Saturday, February 09, 2013

Saturday Night

Second egg thread.


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stronghunter said...

Well, now it is split time.

Good morning!

stronghunter said...

Hi Thelma!

T-Bird said...

Good morning to you Stronghunter.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Lots of pretty bird calls around the nest.

Shep facing noon.

paula eagleholic said...

Love you too, Lori.

Good Luck!

Lori O. said...

Thanks, PAULA! You're a doll!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning!

Disaster here at work...the phones are not working.

stronghunter said...

Egg roll.

stronghunter said...

Something seems to happened to Facebook.

grannyblt said...

Morning eagle peeps. Thinking of you all today.

Welcome Lydia. I am grannyblt aka Lynne1, but refered to as granny here. I live in western PA and have been watching this nest since the 07 season. I hope there is a get together this year --I'm only 4.5 hours away and have put this trip on the bucket list.

And speaking of bucket lists, HODA that flash dance sounds great. I sure hope it is videod (is that a word?) and you post on FB.

Sandi, I love that you have at least one colorful story in your ancestory. My family stories are dry as toast.

stronghunter said...

Lots of teachers and preachers in my family history, but my cousin is doing some research and may find some who strayed a bit. Waiting to see what she comes up with.

Lori O. said...

Granny Lynne1, it would be so great to see you at a Momster gathering!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Gray and rainy here.

Hoda, thank you for the video of Nelson, its inhabitants, and its agriculture. I now know why you are always so happy and laid back and it has nothing to do with yoga (:

Wishing Lori a good outcome today.

Very happy Jo is getting better♥

Shep was on duty when I looked.

Okay, off for more coffee and then on to serial killers.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

Enjoy your time with the serial killers and cops. Such fun you have.

Need to check out Hoda's video.

stronghunter said...

Would love to see Lynne1 at a gathering. Yes!

stronghunter said...

Eagle calls.

WVJerry said...

Good morning everyone. No work today for some things to do at home today. Hope to watch cam off and on. Looks like it will be a decent day here...can see the sun more on the can now. Enjoy your day.

stronghunter said...

Shep calling.

magpie said...

There's one of our Momster Men,
er make that Dadster

Hello Jerry!

Good Morning Eagle Pals


magpie said...

I thought I saw the tree shake just as Shep (almost typed Lib!)
started calling out

Maybe Belle is eating breakfast
in the branches up above

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I predict the next egg will be laid tomorrow.

magpie said...

Saw Nelson, and Lydia's pictures....
very nice..
Nelson DOES look like a fun place,
I like the singing Mayor !

magpie said...

Okay prognostiator, Shar!
Good Morning to you also ☺

And to all the earlier arriving
Eagle Pals

Thinking of Loretta at 10 with her two doctor appointments

Lolly: I am sorry about Jack's co-worker....(( Hugs to Jack ))
and prayers for the man's family

magpie said...

prognostiCator, sorry Shar...
my fingers are not caught up with me yet

magpie said...

Hoping that Lori's workday IS or DID go okay...

Beautiful report, Wanda,
on Pastor Eddie's dinner, bet the Roasting was fun,
And Yay on the pill dispenser, but that IS the ticket for GG...and for YOU and Gene !

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good Monday,
everyone...for whatever is on
YOUR dance cards

ttfn morning stuff to do here
at The Roost

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed your video, Hoda. Nelson does look like a fun place. I will say that you had filled us in on some of the unique things about the town already. Nice to see it in pictures.

stronghunter said...

Noisy at the nest this morning. Wonder if the farmer is doing something?

stronghunter said...

Shep off the eggs. Eagle calls.

Costume Lady said...


It is beautiful morning here in Nestville, 46° going up to 61°. It will be in the 40s for a high, all week and in the 30s at night. Not too bad for our expetant parents:)

Waiting to hear from LORI & LYNNE in hopes that all goes their way today!

GOOD MORNING, JO (wherever you are); hope you are better each day♥

stronghunter said...

