Thursday, February 21, 2013


Fresh thread.  the cold weather continues...


Linda said...

Well Good Morning!!!

I will call the others!!


WV sUSAn said...

WOWA Did I get a feather?!?!?!?

Thanks, Steve :-)

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks, Linda. YOU get a feather!!!

Linda said...

Oh, thanks, Susan!!

Sure looks like we are within seconds of each other, though!! We can share!!

Lori O. said...

Congrats LINDA and sUSAn on the feathers, today!

Thanks STEVE for the new thread!!!

Still snowing here but slowing down some.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - Another new thread - ty you Steve!

Slow morning here - newspaper and checking on our nest.

No urgent plans today - hope all is well

Blessed be for Granny Riffe passing through the gates of Heaven


Linda said...

Oh......I am catching up on the old thread and want to offer my sincere condolences to the Riffe family in the passing of Granny Riffe. She is surely in Paradise now and suffers no more. Prayers of comfort for those who will dearly miss her.

WV sUSAn said...

JO -- glad you had a good checkup yesterday. BE CAREFUL walking around w/o the walker... yes, no falling allowed!!

Linda, sweet of you to share such a treasure :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. Gonna be a sad time in our family. Poor Tom is fighting what we think is a stomach virus, adding insult to injury. :(

Linda said...

Caught up and ready to go......

PAULA - Amazing that your Mom made that bedspread and tablecloth. They are both beautiful. I agree it must be awful to lose your pension, too!!

I am just happy that LARRY is a real person and not a furbaby!!!

LYNNE - You'd better get a handle on that man of yours. If you think he is tough now, wait until he gets his eagle cane!! Then you will really be in trouble. Might have to get two canes for a duel!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well we have had our "major rain event" lasted all of 15 minutes and 4 tenths of an inch. Is it too much to ask that a "major rain event" last all day or days and amount to several inches? Our lakes need it!! Bright sunshine now.

Paula, that is a beautiful bedspread and beautiful table cloth. I will take a picture today and will let you know when I do.

Love, thoughts, and prayers are with the Riffe's today. So very hard to loose your mother, but thankfully she is at peace and we know where she is now!!

Linda said...

Good Morning Sharon!

Prayers for Tom and the whole family. Getting sick on top of all the grieving and stress he has already endured is not a good thing.

How are you doing this morning??

There should be more non-narcotic drugs out there for those who just can't take them. I happen to be one of those because they make me sick to my stomach!!

I know I mentioned this before, but they stopped the morphine when I was in the hospital because it was making me sick and gave me Toradol. That is my dream medicine........non narcotic, NSAID that works wonders. The only problem, they say, is you can only take it for a short duration. I don't understand why!!

Lynne2 said...

well, this morning I thought I would get up early, spend some quality time in the CHAIR before you know who woke up.

It's surrounded by barred wire.....

Lolly said...

lol They definitely need two canes!!!

Lolly said...

I'll send you some wire clippers!

Lynne2 said...

I'm whirling my dervishes this morning getting some things done before I have to leave for work (I'm taking the chair with me...I'll show HIM who is the BOSS).

Lynne2 said...

He's happy, it's his LAST DAY IN THE DARK!!! He'll be going with me to work tomorrow....I'm working half day, then lease signing then cable people. Saturday MOVE! NO MORE DARK FOR STEVE!

Lynne2 said...

I'll check in from work when I can...Keep those canes at the ready, girls!

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynne!!! Yea, Steve!! You can duel in the light!!!! Better to konk him over the head, Lynne!!!
So very happy that you two will have your own place.

I am off to start my day. Annie is saying she wants out for the millionth time! She goes out, makes a u turn and starts asking in. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! Dementia!!!!

JudyEddy said...



Lolly said...

PAULA..... I have taken pictures of the bedspread.

Grandma's Crocheted bedspread

Come have your choice of the Laurel room or the Michael room. ☺ I can make a smiley because I am on the PC. Just discovered the laptop does not take a card from the camera. Before our nest major trip, I will have to have a new laptop.

WV sUSAn said...

Paula and Lolly, those bedspreads are beautiful!!! Goodness, that would take a long time to make.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne, all this talk about the caning is cracking me up.

magpie said...

Double Ditto Susan...
about those bedspreads

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

My thoughts and prayers are with the RIFFE's as they celebrate Granny's life well lived and a promotion well earned !

