12/10/09: Eagle Cam Note We have an appointment with our tree climber for Thursday at 2:30 if the weather holds. Keep your fingers crossed that he'll go up as planned, and then we can turn the cam on.
Today Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 30s. West winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Tonight Mostly clear. Lows around 19. West winds 15 to 20 mph. Friday Sunny. Highs in the lower 30s. West winds around 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Friday Night Mostly clear. Lows around 17. West winds 5 to 10 mph. amen;)
Good morning!!!! Rather chilly here this morning....24! BUT, the sun is shining brightly. Jack had to put extra heat in the greenhouse. It stayed cozy!
Good Morning All ! I missed our showman's appearance by just minutes - I know I should not go to emails first - but I always do. Very good news, Steve. I really hope it becomes a reality SOON !
Yes, Jo, I always read the paper first. Sometimes I set up the cam and half watch it. Need to always get it going and keep an eye on it as I read. Always try to read the blog before going on. Probably should go to last comments first. lol
Ok, I am off to get things accomplished. Eat a bite of breakfast and then pack for the long weekend. Hard to know what to pack. Here I sit freezing, heat is on, and I am in jeans and sweatshirt. Larry, my brother, said it was in the 70's yesterday and the weekend will be more of the same. I like cold and sweatshirts at Christmas. Have a lot of Christmas sweatshirts. Now have to pack light weight clothes.
Did anyone else see that at Sydney. A big branch was worked with. He would move it, look at it, move it again. Then worked down the branch breaking off stubs and twigs. Making it child proof! lol
DULLES, Va. (WUSA) -- Two dogs are dead after a fight broke out between the two animals at Dulles International Airport Thursday morning.
Courtney Mickalonis, spokesperson for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, says the incident took place in the Air France cargo building when one of the animals was able to escape it's carrier and attack another dog while it was still in it's enclosure. Mickalonis says the second dog also escaped it's carrier, and a viscious fight ensued.
Mickalonis says an Airports Authority Police officer stepped in to break up the fight and ended up having to shoot both dogs. Both animals are deceased.
Mickalonis says both animals were large male dogs which belonged to the same owner who has been notified.
According to Mickalonis, no passengers were around when the incident occurred.
Afternoon Everyone. Thx Steve for the update! Yippee soon!!!
Been doing this and that, some decorating & had to hold ladder for Fubby. He installed a new spotlight on corner of roof. He didn't want my help, but it was better than being inside wondering what was happening! Kitties have been real helpful! Older one wants to eat the ribbon & plastic needles of pine garland. I'm getting a lot done! Gotta do lunch~~~Have a great day! ☺
Loweeda, I would dearly love to have a kitty that wants to play like that. Annie will be 15 in June. Last night I was on the floor wrapping a large present. I had the paper wrapped around the gift but the ends were open. She decided to go into the end. I was thrilled....she wanted to pkay! Mostly she wants to sleep and ignores all decorations, even the moving ones on the tree.
Thanks Steve! We are just so excited to be getting the live feed again. We are spoiled!!!
Hello everyone. It's a heartbreaking day at our house. Steve and I will be taking Raven to cross the Rainbow Bridge. For those who are not familiar- Rainbow Bridge I want to thank you all once more for your thoughts and prayers.
Hi, gang. Home and settled in. Have read blog and some mail, just starting on newspapers! It is bitter out with the wind so hard...........have had my breath taken away enough for one day! SIL's apptmt. went well, got some errands run, and we ate lunch at our new Ledo's Pizza----yum!!! Leftovers for dinner tonight! Live cam news is encouraging. Shirley Phillips---PUBLISHED photog! How cool is that?? Joining ranks of Bob and Deb and Glo!
Hi, Everybody! I'm coming in late here--have been kind of panda napping this morning after staying up later than I should have last night. Lynne, you have been on my mind and in my prayers constantly. I am SO sorry that you now need to make that final trip with Raven. Have been there a few too many times myself. My heart goes out to you and your family! More prayers, and a big ((((HUG)))) coming your way! Thank you, BTW, for the Rainbow Bridge video. Really beautiful!
Shirley, I am VERY proud of you! A published photographer! That's really something! Way to go! Margy, glad to have you back in your roost. Glad you made it home OK. Hope work wasn't too crazy last night. Steve, Thank you for the good news about the live feed! Can't wait!
Lynne, I know how heavy your hearts are. But know that you are doing the very kindest thing you can for Raven. Please feel my hugs. And please wear heavy gloves when you move her...she doesn't mean to hurt you, but her natural reaction will be to try to bite because she is scared and confused by her body failing her. The Rainbow Bridge is one of my most favorite poems. Rest peacefully, sweet Raven.
(((Hugs))) for Lynne. Raven is receiving lots of love and tears today.
Have been working madly. All packed now to give myself a manicure and prepare sweet potatoes to take to the dinner/party tonight. Friends will not let me in the door without the sweet potatoes.
(((HUGS)))Lynne.I am sorry, so hard to lose a pet. Raven will no longer be in pain, but at peace and I hope eventually that will bring you and Steve comfort.
Tearful thoughts to Lynne & Steve. Know exactly what you're going thru. We had to put down our beloved white Frosty, the Samoyed, at this time of year over 10 years ago. My daughter had gotten him the little white Snuggle teddybear as Xmas present & asked if she should send it anyway. I told her no, but I have some of Snuggle laundry products downstairs & fabric softener sheet box almost makes me cry.
Lynne and Steve - Bless you both for the decision you needed to make for Raven. Thank you for the Rainbow Bridge video - it is so consoling. Your memories of Raven will last until the day you meet again. (((( hugs ))))
We need an eagle fix. Isn't it about the right time?
Lolly, have a great dinner and trip! You can borrow Binky!(She's from the mean streets of Austin) LOL She is also a Jekyll/Hyde! When I tried to get her out of basement Xmas storage closets, she hissed & tried to bite me! Little Scooter just observes all this, but doesn't follow the leader!
