Saturday, February 09, 2013

Saturday Night

Second egg thread.


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paula eagleholic said...



Lolly said...

Oh, I like this.....second egg thread!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve!!

Will we have a 3rd???

stronghunter said...

How did I not see the second egg when she got up? I wanted to get a pic, but didn't.

Lolly said...

So, was Steve watching, did someone email him, or did he read it on fb. lol Tell us Steve!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I just hooked up some speakers I found in the basement to my laptop. Could hear the grass crunching underneath her feet!

Ajay is still here, she has run out to pick up the Chinese food...then we will tackle the basement some more.

Boy, we took a break at the right time!!

Oh, and I'll take another feather! Think I'm up to 3.

Lolly said...

It was fast, Shirley. Just barely got a glimpse, but saw the two.

Linda said...

It was fun reading through the coaching and supporting of Belle laying that second egg!!!

So happy to hear we have a duo in the nest tonight!

Sweet Dreams, Belle!!!

Lolly said...

Yes, Paula! Take another feather. lol

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the call-over, Paula. And, of course, for the new thread, Steve. The second-egg thread!

Linda said...

LYNNE2 - I can imagine how the waiting is killing you. We'll say a prayer and put it in God's Hands!! Praying He agrees that is the one for YOU and STEVE!!!

Are you feeling better??

LORI - Would love to know you are home safe and sound....... Prayers her trip was safe and she came home and was just too exhausted to post!! She may have been attacked by a rash of puppy kisses!!!

stronghunter said...

I went to full-screen and was all ready. Shucks.

Linda said...

Yes, thanks for the call over, PAULA and for keeping up with the eggtivity of our nest, STEVE!!

Lolly said...

Jack is cooking bacon, need to go thaw meat and make patties. Bacon cheese burgers....coming up. Oh, I will starts next week. Groan

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

LYDIA you have a VIDEO of the hatch??? is that what I read

magpie said...

Ys, Congrats Paula !! Thanks for the alert!

Steve! Thanks for the new thread, and once again
Congratulations to you, NCTC, and the Royal Resident Pair !!

JudyEddy said...

I love Steve pic on facebook COLD brrr but neat pictures both of them

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Paula for the call over. Belle is awake - still sounds pretty windy at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

yep 14 min ago he LIKE my comment I went to do JO to but others beat me LOL

Sandi said...

Judy, if you look under the live cam picture, someone at Hancock was videoing as Belle laid egg #2.

JudyEddy said...

STEVE also posted in on our fan page

When I posted it on facebook I used the @in front of the Shepherdstown and it also applies it to the fan page I love that option on facebook

JudyEddy said...

Thanks SANDI I was there watching it but was just wondering when she made the statment

magpie said...

Said on old thread:

Yay for CRC, and thanks Paula for the eggzciting news there!

and Lynne2! You must get that first sounds heavenly the more you speak of it, Just as YOU are... and the guy in charge sounds pretty hip... ☺

(( Hugs and Positive Thoughts for a Good Outcome...for you and
Steve xoxox ♥♥ ))

Sandi said...

Video of the egg laying was done by Deb Stecyk.

Margy, I am having oatmeal for dinner - good meal for such a cold evening! I don't usually put cinnamon on mine but did this evening at your suggestion!

JudyEddy said...

Yeah I remember the Hannock gal that does great video tooo don't recall her name Debeagle maybe not for sure

magpie said...

So, Jo knows ?? is that what I read?

thanks JudyE for getting that to Steve - he is way cool and on top of all things Sycamore Palace !

JudyEddy said...

oh that is tooo funny just as I was composing my last you posted it and yep that is her

magpie said...

Sounds like a.m. in the p.m. Sandi!
Yummers !

JudyEddy said...

don't know if she knows I know someone post on facebook page that all I read

JudyEddy said...

OH I love oatmeal as dinner but I like mine with just a drop or milk

JudyEddy said...

and I don't cook it the full 5 min I do 4 don't like mushy oats

magpie said...

OK, then I shall now call the hospital....xo ☺

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO! Second egg thread!

Linda, yes much better. And boy I hope God has THIS in his plan for us!

