Saturday, February 09, 2013

Saturday Night

Second egg thread.


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glo said...


Hoda said...

Wind is picking up a bit over at the news of bad weather though...

JudyEddy said...

MEGAN put a sunset picture of what you saw MARGY on facebook pretty sunset

Hoda said...

This is getting to be a long winded thread...we have been a chatty bunch since Saturday night!!! Is STEVE gone?

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO just posted on facebook tooo that she was in Annemarie' room and Boomerang stole a sock from her bag with them standing there Good thing she saw it LOL She hasn't posted on the blog in a couple of days

JudyEddy said...

Isn't STEVE in FROZEN county from the picture he has been putting on facebook I thought he was in CT

JudyEddy said...

BELLE up for roll

Hoda said...

Ma Belle is off the eggs, digging in the cup and turns to face six and here she is doing an egg roll.

JudyEddy said...

Ok I do need to go figure out what I want to eat
We got a new store Wawa sorry but I think its a stupid name sounds like baby talk may go check it out while I go forage for substance

Hoda said...

I saw that beautiful picture from STEVE'S timeline JUDYE. I thought it was an older one...I do not know. Maybe.

Linda said...

Welcome Home Jo!!
We sure have missed you.. ♥

Praying that rest and being
back home will help you heal
back to your healthier self!!

So wonderful you're finally home!!

JudyEddy said...

Here is the link to the OK nest under the cam is a picture of the two owl eggs and the eagle egg SUSAN or anyone else

Linda said...

Lori - Although I am sure your
decision was one that took more stress
and worrying, I do believe it was a
very good one. They have done you
wrong with the 7 days a week work
you have been subjected to for a VERY

Congratulations to You!!!
Life is too short, as you know too
well. If this is something you can
handle financially, that is just

God Bless You for loving and caring
for your parents as you do. You
are an awesome daughter, friend and
individual!! Really! I know how
difficult it must have been for you
to finally make this decision!! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Ok nest with owl eggs in eagle nest with 1 dead egg

for got the link LOL

Linda said...

And if a new job is something you will need to work on in the near future, you would surely be an asset to any company!! You have a heart of gold!!

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome home, Jo!

Hoda, I updated the Momsters home page on the yahoo group.

Lynne, I think it's anything built before 1970 or so on the lead tests. When I sold my Mom's house, I could just say I had no knowledge. BTW, once you paint over the lead paint a couple of times, it can't be detected.

I saw that beautiful sunset. And the baby moon is out...made me think of Margy :)

More HP? I think we'll get a 3rd egg.

Partake? Oh, yes I did! Way too much...and you don't want to know what...though I will tell you it didn't involve needles! I hate needles! Haven't done anything in a looooong time! Wine for me, please.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, love you gal, and glad everything went OK.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, we have Wawa here as well.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, we have Wawa here as well.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, thanks for the info on the 3rd egg at CRC. Hope the 2nd one hatches...

Unknown said...

Hello all Just got home from work and went to to check nest. No third egg lest yet. Maybe tomorrow if there is to be one. Will read back and then check around a bit

(and LOL JudyE--we have no WaWa's in Pa but I always thought that about the name too!)

Unknown said...

And, I don't know MemaJo yet but I have heard such wonderful things about her and I am glad to hear she is home!

So I will say welcome home too!

Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA...

LYDIA MEMA JO / JO is the Matriarch of this group. She is the very very best with a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Off to yoga...YOGA JUDIE, Yes I will come back and be rather high!!! Not the Rocky Mountain kind though!!! LOL!!!

PAULA LYNNE do they test for Radons too? This is what they have to do to old houses in Nelson. We have heritage homes...over a hundred year old buildings.

Mema Jo said...

I just went back to read Lori's remarks about her very very wise decision!
You are doing good Lori! Life is too short NOT to be happy with what you are doing! So PROUD of you ♥♥♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

feet up BBL this evening

JudyEddy said...

JO is Our Matriarch LYDIA

JudyEddy said...

oh I see HODA answered tooo

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends! What a good news day it has been on the blog!

Since my day was way beyond bad, and talking about it on the blog will only make me angrier, I will simply say ...





And with that, goodnight all! I'll be back when I'm in a better frame of mind!

magpie said...

Wow Paula...I napped right through Baby just went "new" - completely dark, at 2:44 Sunday morning, that is a very rapid
"turnaround! "

I'll know what to look for Tuesday night if skies are clear, Thanks~

magpie said...

oh phooey, Sandi...sorry
to read of bad day

(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

will you and Dennis be tapping
any maple trees this year?

JudyEddy said...

I was just gonna say something about the sliver of a MOON I just saw getting back home had to take a double take on it to make sure it was a moon MARGY

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is all tucked in SO SO nice to able to see them at night and its pitch black out tooo Just can't thank NCTC and Steve enough for the camera

grannyblt said...

Good evening folks.

Lori, I think you made the right decision. I did much the same thing to care for my elderly Mom several years ago and didn't regret it--neither will you.

SED all--will check in for a new egg this evening..

magpie said...

It is right windy out,
I can see the winds making the tree move.
Not cold out at all though.
I am beginning to hear the whistling winds a little

Hi grannyblt!

magpie said...

Belle is awake

Lynne2 said...

Wawa's name comes from the site of the company's first milk plant and corporate headquarters in the Wawa, Pennsylvania. That name is native American for Canada Goose, hence the logo. My husband if full of triva.

Evening all!