Okay friends, got four evening visit pictures up, and about a dozen from this morning.. Take Care, Dress Warmly, (well, if you are in a cold climate that is,) and God Bless Us, Every One
Lynne, sorry you have to go thru this, but,you are being a responsible pet owner, at least we can give them peace from their ailments or infirmities and guide them to the Rainbow Bridge.
Blogger Cop ate my comments. Thank you Ceil for believing my TIGER TALE;) I think you are the only one! I lie not:) Ceil, don't feel bad about the fridge thing. GG couldn't find her hand mixer one day, and I found it in the fridge...she asked me why I put it in there;)!
LORETTA...I am posting the TIGER TALE HERE, so you won't have to search back. I will remove it after you read it because it takes up a lot of space:)
Costume Lady said... Hi, Lynn...must be something good on TV. I don't like Wednesday nights for TV:(
While no one is listening, I will tell you why I am called TIGER. It is not nearly as mysterious or exciting as some my think. Back in the 1970s, I bougt a dress that had Tiger stripes all over it. Gene liked the dress because it was exactly the color of my hair and I have green eyes. Just for fun, he started calling me TIGER. For twenty years, he called me SWEET (don't puke), it was embarrasing sometimes, so I told him I liked being called TIGER, so I have been called that for thirty years now. My Grandchildren call me grandma tiger or GT. Can you imagine the looks on people's faces in the stores when they heard me being called GRANDMA TIGER? I think they all were 10 or 12 years old before they knew my real name was Wanda and not Tiger:) So, to make a long story short...people still look at us strangly when Gene calls me TIGER ...no stranger than they did when he called me SWEET:) NOW YOU KNOW;)
I hope you all make a good evening. I'm off to watch survivor. I'd like to ask you all to pray for my sister and my two nephews, her sons. Their father, my sister's ex and her first love, is on a vent elater. They aren't expecting him to make it. This is a very difficult time. Love to all!
Yes, indeed, Thelma...prayers that the end is quick and painless for your sister's ex. Prayers for her and the boys, too. Bless you for thinking of them:)
Hi all! Today was very busy. Rushed around more than some days at work. Then went to a Christmas party for English teachers at dept. chair's house.
Found out why I thought I wasn't seeing well with my old glasses. My vision has changed quite a bit. New glasses in about 2 wks. Also will try contact lenses again. I really liked them until they did not seem to correct my vision enough.
Prayers for your family, Thelma.
Prayers for your family, too, Lynne. I know you are glad that the colonscopy is over. So sorry about your sweet pet. I have been there, too. It is so painful, but you know you have to do it for them.
Oh, Thelma, prayers for sure. So sad. Are the sons very young?? I have a friend from my cancer blog who has gone from VA to FL to care for her ex while he battles lung cancer. Their son is in college two hours away and ex has no one else to care for him. Her hubby supports her fully in this self-sacraficing journey, and actually went to FL for Thanksgiving, meeting the ex for the first time, and is going back for Christmas. I think I'm a good person, but not that good!
Wanda, sorry it took me so long to get back & read yyour story! You can delete now! LOL Now you need Gene to find one of those stuffed tiger tails to put in your car or Eagle Express gas tank! Been out wrapping & watching TV, so won't be on here much more tonight. For all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams & successful flying to Buzzy. Haven't seen him, so that is good ☺
Loretta, I have had one of those Tiger Tails since the 70s when they first came out...Karla's boyfriend gave it to me because my name was TIGER:)We have had fun with that name, over the years...maybe it's time for another;)
Wanda, my sister and I had tiger tails when we were young teens----that was in the 60's! Think they were free give-aways at the gas station w/ a fill-up! Remember that they had loops on the end and I hung mine on my bedroom door.
I'm going to soak in a hot tub....brrrr...it's supposed to be brutal tomorrow...sure hope the winds die down. Everybody cuddle up and stay warm!! Prayers for all in need, and thanks to our Lord for all of our blessings. Goodnight.
The script really has Jane being the smart arse but he sure is loveable and I love those grins of his! Wonder what happens to him next week after getting hit in the head with that ball?
Question: I know that Capt Gene has "Tiger" But what I don't understand is why throughout the Eagle Express do we see "leopard" designs? And Tiger - what about those pj's you have - aren't they leopard designs? MTBR
Good evening! Home from the party and did a little more prep for leaving in the morning. The party was fun...22 women having good food and lots of laughs. Great group I go to church with and have for years!
Wanda, just shared the story of the mixer with Jack. It got me to giggling. Bless her heart, and you are such a good daughter.
Loweeda....we will be passing through Austin late in the morning, Heading to far south Texas. I will yell hello to your daughter as we pass, and will not pick up any mean Austin cats! Our kitty, Annie, has gone to "camp" while we are gone. We are lucky to have a great kennel to take her to when we travel.
Hi Ya'll. This is Frank [aka Darth], Judie's husband. It turns out that her artery disease symptoms are severe enough that the surgeon wants her to go to the hospital NOW. She is at Walter Reed and has been admitted for possible emergency surgery. She was being prepared for a CAT Scan of her right leg. They were having trouble finding a good vein for the IV. She sent me home to get some rest and will call me as soon as she knows the findings. Judie and I send warmest regards to you and yours and she hopes to be back blogging with you soon. Now... if I can only figure out how to send this message....
