Friday, December 01, 2006


New thread.

Saw an adult bald eagle flying low over the Shenandoah River near Berryville, VA this am.


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Anonymous said...

Copied over from past thread :-)

Thanks Norma Yes I am driving in first snow of the year, and its a whopper. neighbor and I just finished shoveling me out LOL. Grabbing a bowl of cereal real quick now and hoping to see a plow go by on my street, not gonna happen, but once I get a couple of blocks it should get much much better. No school anywhere today so the kids are NOT out this morning!!!! :-)

Its not volunteer although in the future I certainly will have what I do on the list of places I will Volunteer..... But for today .I have a major responsibility to be and get it set to go tomorrow.

Will BLOG tonight a little unless I get snowed in there, at least where I am working I can get snowed in and have food warmth and a bed to sleep in...its not all that bad once I get there.

Have a safe day out east too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Glo, getting paid for something you enjoy doing is great!

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

Anonymous said...

5 days & Counting!

Happy December!

Anonymous said...

Please help support the NCTC Eagle Cam


Makes great Holiday gifts, too!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Drive safe, Glo!

Anonymous said...

Suz, BW says they are checking out the cam...also, the eagle watcher's guide is the one that they have had.

Anonymous said...

Saw an adult bald eagle flying low over the Shenandoah River near Berryville, VA this am.

OK, Steve, where's the pic?!

Anonymous said...

Cool video of a juvenile bald eagle in Maine. Copy and paste into your browser.

Anonymous said...

It is definitely a great guide, worth reviewing again!

Anonymous said...

Eagle back in FL!!!

Anonymous said...

And at Kent....

Anonymous said...

Eating breakfast in FL, nice close up shot...eagle at Kent gone

Anonymous said...

I put these Florida eagle pics in the momsters photo album, or you can view them here:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning (Almost noon) All eagles should be soaring with ease in this blustery wind. Thanks for the news article - guess that eaglet looks just like our 3 kids who are only a few months older. I just thought all the eaglets(juvies) would be down in warmer climates by now.
Don't blow off the road on your way home Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Yes, Suz it is windy! I can hear it whistling thru the windows here. Still a balmy 66°, temp hasn't dropped yet!

Anonymous said...

Electricity is blinking around here. May not be able to blog much longer.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! someone turn off the fan!!! Really battling the wind out there.. had to cut some greens, yikes, this is awful. At least no major rain so far, but this wind is scary. Hope everyone's power stays on. Hey Glo hope you make it to and from work ok. My daughter wants your snow,she was pouting this morning seeing the weather, might send her your way to help shovel. Back to work, BBL if it's possible and I don't blow away out there.

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at FL

Anonymous said...

Tai trying to get a piggy back ride from momma. Hope Mits' training is going well-has to be interesting cause they're to discuss Pandas today.
I can't bear the thought of GLO out there shoveling snow! The wind has died now some here - now the temps will probably dive down!

Anonymous said...

Adult eagle in FL nest arranging sticks That nest is really deep

Anonymous said...

Norma, Paula placed it on the Eaglet_Momsters site under albums.
Let me know it you don't find it.

are you watching the FL eagle
in the nest? Looks as though it will take off soon to get more sticks

Anonymous said...

Fl nest now empty...Will probably return...

Anonymous said...

Norma Go to Panda cam 2 and watch our little prince. lol

Anonymous said...

The little prince now has his momma biting on any old stick they find out in the yard! lol

Anonymous said...

FL eagle back in the nest and being very busy.. Doesn't look as windy down there today as it is up here.
Lynda always gets the best close ups.
Oh, Boy! That's a great shot. Looking right at camera. I agree with Paula that temps down there are high and that's the reason for the 'open beak' a lot of the time and that the eagle isn't really squawking. I love this live feed....

Anonymous said...

Cam shot so close you sure can see the
EAGLE EYE. (even as it blinks)

Anonymous said...

Both eagles in FL nest

Anonymous said...

You just beat Eagle Eyed Sharon for the WAX, Norma. lol
Maybe she'll peak in here anyhow...

Anonymous said...

I did go & watch it.. Don't know how you found it way down there. It is also on the AJC site in Atlanta. It is so good She is so cute and large looking close up-- almost 10 lbs. Of course Tai is 80 lbs. Whoa!
Did you vote on the name for Buta Buta yet..Don't forget to do so. I sent the ballot site out on Momsters to make it easy to find.