JudyEddy said...

dummy me I do have a email in my junk file from her I subscribe to her channel

magpie said...

OK! Spoke with Ed....heh heh, Jo is dozing again, but he shall tell our Royal Lady...he reports that this was a Good Day....Jo's oxygen levels are Good, the best they have been, and that Jo had the best day she has had all week !
Bravo, Clap Clap Clap...
So I sent all our lovins' to both of them and told him I would share with all of YOU...
xoxox ♥ Happy Dance ! ☺

magpie said...


Lynne2 said...

Yes Jo knows....BECAUSE I BEAT LOLLY AND SHIRLEY!!!! (because I'm younger, and faster.....and in BIG trouble with them now!!)

Hey, Lolly, I see you have severe weather potential...stay safe!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Yes, Lynne....BIG TROUBLE!!!

Hoda knows...I texted her an hour ago and just now got a reply. She will be on later.

Thanks, Margy for calling Ed and Jo. Need to keep Jo up to date, that is bound to make her feel even better. Yes, hurrah for her good day. Thank you, Lord!!!

Lolly said...

Yes, severe weather could be a possibility tonight. Just want the rain...want the rain..big time!!!

magpie said...

Ok there Lolly,
Happy Dance AND Rain dance for you and Jack and Hawkwood Gardens...
I see how hard you worked today...
Bless Your Hearts !!

Lolly said...

You know our Hoda. She always has some kind of function to go to. Tonight it was a Children's Festival. She wears me out!!!! Maybe we should all take up Yoga. lol

Lolly said...

Yes, Laurel called us lazy today...with a laugh and a twinkle in her eye!!!

magpie said...

and thanks for reaching out to Hoda, Lolly...
I just talked to Judie !
she's on board...was at G-Dub Homecoming game today, just got in, is fixing up some vittles for her and Darth....

I didn't ask her if she had Hat Hair, but I sure did today!

magpie said...

Okay I disappear now and quite magpie-ing for awhile...
oh, yes, I also let florargirl know...she got through the winds overnight and today and is ever so
grateful that we did NOT get the snows!

ttfn xoxoxo ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Don't know if anyone posted the vid yet but here goes...

magpie said...

I mean:
Floralgirl Megan !

magpie said...

Thanks Susan..watching it NOW !!

JudyEddy said...

There is no one snowed in on the blog is there LUCKY

JudyEddy said...

MARGY you can subscripe to Degeagle and you will get a email notice when she upload a video I have a while back
just a thought

JudyEddy said...

subscribe not subscripe LOL

JudyEddy said...

and DEBEAGLE not deg time to rest the fingers LOL

magpie said...

heard some faint gutteral chirping at 6:14 and that white tail tucked back in at about 6:15
and the two eggs in view at 6:19
Simply amazing!
Many thanks to Debseagle1 and to you, Susan !

magpie said...

thanks JudyE,
I'm about tanked up on all the emailing I can manage right now..
I'll just rely on my Momster pals here...

magpie said...

OH a lovely view right now !

Linda said...

Belle just awoke for an egg roll
and back down...

Linda said...

Repositioning just a bit....

She was beautiful indeed all tucked
in and covering her eggs....

Such a good Mom!

Linda said...

Now facing 12...

Yes, LYNNE2, I hope so, too!!

JudyEddy said...

this is a better PICTURE OF THE EGGS

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I just noticed on the picture taken a while in between Belle is in the same position on both pic one is from the still I just took and the other from the video right after hatch looks almost like the same picture but the time stamp on the still is the only difference


Linda said...

Spent much of the day figuring out a new fax, copier, scanner, printer machine I picked up yesterday.

Wanted it to work with my regular line as a backup to the 800 number service I have.

It had me stressed for a little while, but got it working properly.

Now I must finish folding laundry, get a shower and watch a movie at 9 with the hubby!

If I don't make it back......

Wishing you all restful and peaceful sleep tonight!!

Keeping Jo, Lori's Dad, DANA's Dad, Lynne & Steve, and so many others in prayer tonight.


