Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Happy day before Thanksgiving. As you've noticed, the cam is having power issues. We have ordered a new solar panel, a new battery, some other electronics, and will have the tree service in, hopefully next week, to do some trimming up around the cam before things get busy on the nest.

Couple this work with the new website and streaming video, and we'll be ready for the next nesting cycle. So bear with us as we get this work done.

New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thank You, Steve, for that report on the cam.

Mits said...

thanks Steven:)

Mits said...

Steve, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and, NCTC;)

Costume Lady said...

OK! They are going up in the tree...that means we will get rid of Spidey!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Mits said...

we might have to remind them to clean out the web that spidey left, Wanda

Costume Lady said...

SORRY, STEVE. I got so excited over your news, I forgot my manners. I wish you and your family a Wonderful Thanksgiving.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes...they may forget. When the time for them to climb the tree comes near...we should ALL send Steve and email reminding him to execute SPIDEY :)

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Steve.

Hope you and everyone at NCTC has a nice Thanksgiving!

Costume Lady said...

Sissy, you have really had a rough time this past month. If I ever get sick or need surgery...I will come and stay with you. You are a GREAT caregiver ;) ((Hugs))

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN!!---for the update!------Wishing you & your family a HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!---ENJOY!

deb said...

Thanks for the update, Steve. With all that new equipment we will be good to go! It is nice to find all of these problems now.

deb said...

The darn blogger cop is alive and well this morning.

Mits said...

JMHO, but I think spidey is long gone...haven't seen him, and don't know if he can survive the cold temps they have had good riddance:)

deb said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at NCTC! We appreciate all your efforts so we can see our eagles.

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN!!---for the update!------Wishing you & your family a HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!---ENJOY!

deb said...

I hope he is gone, too. But I bet there are egg sacs waiting for warm weather to come, those could be cleaned up.

normabyrd said...

SORRY---I don't have a trash can now---can't get rid of repeats!!!--

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

The new baby's name is Evelyn Rose and they are calling her Evie. They are home and happy as can be!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning WANDA, EE SISSY, HELEN, NORMA, and PAULA. You all have been going through some really trying times with our eagle friends, and yourselves. So sorry, but have read where the new news is good news with things looking up. Prayers must be working.

carolinabeachmom said...

AND May I also wish Steven and all those at NCTC a very Happy Thanksgiving day with their families. We can be truly thankful for all the work they have done for us so far and will be doing soon.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!!---Read you high school from ND will be leading the MACY PARADE---That's what one would call 'WAY COOL'!----were you in the band?

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Sissy. Tom still doing ok? So sorry to hear about Sharon, but glad to hear that she has been diagnosed and is getting the help she needs.

carolinabeachmom said...

WOW DEB. That is an honor to be playing in the Macy Day Thanksgiving parade. They must be a good band. Will look for them tomorrow if we get it on the tv.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY --What a beautiful name!!---I have 3 girls--so I am a bit prejudice!!---THEY ARE AWESOME!!---Love to be cuddled!!---sending many kisses!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Sorry DEB. I forgot to say a good morning to you too. I do also hope that they get all of the spider webs and egg sacks out of our tree at the nest. That is one pain in the neck when you are trying to look around the image of a spider.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA, Maybe you had better go over there and give them instructions.

normabyrd said...

MORNING CANDY!---Where are "married" son & wife eating Thanksgiving!!----That's a hard one---I know!!---HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!---where ever you eat!!---Does he live close?---

deb said...

Norma, I live in South Dakota, I am sure that was just a typo on your part. . People get us mixed up all the time. North Dakota is way colder. I wasn't in the band, I am not a musically gifted person. :(

Mits said...

thanks, Deb, thought you had switched states on

Costume Lady said...

Candy, I am pretty good at cleaning out spiderwebs, but not so good at climbing trees :)

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA'S "CC" BOY CUB---is sleeping peacefully!!---GREAT PIC of the HANDSOME CUB!----Read the update---One can trace the cub's family tree!!---ho!

Costume Lady said...

Parades, reminds me of my Denise when we took her to her first parade. She was probably 2 and when the marching band came along...she took off right down the street, marching along with them. Wanted a baton after that experience.

Costume Lady said...

I read on Luney's update one day, that he is getting near cutting his first tooth. Have to hurry up and hold him, Sissy. When those teeth come in he will be OFF LIMITS :)

normabyrd said...