PAULA and LOLLY, your crochet items are gorgeous and such wonderful treasures for you and your children !

JO, I remember so well the grand feeling it was to get rid of the walker ! So happy for you !

Love and prayers for all in need !


JudyEddy said...

gonna head out to pick Jordyn up at school

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Margy - I see you sticking your head in here from time to time :-)

magpie said...

Well Eagle Pals,
Jewels and I are about to bolt out the door here very soon!

Fresh Air Here We Come !!!

See Y'all Later on....

magpie said...

oh surprised we did not blogger cop each other off posting at the same time, Susan ☺

magpie said...

Belle I guess that is...
is just totally bathed in the sunshine right now

Vitamins K and D.... ☺

Lynne2 said...


Beverly Crisco Riffe
I know it seems like I am always asking for prayer for something, but Tom is really sick. He has not kept anything down at all today, so sick he can't hold his head up. And this at a time when there is so much to do and we need to be with our family so badly. We are at the doctors office hoping they can do something to help him.

Lolly said...

Lynne, I was just coming over to say that Tom needs Momster prayers.

Lynne2 said...

Poor Tom, what rotten timing.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Very sorry Tom is so sick and wishing him a quick recovery.

Jo, congratulations! Back to the eagle cane for you.

Hope all other dr. appts. were routine with no surprises.

Lynne2, try to stay calm and all will work out with the move. A new beginning for you both and the fur critters.

Okay, school day is over. Need to imitate Jo and put my feets up for a few then to the scullery.

Mema Jo said...

Beverly Crisco Riffe
The doctor said it is a 24-hour bug that is going around. That is really good news. Maybe he will wake up in the morning feeling better. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I didn't put my feet up today - now I regret not doing so
Hope your school days have been good, Judie

Lori O. said...

BEV, Glad to hear that Tom has only the 24 hour version and not a longer one. Hope he feels better, PRONTO! Prayers for you and your family.

SHARON and ANDY, I hope your hip and shoulder pain is better for both of you...

Sandi said...

Hi all! Boy, is it cold and windy outside!!!

Lynne2, I can hear the excitement in your posts! So glad the new place will be yours in 2 more sleeps (as Hoda would say)!!

Paula, so sorry to hear about the pension loss. I have heard very good things about working for Lowes. I wouldn't mind a job there, except that I would never come home with any of my paycheck!! I LOVE that store like most women love clothing stores!

Sorry to hear that Bev's Tom is so sick but glad to hear that it's just a 24-hour virus.

Need to fix food for people and dogs. BBL!

Lynne2 said...

ah, 2 more sleeps IF the weather doesn't do bad things....forecast looks a bit uncertain. Could have a several hour delay, or a day. Sunday's weather is to be better but I don't want to wait!!

Lynne2 said...

well, going to shut down, almost time to head home. May or may not be back on tonight, but you know you are always in my thoughts!

Sandi said...

Lolly, you and I can trade "pets with dementia" stories. Here's my latest. We always take Bandit's collar off at night so his jingling tags don't wake us up at night. Well yesterday, when Denny got out of bed and tried to put Bandit's collar on so he could then get the leash on and take him out to pee (we don't have a fenced yard), Bandit freaked out and would not come anywhere near Denny!

Denny knew that, if he didn't get Bandit outside in a hurry, he would pee on the floor, so he opened the door and let him outside, thinking he would do his thing and then come back inside to eat. Instead, Bandit took off. Keep in mind that he is pretty much deaf and blind, yet he was outside running around loose.

It took Denny 50 minutes outside in the cold at 6am to (1) find Bandit and (2) coerce him to go home, since he would not come anywhere near Denny to get his collar on! Fortunately, the year-round population in South Bethany is pretty small, so there's not a lot of traffic on our streets, esp. at that time of the morning!

At some point during the day, Denny finally got the collar on. Last night, I said, "Don't take it off! From now on, Bandit keeps his collar on 24/7!" Sure enough, all night long, when Bandit would wake up and do his pacing around the room, he would shake himself and the jingling of his tags woke me up! Today, I instructed Denny to take the rabies tag off so the only tag still on the collar is the one with Bandit's name and our phone number. Hopefully he will be quieter tonight! It's a good thing I really love this dog!!

On another note, do I see a spot on the head of the eagle sleeping in the nest? Is this Shep egg sitting after dark??