Lynne2 said...

Who asked if I was a wicked child? LOL! Nope, far from it. I had a very difficult teenage/high school time, and a mother who drank too much. Nothing I did was right.

Lynne2 said...

BTW....SHHHHHHH. MUM'S the word regarding the new place on Facebook. No comments please! I may not have been a wicked CHILD, but as an immature adult, well, that's another story. Think I'll let Adam stew and worry for as long as I can before telling him we have a place!!

OK, I guess you'll all want to ground me.....

magpie said...

don't have to worry about ME posting anyting on FaceBook, Lynne2

Again, so very many happy and positive thoughts coming your way...
I wish I could lend a hand or two also but mine ain't worth too
much these days LOL

Can't wait ! Spring Fever will arrive early for you ♥

Lynne2 said...

oh, I have the FEVER Margy!


I'm not liking the weather forcasts. Looks like some weather Wed/Thurs, and then POTENTIALLY a coastal storm on the weekend. MTBR.

I will just say that there have been some pretty interesting storms in mid Feb.

Lynne2 said...

BTW....Friday Saturday Sunday Monday coming up is the Great Backyard Bird Count!! You can do as few as one day and 15 minutes or all days...more info here


JudyEddy said...

anyone what does MTBR stand for two times today two different peeps used the word and I was just curious ok back to Bones OMy it is soooo good

Linda said...

Your secret is safe with us, LYNNE2!

Margy - We will be tapping the trees indeed!!! Well......Dennis will be. I will enjoy the aroma of maple syrup cooking down on the wood stove and will sneak in a few ladles every now and then. Good stuff!!

HODA If your ear is still plugged, try hot steam or a hot compress. That may help. Hoping it has been resolved.

SANDI So very sorry you had a bad day today. Vent away! We are here for you........

magpie said...

More To Be Revealed

Linda said...

LYNNE - I could never count the birds in my yard. For the second time since we have moved here, we are inundated with red polls. Hundreds of them, literally!!

They are all over the feeders, flying all over from trees to trees, all over the ground.

Our regulars are still around, but it is hard to keep enough food out there. They left mid-February last time they came. Thank God they are not here all the time. We'd have to quit feeding birds all together!

magpie said...

Linda, sounds dreamy....
my New York Naturalist Pal
has talked of doing this soon...
when he gets done having fun
doing some ice-fishing.
He is happily retired....well,
he works only one day a week ☺

Lynne2, I keep saying I will
do the count, I will do my
best to give it a try this year!
Have only done it one time ever.

magpie said...

egg rolling time !

magpie said...

oh red polls...Linda I have never
seen them....sure looks like
a pretty little bird...

Going to close things down here soon,
getting a mean case of going-back-to-workitis (Tuesday morning
8 am, groan..)

Thinking of Loretta...hope things at the doctors' offices went OK
and once again:

Prayers for Wellness and Serenity in All Our Eagle Corners

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Unknown said...

G'Night everyone! Sorry I am not here much on workdays.

Nice to meet you Mema Jo. Looking forward to getting to know you.

Lynne2 said...

REDPOLLS! they are around here but I have yet to see one!

Margy, I sure hope you can find 15 minutes or so at some point over the 4 days! don't have to actually count in your yard, you can count anywhere!!

magpie said...

thanks Lynne2...I think you can also count what you hear, right?

Not to worry Lydia....
many of us have to work and
we get scarce too !!
Just nice to see you when you are here with us

I think the FWS sites might be down, I lost still am and cannot get it re-load

G'Night !

magpie said...

I mean the still CAM.

now, G'Night

Lynne2 said...

Margy, I don't see that in the instructions, but you are of these counts allows for sound. No. Wait...yes. Hmmm. Sharon at work will know. She and some folks from Irvine did a count and they COULD use sound.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, I am the one who asked about your wicked childhood. Didn't really think you have ever been wicked.

You are a fount of information, actually. You even know about Wawa.

stronghunter said...

Or, maybe you said Steve told you about Wawa. So, together you and Steve are a fount of information as a team. I remember lots of other stuff you have shared with us about earthquakes, birds, etc.

Lynne2 said...

I'm an information junkie. BG (before Google) I spent a lot of time at the library. People were always wondering about this or that and I'd go find out. I became the "go to" person for that! Just wish I could remember half of what I discover...and wish I could figure out why I can remember Zebus but not where I left my car keys....

Linda said...

Just completed a 12 page trial balance for one of my clients. Can you imagine 12 pages of accounts?? They have 362 different general ledger accounts. How crazy is that?

No wonder I have these headaches!! Let's just say that is a lot of numbers to account for and reconcile!!

I think I am calling it a day, folks!!

Sleep sweetly, all.... ♥

So happy Jo is sleeping at her roost tonight!!

And that LORI must be relieved to have made her decision and have told the bosses!! Kudos again, my friend. ♥

Good Night ♥

stronghunter said...

Ah--"zebus." Lynne dropped that one on me in a WWF game.

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. I leave and return to some very significant events.

Welcome home, Jo. We have truly missed you. You just cannot imagine all that has taken place. Hoda is totally out of control! A yoga high? Well, that's her story and she's stickin' to it and WVsUSAn has tried to cover up the evidence with white sage. I think they are in cahoots.

Congratulations, Lori. Your decision took courage yet I am certain it is the best one for you at this time. Hugs.

GDub ladies beat Wm. & Mary and UNC.

Judie said...

