Wednesday, February 06, 2013


First egg thread.  Thanks for the pic Judy.


JudyEddy said...


Bob Quinn said...

Woo hoo! First egg!! Howdy! I've been negligent in stopping by. Headed home now but will try to drop in tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and I am glad you got my email I emailed everyone on my list that I have I called the others


Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

Thanks for the call over, JUDYE!

Hello BOB!

What a great evening!

JudyEddy said...


Eggbert is here

magpie said...

Congratulations Steve and NCTC !! and Thanks for the New Thread, boy are we Excited !!

JudyE...Well done! Thanks for sending that message and the picture and for the New Thread Alert
xo !

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks For the email Judy. It was a good reminder to drop by. Photos from Sunday:


Gotta head out. Too many hours in the salt mines. Catch you later.

Costume Lady said...

Video is GREAT, JUDY and of course you were excited...we all probably said something similar;)

HEY BOB...good to see you!

Steve on the ball with a new thread and Judy with the announcement, Woo Hoo!

magpie said...

Oh so good to see Bob here too...going to check those pictures soon as I get supper on board !

Unknown said...

Wahoo! I just finished watching vid of the egg laying too. Awesome! Just missed it. Congrats to Belle and Shep!

JudyEddy said...

ok I posted a picture on all the eagle links I am on facebook to tell the world and the video too Now I need to go put in album will do in a bit I still haven't stepped aways to eggcited I guess HUH

JudyEddy said...

here is a video I did from the pond at work today

birds taking a bath and a squirrel with a skin condition LOL

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE for the new thread.
THANK YOU STEVE AND NCTC FOR THE NEW CAMERA We would have missed it with the old one as it is dark out!
Thanks JUDYE for the call over. Very good vidoe and very good picture on this thread too. You done good girl!!! You done good!!!


Very good to see and let us not forget that SHAR had a PRAYER REQUEST for CHRIS' MOM who got cancer...Chris is part of ANDREW'S and KELSEY'S wedding party. Let us put her on the prayer list.

Judie said...

Congratulations to our Belle and Shep. Girl or boy, maybe the name Jo would be eggceptible?

Snow snow fly away! Do not visit our nest.

Thank you Steve for the fresh egg thread and Judy for the video.

Can only imagine what the hospital personnel must be thinking as I can just imagine Jo a hooping and a hollering about now.

Sandperson will again be with Jo. Says no need to travel as most everyone is too eggcited to sleep.

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for Chris's mom. SO young...

JudyEddy said...

HEY LYNNE2 if you see the video on the birds and the squirrel I posted WHAT is wrong with that baby squirrel skin he hardly had any fun I did get picture he was so cute and so little

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is awake but still on eggbert

Lori O. said...

Prayers for Chris' Mom. Good reminder HODA.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if SHEP knows LOL BELLE is tucked again

magpie said...

I think I hear a fox . maybe

paula eagleholic said...

What a beautiful sight to see.

Thanks for the texts and emails!

I have a prior engagement tonight...will BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Has anyone called Jo?

JudyEddy said...

egg roll and down she is

Hoda said...

I think it is a good idea to name this one JO!!! It is long overdue I would say...I second JUDIE'S suggestion.

JudyEddy said...

yes on that Paula Margy did

Hoda said...

YES PAULA MARGY called JO and ED answered and he was going to tell her right away. She was about to snooze...

JudyEddy said...

ok now I mean it I am pulling my self away or I will be hurting tomorrow

paula eagleholic said...

Did anyone get video?

Did anyone send an announcement through Momster mail?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, glad Jo was called!

Hoda said...

Can not let that one pass us by...

MISS PAUAL has a MYSTERIOUS PRIOR ENGAGEMENT tonight!!! What would you all make of opened the door PAULA!!! LOL !!!;)

Hoda said...

JUDYE got a video and it is on FB and on this thread PAULA.

I did not see anyone say anything about MOMSTER MAIL. The album will have a picture like on this thread

paula eagleholic said...

I just sent a quick email.

Gotta go, love ya'll.

