Saturday, December 26, 2009


Boxing Day Thread.


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Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks so much Steve, I'll go get the crew!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Sissy, and thanks for the new thread, Steve!

wvgal_dana said...

Merry Christmas still to Steve for a New Thread.

Happy Christmas to all in Eagleland cause some may have had bad weather and are having their Christmas today.

Costume Lady said...

OK, I give up, you mean throwing away boxes? We use gift bags, mostly here. Just fold them up and reuse them:)
What to do now that it's all over? I think I forgot how to sit back and relax!

paula eagleholic said...

I believe it's British, Wanda!

paula eagleholic said...

Here you go, Wanda....

Boxing Day is a bank and public holiday in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Greenland, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Nigeria and countries in the Commonwealth of Nations with a mainly Christian population. In South Africa this public holiday is now known as the Day of Goodwill. Though it is not an official holiday in the United States, the name "Boxing Day" for the day after Christmas has some currency among Americans, particularly those that live near the Canada – United States border.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Thanks for the thread, Steve - I thought it meant "Put up your dukes" day. lol

Boy do I see the Green Grass out there!
Hope that everyone is still in the Christmas Spirit!

Need to read up on earlier posts.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sitting here on the sofa (SIL has my recliner!!!)Grrrr!, Jack is in his chair, Joseph is dressed (in yesterday's clothes) and his mommy is fussing at him. lol Laurel and Jacob are sitting on the floor building things with his new Trio blox. The house is a wreck.....ahhhhh, the day after Christmas!

Lolly said...

Forgot to say that both Laurel and Jacob have on their footie pj's! Laurel's are so cute!

wvgal_dana said...

I just caught on my facebook page and see where Lynne2 has brought something to my attention. I did a oooppppsie. I forgot to tell everyone "When you buy a bottle of DAWN DISH DETERGENT that there is a "CODE ON THE BOTTLE YOU HAVE TO ACTIVATE TO MAKE YOUR DONATION". The donation is to help the International Bird Rescue Research Center and Marine Mammal Center from $1 to $3 per bottle until January 4th, 2010.

Thank you Lynne2 for your donation to this cause. And catching my mistake so people could be making their donations.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lolly, Ajay dressed the kids in footie pj's on Christmas eve...and they wore them all day yesterday!

paula eagleholic said...

Moving slow here, finally got a shower, gotta go get ready....catch ya'll later tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and Lolly we need a pic of the footie pj's

wvgal_dana said...

Here is the link to just copy off the back of bottle. A little hard to see. Code is not on the paper on the back. It is close to the bottom of the bottle on the back. Get in some "light" and tip the bottle (cap closed please lol) and there is an 11 digit number you just enter that, then your zip code, and it has a scroll down bar where you brought it. Easier than baking a pie tee hee..



wvgal_dana said...

Or you can just type in your browser

Scroll down on right hand side written in blue visit
and click on that

You are sending no checks or money..the money comes from when you purchased the Dawn Dishwashing just need to activate the code on the back bottom of bottle.

Mema Jo said...

Reading back it looks as thought all of you have been able to make special memories of this Christmas.

Checking out cams - BWE nest sure has a good housekeeper!

movin said...



eVERYOnE ! !


Are you enjoying a
wonderful Christmas
weekend?? I hope so.



Mema Jo said...

Eagles and More eagles...

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to you Jim. I hope your weekend is going very well!

Costume Lady said...

PAULA...Thanks for the explanation of 'BOXING DAY'. That is a new one on me; never heard of it! Bet Steve thinks I'm an IDIOT! LOL

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

My children are telling me I need a bigger refrigerator. I would not think I would need a bigger one at this stage in life, but lordy, it is full.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley,I don't think we EVER have enough room ANYWHERE!
We bought a new freezer this past year which is nearly twice the size of the old one and it is so full that we have a landslide when we open it!

stronghunter said...

George did not beg for his breakfast this morning. That might be because he got into his Christmas package of kitty treats while we were sleeping.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Wanda. You are in danger of getting buried if you open the refrigerator, but I do know that I need to clean it out and discard some things on the bottom of the pile.

stronghunter said...