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I'm sure she is letting that second egg "freshen" a little bit...
til the egg shell gets nice and touch

magpie said...


grannyblt said...

Yay, another egg. I gave up watching around 5 when the cam kept stopping..oh well, the important thing is we have a second egg and hope for a third around Monday or Tuesday. SED all.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I think STEVE C is a proud grandeagledad LOL

JudyEddy said...

as we all are grandeagleparents

JudyEddy said...

I get a lot of ribbing at work from the peeps on my fbpage at work Wanting to know if I needed any time off for maternity leave LOL

magpie said...

And of course you say YES I DO, right JudyE ??

Unknown said...

Oh geez--here I was lost again on the old thread! But I DID see the second egg clearly on the vid that was posted on the cam stie Course, the vid said Belle and Smitty...

Unknown said...

and her I go with RAKS again already

magpie said...

It's perfectly okay, Lydia...all of it, you HAVE noticed we have a good bit of RAKS here, right?
Glad you found us over here...☺

stronghunter said...

Glad you found the new thread, Lydia.

If you all haven't noticed, we have a heck of a lot of new people posting on the cam page. It seems that Lydia has been sending them over. (Thanks, Lydia for sharing the good news about our eagles.)

Lots of people who were watching the Norfolk nest are coming over. There has been some confusion over Shep's name.

stronghunter said...

Belle looks like she is sleeping soundly.

JudyEddy said...

she looks really dug in the nest deeper that normal or just the angle

Judie said...

A second congratulations to Belle and Shep. Looks like Belle all tucked in and sleeping quietly. She deserves some quiet time.

Great day for smiles with Jo also showing improvement. Just cannot wait for her to be home and in her recliner and back on the blog with us.

A great big thank you and hug to Margie for calling to let me know about the second egg. Busy day today (GDub homecoming - lost by 3 to Butler) then a grossery drive-by for dinner fixins.

Going to put my feet up in my best Mema Jo imitation and wait for the next installment of the Wandy trash can drama. RCMP has issued a BOLO.

Hoda said...

YAY second egg!!!

Shar was the first to predict second egg on Saturday.

Thank you LOLLY for texting me, I was very excited and did a step dance...

LORI headed out earlier today but we have yet to hear from her checking in...I read back but did not see a post...I hope the roads are clear for her.

I loved reading your enthusiasm and your energy around how fast the delivery was.

WOW PAULA gets two feathers in one day!!! Bravo PAULA.


MARGY sorry you wondered where I was. I should have checked in before I headed out but missed my time to do so.

Exercise in the morning and a tea with the Dragons and then Joined the GRANS for a CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL!!! It was cuteness personafied. 2 tear olds to 12 year olds were invited, but mostly they were from 15 months to 10 years.
Face painting , decorating puppets story telling and lots of art projects. We had a box for each one of them to take home their Valentine goodies...We had over forty kids and it was a fund raiser for the Stephen Lewis Foundation. I do not know how much we made and focused instead on how much of a good time every one was having. They are little darlings really adorable. They had to bring their parents and their parents were very well behaved and cheerful too. We had to do take down and church clean up as we had rented the hall and they give us a really good price if we clean everything up...I think the church charged us 25 dollars for half a day!!! Nice people.

Lynne2 said...

was hoping we'd have heard from Lori by now...

Hoda said...

Glad to see so many checking in and that you all survived the storm alright. It continues to be miserable in Quebec and Ontario. Connecticut where Carol lives got three feet of snow.Even Cape Cod got snow and the roads are not passable. I heard T-BIRD and DANA make comments about those who chose to drive in Boston inspite of the ban!!! Not too bright. My nephew said it was a lot of snow there and he comes from Minnesota so he knows snow!!!

Hoda said...

Me too LYNNE.

I am holding space for you LYNNE about the rentals and I hope one comes through. Yes concerning a bit to have someone else make the decision and yet hold tight and we are all holding space for you. Glad that you are feeling not sick today..

Hoda said...

VERY VERY HAPPY to see JO on FB for a few short posts today. Did a happy happy dance that MARGY reported that she spoke to ED and he said she had her best day ever today.