Hi, Everyone! Lolly, hope I've caught you in time--have a wonderful trip, and a wonderful Christmas! Drive safely! Sounds like you had a LOT of fun tonight! I've made it home from school a bit earlier than usual. Wow, more prayer needs--prayers continue for Lynne & Steve, prayers for Thelma's sister & 2 nephews, and her ex-brother-in-law, and prayers for Lynn's friend, who's gone to care for her ex. Prayers still for Jo's kitty, Tigress. Prayers too, for Judie--hope you're doing OK! You've been on my mind a LOT today! ((((HUGS))))! Dana, I haven't forgotten you, either! Have been thinking and praying about you all day. More ((((HUGS)))) coming your way! Hang in there! Well, think I'll go watch some TV and unwind. Prayers for everyone, and all our various needs. The night light over the nest is on (so bright it's almost blinding!), the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner's enabled. Have sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Love all of you guys! G'night! :o]
Whoops, you snuck in Andy, Did you read about Judie? I am really thinking about her and wishing I coud wake everyone up and let them know what is going on. Bless her heart!
Frank, Thank you SO much for letting us know about Judie! Praying all the harder for her now, and hope all goes well for her with the surgery. Hope you are ABLE to get some rest! Praying for you, too--know you must be very concerned about Judie. Thanks again for updating us--it's much appreciated! :o]
Couldn't sleep. Came on to catch up a little only to find the news about Judie. Oh my gosh, thank you Frank for coming on to let us know and PRAYERS for her. I hope he posts again to let us know how she is doing..... Prayers for Thelma's folk too. Goodness Loretta...what in the world are you doing up at this hour!
Good morning everyone! Many, many prayers for Judie this morning! Hopefully Frank will come on today and let us know what is happening with her. It is Friday and a balmy 15 degrees here in the big city!!
Thanks so much to Judie's Frank, for giving us the tough news about Judie, prayers by the bushel for Judie and Frank, and the health care providers. I am glad that Judie is getting this immediate attention.
Prayers for Thelma's former brother in law and his family also...
And prayers for all in need, here, there and everywhere.
Good Morning and Good Night, all. Hope the day holds some magic and beauty, comfort and strength for all. xo ♥ and (( hugs ))
I was stunned to hear of Judie's emergency hospitalization. She must have been in agony. All through her pain, she has been so upbeat and humerous. GOD BLESS HER AND HER DOCTORS. I hope they do the surgery quickly so that she will be on the mend for Christmas. THANK YOU, FRANK FOR TAKING THE TIME TO TELL US THE NEWS! Tell Judie that we love her and are praying for the both of you.
When it is sooo cold like this morning, I think of you, MEGAN. Bless your heart, you work in the burning heat of the Summer and the freezing cold of Winter. Your family is lucky to have you!
It is 20° here and the wind seems to have died down.
MISS JO, to answer your question about the LEOPARD DESIGNS in the Eagle Express: I wanted a wild jungle theme and wasn't even thinking about TIGERS...just jungle animals. It seems that most of the accessories that I saw were either Leopard or Zebra. Zebra is too stark with the bright white and black stripes, but the softness of the black and brown blend of the Spotted Leopard is easier on the eyes. OK, JO?
It is 14 degrees here right now but no snow. Schools are on a two hour delay, so my Mattie is getting to sleep in with Sharon this morning! (LUCKY DOGS!!)
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---on this COLD WINDY 19° morning!---CONGRATS! LYNN2---You are our best 'ALL AROUND EAGLE MOMSTERS--TODAY & EVERY DAY'!---MORNIN' SISSY--SHIRLEY & MARGIE!!-----SENDINGS PRAYERS to DANA & family--THELMA'S family--LYNN2 & --JUDIE & FRANK--SAFE TRIP FOR LOLLY & JACK-----Stay WARM today!---I can't handle this COLD - COLD WEATHER folks---takes one's breath away!---COOL seeing you on here BIRD GIRL!!---I love your CHICK!---STAY WARM FOLKS & ENJOY YOUR DAY!---REMEMBER!---GIVE THANKS!! LIFE IS GOOD!---GOD BLESS!!!
Morning all. Frank you have an amazing lady. We love her and our prayers are that all goes well. With all her pain she kept us laughing. Can you amagine what she will be like when she is not in pain. Frank thank you for letting us know. You are now a eaglet dadster. Going to get a cup of tea. BBL
MORNIN'---WANDA & MEGAN---WHOA! MEGAN---hope you are working inside on this BRISK am!!---Pray you have a 'HEATER' in your van---when you go into town tomorrow!!! W/be thinking of you!!
Good Morning, Peeps! I'm up pretty early, as usual, but haven't been able to go back to sleep as I usually do. Am still praying for Judie, and hope she is doing well. I'm really glad the doctors decided not to wait, considering her situation. She must have been in such awful pain! Hope they decided to do her surgery right away, and she'll be well on the road to recovery by Christmas! Hope we hear from Frank again this morning! God bless him for giving us an update! Hope he's been able to get some rest.
Ceil, you're right--Frank is now an official Dadster! Hmmm...gotta agree with you, too, about the tea! Think I'll go get some too! It's cold, and kinda raining a bit here in SoCal this morning. Supposed to get heavier as the day goes on. No school for me today, so think I'll go for a cozy afghan and a nice cuppa tea, and a good book (a mystery!) to read. It's 50 outside right now, heading for an expected high of 61. Can't wait for daylight; gotta go put tons of birdseed out for my feathered friends! Have had way more birds than usual the last few days. Can't imagine how much they have to eat in order to stay warm! The poor hummers must be practically hibernating overnight!
12/11/09: Eagle Cam Note We're breaking in a new tree climber, and for various reasons we had to reschedule the climb for Friday around noon to do maintenance on the cam. Thanks for your patience as we work out the logistics.
Hi, Norma! Yes, it is pretty early still, isn't it? I'm trying to figure out what to do with the 57 new e-mails I've gotten on my regular e-mail (Earthlink)! Yikes! This may take a while. Good thing the tea is hot!
There is a COOL video of 'THE LITTLE PRINCE' in CA on their site!!----He is one CHUBBY PANDA!! But he is adorable--handsome--awesome--cuddly---& the list goes on---and so LOVEABLE!!!