Anonymous said...

I need to leave for a short time...I will return...Keep watchful eye for eagles... BBL

Anonymous said...

Eagle at Blackwater

Anonymous said...

Looks like she is hunkered down to hang on....

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW

Anonymous said...

Eagle is in nest in FL
BW eagle pic doesn't look as though it is refreshing now.

ButaButa is a full armload for LunLun

Anonymous said...

Live eagle in FL...

Cam stuck eagle at BW :):)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, FL eagle just flew the coop!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta gets to go somewhere with LunLun. Camera hasn't followed them.

Anonymous said...

Guess LunLun didn't go too far
They are back in the nest bed

Anonymous said...

Getting to be a game - Nest bed is empty again....
Now you see us
Now you don't

Anonymous said...

LunLun does her rolly-polly holding Buta Buta and now it's nap time.

Anonymous said...

BW is updating again...and I'll be darned...those 2 eagles are really in the same spot! Guess it's too windy to fly so they are just hanging on!

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo Said:
Getting to be a game - Nest bed is empty again....
Now you see us
Now you don't

Hmmmm? Wonder who that sounds like :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, all my eagle friends. Hope this has been a wonderful day for each and every one of you.

I voted on my Buta Buta's new name but no matter what, she will always be Buta Buta to me! I can't believe they didn't have that name on the list. :):):)

Anonymous said...

Eagles from BW finally left...

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Made it to work and home safely. Tough getting in but not bad at all getting home, well ya know til you get to the subdivisions and want down your street. I actually did get my car to and into my dirveway and finally garage though. My neighbor lady has hers int he street. Not good for her car or the street when the plows do finally go through. She has 2 sons close enough to help her hopefully later this evening though. My guess is the plows will do a much better job during the night and tomorrow Our Open House should be fine weather. We are expecting 150 people who helped to put this together. NOT open to the Public though so sorry as it is actually an undisclosed loaction etc. Very Very exciting for a handful of us as we have watched a dream and a prayer come to be right before our very eye!!!! Time now to eat!

Anonymous said...

Watching The Polar Express.... Getting in a holiday mood. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody. Did everybody go vote for Buta Buta's name yet? Interesting group of names I think.

Where is everybody tonight? Kind of quiet in here.

MITS said...

HI EVERYONE, Glo that is truly amazing that you can get a snow-plow in your sub-division right after a storm, we do not have that amount of equipment here in the DC area, so people make fun of us, when we can't get our act together, right after a storm, and there are alot of hilly areas in Montgomery and Frederick counties.

Anonymous said...

From the amount of comments this evening I would say that the wind blew everyone out of here! lol
Glo-know you had a busy beautiful day and here's to the best of everything tomorrow.
Mits-that crazy little dog that does tricks email just amazes me what technology can do.
Sharon-I also voted, but like you I know she'll always be to us what you first called her! Little Buta Buta...

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well now Mits, you're just going to have to talk to them about that on Monday!!

Anonymous said...

It's 5:30 am in Botswana at PP...Alpaca and flock of white birds are there. Camera is a little distorted...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is lying on his back eating bamboo and Mei was stretching and rolling around in the floor.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, you've got mail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Using my Real Player, I get to watch Panda Cam 1 and 2 at the same time. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Hi My Eagle Friends.

Pretty late getting in here.

Yesterday I laughed and laughed at Tai outside eating bamboo laying on his back same as he is doing now inside.

Glo glad you was able to make it in and out. How much snow did you all get?

Was getting hair cut today. Electric went out twice in that short amount of time in the beauty shop.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Dana. How goes it with you?

MITS said...

Jo, that e-mail really amazed me too, like having a dog, but none of the responsibility.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Poor little Tai has such a rough life. I don't know how the little feller makes it from day to day! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, that dog email was awesome!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei looks like she is having a hard time finding the comfort zone.

MITS said...

All of a sudden he is really into the bamboo and loving it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am feeling like a neglected redheaded stepchild! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just went to Frodocam to see if there were any updates. It still says there has been a delay in updating photos. They turned out to be a real flop, I think.

Anonymous said...