That is a lot of eagles, Jo. Thanks!

Mema Jo said...

They are so busy fighting over the food they aren't taking time to eat.

Mema Jo said...

During the Holidays I could use a larger refrigerator - BUT throughout the year most of the time my frig looks bare. We've learned to cook for 2 without many leftovers.

Mema Jo said...

Going to break for lunch (plenty of leftovers here if I can just find them in this overcrowded fridge!) lol

wvgal_dana said...

Would like to tell you all of a MIRACLE yes a miracle on Christmas eveing before midnight. You know Ed's doggie has been waking me at 1AM, 2AM and 3AM. Ed use to let him out then give him a treat. Last treat and "to bed" was around 3AM.

Well I tried before of putting his bed we use when we would take him in the car with us. Putting it in my bedroom. He would have nothing with the idea, just wanted to sleep up on couch where Ed had been. Yes I had washed everything up so the smell of Ed wouldn't be there. He just wouldn't do it.

Well last night I brought his car bed in my room. Trying it again and he wouldn't get in it. For some reason something told me to get the old big orange towel and lay it in the bed. Well behold he jumped in and started scratching that towel in ever direction there was. So I turned off the light and layed in bed hearing him scratching that towel to make his own bed the way he wanted it. YEP HE SLEPT TILL I WOKE AT 7:15am.
The most astonishing thing about this is: That was actually 1 month to the day that my sweet Ed passed and entered HEAVENS GATES.

Yes there are plenty of miracles if we only allow them to be. I had my CHRISTMAS MIRACLE.

Hugs and prayers for ALL
His (Ed's) Lady Dana

magpie said...

Good Day Everyone...☺
nice to see my friends on here.
Hope the day goes well for all, and that we see some Belle and Liberty action today

sure hope you can get to the dam for pictures on Monday...
sure does not sound like a good week-end to do it yet.

Andrea heart-warming story of your time with Jerry, glad you and Ken were there for him

Hope eveyrone enjoys their day-after Christmas plans.


magpie said...

That's a nice story, Dana ♥
glad it worked out...a little Ed Magic for your Christmas ☺

magpie said...

I had a question about why the penny in the room box on Magpie's Roost:
it's a way of showing perspective size-wise, a "Miniaturist's thing" so viewers can see if the scale looks "true." The true miniature scale is
generally 1-inch to 1-foot....much of what is in the display is NOT in true scale, but some of it is. Years ago former husband and I made the miniature furniture, he made the benches and little tables, and would try to replicate antique style furniture from the Colonial period, we would go to shows and buy some "toys" for ourselves too. ☺

magpie said...

sometime or another I will put up a picture of more of his benches...he was really good at what he did, I did the finishes and accents to pieces that he made.

magpie said...

Thanks for visiting the Link, Mits, I hope my answer makes sense ☺

magpie said...

I'm kind of stiff from neck to bottom and can't sit for too long, (think it's a kidney ailment)
am pushing cranberry juice and trying not to drop it on the floor this time

will be back sitting time is over :(

TTFN xo ♥

magpie said...

by the way, the penny only shows up on the 2nd of the set of four pictures...I did that as an afterthought

NatureNut said...

Happy Boxer Day! Hope Chrissy has leftovers for today!
Wonderful shots at USee. That must be out West somewhere.
Added the more scenic snow pics from work to blogspot.
Now HO HO HO is below them & added another "important" PANDA pic to there, so plz scroll down ☺ BTW, daughter said when her bus. group visited the Great Wall, everyo0ne was wearing Panda Hats!!!! And I thought they were for kids!I'll have to make a statement! LOL
Collected past Xmas tree pics~~~will get them on soon.
Our friends from Paw Paw are down & will visit us one of these days.

stronghunter said...

Very nice pictures, Margy.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Looks like everyone had a great Christmas! We did not go to Terra Alta...the weather out west of here looked to dangerous. We will be going next Friday and come home Sunday.
We've just been on the run since yesterday and heading out again now.
But we were able to get our "home visit" from the rescue today so that's one step closer to possible new addition to the family!
We've had a great Christmas, and tomorrow we'll be going out to dinner for our FIRST ANNIVERSARY!!!! It's actually on Monday, but Steve has to work and it's not going to be a pleasant day for him there due to others being off and they are so busy.
I'll check back later!!

hedgie said...

