Thursday, January 29, 2009


New thread.


Costume Lady said...


Mits said...


Costume Lady said...

This is so great...every time I stop by the 'puter and check to see if we have a full nest, WE DO! I guess it is that time of the year:):)

Mits said...

The little girl was amazing, she was just a tiny thing, it is good that he grasped onto the back of his car in the garage and could pull himself up...called one of his close friends across the street and she will check on him too....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Made the jump. Good morning again eagle friends!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone!

Mits said...

eagles must have spent the night at the nest in LW, eyes still glowing still dark there

glo said...

Well sent big Rig an email. Says it might take him a week to read and respnd. Hmmm I think he might miss the spot I suggested he stop at while he is passing through LOL.

Mits said...

he answered mine in a couple of days, Glo, but alas, he probably will be pass the spot you want him to stop, he does take some great pics of where he has been, updates them once a week.

Mits said...

osprey at CC, looks like she might be laying on an egg

glo said...

He is past where I sent him suggestion for. Maybe he will mark it and next time through. Have a friend very close to ewhere he is now maybe I should send her over and tell him to turn around LOL.

Mits said...

he probably would stop if he knows there is something interesting to see and take a pic, maybe we can get him on the blog.

Mits said...

great pic of XL with this report

Wednesday, January 28
As Lynn pointed out in the last update, Xi Lan has developed an interest in the automatic water bowls. He is able to stand on his hind legs to drink from the water bowls in the dens, but he cannot reach the top of the water bowl in the dayroom. To remedy this, we installed a step for him to more easily gain access to the water bowl. Upon installation, it took him a mere five minutes to discover the step. He was able to climb the step with little difficulty and was able investigate the top of the water bowl for the first time. He is quite a quick learner, and found out that water is not only good for drinking, but it is also very good for sitting in. He actually climbed into the water bowl and sat in it. I don't really know if he liked this, because he wanted to get out pretty fast. To accomplish this, he jumped out and tumbled to the mulch below. This was all funny enough. But in true child form, the first thing he did upon hitting the ground was bounce up and run over to mommy, dripping the whole way. I don't know how much he enjoyed his first bath, but I can guarantee that it will not be the last time he ends up in the water bowl.

Xi Lan weighed 8.7 kg (19.18 lbs) today.
Kenn Harwood
Lead Keeper of Carnivores

Mits said...

BRS, is stopping somewhere

ceil said...

Mits the paper should have stayed there til later. I was out yesterday and it was the second worst day I have ever had. The ice was terrible. The President needed only to try to walk on this mess. I always tell people we do not get snow alot. We get a slippery ice. Sorry to go off.
Back to eagles and pandas. I could go off on why Atlanta cannot get a sponsor when people have offered to help. But I won't

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning all caught up on blog need to check emails.

Deb, Daves and Loretta's pics need to check out. Congratulations to our new celebrity Deb. Hope they publish lots of your pics.

Norma (such a great lady) will be so happy I'm sure to be home (back on blog).

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Mits!! We are missing out on so much with Luney!! He is absolutely adorable!

Mits said...

I would like to invite Pres to come and try to walk up my neighbors' driveway Ceil:)

Mits said...

getting light at LW, can see eagles much better, one just came into the nest from the trr branch

Mits said...

BRS, moving down the highway again

Mits said...

correction: tree branch:)

Mits said...

too bad no sound at LW, they are really screaming

Mits said...

and they poofed at LW

Mits said...

been almost a month since Atlanta has been off the air:(

Mits said...

getting dark in Finland

Mits said...

if there is an egg in CC osprey nest, she was just turning it, must be really a deep egg cup

Mits said...

goofy panda trying to fight with tree at NZ, can' tell if it is Tai or Tian yet, it is in Tians' yard, but he and Tai switch sometimes

wvgal_dana said...

That would have been so great to have seen our Luney. Making his way to the water. Then sitting in it!! What a hoot!

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. I am all caught up on morning chores, except the bird baths need water.

Mits said...

morning Deb:)

deb said...