DEB & MITS!!---I know you LIVE IN SOUTH DAKOTA!!!---SORRY!---I don't know a thing about ND!!!!!!!--(i am not always with the program---but my heart is)---ho!---I should be packing---LAURA & I are going to LISAS today---FOX HUNT tomorrow!!--Lots of fun!!--Are you having Thanksgiving??

deb said...

Marching bands have become a huge thing in Sioux Falls. It wasn't that way when I was in high school. They have huge fan clubs that support them and have people who go on every trip to help with the equipment, etc.

deb said...

I knew it was a typo, Norma, just had to tease you a little. I was doing Thanksgiving here, but my sister got chance to go to Ohio. We are going to do it next week, since I already bought the turkey.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

normabyrd said...

CNN earlier---The TURKEY to be PARDONED by the presidents are chosen almost at birth!!---They watch the birds--choose 2---watch their weight--temperament---etc.--Then the winner is given to PRESIDENT to pardon!!----DIDN'T KNOW THAT---or care about it!! ho!

Mits said...

I swear those puppies get bigger everyday....

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Good morning this day before all the good turkey eating begins....
Going to son's for dinner & going to brunch with other son first.

Steve, thanks for taking the time to give us the report - we are patient just like an eagle! We have learned so much from watching our Eagle families so Thank You for getting things up/running for the new season!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family & friends.

floralgirl said...

Wow, great news, Steve- thanks for sharing it! Thanks for all the work on the cam!
Hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving!
Haven't had time to read or post lately, I've been at the mailbox waitng for my bailout check! I only asked for 1.5 million so it's a real bargain for the Feds- I am sure they are prinitng my money right now.. gotta get back-later all:)
anyway, hope no one is experiencing Turkey problems

Mema Jo said...



Mits said...

I love that commercial, Megan

deb said...

It reminded me of Megan's morning songs, so I had to send that one.

Mema Jo said...

Megan Funny!

Hope your check comes!
We have been thinking of you & missing you on here.

deb said...

That is a good commercial and I like the one where they are thawing the turkey in the dryer, too!

Mema Jo said...

Well Deb it got me moving!

Steve Chase said...

don't worry, spider web removal is on the to do list.

deb said...

YEAH, STEVE! Thanks for the to do list.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah Steve. That is wonderful. We been hating him for a while now!!!

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Steve! Since your on this morning
Please add to your To-Do list the

Tilting of the cam just a little so we can view Liberty on his 12 noon position on the nest.


Mits said...

great, thanks steve:)

Costume Lady said...

BY THE WAY, MEGAN...I didn't have a real good year at the shop, so I applied for a Bailout from Mr. Bush and I haven't heard anything yet. I wonder why??

normabyrd said...

MORNIN MEGAN---I was going to call you----but I HAVE RECEIVED MY MONEY---STILL COUNTING it "penny" by "penny"----think I am up to 100!!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

A flock of turkeys hiding out in the
PA woods.......

Mema Jo said...

Moose cam
Beautiful close up of Primo lying down near the feeder.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!--WOW!--you have it made----Don't eat too much!!---ho!LOVE to your wonderful family!!!

hedgie said...

Morning all. Lots of turkey talk!!
Thanks, Steve and rest of the NCTC group, for update and all your work. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Think somebody said a couple of days ago that they DID see Spidey himself....most definitely must get the bucket crew to remove as much as possible of him, eggs, web!!
Strange here...SIL brought corn Mon. Yesterday, squirrels and birds today one solo squirrel and not a bird in sight...sure hope they just got sated and not anything serious wrong!

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN!!---You know --- you have always been my FAVORITE!! ho!

deb said...

I am having cat problems in my yard. Yesterday I trimmed the bushes a little so they can't hide as much. First time I walk out the front door this morning, there is another one. Any other ideas, legal ones, of course!

normabyrd said...

Thanks MEGAN!!----I have experienced that---but TURKEY didn't go out the window though---hmm---an IDEA!!----

Mits said...

puppies sleeping.

hedgie said...

Before everyone gets too busy with TG prep, just to want to wish all of you a Happy Turkey Day. Enjoy your families and friends!!
Eldest has big to-do at her MILs, so I am NOT cooking, per se. Going to in the morning and then dinner at her MIL's. Because of some taste preferences, I am making dressing (her jubby and MIL prefers mine!) and pie, and must take my watermelon pickles.
Leaving for hair apptmt. in a little while, so better go finish getting ready. BBL.

Mits said...

