Thursday, February 14, 2013


New thread. 


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I had to check the sound to make sure the cam was still working because ever since Belle landed they both are in the same position Shep in cup and Belle at 6 STATUES

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Thank you for the new thread, STEVE.

Congrats on another feather, and thanks for the call over, JUDYE!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! For some reason I can't make hearts with my computer anymore...dang.

Lori O. said...

Sorry, my delete...IE acting up today.

JudyEddy said...

my Still cam is more that a hour behind How is yours??

JudyEddy said...

9:01 am is on the still and Shep in the nest and I opened another IE and it is the same

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

I've got the live cam on and it's Belle sitting on the eggs.

JudyEddy said...

I have 5 browsers open to get a better sound and all 5 were on differents so to speak one as at dark and Belle in nest the other had both in and the others were just of Belle had to refresh some lol need to pay better attention or only one browser LOL silly me

JudyEddy said...

lots of eagle chirps now In attic

JudyEddy said...

did you see my explanation of why there were two eagle the live cam was stuck on google now i am ok Belleup and moving flugg

JudyEddy said...

I love that little peeps eagle chirps and she is doing egg roll and picking at cup

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

my still cam is not showing the correct time either
but if it's going to be stuck..
I like this picture it is stuck on !

JudyEddy said...

Ok I need to go do some housework LM LM LM

magpie said...

Speaking of Google which JudyE mentioned...
I hope you all see the beautiful coloroful sparkly image for today

ttfn... back to the dough pile...
But Hello All [OLD] and NEW Thread pals....
xo ♥

magpie said...

Thanks Steve...
GREAT picture you have for us
on Valentine's Day! Happy one to you and your staff and Family ♥

thanks for the callover JudyE

Lolly said...

Good morning! I finally go fed up enought with the other laptop that I switched. Now I have to get used to this keyboard. Also it is windows 7 and I am used to Vista. Lots of frustration! Also, I have trained myself to use only the right shift key. lol Now I need to learn how to type again. lol Wow, I even have a z key that I just have to touch. roflmbo

Lolly said...

Please excuse all the typos, there are going to be lots of them!

Lolly said...

My biggest problem has been opening more than one window. Think I may have finally figured that one out!

Lolly said...

Shirley, have been thinking of you this morning and waiting to hear about Flash. Annie has eaten a little this morning. We have tried everything except people food and treats. Might try treats.

Lolly said...

I am going to get moving. Things to do and places to go.

Later Gators! Oh, and Happy Valentines Day!

JudyEddy said...

Hey did you notice Shhhhh that the spinning circle hasn't showed its ugly face yet today SHhhhhhh keep it on the down low LOL

JudyEddy said...

Its raining out so that will be no park today for Jordyn and I Will probably drop in a ChickFlLa they have the play area she loves it there so much cleaner that McD play area Carl jokes with me its not a public play ground Hey we buy a large fruit bowl and I have a tea and off course Jorydn always just want water so we spend money while she plays LOL

JudyEddy said...

ok I now see the spinning circle I should have never said anything LOL

paula eagleholic said...


Hope your day is filled with love and laughter

Jewels said...

Charlie came to see us at work. Brought all my coworkers on shift today a pink rose. Then gave me Roses too.
FOr those that did not know, I joined weight watchers 5 weeks ago, am down 12.5 lbs , so I have been telling Charlie, no sweets, so he gves me a heart that was full of chocolates!!! Open the box, no chocolate!! IT had 15$ worth of scratch off tickets called Chocolate. I won $15!!!!
have been getting them and have won off them each time. LOL!!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

My delete spelling error LOL

I said that was sweet of Charlie CAROLYN and great job with the weight loss I know how hard it can be

Lolly said...

Carolyn, you have a winner and I do not mean the lottery tickets!!

JudyEddy said...

gonna head to the Library hope they have forms and instruction book

Lolly said...

Jack checked the pond cam as he does each morning. We have three pics!! One we think is a possum, hard to tell. One is Annie and one is a squirrel. We are going to have to do better!

stronghunter said...

Called the vets office and wasn't able to talk to the vet because she was on the line with Kathryn, so I messaged Kathryn and she said that Flash will probably be hospitalized again tonight. That is really all I know. She said they discussed a lot.

I will have to wait until Kathryn gets home. She is trying to limit her phone conversations, etc., because she's on a new job.

NatureNut said...

