Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tuesday December 19

Fresh thread.


MITS said...


MITS said...

Good morning, Suzanne:):):).

MITS said...

Elephants at zoo are getting their a.m. bath.

MITS said...

Good Morning, Norma, you are right about Sharon, she is a strong woman.

Anonymous said...

LOL Suzanne I hate it when cams and computers do their own thing.

MITS said...

Suzanne, didn't the BW site say they are going to be doing some work, today or tomorrow on the site. And, how exciting they are doing some nesting...for the upcoming year.

MITS said...

I thought computers were supposed to make our life easier....

MITS said...

That BW nest is going to be fascinating to watch....as will ours, because we will be looking down on it and watching the action.

Anonymous said...

Do you have the hours for the live feed?

Anonymous said...

Morning, all!

Anonymous said...

Live Feed is up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Steve So great to see both our cams looking at us again this morning!

Geula said...

Hi Momsters!

Life is good......the stills cam is beautiful...the silly Panda is outa that high tree (DC), the only problem we've got here is NO RAIN for the last 34 days!

Anonymous said...

Hi Geula Are you able to get the live feed too?

MITS said...

Good Morning, Geula, so nice to hear from you....

Anonymous said...

LOL Vicky You have mail.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve for New Thread you know we'll use it.

Morning Suzanne, Paula, Geula, Norma, Glo and Mits and lurkers ... and those coming in.

Beautiful live feed and still.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All
This is what we had last year with the Live Feed: LIVE streaming video from the eaglecam is available Mon - Fri, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm EST.
Additional hours may be available as bandwidth permits.
I think the policy has changed since it is only 10:26 & the live feed is up.

Hello Geula So good to hear from you!

I have appointment & will return later..Keep blogging so I know what I have missed.

Anonymous said...

Hi dana Glad you are watching :-) Now all we need is Liberty and Belle, and we'll all be smiling ear to ear.

Anonymous said...

Jo see you when you get back

Maine is up and beautiful MT

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Mits can't remember what days you go to zoo.??

MITS said...

Training is over, Dana, will not be going back til January, when I start my days.

Anonymous said...

Live feed is down

Anonymous said...

I must've been too weak to hold onto him...but he did give the tree back!

Anonymous said...

Nope, must have been me...have live feed back

Anonymous said...

That grinch got into my computer and stole Nilla's pic all I get is a "red square" for her picture.

Bad Bad Bad Grinch !! :(

Anonymous said...

I was reading about spiders and it said in the winter they can live in the cracks of trees etc. So "our spidey" will probably come out later when it stays warm.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my forgot to tell those that couldn't make it to the Clairton. Which is a beautiful place. Really decorated for Christmas.

I got picked up!! Yep I did...at the Clairton. lol Me picked up of all things.

Yep Ed picked me up hee hee I'm so bad.

MITS said...

Looks like Mom is really turning the egg/eggs in FLA.

Anonymous said...

Mits your boy Tai is up a tree lol

Mine is still running also. Paula said hers is running. Must have just looked like it stopped.

MITS said...

Nope, Suzanne, I don't...probably will not know til we see the heads pop-up.

Anonymous said...

Nilla's BoopBoop still looks fine to me.

Anonymous said...

Paula we talked about Nilla's picture Saturday. Also on the phone. It just for some reason on my computer has been since she changed it a "red plain square".
That's why I ask her on the blog if is was now red wrapping paper.
Don't have any stocking with Betty Boop just plain red square.

Anonymous said...

Strange everyone else's pic is just fine it's only Nilla Boop Boop.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the eagles at Kent since the storm?

MITS said...

I have not seen them, DANA, but I have seen Betty Boop.

Anonymous said...

Somebody save and then send me a picture of Betty Boop please.

Anonymous said...

I think the live feed just went down for our eagles.

Anonymous said...

See you tomorrow Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else loose the "live feed"??

Anonymous said...

Going to take a nap picked up a cold. later

Anonymous said...

Mine is down too.

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon, Glo sent you a e-mail for Sharon...Funny my NillaBoopBoop was a bit of a conversation peice since Dana cant see it..lol Jo thanks for callin me last night yeah sat at ER with Nathan my grandson til after 3am... He has a bad ear infection with fluid behind the eardrum.. The doctor said if this medicine didnt help he would need to go get it drained at a specialist... Then we stopped at Dennys for something to eat so was really late getting in and just got up alittle while ago... Saw Buta Buta scooting around havent had time to look at many cams yet... Got to get ready for work soon go in at 4 pm today... CU La8er

Anonymous said...

Just emailed a Nilla's Betty BoopBoop
picture to Dana so that when she awakens from her nap she can see what her red wrapping paper should look like. lol

Dana you have mail

Anonymous said...

eagle alert!!!!1

Anonymous said...

Wish the live feed was working!!!

Anonymous said...

And Yes, I am spoiled already....!

But still Grateful for the 30 sec cam....

Still 2 in the nest

MITS said...

Got back just in time to see them.

Anonymous said...

They are so beautiful......

MITS said...

You took the words right out of my mouth, Jo.

MITS said...

Is Belle doing all the work???

Anonymous said...

They haven't been doing much from what I can see, just been sitting there and looking around..

Anonymous said...

Yup, little bit of stick moving now.

Anonymous said...