I've been up all night and then some, headed for the pillows, see you all later...hope to hear from Judie's Frank, and Dana today. Best Wishes for a Good Day. xo TTFN
Good morning from the great state of WEST VIRGINIA! It is a balmy 15 degrees. Trying to get all my stuff loaded back on my laptop. Prayng for Judie this morning!
at least it looked like the sun for awhile....I think the sun at that angle, is peeking in and out of clouds....and shining on the chain link.....MTBR when it gets totally dark in a few minutes at Finland nest
Last night I went to the Bluefield Community Center to help inventory and box up donations that will be sent to Walter Reed for the soldiers that are hospitalized. It was a really humbling experience. As soon as I got there, I met Louis Romano, son of a friend who 2 years ago was injured in Afghanistan. What a miracle he is even alive as he was shot in his head! Definitely meant to be here!
1 – 200 of 523 Newer› Newest»Thanks, Steve. Good news about the live feed. A nice early Christmas present we hope.
Off for my eye exam. The better to watch eagles on the new cam with.
That would be nice, wouldn't it Sharon.
Yes it would, would definitely make my day.
Good morning everybody. I am going to Bluefield today! YAY! Mattie and Justin are in the Christmas parade on Saturday!
Oh WOW! At least were in the process!! Thanks Steve!! Live feed, Lord I can't wait!!!
We are in the process, I mean!! Got too excited there for a minute!
There is an eagle in our nest!!
good morning everyone, prayers for all, in need....watching that eagle:)
Thanks for the news, Steve. Hope you don't run into too many snags!
Wind is about to blow his hat off!!
OMGosh we have an eagle in the nest! :)
from BWE....
Eagle Cam Note
We have an appointment with our tree climber for Thursday at 2:30 if the weather holds. Keep your fingers crossed that he'll go up as planned, and then we can turn the cam on.
from BWO....
On Wednesday, we saw some awkward bonding activity from our eagles. Hopefully they'll look more coordinated in January when it counts. :-)
cute pic on their site....
weather for nest.....
Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 30s. West winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly clear. Lows around 19. West winds 15 to 20 mph.
Sunny. Highs in the lower 30s. West winds around 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Friday Night
Mostly clear. Lows around 17. West winds 5 to 10 mph.
BWO eagle looked like he was falling off :)
LOL, think our eagle knows he is helping test out the live feed ? :)
...yeah what a ham:)...
When you look that good, you want the world to see you!!!!
Good morning!!!! Rather chilly here this morning....24! BUT, the sun is shining brightly. Jack had to put extra heat in the greenhouse. It stayed cozy!
Thank you Steve!!!! That is so exciting. We are so ready for live feed! Wahoo!
Thinking of Lynne and Raven this morning. Hope she was able to get some sleep.
Good Morning All !
I missed our showman's appearance by just minutes - I know I should not go to emails first - but I always do.
Very good news, Steve. I really hope it becomes a reality SOON !
Lori really has the Christmas music on 97.1 FM....... Love it!
beautiful eagle at Sidney nest....live feed with sound:)
Paula, when you get a chance, can you put the Sidney address back on here, my tinyurl does not work for it.....
Yes, Jo, I always read the paper first. Sometimes I set up the cam and half watch it. Need to always get it going and keep an eye on it as I read. Always try to read the blog before going on. Probably should go to last comments first. lol
Ok, I am off to get things accomplished. Eat a bite of breakfast and then pack for the long weekend. Hard to know what to pack. Here I sit freezing, heat is on, and I am in jeans and sweatshirt. Larry, my brother, said it was in the 70's yesterday and the weekend will be more of the same. I like cold and sweatshirts at Christmas. Have a lot of Christmas sweatshirts. Now have to pack light weight clothes.
Wow! Two eagles at Sidney. One flew in with a big branch!
They are doing major nestorations at Sydney.
Thank You, Lolly, I really enjoy watching that nest:)...just love all the sights and sounds.
Did anyone else see that at Sydney. A big branch was worked with. He would move it, look at it, move it again. Then worked down the branch breaking off stubs and twigs. Making it child proof! lol
ROFLMBO Must be the female. She can NOT decide where to put the furniture!
I have been watching this new Sidney nest since Paula put the site up weeks ago, have been reporting on it.
well technically it is not a new nest, but a new cam view, which is awesome.
they have such patience.
There are definitely high sides to that nest.
she just bit his wing....
LOL Now what was all that about? Marital spat?
I can hear other eagles in the background...
That was so funny! Mits glad you saw that too!
I really have to get busy! Hate to leave, but I gotta!
Have a great day, Mits!
see ya later, Lolly
I smell a law suit with this incident......
DULLES, Va. (WUSA) -- Two dogs are dead after a fight broke out between the two animals at Dulles International Airport Thursday morning.
Courtney Mickalonis, spokesperson for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, says the incident took place in the Air France cargo building when one of the animals was able to escape it's carrier and attack another dog while it was still in it's enclosure. Mickalonis says the second dog also escaped it's carrier, and a viscious fight ensued.
Mickalonis says an Airports Authority Police officer stepped in to break up the fight and ended up having to shoot both dogs. Both animals are deceased.
Mickalonis says both animals were large male dogs which belonged to the same owner who has been notified.
According to Mickalonis, no passengers were around when the incident occurred.
That is not the one where the baby got killed is it?
The new set up on the Hancock cams is great! Love that Eagle looking at me when I sign on to it.
Kristen is here and we need to finish up the inside house decorations.
I'll be back later today.
no Sissy it is not
Wow, Sidney is a great cam!! I love it!!
Just what I need, another cam in my life!!! Airplane landing in nest, sounds like!
BRS is driving across SD today headed to Utah
Good morning everyone :)
Panda action at Atlanta.
Supposed to rain today here, but so far it's very crisp and the sun is shining.
not today. Can't you a date yet...
Thanks Steve.
Morning, Delphia and Jim...still morning there, just turned afternoon here.
Afternoon Everyone. Thx Steve for the update! Yippee soon!!!
