Monday, December 18, 2006

PM Pic


MITS said...


Steve Chase said...

We're all watching on the closed circuit video.

MITS said...

Got to go take a shower, DR. appt at 3.....LIBERTY JUST TOOK OFF.

MITS said...

I'm watching live-stream and 30 second cam... OMG WHAT DID HE JUST BRING INTO THE NEST...LOOKED BIG!!!

MITS said...

After a few pecking at each other, they are sharing it, whatever it is...

MITS said...

got to go......

MITS said...

Liberty, just flew off again.

MITS said...

Belle is still there.

Anonymous said...

Just look at that beautiful couple

Just got back from running some errands and had the live feed up full screen when I had left. There they were - waiting until I had the honor of looking at them.

Carol, so glad you got on the blog and will look forward to the next time we get together!

MITS said...

Finnaly, you back and are seeing them, Jo, at least Belle is still there.

Anonymous said...

Just look at that beautiful couple

Just got back from running some errands and had the live feed up full screen when I had left. There they were - waiting until I had the honor of looking at them.

Carol, so glad you got on the blog and will look forward to the next time we get together!

Blog just didn't let me post - trying again. Hope I don't stutter! I'm sure Paula still has the Grinch tied up.

Anonymous said...

Blog is being mean to me-Got the "try again" page. I hope Paula still has that Grinch tied up tight.

I did get to both - I couldn't get to the blog as I was staring at them! lol

Anonymous said...


Ok, I have done a cold boot and I am crossing my fingers that my Sycamore
is back with me!

The Grinch got lose - at least I know he's been here

Anonymous said...

I was able to get a quick peek at them also...what where they eating, Mits, fish?

Anonymous said...

back from my short work day, and a couple of errands. I actually got back in time to catch Liberty just before he left, and watched Belle for a while. Just ate lunch and sat here and enjoyed the view. so wonderful to be seeing them again.

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhh i am at work and MT nest right now.. darn welcome kathy.. I just called our local newspaper here in Martinsburg called the Journal and they have a part (Journal Junction) where you can call in so i did and told them about the eagles being back on line, so hopefully we will get many more from arond here watching and coming on the blog and more friends!!!

NillaWafer said...

Jo send me that link you said you had for the live cam .. here at work for some reason all i ma getting is the 30 second cam....

NillaWafer said...

Oh my Lun Lun has Buta Buta out on the floor playing with her and there is a big pile of panda poo right there

NillaWafer said...

Oh look at that aint that adorable, Buta Buta is rollin over... i am all smiles when i watch the pandassssssssssss

NillaWafer said...

Thelma are you watching the pandas so funny Lun Lun is just having a good time with Buta Buta

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Grinch is back!!!

Anonymous said...

If Mema Jo's tree is missing, that means my Christmas tree will be next!

NillaWafer said...

Buta Buta sure is scooting around good... Someone raised the camera up high on her cam , maybe they are picking her up and taking her back to the box bed...She was scooting around on a pile of doo doo..yuck

NillaWafer said...

I dont know who is running the cam down in Atlanta but its been showing a pile of bamboo for the last 10-15 minutes and i am PO'd we only get to see Buta Buta til 5 pm which is less than 1/2 hour and its got the camera on bamboo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Well now i am PO'd the camera is off on Buta Buta and they never moved it off the pile of bamboo!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like she is testing it out...laying down in nest now

NillaWafer said...

Oh there is 1 in our nest... WOW getting alittle dark now but stilll very visable 2 in nest!!!!!!!!!!!1

NillaWafer said...

I can only watch on 30 second cam here at work dont know why , but you can bet your sweet bippy ill figure out why...

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

LOL Nilla More than likely you will Nilla...

NillaWafer said...

Now i am confused i refreshed and the cam was back at 5:05 and 1 in the nest then it refreshed and the time is right and nest is empty...

NillaWafer said...

Glo did you see i had sent you an e-mail?

NillaWafer said...

Ok the nest id getting darker and the eagle spirits around keeping it safe til the morning light...

Anonymous said...

The live feed link is on the main blog page, look on the right at the top for video info.

Did you have any luck getting that on fraps? Mine wouldn't work, but works ok on FL nest...

Anonymous said...

But looks like it is off for the evening....

Anonymous said...

I am searching for my Sycamore tree
I just cleaned out my computer & just maybe I will find it with this comment.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the live feed limited to certain days & hours? My is off now.
The cam is up & running. I thought Steve had said our cam would run continuously.

Found My Tree

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla I got your email.

No Paula I can't get fraps to work on this one this year either, at least not yet, And I paid for the Full version just for "our eagles. I have just decided to go with plan 2 for now...MTBR

MITS said...

Pretty pink sunset out at KENT.

Anonymous said...