Both adults on the nest.

magpie said...

Spectacular update on the egg-laying seasons at NCTC by Paula
on the Momsters Page...
Bravo, Paula !
very nicely and lovingly done...♥

Hi Wanda!

I thought Shep was going to drop fluff on Belle's head and urge her to give up her spot....
I think she had breakfast, see some
reddish on her beak

magpie said...

wren - chirpy chirpy chirpy ♪ ♫

I think it is the farmer, Shirley.

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, he was certainly waiting for her to move, wasn't he?

magpie said...

Sure was, Susan!
G☺☺d M☺rning ☺

WV sUSAn said...

PAULA -- the Momster Page looks great!! Thanks so much for updating.

Margy, today would sure be a fab day for an egg. I hope if it is meant to be, that it's today... so there's less disparity in the eaglets.

Linda said...

Good Monday Morning!

LORI - Hope you will let us know what the MTBR is on the job front and praying things went well. I know you have been under a lot of stress with things.....

Hoping your Dad is doing better each day, too!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Judie, thanks for my first laugh of the day...knowing why our Hoda is happy and laid back.

52 here and cloudy, had a few sprinkles but a good chance of rain tonight and tomorrow. Put that on your prayer list...rain is always needed here.

See the sun at the nest and I like the weather prediction for the week.

That was a surprise this morning to read about the resignation of the Pope.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Linda! How is your hubby doing? Better, I hope!

Lolly said...

Egg roll, but he is not letting us see the eggs.

Linda said...


Dennis is 2 weeks post-op today and feeling pretty good. He has a follow up appointment today, which is good. I think his incision is infected and of course he didn't address it sooner. MEN!!!

Linda said...

Thanks for asking!!

He will probably just give him an antibiotic and it should heal up nicely.

The hard part is keeping him from lifting 40lb bags of bird seed, 50lb bags of flour, 30-40lbs of wood, etc... His limit is 25lbs!

Lolly said...

I know it must be hard. It is time for him to be well!! Enough is enough! lol

Linda said...

Can't argue with that.

He is close, though. He has a 3 month follow up with the urologist on Friday and if he is looking well and cancer free, we should be home free for another 6 months or so. That will free him up for the spring and summer as long as he is feeling well.

He does feel good, which is a good sign!!

magpie said...

All sounds very good, Linda...
yes, those lifting limits can be hard for anyone - men and women -
to abide by sometimes...

Best Wishes for all good outcomes...and you? are you doing okay also ?


GREAT day at the nest for Vitamins D and K....even if the eggs are uncovered once in's warm enough, no harm would occur

magpie said...

don't mean to leave before I see your answer, but I will check back in a little while
xoxo (( All Day Monday Hugs ))

Lolly said...

You just keep the weather like that, Margy!

I am off to start my day. Coffee is gone gone! :(

Not much on the agenda, so as I work around the house (laundry is already started),I will keep an eye on the cam.

glo said...

Good morning all. Oooops I missed morning out east. oK then good afternoon. I am sort of playing catchup on life without company. Cold and windy here. I think I will just stay home. If I go out with my camera I sit at my computer all evening and look at photos :-). there is always tomorrow after catch up today. Good news on Dennis. So glad to hear. Prayers for all continue. I think this week will see some good reports from several different folks. That is my "prognostication" LOL

Lynne2 said...

May I have your attention please.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I wasn't on the computer much this weekend. How is our precious Mema Jo?

Lolly said...

You have it , Lynne!!! Spill!!!!

Lolly said...

Jo was better at last report and she made one post yesterday.

Lolly said...

Well...come on!!!

We do not have all day! lol

Lynne2 said...

WE HAVE A HOME!!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Either Lynne, is typing a book or she is sadistic! Grrrrr!

Lynne2 said...

SORRY!! phone kept ringing....

Lolly said...

Oh, there you are!!! So, you got the apartment?

Lynne2 said...

the apartment close to work!!!! the one I wanted

Lolly said...