Hi again. Have been back from vet for a long time, but been chillin'---reading papers, watching a tear-jerker Christmas movie, phone-yakking, and even a visit from eldest---girls squished loaf of pumpkin bread she was taking to her dad, so I gave her one of mine to take him. My Christmas spirit overflows---bleah! as I think Snoopy says!

hedgie said...

LOL----leaving comments on Loretta's pics (I hardly ever remember to do that!) and word verification word was "superpag"----where do they come up with this stuff???

Have you ever wondered how come deets don.t get frostbite on their dainty little feet and legs? I was thinking about it earlier while watching them just wandering around in the snow for a long time....

hedgie said...

Top US commander in Iraq rescinded a subordinate commanders' "pregnancy disciplinary" policy! I KNEW that was coming!!!!

hedgie said...

Dana, sure hope that Little Man's new schedule continues!!!! You will rest much better.

magpie said...

Loretta's newest pictures are Great!
Especially the one of her decked out all in Panda Gear

Glad you're back home, Lynn...and yes, an unsquished loaf of pumpkin bread in exchange for a squished one, That's the Christmas Spirit! ♥

I'm set up for Nest Watching

hedgie said...

Saw where someone mentioned Chrissy--she is sick with the flu today...:( Doesn't know if H1N1 or not. Says she'll oink at us if it is!

magpie said...

You won't believe this, I did spill more cranberry juice on the floor
but not as much as the last time!

magpie said...


magpie said...

moving a very large stick !!

magpie said...

Sheeze all gone already - might be going for reinforcements !
or dry fluff if they can find some

magpie said...

Oh Yeah two back now !!

magpie said...

optical illusion, it is just ONE

magpie said...

hope i am not the only one set up for Nest Watching !

magpie said...

all gone again, maybe Eagle is not in the mood for housework today!

Keep watching, the afternoon is young

Sorry to hear Chrissy is not well...
hope her Christmas Day went well...
I'd have hopped a plane ticket for that menu she had planned if I could have

Mema Jo said...

I saw our eagles - Just the tail end of it with one in the nest. Great !!!

magpie said...

there is an eagle with food at Blackwater Osprey cam

magpie said...

I got just a couple of photos Jo, will wait and see if I get more to add ☺

Hello and Happy Afternoon Eagle Pals ♥

magpie said...

Jo there are some cardinals on my avatar for you ♥

Mema Jo said...

There have been lots and lots, especially juvies, on the USeeWildlife cam.

magpie said...

I did sneak a peek there a little while ago - I'll say lots and lots...!
The noise reminded me of Pete's Pond !

Mema Jo said...

I only took 1 photo so if it isn't a dup I will put it on later... Going to 5:00 Mass then come home to eat more

I saw the cardinals, Margy - Thanks!

Mema Jo said...

Our eagles should be back a little later for the night light routine.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne good to hear from you. Enjoy celebrating your First Year tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

The USeeWildLife Cam - I got confused looking at all the eagles and listening to their noises when I kept hearing Honk! Honk! I was thinking that I never heard an eagle sound like that ---- then low and behold the swans all swam by in a line honking away!

Mema Jo said...

Email from Beverly for viewing pics.

magpie said...

Thanks Jo I will go check it out.
I did put my four pics up, think you probably got the last view cause I did not.

Lynne - sorry to hear you have to reschedule but glad that you CAN reschedule...
and glad you got your home visit in...

Mema Jo said...

Sissy's pics were fantastic! Loved them
all. It is great to have Bev and her whole family as my friends.

magpie said...

Yes, lovely pictures....some going back to last year....
great to see the Christmas pictures...
nice job Sissy ! ♥

Hope your work day is over soon...

hedgie said...

I feel a panda nap coming on. Later, gators.

Mema Jo said...

All of you enjoy your evening

Going to Mass


Costume Lady said...

Where are Sissy's photos?
I wanna see too!

magpie said...

