Wednesday, June 15, 2011


evening thread.  On travel this week.


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JudyEddy said...

I hope each one of you have a great day I am so tired I think I get more tired with having Jordyn the two days compared to working 5 days

JudyEddy said...

DID anyone look at my embarrassing video on the merry go round I posted yesterday

WOW do I really need to loose weight

paula eagleholic said...

LORI, I too didn't see one typo, I was mesmerized by your report as well. Thank you!

I am heading to the beach this evening...taking John's truck to work today so I can go pick up my countertops and take them down...yeah!! My brother is going down with me.

Lori O. said...

Hello JUDYE, I missed you but am glad you're enjoying your time with Jordyn.

Have fun & be safe at the Primate Sanctuary. Wasn't there a couple there a few years ago that was attacked by the chimp they had placed with the sanctuary? They brought the chimp a b-day cake and it went wrong from there. Please be careful.

Lori O. said...

Hey PAULA! I'm jealous of your new countertops - I still need them in my kitchen and now you're getting them in your vacation home! LOL.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE - did you post the Merry-go-round link on the blog or FB?

Lori O. said...


KAY returns to the blog next week. Tho we are sad that she will send her granddog, Malcolm, home to his family, the blog posters of Eagle Land rejoice that she is coming home...uh, back.

AND, I believe that DANA MO who has been doing Missionary work this last week will be returning this coming week!

Then LOLLY leaves next Thursday for her camping trip to Colorado.

Gosh, how do we get HODA, ANDY, KAY, LOLLY, GLO, JIM and JUDY E here? Who am I missing? It's like our family reunion was cancelled.

hedgie said...

Good Friday AM.
Caught up with you all.
Paula, so sorry about your friend Deb's loss. Prayers for her and family.
Is your brother going to install your new countertop? You ARE truly blessed with Ajay....did not know that she was doing that for you and Nugz every day. Sweet girl.

DC area all in a frenzy with a suspicious vehicle near the has been subjected to a controlled explosion. A man was also found inside Arlington Cemetery during the night---it is closed after dark...MTBR, I'm sure, on this whole scenario.

JudyE---have a fun time today with Jordyn. You're a great grandma!

Please add my SIL Shannon to your prayers today. He is having colonoscopy and esophagoscopy this AM for ongoing stomach problems that all other tests have failed to diagnose.

Hoda, it was me who had the Banff connection.

No, Lori, don't know Mr. Tennant....just saw a post on FB about him form one of the nature pages.

hedgie said...

Now I have some sad news to convey in our nest world. It appears that Finney2 nest is lost....the chicks, that is. Can't make any real sense out of their forum because the translation is very poor, but it appears that the wee ones have expired, a nd that maybe dad was not supplying appears to have been stopped...shows mama just sitting there with deceased chicks. Sorry to be the bearer of more sad tidings.

Gotta read papers...time for trial to start....and have hair apptmt. (rescheduled from Weds.) at 11:30.

stronghunter said...

Turned on the TV awhile ago and saw the traffic problem you are talking about, Lynn. Glad I did not have to go into the city today. A couple of my children might be in that mess somewhere, though. Rus and Susan live in No. Va. Hope Judie is at home this morning.

They are opening up roads now.

magpie said...

Prayers for Shannon...sure hope the problem can be found, and fixed!
and thank you for the information....though very sad....about the loss at FinneyTwo -
what a heartbreak

Paula - -Whazoo! A three-day week-end at Paula's Paadise, and some countertops and a Brother along to boot!

Hello Shirley

magpie said...

ooops speaking of typos, this was a READO -
thought Paula was headed to the beach this MORNING - -
make that evening,oh, may it get here FAST !

Hope that your co-worker Deb and all the family are doing okay,
continued payers for comfort

magpie said...

It's really easy to miss posts sometimes even when I refresh after each one I make...
I was thinking that Jo had not said her GoodNights last night, but she DID !
Whew, now I can breathe, and now, I better get back to work

see you in awhile...
xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

The Pentagon stuff was all over the news this morning, sounds like a real mess. Glad no one got hurt!

Lynn, prayers for Shannon.

The cabinets and countertops at the beach are being installed next weekend...John and his FIL are coming down, along with both of my brothers. Should be fun! Picking up a bucket of chicken and making potato salad for them next weekend. My younger brother, Phil, is the plumber, and he's going to work on some other things while he is down as well. My older brother is Steve.

Lynn, so sad at Finney2 nest...I have not had time to watch those nests this year.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta get back to work, hope to check in later...

hedgie said...

Sounds like you have the plans well laid out, Paula! GOod that you have so many pros in your family!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Calling all angels, or eaglet momsters as we call them around here, for prayer -

I have a really good friend in Bedford, Dana is her name, who found out this week she has fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. She has to go to UVa for a muscle biopsy sometime soon. Will let you know more when I do!

stronghunter said...