Been doing this and that, some decorating & had to hold ladder for Fubby. He installed a new spotlight on corner of roof. He didn't want my help, but it was better than being inside wondering what was happening!
Kitties have been real helpful! Older one wants to eat the ribbon & plastic needles of pine garland. I'm getting a lot done!
Gotta do lunch~~~Have a great day! ☺
Loweeda, I would dearly love to have a kitty that wants to play like that. Annie will be 15 in June. Last night I was on the floor wrapping a large present. I had the paper wrapped around the gift but the ends were open. She decided to go into the end. I was thrilled....she wanted to pkay! Mostly she wants to sleep and ignores all decorations, even the moving ones on the tree.
Thanks Steve! We are just so excited to be getting the live feed again. We are spoiled!!!
more nestorations at Sidney...love the little clucking noises they make
Steve - Please keep us updated as to the progress being made for the start of the Live Feed.
Yes, please do... can't wait for live feed
eagle BWO
Might be panda nap time for me.
Hope to hear from Lynne later.
Hello everyone. It's a heartbreaking day at our house. Steve and I will be taking Raven to cross the Rainbow Bridge. For those who are not familiar-
Rainbow Bridge
I want to thank you all once more for your thoughts and prayers.
Hi, gang. Home and settled in. Have read blog and some mail, just starting on newspapers! It is bitter out with the wind so hard...........have had my breath taken away enough for one day!
SIL's apptmt. went well, got some errands run, and we ate lunch at our new Ledo's Pizza----yum!!! Leftovers for dinner tonight!
Live cam news is encouraging.
Shirley Phillips---PUBLISHED photog! How cool is that?? Joining ranks of Bob and Deb and Glo!
Hi, Everybody!
I'm coming in late here--have been kind of panda napping this morning after staying up later than I should have last night.
Lynne, you have been on my mind and in my prayers constantly. I am SO sorry that you now need to make that final trip with Raven. Have been there a few too many times myself. My heart goes out to you and your family! More prayers, and a big ((((HUG)))) coming your way!
Thank you, BTW, for the Rainbow Bridge video. Really beautiful!
Shirley, I am VERY proud of you! A published photographer! That's really something! Way to go!
Margy, glad to have you back in your roost. Glad you made it home OK. Hope work wasn't too crazy last night.
Steve, Thank you for the good news about the live feed! Can't wait!
Lynne, my heart is breaking for you and Steve. I am so sorry.
Lynne, I know how heavy your hearts are. But know that you are doing the very kindest thing you can for Raven. Please feel my hugs. And please wear heavy gloves when you move her...she doesn't mean to hurt you, but her natural reaction will be to try to bite because she is scared and confused by her body failing her. The Rainbow Bridge is one of my most favorite poems. Rest peacefully, sweet Raven.
(((Hugs))) for Lynne. Raven is receiving lots of love and tears today.
Have been working madly. All packed now to give myself a manicure and prepare sweet potatoes to take to the dinner/party tonight. Friends will not let me in the door without the sweet potatoes.
(((HUGS)))Lynne.I am sorry, so hard to lose a pet. Raven will no longer be in pain, but at peace and I hope eventually that will bring you and Steve comfort.
Lynne it is the right decision for Raven. If animals could talk they would say let me go. Tears for you and Steve.
Tearful thoughts to Lynne & Steve. Know exactly what you're going thru. We had to put down our beloved white Frosty, the Samoyed, at this time of year over 10 years ago. My daughter had gotten him the little white Snuggle teddybear as Xmas present & asked if she should send it anyway. I told her no, but I have some of Snuggle laundry products downstairs & fabric softener sheet box almost makes me cry.
Loretta I think I still have a dog dish from our last dog. She has been gone over 10 years.
Can't say much after reading Lynne's post, and watching the Rainbow Bridge....
Dear thoughts for Lynne, Steve, and their precious Raven
(( Hugs ♥ ♥ ♥ ))
Safe Travel wishes for Lolly and Jack...we'll miss you
Wear some Christmas Military Red Friday ♥
Lynne and Steve - Bless you both for the decision you needed to make for Raven. Thank you for the Rainbow Bridge video - it is so consoling.
Your memories of Raven will last until the day you meet again.
(((( hugs ))))
I see you all had some daytime beauty with a visit at the Nest today...
and yay, Live feed coming, how wonderful
Raven will meet up with Deb's Sammy, and all precious pets and wildlife gone before us
night light is coming on, and a cold one it is
the other remembrances on here about family pets, are warm, touching....and heartbreaking...
prayers for all
Hi Afternoon Friends ☺
Well, which one left ???
Wah !
We need an eagle fix.
Isn't it about the right time?
Lolly, have a great dinner and trip! You can borrow Binky!(She's from the mean streets of Austin) LOL She is also a Jekyll/Hyde! When I tried to get her out of basement Xmas storage closets, she hissed & tried to bite me! Little Scooter just observes all this, but doesn't follow the leader!
Holy Moley - that was fast !
I think I labeled my pics "am" by mistake, it is Morning for me
Hi margy Do you work tonight?
Thank you for the memorial card.
CRS is acting up. almost put the lite candle in the fridge instead of the butter.
Well Loretta, they came and went !
I'll put my pix up, that can be your fix....
maybe, they are not done yet...
I do work tonight, and you're welcome for the card....
I do weird things like you just described, like labelling my pictures all wrong !
going to put them up then have to find the fairy !
Wow two cool eagles at BWO - probably two COLD eagles
beautiful sunset view there !
post-sunset probably
I looked up in time to miss it all...
Hi, all you good people...I see I missed an evening visit:(
Margy, I'll check out your photos and thanks for the eagle fix!
Okay friends, got four evening visit pictures up, and about a dozen from this morning..
Take Care, Dress Warmly, (well, if you are in a cold climate that is,) and
God Bless Us, Every One
Friday, RED Friday that is, coming up ♥
Hello eagle momsters and dadsters.