On FB she mentioned she watched the football game when the Ravens won.

I ♥ US and I know so much gratitude for you all in my life.

Hoda said...

Way to go JO!!! You are and AWESOME LADY. Keep on healing

Unknown said...

LOL Stronhunter--yes, all, I have been sharing news of this nest with groups I belong to.

A word of explanation:
I know alot of the NBG nest folks since my daughter works at the Wildlife Center of Virginia (WCV). WCV cared for the 3 eaglets from that nest when Mom Norfolk was killed by a plane in 2011 until they were old enough to be released.

Also, one of the eaglets from the NBG nest back in 2008 (Buddy) had avian pox which caused a deformity in his beak so that it grows crooked and renders him non releasable. (it has to be dremmeled regularly so he can eat and he could not hunt in the wild) So he is now a permanent wildlife ambassador at WCV.

So lots of the NBG followers also follow WCV and I am very active with WCV on their critter cam and moderated discussion. And, yes, I have been encouraging people to visit this nest to get their eagle fix. ♥

I followed this nest last was my first year following this nest. Then went to visit it last Spring...and so I am following it this year, and now I am here...

Okay--that was long winded. Just wanted to explain

And, I am predicting egg #3 on Monday or Tuesday--feeling positive. G'Night everyone and SED

Hoda said...

Very good background LYDIA and yes we know about WCV and watched the eaglets from Norflok when there and watched their release. We love Buddy and think he has a very good home.THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR BACKGROUND.

JUDYE you said PA Norfolk was at the airport??? WOW what are they going to do now!!! I am so no pleased with the situation there.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE ruffling feathers

Hoda said...

Loud ruffling of feathers from Miss Belle...the eggs are not quite covered...oh here she is digging in the cup...

JudyEddy said...

BELLE stretching wings poop shoot

Hoda said...

Off the cup and a loud poop shoot!!!

Hoda said...

egg roll

Hoda said...

Settled back in...

JudyEddy said...

back down she is

JudyEddy said...

that wizzed by the camera HODA lol

Hoda said...

YEP on the gross side of the angle JUDYE!!!LOL

JudyEddy said...

HODA this is what is on the Eagle Alliance page they have a picture of a eagle sitting
there are two pic of the same pic this is on one of the pic and the other below
The top arrow is the runway, the eagle seems to be in a hold pad off of a taxiway, you can see the dashed intermediate markings. But non the less it is on the airfield.

this is on the same pic without arrows

from facebook
""""""""Hi all! I talked to Scott Barras today and yes, they know about the nest, and they are "evaluating" the situation. He did say that the particular location appears to be bringing the eagles in over the airport runway to deliver sticks. The eagles have been dispersed successfully several times yesterday and today. Here is a photo that truly frightened me that was taken yesterday. I cannot tell if that's Dad or #3 in the runway. It's courtesy of ORF and is being posted with permission. We really need to get moving on this man-made nest and get them out of harm's way. We are getting a letter from the city documenting its permission to find a place on city property and that letter will be presented to the agencies so they can come out and inspect. That's all I have for today! EAGLE ON!!!""""""""""""

paula eagleholic said...

thanks for posting the link to Debs video from Hancock...I know her as some emailing with her.

I think the egg was laid at 6:15 as well, you can see in the video how Belle relaxes and moves her head around to sort of scratch the side of her face on her feathers.

Ajay has finally left...we got a lot done in the basement. Sent some toys and such home with her, and some stuff of John's.

You should see the pile for the trashman...more yet to go out. It feels good.

JudyEddy said...

its Eagle On Alliance are you a member ??

Lolly said...

Yes, we know Buddy, Jack and I went to NBG just to see the nest...and Buddy was just an eggbert!

Lolly said...

We have followed Buddy's progress.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE still tucked
watching the news

JudyEddy said...

that is tooo cool about your daughter LYDIA to be able to do that

JudyEddy said...

oh the pictures on the new of the snow poor poor people
so glad all of you are ok
and now snow bound
Looked like they were all making
the best of it too Having fun too ☺

paula eagleholic said...

The TurtleBay eagles got their second egg today too!

Hoda said...