On the E-M page, Wanda, can you get them from there ?

xo Hi

magpie said...

Aren't you glad you were not sick for Christmas this year like last year Wanda! James's Dad is back at the ER, cannot keep anything down.
James is in Shepherdstown with other grandparents

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes, Margy. I was feeling so bad! I very seldom get sick and it just had to be on Christmas Day.
GG got sick yesterday and we had to bring her home.
Just came from there and tummy is still upset. Made her some hard boiled eggs for later and fixed a poached egg, which she was able to eat and keep down. She drank and Ensure. She seemed more stable when we left.
Going to look for Sissy's pics. now.
Sorry about James Dad:(

stronghunter said...


magpie said...


Costume Lady said...

I believe I saw GRANNY RIFFE. Loved the one of our couple in the tree with the moon in the sky!
Mattie has a wonderful smile:)

magpie said...


stronghunter said...

Time to have a snack and turn on night light.

Quick visit---gone already.

stronghunter said...

Both there now.

stronghunter said...

They just turned on the light.

stronghunter said...

Spidey's web showing up.

stronghunter said...

Ugly black lines on the screen.

stronghunter said...

My picture is awful.

stronghunter said...

Eagles gone.

magpie said...

I got some pix too am on phone with stepdaughter back in a few

stronghunter said...

Will try to post a few pics.

magpie said...

Wanda, I am sorry that GG's tummy is rumbly...hope she continues to feel better...

the dark lines are gone from the nest view now, but were awful during the photo session, I am only going to put two on, was sure glad they came back and some of us saw them ☺

magpie said...

I'll put mine on the ever-growing Momsters album, and then will look at yours on your pics, Shirley!
Nice to see you ☺

magpie said...

Hi Shirley, one of the two I posted is the same as yours, 5:10:42 pm
that was a good one, cozy birds.

My sitting time is up again,

stronghunter said...

Posted the one, but I have so many now that I'm having trouble finding what I want to post. Maybe I will have time over the break to figure out what to do with them. Glad you posted to the album, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Sitting time?

magpie said...

been having trouble with my back Shirley....

I have a ton of pictures to clear out of my collections, takes a long time to get to some of them, finally just startd doing them by date, that helped a lot

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the back trouble, Margy. I might have missed that in previous comments.

I really have to try to organize the pictues somehow. I do have to remember that I have papers to grade, though.

stronghunter said...

I'm enjoying quiet time here for now. Rus and Rebecca went over to visit with Kathryn and Tom for the afternoon and evening. They will be back in awhile.

hedgie said...

Yummy leftovers in the tummy, and just chillin' here. Don't have one speck of energy today, but guess that's normal!

Wonder what Mits and Judie are up to today? Haven't seen them on at all! Know that Ceil is busy with her company!
Wondering how the M&M girls enjoyed their Christmas!?!

Mema Jo said...

I was suppose to complete our Christmas visits today but granddaughter has that intestinal flu.
I am hoping to see them (Philidelphia)
before the new year - I hope. Heather is Kristen's daughter and they are up there for a couple of days before heading home.

Mema Jo said...

I had an email reply from Ceil..
I thought Mits had left a message on Margy's pics (the penny with the mini furniture) Maybe that wasn't today.
Would also love to know how the M & M gals enjoyed their Christmas day....

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone! Been sitting & searching/working on old & new Xmas pics. Sorry Margy about your sitting pain. I noticed the opposite today~~~when I get up one hip is not happy.
Our friends did not come by today--probably tomorrow, so I have to tell those cats to straighten up their stuff!
Gonna get on Nook & add some pics~~~BBL

NatureNut said...

BTW, Is it Spring??? I saw Big Bunny this afternoon in next door yard!I guess since no snow, they can come out and nibble some greens.

hedgie said...

Margy, sure hope that ER hydrates James' dad and gives him medicine that will work! What a miserable way to spend CHristmas. :( Good that James is with the other gp's---hope you can be with him tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Also hope that GG is feeling better today. Wonder if she has a bug or if it's still the gallbladder issue....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening Eagle buds! Hope everyone is doing well tonight! Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Sometimes, it just seems like there is not enough time in a day!! Thank you all so much for the cards for Tom's mother. She is just so pitiful and this is all so awful. We want to bring her home so bad and there is absolutely no way we can take care of her. Just so helpless in this!

floralgirl said...