Helloooooooooooooo anybody here?

Anonymous said...

Megan Donna Cox is the name of Sharon's real sister but you're right, it isn't our Mauley! Just a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky I got my tree returned!

Anonymous said...

Important info regarding OUR "Eagle -Eyed Sharon "

Sharon is going to Charlottsville tomorrow to have a drain placed in what they now believe to be an abscessed liver.

I am wanting to make a card for her from All of us who KNOW who she is however she has crossed your path in this Friends of Fine Feathers world. Its our turn now to do the Random Act of Kindness

Please send to me as soon as you read this A Getwell Greeting wish, prayer, whatever you would like included on the card. Once it is all finished , I will print it tomorrow evening when I get home from work or first thing Wed morning so it can be mailed on Wed. Please pass this info along to anyone you know who might want this information. I will be adding this info to the Momster list, as well. Looking forward to hearing from all of you.


We will know more tomorrow evening and will be sure to keep you updated.

MITS said...

Thanks, Glo, she is always in my prayers and I hope they have finally found what the problem is and it gets fixed, we need her eagle-eyes for the new season.

Anonymous said...

MITS YES we do!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on Sharon - our Eagle Eyed Gal. So hoping this is an abscess and not a tumor as originally thought. Prayers will be going up for her Big Time! She has such a strong faith and that will continue to carry her through all of this.

Will be sending message for the card.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I would rather have the mail - Give Glo the wax

Anonymous said...

OK Mits I am watching for it ...not here yet though.

Anonymous said...

LOL Jo silly girl

Anonymous said...

Evening eagle friends and lurkers.

Glo I'll send my message along also. Sharon is lifted up in prayers. Angels Watching Over Her...

Carol I am so so glad you got to see the nest and the eagles. Nilla and I was hoping you would find it.

Anonymous said...

When Nilla and me were at the tree watching Liberty and Belle. We discussed that maybe right there in the tree where they sit. Is where they roust at night. Could be....seems to be cause Carol seen them in the same spot that Nilla and I seen them.

Anonymous said...

OK Dana I'll be watching for it.

movin said...

Howdy, everyone,

I hope everyone is well and getting ready for Christmas.

I think I need a refresher on the difference between the two types of camera... Is live feed moving or still, for example??

Just read about Sharon, so I'd better move to my e-mail area (much more quickly than before now that I have broadband) and send one to Glo.

I really like that shot of both in the nest today, by the way.

Good night/ Good morning,


Anonymous said...

hint Jim Live means its supposed to be moving!!! I'll be watching for your email

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim "still" is the one that refreshes every 30 seconds. "Live" is where you get to see EVERY THING THEY DO STEP BY STEP. hee hee just as if you had a video camera on them.
Jim I think you like you speed lol

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the sycamore tree is back!

Anonymous said...

Speed-Surfer Jim sure seems to be enjoying his new found freedom!

Anonymous said...

Yes Mema Jo glad you got that tree back.
It is still funny that for Nilla I just get a plain red square....weird

Anonymous said...

Yes, and Dana I am looking for Nilla so I hope that red square soon appears! lol

MITS said...

JIM You are a surfing dude now.......

Anonymous said...

Vicky I love how the snow around your tree never melts.

Anonymous said...

Dana, its either snow or a melted puddle of snow!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

You just read my mine lol

I was going to ask you do you have any dogs or can the neighbors dogs get to your tree. lol

Anonymous said...

hee hee I don't do brown snow either

Anonymous said...

I still can't get Nilla on her cell phone..... I hope I am not getting that gut feeling as she did the other day.... I just know NILLABOOPBOOP will soon appear.... I bet she is over at WalMart!

MITS said...

That's odd that you can't get her on her cell phone....even if she worked would be closed now.

Anonymous said...

And I should be at WalMart with Nilla!

Anonymous said...

Seems like if she is in WalMart she would still answer. Maybe she is on the cell and going to call you after she finishes that call.

Anonymous said...

Of course I can NEVER shop when my husband tags along! May as well hang that idea on the tree for all the more help I get from him!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Vicky.......They are suppose to help????????????? I didn't know that lol

Anonymous said...

Dana you have mail

MITS said...

Beautiful sunrise at Petes' Pond.

Anonymous said...

Well, Vicky won't he carry the packages or doesn't he let you buy what you want to buy???

Anonymous said...

Well it ends up being a debate and to avoid the conflict I just say, let's go home! I'll be going by myself tomorrow night, that's for sure!

MITS said...

Well, I'm dragging my sorry butt off to to you tomorrow. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Anonymous said...

Got the mail Mema Jo and answered whipping for me

Anonymous said...

To top it off, he's coming down with a cold and YOU KNOW what it is like when they think they don't feel good?? Or am I the ONLY one to experience that problem???

