Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday 8 December

A little snow last night.

On the live link, click here. This will give you the realplayer link. Once it's downloaded on your desktop, doubleclick on it and that will open the live feed link. If any of this info changes I'll get it out to you folks ASAP.

As I write this at 8:48 am, the feed is down.


MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven and Mits.

If you right click on the "click here" that Steven has on the main blog page, you can add it to your favorites, just in case you didn't know that already. :):):)

Good morning, my eagle buddies!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eagle Land!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone else have Florida up?

Anonymous said...

More snow in Maine, I see! Better them than us!! OOps, Sorry Sharon!

Anonymous said...

The picture looks lousy but it looks to me like the cam is updating...I just saw the eagle in the nest move his head....

Anonymous said...

Or is it stuck in a loop?

Hello, can anyone else comment on this!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steven for the new thread and the "click" for live feed when it comes up. Angels are at work (:.

Hi on this new thread so far lurkers, Mits, Paula, Suzanne and Sharon (Sharon ty for the tips). Done them ty.

Cold and windy here....

Haven't gone to cams except ours doing that in a bit.

Anonymous said...

Yes Suzanne someone is in our nest ( : (: ( : ( :

Anonymous said...

Suzanne how do you get apast using that stupid (for now) having to sign into google for this blog?

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Home from work, need to make quick errand run and then to bed for a while. Dana and Suzanne Thanks so very much for photos sent for loop yesterday. Suzanne no time to read back BLOG but I am curious, is your computer home running? And are you able to see the Loops I have sent the last 2 days from anywhere.? Thanks...all have agreat day.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Home from work, need to make quick errand run and then to bed for a while. Dana and Suzanne Thanks so very much for photos sent for loop yesterday. Suzanne no time to read back BLOG but I am curious, is your computer home running? And are you able to see the Loops I have sent the last 2 days from anywhere.? Thanks...all have agreat day.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Home from work, need to make quick errand run and then to bed for a while. Dana and Suzanne Thanks so very much for photos sent for loop yesterday. Suzanne no time to read back BLOG but I am curious, is your computer home running? And are you able to see the Loops I have sent the last 2 days from anywhere.? Thanks...all have agreat day.

Anonymous said...

I think that is a prettier green than army green....

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any eagles at Kent in awhile.

Can anyone get Florida up?

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW

Anonymous said...

Eagle gone at BW

Anonymous said...

Morning Glo gal

Is it snowing there?

I got Maine up and it's beautiful to watch.

Can't get into some cams like Buta Buta (maybe later), Florida eagles huh don't know what goes there.

Steve where is our blue screen.

Anonymous said...

Good Late Morning All
Sharon Thanks for those 'right click' instructions - I got it
All traces of the snow dusting we got last evening are gone but the frigid temps are still here.
Lunch on the 16th at 1:00 should be great. Paula, are you able to make the 1:00 lunch?

Geula said...

good morning, all!

Green Screen here! BWAAAAH!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta cam is up. She is sleeping in the nest bed. LunLun has been eating in bed! messy, messy

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Geula
Yep, we got green! We're hoping it clears soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle at Kent!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And gone again!

Anonymous said...

Floriday is down....

Anonymous said...

But Thanks, Suz!

Anonymous said...

Just checked out Buta Buta cam now working.

Florida won't come on acts like it then don't.

Maine is up and running.

BW up keeping right time.

DC zoo been showing outside scenes but no Mei or Tai. Maybe someone else has seen them.

Kent up and keeping right time. Suzanne I did believe you (I just didn't get to see George ty for pic). No eagles haven't seem them in a while.

Our "still cam" is froze in an ugly green.

Our "live cam" isn't up.

Anonymous said...

Don't know yet, but probably a no on the lunch.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the Kent couple showed up today... Really haven't seen them all week - just George.

Anonymous said...

Who was able to delete their comment - Not someone on google,right? I still don't know how to delete on google sign in.

Anonymous said...

Jo you have mail

I got the eagles in Kent also pretty

Florida still down

Things still showing same scene outside at DC zoo

Buta Buta up ok

Anonymous said...

Kent nest with both in it takes your breath away.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Don't know why the Eagles in Maine don't vacation in FL. Can't tell if it is still snowing or that the wind is blowing the snow from the tree limbs. Anyway-the water looks freezing!

Anonymous said...

It is blowing from tree limbs in Maine. Did you look at the water behind there. It is really rough. Never seen it that rough ! WOW

Anonymous said...

Funny how we were just talking about the Kent eagles...and there they is still in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Dana you have mail.
Suzanne Thanks for owning up to that deletion. I just wanted to make sure someone didn't know something about Google Deletion that I didn't know. Yesterday, I went to hit the trash can & realized I don't have one anymore. lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is eating eagle in Maine

Anonymous said...

2nd eagle just flew in at Maine beautiful you can hear them

Anonymous said...

One just flew out brought more in to eat.

Anonymous said...

If you get the green mess all over you screen just go out and come back in.

Lordy this is awesome. He was beautiful flying in and flying out.
She is still eating. Them calling to each other such a treat for us. Just think we will hear that next season from our Liberty and Belle.

Anonymous said...

Maine is as pretty as a picture postcard! That wind sure sounds wicked.

Good Afternoon Norma

Anonymous said...

Norma you have mail

Anonymous said...

Isn't she just awesome ! The water behind them is no froze over Jo. So I guess that is why they don't go to Florida.
Those eagles must wear "maine coats" to keep them warm. She doesn't even look bothered by all the wind and moving of nest.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching that nest for days and days. Hearing them call back and forth but never seeing them. Thought maybe they were on branches above the nest.
I was patient and bingo they appeared.

She just flew off.

Anonymous said...

Later Suzanne tc eyes on the road

Yes hoping our cams will be up for Monday.

Anonymous said...

I think it is snowing again in Maine. Like Jo said beautiful postcard picture.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, NCTC crew!!

Anonymous said...

still cam is on

Anonymous said...

still cam is on

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...