Where are they coming from, Deb? Do you think they belong to someone?

Mema Jo said...

I haven't had watermelon pickles in many many years.........

deb said...

I know one is the neighbor across the street's cat. The other three I don't know. I am tempted to call the city and complain, but thought I would try to get rid of them myself first.

TV's at BWO!

Mema Jo said...

Well Deb - that can be a problem.
You already have Abbie & Sam... Don't
know if you just want to feed them
and create a shelter for them because you get DEEP DEEP snows.
If you feed them they will stay
It sometimes can be a hard decision to just send them to the pound...
I'm not the one to help you make a decision because hubby just got our outside cat to come inside with our other two! Loretta & Suzanne also just brought in an outside stray. Good luck making
your decision.

deb said...

I am off to run errands, BBL.

Mits said...

I hate it when peoples' cats come into the yard do their mess, kill the birds....people are so inconsiderate...know what I would like to do, but not legal.

deb said...

I am not a cat person, but would hate to turn in someone's cat. I would worry that it would get put down. I just don't want them in my yard!

Mema Jo said...

Just read your comment Deb
Don't put any food out
Call the pound/shelter & hope they can catch them... Maybe they would have a chance for a home.

Mema Jo said...

Those puppies are a Hoot! Trying to sleep but one is intent on licking the others ears and face. I really like the cam - shame it won't be there much longer.

Going to find some lunch


Mits said...


Wednesday, November 26
Though the cub is still getting all of his nourishment from Lun Lun’s milk, one day his diet will consist of 99% bamboo. So when we refer to giant pandas as carnivores, some people give us puzzled looks and usually bring up the question of why we call them carnivores when they mainly eat an herbivore’s diet. Well, the terms carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, etc., are descriptors for a species’ diet, not a phylogenetic classification. Giant pandas are phylogenetically classified as members of the Order Carnivora, or simply carnivores, based on their evolutionary history. Giant pandas are bears, which puts them in the Family Ursidae. They and other bears share a common ancestor. There are seven families that make up the Order Carnivora: Ursidae (bears), Canidae (dogs), Felidae (cats), Procyonidae (raccoons and their relatives), Mustelidae (skunks, badgers, weasels, and their relatives), Hyaenidae (hyenas and aardwolf), and Viverridae (genets, civets, and mongooses). Next time you see a panda chomping down on an apple, pear, bamboo or meat (wild pandas have been known to eat small amounts of carrion) you will be able say, “Enjoy your omnivorous diet, you cute carnivore!”

The chubby cubby weighed in at 4.368 kg yesterday.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II

Mits said...

sloth bears, otters, fishing cat and cloudeds are on view at NZ

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm wonder if we will get a cam at all today...or this weekend....

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula
Guess we will just need to keep checking it out as Steve didn't
mention anything

paula eagleholic said...


Next time I see the neighbors cat in MY YARD, the dogs will "accidently" get out the front door!!

Mits said...

can I borrow one of your dogs, Paula;)?

Mema Jo said...

Mits- saw them all except Fishing Cat had moved.

All panda cams showing panda flat on their backs with their stalks of bamboo - Going to choke one of these

Puppy cam - the little culprit who does most of the shredding is at it again I think.

paula eagleholic said...

You may want to squirt the kitty with some 'vinegar water'.

Red said...

I think the shreding is a joint effort.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Sure can Mits...

Mits said...

puppies quiet:)

Mits said...


November 26
On these recent cold mornings, the pandas have been very active. They are eager to go outdoors to eat, and then it is time to wander and play. Tian Tian recently spent a morning scent marking after we shifted him into a new enclosure. Mei Xiang then had to scent mark all over ALL of his marks as she passed through the yard. These behaviors will gradually increase over the winter and into spring. On some mornings, the adults do not choose to play and we are left to wonder what is different about those days.

When Tai Shan is rotated, he also explores the other pandas’ scent marks but he does not mark over them yet. He is also very interested in watching the adults at first but then, like the adults, resumes his own solitary routine. His favorite sleeping place in yard one is under the perfectly shaped Douglas fir toward the back of the yard. What a beautiful present he makes! With Tai’s improved attitude and appetite, we are weaning him off all of his medications. Although his bamboo consumption is still low, he is consuming ornamental grasses and all of his biscuits and produce. Tai’s favorite treats are still his fruit, in any presentation, and honey... dripped on any and all enrichment items, if you please.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Luney is trying so hard. I can't hardly wait for them legs to get up under him. He is just adorable.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sissy ((hugs))
Is Tom pretty comfortable?
I pray you slept well last night.
Do you know when Andrew & Jon will come on home?