Hey Hello:)
There is an owl right now on the PA pIX site on the deer carcass. Kinda neat.

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! Wildwatch cam
Lake Washington

Streaming video-Where did the nest go?

10 sec Image update - There it is!

magpie said...

Thanks for that alert Megan, watching it now...

Sissy - am sorry that Granny Riffe cannot be at home. Round the clock skilled care is so important....and your visits are surely precious to her

magpie said...

sounds like some Christmas illnesses are gobbling up some of loved ones...

and preventing our visits with them

Prayers that wellness will come soon !

stronghunter said...

Margy, I will join you in those prayers.

magpie said...

EAgles just arrived at LW

magpie said...

Eagles just left frm LW. They seemed really interested in something in an overhead branch.

PIX fascinating but really freezes up my computer :(

bloggers trying to decide what kind of owl, saying Barn, then Horned...also one said that an owl grabbed up his neighbor's "Wiener" dog last night :(

Megan, what kind of owl do you think?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Where did the dead deer come from on the PA Pix cam?

stronghunter said...

One of the bloggers said the deer is a road kill.

magpie said...

They are road kill placed there, or else deer which have died somewhere on the property I think, Sissy.

Mema Jo said...

It's a different view out in the field SIssy.

Margy - did you note that the LW view didn't have the nest - Like the cam has been moved. Then on the still cam it is there? Sorta Dark up there now.

magpie said...

I had written to the site master earlier in the year when I saw one, and they replied that they are legitimately placed there, and the other wildlife benefits from it quite well, it is just a little rough to see sometimes

magpie said...

Lynn when you come back, Judie was on early this morning on the old thread, about 8:38 am, and yes, Mits did visit my Magpie's Roost early this morning...☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That makes sense! I was thinking something had killed them there or something! YUK!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That makes sense! I was thinking something had killed them there or something! YUK!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Do we know when we will get the live feed?

magpie said...

Well, on the site I was using, I saw the nest okay, let me double check and I will post the link I was watching...

Mema Jo said...

That is one huge beautiful owl - I love their feathered legs. It sure looks like a Great Horned Owl.

magpie said...

I use this one first usually:

it starts out dark, then buffers up to 100% -

let me know if you get it like this

LW Live Cam

Mema Jo said...

Valmont Owl in Box

Xcel Energy Owl Cam

stronghunter said...

Owl has moved and can be seen more easily now.

magpie said...

Awesome Jo ! I've been checking but not seeing !

back to freezy Pix Pa again to check THAT owl

floralgirl said...

That is a great view of the owl now.

stronghunter said...

I have really seen lots of road killed deer around here. One day I saw a fox feeding on a deer. Interesting.

stronghunter said...

It was right by the side of the road. The fox seemed nervous, but then I guess they are usually nervous.

magpie said...

I agree with you guys, think it is great horned owl.

The other sites that you see at PIX PA are motion-activated, and will stay there until or unless more action is taking place at another site. You all probably already know that. There are three or four different cam locations I think.

magpie said...

The raccoon/turkey/deer/bird site usually has priority unless something is going on somewhere else.
Yes that owl is having a good time, good thing nothing else is bothering with him now
Sometimes there are foxes at this carcass site, Shirley.

Mema Jo said...

If you use the link to go to Xcel Energy Bird Cam to see Lady Valmont - go over to the left side and click on the Eagle Cam. Click on the daily pics of 5PM. They have a side view and an overhead view. Scroll down to the bottom of page.

magpie said...

That's great, Jo, thanks.

Going to disappear for a little while, sitting time is up again


Judie said...

Been taking life easy today. Spent way to much time on my foot yesterday and truly paid the price. So bed rest and reading was the business for today. Warmed up leftovers tonight.

Lynn, the deets don't get frost bite because they are magical and wear magical invisible snow booties. Rudolf delivers them to all deets on Christmas Eve.