Thanks be!!!!

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynne! That is so awesome! Warmth and privacy at last!!!
Home sweet home! So, when do you move?

Lynne2 said...

Thank you all for the prayers!!!

He'll only give a month to month because they have never rented to people with pets before, just in case there is a problem. But that's pretty darn fair!!

Lolly said...

I am very good at helping movers. lol I am tireless and do not sit on my tush!!! I get the job done. Sorry I live so far away!

Lynne2 said...

They have to have a lead test done, and that may take a week or so, so at the moment, target moving date is the 23rd!

Lolly said...

Yes, that is fair, but does it mean a monthly inspection? Yikes!

Lolly said...

So, very happy for you. Gas bill will go down!!!

Lolly said...

We will want pictures, you know!

Lynne2 said...

I know you are Lolly!! Geez, Steve will be NO HELP!

Lolly said...

Yes, and that will really bother Steve. Laurel moved a 4 bedroom home with no help, well not much anyway! Grrrrr! He did not live in a wheel chair!

Lolly said...

Steve can sit at the new home and tell everyone where things go. While sitting in the wheel chair he can pack boxes of things he can reach.

Lolly said...

Okay, I have sat back down and I really need to get busy!

Lynne2 said...

I must get back to work!

Lolly said...

Eggs alone. HP in the attic?

Lolly said...

Big switcheroo, Belle on eggs now.

magpie said...

Hallelujah Lynne2 and Steve !!

magpie said...

Does Belle;s left eye (the
one facing us now...)

look just a little bit weird?

magpie said...

maybe her face was in some food

magpie said...

The nest bowl/cup is superbly well defined today

Lolly said...

Can not see her eye, Margy. Perhaps a smudge below the eye?

magpie said...

yes that is what I am seeing,
pretty much all around her eye
but more pronounced just below it.
maybe she tussled with a branch in flight or something.

Judie said...

Took a quick break. Derek and Savannah have an adorable bobble head - two days old and trying to climb up and look around. One egg remains.

stronghunter said...

Yay! Congratulations, Lynne! So happy for you! Yes, we want pictures.

stronghunter said...

I can't tell whether it is just a shadow on Belle's head or something below her eye, Margy.

Egg roll.

Hi, Judie. That is one cute little chick at CRC. Those eagles do a lot of hollering.

stronghunter said...

When I had the CRC open at the same time that I had our nest cam open, it was hard to tell where the hollering was coming from sometimes.

Judie said...

Congratulations Lynne2. Life will quickly settle down and you and Steve and furbabies will be set.

I also see what appears to be a purplish stain/color beneath Belle's left eye. Thought it might be a shadow but think it is a stain.

magpie said...

Hi Judie, Shirley and a host of others this afternoon....

Well, just hoping that eye is OK,
Belle does not seem bothered.
I'll just happily think it was a dunk in some chow

got to face the outside world
for bit, not so hard to do
on this nice day

xoxo ttfn ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Let me share a "small world" story with you. I watch the Great Dane cams all the time. The lady's name is Carlene White who owns the whole kittenkaboodle. I posted on her Doggie Daily blog this morning how much I would love to meet her and hear the stories of her life. She has had a busy and full life for sure. I then posted that I watched from Bluefield, West Virginia. She sent me an email and said her husband worked in Bluefield about 50 years ago delivering babies. While he did not deliver me, he did deliver 1 or 2 sisters of a friend of mine.

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch I really had to run to the bank and pay my house payment so I dropped in to see if we had a new thread and I see NOT
maybe I can get some thread reading done before haaving to head back to work 127 is when I punched don't want to be late have to keep an eye on the time as I read BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

OH JUDIE that is tooo funny with HODA being layed back I laughed at the end of the video tooo funny

JudyEddy said...

this is for LYNNE2 congratulation on the new place

▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, I don't think monthly inspections as much as complaints from the upstairs tenants. But there is nothing to hide so I don't mind even if he does want to check.