Hi T-Bird, you arrive, I leave :(
It looks like we've had lots of visits from our royal couple.
well there is a nice eagle at the Sidney nest...
Lynne, sorry you have to go thru this, but,you are being a responsible pet owner, at least we can give them peace from their ailments or infirmities and guide them to the Rainbow Bridge.
Blogger Cop ate my comments.
Thank you Ceil for believing my TIGER TALE;) I think you are the only one! I lie not:)
Ceil, don't feel bad about the fridge thing. GG couldn't find her hand mixer one day, and I found it in the fridge...she asked me why I put it in there;)!
Sorry to miss you Magpie. Make a good evening. : )
hi Thelma
bad Wanda, putting GG's hand mixer in the fridge:), that's funny.
Wanda I hope you came up with a good logical answer for your mother about the mixer! lol
Hi Thelma! Are you going to Bluefield for the parade this weekend?
the eagle at Sidney nest is making a deep throaty clucking sound....
Check Diego right now.
OK Will Do
There are new reports on the Channel Island site.
Have a great evening. Gotta go, take care of business.
Oh No! He's too young to eat bamboo!
Company is here for dinner.
I told GG I was sorry and that I had a Senior Moment:)....she said,
"That's OK, I do strange things all the time";) I love my Mother:)
hello Helen
Wanda, I missed seeing the Tiger Tale story~~~~~what day & approximate time did you post, plz??!! ☺
Off to see about dinner....
Deer at the okie cam
Raccoon in the Pa woods
Only 1 deer at the ESPN feeder....
Must be too cold out in those fields.
Hey, Jo....The Mentalist is is a new episode tonight!
10:00 ?
OK - I'll be there!
LORETTA...I am posting the TIGER TALE HERE, so you won't have to search back. I will remove it after you read it because it takes up a lot of space:)
Costume Lady said...
Hi, Lynn...must be something good on TV. I don't like Wednesday nights for TV:(
While no one is listening, I will tell you why I am called TIGER.
It is not nearly as mysterious or exciting as some my think.
Back in the 1970s, I bougt a dress that had Tiger stripes all over it. Gene liked the dress because it was exactly the color of my hair and I have green eyes. Just for fun, he started calling me TIGER. For twenty years, he called me SWEET (don't puke), it was embarrasing sometimes, so I told him I liked being called TIGER, so I have been called that for thirty years now. My Grandchildren call me grandma tiger or GT. Can you imagine the looks on people's faces in the stores when they heard me being called GRANDMA TIGER? I think they all were 10 or 12 years old before they knew my real name was Wanda and not Tiger:)
So, to make a long story short...people still look at us strangly when Gene calls me TIGER ...no stranger than they did when he called me SWEET:)
Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:21:00 PM
I hope you all make a good evening. I'm off to watch survivor.
I'd like to ask you all to pray for my sister and my two nephews, her sons. Their father, my sister's ex and her first love, is on a vent elater. They aren't expecting him to make it. This is a very difficult time.
Love to all!
Yes, indeed, Thelma...prayers that the end is quick and painless for your sister's ex. Prayers for her and the boys, too. Bless you for thinking of them:)
that is really sad, Thelma, prayers for your family...
I'll pray for them, Thelma.
Thanks Wanda and MITS. He was a big part of my life. I know prayers work!
I just realized that Bones is on at 8:00.... BBL
Wanda - no need to remove your tiger tale! It's lovely!
Thelma - so sorry for your ex BIL...will keep them in my thoughts.
Thank you Paula. I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my eagle peeps.
Hi all! Today was very busy. Rushed around more than some days at work. Then went to a Christmas party for English teachers at dept. chair's house.
Found out why I thought I wasn't seeing well with my old glasses. My vision has changed quite a bit. New glasses in about 2 wks. Also will try contact lenses again. I really liked them until they did not seem to correct my vision enough.
Prayers for your family, Thelma.
Prayers for your family, too, Lynne. I know you are glad that the colonscopy is over. So sorry about your sweet pet. I have been there, too. It is so painful, but you know you have to do it for them.
Oh, Thelma, prayers for sure. So sad. Are the sons very young??
I have a friend from my cancer blog who has gone from VA to FL to care for her ex while he battles lung cancer. Their son is in college two hours away and ex has no one else to care for him. Her hubby supports her fully in this self-sacraficing journey, and actually went to FL for Thanksgiving, meeting the ex for the first time, and is going back for Christmas. I think I'm a good person, but not that good!
Lynn, that is more than I think I could do, too. But, of course she is doing it for the father or their child. A very understanding husband, for sure.
Cold and windy out there tonight! I was happy to get home.
I am ready to call it quits for the night. See you fine people tomorrow!
Wanda, sorry it took me so long to get back & read yyour story! You can delete now! LOL
Now you need Gene to find one of those stuffed tiger tails to put in your car or Eagle Express gas tank!
Been out wrapping & watching TV, so won't be on here much more tonight.
For all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams
& successful flying to Buzzy. Haven't seen him, so that is good ☺
Just read back & want to tell Thelma I'm sending thoughts and prayers for BIL
Loretta, I have had one of those Tiger Tails since the 70s when they first came out...Karla's boyfriend gave it to me because my name was TIGER:)We have had fun with that name, over the years...maybe it's time for another;)
I have lots to do tomorrow, so I will say:
Wanda, my sister and I had tiger tails when we were young teens----that was in the 60's! Think they were free give-aways at the gas station w/ a fill-up! Remember that they had loops on the end and I hung mine on my bedroom door.
Jo, that Jane is crazy like a fox, isn't he???
Shirley, hope your glasses/contacts are ready fast so that you can what you're doing!!!
Loretta, my last gift order came today...guess I'll start wrapping over the weekend. Probably should do Missouri gifts tomorrow and get box to P.O.!