Sharon-I emailed to take F&F Brisbane out of their headlines - they did so. I don't think they will ever update the site - Forum is still showing Oct 9.
Got my mail & Got R Dun!

One of these times as he lies on his back eating his bamboo - he is going to CHOKE! I don't see how bamboo fills their tummies.. Must not be heavy eaters.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you today and was just about to start worrying why you weren't on here yet today, Dana. I think you & I get our monthly haircuts about the same time - mine was yesterday.

Haven't heard from Vicky today.

Anonymous said...

LOL Take the bamboo and run!

Tai did just that!

MITS said...

They eat a lot of bamboo, but it passes thru their system in about 5 hours, so they have to eat a lot to feel full. Pandas poop even though they are sound asleep. Nice little tid-bit of knowledge.

MITS said...

Now that is a glorious sunrise at PP.

Anonymous said...

I was going to alert you to the sunrise - it's 6am and the camera person always captures the sunrise.
Brilliant colors.

Mits You're learning a lot of important facts about

MITS said...

Gee, that is an attractive pose for MEI:):):).

Anonymous said...

Mits Who is on Panda Cam 2 /
Sure is a lot of stretching going on.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just watching the sunrise too. Absolutely beautiful.

I love knowing that pandas poop even though they are asleep. I am so grateful we don't! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I love learning all this panda stuff. Now we have somebody to absolutely keep us up on all things Panda!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

i want

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What kind of bird is that fishing in Pete's Pond?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you, Mema Jo! :):):)

MITS said...

I agree about the panda poop, I told them that I would probably be doing the same thing in about 20 years. Jo, remember a couple of reports back on the panda page, they informed us they would probably be watching Mei and Tai 24/7 during the weekends, they are concentrating on how many times he is nursing now and if they will pull the plug or let him to continue to nurse.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Its beak is really wide at the end.

MITS said...

Jo, that is Mei, Tai has pulled bamboo up to his new fave corner

Anonymous said...

Yes Mits, I do remember it was in the report. I thought I was seeing some lights on & thought of that same information. Looks as Tai is too interested in his bamboo. I don't know what is with Mei.... sorta restless.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, did you see the poop shoot of the big white bird at Pete's Pond? Pretty nasty looking and really wasn't a shoot, just dropped right down! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. Blog with ya in the morning time!

MITS said...

JMHO, I don't think she likes the different routine of the late night cams.

Anonymous said...

Sharon I had just closed Pete's Pond... Look up under the birds info.. I don't like to look them up because when you go back to the real player, you need to watch the ads again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will do that tomorrow, Mema Jo. Forgot about them having that. Good night all.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well you two cut out without any warning... I guess Dana is gone too.

It is that time of the evening....

Good Night All....
Sweet Dreams of Friends...

Anonymous said...

I'm here was trying to read mail

Thinking of what name to vote on for Buta Buta

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't reply Sharon doing ok if I hadn't got my hair almost blown off. lol

Mema Jo I think we do too. Sorry I wasn't here to reply.

I know she will always be Buta Buta to us. But those names, Girls I don't know something is missing in them. It's all we have to pick from but I feel like they didn't add the true one.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Nothing they have there strikes me as the right one...maybe we are too used to Buta Buta or Buta Ball.
I thought they might have "Atlanta Peach" or "Georgia Peach" as a pick, but don't even see that!

Night all, it's late, blog at ya tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Is everyone sleeping in? LOL. actually I am up very early. Thenk I have an adrenaline problem today. That is a Great problem to have as long as I don't have it again tomorrow LOL> Everyone enjoy your day. Will BLOG some later today and off tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, my eagle friends. I hope everybody has a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

More sightings of our eagles! I received this email this morning.

I saw the most amazing thing this morning.


I heard the squawk of a bird a few minutes ago (about 7:10 AM) and looked out the window toward the river.

I saw an adult eagle flying in circles but not landing as if to fish which is what we would normally expect to see.

After a couple of circles over our patio (facing the river) and new screened porch I saw an immature eagle also flying right with the adult, also in circles.

This continued for a minute or so, then they flew off towards Shepherdstown, still circling though, as they moved away.

I have no idea what was going on but it was fascinating behavior and a great payoff for being up early on Saturday morning!