Well I wish them well in NBG JUDYE thank you for the post...
I can not see it in my head how it will work that they man made nest would attract these eagles!!! It is a mess and they made the wrong decision when they took down their original nest...what is next are they going to shoot the eagles???I thought it was illegal in the US but again I thought messing with the nest was illegal too...

JudyEddy said...

the sad part is they removed the 5th nest now :-(
that is why they are in a rush I guess and willing to try anything

JudyEddy said...

It is illegal unless you get a permit and they got the permit

JudyEddy said...

the permit is suppose to be for any nest within a mile radius of the airport so the are looking outside the area and with baiting the nest with recorded eagle calls of them hoping to lure them to a already almost done nest A GOOD START NEST LOL fixer upper LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Sandperson here. Will be heading to spend the night with Jo to make sure she continues to get restful and restorative sleep.

Judie said...

Time to say goodnight and wish the same for others. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all -- especially our Belle.

Lolly said...

Just saw on fb that Elsie on Lake of the Ozarks eagle cam laid an egg tonight.
The are passing out cigars! Will be interesting to compare the time of hatching.

Egg roll! Two beautiful eggs were seen.

magpie said...

Great news on additional egg-layings around the country...

I have not ever, until awhile back here tonight, seen an adult do
a poop shoot! I wasn't expecting it - an LOL moment !

magpie said...

Sounds great, all that you
are getting done around home there, can be a real good
feeling to sort and toss and toss.
And still have lots of special things that you keep

magpie said...

Was, like many here, hoping to
see a post from Lori and that she
is home safe and sound....imagine there was quite a lot she had to tend do after being away for a week +
including being welcomed wildly
by her furbabies
So I'm looking forward to
seeing her pop on in the morning...

magpie said...

Putting things including me to bed here....

Prayers for Wellness All Around in
All our Eagle Corners

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Paula and I are doing the same thing...purging! Need to get back at it this next week.

Lolly said...

Nite Margy!

Lolly said...

After midnight...around 4 storms should move through. Do not have high hopes for lots of rain...but sure do wish!

paula eagleholic said...

I am hitting the hay, too. I'm beat.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, so glad to hear Elsie and Einstein had their first egg today. They are right on schedule. I think first egg last year was Feb 8. Great start!!

Belle is tucked and getting her beauty rest.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is up for a wing flap and an egg roll. Settled back on our two lovely eggs.

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night and SED. See you all tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Possibility of winter weather next weekend. Let's hope not.

WV sUSAn said...

SED Shirley. What a great day :-)

Hoda said...

All tucked in and all is quiet at the nest.




Lolly said...

I am ready for beddie bye! See you all tomorrow.

Belle is tucked and I soon will be!


Costume Lady said...

2 eggs...what more could you ask...well, maybe 3:) GO FOR IT, BELLE!

Good night, prayers and love to all♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, everyone!!!

TWO EGGS! I couldn't be happier to be home and hear the news of two eggs!

Glad so many of you got to see it.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps. It looks like it's me and you Lori.

T-Bird said...

Can you believe we have two eggs now?!!

T-Bird said...

Oh, I see your comment on your excitement too. YES

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Thelma!

Lori O. said...

Belle is up and chirping.

Lori O. said...

She's settled back down and is now facing egg roll.

Lori O. said...

SHEP is on the eggs now....either I missed the switch or couldn't tell it was him earlier.

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Lori and Thelma and all my eagle friends.

Lori, according to the posts just under the live cam, there was a parent switch about 5 minutes ago. Glad you made it home safely yesterday.

Sandi said...

Figured I should update my avatar since the one I was using only shows one egg in our nest. Don't have a pic showing 2 eggs.

Thinking of Jo this morning so I'm using a cardinal as my avatar. This fat little guy was sitting in one of the leyland cypress outside the sunroom window one day last winter.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle budlet about18 min ago I got work up by a eagle chirping didn't turn down the sound last nite must have been changing of the guard I didn't get up I just rolled back over on my good ear LOL

Sandi said...

Good morning Judy! Color at the nest - sun is coming up!