Helen, I think the CC Osprey had the first egg on Saturday. I wish we could see into the nest.

movin said...





wvgal_dana said...

Deb that woodpecker has the suet pack he was pecking at some. He prefers my feeder instead. He is awesome to look at. So close you can see the hairs sticking out around his beak close to his face. lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Was that a monkey on the hummer cam just now?

wvgal_dana said...

GOOD MORNING JIM ( : talked to a lady that works in El Dorado Hills, California yesterday. Do you know where that is?

Mits said...

they have been known to visit, Sissy, they want a lot of people to visit the site, so that they can justify making improvements like sound and other things, but they need more visitors

Mits said...

Ecuador update.........

January 27th

A few people have been getting in touch recently asking when there will be the sound and full screen additions to the cam – well the answer is soon!

Please try to tell as many people as you can about the project because the more people we have visiting the site the easier it is for us to justify upgrading the system! Remember that the webcam and all other material on the site is taken from some of the last remaining tropical forests in the world so please, if you like what you see, don’t forget to make a donation to the World Land Trust and help us save these amazing places – forever!

Mema Jo said...

Hello everyone.. Checking out the cams & seeing that all is well.

Going to read earlier comments on other
thread - see what I miss!


Mits said...

might be an ant eater Sissy, it is huge

Mema Jo said...

I don't have that link, Mits. Can you forward it?

Mits said...

on its way Jo

Mits said...


wvgal_dana said...

Was that a Moose walking down the road? Just came in where he is stopped on road and something was in road.????

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the link

Mema Jo said...

I wasn't watching Dana
Don't see anything right now
But BRT is still stopped.......

hedgie said...

Still catching up on blogs, but don't want to forget what I have to say about what I've read so far! ???Does that make sense???LOL!
Mits, thankful that your neighbor is okay, and how nice of the young lady to help. My mom's driveway is quite steep, and the development would not allow her to install a wrought-iron handrail, so if sis isn't going on a particular day, BIL stops on his way to/from work to get her mail in for her. didn't fall, did you?? Hope you are okay. Rant away...we understand!

hedgie said...

Fun story about Xi Lan, BUT....where's the VIDEO??? Bunch of dummies, right Ceil and Mits?

deb said...


hedgie said...

Sis & Sharon...don't understand about it small enough to fit on a desk? I thought they were regular-sized televisions...and how could you get computer screen up on them? Sorry...I'm a little technically challenged still!

Mits said...

I hope he is, Lynn, just saw the neighbor I called going to check on him, they are originals to this neighbor, we will be here 25 years in April, still a relative newbie:)

Mits said...

finally for it to refresh and see the eagle...2 eggs in view at BWE too.

deb said...

I saw the eagle on the still cam and had to refresh my live feed, also.

Costume Lady said...

Lib in the Nest?

Mits said...

I'm constantly refreshing the cam to get live feed to move and sound to come on...not looking good for all this to be fixed in time for the season.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I SO AGREE WITH YOU --- why didn't they put that on a video so we all could see...grrrrrr
That would have been so cute!

Costume Lady said...

Lib waiting on Belle.

Mits said...

BRS on the move again:)

Costume Lady said...

I read that article from Atlanta and felt that they were RUBBING OUR NOSES in the fact that we can't see. If they really were interested in what we are seeing and thinking, they would have allowed us to see the water bowl incident!!

hedgie said...

Didn't have to wait too long!!
Aren't they loverly??

hedgie said...

Hey, Jim, hear that you are getting the Santa Anna winds again. It is slightly sunny here, w/ light snow flurry activity and 29°. Wish I was someplace warm!

Mits said...

yes Wanda, didn't they promise us videos:(

Costume Lady said...

They certainly did, Helen.

Mits said...

guess we have to write to them to hold them accountable.:)

hedgie said...

Lunchtime in the nest?

Costume Lady said...

This must be their HONEYMOON...spending a lot of time in the bedroom;)

movin said...

I had to look up El Dorado Hills, Dana.

It appears to be a suburb to the east of Sacramento...way up north from here.



Mits said...

really building up the nest.

Costume Lady said...

Baby, come back!

Costume Lady said...