Happy Valentines Day ♥
Just looked at nest and looks like Shep is eggsitting.I'm starting to tell them apart by tail shapes. His is like the bottom of a W and Belle's is pretty straight across. Of course, this will probably change as they molt and get new feathers.
Got started doing some tedious cleaning~~~~like inside of tall curio cabinet w/glass shelves and 3sides! Gotta get Windex to the rescue.
I really want to work on Park eagle pics, but that one eye is blurry w/spots~~need a patch or close it!!This too shall pass I hope--not a biggie.

Kay said...

Happy Valentine's Day Eagle Buds !

JEWELS, Charlie is a keeper, but then you already know that ! Kudos to you on the weight loss--I know your dear Mom is looking down and applauding with love !

LORI, how sweet is it to know you're now "retired", sleeping in just a dab and looking forward to whatever lies ahead. T'would be wonderful if Kate could relocate, too. Will pray about that ! ♥

Oh, poor Flash. SHIRLEY, he and his people are in our prayers, too ! So, too, are ANNIE and any other Petsters in need !

JERRY, I can testify to the fact that Momster prayers are powerful ! We've got your MIL and the whole family covered !

WANDA, thanks for sharing retirement thoughts with LORI, et al. I loooovvveeee retirement, too !

I'm joining Julie's family at a friends house tonight for "A Valentine's Day Dessert Extravaganza". Can't eat the sweets, but will enjoy the fellowship !

ANDY, I hope you're feeling much better today ! Prayers continue !

And, love and prayers for all !


Kay said...

LYNNE1, I loved your recollection of the little doxie, the treatment given and the wonderful recovery ! I never tire of our "pet stories" ! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Love you valentine gift from hubby, Jewels

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to have feet-up time

BBL this evening ♥

Lori O. said...

CAROLYN, what a sweet hubby you have! Loved the empty chocolates box wiwth lottery tix! Congrats!

JO, keep your feet up all day if it makes you feel better. Just want you to have a happy Valentine's Day! Big Hugs!

KAY, have fun at the dessert exstravaganza tonight. Sounds like heaven. You have some will power!

SHIRLEY, have been thinking bout you and FLASH all day. Hoping Kathryn gets home fast tonight so you can hear the news. Or maybe you could call the vet this afternoon. Praying he's okay.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, of course you can use the Chik FilA playground! Carl is funny. You're a great Oma! Hope you enjoyed your day off.

magpie said...

Yes, I am one of Carolyn's co-workers and I got one of those pink roses...
AND a couple of Bear Hugs...

we leave now soon....
xoxo 'Evening Pals...

Sandi said...

Home from another day at the middle school house! Not as much drama as I expected for a Valentine's Day - pretty calm.

I see Shep is egg sitting, all the snow has melted, and it looks like new grass has been brought in - all piled up in one spot.

Shirley, thought about Flash all day today; I sure hope Kathryn comes home with encouraging news.

Jewels, what a thoughtful Valentine's gift from your hubby!!

I came home to 2 puddles of pee to clean up - one on the dining room hardwood floor and the other on the area rug in the living room (saw Bella sniffing the rug and knew there must be something on it that she was smelling). Fortunately, I always buy area rugs that can be washed in the washer and I have a machine big enough to hold a 5' X 8' rug. But I am angry with Dennis that he allowed Bandit to free roam and make not one, but 2 messes in the house!! GGRRRRR!!!!!

OK, need to make the grocery list and then get to the store - later all!!

Mema Jo said...


stronghunter said...

Lovely gift from your husband, Carolyn. How thoughtful of him.

magpie said...

I see Jo's Sycamore Palace avatar is back!
Good Test, Jo !
I liked the Valentine's Day one also, by the way ♥

magpie said...

Beauteous colors on Shep right now..almost like a Henna color
late evening sun

magpie said...

ALL the snow is gone from the nest...especially when compared to the 9:01 pic of the Still Cam...still at 9:01 am

magpie said...

I think I hear a Robin,
A Wren
A Jet Airplane
and I think a Cardinal ☺

Sandi said...

Looks like Belle just landed in the tree. Shep sounds like he wants a break!

Sandi said...

Shep took off to the tree. Sounds like some HP happenin' up there! Eggs are alone.

Sandi said...

Just saw the cam shake some more. I think Shep has taken off. Waiting for Belle to drop down into the nest for the night.

Mema Jo said...

