudden all my other systems up went down. Had to cold boot..I've been MIA for awhile. Where's that Vicky?
Sharon that movie is one of my favorites..Really fills you with the Christmas spirit.
I was glad too that Doreen came on today - I think all our well wishes made her feel great!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Whoops! I'm the last to leave tonight!
It's that time of the evening....

Good Night All
Sweet dreams.......

Hi! Jim, Paula, Delphia & anyone else who pops in yet tonight.

Good Morning Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Evening, all!

Hope everyone had a good Sunday. Took the dog for a long walk to go pick up my son's car that was in the shop. Put up all my outside lights and got all my laundry done. Then went bowling. Been a busy day.

That is my all time favorite Christmas movie. I taped it a long time ago and watch it every year.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Suzanne! Windy morning here. Mits the website info you posted last nite was really interesting. What a great idea for our soldiers. There was an article in the Wash. Post yesterday about the man who provides the wreaths for Arlington Natl. cemetary in Dec.

MITS said...


MITS said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...