Hoda said...

Do you want me to do the MOMSTER EMAIL PAULA?

Hoda said...

Done thank you are fast.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Hoda, I'm going out with Larry as he is heading to beach tomorrow :)

Hoda said...

...and the gal gotta go!!!


Hoda said...



magpie said...

Oh Yay....while you are with Larry, give him some extra Hugs for bringing YOU and the NCTC Cam together, Paula !! ☺♥♥☺

stronghunter said...

Hi, got some very excited messages on my phone. Borrowed Kathryn's laptop and had some issues getting it to cooperate with me. But finally got here. Now to go to the live cam.


Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judy for the call over! Great job of capturing the egg laying Judy!

Will be great to start having the cam up when my students arrive in the morning and to know that someone will always be in the nest.

I see Belle is tucked in - she worked hard this evening, even though it sounds like this egg popped out pretty easily!

magpie said...

Seems like the networking tools are working well to let as many know, as quickly as we can

this is Good !

Lolly said...

LOL So, there I was at the grosssserie store and in comes a text. It was the birth announcement of the egg...and
I was grinning ear to ear. Thanks, Hoda!!

I have seen the egg as the cam was still up and I sat down and then saw an egg roll. Whoppppeeee!

It has been a long day. Appointment was at 2:15, got in at 3:30, and out at 4:40. Getting all the info onto the computer is taking lots of doctors time. Anyway, after running errands I just got home a little while ago.

stronghunter said...

So good to see Belle in the nest tucked in and sitting on her egg.

magpie said...

Yes, we have not seen THAT view in over 365 days, Shirley

Okay Lolly, you are on board too...
are these appointments for Jack ?

magpie said...

Linda was in church but got my message
and will check the nest soon as she can.
Hoping to hear that Kay has
noticed also...and Any and All

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

and thank you, Hoda...
the prayers for Chris Barton do
continue over here too, and in the days to come ♥

Lynne2 said...


Hairless Squirrels

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

Steve is out of the wrist cast and in a brace. A brace that had to be heated up in some contraption, and then molded to his arm. MUCH more comfy for him! Has to take off 3x per day to do very gentle stretching and is still NOT allowed to grab, lift, hold anything til after next visit in one month. Heel rads look good, further eval in one month and MAYBE he can begin weight bearing...MTRB.

In other news....

We have been given the official word this evening that we must be out of here by March 3. Tracey, just about in tears, came down to tell us. Her husband wants us out and she feels terrible. She wouldn't care, but as she said, he IS her husband.

While I sincerely think we'll find a place by then, I'm worried.

magpie said... sorry about the turn of events, but seems like Steve's healing is on schedule...
I wish I had some answers or ideas that would help....
I can pray, and I will do that

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, I hope you can find a place very soon.

And I want to thank you for the message about the egg. I saw yours and then Judy's. Thanks to both of you.

Sandi said...

Lynne, glad to hear that Steve is healing. What a difficult situation you guys are in. I know you've been looking for someplace else to live and also know you haven't been happy about living in that cold, dark basement. At the same time, it must be so scary to be given a deadline that you must adhere to.

Margy, thanks so much for an update on Jo. I sure hope she continues to head in the right direction with her breathing and can get out of that hospital sooner rather than later.

I am off to hop into a hot bathtub before Criminal Minds comes on. Goodnight all - and what an eggciting night it has been!! See everyone in the AM! ♥

Lynne2 said...

It'll be OK, just so much to think about, and I am TIRED. Mentally and physically.

On the other hand, Tracey also asked me to come work for her! She is going into business with a vet and he is opening a practice, and doing mobile as well. It will take a couple of months to get the new office ready but they'll need me!

stronghunter said...

And, Wanda, now that I can navigate back to FB, I see your message. Thanks.

Kathryn uses IE and I use Google Chrome. I am having some problems going from place to place.

Lynne2 said...

There are some obstacles to moving...many places in my very humble price range are managed by rental companies. They require a credit check. With things as they are for us financially, my credit has taken a hard hit. Steve will likely loose his license, too. Not that we have a second car, but working out use of one car would certainly be easier if he has a license. Ideally, I'd like to move very close to work. So far, nothing has become available....