Lori O. said...

SANDI, that is funny and sad about Bandit and Denny. So happy you finally got him home. Good idea about taking the rabies tag off!

Sandi said...

Lori, Denny is still not laughing about it! It was mighty cold at 6am yesterday morning! But I agree that it's funny to picture someone trying to catch a blind, deaf Jack Russell who just keeps on running away! =)

Pretty sure that IS Shep egg sitting. Just heard him chirp. Now he's up and doing an egg roll. And now wiggling back down.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, love the's beautiful.

Heading out with Larry to get some dinner..

Catch ya'll later!

Judie said...

Dinner over and scullery cleaned up.

Jo, not to worry. I put my feets up extra high so we can share.

Paula, hope you and Mr. Larry Studmuffin have enjoyed a nice dinner together.

Sandi, glad Bandit was apprehended. Hope the evening is quiet for you and Denny.

The night light is set for 11:00pm and the sandperson will be heading out soon to deliver restful sleep for all.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone!
Been reading back and need to say Prayers for Granny Riffe's Family. She is now at Peace. Hope Tom is soon well.

I enjoyed reading last night's comments and TY Lynne2 for posting link on how to do a "Bluey". My paper w/that info disappeared (who did that????) & I never got that link info. I notice Judie saw a report on a domestic duel about aq chair. I think it was on our TV, too. Something about a guy w/an eagle cane and some animals guarding a chair!
Paula and Lolly, you've got some lovely needlework!So happy Larry got a position. He could be Mgr. ASAP, I bet!
I had a lovely wasted day at my makeup Dr. appt that I had to leave after sitting 1 hour a week and a 1/2 ago. I had a different appt. So today, I sat the usual 2 hours and didn't even have to give blood again!! Thank goodness I don't have to go back for another year.
Took a giant Panda nap.Have begun cropping, etc. some rainy, blurry pics from TU. If they get in the Nook before midnight, I'll let you know!

Unknown said...

Good evening to all. Can't stay but wanted to check in. Well wishes and prayers for all in need of them ♥

glo said...

We sure have a knack of making it into headline news. Maple meth labs and domestic disputes over fenced in chairs. Have you all noticed there never seems to be any witnesses.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Is that still Shep in the nest? I think I see a spot.

stronghunter said...

Lolly and Paula,

All of the bedspreads are beautiful. I used to put my mother's spread on my bed. I really wish I knew where it got to.

Sleepy this evening. I got up early and traveled all over town.

Hunter and I did enjoy a visit to Carl's for chocolate malts.

stronghunter said...

"Studmuffin"--I could not remember what we have been calling Larry. I was going to tell Lydia that Paula was with her studmuffin the night Lydia first posted on here, but I just said she was with her guy friend or something like that.

Lynne2 said...

When I am QUEEN:

NO more pain
NO more sickness
NO more lost/sick/senile pets/sock eating pets
NO more sick parents
NO more sadness

Lynne2 said...

Spring is coming! WOO HOO time for fresh new beginnings!

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice evening with family and now watching the news

JudyEddy said...

saw the eagle at the park of course only one on the tower got a couple of pic of course also

JudyEddy said...

told 8 new people I meet there about the eagle Love doing that tooo

JudyEddy said...

They are so amazed with my camera getting such good pic too One guy almost didn't bleive me until I showed him the pictures he had bad vision and couldn't make out the eagle up on the tower LOL He said all he see is a black blur he can't see the with head or tail at all But he loved the pictures

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

quick good evening all...

LOLLY what an absolutely gorgeous bedspread! what a treasure!

SANDI: what a story!!!!! furbabies....sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May I be the first to NOMINATE LYNNE2 for queen, I like her campaign...

I'm gonna have a snack and hit the hay. I'm tired ya'll. Sending healing, light, love, comfort and SED to all in need....good night my dear friends.

Linda said...

Yes, JANET.....I agree.

I like candidate QUEEN LYNNE's platform and campaign speech. She gets my vote. She better keep her promises!! None of this promising us things she can't deliver!! We're counting on you LYNNE!!

Sooooo happy STEVE gets to leave the dark world tomorrow and am praying that you can get the move started on Saturday.

Have you told ADAM yet?? Hehehehe

Linda said...

Just a short visit for me, too!! Very tired and heading to bed.