Cool picture Judy!

JudyEddy said...

yeah I am all caught up read 87 comments so won't have so many to read when I get home from work and I made it before I have to leave for work

Yep I see Belles eye a smudge wish we could zoom in on it

JudyEddy said...

I thought I would lend you a truck LOL since I can't lend a hand

JudyEddy said...

I wish she would tilt her head a little more so I can see it better this angle is hard to see

JudyEddy said...

I can't see her pupil at all
She keeps looking back and forth

JudyEddy said...

ok need to hit the road see u after work I may stop by the park to see the Cell phone tower eagles

Linda said...

Congratulations Lynne & Steve...
on the new home...

I am just so thrilled for you two!
Praying you have friends to help
with the moving...

Let's hope this is the beginning
of some really good things to
come in your lives....

stronghunter said...

Really does look purple under the left eye. Noticed also on the conversation under the cam image.

paula eagleholic said...

I say Tuesday or Wednesday...sometimes she does 4 days on the 3rd egg.

Congrats Lynne and Steve!! Whoo Hoo!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, that's pretty cool.

Hope the 2nd chick hatches at CRC. They did have 3 eggs, but most have lost one.

paula eagleholic said...

I can see the coloring under the left eye on the still cam.

Lynne2 said...

BTW....we never UNPACKED! Only the essentials, so there is little to repack!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, dear Eagle Buds ! You wild thangs, you make my heart ♫♪♫♫♪ ! Such happy news from the nest and from LYNNE and STEVE as they get ready to land in a new nest. So sweet of HODA to share "life in Nelson". How wonderful it is to see that LINDA's Dubby is recovering nicely. I certainly understand how difficult it is to obey the weight limit orders. The kids help out, but I often by things in smaller, more manageable lots, therefore paying more than I like at times !

Am praying for LORI and waiting for her report on the day's activity, outcome, etc.. Also praying for LORETTA as we await word from her !

SHAR, love your "small world, isn't it ?" story !

Love and prayers for Belle, Shep and all Momsters, friends and families ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

And...meant to say I'm so happy to see that LYDIA has joined our ranks ! What gorgeous pics of the nest, enhanced so beautifully by that clear, cloudless blue sky ! Gorgeous !

stronghunter said...

Love your "small world" story, too, Sharon.

Hoda said...

JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH YOU MISS JUDIE!!! It is the yoga DEFINITLEY THE YOGA!!!I have not repeat I HAVE NOT participated in Nelson's agricultural peruits!!! In the 60's I did sample but then again who did not!!!LOL!!!Remember I said sample and not use!!!Don't you go ruining my reputation MISS JUDY!!!
My feelings are so so so very hurt!!! LOLLY and JUDYE I thought you were my friends and you two laughed and joined in on it!!! LOL!!! I had better stop so I would not fall off the chair laughing.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne -- WOOHOOOOOOO So glad the first floor place will be THE one!!!

Hoda said...

LOVE YOU too are my nice or I will send a few Dragons your way!!!LOL

LYNNE what is a lead test...they have to have one before you move to the apt? Congratulations on the monthly rental. It gives you also the option to keep your eyes open for something you might like more once you move to Manchester.

Glad your daughter is getting better JANET and I agree the young women do not rest as much after child birth...Someone else asked about the norivirus not I!!!

LORI What is going on LORI...I can not wait to hear...PLEASE let us know how your meeting went.

It is FAMILY DAY long weekend here so the town is a bit more festive and people are enjoying the day off...

WV sUSAn said...

Oh Hoda, so funny!!!

Hoda said...

PAULA put the link of what you updated please...I visited all the sites and I am not sure I see something new!!! Sorry my confusion.

Hoda said...

sUSAn Don't you go laughing on me too and join MISS JUDIE and LOLLY and JUDYE!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Do you suppose they will let JO go home today? I am thinking so...

Hoda said...