Okay, the sandperson says rounds will begin momentarily with a final stop to watch over Jo to make sure she behaves and has a night of restful sleep.

The night light is on and Belle is tucked in.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE you got me rolling in stitches here I just love it when you are on the blog always puts a smile on my face your wittiness

JudyEddy said...

Thanks LYNNE2 for the info now makes sense LOL

JudyEddy said...

Bones was awesome tonight as well as the Following watching the News now.
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I think it is time to tuck my head under my wing

I am so grateful to my God for watching over me this past week - skilled staff and medical teams are a blessing.
Each and everyone of you have been in my heart
TY for prayers and positive thoughts - they pulled me through

I love us ♥
TTUT AOYP with SED for all ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening EagleBuds! Been trying to get on here for a couple hours.
Congrats Mema Jo on your homecoming!!!!☺
Congrats Lynne2 and Steve on the new apartment!!!!
Lori, Bless you on your decision. You are an angel, one of quite a few on this blog.
Hello to Lydia. So happy you've seen the Nest. Your pictures are great!
Linda, glad your hubby is getting better.

My day was a comedy (not tragedy, thank the Lord) of errors. The eye Dr. had squeezed me in at 10 AM before another appt. up the street. But, was another Dr.--a lady--who was running late because her babysitter hadn't come!!! I think about calling the other office to say I'd be late or could I get a later appt? Cell phone is dead! Leave to go to my 11AM oncology appt. and am told I need to be back at eye Dr.'s before 12:30!
Tell onc. that I need to be seen within an hour. (Fat Chance). They did take blood right away, but by 12 Noon I cancelled and they had no openings for more that a week!
Back down at eye Dr. learned my "floaty/flash" problem in left eye is a senile citizen problem.NO SURGERY needed! Hooray! Come back in a month. She could actually see the couple black spots that I am seeing! This is caused by some of the gel in the center of eye hardening in the back & flashes on edge are from side of retina, but not a dangerous thing!
If you can stand it, I will do the opposite of Sandi and tell all!
Went to stores on than road--ordered some yummies from Ledo's.Took them to car to nibble something before going home! Locked out~~~can see keys on passenger seat. No keys, dead phone, so went to a Radio Shack! They plugged in my phone and gave me another to phone home. No Answer!!!Left a message. Radio Shack folks told me I could eat something at a counter with a couple chairs while I waited.Then I used my charging phone to call home again. Fubby answered, but had never played my message. DUH! Gave me a GREAT tip for SUVs----check the back hatch door. It was open!!!!!!Seems if you don't lock w/push button, back stays open!!!
Crawled around to unlock other door, get keys. Went back to Radio Shack and bought a couple packs of DVDs.Had a large Panda nap this afternoon! Hope you find this amusing.

Good Health Prayers for ALL on our list and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!

Haven't been here since early Saturday morning! Phew, it's been busy here, and it took a while to catch up! We had a busy weekend doing the usual errands and grossery shopping.

Lolly, sorry for the loss of Jack's friend. Prayers for both of you, and for the friend's family.

Yahoo!!! Eggbert Number 2 has arrived!! Congrats to Belle and Shep!

Lori, what a wonderful thing you've done in order to be able to help your parents! You will be missed by your listeners, for sure, but I don't think you will ever regret your decision.

Lynne2, SO happy that you got the place you wanted! God is good!!!

Lydia, welcome to the Momsters! Good to have you aboard!

Sandi, (((HUGS)))! Sorry you had a rotten day!

Jo, welcome home!!! So glad you're feeling better! It's wonderful to see your posts here! You have been MISSED!!! Hope you sleep well tonight, and finish healing quickly! Love you!♥

I was pleasantly surprised to see a pair of Band-Tailed Pigeons in our yard today! Glad to have them back again.

Well, think I'd better call it a day. Starting to yawn. Did quite a bit of housework today, and got out and walked 1 1/4 miles. I must say, I feel more energetic when I walk on a regular basis.

Have said prayers for everyone, especially those who need healing.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Loretta.....too stinkin' hilarious! Sorry you had to go through all of that, but glad the eye problem isn't serious!

Andy, are those birds spring visitors for you out there?

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed. See y'all tomorrow, good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

It brings a sense of wellness and joy to my heart to know that she is in her roost surrounded by her loving family and knowing that her health is improving. THANK YOU DEAREST MOST PRECIOUS MEMA JO

As for who is going out of control here MISS JUDIE!!! REALLY REALLY I see a DRAGON or two in your future!!! Watch out when it is totally unexpected you will find them They roar and they shake and they are fierce with fire shooting out of their mouths...LOLLY did warn you but I think she was just trying to get on their good side so they would not be sent to her roost!!!

SANDI I am so sorry your day was not so good!!! I hope to God your District is not arming teachers!!! I have to admit that is the first thing that came to my mind that might upset you so much???!!!
Do please check in tomorrow even to just say good morning.

LORETTA so happy that the eye flashes and the floaters are not surgery needing deals. I am glad that it is a question of getting used to them and not allowing them to irritate you...I breathed a sigh of relief.

LINDA thank you and I am applying a hot compress to my ear...looks like I am wearing Babooshka and I feel like a Ukranian Baba!!! Cute though I have to say...

YOGA was awesome and Oh how I missed it last week when my head was spinning...certainly was not spinning today and I had a very good experience.
So there MISS JUDIE and maybe sUSAn will send you some of her famous sweet grass/ weed/ white sage and then tell the cops on you!!! LOL!!!