Hope Chrissy feels better quickly and Margy, you need the cranberry juice, not the floor. and hope James's dad is all better.

Lynne, happy anniversary tomorrow, a day early, and enjoy the upcoming weekend visit to Terra Alta.

Wanda, prayer that Ms. Gee Gee will feel better by tomorrow.

Jo, I hope you get to enjoy the last of the Christmas visits and that the granddaughter will soon be over the flu.

Margy, so sorry the back is still painful. Had a ruptured disc in 2007 and it took surgery to stop the pain. That was my first wheelchair experience.

Sissy, so sorry that Granny Riffe is not able to visit for the holidays. So sad for you and the family.

Lynn and Shirley, just chill for a while. Take the night, or at least a few hours, off.

Going to get back under the covers to elevate the foot/leg. Later.

floralgirl said...

Darn....PA Pix cam switched nothing...

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Been very lazy today. I have certainly taken it easy.

I do need to load up the dishwasher. The kids loaded it up last night, but the second load is still waiting.

Judie said...

Oh, almost forgot, Lowreeda -- there was a thumper in our backyard this morning munching grass. I wasn't able to get outside to toss carrots but will try tomorrow. Let's pretend it's almost Spring!

stronghunter said...

I saw doves in my yard today. I always like seeing them.

magpie said...

Oh Yay Judie you stopped by.

I see bunny rabbits running around in the neighborhood early in the morning getting home from work.

I love mourning doves too...

NatureNut said...

OK, Group~~got the Texas Xmas tree+ pics on blog. Now was going to do up here. Mine are crummy compared to TX!!!!Maybe because we are mostly down there except for the last 3 years!

But the best is yet to come. Mrs. Cooke (89) who had us over for Xmas dinner has every square inch of her house decorated!I didn't get enough pics---(people in the way!)Her husband who left us a couple years ago was a master in many skills. A glazier by trade, who even worked on windows at the White House, did woodworking, ceramics, stained glass,model trains, carousels, etc.

NatureNut said...

Hi Judie! That's a good idea--I've got a pac of those little carrots!
I was hoping the rabbit today was our baby that came out of ground last summer, but it was tthe Big one. I wonder what happened to it?Hope we see a small this spring~~~maybe he ade it.
Need to munch on something & get a drink

stronghunter said...

Love your pictures, Loretta. Shorty is cute.

stronghunter said...

Must load that dishwasher.


Mema Jo said...

Loretta all the pics are great!

magpie said...

I think I am calling it a night for the want to say Good Night, Precious Pals.
Have enjoyed posting with you today.

Loretta been meaning to tell you for several days, I really like your avatar...

Will be sending up prayers for all our needs...
and Hope that tomorrow will have some bright outlooks to it.

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Rest Well Margy.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Got almost everything in the dishwasher this time.

Lynne2 said...

My goodness, I am so sorry to hear so many tummy troubles and Judie's legs and Margy's back are not doing well......prayers for all for feeling better soon. Such a difficult time for Granny Riffe, too. I sure wish things like this didn't have to happen :(

My tummy own fault. Think I've been eating non-stop since Thursday evening!!!

I was so funny to wake up this morning to no more snow (except where the huge piles were)!!! We had a lot of melting yesterday and then a steady light rain all night but it never got below freezing and today it got up to 57 here!!!! Woo hoo! Like they say about Baltimore...if you don't like the weather now, just wait a day or so, it'll change!

Judie said...

Lowreeda, maybe your thumper today was grown up from being little last Spring. I think ours today was the Spring baby. Carrots out for sure tomorrow plus seeds for the other visitors.

Well, it's that time again. Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Hope Andy will be so kind as to turn on the alarm system. Sweet eagle dreams everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Sleep well Judie

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Almost time for me to call it a day

stronghunter said...

Same here. Jo.

Lolly said...

OMG I am having so much fun! Santa brought me an i-phone!!!! So cool! I can see the cam on my phone!!!!!! I can read the blog on my phone!!! Do not know if I can blog or not. But, I have been busy adding "apps"! I can now do mobile posts to facebook. Hey, this ol dog is learning new tricks.

Costume Lady said...