Noisy aren't I?

Mits said...

poor Lun has the itchies:)

Mits said...

well Lun just grabbed the boy by the neck and left

Mema Jo said...

Come on kid, we're getting out of here! said Lun Lun

I just finished reading this morning's comments..
Sissy - I have all my answers.

Mema Jo said...

I need to get dressed for the day & do some spot cleaning. With no one coming here - well, it's different!
Maybe I could get all my kids here on Sunday - now that is an idea!

Mema Jo said...

Woops! BBL

paula eagleholic said...

14685 viewers on the puppy cam!

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty eagle pair at BWO

Mits said...

hummers peeking out of their nest.

Mits said...

ewwieee at BWO:)

Mema Jo said...

I think the PixController in PA woods has shifted just the slightest to the right. Don't remember that little tree on the right being so visible.

Mits said...

Must have just shifted today some time.

Mema Jo said...

I think it may be the moose calf by the feeder.

Mits said...

feeding time in Atlanta;)

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! I thought the otter brothers had gone inside as I couldn't see them
WOW all of a sudden the came running into view - one right after the other & into the water they went!

Now they are out but half of them going back in!
Yes, I love those little guys!!!

Mema Jo said...

Clouded leopards sleep a lot of the day away just like house cats do!

Mema Jo said...

Bow Wows are getting up again...
Their naps are the shortest!

Mits said...

clouded leopards snuggling:)

Mits said...

all the snow is gone in Bluefield...

Lolly said...

Hi All!!! Have not read the blog for any info I might have missed. Just wanted to let you know I am back.

We went to the wedding over the weekend. (It was wonderful!) Got home Monday and our computer was dead. Lovely! However, we are now back up and running.

I have to get back to the kitchen now. Have made the mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, and have cooked cranberries. Now to make the dressing, an apple pie, and yeast rolls. I am really enjoying being out in the kitchen.

Laurel's family arrives later on this afternoon.

Anyway, maybe I will be able to get back on later.


magpie said...

I see the Hens are picking through the leftovers at Pix PA -

Hello and Good Afternoon All. ♥

Two lovely Eagles at BWO
☺ ☺

magpie said...

Waiting to hear from Wanda on the Great White Hunters Report !

Sounds like many have some wonderful Thanksgiving Family plans...

magpie said...

♥ Hi Lolly

Sounds Greeaaatt! Bet it smells like a million bucks at your place right hnow. Too bad we don't have an Aroma Cams ! LOL

magpie said...

Lolly: Sounds like your hands and wrists are back in service, big Time ! Did you peel all the potatoes?

magpie said...

I was to be off Thursday, but worked a 6-hour switch from noon to 6 pm, in exchange for some hours in December when the Grandson will be having his 9th Birthday party....well worth it!
xoxo ♥ ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Pups all piled together.

Eagle pair back at BWO.

Picked up a fresh turkey for Saturday...yum!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Turkey Day, Lolly. Sounds like you are enjoying your day!

Glad you were able to do that switch, Margy.

paula eagleholic said...

Love the way the puppies sleep on each other. When Boo was a pup, in the midst of the 6, he liked being on the bottom of the pile!

Mits said...

YUM....fresh turkey...My Mom always got a fresh one, we had a wonderful Market close to where will lived.

magpie said...

I see no ISS views for several days yet....and the Moon is going to be New" so we won't see it, but when it comes back out in a few days it will be deliciously close to Venus and then Jupiter after sunset ! ☺ ☺

magpie said...

To the Southern Delegation: Sure hope all goes well with each and every one of you....that new baby Evie will sure light up the Holiday won't she? Can't wait to see some pictures...Hint Hint ! Will have all of you in my thoughts...♥

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Afternoon everyone; I posted
photos on my blog Ontario trip,
There are two pages.The one photo
of the eagle is all hand carved and
i couldn't come home without it.I
hope that everyone has a great
Thanksgiving.I will be back after
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

magpie said...

Hi Sweet Paula...
I can sense what a Special Day it will be for you, your family, and the folks at the nursing home. ♥

MITS My mother used to get a fresh turkey from a farm which is now all covered up with interstate....remember her plucking those darn last pin feathers...boy, could she cook! ☺

Mits said...