JudyEddy said...

I am sending to Angie tomorrow for her Bday a Edible arrangement tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

all the pictures are in the album I did pretty good on the pic of the stick nestoration before the big event happened I though they were working harder than norm LOL

JudyEddy said...

thanks for the link on the squirrel LYNNE2 and I am so sorry about your luck I sure wish I lived closer you could move in with me

JudyEddy said...

oh PLEASE if you watch the video of the squirrel and the two birds I posted it on the americam bird backyard count and someone said they didn't think it was a Robin can you tell I still thinks its a robin

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is still tucked in LOVE IT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

I am sitting here with my fan in my window
This fan is atarded the switch is in the back and the cord is also
what a stupid place for the switch in the middle especially when its in the window and off course the plug is back there to and hits the screen Its a removable cord to Thats a new one on me OK gonna go finish watch idol

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night so I can give the computer back to Kathryn. I will return if I can find my way back.

Have a good evening, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

ODD when I click on the links it doesn't take me to my blog it takes me to YOUTUBE and when i went to put pic on my blog it comes up with IE can't display all of my videos say that on the blog but the pictures are there
ODD will have to check later to see if its a glitch or what

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

mariadangeloart said...

Yay!!!!! So about when will this egg be due to hatch?

Janet said...

EGG-citement! AN EGGBERT! Thanks JudyE for the email! :) :) :)

Its been a busy day: 2 massages.....I got home and FINALLY finished putting together my expenses for my taxes......I am normally done in December, but Miss Lorelei kind of threw a kink in my normal plans for December.....and I am not really sure what happened to January....

And today is of course, ice skating practice.....and then dinner and such.....and I am tired tonight.

I made some blueberry muffins for breakfast.....I think my job for the day is done!

Well everyone have a peaceful night...let's hope that that storm heading towards New England next week misses the nest............................ concern in my head about this......and egg and a potential blizzard?????

GrannyBLT: light and love to you and your beloved dog.....this is the difficult part of loving another being....hugs to you my friend.

SHARON: light, love, healing & comfort to your friend/family....

And of course, continuing to think of all our other eagle family....light and love to all.................Good night and SED!

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

I'm back. Egg roll.

Unknown said...

Very eggscellent day --have a good night everyone

JudyEddy said...

ODD I used google and the video aren't there either I reposted them
another ODD thing after I posted the pic on the blog I went back to the live cam and got a COMMERCIAL short one OK bye again

stronghunter said...

Wiggle, wiggle back down on the egg.

Lynne2 said...

Judy the first bird in the video is NOT a robin. I just don't know what it IS. I'd send the video to a local bird club...not something I've seen in these parts. the second appears to be a grackle

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I got commercials at OC, too, Judy. Guess they sold some time.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lydia.

Lynne2 said...

Hey maria! About 35 days! Around March 12

stronghunter said...

Nice to see you tonight, Maria.

Lynne2 said...

OK, Judy, I think the Grackle may be a Boattailed Grackle and the first bird might just be a FEMALE BTG.

mariadangeloart said...

Thank you Lynne!

Lolly said...

Margy, today's appointment was a routine appointment with my doctor. However, I do need to schedule two procedures, a bone density test and the dreaded colonoscopy. (sp?) shuddder!

Jack does not go back for blood work for another 2 1/2 months.

Lynne, glad things are progressing with Steve. Have been and will continue to keep you in prayer.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info on the birds I loved the way her tail feathers were fanned on top of the water she was really neat to watch

Lynne2 said...

BIG NEWS besides egg today....

Hasbro has announced that they are removing the IRON from Monopoly and replacing with a Cat token!

USPS will stop delivery of First Class mail on Saturdays beginning Aug. 1 of this year.

Lynne2 said...

Judy, still send the video to someone in a bird club in FLA for positive ID....

JudyEddy said...

TURTLE BAY had their first egg today also

magpie said...