What a lazy day this has been...more of the same tomorrow!
Church, visiting, back home and eat left-overs. I will be glad to have something fresh and different Monday:) Baked fish or chicken and a nice, big, healthy salad. Even Dustin is getting tired of leftovers:)


Mema Jo said...

Well Lolly you sound like a gal with a new toy! Santa was good to you!

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, Dustin got one, also. He has had it plugged into this computer off and on for 2 days...doing what, I don't know. I think he may be sucking the life out of my computer, what little there is left!;)

Mema Jo said...

OK I'm going to do it!

Good Night All
Prayers for All
It has been a good Christmas

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Glad to see some of our late posters!
I've been dozing more than anything this evening! Hard to keep track of a movie when doing that!!
I think we are all plum wore-out, as Sissy says. Lots of good relaxation today for all, I hope.
Have had my bath and I am turning in as soon as the news ends. Prayers for all in need. Nitey-nite now.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like fun for sure, Lolly.

I am going to head up to bed. Good night.

God bless.

Lolly said...

Wanda, Laurel and I learned today at the ATT Store that we did not need to hook up to the computer. We each bought a $15 i-tunes card. We registered on our phones witht he card and have that much credit for apps. However, Laurel and I are downloaded the free games and such. It really is fun!

Jack is just shaking his head!

stronghunter said...

Night, Jo.

NatureNut said...

Well, haven't finished everything I want to post.Transferred some pics from old 'puter. So for now, it is what it is!! Gotta take a break & get off this machine for today.
Someday before the end of the year I want to get to Nat'l Harbor to see their displays!!If Fubby won't go, I'll go myself--not far.
May Happy, Happy Holidays continue for Everyone! Good Night ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

Back safe and sound from my brothers. We ate, chatted, opened gifts and played with the Wii. Had a great day!

You gotta check out this video. Short, but cool.

Fighting bald eagles

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Lolly, cool gift. And yes, you can post to the blog from your phone!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - glad you got little man settled in.

Lynne - sorry you didn't get out to Steve's Moms, but glad you have plans for next weekend. Hope everything keeps progressing with the doggie adoption! And Happy Anniversary!

paula eagleholic said...

Closing it down for tonight, see ya in the morning!

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

This is a test from my I phone.

Lolly said...

Wahoo! I finally figured it out. Back on my computer now. thanks, Paula, for telling me is can be done. Just had to figure out how to get there. Wild!

Night all! Sweet dreams! I need to relax for a while before going to bed or I will dream about i-phones and blogging.

movin said...

Looking forward to a


For you all. C(°ٿ°)D



movin said...


GooD NighT, EveryOnE ! !




Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Sorry to be getting in so late, but have been on the go practically from the moment we got up this morning!
Got all our grocery shopping done, and went to Wal-Mart (our usual Saturday pilgrimage). We're babysitting the bulldogs for Sis-in-law and Brother-in-law, too--they went to Vegas to visit with BIL's son & family.
When we finally got home tonight, watched a couple of pay-per-view movies we'd recorded--thus my lateness!
Feels good to just sit here for a while! Phew!

Ms Bookworm said...

Was sorry to hear that James's Dad was down for the count with the stomach flu--sure hope he's doing much better now!
Sorry GG wasn't feeling well either! Sounds like she's better, though--very grateful for that!
Prayers for sure for Granny Riffe--and for her family! I know it's really tough on you guys. (((HUGS))) for all of you! Hope a good solution can be worked out.
Margy, hope you are feeling MUCH better, really soon! Prayers for you and your back, AND your kidneys!
Hear that Chrissy is under the weather, too! Lots of prayers for her speedy recovery!
Golly, hope EVERYONE is feeling better tomorrow--or is it today?
Prayers being said for ALL.
Dana, your Christmas miracle with Little Man is fantastic! Hope you are able to get much more continuous sleep now! God bless!
(((HUGS))) for you, and Little Man!
Well, gang, I'm getting tired, so think I will set the security system and call it a night. The porch light will see you coming, and the night light's on, too. So are my Christmas lights! Sleep well, and talk to you later. G'night! Love all you guys! :o]

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Looks like you all are sleeping in toteday. Many aren't feeling so well. I am sorry to hear that and hoping that you are getting some good rest and feel better very soon, like today. Magpie They make spill proof sippy cups and I don't know if you need one of those bUT that cranberry juice needs in you more thanon the floor. Hugs lady I surely hope you are doing better. Still some light snow here off and on. The sky has been falling for day now with some kind of something. I'll take the light snow actually.