Margy, fortunately, Mom's was already plucked:)

magpie said...

Ma used to rinse out the turkey then put turkish towels in the cavity to dry things year she forgot and left one in there! so I guess we had some cooked towel that year...I was too little to remember, but sure remembered hearing about it! My brother's and my favorite part of the turkey in the early days was the nice, crispy, cooked Skin! ♥ ☺

magpie said...

I got me a date with the Grandson tonight, so I guess I better get crackin'.

I'll make a post or two before I head out...

I can just imagine all the smells and bells and smiles here and there right about now !

Gotta find the Fairy! TTFN

Mits said...

beautiful pics, Dave. Eagle wood carving is very pretty

magpie said...

Aw shucks, sorry I missed Indiana Dave...sure is fun to have you back high speed with us now.. ☺

MITS most of the feathers were off, but she was fanatic about any last little feathers, I still remember the little teeny tiny device she used to finish it off !

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Hi Magpie; I am still here for a
short time

Indiana Dave

paula eagleholic said...

Ooooh, turkey skin!! ♥♥♥

And the leftovers!! ♥♥♥

Mits said...

turkey skin is the best:)

Mits said...

young buck and does on RDHC cam

magpie said...

Okay Indiana Dave - - good to "see" You...

Here is a parting comic shot:
Turkey goes to a Fortune Teller. She tells him, "I see you going to a warmer climate."

Gobbler asks..."How Warm?"

She says, "350-degrees."

Well, that was from comic strip "Bound and Gagged."

Take Care All, heading out to the Wilds of Morgan County !

♥ Peace, Prayers and Love ♥
xoxo ☺ ☺ ☺

Capt. Eagle said...

I would like to thank you for taking care of my GeeGee and Tiger while I was off in the wilds of WV. Check Wanda's Wild and Wondeful to see where I have been.

Thanks to all else, who kept my Tiger company while I was kept her out of trouble. HA, Ha!
Capt. Gene
Happy Viewing

Mits said...


Mits said...

thanks for the pics, Gene, bet you had a fun time:)

Capt. Eagle said...

Thanks, MITS..AKA.. Helen

magpie said...

Oh, I can't leave yet!

Gene, those photos are fabulous! What a place...can I go next year as a resident house-keeper?

Bet you folks had some deer liver! Yum! A favorite dish!

Thanks for all your kind words...

We love looking after Wanda, but as you know, it can be a challenge ! Tee Hee: Just Kidding! And GeeGee, well the rewards are immeasurable, time with her is inexpressible...

So glad to know you are back at YOUR ROOST...xoxo ♥ ♥

(Love is in the air at RHDC all they won't fool with those apples for long.... ☺)

Night all....xox

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Gene!

Let the puppy rasslin' begin!!

Think computer wants a vacation...had to reboot it twice today!

magpie said...

Good Night Liberty and Belle. Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for all the wonder and excitement you provide for us

Lolly said...

And Gene really thinks we kept Wanda out of trouble?!!!! ☺

Hi Magpie! Yes, hands and wrists are doing better. They are still weak, can not open jars, etc. Left one once in a while has a twinge, but much better, thank you!

Dressing is ready to bake tomorrow, dough for yeast rolls is mixed (have a great recipe that I put into the refrig until time to let rise and bake) to do the apple pie. Jack will use our handy gadget to peel and slice. ☺ The house will really smell good when I bake it. BBL

deb said...

Hi everyone. I have checked out Dave's pictures. Dave that is a beautiful way to start your retirement. It looks like a place I would love to visit, and I can see why the eagle had to come home with you!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hello Friends. Sharon is on her way to Thelma's. Will be home tomorrow. But we are still gonna have Thanksgiving on Sunday. My bird is froze solid as a rock, no pies made, all that.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

But, man am I glad she is coming home!! WHOO-HOO!

deb said...

Good news, Sissy, it will be nice for everyone when Sharon gets back tomorrow. What great news!

Red said...

Great news Sissy. Something to be thankful for.

Mits said...

yep, good news :)

deb said...

Buck in Pix PA.

Costume Lady said...

Folks...I am so sorry for the photos of the Dressed Deer. I put that on my blog to copy and paste to send to the other hunters and forgot to delete them. I AM SO SORRY IF IT OFFENDED ANYONE.

Mits said...

He sure was a big guy, Deb

deb said...

It was big, wasn't it!

Wanda, I just quickly passed over them.