Any ideas what might have been happening? Was the adult teaching the younger one something or trying to lead it away? We are probably only a mile from the nest in the sycamore, as the eagle flies.


Beth B

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Good Morning All :):)

Beautiful, but chilly day here. Sun is out and wind has subsided!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our babies wouldn't still be around, would they? Thanks Paula for passing that along. What an amazing sight for Beth to see. I have never seen an eagle except on here. If not before, I hope to see our eagles this spring!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like there is some sort of juvie around, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Good Moring My Friends In Eagle World....

Now how many of us would have liked to be Beth B. Awesome really truly just wow. Where is that gals porch at. I think I might become a camper on her porch lol ooops forgot too cold.

Anonymous said...

Well there goes Tai up a tree. Now who would think a panda could climb a tree lol

Mits do pandas like the cooler weather outside or not?

MITS said...


MITS said...

Foggy out in KENT, looks like a little frost on the nest.

Anonymous said...

Right now Maine MT

Kent MT

Florida MT


Anonymous said...

I think they are looking for Tai

Where oh where can Tai be
Oh where can that panda be
Like have covered the grounds
Looked up all the trees
I think he's playing
You can't find me

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All WOW, Beth certainly had a wake-up call this morning! Not certain what the activity was about - but I bet Steve could venture an educated guess..
I haven't put up any of the cams yet, but Dana gave a really good report. I think the Panda cam will be first. I like your poem, Dana.
Glo was up early today - I think it's Open House?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mema Jo it really wasn't a poem. It was just some fun thoughts I jotted down.

What's funny is the whole time they were looking for him. He had come down out of the tree. Setting beside it muching on bamboo like crazy. Guess they kept getting him mixed up with Mei lol

Anonymous said...

There is an update for Friday on Atlanta Panda site. Interesting information.
I was hoping they would tell us about LunLun taking ButaButa for 2 separate trips out of the nest bed yesterday around 4:30.

MITS said...

DANA They pretty much prefer the cooler weather, but I think our guys have adapted really well to the climate here.

Anonymous said...

That cam for Atlanta upsets me so much. I am sure there is enough money in Georgia to fund that cam.
Oh well what does it matter can't see her till Monday (((she knows we miss and love her Buta Buta))))).

Mema Jo did you vote yet?

Anonymous said...

I thought that is why Tai is so relaxed outside during days like this. ty Mits our "special" reporter. Oh by the way ... I am still crossing the thought through my mind "pandas poo while sleeping". I knew babies did but not the adults.

Anonymous said...

When I look at the names. I think of Mei and Tai; that is what they are called not the meaning. So I am trying to find a name that would be good for the little one.
Which I knew how to prounounce the one that starts with the " s ".

Anonymous said...

Xiao Tao (shao-tao) how do you prounce " shao ". Because they seem to be called by the first part of the chinesse name like Mei --- she is call Mei. Tai Shan is called Tai. So how do you say " shao "??

MITS said...

DANA, looks like x in chinese is pronounced like an s in our language...Mei Xiang for example is pronunced (may-SHONG) her name means "beautiful fragrance".

Anonymous said...

But Mits how do you say Saho?

Anonymous said...

Good Noonie to you, Norma! I did vote on her official name but you all know
it's alway going to be for me!

Beautiful Buta Buta

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo I am trying to figure out how to prounounce " Shao "????

Anonymous said...

It certainly wouldn't be said


Anonymous said...

Don't like her to be called "ping"

Anonymous said...

Isn't anyone going to help a poor soul here with how to pronounce



Anonymous said...

Dana I would just be guessing but -
SHA - O (pronounced with the long 'a' sound) Better yet just say Little Peach! I am like you Dana, I don't like using first names that are the same as our DC pandas and that eliminates four of them right there. I also am not going to want her named after a river! lol
Buta Buta it is!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it stays foggy all day out in Washington state? No eagle fixes so far today. BW has a shadow but I don't know what is causing it. It could be the cam - Oh Yes! The juvie pic has been posted by Lisa on the BW site. That girl is on the ball

MITS said...

NORMABYRD Tai Shan (tie-SHAWN) means "peaceful mountain".

MITS said...

I actually learned about the pooping while sleeping from a voulnteer a couple of weeks ago when I was there.

MITS said...

