Thursday, January 22, 2009


New thread.

A common site here recently at NCTC is our two eagles perched together on a limb above the nest, at sunset.


Costume Lady said...

Thank you Steve! We needed this new thread:)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning our there in Eagleland..
I can picture that, Steve just by closing my eyes!

ceil said...

Thanks Steve.I was over on the other page.
Wanda I will get the picture to you. Thanks
Margy eagle at BWO this morning.
Margy I am getting like you. Look in one more time. Really do have to leave.

ceil said...

Morning Jo.

floralgirl said...


Costume Lady said...

Sounds like Lib and Belle are guarding their nest:)

Costume Lady said...

THANKS CEIL... that will be such fun to see:):)

deb said...

Live feed is up!

movin said...

Excellent description, Steve...don't even need the photo to see it.



Costume Lady said...

Jo, I never did hear if you got over your BUG completely...I think yours was different from what seems to be taking turns with the rest of us.

Mits said...

Good morning off the silver to make an appt. to get rid of it;)

Mits said...

good Lord, Jo beat me on this a.m.

Costume Lady said...

Well, Helen, that is why I was concerned. Jo is always the caboose on our train:)

Mits said...

The reason I have just Maggie's' pic on the blog is she is our shining star this Saturday at the POLAR BEAR PLUNGE...will scrounge around and find one of Molly too after this weekend

normabyrd said...

JIM!---I caught your message about 'PRINCE XI'---Oh yeah---I still check on PRECIOUS!!!

Mits said...

Pandas are cute and wonderful at any stage of the life...jmho;)

Mits said...

Wanda, I was caught up in e-mails this a.m. running late.

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN & WANDA---Forgot to thanks you two!!---ho!---We did need a new thread!!---

Costume Lady said...

Helen, Jo must be doing the same thing...she has wandered off again:)

magpie said...

Bye Ceil...I can never say good bye just once...☺

Thanks for the BWO info, I misssed it !

I hear Eagles and Birds at Maine.

Hi Ceil and Jo and everyone else jumping on: Sure hope Loretta gets in touch soon...

Mits said...


Sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly clear. Lows in the lower 20s. Southwest winds around 5 mph in the evening...becoming light and variable.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 40s. South winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Friday Night
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the lower 30s. Southwest winds around 5 mph...becoming west after midnight.

Mema Jo said...

Yes I did do that Mits.. That is my first morning thought "Beat Mits" & it helps me get up/running! lol

FYI: The train platform pic that we are all anxious to see.... My hubby does have a scanner and would be no problem getting it up in an email on the Momsters. Knowing Ceil she probably already has it in the mail to you Wanda!

Thought of Sharon heading for Dr appointment! Sissy - did Mattie go with her?

Kevin will love the email about the
Ice on the water - I'm sure he wants to hear FIRE ON THE WATER

Mits said...

CEIL, I hope the bay doesn't have ice.....brrrrr! It is such an amazing thing on Saturday, to see the thousands of people coming together for such a worthy cause.

Mema Jo said...




magpie said...

Eagles at Sunset near the nest, what a wonderful thought...just a few paces away from a Sleepover !

magpie said...

Lots of talk about shoes yesterday.

How about: Saddle Oxfords !

Mits said...

you got me, Jo;)

magpie said...

I agree, JO, all MITS needs to do is post all day, and we will be bright and sunny.... ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

I have just read early morning comments and I would like to post Paula's comments from late last evening:

paula eagleholic said...

Good evening, dear friends
I am back home right now, and plan on going to work on Thursday and Friday. I have a meeting in the morning, so I may not be on much tomorrow.
My Mom's wish was to be cremated and placed in Arlington Cemetary columnbarium with my father, which we will do at a later date. Mom kept wanting to go home, and that is where she is now.
I am still waiting on a confirmation for her Memorial Mass...Along with the church office being closed due to the holiday and inauguration, the pastor also had a death in the family. We are waiting on confirmation from him on Thursday. My son is still in Jamaica, so we are planning the memorial service for next Friday, January 30th. Her obituary will be in the Washington Post next Tuesday.Mom's passing was very peaceful. The doctors did all they could for her, but her body just couldn't fight any longer. She's fought against this for over 4 months with determination and strength and without any complaint. I know if she could have kept going, she would have.