The colder weather has ceased operations temporarily at the Maple Syrup Factory. Gotta get those daytime temps above freezing for more sap to start flowing...

Looks like a yucky weekend - weather wise on its way.

Glad Bandit and Denny were both accounted for before you headed out to work this morning, SANDI!!

I used to tape the rabies tag to help with the noise!!!

Keeping each of you in prayer and wishing you sweet sleep tonight.....


Lynne2 said...

Must get to bed. Big day tomorrow! LEASE SIGNING!

I'll check in when I can!

Good night and prayers for all!

magpie said...

For once, finally, no wind...
guess it's Belle on the nest,
haven't seen any action since I tuned in just a short time ago

Chocolate Malts ♥ sounds dreamy

Best Wishes for Tom's rapid recovery, maybe these hours of illness and rest will bring back the energy needed at this time
for him and all the family
((Hugs, Sissy and Tom ))

magpie said...

Hope the weather plays nice
for any and all plans on the horizon

Bedtime here...
Thinking of all ♥

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
in all our Eagle Corners

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I'm not gone yet...
kind of waiting for the
Jo Goodnights....

magpie said...

Shirley was IS Shep
and he is calling out

magpie said...

And I guess it was Belle calling out back to him

Hoda said...


The crocheted work by PAULA'S and LOLLY's MOMS is exquisit!

Am not touching your headline comment GLO!!!Funny though!!!

Good luck with the move LYNNE. I am very excited for you.

Saw an eagle today it was beautiful with a wide wing span. I dare say over six feet!!!

Busy but rewarding day and an excellent yoga class.

We are having a snow storm and am back to walking with my poles and carrying my cleats.
I went in to check a shoe store today as they had sandles out already...oh my feet so want out of the boots!!!

Life is good and I know gratitude.

Hoda said...

I like it that we have a designated Heir Apparent to the Throne and when Queen LYNNE ascends the throne we will have a Camelot!!!I very much like your declarations Your Royal Highness...

Lolly said...

Watched AI tonight and I have to say the program is not what it used to be. The girls last night were fantastic, the guys tonight were mostly a joke. The judges are also a big joke. They really need to get rid of that Nikki character. The things she says are terrible!

Lynne...will be thinking of you tomorrow and Saturday. Wishing you the best with this move.

So, do we have to call her Queen Lynne now?

Heading to the back of the house. It is that time of day.

Night all! Prayers for the Riffe family. SED!!

Lolly said...

LYNNE....we will need your new address!!!

Hoda said...

HRH LYNNE is her official title LOLLY!

Costume Lady said...

Good night my and blessing for

magpie said...

Good Night once again from here too....G'Night Wanda, Lolly, Hoda and all that headed to the pillows before us...
and those yet to do so...

I think Jo got those feet up late and kept 'em up ....
Rest Well, my friends across the many miles

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I'll finish Wanda's sentence... and blessings for ALL ☺
I sense a face plant...
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

nearly forgot to post:

God Bless Our Military

Hoda said...

Goodnight all

All is well at the nest.


paula eagleholic said...

Yay for Queen Lynne on getting Steve out of the dark! Maybe he will share the chair now!

Sandi, I am LOL at Denny's adventure with Bandit this morning....sorry Denny, too funny!

Had a wonderful evening with Stud ☺

SED, Love and hugs for all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Hoda!

Night Hoda!

Hi Wanda if you make it here tonight.

♥ to all.

Hoda said...

OH I had to come back PAULA!!! I just read this in the Nelson Local Express Paper and thought JUDIE would die laughing.

JUDIE here goes.

ON Feb 13th The Nelson City Police received a 911 call. They could not get a response and deduced that it was a cell phone pocket dial. They listened further just to make sure and recognized a local drug dealer with a group of friends in the car discussing who their customers were and what they charge!!! Further they had their GPS on and the NCP met them at the local 7-11 where they had pulled up for some legal purchases from the store. When they told them what happened they, the drug dealer and his buddies were very embarrased!!!No charges were brought forth but the police is very happy to have this background tip. The phone belonged to the drug dealer!!!


Hoda said...


Only in Nelson I am sure!!!


Hoda said...

OH MY GOD!!! I had to come back again!!!
JUDIE listen to this!!!