Our egg cup is awesome
I would also like to stay with the 2 eggs!

Sure hope prayers will help heal Flash

Sandi said...

Shirley, love love love the photo of Flash that you posted on FB!!

Sandi said...

And there's Miss Belle!

stronghunter said...

Well, we are having pizza tonight. I tried to defrost a chicken, and it still has a way to go. Should be good for tomorrow night.

stronghunter said...

Got that from Kathryn's FB page, Sandi. He has the most trusting brown eyes.

Lolly said...

We are finally home. Visitation went well. Then Jack and I to Central Mkt in Ft Worth to get veal and prosciutto for our meal tonight. I took a detour to get lemons for a lemon pie, Jack's favorite, then he took a detour to pick up a dozen red roses...all at the grocery store. lol We are romantic!

Lolly said...

Off to make a lemon meringue pie!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn came home and the news is really not too good. A decision will be made tomorrow about Flash. They said that he was worse this morning, but, that later in the day, he did respond when the vet pinched his foot. He tried to bite her. She said he was probably confused when she told him he was a good dog for trying to bite. However, he cannot even empty his bladder without their help. And he is not eating. I do thank everyone for the prayers and concern.

stronghunter said...

I love lemon meringue pie, too, Lolly. I don't make them too often, though. Used to make one for my husband's birthday. With Kathryn'z birthday Sept. 22, Cy's Oct. 2, and Rus's Oct. 8, we needed something besides cake for one celebration.

stronghunter said...

It seems that the new guy in Susan's life is on that cruise ship that is in the news now. Just found that out tonight.

They have been dating--don't know how involved the relationship is at this point.

Lolly said...

One lemon pie made, just need to make the meringue.

Lolly said...

I do not make them often either, Shirley. I love making desserts, breads, etc....just can not do it. I would be bigger than a barn! lol

It is not sounding good for Flash. Bless his heart! This is the problem with loving pets.

Lolly said...

Oh, and I can not remember the last cake I baked for a birthday. Everyone chooses to have a pie. Joseph wants pumpkin pie on his birthday. Cherry Cheese cake is another favorite in the family for birthdays.

magpie said...

Loving and Peaceful thoughts headed your way, Shirley
and to all your family.....
I hope and pray that whatever the outcome, Flash will be in
He surely is well-loved and has
had the BEST home that ever could be had...
(( Hugs and ♥♥♥♥'s)

magpie said...

Good that you and Jack can be there for your friend and his family, Lolly....
difficult times are surely made
more peaceful with loving and caring friends....

magpie said...

Quiet night time here for me now

Lovins' and Prayers for All...
and surely,
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, hoping that Flash is improved by morning.

I see we are at 2 eggs..I am OK with that...maybe 3 next year!

Love and hugs to all, Happy Valentine's Day.

Heading to Larry's for dinner.

till tomorrow...

paula eagleholic said...

Great gift, Jewels!

Lolly I am LOl at Annie getting her pic taken by the pond cam!


Sandi said...

This was posted just under the live cam picture when I refreshed the page:
Rob Ball · Top Commenter
We updated the feed settings a bit more, please tell us whether you see more buffering, less buffering, or the same. Thanks

I didn't notice the spinning arrow as much this afternoon, though I haven't watched the cam all that much today.

Shirley, I'm so sorry to hear that Flash isn't much better. Maybe the steroids will kick in tonight. How difficult for you and your family!

Grocery shopping done! Gonna hop in the bathtub before Grey's Anatomy comes on! Good night all!!! Tomorrow is Friday and it's a 3-day weekend!!! YAY!!!!!

Hoda said...

Tough one on FLASH SHIRLEY I am sure you will make the right decision by him...

SANDI I rather think your thinking is right on the Admin and your email to them.

SWEET JEWELS your visit today from CHARLIE...really sweet.

Thinking of LYNNE and wondering if she heard any news on the flat test?

ANNIE stories are touching and I think it is practical and romantic you two are...

Had a very good day. I got called a local by some valley people...this is really Hippie Land more so than Nelson and they thought I was a hippie!!! I am still smiling!!!The concert was good and the desert was delicious and the music was very folk type and the atmosphere was pleasant.
Then I went to the Flash Dance and now am headed out to Zestty Italian cooking and supper...I think it will be a positive experience.

The nest looks good.

ANDY I hope you are better today.