Probably not today since you all are three hours aheadso it is close to four your time and we have not heard maybe not today for JO going home.

WV sUSAn said...

Hoda, I was thinking Jo may be home today but I haven't seen her on here. My chuckle was brief, Hoda, no dragons, please :-D

WV sUSAn said...

Oh Hoda, sometimes it is in the evening when patients are released. Especially if the doc has been in the office or surgery all day... they don't get to see the hospitalized patients until evening.

Hoda said...

OK sUSAn no DRAGONS since it was only a short laugh!!! LOL!!!
Thank you for the info as to when hospitals discharge patients...makes sense.

I am astounded the man who actually shot Bin Laden left the military and Navy Seals program with NO pension and no health care coverage!!! Shocking to me!!! He fears for his family and if anything was to happen to him he believes his wife should return to the base with the children. He is separated from her but continue to share the same house for financial reasons. All this is reported in the London Telegraph. I wished there was more support for the Military especially when they are discharged. I understand the suicide rates are high amnongst the every 65 seconds is what I read somewhere!!! Seems awfully high to me!!! God Bless them all.

Hoda said...

Now I read 22 veterans per day commit suicide...a google search! 3 times higher than the national average!!! Not acceptable!!!

stronghunter said...

Well, Judie, there you go. You are getting confessions out of Hoda. Sampled. Hmm. The question is this: Did you inhale, Hoda???

Being a few years older, I was out of college before so many were "sampling" or whatever. I am far too straight-laced, I am afraid. I am one of those who does not know what it smells like.

My daughter says I would recognize it, that surely I have smelled it before.

And those on here have accused me of growing it. I posted a picture of a casteberry bush (I think that is what it was) that I planted. The leaves do resemble the aforementioned plant somewhat.

That bush is still growing happily in my backyard. I think it would have been stripped by all of the neighborhood kids who used to cut through the yard if it had been mary jane.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that Jo does get to go home today.

It is sad about the veterans who do not get the support they need. Hope things work out for that Seal and his family. I have been hearing that story, too.

WV sUSAn said...

Hoda -- changed my avatar pic just for you. lol

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, homes built before a certain date, can't remember exactly what year, have to be inspected and certified lead free.

Great small world story Sharon!

Judie said...

Ah Hoda, me thinks thou dost protest too much -- waaaaaaay too

Paula, Derek and Savannah removed the non-viable egg several days ago. Hope the remaining egg is viable.

Sure wish we could figure out what is wrong with Belle's face.

WV sUSAn said...

FYI -- It's really me BUT that's white sage. I burn it outside during the summer and it keeps the flies and bugs away. Not really smoking, of course, but we were playing around for a funny shot.

Judie said...

Shirley, I never sampled. Had gov't clearances, single, and had to pay my own expenses. Sampling was not an option. The smell, however, is one you do not forget. Made me sick at a party is how I found out what "it" smells like. Now, about that plant in your yard...

Off to watch my gymnasts compete against UVA and Wm. & Mary.

Judie said...

White sage? Well, that's a new twist on the old joint.

WV sUSAn said...

hahahaha It works great, especially on pesky summer flies. They just disappear!

Hoda said...

Well come to Nelson and take a walk in the park and or downtown and the problem of smelling it will be gone!!! Even the RCMP and the Nelson City Police just keep going on their way with a twinkle in their eyes...SHIRLEY I will expect you to come for a visit then? OH I understand it is growing in your garden??? Word of a warning do not try to bring it across the border even the laid back Canadian Border Guards stand up for suspision of agricultural material crossing the border!!!

JUDIE If you do n ot watch it I will send a few DRAGONS out your way just sayin' " thou protests too much" you said!!! LOL!!!

Even the professors in Colorado and Iowa partook in the 60's!!! and Unlike President Clinton yes I did inhale!!!...

Sometimes we joke with each other in Nelson about taking in a deep breath are we? with a wink!!

NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE try sUSAn on the white sage...this is your story and you are sticking to it I am sure!!! Looks real to me!!!