Past couple times they have been there they don't seem to be doing any rebuilding, especially on the left side of the nest. I don't see them in the morning - maybe that is when they work on the nest.

MITS said...

I've seen a little stick moving by Belle.

Anonymous said...

Dana saw some this morning

Anonymous said...

Belle is in the foreground & Liberty is behind her - right?

Anonymous said...

So good to see the Eagles. Thanks for those who are capturing images, I am here for a quick cup of tea, "spot of tea ya know " and to walk dogs, then off to work.

Norma i got your message and it is in the card for Sharon. Back late tonight. have a good rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

Jo, that's what it looks like...really hard to tell...that camera is so deceiving at this angle...

Anonymous said...

Wish there was a more distinguishing way to tell them apart.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glo - Have a good rewarding evening at work.

Paula - If NCTC would only get those colored neck bands we suggested! lol

Steve Chase said...

just reset the live cam.

Anonymous said...

Liberty flew out

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Howdy what a wonderful thing to come on and see them both in the nest... Now only 1 remains.. Jo i know what happened with my cell phone i turned it off or rather to 1 beep at bingo the other night and forgot tot turn it back up..lol Oh 2 are back in the nest.... eating??? looks like a fish

Anonymous said...

What perfect timing Steve - Just got to see Liberty fly back into the nest and now he seems to be fixing some of the twigs! They are just too beautiful

Anonymous said...

There they both go moving the twigs!!

Anonymous said...

Do you have the live feed up, Nilla?

Anonymous said...

I wish Belle would move over a little so that I could see what Liberty is doing. I didn't see him bring any food in but if he didn't, he is tearing up the floor of the nest!

NillaWafer said...

OHHHHHHHHH i am watching them live Steven thankssssssssss its still a little slow yet but i am sure you will work out the bugsss

Anonymous said...

Yup, live feed is rolling, thanks Steve!

NillaWafer said...

Thats is Belle in the front and Liberty in the back... dontcha think Jo?

NillaWafer said...

Jo later tonight there is something i would like to speak to you about , i will call after 7pm when my Sprint is free..lol

Anonymous said...

Looks a little breezy

Anonymous said...

Nilla, call closer to 9:00 as I need to go to a viewing a little after 7:00. Thanks!

NillaWafer said...

Is it me or is the live feed like alittle slow also??? Maybe they arent moving in the nest but seems alittle jerky? But its ALL good !!!!!!!!!!!!! Okie Dokie Jo

NillaWafer said...

Oh yes see Belles feather flappin in the wind now, it seems better now

Steve Chase said...

working ok for me...

Anonymous said...

Guess What You (I) Can't Do?

Have NCTC Eaglecam up on RealPlayer. Pulled up FL site & clicked on Stand Alone Cam (realPlayer). It shuts down my NCTC in order to bring up FL. Guess I can't do 2 RealPlayers at any one time.

Has anyone of you had them both up at once on the realPlayers?

Anonymous said...


You just unknowingly joined in our most favorite Bloggers Game call

You just won 100 lbs of WAX


Anonymous said...

My live feed is working beautifully, Nilla.
I am so glad they haven't had to deal with snow (yet). I remember the pictures from last season when the snow was covering their nest.

Anonymous said...

Can you let us know what the scheduled time is for the Live Feed this season. Last year it was designated Mon-Fri 11-7:00..Do you have more control over that this season.

Steve Chase said...

24 hours this year. There still is a tchnical problem that causes us to have to reset the video feed to wheeling. We are working on a solution. That's why we have to reset when it locks up...

Anonymous said...

That's great news! Thanks so much.
It certainly has a clear picture - I am thankful the static has left for now.

Did you get the battery yet?

Anonymous said...

Feed may have gone down just now - unless I did something wrong....

Nilla - is your live feed down?

Anonymous said...

New thread is up, live feed is back down!

Anonymous said...

Still can't get live feed back up

Liberty is sitting in Spunky's Spot.

NillaWafer said...

At first it was just a tad slow but then was working just great could see her feathers and feather caught in branches blowing... Now i have lost it completely how about you Jo???

Steve Chase said...

Yup, locked up again, thus our need for a fix. We ordered the battery today.

NillaWafer said...

Well Steven i am sure they will get it fixed in time.. I am the memory of them in the tree deeply embedded in my mind seeing them saturday..lol

NillaWafer said...

Almost time for the panda cam to be turned off.. She is sleeping poor lil thing wore herself out today trying to walk....

NillaWafer said...

Man they dont leave the Atlanta panda cam run aminute over the time limit do they...

NillaWafer said...

after 5PM and both are in the nest.. now only 1 remains... Now the nest is MT AT 5:08PM looks like some rebuilding on the far side of the nest needs to be finished...

NillaWafer said...

Great new pictures on momsters.. The picture of George on the side of the nest is cute but it better watch out its eagle bait....

Anonymous said...

Nilla I got to see your get picture of Betty Boop. Neat gal.
Jo emailed it to me....blogger still palin red wrapping paper.

Anonymous said...

Nilla I got to see your get picture of Betty Boop. Neat gal.
Jo emailed it to me....blogger still palin red wrapping paper.

Anonymous said...

Nilla I got to see your get picture of Betty Boop. Neat gal.
Jo emailed it to me....blogger still palin red wrapping paper.

NillaWafer said...

Hi changing to Boop ...

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...