C/A liked a post on FB so I wrote her telling her we missed her.

JudyEddy said...

Home from Angies Hey I wonder when the did the live cam thing If that is what broke the still cam But I did notice this am that the spinning circle wasn't there as often

Lynne2 said...

Happy Valentine Day my Eagle Loves!

My turn for a wrong way day....

Tried to get Steve to his Dr appt this AM and got stuck in a major traffic jam and had to turn around.

Lost the Valentine card I got for him. Still can't find it.

Went to bank to make cash depo at drive through. Waiting waiting, complaining why it was taking so long for something so simple, when finally the lady calls and asks if I am still filling out paper work. DUH. I forgot to hit the button to send the tube inside.

From there we went to the gas station. I asked Steve to give me cash...full serve place, love it. I wanted to fill it. I told him 40 would do it. He handed me money that I then proceed to count it twice and insist he only gave me 30. So he gave me another 10. I handed it to the attendant, he thanked me and walked away but them came rushing back, handing me the extra 10 I overpaid him.

Hello, my name is Lynne and my favorite color is CLEAR.

Lynne2 said...

Joke is fine. No diabetes, no hyperthyroidism. Will recheck blood in a month or so just to make sure.

Lolly said...

So, Lynne, you had one of those days!

Our dinner is almost ready. Involtini (veal roll ups}, pasta with pesto, and salad. Jack has opened a great bottle of wine, pie is in the refrig...HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Diet starts for sure tomorrow!!!


Lolly said...

Oh, I hate this other laptop! Grrr! And on it I have not figured out how to do the smiley faces and music notes. Grrrrrr!

So happy Joker is okay. Annie has eaten a wee bit today and I do mean wee bit. We give her one small spoonful at a time.

Lynne2 said...

oh, I forgot the part about how I tried to get into the car this AM only to find all four doors frozen shut.......

and apparently, Puddles escaped out the basement door while I was removing Daisy's leash. I didn't even know until Tracey opened the upstairs door and asked if I was missing a dog.

OMG. I have not had a day this CLEAR since my Savior was in diapers. HE will surely put me in a corner with a dunce cap on my head, when I get to Heaven

Lynne2 said...

LOL Lolly!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Has Annie ever gone this long without eating before?

Lynne2 said...

Well, time to get myself tucked in like Belle. Have a good night and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

So glad that Joker is fine, Lynne2.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it another good day - Wishing that everyone had a sweet Valentine's Day - Good Night to all my friends

Prayers for Flash!

TTUT I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Excellent Zesty Italian cooking course and it worked well with all that we prepared. We ate and there were some young people there who were very very helpful.

Glad to be back and LYNNE be patient with yourself and I am sorry you had a day full of confusion. Glad Joker is OK.

LOLLY I almost thought you did a face plant. Getting used to a new computer is tough.

I live the Sycamour Palace Avatar JO. One of my favourites.

Hoda said...

Not many posts since I left so I take it all is quiet at the nest.

Beautiful crescent moon a few nights old. Our skies are clear and I think it will be a bright sunny day tomorrow. I must go out and enjoy the sun.

Lolly said...

Lynne, Annie is eating less and less. She is also sleeping more and more, except at night!!! At night she yowls loudly!

Our dinner was great, even ate by candlelite. lol About time to serve pie. Yep, kinda late, but we ate late!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn found her car frozen, too, Lynne2. And she was delayed on her way to work because there were accidents. She said everything was icy.

stronghunter said...

I need to wind down for the night and hit the pillows.

SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Well Happy St Valentine to everyone. His relic is in Ireland...



Lolly said...

It is time for me to say good night. Pie was very very good, if I may say so myself.

Prayers for Isaac, read on fb that he pulled out his feeding tube. He is at the hospital.

Night all! SED

Costume Lady said...

So, so tired and happy.
Got GG to two dental appointments today...1 hour at first one and 10 mins. at second one. Second doctor will pull three teeth before she can have her partial plate attached. It will be at least 2-3 weeks before she can have her new partial put in place. She is very anxious to get her permanent teeth


Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

Listening to the great horned owls outside and to Belle chirping softly on the live cam. Moving off those 2 eggs for a poop shoot. Now calling out, maybe for a break?

Sandi said...

Belle is rolling the eggs and wiggling back down. She must have given Shep his "2 minute warning."

