Saturday, January 31, 2009

First Egg Saturday

Been following the conversations on the appearance of the first egg. Glad it will be warmer tomorrow to get the snow melted in the nest.

New thread.


Lolly said...

Goo morning!!!!!!!!

Steve Chase said...

The gunshots heard were part of a controlled hunt we did on the property last night. We worked with a group called "Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry". 20 deer have been taken and that will pretty much wrap things up for now. We estimate that we have nearly 125 deer per square mile in and around NCTC. Normal levels are about 25 deer. We have a wide exclusion zone around the eagle nest, and had long conversation about possible impacts. I have passed your comments on to our land manager regarding some possible reaction from the birds to the gunshots.

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve! I was so excited to go get everyone I said goo instead of good! It is one glorious day to see Belle all snuggled up there in the nest!

glo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and there were reactions to the gunshots last night for sure. For a few hours Belle sat on that nest to lay and then was scared off by the shots. She did return a few hours later but well you know what we feel here anyway and we knew egg laying was imminent by her "their" behavior over the past couple of days. Glad to hear they are done and no more shots for the birds this weekend.

Always perfectly glad to know some hunmgry humans are fed as well. I work with homeless folks and 17 Food pantries in my area. I get it I really do.

Red said...

Well I think the hunters almost caused a miscarrage. lol

magpie said...

Thank you Steve, we appreciate your good counsel, all the way around!

Thanks to all your staff, everyone.

xo Magpie !

Lolly said...

Good morning everyone! I have been lurking while reading the paper. When I did go to blog there was a new thread! Whoa! This is one exciting day!!!!!!!

magpie said...

Going to move two things over from prior page regarding the Photo Album and Lisa's message about Live Video things...

magpie said...

I have tried about ten times to re-name the photo album on the Momsters Album page, with no success, so I think we will just have to settle for being on the first page, about the middle, entitled
.01/31/2009 First Egg NCTC

At least they are on the first Photos, albums page, and I'm sure when the chicks are hatched, we can figure out to get them on the First album...

there are about 7 on there including some nice ones of the changing of the guard that Dana added... It is an "add by anyone" album" so Have At It !

Yes, good News! We're in the Army Now !

Saturday, January 31, 2009 8:58:00 AM

magpie said...

From LisaM:

Cam Studio (which is free) should let you record the video and audio with the NCTC Eagle Cam. I just tried it, and it worked for me.

You might have to play with the settings a bit, but it works with Flash.

Saturday, January 31, 2009 9:09:00 AM

T-Bird said...

Thanks Steve for the words about the controlled hunting. I understand the need. It is still scary to think Liberty and Belle could be run out of their nest and/or their egg(s).

T-Bird said...

Thanks Lolly for getting us on the split. : )

magpie said...

Here is one more for Maine Forum

The slideshow that Maine Forum put on, towards the bottom of the first page, is really cute, with swirling hearts. Here is the link that Deb posted several hours ago:

Maine Eagle Forum

That's all I'm moving over...

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Steve. That's a great program, and that is way too many deer per square mile. But the timing really seemed to be questionable, and definitely seemed to cause the female to leave the nest. Wish I could have a controlled hunt in my yard....

Geula said...

Yay! an egg! wonderful and easy to remember the date, too!

Mema Jo said...

I had a dream but when I awaken - It was all TRUE
Good late morning! Just came in on the new thread and will need to go over to previous newest thread to catch up with all of you.
Steve, I am so glad you are reassuring us about the deer kill as to where all that meat is going - that is wonderful.
It scared the heck out of us Eagle watchers as we thought the egg was really to be laid and POOF off she went!
All is well and I'd say We Are On Our
Way for the 2009 Eaglet Season!

Mema Jo said...

Just watched the slide show on the ME FORUM..... AWESOME It shows it all.
Need to find Deb's video that she got last evening.


Just Vicky said...


hedgie said...

Thanks for that info, Steve; it is a good program. It DOES seem tho' that from the lights we saw and the sounds we heard that the hunters were much too close to the tree. The buffer area should have been more particularly enforced.
Considering Belle's actions thru' the early evening, I think it's a miracle that she didn't drop that egg someplace other than the nest.
Loved that eggstipation quip, Loretta!!
Getting ready to get out of here. Cabin fever is bad....see you all this evening.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for explaining all the gunshots we heard last night. The female (whom you know we call Belle but you all don't ( : ) she laid in the egg cup was going to make a deposit. The shotgun went off and away she flew holding that poor egg in her. It's a wonder as scared as she left she didn't have it and it land on the ground. No more egg to hatch then eeekkks. Good that the meat goes to a well donated place. People are of need for deer meat.

Mits said...

thanks, Lolly and Steve.....

hedgie said...

One more thing....Steve, if they plan a hunt like that next year, can it please be scheduled for early in Jan.??

Mits said...


hedgie said...

One more one more thing for Steve....have you looked into feeding birth control like what they have used on Long Island and down in Florida?