JudyEddy said...

yep 643 is about when I heard the eagle chriping LOL just read that post

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, JUDYE and SANDI!

SANDI, thanks for clearing that up for me. :)

JudyEddy said...

lots of geese

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

so sad about the little boy that died in the car His dad was trying to dig out the car and the little boy was inside of the car with it running Well the snow was blocking the tail pipe and he died of carbon monoxide posing so sad

JudyEddy said...

poisoning not posing

Lori O. said...

Shep is still on the eggs, just looking around, casually.

Sandi said...

Time for me to get ready for tennis! Looks like all is well at the nest - winds have died down.

I've seen some fabulous eagle photos on FB taken by Glo and her friend this week!

So glad to hear about the progree that Michael is making with his speech!

Prayers for all of the needs on our blog - make it a great day!


Costume Lady said...


For the first time in a looong time, I got to see the sunrise on the Sycamore Palace and Shep. It was a beautiful sight, especially knowing what he had underneath!

*MARGY*...we have seen a pair of SNOW GEESE at Porterfield's Pond on Rt. 45 for the past 2 days! I have never seen them before, other than videos of BOB'S. What a beautiful sight they are amidst all the dark color of the other geese!

Finally got the PILL DISPENSER for GG in hopes that it will solve the problem of her not taking her pills at the right time. Going in to check her out before church, to see how she did last night and this morning. Fingers crossed:)

Have a blessed Sunday♥

Janet said...

Good morning all. I am up WAAAYYYY too early. The single grandchild sleepover turnedinto a dual grandchild sleepover.

I had just laid Jack down in the bed and the phone rang. Chelsea was feeling like she was going to faint and they were heading to the ER and wanted me to go get Amelia.

And so of course I did. My oldest has either nasty stomach bug or food poisioning....same symptons either way. Not much they can do either way. It started with the fainting feeling, following by typical gastrointestinal upset feelings and repercussions. I got to the ER around 10:30 and we left about 11:15 and so it was midnight before I got to bed. Got up to let everyone (furbabies) eat and potty.

Now I'm feeling pretty much like a train wreck. Egad I'm tired.

I may have Tom take them home later and I catch a nap or there may be no bowling for me tonight.

Peeking in at Shep. He is sit sit sitting on the egg.....

Hope everyone has a lovely day. Light, love and hugs to all.....

Costume Lady said...


WV sUSAn said...

Happy Sunday, Sycamore Palace!

Sandi,isn't great about Michael?? He's doing soooooo well!

Here's a shout out to JO! I sure hope you are having a great day and get to come home soon. Love ya, girl!

And a special welcome to our two eggberts. What an eggciting week at the nest with many more to follow. Will we get three? Only Belle knows. :-D

WV sUSAn said...

Lori, glad you got home OK!

Wanda, GG is amazing. Hope she's doing well this morning!

Lori O. said...

Thank you, WANDA. Have fun at GiGi's and church.

SANDI, hope you play well and have fun at tennis this morning!

Hello WV sUSAn!

Prayers that Jo is feeling better today and gets so come home soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in tree calling out...must be Belle.

Shep answered

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Been waking slowly...on cup #2

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome home, Lori!

Forgot to welcome back BEagle also! How are ya?

paula eagleholic said...

Big shake and calls our from Belle.

Shep called he is up off the eggs....Belle still calling out....Shep off to the left

paula eagleholic said...

HP in the tree?

Lori O. said...

And there they are, TADA, the two eggs!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, PAULA!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the pic!

glo said...

Good morning. Glad to read about the 2 eggs. Hope all is well enough here. We have had such a great visit. This morning we go to the airport. She did see eagles, and Dana did get some nice photos. The Marina is thawing and we enjoyed eagles there yesterday. I am glad I got to share such a special place with Dana.

paula eagleholic said...

Hearing a woodpecker

magpie said...

Me too.
Nest looks good, saw a cozy egg roll a few minutes ago. Nice eggs!

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Glad to see Lori and Glo here.
missing a few others...Lowreeda for one, hoping her EYE problem is not a problem


magpie said...

Like the report on the two Snow Geese that Wanda talked of...
would like to go see them !