We are heading to Baltimore this afternoon to visit my mom for the weekend. Madeline's 11th birthday ( my sister's daughter)is on Sunday so we will be celebrating that as well.

Lori, are you headed to your folks' house today? If so, safe travels!

Shirley, prayers for Flash that he did well last night.

Off to catch up on FB and then get ready for my day! Looks like more snow headed this way tonight.

Make it a great one!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SANDI and other eagle friends about to appear!

A slow day on the blog yesterday - not much reading.

Sandi, I'll probably leave for my folks on Monday, it's the first day with no snow in the forecast through the mountains, which are always a mess even with an inch of snow.

Shirley, prayers for Flash, and hopes that you receive good or better news today.

Gotta run and feed the cats who are getting rowdy! Hope everyone has a great day. Will check in later.

Lori O. said...

Belle is chirping and looking around.

Mema Jo said...

good morning

Mema Jo said...

Long face plant, Wanda
Hope your head was on the pillows nd not your keyboard
Love ya ♥

Lori O. said...

JO, what are you doing up so early?

Lori O. said...

JO, excuse me, I should have said good morning, first! :)

Sure looks like 3 eggs in the cup!

Lori O. said...

Do we have three eggs? Shep has just arrived after Belle took off.

Janet said...

quick good morning. off and running ..... work today and work this weekend...for those of you with a 3 day-er! enjoy!

light, love and hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see Shep on the eggs. And speculation about how many eggs there might be.

Wow, meteorite explosion in Russia. Kathryn told me this morning. She said her brothers are Facebooking about it.

Going to need to take a few minutes to see Hunter off in a bit. Kathryn said he came into her room crying last night. He did not want to talk about Flash when she came home, but it is on his mind. She did make him listen to the truth. Or at least the amount of truth she thought he could handle.

Night light just went off at the nest.

Watched the docking of the cruise ship last night. Wondered how Susan's new friend might be doing. Will need to check to see if she has heard from him.

Going to listen to Bill Nye the Science Guy about the meteorite.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Lori! Just an old hospital habit & I am hungry lol

How about the meteorite. Unexpected for sure

Prayers for Hunter and his boyhood experience with Flash

Didn't see into the egg cup this morning. Wait and see at the switch
Going to eat......... brb

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals
RED Friday that is....
hope it is not too late for some of is to don some RED...
Redskins shirt for me today..

God Bless Our Military,
Every Day xo ♥

Best Wishes for Every One to have a good day, safe travels...
peace and comfort...
Prayers for wellness....
special thoughts of you, Shirley, and all your family....and Flash...

Short on time right now.
must get ready for work.....

xoxox ((All Day Hugs ))

stronghunter said...

BBL--Time to check on Hunter. He is running a bit later than usual this morning, and his mom left already because she has to resume her long commute northward. Training sessions have been completed.

magpie said...

Bluebirds ♪ ♫

Sandi said...

There were only 2 eggs when I shut down my laptop at 6am. I'm certain of it. So if we have 3 now, then she laid an egg this morning!

Kids will be coming down the hall soon! Later!

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle peeps. I think there are only two eggs, but Shep didn't give much of a look.

I'm off today to make soup for women's Club to sell. Since I am tallish, they always get me to ladle into containers. We'll make 100 qts + of vegetable and 50qts+ of potato. At least I know what I am having for dinner!

Hoping for the best for Flash..

stronghunter said...

Hunter is safely off to school. Frosty morning out there.

Pretty sunshine on the nest and on Shep.

stronghunter said...

Thanks again, Lynne1 and everyone else for the kind words about Flash.

Lori O. said...

LYNNE1, how nice of your group to do that. Does it go to the needy?
That's a lot of soup!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle friends.

T-Bird said...

I love the Redskins attire Magpie.

Lori O. said...

What I probably saw this morning was the two eggs, but one with flugg on it making it look like another egg...Two eggs is best.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. T-G-I-F!!

I love us!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lily cam is working again and is really nice. Thinking is Lily may again have a boy and a girl.

Phoebe has two new egglets.

Shep is on duty and looks quite handsome in the sunshine.

Shirley, so sorry Flash is not improved. I feel sad for Hunter. Hope Flash will get better.

Lolly, also sorry that Annie is not well. Out last boy, Koko, was similar and we finally realized his body was just failing. His sister, Lily, went through the early morning crying - feline dementia.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lily cam is working again and is really nice. Thinking is Lily may again have a boy and a girl.