Yes a very good question will you and DENNIS tap in the Maple Trees this spring LINDA?

No worries LYNNE mum is the word on FB and the confirmed one flat today yet I just read do you have two or was it the one confirmation? Your favourite one?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynne2,
Yes, the Band-Tailed Pigeons are with us in the Spring. They usually show up in January, but hadn't seen them this year until today. They stick around until early June. Just have one pair so far, but last year had 3 pairs.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, about to do a face plant here! Better hit the hay--the alarm for Ken goes off pretty early! God bless, and goodnight!

Lolly said...

Loweeeeda!!! OMG! What a day!

Lynne, have I missed something? Who is Adam? Yes, we will be quiet on fb.

Rain tomorrow and just north of us snow. Hmmm??

Hoda said...

MARGY I continue to hope that your hands improve and that you get some relief and that you feel some improvement soon

WAWA Ontario has a huge goose at the outskirts of town. Same like LYNNE said...Canada Goose is WAWA. Hitchhikers night mare it is...I drove through it once and they were lined up by the side of the road and the talk was that it could take weeks to be able to get out of there. SO if you are a hitch hiker do not get dropped off at WAWA Ontario!!!

I like how much you know LYNNE! I also like that you share it...

Lolly said...

Oh, and possibility of snow flurries on Thursday night. We shall see.

belle is sound asleep, all nicely tucked. We are enjoying a fire, think I will go make some hot chocolate.

Hoda said...

I think Adam is the husband whose wife had to tell LYNNE and STEVE that they had to leave by the third!!! He is the one that put this deadline!!! LOLLY

Hoda said...

SNOW in TEXAS???!!! YAY YAY YAY there is justice in this world after now MISS LOLLY will not keep boasting she is sleeping with the windows open and that she keeps her house open all day with temperatures in the upper 70's!!!
Drive safely though LOLLY.

Hoda said...

Thank you ANDY for checking in...Goodnight to you and KEN.

Costume Lady said...

I guess I'm next in line to say good night.

My day was almost as crazy as Lowreeda's. I did many chores but got nothing completely done. I set out to scrub the kitchen floor and only got done with the "under things"...under the table, under the microwave counter and under the potato & onion basket. I do that on hands and knees and the rest with a swiffer. Dr. told me to not get on the new knee anymore than I HAVE will wear out quicker:( After crawling around on the floor, I needed to rest some, so I sat at the 'puter and paid some bills...only got GG's half done; mine are still sitting here. Went downstairs to wash clothes (have 4 loads) only got 1 done, ran out of time, had to go into GG's.
She is loving her pill dispenser. She says "I see that light flashing and open the little door and there's a handful of pills there...take them out and the light goes out" :) It also has an alarm, but she cannot hear it. Her hearing is really bad:( We put a chart on the wall next to the dispenser to let her know when the pills will dispense, so she knows when to look for the flashing light. She is so relieved to not have to guess when it's time to take the pills and so am I!

She is still doing well with her root problems with it whatsoever. Thursday, the tooth will be prepared to hold her new bridge. She has 3 teeth that need to be pulled that decayed underneath her caps...she doesn't know that yet. Only telling her one thing at a time. She also doesn't know the cost of all the work that will be done...she could buy an olympic sized swimming pool!

*MARGY* I saw the Snow Geese again today. Going to see if we can get a picture of them tomorrow...not much room to pull over, but will try.

Off to dreamland now...sending love and prayers for all♥


stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, I got tired just reading about everyone's adventures today.

So Grendel is alive and well and living somewhere in Canada. Look out, Judie. But then, according to some reports, Grendel was just misunderstood. Poor dragon. Maybe he just needs psychological help, and that is where Judie comes into the picture.

Lolly said...

I really do not count on snow, Hoda but they were mentioning it on the news. A couple years back we had several inches on snow on my daffodils. They made it through with flying colors.

Wanda, bless GG. It just is not fair to have to go through this dental work at her age. You are wise not telling her. Glad the pill dispenser is working. Maybe I need one! lol Either that or someone to hit me over the head to remind me to take them.

Hot chocolate was good. Not much left. I make up a mix the first of winter and all we have to do is boil water and pour over the mix. It is so good, but I am about out and will not make more.

Tomorrow need to buy grossseries and get back to work on the Elvis suit. Groan....
I was going to work on it today but on my errand to Target ran into a teacher I used to work with. We stood there and talked forever!

Wanda, I am surprised at you getting on your knees. I do the same thing in some areas, however I do not have knee problems just occasional hip problems.

Jack beat me to the shower but it is about my turn.

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...

SO SHIRLEY now you think GRENDEL wiil need JUDIE'S help because he has psychological problems???LOL!!!

Goodnight WANDA. Good show on GG'S pill dispenser...

PAULA has not been on sinnce a bit after seven this evening. Goodnight PAULA if you have already gone to bed.

stronghunter said...

"Jonesing"--you know how Margy is always using that word? Well, I just played "jonesed" in Scrabble for 95 points against an opponent who is always playing 7-letter words on me. Thanks, Margy.

Hoda said...



stronghunter said...

Yes, Hoda, poor Grendel just stopped by for a visit to the mead hall and everyone got upset just because he ripped the door off the hinges to make his entrance.

stronghunter said...

Canada geese--my children, when they were younger, made the mistake of trying to feed some geese in Charlotte when we were down there once. They were chased by hundreds of geese, maybe thousands, that came running over a hill after them.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning eagle peeps!