Your thoughts and prayers for my family and I mean more than you know. I just want to thank each and every one of you for your support and love.
Hugs, Paula

Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:14:00 AM

Mits said...

prayers for Paula and her family:(

normabyrd said...

DEB---I forgot to tell you that when you were in SUNNY CAL---We had some of your SD weather here in WV-----ho!---we had the coldest weather we have in ages!!---about froze!!---

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning. Thanks for posting Paula's comments Jo. I had not looked at the blog yesterday. I hope she is holding up OK.

I added three more photos to the end of the gallery I posted the other day. They are at the bottom of the page:

New photos


Mits said...

awesome, Bob:)

Mema Jo said...

Bob, those 3 are breath taking!
Love the coloring and the closeness

Keep them coming!

floralgirl said...

Oooh- I like those pics, Bob-of course, I like all your pictures!
I gotta agree, I can't look at that picture of Maggie without smiling:) she is just adorable!

Mema Jo said...

OK Wanda - did you roam off?

Mema Jo said...

Maggie's pic even has me laughing for joy every time I see it...

Say some more Mits........ lol

Mits said...

when ever I spend time with the M&M girls my face hurts from smiling and my stomach hurts from all the laughing we do.

Mits said...

Glo, just wanted to tell you, I will be taking the eagle blanket on Saturday....the girls love it....they pat it and always say...soft, soft:)

deb said...

Bob those pictures are beautiful!

Mits said...

Mei Xiang is enjoying a fruitsicle

deb said...

Paula, you have my prayers.

Mema Jo said...

I know that yesterday when I spent time with the 3 ggkids, I was just amazed at how fast those few hours went bye! They sure know how to touch your heart! Joseph brought an art project for me..he was placing colored paper on this bird figure and he ran out.. He said ok! it can be a bald eagle for Mema! ♥

Mits said...

aww, Jo how sweet:)

deb said...

I have a blue jay convention going on. I counted 11 of them in my front yard.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Deb - I loved the wedding pics - I am just waiting for more so that we all get to see you! Your aunt is beautiful and looks so happy. Glad everything went well. I thought you were going out
scouting for eagles today????

Mits said...

Tai is in Tian's yard right now...looks like he wants to get Mei's attention...probably wants her fruitsicle

Mits said...

Deb, great wedding pics...hope you have the color of the bridesmaids dresses.

normabyrd said...

LUNCH DATE!!---later--

Mits said...

man, Norma, you go out to lunch more than anyone I know....have a good one.

normabyrd said...

lunch date---later--

floralgirl said...

Ok, Norma, rub it in...I got a luch date with my dog....

Mema Jo said...

Watching DC pandas - I like it when you are on the cam - today's operator isn't doing so great. The outside views aren't as good as when they are in their dens..

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Everyone..

Prayers for Paula and Family for strength.

Bob those last 3 pics where they shot in "HD"....BEAUTIFUL !

Steve and John thanks for fixing the cam and thanks for the new thread.

Mema Jo said...

Norma - I am just having my Brunch!

Mits said...

Jo, it is so much easier when they are in the dens...that's why I like the late shift:)

Mema Jo said...

Atlanta Panda - Great pic of our little "never seen" Luney on the Cub updates yesterday.

Mits said...

he is such a cute Giant Panda cub:)

Mits said...

my NBG is down

deb said...

Jo, I am just about ready to leave. I got in "straighten up" mode and wanted to finish. All travel gear packed back away, laundry done and put away, etc.

wvgal_dana said...

NBG was up earlier mine is black screen.

Deb have fun..will be looking for pics.

Wanda needs the "silver alert"..

Norma I'm just eating my breakfast.

hedgie said...

Bob, those three pics are "picture perfect"!!! Love them!! Thanks.
Yes, Steve and John, thanks for our cam!!

movin said...

Catalina Report

An interesting report from Steffi on Catalina for you.



Costume Lady said...

CANCEL THE SILVER ALERT! We're going to Winchester to pick up Dustin for the long weekend and I had to get his room ready. When he is not here, it is my work out room. I had weights and work out tapes all over the place. Needed fresh bed clothes and extra blankets. He is sooo thin that he gets cold easily.

Mits said...

Just got off the phone with Sharon, Mattie went with her, they were just calling her in to doctor's office, said she will call back

magpie said...

Wanda - I have an extra Heating Blanket...want to borrow it? ☺

magpie said...