Have a Blessed sunday everyone.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Line just came across nest right under chin. Oh good now it is gone the line that is.
Our eagle is showing off its profile -- like check me out will you. lol

wvgal_dana said...

It looks so foggy around the nest you can't see where the building are.

wvgal_dana said...

Poof gone

Maybe they will be back when some more Momster/Dadsters get on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Eagle at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you saw our pair, Dana!

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, I'll say everyone is sleeping in....I did too, sure felt good!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lord BW at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Here's some reading material to go along with your coffee

Dentist helps bald eagle get his beak back

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning All
I am up and about and ready to head out for a few hours..
Glad our Royal Couple visited and were seen for someone to get their eagle


PA Nana said...

Good morning everyone! Sounds like some overdid the holiday. Hope you all feel better real soon.

I was up since 6 am and still missed the visit! Can't win for trying.

Anyway, blessings for a great day for everyone.

Dana,Lynne2, our Steelers play today at 1pm.

... later

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Going to do a little work today!

hedgie said...

Good sunny Sunday! After seeing some lovely red-sky at sunset time yesterday, I was hoping today would be pretty! Anyone notice that it was still light at 5:15pm yesterday??? Yippee!
Paula, enjoyed both stories very much. Very sad, but thank goodness for good samaritans.
BTW---FINALLY got my When Eagles Dream DVD----had to send Friends of NCTC an email asking about reason given, just an apology. Will watch it today.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Having a wild morning again. Laurel and boys still here. Tried to keep the boys quiet so Laurel could sleep in. Suceeded! Then they went out to play. It is 36 and cold, but the sun is shining. Still some snow. We had such wind that we had drifts and that snow is still around. They are packing up and leaving today.

hedgie said...

Skins play tonight again......Lolly and Normas' Cowboys-------yuck! Will make for a late evening, so excellent reason for napping this afternoon, right??

Lolly said...

Now, Lynn, be nice! lol

Have been off looking at Margy's pictures. Margy, I love the miniature pictures. I could have gotten into that big time. I do have a type drawer hanging on the wall that has some miniatures. Also when Laurel was little Jack built a doll house and we furnished it, did the wall paper, etc. It was even wired for lights. It is now in the attic and I think one of the little boys got to it and pulled the wiring.

paula eagleholic said...

something at bwo

hedgie said...

If I remember correctly, my dollhouse as a child was METAL! All decor was painted on the way all metals were in those days. Don't recall anything about the furniture/accessories!
Lolly, you need a granddaughter to pass that dollhouse on to!

Lolly said...

Yes, I do need a granddaughter to give the dollhouse to, and all of Laurel's Barbies, and her Madame Alexander dolls. I need a granddaughter to sew for and to take to the Nutcracker. I need a granddaughter.....period. However, looks like I will not get one. Guess I will save for a great granddaughter. lol

magpie said...

Good Day Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s.

Guess I needed some extra sleep, waited up late to hear how my grandson's father is doing after his trip to the ER, still haven't heard yet, time to start calling around. And I'm still drinking cranberry juice and trying not to spill any today. Sippy cup would help, and nimble fingers would help too !

Paula - I enjoyed both the Eagle Rescue stories you have posted. Simply amazing.

magpie said...

glad you received your When Eagles Dream video, it's dreamy, isn't it?
We saw some of those views as they were happening, just not so up close and personal!
Glad Friends came through for you, know the gal in charge has had a lot on her plate these days...

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, did you get the video, too?

magpie said...

and dear Lolly
Sounds like you are having the time of your life!

Well, you could take up that miniature doll house up as a hobby and I would send you some furnishings! Thank you for your kind words.

We'are getting ready to SPLIT and then again, maybe we already have.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...