You are going to have a nice place when you get everything finished, Paula. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Not only is Paula the expert painter, she has a family of experts to help her with the other jobs.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I have been reading
the previous page before coming
over here.
Whoo Hoo! Lynne- Great experience
for the vet's crew.
Margy- will ask for sunshine Sat am
Paula- prayers for Deb & her family in this time of sadness
Lori- Superb reporting on our
Eagle Couple (?) I am not quite certain when it will turn into
lovey dovey pecks!
Paula- Love the pic of your Dad & Michael.
JudyE- FB is the next stop for me & I'll be sure to watch your video
Lynn- More sad news in our world of feathered friends. :(

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Shannon, Lynn, and hopes that the tests show something
that can be healed/fixed.

Sharon- that is a lot to put on one person- Prayers for Dana/Bedford to find some rest from
all that pain.

Mema Jo said...

Paula- Family help is great! That is how our duplex became a rancher
style beach house! Family !

hedgie said...

Prayers for sure for your Bedford Dana, Sharon. What a lot to deal with...:(

Jo, would love to see pics of your beach house!

Time to shag on outta here to get my shaggy do groomed!!! Hate when it's hanging in my face and touching a collar!

Costume Lady said...

My hair is shaggier than yours, Lynn. Half-way down my back and badly damaged! Ran into my favorite hair stylist yesterday (haven't been to her in many years) and she told me where she is now working. I'm going to make an appoiontment with her and see what she can do with this mess! I love long hair because you can do so many different styles with it, but when it is so badly damaged...time to get it cut:)

We had a wonderful rain here, last night...but still need plenty more. Hope it helped Megan.

stronghunter said...

Rus just called to say that the guy arrested this morning in the mess in Washington lives four doors down from his townhouse. They are cordoning off the streets there now. He hopes they will be able to get into their house tonight. They have two cats and a dog to feed.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! I have my tree removal crew
out front - By the time I heard the saws and looked out front, My
Red Maple was downed! Sad day for
us. There are 2 more maples that
are leaving... Something is
happening to the Maples around town

stronghunter said...

Oh, sad, Jo. I hope you have plenty of other trees.

movin said...


GooD MorNiNG on a


of a FriDay tO aLL..


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Good morning everyone...I hope you all have a GREAT DAY.

Thanks for the morning report LORI. It was detailed and I could imagine the action as you were describing it.

Hedgie/Lynn Sorry about the confusion on Banff trip...It seems to happen more often when I get concerned or upset by news events.
I am glad you know the Jasper Banff Highway...and Jasper is lovely...

Paula I like the picture of your Dad with well to the Beach House and we will look forward to your checking in.

My Camera feed is with lots of horizontal lines...isit the wind again?

hedgie said...

I'm back---feel more human now!

Hoda, it's Lolly who knows the Banff Highway and Jasper....I just told that Banff was named after Banffshire, Scotland and that my ancestors from there settled in Banff, Canada! I've never been to anywhere in Canada except Windsor.

Wanda---how short do plan to go on your lovely hair??

Wonderful news from my hairdresser...her hubby saw a mature eagle flying over his farm fields last week (Margy, out in the Locust Grove Rd. area); it borders Sleepy Creek, where we already know there is at least one nest!!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - that is scary to realize
that someone living so close is
so dangerous.. I hope they get back
into their home......

hedgie said...

Looks like storm clouds rolling in again....we shall see what happens with those....I, too, hope that Megan got as much rain as we did last night.

Mema Jo said...

I am popping in and out - busy watching my tree trimmers


Hoda said...

I thought it iwas Lolly and that you had the ancestors from Scotland. I maybe need to go back to the post that you commented on and that led me to be further confused.Thanks hedgie/Lynn...

stronghunter said...

Hey, I have Scottish ancestors!!

Mema Jo said...

I took a look at

Itchy Withers Farm

Mema Jo said...

Sometimes it takes awhile for Lily
to come into view.....

Lolly said...

Have not read the blog yet, but I had to let you know the vet report. Annie weighed 10 lbs, down from 12 a year ago. However, he said she feels solid, looks good, and her heart sounds great. He said that with thyroid problems they also get heart murmurs. So, an excellent report. Such a nice guy, really is loving with her, and understands perfectly our decision. He knows where she goes to "camp" and will be ready to take of her in all ways while we are gone....if necessary. He always remarks what a pretty coat she has and so clean. Her long hair does not get matted.

Going to read the blog now!

stronghunter said...

Clan Hunter's Castle

I have never been here, but some of my relatives have visited.

Mema Jo said...

Christine's report on Sam today:
Well Sam seems to be feeling a lot better today. She said the pain is not as bad and she can swallow easier. So we are going to give the regular Tylenol a try.

stronghunter said...

Good to know that Sam is doing well.

stronghunter said...

This is the entrance to Rus and Rebecca's neighborhood.

I do hope that they will be able to get home without difficulty tonight. They have two kitties and a dog to take care of.

hedgie said...

OMG, Jo---I got Itchy Withers cam to play!!!! About time!!! Hooray!

Lolly said...

Surely proof of residence and telling the police they have animals to care for will get them into their home.

Lori, loved this mornings report on the eagles. Belle really has her talons full with Truder!

Sharon, what horrible diagnosis for your friend, Dana. Prayers for her for sure!