SANDI, I sure hope today is a better day than yesterday. Wishing you smiles and joy in the classroom!

Thanks to EVERYONE for all the nice comments and support for my decision to leave my job. I means the world to me to have your support and love! Thank you!

JO, so glad you are home again. You must be smiling ear to ear. Nothing like home and your own bed!

LINDA and MARGY mentioned a bird, red poll (?) I'm going to have to look up. My parents and I have both had tons of birds this winter so maybe I've had some red whatevers and didn't know what they were. :)

We did put up a new peanut feeder last week and the little birds are all over it, titmice, chickadees, wrens, etc.

Wishing everyone a great day full of love, light and joy! xxoo

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends.

Belle was just up and calling out (for Shep I guess), then settled back on the eggs and is tucked in again. Still only 2 eggs - so much for my prediction of a third last night.

My problem is with a parent - it has been ongoing since the beginning of the year and she has been this way every year that her child has been at our school. She uses intimidation and threats to get her way - she is a bully. Honestly, her actions border on harassment. She has lied to me. She has called me a liar. Nothing is ever good enough. Yesterday, when I got home from school, I composed a lengthy email and sent it to my principal and the special ed. coordinator in the building stating that I will no longer call her or return her phone calls and will not respond to any emails she sends. Instead I will forward them. I went on to say that I will only communicate with her in person with one of them present in the room.

Now I wait for their response and hope they are supportive of my decision. I just cannot continue to give this woman the power that she has had over me and my life. Her son is a royal pain in the ass but, in reality, he is that way b/c his mother enables him and he knows that, even when he is wrong, his mother will defend him and accuse someone else of not doing their job rather than expecting him to accept responsibility or accepting responsibility herself.

I know I can always vent here. But when I'm talking about her, I am still giving her power, and I don't want that. I really resent that this bully has such an influence on my life and can continue with no repercussions for another 78 school days and there is little that I can do. The child can't be assigned to another special ed. teacher; he is my responsibility until June 13th. So if he is my responsibility, then his mother is my problem. All I can do is try to minimize her intrusion into my life and I am hopeful that my principal supports me on this.

OK, I have spent way too much time on the computer already - gotta get ready for my day.

Jo, special prayers for you today!!

Lori, I am SO envious of you!! What a wonderful decision you have been able to make - one that you will never regret!!

Loretta, glad the eye thing is no biggie!

Later all!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals and
Best Wishes for a Terrific Tuesday...
and then you can do that again
tonight for your television shows

Sandi: (( Hugs )) and prayers for
serenity and resolution...

hope your efforts work out for the best for all !!


Lori O. said...

SHEP is on the eggs... didn't see if there was a switch or not.

magpie said...

Whew, I was wide awake then read Wanda and Loretta's comments, I am now exhausted -

Sounds like things are on the up and up, though...
Wanda watch that crawling around on that knee! Hope you see the Geese Pair again today, I understand hard to find a good
place to pull over for pictures....
it's a frustating bummer

Shirley! Way to go Scrabble grammar girl...!!
glad I could be a small part of your 75 points !!

magpie said...

Hi Lori!
I sure didn't see it because I was
in another room...

I'll be be-bopping to you and your tunes in a little while ♪ ♫

time for me to disappear, it's
my Monday :(
gotta do the morning shuffle

((all Day Hugs to All ))
xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, MARGY!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I google the bird red polls and they are cute

JudyEddy said...

WANDA the pill dispenser sounds like it rocks I was gonna ask how it works awhile back but forgot the light idea is great

stronghunter said...

Good morning--

Hey Wandy, there are days that I think I need a pill dispenser like GGs.

The problem I would have with getting down on my knees to clean the floor is that I might have to crawl across the room to find something to pull up on.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Sandi, I have been in your position. I had a parent who would demand repeated conferences with the principal to "punish" me for imagined infractions. I finally refused to meet with her. The student could not be moved out of my class because of another course she was taking that could not be changed.

I actually felt somewhat sorry for the kid when I met the mother. Both the child and the father were afraid of the woman.

stronghunter said...


I am sure your listeners will miss you, but your parents will be so grateful for your help and support. And you will always treasure the time you gave to them.

I wish I could have done the same thing for my mother.

Janet said...

Good morning eagle peeps!

Reflecting back on an earlier conversation: I use sage as well for cleansing the home, and sometimes people. It does smell "funny". But it also works very well.

CONGRATS to LYNNE 2 on the new home!!!

WELCOME HOME MEMA JO!!!!!!!!!! (jumping for joy!)

couldn't READ had to SKIM all the chat this morning. yesterday was a stressful day...but I left it all on the matt last night and felt so much better.

tonight i am watching the grandkids. plan to take my lap top with me so i can check in. i have to get ready for my classes this weekend, i have large (very large) classes this weekend. my Reiki master joked with me yesterday that he will have to hire an armored truck to bring me my paycheck next week! lol. i said that would be fine. ;)

i will check in a bit later. its another beautiful day here in nashville. cool this morning, but close to 60 again this afternoon.

hugs, light, and love to all!

grannyblt said...

Good Eagle Watching Day. Looks bright at the nest.

Lynne2 and Steve--so glad you got your choice of apartments.

Jo- so glad you are well and HOME.

Linda--send those redpolls home through Mercer Co. PA, I keep hearing about them this winter but never this far west. I wonder if this is an erruption year?