Thanks Lolly, I see your answer...
I think you will do fine on both....the first won't be so
unpleasant as the Prep only second test...once you're asleep it's a snap!

JudyEddy said...

I will get more video too I sit out side at lunch nice outside

JudyEddy said...

I am going to post it on teh Audubon page

magpie said...

Neat video, JudyE, the two birds and the squirrel...I agree with Lynne2 exactly, what could that first bird be! almost has some
flycatcher colors to it, but I'm stumped...
interesting squirrel..really good video clip, Thanks!

Hello and Welcome back Maria...
yup, now to wait for another and maybe another egg ! And to watch when Shep takes over his first egg-tending duties !

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Going to all it
A Night:

A Night!

Prayers for Wellness all around, for our families, friends, and pets....

hope GG's dental things went okay!

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

oh brother going to CALL it a night.
I saw that egg roll....!
Belle is staying busy.
G'Night, Belle and Eggbert

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

What is Belle looking at????

Lynne2 said...

What is Belle looking at????

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

she is creeping me looking down

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

she doesn't look upset

Lynne2 said...

I don't hear anything either, but my sound isn't working anyway! LOL!

Lynne2 said...

maybe she has to make a boom boom....

JudyEddy said...

I put the speaker up to my good ear just to make sure its working and I do hear the camera hmm like normal no winds

JudyEddy said...

OH and that is such a big ordeal after childbirth I wounder if for her to LOL

JudyEddy said...

I don't like this :-(

Lynne2 said...

hey....maybe she is going to lay another egg!!!

JudyEddy said...

8 min eggbert is not covered up Lets hope the body heat over the cup will be good enough

JudyEddy said...

Two eggs in one day has that happened OH where is Paula or JO that would know

Lynne2 said...

after all, nothing is as usual, really....we got no several nights in the nest action, no lots of fish being delivered action, a fast delivery of the first egg....who knows what is next!!

JudyEddy said...

but her butt is not on the eggcup

JudyEddy said...

she lays a egg out of the cup IS that like out of wed lock LOL

Lynne2 said...

did something just fly by or was that a blip in the camera

magpie said...

I'm still watching too until
the next part of the action...
maybe she would like Shep to come sit on the egg for a few minutes;
another egg would be remarkable right now

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

speaking of boom booms, Daisy is whining and I must get her outside.

JudyEddy said...

HAVE you heard of it Margy two eggs in one nite

JudyEddy said...

she looks like she is sleeping no motion

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

egg roll, fluffing, and back down on the egg!

Sandi said...

Checking in one more time before bed. I see Belle is finally settling back down on the egg. Looks like all is well at the nest! Big day for Belle and Shep and for all of us who love them! Goodnight!

JudyEddy said...

and she is back down yeah the egg was under her tail feathers when we saw her sitting there at first I though a nother egg when she got up she So she was covering it with her putt

JudyEddy said...

got a nice pic before she sat back down and put on fb will put on album later Ok now I need to say goodnight again

magpie said...

G'Night Judy, and everyone again.
No, Judy not at NCTC, not two eggs in one night/day, not that I know of.
xoxo (( All Night Hugs )) ♥

Hoda said...

Belle tucked in and all is indeed well at the nest now.

paula eagleholic said...

I read back to "the moment" and see that DanaMo noticed Belle was chirping. We finally found out, once we had sound, that she chirps when she is laying an egg!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to see her tucked in ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

WHOO HOO!!! Eggbert is here!!!

Mighty eggcited to hear about that!

More good news: We got our car back, and the repair looks great!
Can't tell anything ever happened to it. They waxed the whole car for us, too!

Shar, prayers for sure for Chris Barton's mother! (I HATE cancer!)

grannyblt, prayers for Daisy Rose!
Hope she will eat for you tonight.

Lynne2, prayers that just the perfect place will become available for you, Steve, and the critters.

Prayers that Jo will be able to go back home VERY soon! She will want to be watching the nest, for sure!