Okay, Thanks MITS - She is in Good Company with Mattie...☺

Mits said...

she sounded in good spirits

Mema Jo said...

Alright - all present and accounted for!
I guess we won't see you very much this
weekend, Wanda! I know you love having
Dustin with you!
Sometimes that mode strikes me, Deb but not too often! lol

Critterzoom Lake WA nest
If I double click on the LW cam, I get 4 pics to choose from for the other cams.
Heron Cam I'm thinking it is live & that I am viewing those 3 that hatched last season.... ?? Anyone know anything?

deb said...

I was wondering the same thing about the heron nest, Jo. I haven't found any info about it yet.

Jim, that was a great Catalina update. I didn't get a glimpse of the island this year. :(

I am off, bbl!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the update on Sharon. I pray she gets good news - Hope they don't play around with her last drain tube...
Will be anxious for your next report Mits

Mits said...

good report, Jim, awesome pics too. I can't keep all the eagles straight out there.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, no thanks, Margy...he would want to pull it apart to see what it is made of and how it works. He is very much like his Granddaddy in that way:)

Mits said...

just heard from Sharon...drain still in, doc wants the binder back on as tight as she can stand it...goes back in 2 weeks.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jim for reminding me about those reports. I can't get the Caltrans nest up but the NBG cam is looking good.
Too much snow in the ME nest..
LW looking really good
OR cam didn't come up - I may not have waited long enough!

My sound at our nest is on again & off again...

Mema Jo said...

That was a quickie exam.... I hope she feels up to the drive home now.
Prayers of safe travels for them....

Hubby's b-day is tomorrow.. Family coming over SAT afternoon just for cake/ice cream. Then we hit the Pizza Hut on Sunday to celebrate ggd Alexis' special day which is really Monday.
So I have some things to do & since I am leaving - Keep your eyes on the nest.. They usually come as I leave

floralgirl said...

Thanks for the Sharon update!
Computer screen has gone all blurry, walking away for a while- no silver alert necessary here(I'm much too young for that anyway...ha!)

magpie said...

Seems to me the Heron views might be a replay from last year...
I had seen something about that when going to the hook-up for LW Live feed.

Just heard from Loretta (via email)....think she is working her way out of the Bug Tunnel...should be checking in soon I hope.. ☺ ♥
I was starting to check on driving directions to Forestville!

Mits said...

she was a tad disappointed, but really knew since it was still draining, it would not be taken out, and she said, "it is what it is".

Mits said...

my sound is doing that too, but they are nearby, just heard that funny choking sound

Mits said...

yep, NBG back up:)

magpie said...

Eagle at BWE

Safe travel wishes to Mattie and Sharon...

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Wanda has checked back in. Erase "silver alert".

Eagle at BWE 2 in nest
NBG back up
LW leave blowing in the wind

Our nest sounds good.

bbl hubby needs to drive me someplace

Bob Quinn said...

You all type too fast. I can't keep up. Every time I step away from my desk when I come back there are thirty new posts. ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Ooopps needed to add safe travels home for Sharon and Mattie.

wvgal_dana said...

Jim that was a great report from the islands. Those eyes she has of catching sight of the eagles there.
Also neat a juvie back in the area.
Have to see about the mating...might be different partners this year.
Paula loves that sight. Thinking of you lady. hugs

hedgie said...

Bob, you need to stick around longer!!!
Poor Sharon...that binder has to be a pain!
Time for a bit of lunch, and then heading out for errands and groceries--argh!!!! Talk to you all this evening.

Costume Lady said...

Wish BOB could spend more time photographing our eagles. He tried so hard when he was here at open house, but to now avail. He had a lot of FALSE ALARMS due to one of the Park Police, who claimed he saw the eagles, but when we looked, there was nothing:(

Costume Lady said...

It sounds as if Loretta has the same bug as the rest of us. Her meals include applesauce and jello:(
Mine was toast and V-8 juice.

Mits said...

Poor Loretta:(

magpie said...

Wind blowing, sun shining, and Eagles calling at Maine..

Off to the post office with a pile of late Christmas presents...

Good Afternoons to all.
xo ☺ ♥

floralgirl said...

Yikes, poor Loretta, indeed.

Lolly said...

Just came in from working in the yard. It is hot! Up to 75 presently. Sure wish it were cooler! Hang in there girls, spring is on the way. My daffodils are starting to bloom and saw some honey suckle and jasmine blossoms as well.