Hubby is reminding me gently that I have work to do...decorating, so I'll check in later.

Anonymous said...

Mits That little peaceful mountain has turned into a volcanic mountain! lol

Anonymous said...

I don't need a reminder - There are so many visible signs as I look around the house that shows me what work I have to do - I just don't want to get started! But here I go - I have already gotten some beautiful Christmas cards... Think I'll start on mine.

Anonymous said...

I think it is this:


MITS said...

Signing you up for the volunteer program, NORMABYRD Your great, and that is exactly why they need to eat lots of bamboo...oooppps, hubby caught me on the puter, tee-hee!!!!!

Anonymous said...

BW has the juvie pic on the cam site.

Anonymous said...

Saturday, Dec 2, 2006

4 Days & counting!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee maybe Tai will be a "peaceful mountain" after he gets a good bit older. lol

He is a "rolling storm", "an explorer", and a "wrestler". lol

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are sharing a treat in the old yard and Tian is roaming around the new yard.

MITS said...

Maybe sharing is not the word I would use, Tai is fighting for a piece of the treat.

MITS said...

So glad they are showing all 3 pandas.

Anonymous said...

After you all voted did you fill out that regristation form?

MITS said...

Yes, Dana, I did, then they will just send you some e-mails from the paper, you can always unsubscribe, but you might want to get them, if you want some reports re:BUTA-BUTA.

Anonymous said...

lol Tai got some

Anonymous said...

ty Mits I went back voted and filled out the regristation form after going through all the steps. It finally said "Thank You For Voting".

I have voted for Buta Buta other name only to be a part of the vote ( :

Anonymous said...

The AJC Blogs has some very interesting comments from the viewers concerning the cut back of hours... The one from Trisha gave me a chuckle:
Zoo Atlanta is not trying hard enough to get sponsorship.Absolutely agree.On the other hand, Tai Shan is an absolute delight.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Geez, that blog sounds alot like the osprey nest out west, those people are brutal.

Anonymous said...

Some of the other comments are comparing the cam hours to those of DC. Really blasting the CEO of the zoo for not keeping the cam 24/7 at least until we see the first steps, know her name and after she is presented to the public.

Anonymous said...

They really put treats for Mei & Tai in some unusal places if that in fact is what the camera was showing us.

Anonymous said...

BBL Getting ready to go to Mass.

MITS said...

The Bob Nardelli, the one poster was referring to is the CEO of HOME DEPOT. Just a reminder the national zoo stopped 24/7 viewing of Tai around the same time. We got most of our shots on some of these important things by way of the local media and the zoo putting them out there.

Anonymous said...

Eagle in FL

Anonymous said...

Make that 2!

Anonymous said...

I was just notified by the sister of a dear friend that has put up the Port Lucie site. It takes you right to the cam page.

My dear friend is Mits

Ceil is her sister and the best lurker ever!

Anonymous said...

Well, Mits
When did they start the 24/7 viewing after they had it down at DC?

Anonymous said...

Here I go talking Panda and watching eagles.....
I really will BBL

MITS said...

LOL!!!!! Jo, my sister is the best, she gets around these cams too. She informed my this a.m. that an eagle flew into the FLA nest with a stick and knocked the one that was there down into the nest, she thought it had knocked it out:), would have loved to have seen it, must be a deep nest.

MITS said...

Jo, they did the zoo-cam 24/7 from right after the birth til Tai was around 2 months old, now I will have to rely on my sister to set me straight on that info.

MITS said...

EAGLE IN MAINE...............

MITS said...

BOTH ARE IN MAINE.................

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Mits, I got to see them for moment too. Quick in & out.

MITS said...

Looks like they were doing some stick moving, Paula and enjoying a little snack.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Its been a cold but wonderful day. Be sure to watch the news tonight. OK Just kidding, but TV was there from everywhere etc. Kind of neat. Word will be out and the phones will be ringing. We oen on Wed. We even got a santa volunteer cool is that! And our Feathered Friends gift is now just a very few days away. I happen to be off on Wed right now so I surely hope we get to see "Our Eagles that day!

MITS said...

Tai is all curled up in his favorite corner and Mei is sleeping under the light.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my fellow bloggers. Hope everybody has had a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are back. Not too much happening - Pandas are asleep
This has just been a SLOW SATURDAY.