Wonder what that was all about??

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jim I knew you was the man to find it...ty

Costume Lady said...

She was yelling her head off!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lynn, my HDTV is about 3 inches deep, 42" TV. It can hook to a computer with a normal monitor cable. It really isn't practical to do that but it is possible. I am thinking about getting a bigger monitor, though.

Costume Lady said...

It looked like a lot of downey feathers are in the nest when she flew away...flutterd all over the bedroom area.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, that may be near where Anne-Marie lives.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo forgotten to tell you. I spoke to Sandra. She is taking time off from the Wellness Center. She is doing good. Will start back up in the spring. Was certainly nice to hear her voice.

ceil said...

Did not fall Lynn but it was really bad. I was stupid. Was just out trying to get to my neighbors to clean her yard. Hubby tried before and it was not soft enough. You still really have to watch. It is still cold here. 29 I think. Deb know that is not cold to you.LOL
Wanda and Lynn agree with you about Atlanta. Sure hope Mei has a cub. Watched Tai 24/7.

Costume Lady said...

My cousin has a small TV in her kitchen, which hangs from underneath the counter. Would be perfect on my desk. I just want too many things:(

ceil said...

Eagle at BWO eating. Hope it is not the male. Boy I really am in a negative mood today. Sorry. Think I will go get something to eat. Cream cheese and olive sandwich.

Mits said...

geez, look at the time, have not eaten yet...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have sent Atlanta a couple of emails telling them they did not live up to their end of the bargain. I also asked them if there were actively seeking sponsors or not. Of course, didn't hear anything back from them. THEY ARE THE PITS!!

hedgie said...

Okay, it now!
Dana, I'm sure that Anne MArie knows where El Dorado Hills is if it's near Sacramento!
Just found out that even tho' school here was on a 2 hr. delay, bus driver called daughters' house and told SIL that she couldn't make the run on the back roads, and that the kids would get an excused absence...doesn't that beat all? Daughter said it was pretty hairy going to work--she was off yesterday, fortunately, and SIL drove her on Tues.

Mits said...

I have never gotten an answer from them when I emailed them 2 years ago to get some corporate sponsers, now the corporate sponsers don't have the extra money, I guess.

deb said...

The 20's can be cold here, too, especially if it is windy out.

Mits said...

ice is not nice:(

hedgie said...

Ceil, eat a will improve your mood!!! Right, Helen?? is MM???

movin said...

What is that ball looking thing to the left of the eagle at BWE??



Mits said...

yes it does, Lynn....jubby ate the last one this a.m., need to go to store to get some more....actually am craving them now:)

deb said...

I had banana yogurt, does that count?

movin said...

Have a banana and a little chocolate, Ceil, and you'll be the sweetest thing in the neighborhood at least until dinner.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Is Steve offline?

Mits said...

hmm sounds like a nice combo, Jim...yes that counts too, Deb

Mits said...

Remember! I am a moving object! If I lose signal or switch towers the camera may drop out.
Just reload your page and check back in a few minutes.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yep, there he is!

deb said...


Mits said...


deb said...

HA, I thought you were asking about Steve from NCTC, Sissy. Now I get it. I was confused!

Still two eggs at BWE.

hedgie said...

Me, too, Deb!!! Now I get it, too!! LOL!

Mits said...

and I knew exactly who she was talking

movin said...

I thought that's what you meant too, but I still don't 'get it.'



hedgie said...

Don't have any "nanners" either, Mits....gotta go rustle up some lunch. BBL.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Big Rig Steve, trucker cam!!

movin said...

There's a pretty interesting Catalina Report posted by Steffi now.



deb said...

Both eagles.

movin said...

Oh, that Steve. I guess I did read something about that yesterday.



deb said...

I had my interview and at 2 o'clock I am bringing my pictures over to the magazine office so she can pick what she wants.

1. How did I hear about the project?
2. What did I expect to see?
3. Did I know anything about Osprey before the project?
4. Why is it important to reintroduce the Osprey to the Missouri River area?
5. What was the best thing about the project?