Paula, I would like to borrow your dogs, too. Those cats are all bigger than my dogs, except for the all black one. I will try the vinegar water. I was going to throw a bucket of water on them, then I worried they would freeze.

I looked at the store today, you can put pellets out to repel, rabbits, dogs, moles, but I found nothing for cats.

Mits said...

didn't offend me, I thought they were dressed nicely;)

Mits said...

Think use can use them for cats too, Deb.

Mits said...

those pups are going to miss each other for awhile when they go to their new homes.

Mits said...

Bai and Zhen are having some bamboo together..the ;little one is trying to steal Mom's

deb said...

I wondered about that, but there wasn't any one to ask. I will go to the farm store here and see what they have, except farmers usually want cats to keep the mice away.

deb said...

Those puppies are sure cute, all piled up like that.

Mits said...

Get a bunch of mice and throw them in the neighbors' yard:)

Mits said...

I just found two more puppy cams, sent them to Jo.

Mits said...

deer back at RDHC

paula eagleholic said...

Possum at Pix

Cam does look farther to the right

floralgirl said...

The only stray cats I ever liked Stray Cat Strut

paula eagleholic said...

Deb, mix some vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray the cats in the face when they come into the yard, or are under the bush. Doesn't hurt them. I have used on my dogs.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - did Gene get a deer?

paula eagleholic said...

BRB gotta check on the sweet potatoes...trying out a new recipe for Saturday.

Mits said...

that's an oldie, Megan:)

deb said...

Moose cam is on again.

Mits said...

there was a white tail deer there, but it moved off when moose went to feeder

Mits said...

now it is in the background with the other moose

Mits said...

puppies are awake

Mits said...


paula eagleholic said...

Puppies rasslin'

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Lynn your comment at 11:38am today is right....I did a few days ago tell everyone that I DID SEE SPIDEY!!!!
So if they don't get rid of HIM ...he will just rebuild his webby home.

Mema Jo said...

Deer approaching the snowman

Moose cam still has pic of Moose (Primo) at the feeder and one walking off to the left.

Thanks for the music, Megan!
Thanks for the photos IN Dave
Welcome home Capt Gene &
photos are of beautiful country

Mema Jo said...

Just checking out my emails...

So Thankful Sharon will be headed
home - AMEN

Mits said...

Jo, you have mail:)

Mits said...

puppies quiet again...

Mits said...

deer on RDHC

Mits said...

weather looks nice for turkey day, but not as nice as last year when it was 77°

Mits said...

deer snowman cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Mits forgot about that nice weather last year...

Mits said...

beautiful sunset over Mt McKinley tonight

Mits said...

it was great, Paula, we all sat out on the deck of sil's house in Annapolis..til dinner was served, then a cold front came through

deb said...

Did you know cats hate the smell of citrus??

Spray your bird feeders with citrus oil. You can do this by placing 10 drops of a citrus-scented oil in 2 cups of water, and then pouring it all into a spray bottle. Cats hate the scent of citrus and tend to keep away from anything with that scent.

wvgal_dana said...

Going up to Winchester this morning. It was spitting snow and the snow was blowing all over the road. It was beautiful. Even better because it didn't lay.

Had a packed house in the pool today. A lot of people needing the heated pool. Felt so so good.


Mits said...

good Deb, you can throw lemons at them

deb said...

The internet is so helpful. Put chicken wire under the bushes, cats don't step on it, it hurts their feet. There are lots of suggestions out there, but the two I put on here will work best for me.

Lemons are expensive here, I'll get oranges! No, not really, well maybe, if I wake up one more time hearing a little bird squealing and a cat meowing outside my bedroom window.

deb said...

I think the puppies are getting company! They got my dogs going!

Mits said...

I know Deb, love these search many times have been helped, especially when I have a computer issue

Mits said...

yikes puppy noise level is off the charts

paula eagleholic said...

Puppies howling!!

Mits said...

human is home:)

Mits said...

poor mom has to clean up

paula eagleholic said...

Clean up time...Mom SFshiba is there

deb said...

Puppies in her skirt, hope they don't trip her!

Mits said...

little buggers:)

paula eagleholic said...

Puppies are pulling her skirT!

Mits said...

what a handful...

Mits said...

split coming soon

paula eagleholic said...

Human w/ tattooed leg

Mits said...

yes, Paula, have been trying to figure out what the tatoo is the last few days...hubby has them on his arms

paula eagleholic said...

That looks like a paper towel cardboard roll

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2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...