On February 13th still a NCP was patrolling the Highway on the west side of Nelson. He observed a hitch hiker and went to talk to him. The chap identified himself properly and said he was hitchicking to Vancouver from Calgary as he had to go to court. When the NCP went to check his story it turned out there was a Canada wide warrant for his arrest.
He took him to the local cells and instead of hitch hiking he was transported to Vancouver Criminal court courtesy of the Province of British Columbia!!!

The Nelson Police Report this week is absolutely Hilarious!!!

Lynne2 said...

Good one day til moving morning! I can't believe I'm the only one UP!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lynne - I was catching up on posts before posting myself! I'm here!

magpie said...

Lynne2: I am up....
and wishing you and Steve and the furbabies the VERY BEST as you move to your new Palace, Your Highnesses

magpie said...

Goooood Morning Sandi!

Friday, RED FRIDAY !

Week-end is upon you in aout 10 hours or fewer ☺

magpie said...

Loving those Bites out of Crime, Hoda....
when you return...

magpie said...

Very happy and not the least bit surprised to read
the Paula and Larry
had a wonderful evening...
As So It Should Be ! ☺♥☺♥

Sandi said...

Good morning Margy!

Looks like Shep stayed on the nest all night - whatta good guy!!

Lynne, I am so excited for you! Enjoy signing that lease today! Hope the weather tomorrow cooperates!

Hoping Bev's Tom feels better today so he can be with his family.

Prayers for all, especially Lori's Dad, Dana's dad, Andy for her shoulder pain, Sharon for her hip pain, and the Riffe family.

Make it a great day!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Sandi and Margy! I had to get online to check the weather.....looks like it won't be TOO bad.

magpie said...

I'm Jonesin' to see which Eagle Parent is on the nest...

Shep was there past midnight....

magpie said...

Yes, Lynne2, so long as you stay in THIS part of the country...

don't try to go to New England...
or the Midwest !

magpie said...

I'm also Jonesin' to
See T-Bird this morning ☼

doing the morning shuffle,
will be close but not on top
of the keyboard for a little while

BEST WISHES for a Good Day
for All...

Lynne2 said...

OK, gotta get movin'. Will check in later! Have a good day declaration of the future QUEEN! LOL!

Sandi said...

Lynne, would you consider Pope? The Catholic Church is in the market for a new one! =)

magpie said...

It is SHEP roosting, and he and Belle I presume are calling to each other

Sandi said...

Shep is calling out for a break. I can hear Belle answering. Switch coming up?

magpie said...

I find it so unusual that Shep had
all night duty...

Sandi said...

Belle must have said, "I'll get there when I get there - chill!" No switch yet and no more calling from Shep.

Sandi said...

Margy, I seem to recall that Shep stayed on the eggs all night once or twice last nesting season. Others may remember beter. Shep is tucked in again.

Gotta go! Bye!

WV sUSAn said...

Good morning all. This is a different scene. Shep on the night shift.

WV sUSAn said...

Bye, Sandi!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Sandi....when I was very little, I watched Shoes of the Fisherman. Way too young to "get it" but I wanted to BE POPE!!!!

OK, heading out with the dogs and the hubby to work...Joker is already there, I took him in yesterday.

While we are gone, the CHAIR might just have a little "accident".


magpie said...

Egg check and a little roll...
Good Morning Susan....
Sandi, you could be right
I am sometimes out of Eagle Touch from time to time

magpie said...

hearing a wonderful morning Cardinal... ♪ ♫
and some other morning birds

some violet colors during the start of sunrise here

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle family.

T-Bird said...

Tytun, the

T-Bird said...

...the new youngun

T-Bird said...

...that joined our herd ate through my computer power chord so I'm on the phone. You can already tell it is difficult for me so my posts will be limited.

magpie said...

Belle has arrived...

WV sUSAn said...

Belle has arrived.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Belle has arrived.


magpie said...

And Shep has departed...

Mom checking on the eggs now

magpie said...

T-Bird, Good Morning,
and Bummer about the cord
but it's GREAT to see you ☼

Hi Shirley

I am happy to see the Switch this morning

xo ☺

magpie said...

something about the BWE nest looks the view is
good, when those eggs hatch will see MORE

back before worktime, still have stuff to do

WV sUSAn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WV sUSAn said...

Thelma, had a rabbit do the same one with the cords in the house.

WV sUSAn said...

Me too, Margy, just surprised it was Belle coming in for Shep.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Thelma. Hope the power cord was not plugged in when the youngun chewed on it.