Loretta, so glad your eye problem will not require surgery. I would have liked to see you crawling through the hatch. I guess I won't complain when I see that On Star charge

Shirley, remind me not to play WWF or Scrabble with you. I am a 3 letter word player.

Sandi, I am not a teacher, but worked in a public school for 23 years. Even in my lowly position I could see that so many problems weren't with the children per se. Does the expression 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' ring a bell? Anyway, I hope your principal will stand behind you.

Lori, you seem to have a lot of talk time this morning--will miss hearing you on the air.

Back to the cam--HAGD all

Lori O. said...

Granny LYNNE, tomorrow is my last day. So glad you're listening! :)

stronghunter said...

Well, thanks to the blog and Margy, I came up with one good 7-letter word, Lynne1. Actually, having a good list of three-letter words in your head is an advantage.

Wow, so quick, Lori. You will be able to get right back to your parents.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - great night - great morning so far - all meds completed and since I have been up since 6:30 - my feet are going up for a few

sunshine looks beautiful and the birds and squirrels are on the deck - such a welcomed site.

Thanks for all the news on everyone - I feel like I have caught up with you.
Missed you much all the time I Love Us ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Another prayer request to followup an earlier one. Remember last year the woman who was stabbed, shot and beaten and her husband was killed but she lived? I saw her shopping in Walmart yesterday. She looks awesome and is doing fairly well. Her biggest issue now is post-traumatic stress disorder. She is suffering really bad with that and I told her I knew some awesome prayer warriors that had prayed for her before and I would get them on it again. So, I am now handing it to you!!!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, I think you made a beautiful, selfless decision to take care of your parents. They are so fortunate to have you.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

MEMA JO is up, well rested and feeling good so far this morning. That is great news. Remember to rest, dear one....

SANDI - Good for you, Gurl!! You made a smart decision regarding that bully parent. Parental involvement should be supportive, NOT confrontational.......especially with a teacher like you who cares, is good at what she does, and KNOWS what she is doing!! ((((( HUGS ))))) to you, just because we love you!!

LORETTA - Whew.....what a day you had yesterday!! I think it was just one of those Monday's for a lot of us!! Very happy to hear that you survived all the set backs of the day and got home safely!! Also happy to hear your eyes will be okay!!

Linda said...

LORI - LOO is right, Lori!! You are a rare one, who definitely has her priorities in the right place!! Very nice talk on the air about you. Yes, you will be dearly missed by your co-workers and listeners, but family is important.....especially when they are good parents who have love and supported you! You're obviously your Daddy's special girl!! xoxo

Linda said...

My Monday was crazy yesterday, too!! Between the regular phone and the cell phone, I couldn't keep up with the calls and questions!! Some days are just like that.

Of course that was a day I decided to cook Red Beans and Rice for dinner, which takes a bit of time cutting up vegetables. I kept running back and forth from my office to the kitchen most of the afternoon!! It all got done, in the end, though. Dinner was late, but tasty.

Made the Red Beans and Rice in honor of ........

Happy Mardi Gras!!! today!!

It's party time in New Orleans!! A place close to my heart as we lived there during a portion of my childhood and my Dad lived there till a couple years before he died!

grannyblt said...

Lori, I kind of choked up when I heard you explaining on the air why you were leaving. I am sure your regular listeners appreciate the whole story. I hate when an on -air personality leaves and the listeners or viewers never hear an explanation.

DanaMo said...

Oh Lori, I just read the news! I'm sure it was a difficult decision for you. How long were you with WASH? I totally get it though. Being close to your parents and taking care of them is the most important thing. Good luck!

Judie said...

Good morning!

As for Grendel - I think Grendelyn is ready for a "trip" to the battlefield (:

Good grief! Now Janet has rationalized the use of sage to "cleanse" her house. Seems to me a lot of closets are being aired out.

Happy next to the last day, Lori. No doubt your listeners will miss you but also they will all understand and support your decision.

Sandi, good decision. The prospects of dealing with parents tipped the scale for college students. Against the law to discuss a student with parent(s) without a waiver from the student.

Wandy, so glad the pill dispenser is working for Miss GG but so sorry she has to go through the dental work. Hugs to you and the Capt.

Off to the big school house soon. I think a video of a family mass murderer would be good today.

Shep on duty when I checked. Nice sunshine at the nest.


WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Janet, I knew YOU would know about the white sage!

Welcome home, JO!!!!!

Belle is on the nest now. Has anyone gotten a good look at her eye this morning? Still looks a little different, hard to tell with the wind blowing her feathers all around.

magpie said...

Good Morning to lots more
Morning Eagle Pals...
from Work...cannot get either cam here now

Wish I could have listened to The radio for more than a just few mins this morning..
"Relaxation Station" Loo called it.

magpie said...

So I calculate I am 37-1/2 %complete on my work day...

WV sUSAn said...

Belle flew off the nest.

magpie said...

So Susan, I'll watch
vicariously through the written word here today for awhile

back to the dough pile

WV sUSAn said...

Shep has returned to the eggs.

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, you're so funny.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my peeps.

Mema Jo said...

Sure wish I could catch a new thread with a feather
I have pic of the turtle shell from our nest that Steve gave me...... Anxious to post - but will probably do so on FB
I'll send it in email to those I don't think will see it on FB

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Thelma. Beautiful morning!

Loretta, I read of your adventure yesterday and, girl, ya just can't make that stuff up!!!! What a day!!

WV sUSAn said...