Well, I think I'd better go veg in TV Land for a while. Prayers have been said for everyone, especially for Jo and Chris Barton's mother, and for Lynne and Steve. Sleep well, everybody, with SED! The porch light's on, and both security systems are enabled. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Lynn must be grinning from ear to ear!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!

Hoda said...

LYNNE in regards to dead lines. They are manageable. Put the word out now that you will need help with the move. Start collecting boxes and packing.It is three weeks and you can do it. Keep your job and this is steady income and it is good for a credit check.
I put you in the Light for being tired and yes you have cause to be very tired. It has been tough. Hold on for a while longer and it will get better.
Don't think that what you can afford is not enough and take what is out there so long as it is clean and safe living. This is a phase and it is tough but others have also had it this tough.
Love you and you are not alone.
A lot can happen in three weeks.

stronghunter said...

Good night. SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

ANDY it does my heart good to see you on here. Glad for the vehicle being back and in good shape. I do hope you hear from your insurance company that it is all clear.

stronghunter said...


Hoda has good advice. As usual, she makes lots of sense.

Hoda said...

Jennifer sent us a Momster Messgage in Momster email. JO IS GETTING BETTER!!! YAY JO.


Lolly said...

See that Andy is going to veg! I have already vegged and fell asleep here in my chair! I was evening dreaming.

Lolly said...

Belle is awake. Maybe hard to get comfortable sitting on eggbert!

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, we ARE packed! We only unpacked the barest of essentials when we came to stay here, knowing it was temporary. Everyone we know is looking for us, and everyone knows already that the call for help for our move could come with very short notice....all is good in those respects!

Lolly said...

So, you just have to find the right place!!!!

Lynne2 said...

and we plan to take the first thing we can get, as in, afford and can take the dogs.

Lynne2 said...

Glad to hear our Jo is on the road to recovery!

Lynne2 said...

I am so tickled that 2 Momsters have met this week and are in hot pursuit of eagles! Bet those 2 are having the best time talking birds and photography!

Lolly said...

Don't you know they are having a fantastic time. Have camera will shoot!!!!

Hoda said...

Is anyone else on? Belle is doing the strangest head movements...honestly "Walk Like an Egyptian" is the only way I can describe it!!!LOL I know ir is funny...
now she tucks in...
the stongest thing I have had to drink is hot chocolate!!! so no I am not seeing things!!!LOL

Lolly said...

Belle is back to the tucked position.

Lolly said...

Are you sure, Hoda?

Lynne2 said...

FROM GLO and LINDA...who were posting on the old thread.....

9:36 PM (1 hour ago)

glo has left a new comment on the post "Monday":

I hear we have an egg. its been an exciting day in eagle land :-)

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Posted by glo to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Wednesday, February 06, 2013 9:36:00 PM

10:38 PM (32 minutes ago)

Linda has left a new comment on the post "Monday":


Thank you Margy...
for the text!!

Our first egg of the 2013 season!!

Thank you JUDYE for the email, too!!

What wonderful news to come home to this evening!!!

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Posted by Linda to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:38:00 PM

10:41 PM (28 minutes ago)

Linda has left a new comment on the post "Monday":

Happy to learn that JO is doing a little better and getting a little stronger. Praise God!

Happy to learn that LORI's Dad is feeling a little better and adjusting better, too!!! Praise God!!

Happy to hear ANDY is back safe and sound!!! Praise God!!

ANDY - So sorry you have suffered losses of dear friends in this past month and of the accident to Ken's car. You've been through the ringer, gurl!! Hang in there!! We missed you terribly.

HODA - Hope you are feeling better very soon. Prayers for continued healing for you!

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Posted by Linda to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:41:00 PM

10:43 PM (26 minutes ago)

Linda has left a new comment on the post "Monday":

There is much more to comment on, but I am too exhausted to do so.....

We are headed up to bed, but I wanted to Congratulate Belle and Shep on their first egg...

And to say hello to all of YOU!!

Wishing you all restful, peaceful, healing sleep tonight


Hoda said...

Thank You LYNNE...I am proud of you.You have all the things in place that would give me a lot of thought...