Had a pup once that bit into an electrical cord. When she got shocked, she barked at the cord and bit it again. Sometimes it takes awhile for them to learn. Thank goodness, she survived to bark again.

WV sUSAn said...

Cam just shook. Shep is back in the attic.

stronghunter said...

Belle looking around. Cam shaking.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, bad storms in Texas.

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

I slept in until 7! That's so late for me. Feel like I've missed the day.

THELMA, glad the "youngun" is okay. The could have turned out awful. Big Hugs!

HODA, hopefully you'll get to put on your socks and sandals :) the first day of spring! I much prefer sandals myself....socks and sandals don't bother me either!

LYNNE2, or QUEEN LYNNE2, love you platform for when you become Queen. Best of luck today on the lease signing and having your family at work with you! That might be a challenge, huh? :) I'm so happy for you.

LOLLY, any news on Miss T?

Prayers for JO, SHARON, ANDY, DMO's Dad, Jim's Sister Ann-Marie, THELMA's BIL, GLO's MIL, DEX, WV JERRY MIL and all in need.

magpie said...

Belle kind of looks like a skunk
with the colorings...
sorry, Belle, no insult intended
You are very beautiful!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Morning GLori ☺

magpie said...

Blackwater Eagle nest
definitely much improved !
Maybe some of their diligent
wiring and cabling work
has finally taken effect !

Actually, it rather resembles the Royal Nest view
but I must say, the BWE nest looks a good bit Neater !
Hoping for a successful hatching and fledging season for them this year...

magpie said...

Time for the rest of my morning shuffle...straight to the
Work Place...

Best Wishes for all good things
today, for all in all our Eagle Corners....

xoxox ♥
(( All Day Red Friday Hugs ))

magpie said...

when you arrive,
very nice you shared your Tower Eagle pictures with all those people!

Enjoy your Friday !

xo ttfn now, really

Lori O. said...

Mornin' Magpie!

Janet said...

Quick good morning to all. My phone had a mind of its own last night and turned itself off while it was charging. grrrrr. so i got up @ 5:30 when Tom's went off instead of at 5. Have but a few moments to say good morning to the beautiful eagle family!

It is 51 here this morning! Its been 25 for the last several mornings...Never know waht to expect.

Hope everyone has a great day. It is Friday....I have errands after work, then home, taco salad for dinner, and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

HAGD! hugs, lihgt love, and healing to all

magpie said...

Guess What:

New Friday Thread

aaaachooo - I got a feather !

xo See you over there ☺
(LOL at first I typed
New Friday Feather !
I was so excited !

glo said...

Good morning all. Hoda Happy to see that some one read the headlines. Maybe all the other witnesses have been silenced. Not by the Queen though. Lynne2 Prayers for today and throughout the weekend. I am so very glad you are all getting out of the cold and dark. Yeah for you. I am so hoping Tom is feeling much better today. Prayers for the Riffe Family Got some heavy wet snow to deal with here today. We will do coffee and dog treats later. None of us are as young as we used to be. HAGD everyone

magpie said...

when you return Glo....
Come on over to the
New Thread ☺

you have a good day also,
you and Dex and your Dog Treat neighbors xoxo

Judie said...

Hello from a dreary looking morning. Visiting before I begin to create exam questions for a midterm.

Hoda, the NCP are awesome. What a laugh I got reading first about the drug dealers and then the round up of the hitch-hiking villain. I absolutely adore stuuuuuupid criminals. Started to ask why the drug dealer was not arrested but then remembered Nelson's agriculture. Thanks so much for the laugh.

Lowreeda, wondered if the crime news was reported in MD. Now I know. Glad you don't have to return to the dr. for a year.

Now we have to figure out a way to intervene in the case of the chair that instigates domestic angst. Hope all goes well for HRH Lynne2 and Steve today and over the weekend.

Judie said...

Back to finish up.

Lynne, take your vitamins. Elizabeth II apparently plans to stick around.

Larry the Studmuffin. Sigh♥ Congratulations on the new employment.

Glo, hope Dex is having a good day.

Shirley, an update on Hunter's bed, please. Chocolate malt - yum!

Thelma, so glad Tytun was not injured. So like having human toddlers that get into everything.

Hope Tom is feeling better today. Continued thoughts for the Riffe family.

Hope Jo rested and slept well last night.

Okay, I must begin to work on exams.


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...