Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday December 5

New thread.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eagleland!

Is tomorrow the day, Steve?

Anonymous said...

MT nest in FL...

Maine still looks beautiful with the snow...

Still Dark at Kent....

BW eagle is Stuck!! Poor fellow!

Anonymous said...

I have that gallery by Bob Quinn bookmarked...he has great photos.

Anonymous said...

I would that eagle is "frozen" in time!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Norma. I copied and pasted exactly what you just typed and I got in there ok. I'll send you the link via email, see if that works.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! Suzanne I just read that they had to order a part for their PC at BW to fix the cam, guess it is anyones guess when it will get fixed.....PUT UP THAT CHRISTMAS TREE!!!.... What ever happened to freedom of speech???? Just, I can't get started on this, because my BP will go sky-high!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone and lurkers.

Wow Mits what are you going to get you BP up over gal?

Hope the UK gals wind has calmed down and Lou praying for your report.

Nilla gal got you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I just tuned into Mei and Tai. The picture I got was Tai with a gray big lid in his mouth. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Oh my that was so funny first cam this morning to see him doing that.
They are both walking the yard. They want a treat or something from inside though.
Maybe he'll get back to the grey lid. Well inside they go NO out into another yard they go.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I believe it was the Christmas tree that offended blogger cop! At least I hope it was a fluke and I will be able to bring in my tree to the blog soon!

Anonymous said...

Mits never mind gal don't get BP up. I went into other blog and read. No explaining needed !!

Anonymous said...


Hi Vicky

Anonymous said...

Getting grocries today so I don't have to do them tomorrow.

Isn't there someplace that is having their cam go online on Dec. 6th? Wonder where I heard that at? Wonder what state it is in?

MITS said...

I'm trying not to, DANA, but I've lived in this area for 20 plus years and I'm sick of it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

MITS said...

Cam...what cam?????

Anonymous said...

BW cam updated, eagle there.

MITS said...

Tai just came down from the tree, probably to bug Mei.

Anonymous said...




H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW

Anonymous said...

Well I had that spaced out real pretty but it didn't turn out that way.

Ok off I go for groceries. Feels like a whole days job.

Check back later

Keep the eyes peeled and comment I'll read them ty tc (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Eagle was just in Maine....but gone now.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

eagles In Maine

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon all. NORMA I don't think anyone knew what you meant by our new blog. I checked it out! W O W How cool is that.
OK ALL: I know you probably have your Blogger bookmarked and go straight to it...BUT you must go see our new Home Page

Check it out

MITS said...

Yes, it is a nice new set-up, NORMABYRD, I never come in that way have the blog page set up as a favorite and go straight in from there...wonder who that pretty eagle is????

Anonymous said...

HO HO When you are on the new HOME PAGE... move your cursor (arrow) over the 3 little eagle heads & see what happens.. HA HA

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice new page for the eagle cam. I heard it was coming. Hope this is good news for tomorrow!

They must have just changed that today, coz the old one was still up yesterday!

Anonymous said...

They must be testing or something coz I can get a pic on our cam.

Anonymous said...

It is from 7/28/06, must be the last pic from the cam

Anonymous said...

But I would not suggest clicking on it, now I can't get it off the screen!!!

Anonymous said...

Just hit your back arrow and you will leave the screen.
I did send email thru Momsters' site so everyone knows to bookmark the page.

Anonymous said...

The link is actually the same, just the page has changed.

MITS said...

Few flurries up in Maine.

Anonymous said...

You're right - there isn't any reason to bookmark if you already have it.

Anonymous said...

Need to advise beakspeak.com to add the Maine link. I can't find it on their page.

MITS said...

Our new page is on beakspeak, wonder why they don't have the Maine one there???

Anonymous said...

When the Maine cam goes haywire the screen turns a bright slimy green - not at all like our brilliant beautiful BLUE. I hope we don't have too many BLUE days this upcoming season.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

I just emailed Jason on beakspeak.com to check out Maine & add it on their page of cams. He did add FL just the other day after the email.
It is easy to use beakspeak page if someone doesn't want to bookmark everything.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Eagle Eyed Sharon!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...