I'll be watching FB, Jo. So great to see you here <3

Lolly said...

Good morning to all and good morning, Thelma! Woke up to a cold and rainy morning. Actually, the rain has stopped...dern!

Lori, read your explanation to your listeners. You are going to be missed there, but thank goodness we are not going to have to miss you!!

Sandi, you have done the right thing and surely your principal will back you up! I never had a parent quite that bad, but bad enough! Laurel has done exactly what you have done. She forwards all emails to the principal.

Lolly said...

Good morning Jo. So good to have you on here. I do wonder why you were up so early. No problem, I hope!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, I was thinking the same thing. How fortunate we are that we don't have to say goodbye to Lori!!!!

Lolly said...

KAY...Have not been walking but think that today is the day to get started back. It is going to be hard...I may die. lol

Lolly said...

Yes, Sharon, I know it will be hard for those who have listened to Lori. When I woke early for school, I had my favorites I listened to in the morning. Really missed them when they were not there. BUT, no matter where Lori goes....we have her. Good for us!!! We love you, Lori, and we are here for you!

Lolly said...

Just saw the pictures of THE turtle shell. Totally awesome knowing where it came from. A real treasure! For a treasure of a LADY!

Lolly said...

Just had to clean up Annie throw up. Seems like that is all we do and she is not eating again, only this time it is going on much longer. Getting a little scared.

Costume Lady said...

*LORETTA* I, too, had the flashes and floaters. Nearly drove me crazy, looked like I had a small SPIDY hanging from my lashes! Eventually, the flashes and spot went away...occasionally the flash and spot/spots come back, but only for a day or so. Hope you experience the same reprieve from your floaters!

50° here, probably as high as it will get, but it is another beautiful day in Nestville/Shepherdstown☼

magpie said...

oh boyI can now see the Still Cam.....

magpie said...

And a whole bunch more Eagle Pals, ☺

magpie said...

so I guess Shep is still on
the eggs.

On the still camn he looks like a little boat

Ahoy Matey !

magpie said...

hmm, not a Scrabble word

Lolly said...

Wandy, I, too, have floaters but mine do not go away. Doctor monitors my eyes closely. Also, had the flashes and then the floaters but all is well and basically you get used to the floaters and do not notice them.

magpie said...

I sort of just saw an egg roll.

WV sUSAn said...

I have a floater that always reminds me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. hahaha Really, it looks like a seagull.

WV sUSAn said...

Shep went off the nest and right bsck, lots of head thrown back alarm calling.

WV sUSAn said...

More calling and Shep flew off again.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle returned at 2:29

magpie said...

I saw that...guess all is well in the nest house...

wasn't able to post at the time

magpie said...

Well that is quite the avater, Susan! I just had the chance to check it out

speaking of checking things out....
I'm about to do that very soon


WV sUSAn said...

Ahhhahahahaha Margy, it's the white sage and we were taking funny pics.

WV sUSAn said...

CYL Margy!

Lolly said...

Oh, my...Susan!!!! White sage, so you SAY? Gee, we better not let you and HODA get together. lol

I just have to say WAHOOOOO! Yes, I shouted that...the Elvis suit is finished. And, if I my may say so myself, it looks pretty good. My only fear is if it is too long. lol Oh, well, in that case I will just hem it up.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh my, Lolly, so glad to hear. The "Elvis Project" turned out to be quite extensive!

stronghunter said...

Okay, so Grendel wasn't actually a dragon. (The dragon shows up later in that story.) But I think it's a pretty good dragon name.

And, besides, if Judie can have a dragon, I want one too. A fire-breathing dragon.

stronghunter said...

Glad the Elvis suit is finished, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Scrabble seems to be broken today. Maybe Margy's word did it in.

stronghunter said...

Been running around all day. Need a nap.

stronghunter said...

---or Grendelyn... and she is on a "trip," so you say, Judie.

Lolly said...

Need to go clean up around the sewing machinge. Nice thing about the whole project...the sewing maching worked beautifully!

Ripping out the hem and satin took forever, searching for the material took forever, but today when I sat down to sew, everything worked beautifully! Yea!

Lolly said...

Nice to see Shep sitting in the sun. No sun here and 52. So, do we expect Belle to settle in at sunset and immediatly lay that 3rd egg?

Lori O. said...

Ah, you all are so sweet. Thank you for all the nice comments. I, too, am so happy to forever be a part of this group!

I finally got a snip it pic of the two eggsand did a little highlighting! Maybe we'll have 3 soon?


Linda said...

Looks like two beautiful eggs in a basket to me, LORI!!!

I am sure your last day there will be bittersweet.......

Did your Dad know on Saturday when you left what you were going to do??

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends!

Lori, read your farewell note to the WASH FM listeners. I bet you will really be missed and think it's great that you didn't just disappear without an explanation. I am so very happy for you!

Lolly, congrats on finally finishing the Elvis suit!

Jo, hope you have had a restful day and are starting to feel like yourself again!

Schoolwork beckons. Oh, I got absolutely no feedback about my email from either the special ed. department chair or my principal. Very comforting to know that they didn't feel the email was even worth responding to.

OK, will be watching to see if we get a 3rd egg this evening. Egg laying should be in about an hour if Belle wants to stay on schedule! =)

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

SANDY, I'm so sorry you got no feedback on your email over the boy's mother. And you probably put a lot of thought and work into it. Very frustrating. Big HUGS!

Lori O. said...

OOPs, saw two avatars of mine and thought it did a double. My delete.