I'm going to soak in a hot tub....brrrr...it's supposed to be brutal tomorrow...sure hope the winds die down. Everybody cuddle up and stay warm!!
Prayers for all in need, and thanks to our Lord for all of our blessings.
The script really has Jane being the smart arse but he sure is loveable and I love those grins of his! Wonder what happens to him next week after getting hit in the head with that ball?
Question: I know that Capt Gene has "Tiger" But what I don't understand is why throughout the Eagle Express do we see "leopard" designs? And Tiger - what about those pj's you have - aren't they leopard designs? MTBR
Maybe I best get out of here.... I don't think Wanda comes back like Margy & Ceil do.
Good Night All!
Prayers for everyone's needs/wants and thankfulness being given for the answers to our prayers.
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥
Praying for warmth throughout the night be with everyone - especially the homeless.
Lynne...I feel your pain. *Hugs*
Good evening! Home from the party and did a little more prep for leaving in the morning. The party was fun...22 women having good food and lots of laughs. Great group I go to church with and have for years!
Wanda, just shared the story of the mixer with Jack. It got me to giggling. Bless her heart, and you are such a good daughter.
Loweeda....we will be passing through Austin late in the morning, Heading to far south Texas. I will yell hello to your daughter as we pass, and will not pick up any mean Austin cats! Our kitty, Annie, has gone to "camp" while we are gone. We are lucky to have a great kennel to take her to when we travel.
Hi Ya'll. This is Frank [aka Darth], Judie's husband. It turns out that her artery disease symptoms are severe enough that the surgeon wants her to go to the hospital NOW. She is at Walter Reed and has been admitted for possible emergency surgery. She was being prepared for a CAT Scan of her right leg. They were having trouble finding a good vein for the IV. She sent me home to get some rest and will call me as soon as she knows the findings. Judie and I send warmest regards to you and yours and she hopes to be back blogging with you soon. Now... if I can only figure out how to send this message....
I am going to say good night. Have a few more things to do. Have a great weekend and I will "see" you Monday evening,
I am taking my laptop and I might be able to get on, but will be busy visiting.
Take care all! More (((hugs))) for Lynne.
Nite! God bless and keep you!
Frank! You did great!
Frank, thank you so very much for letting us know what is going on.
Please, please let Judie know that we are praying for her. Give her our love. We will be anxiouly waiting to hear more news. Get some rest!
ty for letting us know Frank :)
it's raining at pete's pond
Hi, Everyone!
Lolly, hope I've caught you in time--have a wonderful trip, and a wonderful Christmas! Drive safely!
Sounds like you had a LOT of fun tonight!
I've made it home from school a bit earlier than usual.
Wow, more prayer needs--prayers continue for Lynne & Steve, prayers for Thelma's sister & 2 nephews, and her ex-brother-in-law, and prayers for Lynn's friend, who's gone to care for her ex.
Prayers still for Jo's kitty, Tigress.
Prayers too, for Judie--hope you're doing OK! You've been on my mind a LOT today! ((((HUGS))))!
Dana, I haven't forgotten you, either! Have been thinking and praying about you all day. More ((((HUGS)))) coming your way! Hang in there!
Well, think I'll go watch some TV and unwind. Prayers for everyone, and all our various needs. The night light over the nest is on (so bright it's almost blinding!), the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner's enabled. Have sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Love all of you guys! G'night! :o]
Wish I could yell loud to let all of you know about Judie. I am sure you will read this early in the morning. I am sending up prayers for her.
Again, nite all!
Whoops, you snuck in Andy, Did you read about Judie? I am really thinking about her and wishing I coud wake everyone up and let them know what is going on. Bless her heart!
Thank you SO much for letting us know about Judie! Praying all the harder for her now, and hope all goes well for her with the surgery.
Hope you are ABLE to get some rest!
Praying for you, too--know you must be very concerned about Judie. Thanks again for updating us--it's much appreciated! :o]
I am pulling a "Margy"! This time is for real! (That is unless someone else makes a comment!) lol
goodnight everyone!
Prayers for Judie ♥♥♥
Frank, thank you so much for letting us know about the situation.
Peaceful sleep to all~~
Couldn't sleep. Came on to catch up a little only to find the news about Judie. Oh my gosh, thank you Frank for coming on to let us know and PRAYERS for her. I hope he posts again to let us know how she is doing.....
Prayers for Thelma's folk too.
Goodness Loretta...what in the world are you doing up at this hour!
Good morning everyone! Many, many prayers for Judie this morning! Hopefully Frank will come on today and let us know what is happening with her. It is Friday and a balmy 15 degrees here in the big city!!
Good morning. Prayers for Frank and Judie. I have been thinking about her so much. God bless both of you.
Frank, you did beautifully sending the message. Please stay in touch with us.
Thanks so much to Judie's Frank, for giving us the tough news about Judie, prayers by the bushel for Judie and Frank, and the health care providers. I am glad that Judie is getting this immediate attention.
Prayers for Thelma's former brother in law and his family also...
And prayers for all in need, here, there and everywhere.
Good Morning and Good Night, all.
Hope the day holds some magic and beauty, comfort and strength for all.
xo ♥ and (( hugs ))
Morning all-
16° and still very windy here. No am nest visit so far.
Keeping Judie in my thoughts, hope everything is going ok with her.
I was stunned to hear of Judie's emergency hospitalization. She must have been in agony. All through her pain, she has been so upbeat and humerous. GOD BLESS HER AND HER DOCTORS.
I hope they do the surgery quickly so that she will be on the mend for Christmas.
THANK YOU, FRANK FOR TAKING THE TIME TO TELL US THE NEWS! Tell Judie that we love her and are praying for the both of you.
Mornin' Ladies!!
When it is sooo cold like this morning, I think of you, MEGAN. Bless your heart, you work in the burning heat of the Summer and the freezing cold of Winter. Your family is lucky to have you!