Mits said... lucky duck:) Spring will be here in about 2 months, well technically it will be here...we have had some wild snowstorms during March

Costume Lady said...

Lolly it is a good thing that you just checked in with us. We were about to call the Texas Rangers and have them put out a SILVER ALERT for you:):)

Mema Jo said...

Saw the sign at the nursery saying
OPENING ON MARCH 1... We'll be
incubating eggs by then! WHoo HOoo!

Lolly,I sent you an email with some info

Mits said...

Thursday, January 22
If you’re hooked on pandas, you know that no, they don’t all look the same. But if you’re a self-proclaimed panda aficionado, would you be prepared for a pop quiz next time you’re asked about your hobby? Don’t be caught saying “I don’t know” at the next party conversation next to the hors d’oeuvres table. We’ve got you covered with Panda Tidbit #1:

Most everyone agrees that giant pandas are black and white. However, where the black and white end and begin are different for each panda, and their unique coloration may even be inherited. Take, for example, our own pandas. Yang Yang, our male adult, has a white patch on his otherwise black back foot. Lun Lun, the matriarch, has a few hairs on the tip of her white tail that are black. If you take a close look at their offspring, Mei Lan and Xi Lan, you might see they too each have a black tip on their white tail and white patches on their black back feet.

Mema Jo said...

Any idea on what to buy a 4 yr old ggd who has 'everything' especially right after Christmas & Santa Clause was just here!
Think I'll start looking at educational items. She enough Barbies and Princess dolls to fill up her bed!

Mits said...

books or DVD"S, Jo

Mits said...

wax for Red:)

Lolly said...

Books are always good, Jo.

Lolly said...

I'm not missing Jo. Just have been busy. Going to head back out to the yard shortly, taking a lunch break and Jack has ice on his back.

Lolly said...

Jo, have you looked into the subject I mentioned to you on email. Been waiting to hear from you. :)

Lolly said...

My Texas does not hold a candle to that cute smiling face. Love it, Helen.

Lolly said...

Steve's comment reminds me of our view at sunset when we returned from our train ride. Our two eagles were perched on a limb above the nest.

Lolly said...

Jo, just saw your email.

Mits said...

thanks, Lolly:)...she's a keeper:)

Lolly said...

Heading back outside. BBL

Mits said...

don't want to jinx it, but, my sound has been on for a couple of minutes now:)

Mema Jo said...

You want to turn it up so we can all hear the wind and don't miss the flapping of wings!!!

Thanks for suggestions of books & dvds.

Mema Jo said...

I refreshed and now have the wind tunnel sound...
I'll see how long mind stays......

Mits said...

Mine cuts out briefly for about a second and comes back on, they must be away from the tree, I don't hear them.

Mema Jo said...

Mine is doing the same..
I doubt with my hearing that I could even hear them up on the limb.

Just talked to Germany Gals as they were ending their day.. good bit of snow has been over there for quite a while. They are doing well but Patrick is homesick!!
This is going to be a long ole haul for him... Sure wish our new 44th Prez would shorten their tours!

Mema Jo said...

Time for 3:00 half cup of coffee!


floralgirl said...

I agree, books, books, books!!!

Mits said...

Maggie loves books, she will get one and climb right up into your lap, so you can read it to her.

magpie said...

I was going to say there is an Eagle at BWO but the cop got me.

Went back, and they were mating!

How about that !

magpie said...

But they are done now.

Red said...

I saw that Mits. lol

Mits said...

I missed the mating

magpie said...

JO: There is something called "Color Explosion" that Crayola puts out might be of interest.

But I agree, books, espcially if they are about Eagles and Pandas, would be a winning idea !

Nap time z z z z xo

Mits said...

tee hee....Red:)

magpie said...

I'll send it out, it was a pretty g♥♥d one.


Mits said...

don't forget to send it to Lisa too, Margy....

magpie said...

They look so innocent....☺

Mits said...


Mits said...

just 1 eagle at NBG now

magpie said...

Okay, my BWO picture is out there in cyberspace.

Now for the nap


Mits said...

a big bird just flew by in the sky, behind LW nest, could have been an eagle

Mits said...

deer at snowmancam

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

I am composing an email through Eaglet_Momsters concerning what you may wish to do to honor Paula's mom.
Once I send it I will also publish it over here for anyone NOT a member of the
eaglet Momsters/Dadsters.