Phoebe has two new egglets.

Shep is on duty and looks quite handsome in the sunshine.

Shirley, so sorry Flash is not improved. I feel sad for Hunter. Hope Flash will get better.

Lolly, also sorry that Annie is not well. Out last boy, Koko, was similar and we finally realized his body was just failing. His sister, Lily, went through the early morning crying - feline dementia.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Watching SHEP in the nest playing with sticks!!

I think he is bored. It was kind of cute seeing him pick up the stick with his beak and arch his high and look like he was going to throw it. Now he is picking at flugg all around him!! Maybe he is trying to clean his beak from this morning's meal. Eigher way, he is restless!!

Wishing everyone a great day today!

stronghunter said...

Conversation between Luna and Lucky last night:

Luna: Momma Kathryn, please let me on your lap. I will be a lap dog while you sit on the recliner.

Lucky: Hisssss! I got here first!

Luna: Oh please, Lucky. I will not take much space.


Luna: Woof! Woof! (From across the room.)

Lucky: HISSSSS! SNARL! Go to H***!!! I AM CAT! You are dog.

End of conversation.

stronghunter said...

Caption on a small cat statue I saw at the vet's:

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

Linda said...


Don't know if you've heard the sayings:

Cats Rule...
Dogs drool....


Dogs have owners...
Cats have slaves...

Sounds that way in your roost!! LOL

Linda said...

There you go! I may have misspoke on the "cats have slaves." I think you were right in saying they have "staff."

JudyEddy said...

Good Chilly morning from Florida

JudyEddy said...

What was that

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes, Annie has staff. She has her door openers and her chefs. She definitely has feline dementia!!! But, she is eating this morning! Yea! Jack has not weighed her lately...said he was afraid to weigh her.

Lori, glad you are not leaving until Monday. This gives you more time to pack and you definitely want good roads!

Wind is picking up at the nest. One good thing about this other laptop is the sound is louder. Howeverm a friend has asked for me to email her a certain picture. It is on my old laptop. Jack has saved all pictures to an external hard drive, but I miss being able to go to pics!

Lolly said...

I have finally discovered how to open two windows. Need to discover how to do a lot of things on it. Too old for change. lol

stronghunter said...

Funny, Linda!

Yes, I have heard the first one. Not sure about the second one.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

Prayers for Flash, Annie, and their people today. Glad Joker is OK!

Lots of additions to the prayer list--Jerry's MIL, Lori's parents, GG with her dental appts. today, Isaac with his pulled-out feeding tube.

Lolly & Jack, will be thinking of you today. Prayers!

I am mostly surviving, but this sore shoulder is driving me nuts!
Taking XS Tylenol and applying heat helps. Think a pinched nerve is involved. Feels like nerve pain, and it travels from between my shoulder blade and my spine to the tip of my shoulder, then zings down my arm and makes my thumb feel like its asleep. Plan on going to urgent care after Ken gets home from work and from running 2 urgent errands. Don't want to suffer through the weekend! Ken has Monday off, too.
Also, got 2 large envelopes of work to do from the doctor yesterday. No rest for the weary!

Think I'm gonna go take a really hot shower and see if I can get rid of some of the kinks I've got.
Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day (We did!), and have a good Red Friday! Hope to be back later tonight with an update.
I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...

Andy, do get to the doctor!!! Also, do appreciate your peeking in here and letting us know how things are going. Keep us updated on this, too. If you disappear now we would really panic!

Yesterday at the visitation everything went very well. So many of Ray's fellow engineers were there. These guys really know how to step up! Have to tell you all a sweet story. There is a group of these guys (engineers) that have lunch together every two weeks. One of the guys was hit and killed while riding his bycycle a couple of years ago. Yesterday they invited his widow to lunch with them, gave her a box of candy and a valentine. I got tears in my eyes when I heard about it.

Lolly said...

Today we drive to south Dallas to the Natl. Cememtery for a grave side service. It is cold and cloudy. Yesterday was sunny and beautiful!

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, that is a sweet story of the guys inviting the widow to lunch! How kind and loving.
Prayers for everyone at the service today.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon
Lazy today - Lunch is finished - Maybe I should try a short cup of coffee!


stronghunter said...

I will be meeting Kathryn this afternoon to send Flash over the Rainbow Bridge. He is not better today.

stronghunter said...

This is the picture of Flash that Kathryn and I have posted on our FB pages.