It is 20° here and the wind seems to have died down.
Morning, Sissy...how cold is it in Bluefield this morning? Any snow?
MISS JO, to answer your question about the LEOPARD DESIGNS in the Eagle Express: I wanted a wild jungle theme and wasn't even thinking about TIGERS...just jungle animals. It seems that most of the accessories that I saw were either Leopard or Zebra. Zebra is too stark with the bright white and black stripes, but the softness of the black and brown blend of the Spotted Leopard is easier on the eyes.
Mr. Coffee is whistling at me. BBL
It is 14 degrees here right now but no snow. Schools are on a two hour delay, so my Mattie is getting to sleep in with Sharon this morning! (LUCKY DOGS!!)
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---on this COLD WINDY 19° morning!---CONGRATS! LYNN2---You are our best 'ALL AROUND EAGLE MOMSTERS--TODAY & EVERY DAY'!---MORNIN' SISSY--SHIRLEY & MARGIE!!-----SENDINGS PRAYERS to DANA & family--THELMA'S family--LYNN2 & --JUDIE & FRANK--SAFE TRIP FOR LOLLY & JACK-----Stay WARM today!---I can't handle this COLD - COLD WEATHER folks---takes one's breath away!---COOL seeing you on here BIRD GIRL!!---I love your CHICK!---STAY WARM FOLKS & ENJOY YOUR DAY!---REMEMBER!---GIVE THANKS!! LIFE IS GOOD!---GOD BLESS!!!
Morning all. Frank you have an amazing lady. We love her and our prayers are that all goes well. With all her pain she kept us laughing. Can you amagine what she will be like when she is not in pain. Frank thank you for letting us know. You are now a eaglet dadster.
Going to get a cup of tea. BBL
MORNIN'---WANDA & MEGAN---WHOA! MEGAN---hope you are working inside on this BRISK am!!---Pray you have a 'HEATER' in your van---when you go into town tomorrow!!!
W/be thinking of you!!
MORNIN' CEIL!---Yep!---I think a cup of tea would hit the spot on this cool morning!--ho!
Good Morning, Peeps!
I'm up pretty early, as usual, but haven't been able to go back to sleep as I usually do. Am still praying for Judie, and hope she is doing well. I'm really glad the doctors decided not to wait, considering her situation. She must have been in such awful pain!
Hope they decided to do her surgery right away, and she'll be well on the road to recovery by Christmas! Hope we hear from Frank again this morning! God bless him for giving us an update! Hope he's been able to get some rest.
Ceil, you're right--Frank is now an official Dadster! Hmmm...gotta agree with you, too, about the tea! Think I'll go get some too! It's cold, and kinda raining a bit here in SoCal this morning. Supposed to get heavier as the day goes on. No school for me today, so think I'll go for a cozy afghan and a nice cuppa tea, and a good book (a mystery!) to read.
It's 50 outside right now, heading for an expected high of 61. Can't wait for daylight; gotta go put tons of birdseed out for my feathered friends! Have had way more birds than usual the last few days. Can't imagine how much they have to eat in order to stay warm!
The poor hummers must be practically hibernating overnight!
MORNIN' ANDY!---Wonderful having you on so early here in the EAST!----Wishing you a SUNNY BEAUTIFUL day!!--
good morning everyone....Thanks, Frank for the update on Judie.
G'Morning everyone. Prayers going up for Judie.
from BWE.....
Eagle Cam Note
We're breaking in a new tree climber, and for various reasons we had to reschedule the climb for Friday around noon to do maintenance on the cam. Thanks for your patience as we work out the logistics.
osprey at CC.
Hi, Norma!
Yes, it is pretty early still, isn't it?
I'm trying to figure out what to do with the 57 new e-mails I've gotten on my regular e-mail (Earthlink)!
Yikes! This may take a while. Good thing the tea is hot!
MORNIN' MITS & GRANNYBLT!!---What is weather temp in PA?
There is a COOL video of 'THE LITTLE PRINCE' in CA on their site!!----He is one CHUBBY PANDA!!
But he is adorable--handsome--awesome--cuddly---& the list goes on---and so LOVEABLE!!!
Good Morning to you too, Ceil, Helen, and GrannyBLT!
Hope you're all managing to stay thawed out, considering the weather back there!
ANDY!!---Share & divide the emails w/husband---ho!
Check out the photo links Lisa put of up the Eagles at the BWO platform "more or less mating."
Good Morning,☺ everyone.
We'll see OUR Eagles doing that one of these days soon ♥
Have enjoyed the Tiger, Sweet, Leopard and Wild things comments of the last few days.
And the GG stories, of course ♥
And what an act of heroism and bravery by that Dustin. Bravo!
I've been up all night and then some, headed for the pillows, see you all later...hope to hear from Judie's Frank, and Dana today.
Best Wishes for a Good Day.
enjoy your day off, Andrea
BEAUTIFUL MARGY!---Good day to pile on LOTS of BLANKETS & snooze the day away!!---enjoy your nap!!
check out Finland Water nest and watch those chains near the platform light up and shine, curious
that is the sun shining on them Margy, as it sets, been watching it...
Good morning from the great state of WEST VIRGINIA! It is a balmy 15 degrees. Trying to get all my stuff loaded back on my laptop. Prayng for Judie this morning!
Looks like those chains are on fire.
at least it looked like the sun for awhile....I think the sun at that angle, is peeking in and out of clouds....and shining on the chain link.....MTBR when it gets totally dark in a few minutes at Finland nest
Last night I went to the Bluefield Community Center to help inventory and box up donations that will be sent to Walter Reed for the soldiers that are hospitalized. It was a really humbling experience. As soon as I got there, I met Louis Romano, son of a friend who 2 years ago was injured in Afghanistan. What a miracle he is even alive as he was shot in his head! Definitely meant to be here!
I think we are heading for a split!
maybe they have fixed a light below....dark there now...
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