Need a few.....

floralgirl said...

For future reference, this is a great website with lots of nature related toys and books and other stuff-it's where I got my one of my butterfly cages. Insect Lore

Red said...

Mits. When I lived in Canada I lived about 50 miles north of there. We drove down once when it was -16 and the mist was frozen to everything. The snow was so high there was no guardrails so we didn't walk to close to the falls.

floralgirl said...

Oooh- that is a cool cam, thanks!

Mits said...

you can fool around with the little ball and sometimes get it to move...and at night with the colored lights it is beautiful.....Red, that must have been just awesome to see and feel

Mits said...

I should be going to store, but don't want to miss them, when they come in since sound is so good.

floralgirl said...

And there you go-EAGLE!!

floralgirl said...

Moving sticks around- up by cam-

floralgirl said...

Wow- up close and personal, what a beautiful pic...

hedgie said...

EAGLE ALERT our nest!

floralgirl said...

And it just flew away- not a real long visit, hopefully they'll be back.

hedgie said...

And gone, but I captured a beautiful shot...will send it out!

Mits said...

I was on e-mails did I miss it, I heard something, but it must have been the fly off

Mits said...


floralgirl said...

My sound just disapeared....

floralgirl said...

The only reason I didn't miss it was cause I heard it fly in..had to refresh to get sound back.

Mema Jo said...

This will be long and most of it a repeat to us bloggers.. The end of the message is the info you will want..
On Jan 19th Paula sent a personal email stating that her Mom passed away peacefully on Sunday, Jan 18th. Last evening on our Daily Eagle Blog Paula left this message:

Good evening, dear friends
I am back home right now, and plan on going to work on Thursday and Friday. I have a meeting in the morning, so I may not be on much tomorrow.
My Mom's wish was to be cremated and placed in Arlington Cemetery column barium with my father, which we will do at a later date. Mom kept wanting to go home, and that is where she is now.
I am still waiting on a confirmation for her Memorial Mass...Along with the church office being closed due to the holiday and inauguration, the pastor also had a death in the family. We are waiting on confirmation from him on Thursday. My son is still in Jamaica, so we are planning the memorial service for next Friday, January 30th. Her obituary will be in the Washington Post next Tuesday.Mom's passing was very peaceful. The doctors did all they could for her, but her body just couldn't fight any longer. She's fought against this for over 4 months with determination and strength and without any complaint. I know if she could have kept going, she would have.
Your thoughts and prayers for my family and I mean more than you know. I just want to thank each and every one of you for your support and love.
Hugs, Paula
Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:14:00 AM

Obituary has not yet been published but I know you would want this information that Paula just sent me:

We are going to designate the Montgomery County SPCA for donations.
Montgomery County SPCA
P.O. Box 637
Washington Grove, Maryland 20880

However, if people want to donate for the cam, they could send it directly to:

The Friends of NCTC
Attn: Donna Printz
P.O. Box 1452
Shepherdstown, WV 25443

My Mom's Name/Address is Catherine Bartos, 1804 Cullen Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20905.

Thanks, Jo. I don't have any internet or computer when I am at my Mom's. The last couple of days have been go, go, go. Today, I'm ready to drop. I've read some emails and some of the blog, but haven't had a chance to respond to individual emails.

Hugs, Paula

I emailed that no response was necessary to us since we just wanted to
be sure she knew we were there for her. I think that this information is what we needed. Thanks to all you Momsters/Dadsters - Your the greatest group I know!!! ((hugs)) Jo

Mema Jo said...

WOW! They were a bit early - Thought I had time to get back to the cam..
Sometimes I am sooooooooo SLOW!-But I can beat some Momsters to the am blog when I think about it..... lol
Waiting for pic - Hedgie!!

Mits said...

tee-hee, Jo....I'll race you tomorrow:)

T-Bird said...

there is a new thread everyone

floralgirl said...

Thanks for that info, Jo.
Hedgie will have to send pic, cause I never have the still cam up-eagle was up close to cam, it was gorgeous, sorry you guys missed it-Just reading the Hagerstown newspaper, police are trying to determine if they have captured the murderer who escaped from jail in Hagerstown Saturday. I hope it's him- makes you nervous when someone like that escapes and is on the loose.

hedgie said...

Pic sent...check your mail...also on Momsters yahoo!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...