Just got a call from my Zacharoo! He was at the acquarium in New Orleans. They have gone down there for father's day. Laurel and boys will be here tomorrow. We are calling it Jack's father's day. Then is just Jack and me. He is requesting meals for the weekend. LOL

Monday is our anniversary and we are going to Nonna Tata's to eat. Hurrah!!!!!

hedgie said...

Nice castle, Shirley!!! Is it inhabited or just preserved? Is it in Aylshire?
Sure hope the kids can get back to their home this evening.

hedgie said...

Shirley, Michael's family sure likes to take a lot of short trips!! Zach will be a well-traveled young man!
I am anxious to hear how Ashley does on the camping trip!!! ;)

stronghunter said...

Last I heard, it is lived in. The word they posted the last time I read about it said that it is available for tour by members of the Hunter Clan, but that you must call ahead or they will throw you in the moat.

From what I just read on this link, the moat has been drained.

I have read previously that it was visited by the Queen Mother when she was alive.

stronghunter said...

Ayrshire, Scotland.

Hoda said...

Beautiful Castle StrongHUNTER...

hedgie said...

Christie still has not let me know anything about Shannon.....left a v/m on her cell when I got home....She worked 12 hrs. until 6:30 and then took him to our hospital here; assuming that all went okay and they are both home sleeping. I think she has to be back at work at 7. Grrrr....would it be so hard to at least text me and say All is well??

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sure hope Rus and Rebecca can get back to their house...I wonder if all that (blocking off access) is really necessary at times!

stronghunter said...

Got my Germanna grades posted, but now without difficulty.

Could not call the college, could not log onto their system. Finally got help to get in (I e-mailed them) and found a student I have never heard of on the class list.(Germanna has to figure that one out.) As far as we can tell, the student does not even live in Culpeper.)

Now my computer does not want to talk to my printer, so I can't print out the grades and sign off on a paper copy.

Technology is not my friend today. I had gone out to the car and pulled the file cabinet out of the trunk and dragged it into the garage so I could get the paperwork with all of my password info on it, but still no go on getting in.

Do not know why I could not reach them by phone. Just kept getting a recorded message that the college was "not available." But they are open and a very kind person called be back when I e-mailed her.

JudyEddy said...

First and most important Hello and good afternoon to all who step in to out virtual world with the real eagles Is Steve going to be gone over the weekend from his comment of traveling?

AND DID anyone figure out who KIM was LYNN and I both got that weird mssg yesterday but was sent from a Sun blog day June 5 spooky I say I did click on her name and shes only been on since May 2011 Odd I say

Dad inspecting something I had made him in this picture

I put a few pictures up in the Blog My favorite granddaughter
My favorite granddaughter

and video in Jordyn videos She got to set on a African turtle when we were there they woke up up and carried it out for her she loved it until it started to walk with her on top too funny


and pictures from yesterday are in the internet file

picturesmade from internetfames

Jordyn is down for a nap and I have been busy posting videos on here and picture on here and on face book only videos for now I want to make up my pictures like I do on the internet 5 pic in one I love it Ok gonna go finish before she wakes and wants to play or something BBL still haven't read todays blog Not to bad so far 50 to read

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Paula, I wonder too, but they were looking for bombs at first. However, they did not evacuate anyone, so they must not have been too worried.

hedgie said...

Very strange, JudyE----I scrolled through Sun. the 5th blog and don't see a post from a Kim.....very curious....I guess only you and Lynne2 get the blog sent to your email.....too bad it's not still there so that Paula could arrange to have it removed (by Steve) and block her from posting again.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, maybe Steve already removed it??

And JUdyE, never click on a link from someone you don't know....their name is OK, but if they post a blue link, don't ever click on it!

hedgie said...

Shirley, very strange that someone would appear on the grade roll that wasn't in the class! Makes you wonder about their recordkeeping! So except to turn in your computer, you are now completely finished???!!!! Yippee!!!! Congrats!

stronghunter said...

Yes, very strange to find the name of someone I haven't heard of on my roll. I do not know how it happened. My contact person said she has never seen that happen before.

stronghunter said...

I have to sign off on the grade report and turn in my computer, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Rus has just talked to the police, and, as of now, they will not be allowed in their house this evening. Oh, my!!

magpie said...

that's not such good news, Shirley...
hmmm, will they come to your place?

magpie said...

heavy duty...

stronghunter said...

Don't know. We will see.

magpie said...

time to say:
Good Happy Friday Afternoon Everyone for whatever is on your dance cards

Safe travels...

will be leaving work here soon, go get James for a sleepover...will be getting up bright and early Saturday

stronghunter said...

Oh my, will they bring two cats and a dog? Oh my. That would be very interesting.

Rus's father lives up there. But they may be at the river house.

magpie said...


I am so sorry to read of the trees having to come down in your yard....
like losing a good old friend....
save some pieces of tree, maybe you or the kids can make a little something out of it
will it be down to the roots???
or just topped off?

hedgie said...

You may be right, Paula.....guess when Steve removes something it doesn't have the "this post has been removed" message, huh?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Have been SO busy this morning, I scarcely know which end is up! Got the bulldogs taken care of, and Emma, too.