LINDA, what I deleted was telling you my father did not know on Saturday that I would be returning so soon without interuption, but he did know I was going home.

stronghunter said...

Hi Sandi,

Glad you reminded me about Belle's schedule.

Hope that all goes well with the troublesome parent. At least you have given a heads-up to the adm if something else takes place.

stronghunter said...

I will need to take my computer downstairs so I can keep up with the egg situation.

And, if that pesky parent bothers you any more, you may borrow my dragon.

stronghunter said...

Love the nest picture, Lori.

I listened for a bit this morning while I was getting ready for bowling. I am sure the people at the station will miss you, too.

JudyEddy said...


Home from work and this blogs is about to blow up almost 800

Linda said...

LORI - So have you told your Dad you resigned and will be coming back soon? I'm so full of questions!!

It's just so touching, what you have decided to do!!

We did much the same with Dennis' Mom when she got sick. Dennis promised her he would never put her in a nursing home, so we brought her home with us so we could take care of her, with the understanding that as soon as the boys graduated in 6 months, we would go back to her home with her. Never regretted those tender moments caring for her!

JudyEddy said...

GLO I loved the video of the woodpecker beating his fish I think he was tenderizing it lOL

Linda said...

Good loving parents that devoted their lives to their family and children deserve that.....IMHO!!

Dennis said he had a perfect childhood and his parents meant the world to me.

Me......on the other hand did not have that perfect childhood, but still wanted to be there for my parents when they could not do for themselves.

Okay, back to work......

Kay said...

Good Early Evening !

LORI, I'm in tears ! What you are doing is so wonderful and SO YOU ! I know your parents are thrilled ! It's grand that you are able to say goodbye to that stressful job. It's a shame they over did it and burned you out because you were such a good on air presence ! You'll be blessed a million times over for giving of yourself to the family in this time of need ! Love you, girl !

LORETTA, you made my day with your comical Monday ! So happy with the eye health report !

Thanks to all who've given us 1st hand reports of Belle, Shep and the eggs !

Love and prayers for all in need !


JudyEddy said...

DARN it I missed the speech that LORI did on the radio had it on before I left for work Only can get it on the puter not car radio LOL I will be listening in the am for you LORI and I didn't know you worked 7 days a week WOW I kew about the early hours so happy you will be with you parents and so good you are able to do this finacially toooo

LOLLY where did you read the explanation she said??

stronghunter said...

Need to go prepare dinner. Taking the laptop just in case.

JudyEddy said...

I also have the light flashes and lots of floaters Remember about a year ago it scared me and I mentioned it on the blog and our dear Lynn explained it what it was I still get them but only really bothers me when I drive at night being its dark it annoying and the floater are a PIA thinking there is always a hair or sonething in front of your eyes

Lori O. said...

I think in the end, we all hope there will be someone who loves and will take care of us as we get older. It's scary for me having no children!

KAY, you're so fortunate to have Julie and Hugh nearby to help when needed. I'm so grateful you have them! Big HUGS!

LOLLY, I laughed when you were so thrilled with the sewing machine running well today. Doesn't always go that way, does it? :) I can relate.

JudyEddy said...

geese as always

JudyEddy said...

LORI love the snip to cool

JudyEddy said...

LORI I found your note on facebook the radio page and I left a comment there tooo You will be missed by everyone on the air but WE STILL GO YOU BABE ♫♫♪♫♫

Lori O. said...

Thanks JUDYE! I will always be here.

JudyEddy said...

some one want to be relived

JudyEddy said...

moving off the eggs got a nice pic

JudyEddy said...

he is waiting for Belle

JudyEddy said...

Shep on edge at 11 I see only feetsies

JudyEddy said...

tiny little yellow POOF SHEP

JudyEddy said...

OK where is Belle

JudyEddy said...

looks like the colors are gone on the nest

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Chicken pot pies in the oven for dinner

TTUL this evening

I love us! ♥

JudyEddy said...

just heard on the news that they had a shoot out with the cop that they had a manhunt on gonna go watch the news will be in LM LM LM

Lori O. said...

WE LOVE YOU, JO! Take it easy, feel better and enjoy your dinner.

stronghunter said...


Heard a very loud goose here awhile ago. Looked to see if it might be in the backyard, but did not see anything.

JudyEddy said...

DID we find out if STEVE was on vacation I posted something on one of his ice pictures Where was this and are you there he answered NH but didn't say if he was there he had pic from CT and NH ice country really looks cold

Lolly said...

Belle is out for her evening wing stretch before laying that third egg. She does this every evening. So funny!

Lori, I had my sewing machine serviced before this project. It was needing to be adjusted badly!! So often something goes wrong!

JudyEddy said...

OMG a 6yr old little girl had a zip lock baggie with 52 debt cards from the IRS and her parents are under investigating they took the little girls pink scooter Elec one and lots of stuff from the house But why would the kid have all of them on her unless she just took them from her parents without their knowledge Show and Tell at school LOL I bet her parents are mad Very unusual

Linda said...

I believe have that Christopher Dorner cornered in CA.

Two officers have been injured, but they feel pretty certain they have a location on him.

Linda said...

Belle is back

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Having the sewing machine running so well has made me think I might tackle another project, new curtain or valance for our bedroom.

Belle is back...time to leave Shep!!

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9/27/24 bella pm

 Put it in the wrong position due to issues with power fluctuation and the hurricane Bella Hurricane was devastating for our area