Costume Lady said...

Just for the record, JIM, LOLLY did tell us there was a new thread. Didn't want you to think we were excited or anything!:)

Mits said...

Yep...I saw Lolly's invite over, but I think Loretta might still be over there.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda you have mail

Lolly said...

I had to go and read all the comments on the blog. I like the term midwives for the lucky ladies who were awake in the middle of the night.

I was not here for the egg laying last year. This is very exciting!!

Costume Lady said...

Steve, it means so much to us to have you explain the goings on last night at NCTC and you probably feel the same as we do. It sounds like the others don't understand our love for those two eagles. We were riled up last night like a mother bear! All kinds of feathes were ruffled!:) LOL
I think if Belle hadn't been scared away, we ALL would have seen the egg being laid---first hand.

Loretta, you are a hoot! EGGSTIPATION. lol

Mema Jo said...

I love the pics that Dana captured
I'll work on the title to get the album up front & center on the Momsters site.

I know Paula said she wouldn't touch base with us until Sunday when she came
home! Lets all send a positive thought to her about our First Egg.

I will try to call Norma later today.

Mema Jo said...

Look at that Big Stick in BWE nest!

Lisa had sent me email this am after I had sent her a pic of OUR egg...

...How wonderful!!

So glad you all are right behind us -- hopefully one or two more will follow

wvgal_dana said...

Both in nest

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Both are there Belle stands up and you see the egg

wvgal_dana said...

Belle is out of egg cup and facing the cam still see egg. Lib is at 12 o'clock

deb said...

Good morning, I have finally gotten Youtube to load the video from last nigh. Now I need to learn how to post it. What a process!

Is everyone else freezing up a lot?

wvgal_dana said...

Liberty just flew out of nest

wvgal_dana said...

Belle looking back at egg. Now rolling egg. Belle back on egg.

magpie said...

Okay I am outta here. Sick lady well enough for a hotel visit anyway, going to grab a few ammonia cokes on the way, and a jar of baby food...

Enjoyed all this chatter.

Have a wonderful Eagley Eggy Day !

xo ☺

Mits said...

don't know Deb, have not been really watching it

wvgal_dana said...

No Switch

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe he flew in to find out what her "take out order was" lol

Mits said...

see ya later, Margy

magpie said...

Hey there, Loretta....

I must say that Sharon saw that Eagle there at 0100 - and I was awakened by Eagle Whisperings from her, Jo, and MITS - so I was a late comer...but just in time !

Hope you have a great Eagley day there at PWP. Big XOs to you!

Lolly said...

Loretta, Wanda and all....I think it appropriat to say that we are all EGGcessively EGGcited and EGGuberant over this EGGcerptional EGG!! LOL

Mema Jo said...

DEB I think you need a Paula or a Glo

NatureNut said...

Mema Jo, Is there any way to get in touch w/Suzanne also? Know she doesn't have internet at home.Tell them they've got to go to a neighbor's to take a look!!!! ;>)

T-Bird said...

Well you fine eagle momsters and dadsters I'm going to have to sign off for now. Keep a good watch.

Mits said...

later T-Bird:)

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanee knows .... she say's "I'M THRILLED

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne say's I'M THRILLED !!!

glo said...

Deb Go to you tube. Choose My uploaded videos. Then click on link to start playing the one you uploaded. I trust it says it is live now otherwise you might have to wait til they finish processing.

Then once your video starts to play you have 2 choices. You can choose on the right upper column

url or embed copy and paste to your blog and you should be good to go.

Good luck
I am going eagle watching in an hour or so so let me know here or email and I will call you if you need me too. No prob its free on weekends.

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like Lib is back in nest with Belle still on egg.

deb said...

Finally I have two videos up and ready to view. The second video shows more of the egg.

wvgal_dana said...

Another switch Belle just left
and Lib will take over.

deb said...

I could have had one of the videos up awhile ago while the second one was loading, but was cautious after all that work about goofing it up. Next time I will know. I don't know what the @#$#$ Blogger's problem is.

movin said...

mOTHER and daughter are engaging in advanced bamboo eating together at San Diego in preparation to their separation....



Lolly said...

Yea! I just got my first view of the egg!

Lolly said...

Good video Deb!

I am going to leave now. Have seen egg and video.


glo said...

Thanks Deb for sharing those special moments with those of us who were asleep :)

Mema Jo said...

Talked with Suz also. Said she had been out for the mail & fed the birds - Was elated about our first egg!

DEB Video and pics are great! Thanks!

Mits said...

hey Jo, its a nice crowd on the boardwalk at OC

Mema Jo said...

No answer right now at Norma's. I think this is probably the first day she has
gotten out of the house with the weather.
I'll try again.

Mits said...

NZ pandas sleeping in the snow

Mits said...

probably went to pic up her computer

Geula said...

Now that we've started the 2009 season with the eggie, I think it's time for ZA to bring back the Pandacam...that would complete my happiness!