Please say some prayers regarding a call I got yesterday afternoon from someone at my school. She said I had a chance to get a transcription job with someone named Gary, and she gave me his phone #. She said he needed someone right away, so I called. He wants somebody to type up the questionnaires that they give to new patients. He said to call another phone # that he gave me, and talk to Ida. She wasn't there, but the guy who answered said to call at 8 am today (Fri.) and she would be there. When I called, Gary said to call back at 10 am and talk to Ida. I did, and she said she would e-mail me a template of what their form looks like, and I could use that to format the work they want done. I gave her my e-mail address, but still haven't received the template from her, or any work to do. Checked my junk mail folder, and nothing there, either. Just hoping that everything is copacetic, and legit. Seems a little odd that all I have is 2 phone numbers and all first names, and not the name of the doctor's office or an address.

Have tried to catch up here, but not easy! Prayers continue for Samantha, and I'm glad she's feeling better.

Prayers, Lynne2, for the lab puppies and their mom. Please keep us posted!

YAY! Have been praying for Annie the cat's vet visit today, and relieved to hear that she got a good report!!

Paula, prayers for Debbie and her family. Sorry for her sudden loss.

Sharon, prayers for Dana in Bedford. So much to deal with all at once!

Lynn & Shirley, I have a bunch of Scottish ancestors, too! Lynn, thanks for the sad information about Finney2. Glad now that I haven't had the time to watch that nest. :o[

Mema Jo, sorry to hear about your Red Maples. Out here something is killing Monterey pines.

Oh, please pray about this, too! A couple of nights ago, Emma was barking at our grandfather clock in the entry. Couldn't tell whether she was barking at her reflection or what, but she sounded pretty urgent. Found out yesterday afternoon what it was all about--was walking down our hall, and nearly had a heart attack!--a RAT was running down the hall toward me, and it ran into the computer room!!! Have a bunch of sticky traps out, and haven't seen it since, but can hear it rustling around occasionally. EEEWWWWWWW!!!! Don't want Emma to catch it, because they can carry a bunch of nasty diseases, so I have her blocked so she can't get in here. Have the door closed, so it's harder for it to get out of the room. Think I'll put a bit of peanut butter in the middle of all the sticky traps. Yuck! Why ME?!!

Well, gotta run and pick up a prescription refill, and go to Walmart. Will check in later! Have a good Red Friday! :o]

stronghunter said...

Oh good grief, Andy. I would not want my pets tangling with a rat either. Yikes!

JudyEddy said...

I just sent the KIM email I got to the momsters mail as an attachment you can click on her name and it takes you to her profile didn't know if you wanted to see it ODD

Kay said...

Have just skimmed through umpteen thousand posts in an effort to catch up and made note of prayer requests.

Yesterday afternoon late Columbus was hit with a massive thunderstorm, rain deluge. So, no dog park. It was up to me to play enough indoor games to wear Malcolm out. Trouble is, it wore me out, big time. My lower back and right hip are screaming with pain ! This afternoon a neighbor noticed my halting step and gave me a Biofreeze spraying over the aching areas. I have to get some or something similar ASAP--it worked wonders ! The dog and I both slept in this morning---sorry LORI ! I'm so glad you were free enough to handle the morning Nestcapades alone. You deserve a gold medal for the outstanding job you did ! Thank you soooo much !

Praying the "scattered showers" predicted for today do not hit my area, but it's growing dark outside. :( I do so want to get this energetic dog to the park.

paula eagleholic said...

Andy...YIKES for sure!!

Shirley, that's insane! No in the house?

Jo, glad Sam is feeling better.

Lolly, great report on Annie!

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Caught up to lastest split.

Decorah has all the triplets on tree branches. Sure will hate to see them gone. NBG are all on the swing.

Had a huge storm with thunder and lightening and lots of rain. Wish I could have sent more rain to Megan.

Paula, glad you had a nice time with family last night. Kudos to Ajay. A prayer for Deb and her family and their friends.

CRAB LEGS? Did I read CRAB LEGS? Headed for Nestville. Enjoy, Wanda. So encouraged that GG seems to be improving.

JudyE - hope you had a good day with Jordyn.

Shirley, sorry about Hunter's game being canceled but he will get his time under the lights.

Okay, to the kitchen. Will catch up later.

Kay said...

JUDY, who is this KIM ? I resent the use of my initials ! There is a KIM who gets in on the NBG talk and the Sutton Center OK chat now and then. Wonder is this is the same person.

LYNN, so sad to read about adversity at Finney 2. Wonder if something happened to the Dad, making it impossible for him to help.

Sharon, as mentioned, I made note of all prayer requests, but wanted to let you know Dana is in my thoughts and prayers, for sure. What a devastating diagnosis that is. Hope the positive thoughts and prayers of our loving bloggers will help !

As predicted, Malcolm is getting much more comfortable each day here. He has been a little pest each time I try to use the computer--jealous, I guess. Today he's okay with it. His family returns tomorrow evening and I'll then get back to my normal sked. Have been keeping up, but not being able to comment on many items as they are current is killing me. Truely addicted and suffering withdrawal this week !