That is a good one

Judie said...

If white sage smells like "it", I can understand the flies leaving.

Okay, bye

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Thank you LYNNE I am glad for the test do not want to live in a place with lead!

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Bye JUDIE Love you and you are funny about the flies leaving!!!

Hoda said...

Nice avatar sUSAn!!! White sage indeed!

Lynne2 said...

I don't partake. BUT, I have never known anyone personally who does/has and moved on to harder drugs, nor have I never know anyone to have the problems that alcohol creates, or prescription pain meds. And the medicinal benefits cannot be denied. If it were legal, they could tax it, use it for good. Just sayin'.

Lynne2 said...

Must go home and make PLANS!!!!!! See you all later this evening!

Hoda said...

Shep is Chirping and cam is twirling

Hoda said...

LORI the suspense is killing me...I am trying to be patient but man oh man am I curious as to the big news from you.

Hoda said...

Good luck LYNNE with the plans...I wished I was closer I too would lend a hand...

stronghunter said...

Jo just posted on FB. She is home.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon, everyone!

Congratulations on the new apartment, LYNNE2!!! I couldn't be happier for you, and I can see your smile from here!

The rest of my MTBR: I turned in my resignation at work today, in hopes of improving my own mental health and the health of my parents who I will now be able to help more easily. My last day will be Wednesday! No more driving to work in the freezing rain in the middle of the night and no more 7 day work weeks! I will now be spending most of my time at my folks in PA to help my Mom with my Dad's healing.

I didn't say anything, but when I went to leave Saturday morning, he broke down sobbing and cried for most of the day. He's now being watched for depression. It runs on his side of the family.

Hoda said...

More calling out by Shep but he seems to be alright with his incubating.

Hoda said...

God Bless you LORI!
This is big news and you are very good at your job and what a wonderful sacrifice you have made. I am glad that it will also relieve some of the extra stresses. God Bless your DAD also and your MOM.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and I hear SHEP calling his lover Belle to come take over Hope everyone had a great day me I am about to turn on the air cond I am HOT HOT my house says 79 hope it willl start to drop

Lori O. said...

Thanks for all your prayers about my day, before you even knew what was happening!

SHARON, loved your story about the baby doc in Bluefield! It's a small world.

KAY, I'm glad you're doing okay and send you a hug for the day... big (((HUGS)))

LINDA, thanks for sharing the good news about Dennis. Hope his appointment went well.

LOLLY, sorry about the loss of Jack's friend. I'm sure Jack was a big help with the eulogy. Prayers for his family.

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY for the ALERT that JO is home! Welcome Home JO.

Mema Jo said...

afternoon Monday HOME TTUL

Lori O. said...

HODA! Thanks so much. You are so sweet. BIG (((HUGS)))

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lori. Prayers for you and your family.

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Eagle cries! Shep poofs.

Lori O. said...

YAY, I just saw where JO is home! God is GREAT!!!

JudyEddy said...



Hoda said...

Yes indeed poof Shep eggs uncovered and someone in the attic from the sound of it it is SHEP!!!

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Camera is wobbly and here comes and eagle with a thud...MAMA BELLE is in the house!

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Yes, that sounded like he was tired of sitting on the eggs and wanted Belle to take over.

Maybe a little HP on the side?? Cam shake and I think that is Belle on the eggs now.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

LOVE YOUR PIC of your giant blunt I think they call it

and wow good idea to do for the buggies may be something we need to do here in fl for cookout
may have to check in to that

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo!!! Good to see you on here!!!


JudyEddy said...

White sage where do you get it Is it expensive???

Lolly said...

Wow, Lori, I am sure you are going to be missed. Really wonderful that now you can help your parents.

Add my name to the list of those who never sampled and I am not sure I have ever smelled it. Have never smoked either, but I do like the wine!! Or a good G&T!!!!!

Judie, you better be careful...I would be afraid of dragons if I were you.