Those brown eyes can look right into your soul.

stronghunter said...

We think it is possible that he has been in pain for some time. He has sometimes been grouchy and would try to bite.

stronghunter said...

We had been actually treating him for pain. It seems that his body has just failed him, sweet dog that he is.

stronghunter said...

Sweet story about the engineers, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

On Flash--he was not getting pain meds recently, just being protected and given glucosamine. But we had the pain meds from his recent problems.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY So sorry about Flash


stronghunter said...

Kathryn went north today--back on the long commute--to her new workplace. It is very near where she was working before. The training period is over. It was an awkward time. The person she is replacing was there cleaning out his desk.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

This is a video on my neice Elizabeth Ives. So proud of her. If you watch the video, you have to get through the basketball reporting to see Elizabeth but it is so great! Proud of her. She is my sisters oldest grandchild. She graduates from Siena in May.

Liz Ives

JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Shirley, so very sorry. Such a difficult decision. My heart is with you and the family.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judy and Judie.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, am saddened to hear about Flash. Last night we had to send my daughter's cat to the Rainbow Bridge and it was very hard though we knew it was better for Berry. There is an empty space in the house today. Everyone feels it even the other furbabies. Will be thinking of you and Kathryn and Hunter and your household as you help Flash to the other side.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, I am heartbroken for you and your family about FLASH. My prayers are with you all during this tough time. Big Hugs.

Lori O. said...

NCSuzan, so sorry to hear about your daughter's cat. It's never an easy time or decision to make. Prayers for all of you.

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

What happened to CarolAnne?

I think it was she who mentioned about a friend of hers who does resumes and I was hoping to get in contact with her.

Does anyone have CA's email address they could email to me?

JudyEddy said...

sounds like HP in the Attic

JudyEddy said...

cam shaking

JudyEddy said...

and Shep is here biping up sitck and what a odd place to put it on edge of cup

JudyEddy said...

he settles dwon on the eggs and moves the sick to the other side of the cup maybe it a play thing for him later

magpie said...

I am very sad that you have to let Flash go
But you and Kathryn and the Vets...
seem to have done all that was possible

(( Hugs ))

NCSuzan - also sorry about your
daughter's cat Berry...

(( Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

he is pulling flugg to his chest and picking around him always busy

magpie said...

I have C/A'S email address and also regular mailing address...
BUT I do not have it here with me at work

magpie said...

Can's see zip on the cams here at work
sounds busy and noisy, JudyE
Enjoy !

JudyEddy said...

sounded like a eagle call in the distance??

magpie said...

Can't see zip that is

Lolly - love the Engineers story regarding their heart-felt mission yesterday for their
workpal's widow...

magpie said...

But Lori:
I bet ya' a million smackers that you will get the info way before I send it to you

magpie said...

I have some of the same
kinds of pain from top of shoulders/neck
down to the inner wrist of right hand.
Hope yours gets healed quickly

JudyEddy said...

lots of different birds call at the nest

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I am sorry to hear about Flash but I commend you and Kathryn for your decision
Prayers for your family

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Love, hugs and prayers Shirley. I know that is a hard but selfless and loving decision to make for Flash.

Lori O. said...

Thanks MARGY - glad someone has it! Thank you!

Lori O. said...

Oh MARGY - I just found it...duh! Thanks for the offer.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Am home and caught up on the blog since this morning. I see no more mention of a 3rd egg - good news!

Shirley, I am so sad to hear about Flash! Making a decision like that is hard enough when your pet is old and you have time to prepare for it. But it's so much harder when you have a young, healthy pet who goes downhill very suddenly. I will keep you and Kathryn and Hunter in my prayers - a very tough life lesson for Hunter.

Need to shut down the computer and finish packing - hope to be on the road to Baltimore within the next half hour. Will check in during the weekend via my Kindle.


Lynne2 said...

Just checking in from work and see that Flash has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Shirley, I'm so sorry. (((((HUGS))))) Please extend my sympathies and hugs to Kathry and to Hunter, too.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !

My heart aches for SHIRLEY and NCSUZAN as they and their families bid dear Flash the dog and Berry the cat farewell. Love the Flash avatar--floppy eared hound dogs always grab my ♥.

LORI, glad you're waiting for better weather and roads--will be thinking of you Monday as you wend your way toward your precious parents !