Love you all !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

Kay said...

Truly tired and unable to think, spell and punctuate properly, too. Sorry teachers !

hedgie said...

Shirley, if they aren't allowed in, how will they get the animals?
When we had the big stand-off locally 2 yrs. ago, I THINK that Animal Control either tended to people's pets or brought them out....Margy, do you remember? That incident lasted for nearly 48 hrs. if I remember correctly.

Mema Jo said...

I am still watching tree limbs bite
the dust <:( Yes Margy, Down to
the roots!
Ordering Pizza in about 1 hr

Kim - glad to see you.. I never
seem to be on here whenever you are
I know how much the Morning Early
Birds miss you!


hedgie said...

Jo and Paula----bad storm Frederick heading toward Montgomery Co. Be prepared.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lynn. Heading home, then to the beach. Will check in much later!

Have a great evening!

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Lolly, forgot to say that Annie's vet visit result is encouraging! Good to know that the weight loss isn't worrisome.

Andy, prayers for your possible job.....but how do you end up with these contacts that are SO dubious???!!!! ARGH! Do not go to meet these people alone unless you have a lot more info!
Oh, no---not another rat! How awful---do you think it was INSIDE the clock?? Where is your exterminator??? Is he falling down on the job?

stronghunter said...

Do not know how they would get the animals, Lynn. I have never had my street cordoned off like this.

But, I would think they need to handle it somehow. The dog is one they are taking care of for a friend. There may be another cat, too. Susan and I were just discussing that.

stronghunter said...

Pixza sounds like a good idea. I have not gone out today. Still need to do some cleaning whether or not we are going to have guests. BBL.

hedgie said...

Kay, glad the biofreeze eased your pain. Malcolm must be quite a handful when he's bored!!! Were you down on the floor with him???
Even tho' you'll miss him when he goes home, I know you will be glad to get back into your regular routine.

Jo, also forgot to say that I'm glad Samantha is doing well!

hedgie said...

Be careful, Paula! Hope your trip down is not extended by heavy traffic or bad weather.....are you trying the long "shortcut"??

JudyE---no email from you in Momster Mail.....

Lori O. said...

Goodness, you all have me laughing!

KAY who resents KIM using her initials. Darn, you are quick Kay!

Jo, who tells KIM the Early Birds miss her...and we do, KAY!

SHIRLEY - is there anything better to motivate one to clean the house than guests coming?

ANDY and the rat! Get a cat, Andy! :)

KAY - you can get Biofreeze in roll-on or cream, too. Any chiropracter will have it. Not sure if they see it at CVS or WalMart.

JO - being a tree hugger, I am so, so sorry about your trees. MARGY is right. They can be like an old friend. I certainly have my "special" trees here.

JUDY E - went through your Jordyn pictures on your blog - you are some Grandma. What a lucky little girl. And, very cute!

WANDA - I need a haircut, too. I feel just like you about it. Time to get a new do, but I know me and I will not blow it dry every morning. I'm such a ponytail kind of girl.

hedgie said...

The forum posts kind of indicated that the dad at Finney2 is a young one.....maybe did not know what he was supposed to do.....a similar situation as ours as far as lack of food and mom not being able to do the fishing....

stronghunter said...

Rus got into the house. He is watching all of the action with the news trucks and reporters.

Lori O. said...

SHARON - Prayers for your Dana. That's got to be a huge blow. Keep an eye on her. Give THELMA a hug for me. Buddy too!

PAULA - Safe travels on your beach trip. Have I told you how much we love hearing of your sightings and seeing your pictures? LOL! Keep 'em coming.

OH, the Finney2 Nest. Please! What's up with the bird world this year?

ANDY - there's something weird with your school's job referral program. This is not the first odd incident you've had with them. Go with your gut.

LYNNE - How are the puppies? Get some rest and be good to yourself.

Hoda said...

Stonghunter, so glad Rus got into the house and that the situation with the animals being tended to is now resolved. I hope the media soon leaves the neighbourhood so things would return to normal

Hoda said...

Safe trip Paula, check in when you get there...I hope the counter tops are loaded evenly and that there are no issues with weight distribution in the truck. You said your brother was going with you so two of you dealing with this is good. Travel in the Light...

hedgie said...

I'm sure Rus is greatly relieved, Shirley! Whew!

Carolyn is coming for dinner after the spaghetti sauce started. She will hold my wiggle worm for a pedicure while here!

stronghunter said...

Yes, I am very happy that Rus got in okay. As Susan and I suspected, there are three cats and a dog at their house right now. If they had to bring all of those critters here, I might have to move out!! (We have two cats and two dogs, and they have issues getting alone as it is.)

Only two of the cats are theirs; they are pet sitting a cat and a dog.

hedgie said...

Okay---just talked to Shannon. All is well. Dr. did find several ulcers, so started him on Prilosec, and I HOPE that they are testing for H.pylori so if that is the cause they can get him on the appropriate antibiotic. Very surprised that Dr. didn't do that breath test before putting him through all of the other stuff......probably spelled MONEY....

stronghunter said...

Good to know that all is well, Lynn.