Yea, Jo is home. Well, let's not let up on the prayers....we want her really well!!!

Hoda said...

My right ear is plugged!!! Yawning and blowing my nose is not working.
Any other suggestions!!!
It is all this talk about me and agricutlure that did it!!!
Seriously now any ideas how to unplugg an ear?

Hoda said...

Prayers continue for JO LOLLY...

Very happy JO is home.

JudyEddy said...

LORI what is a MTBR for one
and couldn't you have just put in for a LOA there?
with the FMLA Family Medical Leave Act That would have held you a job for 6mths Just wondering
and I commend you for doing so to help with you dad I know your mom will need all the help she can get and you know she willl appreciate it also Kuddos gal I sure wish I lived closer to help

magpie said...

Well, Belle IS blinking that left eye.


And Lori, 1000% support and respect for your choice....

(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

her right eye looks a little smudgy also...
I'm still thinking, messy food,
or a scrape with some twigs or branches;
not sure how or if we would find out otherwise

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I went looking on your blog for the picture of the plant and found your guilty bassett picture to cute but didn't see the pot plant LOL

magpie said...

very pretty sunset...Orange in the
West, Pink and Purple in the East...

JudyEddy said...

ok MARGY OR WANDY need to go get your binoculars and check out her eye you too are pretty close to the nest I am sure one of you have a tall enough ladder LOL

JudyEddy said...

pretty pretty pink is the nest

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


WV sUSAn said...

White sage is used for cleansing and blessing the home. It smells like the incense that is used at church. I love the smell of it and, like I said, great for the out of doors. You can order on line and it is not expensive. I won't go camping without it!

JO -- so glad to see you here and know you are back home. YEAHHHH

Lori -- you've made a huge decision, I see, and one you will not regret. Time really is of the essence and I'm happy you are able to be with your dad. <3

WV sUSAn said...

From eHow on white sage...

Considered a sacred herb by Native American people, white sage is used for purification and protection purposes. Many people follow the ancient Native American tradition of smudging, which is believed to clear away negative energies.

JudyEddy said...


WV sUSAn said...

WHAT JUDY?? Did the GHO lay one of it's own??

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

friends of PONCA OK

JudyEddy said...


WV sUSAn said...

JudyE, GHO has the eagle egg and has laid two of her own!!! Crazy!!!!

JudyEddy said...


Ma'am, you have a own in your GRILLE what a amazing video tooo cool

JudyEddy said...

SHEP must be in attic BELLE looks up every now and then

WV sUSAn said...

WOW JudyE. GHOs are getting a lot of attention lately! :-D

JudyEddy said...

Interesting story on it poor thing got hit by the truck and lived lucky

Hoda said...

what flew acrosss the screen? did anyone else see it? Belle turned to watch

Lolly said...

That video reminds time driving home in the evening I hit something, but did not stop. It flew in front of me...I was on a service road. Got home and asked Laurel to look...her eyes got big. I had a huge hole in the grill, there were also owl feathers on the front. The next day I looked for an owl on the road, but no owl. But, a few days later there was a dead owl in the middle of the road. ???? Never figured that one out.

JudyEddy said...

I sent the video of the GHO out too so if you get it just delete it I tried picking and missed up

Lolly said...

Did not see, Hoda, was typing.

JudyEddy said...

I saw the same thing maybe Shep is up there eating something HODA

JudyEddy said...

I caught it in the corner of my eye and saw Belle watch it too wasn't big

JudyEddy said...

House if finally cooling off
or I have just gotten use to it
72° out now
guess I could go look at the thermoter to see if it has cooled down

stronghunter said...

Bush picture was posted on my blog June 28, 2010, Judy.

JudyEddy said...

Yep just as I suspected still 79° in house Guess I just got use to it nice and confortable so will not turn on the AC

stronghunter said...

Have to fix dinner. BBL.

JudyEddy said...

I will go check it out

JudyEddy said...

I got to figure out what I want to eat

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