Hoda said...

Thank you LYNNE for bringing the comments over from the old thread.

Lynne2 said...

It's only because the stay here was never intended to be anything but a stop over. The accident put a big wrench in the works. but there is NOTHING beside my husband and my little family that I am more dedicated to right now than getting out of this place

Lolly said...

Lynne, do you have someone helping you to look?

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah....EVERYONE! Everyone at work is keeping an eye out for the RENT signs as some don't actively post in the papers or Craigslist. And we go and drive around as well. I really wanted to get really close to work, but that may not happen.

Hoda said...

lost the cam!!! How rude an advertisement!!! I do not like that!!!

Lolly said...

I do know we are all holding you two up in prayer. Wish we lived closer to be able to do more.

Heading to a nice warm shower and to read a bit before bed.

Night all! SED!

Nite Jo.....where ever you are!☺♥

paula eagleholic said...

Here is a video of Belle laying her egg...looks like it was at 6:10pm. Thanks to Doreen at the Hancock Wildlife Forum. They refer to Shep as Smitty over there.

Belle's First Egg Feb 6 2013

Hoda said...

Belle off the egg and does an egg roll and settles back down but egg is not covered for a minute or so and then she settles back down again and egg is covered. Belle is awake facing 6

Hoda said...



Hoda said...

Belle is up. Egg is exposed and I am seeing it on the still cam on my iPhone . She settles back again after a few minutes.
Had to check!

DanaMo said...

Wow lots of chatter already on the first night of a new egg. She isn't really covering it right now.

DanaMo said...

Gee I guess everyone is sleeping but me :(

Sandi said...

Morning Dana and Miss Belle! Hmmm, I can see that egg, even though Belle is tucked in and asleep. I guess Belle knows what she's doing by leaving it uncovered.

Sandi said...

Great video from Doreen showing Belle actually laying the egg - like the chirping sound she was making! The egg being uncovered surely means that Belle has more to lay so she's not really incubating this one yet to allow them to hatch closer together.

What's with the commercial that now plays as soon as the cam starts - YUK!

OK, I've spent too much time on the computer already! Prayers for all and make it a great day!!

Sandi said...

Wish I could stay and watch Shep's arrival this morning and his first view of egg #1! Bye all!

Janet said...

Good morning all! Hope everyone has a great day..... :) Hopefully in a couple of days we will have a 2nd egg.....

Hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Shep has come in and is on the egg now. The switch just took place.

stronghunter said...

Shep got off the egg for a moment, but now he is back on it.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle family!

Our second day with the new egg! Wonder when we'll get another?

Sorry you have such busy morning, SANDI!

Good Morning, DanaMO, JANET, MARGY and JudyE and GLO.

Prayers for JO and DanaMo's Dad!

Expecting a clear day here in PA today then the ice and freezing rain hit tonight and tomorrow.

LYNNE2, praying for you, too, my friend!

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

My delete, sorry.

stronghunter said...

Daylight at the nest. Shep incubating.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I predict we will get another egg on Saturday. I am so eggcited that the process has started but I so wish it would start in April after all the snow has fallen.

stronghunter said...

I think that is Belle back in the nest and settling into the egg cup.

stronghunter said...

Well, I tried to post that awhile ago. The task bar has decided to move to the bottom of the screen and covered the posting thingy. Geesh. Took me awhile. I think it's Belle still at the nest, and I think Shep left after moving a stick around. That is one long stick.

glo said...


stronghunter said...

Belle calling.

stronghunter said...

Going to new thread.

NatureNut said...

Hooray!!! Eggbert is here!!
Been planning to get on 'puter every night, but keep Panda napping after work!
Got some pretty good pics at Park on Tuesday I have to put in Nook.
Waiting for fingers to thaw from helping in garage!

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Hello all Eaglemomsters and Dadsters,

So glad to hear that THE NEST has finally had it's first egg. I have been checking in from time to time at school. Now I can let the children watch. Congratulations to Belle and Shep! They will do a good job. Can't wait for the next egg!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...