It seems like there was another, but I can't remember what it was. She said her article is way too long, so I don't know if I will get in it or not. She is sending it to Janie for approval.

Mits said...

keeping fingers crossed, Deb:)

ceil said...

Out of bananas and hubby just got back from the store. No chocolate either except hot. Look out neighborhood I'm in a mood.
MM is good Lynn. Got to get that picture from her to send to Wanda of Margy.

movin said...

Have you noticed that when our pair are looking to our left, they are always looking upward?? Makes me think they are looking at an intruder in the skies every time.



Mits said...

we are up to 37°:)

Mema Jo said...


deb said...

From Tom Otto on Kent nest:

The nest is still very small, but Loraine reports that nest building activity is picking up. We will have the cameras up soon, I promise.

deb said...

Eagle in LW.

My appt with SD Magazine got moved to tomorrow. I told you she wasn't her dad!

Red said...

I noticed Big Rid Steve changed his destination. Going to Ohio now and not Pa.

deb said...

Both eagles in LW.

deb said...

With a big fish.

Mits said...

that is good news about Kent, Deb....must be going to pick up a load, Red:)

floralgirl said...

Howdy all:)
I have come to the conclusion that the only good ice is when it is floating in a nice cold drink...

Schools were delayed two hours today, and I figured if I was gonna try to make it out the lane I should run some errands while I was out. Main roads are fine around here, some parking lots were still a mess. Temp is up to 37° and the sun is shining.

Mits said...

yep lunch at LW, or brunch

Mits said...

there you are Megan, was going to put out a BLONDE ALERT for you soon.

floralgirl said...

lol...I'm only blonde in the summer...just issue an ice alert...

deb said...

There is nothing worse than driving on ice--yuck!

Costume Lady said...

Good news about Kent. I enjoyed that so much last year. Watching the sun come up was always so special (on three cams, no less):)

Mits said...

sun is doing a good job of clearing jubby's side of the driveway:), might have to go out and do a little work on my side.

Mits said...

I will take snow over ice any day of the week

Costume Lady said...

Blonde Alert is good, Helen. LMBO;)

floralgirl said...

I would've rather had a foot of snow than this darn ice. I need to go scrape some more off the lane while it's slushy, but my arms are so sore from the past 2 days, I can't get motivated.

hedgie said...

Good Catalina report, Jim.
Megan, did you see where 4 correctional officers were suspended without pay? Two in the tower and two who were (supposedly) doing head counts. Of course, union is protesting.

hedgie said...

I think that I must be #76 everytime I try to "ride" with Steve! I've only gotten cam up once!

Mema Jo said...

I Love-I love-I love
the Lake Washington site

hedgie said...

Mits, go pour some hot water on your side of the driveway and then it will be a little easier to clear off!

Mema Jo said...

They are both still in the nest
One of course you can't miss is still
having lunch..
The other is perched way up on the limb
and if you just put it up - you will need to strain your eyes to find him

hedgie said...

Oh, Megan, I was so afraid that would happen...hope your back is holding up...that gets me b/4 the arms! Take some ibuprofen.
Have you been able to take the dog to the vet yet? If not, did you try some benadryl?

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Deb, any idea when the mag will go to press? Did she do the interview over the phone? Not very professional, I must say!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - When the BRT cam comes up it may "Buffer" for a few - then double click on the cam & full screen should come up -
then double click again and it will
be the regular screen..........

floralgirl said...

Talked to lady at vets office, she told me to try Benadryl, so I just gave dog somw.

Mits said...

Lynn, there are only 11 views now, you can find out how many are on by going to his where is Big Rigg Steve page

Mema Jo said...

NZ Small clawed otter cam Asia Trail

Mits What am I seeing on this cam?

deb said...

Yes the interview was over the phone. I am sure she is behind on getting the article out to be proofed. It will be in the March/April issue, I got my January/February one the end of December.


deb said...


deb said...


deb said...


deb said...

Now back to one.

deb said...


Mits said...

just 1 now

Mits said...

Jo that is part of their out door pool, did you see an animal??

Mits said...

both AGAIN

deb said...