Rus is putting pictures on FB. Bomb truck, satellite trucks, reporters, cameras, etc., etc. Those are some tall antennas on the trucks.

I posted one of his pics on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

Pizza is here


Hoda said...

Outdoor Channel Forum CLOSED their observation thread as they could not get people to respect entering NEST OBSERVATION ONLY!!!
Part of me feels relieved. It is the only thread I was interested in, so it really is time for me to move on. I thought if I continued to state the observations it would help them get out of their massive state of really did not work. As recent as this morning entries indicated that there is more than one male eagle visiting the nest!!! Also that the black feathers are a wound and it is Liberty still coming to the nest. So it is a forum for confusion and misinformation and no more observations...I feel sorry for OC moderators.

Lori O. said...

LYNN - The h-pylori treatment is awful. I had to do it about a year ago. It's a 4x a day thing that you have to take so many hours before or after you eat, and the antibiotic is pretty much the same, but you take it the opposite of the h-pylori specific med. So one you took an hour before you ate and the other had to be at least two hours after a meal and nothing to eat for an hour after that. Plus there was the dairy or something you couldn't take with the antibiotics. AND, as I recall it was a three week treatment. Glad when that was over!

hedgie said...

Gee, Lori, had no idea it was so complicated! Don't know how well Shannon would manage that; he's a firefighter working 24 hr. shifts in Fairfax Co.

Hoda, the idiot posters have ruined it now for the few who obeyed the rules...too bad. I'm frankly surprised it took OC this long to pull the plug.

hedgie said...

Pic won't enlarge, Shirley, but get the idea! He must have taken it on his phone.

Mema Jo said...

From FB: Researchers at a giant panda breeding base in southwest China's Sichuan Province released two pregnant giant pandas into a semi-wild environment near the base on Thursday, as part of the base's efforts to help more captive-bred pandas adapt to the wild. This is Ying Ying and Su Lin.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Jack and I went to Wally World and the grocery store. We are starting to stock up for our trip. Think we are going to get the trailer tomorrow. I like to take my time loading up. It is a lot easier that way.

Laurel posted a picture on fb of Jack and the boys taken in Colorado two years ago. They have changed so much! I shared it so my friends can see the picture too.

hedgie said...

Storm coming, and Caaro will be here momentarily. Shutting down for now! BBL.

stronghunter said...

No, I could not get the picture to enlarge on here, either, Lynn. He posted it on FB. Wonder if it would be larger if I make a copy of the large FB post? I will have to give that a try.

Mema Jo said...

Down in Frederick City they had good sized hail even though the sun was shinning full blast. gs
was just getting out of his car when it started!

Mema Jo said...

I just published my comment and happened to look up to the left &
I saw 503 oh no It was just the
amount of comments! Skerred me!

Mema Jo said...

I saw Russ' pics Shirley. Really came out well on FB.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - good clipping for Liesl
Glad to hear of Shannon's test
results and hope that is that!

stronghunter said...

Posted some more pics on my blog, but they show up better on FB.

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE I just sent you the KIM email to your regular email I don't know why it didn't go to the :
is this the correct email I used so I just sent it to your email link on your profile Still reading blog only a little more to go

stronghunter said...

Windy at the nest. Those leaves are dancing.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

GOT this message when I tried to send a book
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters

WE had a blast today Jordyn didn't want to leave we left about 12 got home at 1 had to wake her up a little before 4 to take her to Angies work at 4:30 She was plum wore out It was so hot 99 under my carport Every time I said you want to go eat lunch she would say MORE MONKEYS I posted only two video on blog one of her sitting on a African tortoise
They were so nice there that came and found us and said that they were going to get him for Jordyn I thought that was so nice We were the only ones there I use to take Angie Jordyn mom there when she was little that place has been there for over 40 years AMAZING I wish we had taken picture back them but I guess we didn't Never thought about capturing the moment like I do know I guess growing old has done that huh?

MY daughter boss Gary told me yesterday that he has two eagles that visit his area daily in am and pm and eat fish that they get in the lake in his back yard on the fence or sea wall He told Angie after I talked to him that to call him in advance when I come and camp in his back yard LOL Hey that's a good thought don't ya think?
and on a SAD note the eagles last year carried off one of his daughter pet bunnies she takes them out of the cage and plays with them in sort of a play area with a fence about 10 feet in circle well the eagle swooped down and got one and the other was found dead in the cage the next day Gary thinks the eagle may have landed on the cage and scared it to death Rabbits die easy of heart attach I hear. Well any way no more bunnies But now they have a small tiny dog Bad move I say someone is always out with the dog They are thinking of getting an enclosed run for the dog to go in and out of with out the fear of being eaten by the eagle I Vote for that I told him as if I get a vote

JudyEddy said...

Now that I have read all the blog I will go eat and take a shower

stronghunter said...

Prayers that a job will work out for you, Andy. You have put so much time and effort into this thing.

Judie said...

Paula, enjoy the new counter tops. Hope that installation is an ocean breeze for you.

No traffic woes for me. Apparently it was a real mess this morning around Arlington and the Pentagon. Sorry for the worker bees but better stuck in traffic than a repeat of 9/11.