ANDY, I'm very concerned about your condition and hope you are seeing a doctor as I write !

LOLLY, the Engineers Valentine Day Treat for a Widow story is truly ♥ warming ! Thinking of you again today--so nice of you and Jack to take part in the celebration of life for your friend two days in a row !

The "Dessert" last night was a fun event. The hosting couple even had a couple of non-sugar items that were quite tasty. They are trying such recipes as their 9 yr. old twins are way too wired on sugar !

Snowing again today as Winter refuses to move over for Spring. There are crocus n' tulip leaves emerging, however, so there is hope !

Love and prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters in need !!!


Kay said...

And, here are some purty yeller tulips for y'all ! ♥

stronghunter said...

I hear rain at the nest. Looks very wet there.

Suzan, so sorry to learn of the loss of Berry. Condolences to your daughter as well. A hard thing to have to do for sure.

Lolly said...

Shirley, so very sorry about Flash. It is good that he is no longer in pain and he was surely confused as well. Bless his little doggy heart! It will not belong before Annie goes across the bridge to growl at all the doggies. Today she is eating and eating well. ?????

The service today at the Natl. Cememtery was very nice, there were so many Patriot Riders there, very impressive. Loved the taps, but oh so sad. Oh, and it was very cold. Wore my coat Lynn helped me find on line. Remember when Jack gave my coat away? lol Anyway, I can not help but remember Lyn when I wear this coat.And, would you believe that Jack's coat, that he thought he was giving away, is still in the closet? Grrrrr!

glo said...

Hugs Shirley I write with tears anytime a cherished pet is sent over the Bridge by their loving family. I know how much love it takes to let go of those wonderful members of our family. Please hugs around for Kathryn and Hunter too. I have had company all day today. Hoping everyone here is doing well enough. I did a quick read of Shirley's posts to find the info on Flash. Hungry now I must find some food.

Lolly said...

Rain at the nest. Poor Belle...time for the mumbrella!

Janet said...

popping in for a min....

stronghunger and ncsuzan: so sorry to hear of the furbabies ....such difficult decisions....light and love to you all....

been a busy day. gonna start dinner (steak & cheese quesedillas) and then finish preps for class this weekend.

it is chilly out....the wind is chilly. glad to be inside tonight! :) i filled the bird feeder and the suet as well. our weather has certainly been up and down this "winter".... chance of snow flurries tomorrow...and chance of tornados next week. not kidding! well, can't complain, at least its not a meteorite exploding over our heads....

hope everyone has a pleasant evening....

Lolly said...

Watching the news on the meteor that hit in Russia...unbelieveable!!!

grannyblt said...


Sorry to heat about Flash. He is pain free now.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley and Suzan,

So very sorry on the loss of your pets. Our furbabies are so near and dear to our hearts. Love and hugs to you and your family.

paula eagleholic said...

I am heading to the beach!

Going to my place, and will stay with the neighbors, Sue Ellen and George.

Larry is staying home. His sister had hernia surgery, and although she is doing well, he will stay home to help her and care for her.

Love to all, will check in later from Paradise!

Lolly said...

Enjoy, Paula. So very neat that you have wonderful neighbors!

Sandi said...

Good evening all! At Mom's place! It has gotten much colder and snow is in the forecast here tonight.

Paula, enjoy your weekend at the beach! I think it was just about this time last year when you and I met face to face for the first time so I could give you my Dell desktop computer and monitor to give to Lynne.

I will "see" everyone in the morning!

Hoda said...

Sorry about FLASH. Right decision and difficult decision SHIRLEY. Thinking of YOU KATHRYN and HUNTER.

Awesome the guys inviting their friend's widow to lunch on Valentines Day. Heart wqaqarming how they sent their friend off today...Bless them all it must be tough on them. Glad you had your coat and of course you think of LYNN LOLLY. Glad ANNIE is a bit better today.

LORI good idea to take the weekend off and rest some continue to get up very early.
C/A has major problems with her sight and this is why she does not blog any more.Her husbands reads her the FB posts.

Good day here. The skies were clear and it continues to feel like spring.

Safe travels to the beach PAULA. LARRY continues to sound like a very decent human and a man with a big heart.Good on him.

Hoda said...

My complaint section just because I am worried. My niece in Egypt was chased by some thugs carrying a machine gun. She was in her car and she escaped them. The car behind her was not so lucky!!!
I am worried!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...