Lolly said...

Good morning! The front moved through about 2 AM with rain and high wind. Have not heard of any damage YET. Rain gauge shows over 7 tenths. That is good!

Have been watching the cam while reading the paper. I wondered too if we didn't hear HP in the tree. Hope so! Would love a three eaglet year, even though we fuss and worry about eaglet #3!

Welcome home, Lori!

And a big shout out to Jo! Love you, Jo and miss you!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Sunny at the nest with Belle on the eggs.

Lolly said...

Okay, now I feel a little guilty. lol Just posted on Jo's fb page and told an untruth! Margy, I told her you were eating oatmeal cream pies for the both of you. Then I thought, poor Margy, she can not get on here and defend herself. lol

Lolly said...

Good morning, Shirley. I am getting ready to leave. Washed my hair, need to go "fix it" for church.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Shirley, Lolly, Glo and Margy.

Having some breakfast...watching the cam.

Will head to the basement soon for more purging!

paula eagleholic said...

Choo choo...

stronghunter said...

Eagle calls and a poof from Belle.

stronghunter said...

Two lovely eggs in the sunshine. No adults on the nest,

And an adult materialized! Belle, it seems.

magpie said...

Good One Lolly...
it is good for Jo to know
we have her [Oatmeal Creme Pie]
Back ☺

magpie said...

We have some real work horses on here!
Many doing lots of HomeWork...!!
It's great to simplify and conquer!

stronghunter said...

I think that might be Shep. Did not see the spot at first.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Margy!

Greetings, Paula, Lolly, and Glo!

magpie said...

hearing cardinals and blue birds

magpie said...

expecting to start seeing Robins soon

Good Morning Shirley and all our
lovely Morning Eagle Pals ♥

stronghunter said...

Well, my Susan is out and about today. She just posted this on FB:

Dear couple next to me at the gym, please stop canoodling on the equipment. It's gross.

Secondly, to the lady wearing the Coach shoes to workout. I promise the gym isn't the place to try and make a fashion statement.

That is all.

I love the way she messages people she encounters out there.

magpie said...

LOL and Woof! I don't think the gym is the place for me!

I managed to get one pic of the two eggberts and Belle's flashy white tail on the Momsters picture album from this morning

Going to head out and collect some of these Vitamins D and K that are out there today ! And collect some time with James also....

Prayers for Wellness All Around...

Hope Loretta checks in today...
thinking of that eyeball....

Best Wishes for a good day,
xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Shep facing 4ish

paula eagleholic said...

Shep facing 6

NatureNut said...

Happy 2 EGG Sunday. TY, JudyE for the alert last evening! Fubby saw it in email and told me and I was probably zonked out shortly after!

Haven't seen them yet, but wonder if there is any distiguishing markings since just like the birds, they don't have name tags!!
Hope Mema Jo knows about this and is feeling better. Welcome home Lori. Pray your Dad is better and all others on our Good Health list!

We got some pics at Park yesterday--don't know how good, but is anti-climactic to what's occurring here!!
Go to Eye Dr. in AM, before other appt. I have in same area. Very few of the silver flashes, but the oval black thread w/about 3 dots is floating around. Yesterday it changed to horizontal, just like an EGG!

WVJerry said...

Good afternoon all. Feeling like I've been missing a lot lately. I was watching cam daily for a while...went away Wednesday...missed first missed second egg. Need to pay more attention. Also must have missed Mema Jo's health issue. My computer has not worked for some time and phone is hard to use for posting. I'll just have to be more vigilant in cam and blog following. Watched during night on Friday...that was is awesome the devotion of the two eagle parents. Take care all and enjoy your day.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi, Jerry, hope you can visit more often!

Shep facing 12

Sandi said...

Shep just took off! 2 little eggs, sittin' in the sun!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib up, and off to the right

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops meant the left, LOL

Sandi said...

Ummm, Paula ... you called him Lib! =)

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back from the right

Sandi said...

Someone has arrived - can't tell which parent yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I did!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep is back

Sandi said...

Looks like Shep again.

paula eagleholic said...


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...