Sad about Finney2. This has not been a good season.

Lynn, prayers for Shannon. Hope the discomfort is from nothing really serious.

Sharon, prayers for Dana. Sure a lot to deal with all at the same time.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it sounds like a run for a small dog needs to be made safe from eagles. Put a top on that run, please.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Dana, Sharon.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE You should be just as tired as Jordyn! She give you a run for your money. Both video were cute!
You seen to find the nicest parks

8:00 TV show - FlashPoint...
Lynn Hope Liesl's clipping is soon

Lori O. said...

Oh Look! The sandman is here! Before falling off to sleep I just wanted to say -

SHIRLEY - It was so funny to see the same pictures on your blog of Russ' that I just saw on TV!

JO - No rain here, but a friend who lives off Jefferson/340 said she had major hail. Again, sad about your trees. Must feel naked now.

LYNNE - I know you're working now but I hope you'll take a hot bath when you get home to help you wind down.

JUDYE - The Primate Center wound be a great place to volunteer!

KAY - I hope you're feeling less dog abused tomorrow! A ((big hug)) :)

PAULA - I'm glad you arrived safetly -you must have if you're reading this.

I took some pictures of both baby Black Vultures today and just finished posting them on my blog if you want to see how cute they've gotten! LOL.

Lori's Cutie-Pie Vulture Chicks

Hoping to see Belle and Truder, minus their boxing gloves, in the morning. They were raucus this morning.

So happy to wrap up a work week with my best friends! Cheers!

Prayers for all humans, health problems, pets, wildlife and Grandmas!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening Friends. I left the house this morning thinking I would get back around 2 or 3pm. I didn't get home until 7:20pm. I'm beat.

I just scanned the last page of comments real fast.
Seems the is need for prayers.
Sharon has a friend Dana in Bedford that is greatly in need of prayer.
Paula's friend Debbie had a sudden loss needs prayer.

Prayers for all those that have needs.

I have to go get my feet up. They are swollen.

May God Be With Each And Every One Of You and Your Family and Friends.

See you tomorrow. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Making those meatballs that I made the other day. You make a sauce with a 28 ounce can of tomatoes and then the meatballs cook in the sauce. It is really a different and delicious recipe. Will share!

Yes, Lynn...Michael and Ashley are practically jet setters. They are always going some place. It is going to be very interesting camping with Ashley. She has to leave her spike heels at home! LOL

Zach at age 5 knows airplane etiquette and he know how to politely order in a restaurant.

Lolly said...

It used to be we had to refresh the cam at 14 minutes. Now it just runs. Thanks you to whoever changed it. ☺

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE Cool that you got the email did it come through with the blue KIM and blue Sunday to click on

JudyEddy said...

They are running late tonight

Judie said...

Jo, so sorry about the trees. I know sometimes it has to be done but I always feel sad. But, glad Samantha is improving. She'll be up and about in no time.

Shirley, so scary for Russ and Rebecca. At least the guy is locked up now. But sorry they may not be able to get to their home. I would be very upset. Also, hope your technology issues are resolved so you can get grades posted and be done with it.

Lolly, nice trip for Zack. Glad they are having a nice time.

Need to look at Shirley's castle.

Andy, use great caution, please. Do not give out any personal information unless you know it is a legit place. Good grief, I cannot imagine a rat. Hope Emma doesn't decide to take matters into her own paws.

Kay, so sorry about the pain. Rain does that, I guess for those of us with arthritis. Had another storm here just a few minutes ago.

stronghunter said...

Rus got into their house, Judie. He stood in their driveway and watched the action. He said that he would not have been able to get in if their place was on the next street.

Rus worked at the White House awhile back--before 9/11. He said that he hadn't seen so many reporters since then.

I think I might have seen their place in some of the shots on Ch. 4.

stronghunter said...

I hope you feel better soon, Kay.

stronghunter said...

Watched part of the trial today and wondered if Judie knew any of the expert witnesses.

Judie said...

Paula, I know you've left but safe travels and enjoy the weekend.

Oh, so glad Rus could get into the house. Know the animals are "relieved" also.

Lynn, glad Shannon is getting some treatment and hope it works quickly. Hope Liesl was well-behaved for her manicure.

So Lynn got her "do" did and Wanda is contemplating a mowhawk. That would be a sight to see.

Ha, my sandperson has found at least two more momsters -- Jo and Lori. Welcome to the world of sleep.

Okay, off to get my feet up and maybe read a few pages before the sandperson arrives at my abode.


hedgie said...

Storm was breif, dinner was good, Carolyn was happy to get homemade spaghetti, she was unhappy with her work schedule for th enext two months (it's a bear!), Liesl's nails are trimmed, and she just finished tearing all the stuffing out of her little doggy toy. She apparently is taking after Cinnamon and Mai in that department. Geesh!

Judie said...

Doing a Margy...

One witness was a woman from GW. I think she is also psyc. Her name is Lorie Gottesman.

Dr. Henry Lee was just on Nancy Grace. I do know him and am furious that the Nancy Grace person is being arrogant with him. His wife had a stroke a few years ago while he was traveling and now he never travels without her. Have had lunch with both on two occasions.