MITS said...

Yes, I'm GLAD you are back also:):):).

Anonymous said...

So what do we want to talk about????
Panda Poo was covered last night--
I did miss the large white bird's poop shoot last night at Pete's Pond, Sharon.

You know - you can vote, vote & vote many more times for the panda name you want for Buta Buta.....Isn't that peachie keen!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I didn't know you could vote more than once. Then, why do you have to even register. I figured that was to limit the voting.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have 2 angels around here that really do a good job keeping watch over me! Thank you.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Wave-lit cam is messed up...dawn at PP.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Who Got The Wax ???????????

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you must register when voting... I had to go back in because I didn't know about registering for news releases. I guess I had best try to vote again & see what happens before I get myself in trouble.

Anonymous said...

I think we need a write in vote here LOL

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here yawning away. Got up about 5 am actually...dogs thought it was the middle of the night and it was 7 degrees out for their walks.. Between the cold and the snow Dex and Daph already vote for spring.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, you got the wax!!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Glo, I did just go over to the site and voted for the second time. It asked me to fill in info about myself or just to login in if I was a member.So I just logged in and it said Thank You for Voting. Now if the name Buta Buta was up for votes, I would just continuously vote!

MITS said...

YIKES!!!! 7°, I don't like it that cold.

Anonymous said...

That's the bird I call the 'Pond Cleaner'. He looks like a street clearner. Watch him just lower that beak in the water and scoop up all those fishes at the bottom of the pond.

Anonymous said...

We went from like spring and 65 on Monday to 7 and 9 plua inches of snow on Fri...rude awakening that its winter time lOL...actually it isn't yet!

Anonymous said...

Well I think the name is gonna be pretty much Buta Buta as afar as I'm concerned and becuase of those I hang out with I think it has already stuck LOL

Anonymous said...

Glo I am very happy for you in that your day was so rewarding. I love having that 'feel good feeling' when something goes so well after all the planning. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

And Glo you can have my
200 lbs of wax that I just won!

Anonymous said...

Where's VICKY ?

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Yes Mema Jo I can tell you have read and have a handle on what I have been doing. Those times I went painting etc were all times working towards today. The before and after pictures are amazing. Its like watching a miracle come together right before your eyes. MTBR when I come in the spring, but this is a wonderful period of time for me actually!!! Many of us who are staffing share happy tears this past week as we are so grateful for what has happened over the past couple of years really.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mits I like your latest venture lots too...what a really fun and educational kind of way to give time to osmething you love.

I got an email from Vicky maybe 2 nights ago saying she was having trouble gettting in to the BLOG.

MITS said...

Yeah, Vicky as not been on much lately??

Anonymous said...

Sharon You hopefully are still taking it somewhat easy although I have noticed you are keeping your "wax queen " status in tact around here. LOL

MITS said...

Well, Glo it is time for your coveted "wet noodle" to come out of the closet, and slap this blog silly!!!!!! Although, you might want to thaw it out first.

Anonymous said...

Going to bundle up and take my dogs out for the last time tonight, YES I have to literally carry Daphne out to the back and then she will get her feet cold and wet and do her thing, otherwise she just sits ans shivers. Dexter on the otherhand would turn into a snowball if I don't troup through the snow, retreive him and bring him back in...very different that way. Be back to say Good Night in just a few.

Anonymous said...

Shivers for Glo out walking the dogs

Anonymous said...

LOL We are back in. It was a very quick trip tonight for both of them...I'm glad.

I can hardly wait til its camera Eagle time again...hopefully we won't be needing the wet noodle for the cam, although yep .Blogger can be its own issue. But at least we can watch the cam even on those days the BLOG is giving us fits. I am about ready to start counting hours instead of days til that one happens!!!

Anonymous said...

Pete's Pond - Strange to see just one Impala - I wonder where the rest of the herd is hanging out?
I haven't seen a lot of animals recently - not like we used to. No elephants, wildebeests, giraffes, zebras or that cheetah.

MITS said...

Jo, you forgot the BAMBOONS:):):)!!!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to see if you were reading.... That was a test.... And you passed with flying

I haven't even seen them over at the watering hole at Wavelit.

Anonymous said...

LOL I think she has left the Bamboons to your watchful eye Mits

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...