Geula said...

What's the link to Deb's video and pics?
where are they situated?

Mema Jo said...

Guela - click on DEB avatar & then go down and click on NEST PICS
Double click on the first line
then another video can be brought up
by double clicking on the second title
Deb also included some single pics..

Holler if you have trouble finding them
There also is a link to the MAINE Forum
and at the bottom of their page is another video link..

Mema Jo said...

MITS - My son is up there with a large group. If you see a handsome tall young man with long hair that most women would kill for that may be him.
I wanted him to go to the arched entrance to the boardwalk & call me.

Mits said...

that would be cool, Jo:)

Mema Jo said...

I called him but said it was too windy up there to go walking on the boardwalk.

Mema Jo said...

I think I need some lunch & then I really need a panda

Harbinger said...

The egg's all alone!

wvgal_dana said...

Egg is in view

Harbinger said...

How long can it be left alone?

Costume Lady said...

Good Video, Deb! Belle almost fell a$$ over applecart turning that egg! LOL

Mema Jo said...


Paula says to tell everyone HI
She will be coming up the road this
afternoon & will be on tonight to get
into all this excitement. Was a very warm conversation - she is a very strong young woman. I know the news about the
first egg made her smile!

Mits said...

just saw 2 guys walk past the Ecuador hummer feeder...almost fell of my chair

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle Back

Costume Lady said...

Harbingerdc...when it is this cold, that egg can't be left very long. As you can see, the eagles know that too:)

Mema Jo said...

Hi Harbingerdc They really don't start incubating them until they are all laid.
As you can see, Belle just came in to
take over. What you saw was a 'switch'.
Everything seems to be going along very well. We usually have a clutch of 3.
No later then 4 days from now we should have our second egg. No guarantee we'll have 3 again this year.
I see on your profile you are from
Baltimore... Others are on here also from that area. Welcome

Mits said...

thanks, JO, for getting in touch with everyone, bet they were glad to hear your happy voice:)

NatureNut said...

Lolly, You can say that again!!!☺(11:56 Comment)
Park observation---early in AM, couple came in to hike. Guy had knee shorts on!!!!! DUH!

Costume Lady said...

She's really pulling in a lot of fluff to keep that very special egg warm.

Mema Jo said...

I missed the BWE (whichever one it was)
move that BIG STICK out of the way.
There will probably be pics on the Eagle Gallery later.

Harbinger said...

Thanks, Mema Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - reading back on your comments You have had a good bird day at work!

And yes! I loved your new vocabulary word explaining Belle's condition of
holding the egg!

Mema Jo said...

Harbingerdc Just sent you an email to your yahoo address from Momster's site.

Mema Jo said...

Message from Belle Baker - I called her a LOST WOMAN because no one had her
new address for any emails

HI – yes I am a lost woman LOL – I have been so stressed this year, things are finally better though!
So exciting to hear Lib and Belle are back at it!!! Whooo hoooo…
Tell everyone howdy from me and feel free to share my new addy with everyone – still same place, just
new company owns the internet connection thingie we use
How’s everyone doing? I hope all are well! Belle

I won't put her email on here but will accept personal emails until she changes on the Momster site...

Mits said...

we were just talking about her the other day, Jo, wondering where she was....?

Mits said...

egg turning

Mema Jo said...

Glad you said "Egg Turning"
My live feed was frozen....
Guess I just took it for granted and
did refresh......... duh

Mema Jo said...

Hope they bring in more fluff due to
rain forecasted beginning of the week

Mema Jo said...

Big Rig Steve is in Missouri
headed for Denver CO
I can't get the cam pic to open - will try later

deb said...

What is that??

NatureNut said...

Standing tall in the nest. Looking for a replacement?

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning again everyone. I see that both parents are on the nest again. Must be switch time. I just wish that snow would melt fast.

Mema Jo said...


Lynn - you're missing the color RED in the nest......

deb said...

Ha-maybe black and white wasn't so bad, it's gross!

Mema Jo said...

Poof went one

I really think it was Belle that brought it in and just now left. I could be wrong

Mema Jo said...

Now looking at the feathers around the
neck - I really could be wrong - Need to
stop calling them by name UNLESS I AM

NatureNut said...

Looks like some food in the middle of nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

It would be nice if they would sit on the egg while they ate their lunch.;)

carolinabeachmom said...

I was glad to see that Steve was explaining what was going on last night. I also heard gunshots and saw lights. Didn't seem to be the right time for hunting, but all turned out ok. At least now we know it won't be happening again for awhile.

Mema Jo said...

I think I might need to rely on the
Still Cam as to what is actually going on in the nest. Had 2 different pics between live feed and still cam. After 2 tries to refresh the live feed (I really thought I lost it completely) it was the still cam that was current....

Mema Jo said...


Pics just arrived from Germany....

Lolly said...

Hey everyone!!!! There is a new THREAD come on over!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...