Okay, bye.

stronghunter said...

Did manage to get the grades posted, Judie. Always nice to get that done. For some reason, I could not get the computer to talk to the printer, so have not printed out a copy that I can sign yet.

Hoda said...

An eagle flies to the Y branch followed by another a few seconds later

Hoda said...

They came from the wooded area in the background. The first one landed for a few seconds and took off before the second one came from the wooded area.

stronghunter said...


I have seen Dr. Lee on television programs several times. Didn't see him this time. Can't imagine anyone treating him disrespectfully. Nancy Grace can be abrasive.

He would be a most interesting person to know.

Yes, I noticed the woman psychologist from GW, and wondered if you might know her.

hedgie said...

JudyE---a lot of us can't send mail from our regular email server to the momster's mail. I have to send it to myself at my yahoo address and then forward it to Momsters.

JudyEddy said...

PAULA prayers for you and your co worker
MAGPIE Missing post that is why I get them emailed to me and you can read in order with out refreshing a page I have a browser and email open at same time And I hear a chime when a new email comes in so I know when puter is busy which with the blog is all day LOL I now have 74 to read.

E E SHARON I will keep your friend DANA in my prayers

LYNN I will be praying for Shannon also may the out come of her test be good
JIM MOVIN see you breezed in for just a second again

WANDA I wish I was brave enough to cut my hair I think of it now and then I have such thin hair really looks like kaw kaw (sp) short

Do we ever really know our neighbors?? I mean down the street not the ones right next door Our surrounding neighbors I always look on line to see if there any predator in the area I live one block from a school and they are not allowed that close my benefit

JO so glad SAM is getting along great kids are tough aren't they!

48 emails to go Is there a light at the end of this tunnel I will not speed

WOW SHIRLEY Nice castle I could live there No PROB I went to a castle - GILLETTE CASTLE STATE PARK IN EAST HADDAM, CT The detail in the structure was amazing all done by hand You should go sometime if you are ever up there I have pictures on my East Vacation Blog It was neat to go to I would love to see the one you posted Wouldn't that be a nice vacation

Have to take a NECK break I think picking up Jordyn doesn't help my neck either

SHIRLEY I feel the same way I am computer illiterate 100%

HEDGIE I would never open strange links but I did click on her name and the Sunday also on the email

EWW a rat -- did you see the white house has rats also was on fox news tonight there everywhere

Thank you Lori for the complement on Jordyn pic I truly love that child and feel so blessed she is in my life I'm gonna hate it when she goes to school full time nest year but I have a plan I am going to volunteer at where we went today we were there so long I got to talk to so many people that work there and the owners also I can't wait now I will be able to have Jordyn half days maybe Angie said so that would be cool also Every morning she ask mommy OMA today and is so excited when she says yes

LOLLY great news on Annie's Dr visit

OH NO I found another down fall with the blog Rough elbows I have a callus on my left elbow from it being on my desk so much Must use pumice stone on it LOL

HODA I am almost peeing my self laughing about Lib coming to the nest and that it is a wound a big boo boo or SCAR huh lets all say DUH ISN'T THAT ODD THAT HE HAS NO BROOD PATCH May some one should mention that from DAY ONE he was in the nest OH NO maybe he use ROGAINE for feathers I saw a commercial the other day for it LOL

JudyEddy said...

I re posted my one comment earlier something went wrong with it before Hey have anyone of you had it come up and tell you you have made it too long well that post did and so I am re doing it LOOKS LIKE NO VISIT tonight SO SAD

stronghunter said...

Got an interesting phone call from Wells Fargo today. They were apologizing for an e-mail notifying me that my mortgage was seriously past due.

I went looking for the message, and there it was. They were threatening foreclosure. Yikes!! Then they had sent a message saying that the first one was in error. Thank goodness.

hedgie said...

Lots of good times with Jordyn, JudyE---she will always have fun memories with her Oma!

Judie, I was also wondering about Ms. Gottesman. Cool that you know Dr. Lee. It just bothers me that as long as he has been here that he doesn't speak better English....argh! Nancy Grace is very rude and abrasive and definitely has little tolerance for anybody/anything ......but I still watch her.....because I believe her heart is in the right place when it comes to prosecuting criminals and she sure doesn't hold back!

Hoda said...


stronghunter said...

Haven't been told that my message was too long. I usually get worried that a long post might disappear somehow, so I stop and post and write another message.

I have had long e-mails get lost because I hit a wrong key.

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Have seen your posts on OC, Hoda. Always very informative.

I am often mystified by goings-on over there.

Hmm, Hunter is in the basement alone talking away. He must be in the world of imagination. Kathryn asked him what he was doing, and he said that he's yelling. Now he is yelling louder.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley.....probably good that you got the call BEFORE you got around to reading mail! Saved you a lot of angst!

Lolly said...

*****NEW THREAD******

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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4/6/24 no show only lil birds

 2 little birds. Can you find the one one is ? It's on the lop  Posting a picture of the nest with the platform underneath it that way. ...