Both back.

deb said...

It is amazing to se her eye so well in the cam pictures.

deb said...

Back to one.

Mits said...

GRRRRRRR, wish the sound and live feed would stay on for more than a minute or two at a time...miss so much

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

WOW !!! I just checked Glo's
eagle photos on her flickr web site
and they are awsom,I just love to
watch eagles soar.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

ps. I forgot to say hi to everyone

deb said...

I got the slo-motion version of HP on nest pictures.

deb said...

Empty nest.

floralgirl said...

I missed the action, feed keeps stopping here, too. Gonna walk outside and feed birds and move some ice.

Mits said...

just opened up back door and can hear a woodpecker nearby....

Costume Lady said...

I was just checking out Deb's new eagle pics and reminded me of last night, when I looked at her last offering, after I made a comment, I had to type in the "word" was FULNEST..believe it or not:)

hedgie said...

Thanks for good tips on Big it now!

glo said...

Dave Must have been arriving at my Flickr account just as I finished uploading and getting a new Glo's Glompse's ready for tonights Feed. I did get to go out to enjoy eagles for a while yesterday. First time in several days.

And Deb Is flying as high as her feathered friends. I can just imagine how excited she is. Keep us posted on the happenings and if we get to see any articles or maybe point out to us the photos that they do choose.

I did miss the HP at our nest though. I was getting things taken care of here so I can nap and get ready to go to work tonight with Dex :). I am so very happy that he is up to going with me and well considering the Vet is doing an awesome job but has a fee to match, Dex and I got to go to work LOL. Naptime at my house now.

deb said...

Two eggs visible in BWE.

hedgie said...

Isn't that the coolest omen, Wanda? Deb got a great video, didn't she? The HP times are SO brief, it's a wonder it does any good!!!!
Please add Paulleo to prayers...he hasn't been well...and was snowed in at PA house for quite some time. He's doing better, and is home in CharlesTown, trying to catch up on computer, but still has health concerns. We all know how well our prayers work! AMEN.

Red said...

Has everyone read how BRS got his cat TK? At the top of the page click on "Home" then "Cat Bio". Good story.

Mits said...

yes Red he has some interesting stuff to read and see

Red said...

The high speed video at full screen going through Chicago during rush hour is a little hair raising. lol

Mits said...

darn missed Chicago, looks like he is in Indiana now, according to his map.

Mits said...

eagle eating at BWO

Mits said...

latest from Lisa at BWE....

The parents have created a nice nest cup for the two eggs.

If a third egg is coming, it should be here by the end of the day.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Red...been through Chicago more than once during rush hour, in the Eagle Express. We always try to plan so that doesn't happen, but the toll road really slows us down (even though we try to allow for delays). It is nerve wracking and takes me 2 hours and 1 or 2 cocktails to get over it enough to carry on with my business!

Red said...

I think he's in Ohio. He was in Indy 2 hours ago.

Mits said...

lol....Wanda, couple of eagle talons to soothe the spirit

Mits said...


Red said...

I've been through Chicago during rush hour to Wanda. Steve takes you through in just a few minutes with high speed video. Put it on full screen and hang on. lol

Mits said...

my yellow pin still has him in Indiana

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that was a big stick!

Mits said...

you can tell he is flying solo

Mits said...

I know, had to chuckle, would have loved to have seen it flying across the field

Mits said...

they are really starting to get down to business

Mits said...

BRS has the wipers on

Red said...

Yellow pin marks his last stop. Yes it's in Indy but it was two hours ago. He should be over 100 miles east of there now.

Mits said...

Nest always looks beautiful this time of day.

Mits said...

cool sign just said WELCOME TO OHIO, AS STEVE JUST ROAD BY, think he must have froze the cam so we could view it

T-Bird said...

good afternoon everyone

T-Bird said...

How are my eagle momsters and dadsters doing?

Mits said...

hello, Thelma, just just missed a visit

T-Bird said...

MITS-I hope they come right back.

Mits said...

sure they will, they seem to be real busy with nestorations

glo said...

New thread and photo of solar panel and an eagle Head on over :).

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...