Anonymous said...

Niters Mits may you have a good nights sleep with pleasant dreams.

Anonymous said...

Promise me that this season will pass!!

Anonymous said...

Well Good Night all. Got a pretty good start on our card project. Looking forward to hearing from more of you toorrow too.

What color snow did you al want LOL Ok Never mind. Good Night! Will BLOG at you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Nilla just called me & said Have you been calling me? I was so glad to hear her... I always say Where are you? She answered I'm at the ER
in Winchester with my GRANDSON - he is the one in ER. I just wanted to write this so you all knew how my heart jumped when she said ER......

She is now aware of Sharon's travel arrangements and of Glo's request for the card.

Anonymous said...

I'll get Nilla in here.........

Did you all see Nilla's new picture...It is "plain red wrapping paper".........

Anonymous said...

So happy you got ahold of her Jo...yea that word ER from her would make your "heart stop". Did she say what is wrong with Grandson?

Anonymous said...

Ear infection - nothing serious.

Anonymous said...

Glad it is nothing serious with him.

Vicky this season and all season's pass. That's how the world turns and I don't mean the "soaps".

Anonymous said...

Another email Dana with one last question for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dana! Sorry I got carried away -- stress stress and more stress!

Anonymous said...

ok answered that one and another one for just one question lol

Does this game have money attached to it Jo lol

Anonymous said...

Vicky how much more shopping do you have to do?

Anonymous said...

Way too much Dana!

Anonymous said...

Wow and you are buying for this Christmas right??

Anonymous said...

ok I'm yawning and can't keep my eyes open. I hear my bed calling I won't keep it waiting.

Nilla sorry I couldn't wait up for you gal.

Suzanne hope your drive in almost this morning will be a good one.

Nite all...turning my light out

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, at least I found free wax!

Anonymous said...

It is the Midnight hour....The eagle spirits surround the nest - All is Well.

Good Night All
Prayers for Sharon

Good Morning Suzanne
Another beautiful day weatherwise

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Suzanne....isn't it nice to see such a clear picture.

They get the battery and live feed will be up and running.

Suzanne miss you on Sat. but I know you would have been there if you wasn't so tired. I did go to the tree on the way. Liberty and Belle where both there. Belle in the nest then she flew out the launch pad side. Turned and came back and put on such a marvelous display for Ed and me. Even Ed was astounded.
After the great luncheon of friends; laughter (that I've paid for later...body isn't good with so much excitement) but I loved it!! Ed and me went home the way of the nest. Nilla was behind us and there was Liberty and Belle.
Liberty sets where Spunky set it was my sister-in-law I now remembered that I called and said ok what's going on in the nest. She had said all eaglets where there except spunky just left the nest. He sets right where Liberty was setting Sat. When Belle leaves the nest she sets straight up at the 7 o'clock position in nest way up in the tree.
Carol came 3 hours and she (which I'm so happy about) got to see Liberty and Belle setting on the limbs after she left the party.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Just finished inserting 3 more entries for Sharons' card. I got to add a page to the middle section. She will have a very nice card when we get it finished. More like a little booklet. Keep those messages coming. For those who don't

Important info regarding OUR "Eagle -Eyed Sharon "

Sharon is going to Charlottsville tomorrow to have a drain placed in what they now believe to be an abscessed liver.

I am wanting to make a card for her from All of us who KNOW who she is however she has crossed your path in this Friends of Fine Feathers world. Its our turn now to do the Random Act of Kindness

Please send to me as soon as you read this A Get Well Greeting wish, prayer, whatever you would like included on the card.

Once it is all finished , I will print it quite late this evening, when I get home from work or first thing Wed morning so it can be mailed on Wed.

Please pass this info along to anyone you know who might want this information. I will be adding this info to the Momster list, as well. Looking forward to hearing from all of you.


We will know more tomorrow evening and will be sure to keep you updated.

Anonymous said...

dana hope you caught yesterday that the live feed is up. Not yet this am...guess we aren't too sure of time frame for feed, but it was up yesterday. There are videos on the Feed Blitz this morning. Can't remeber if you have signed up for that feed or not.

Anyone is very welcome to get signed up for the feeds. Anyway go here to see yesterdays clip and feel free to sign up, if you'd like. Also be sure to confirm your subscription which is sent almost immediately in an email to you.


Anonymous said...

suzanne Thanks for letting me know you were able to see the Blitz. I never know how much you get to see. I am off to coffee and dog treats in just a few minutes. Will Blog a little off and on today and then I work from 4 til 10 my time. When I get home from work i will print off the card, unless I decide to wait until first thing Wed. morning.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Glo I did get in my mail the FeedBlitz. I emailed you about what I seen. ty so much for your hard work

Anonymous said...


MITS said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...