Sunday, November 30, 2008


Cold, wet day thread.


movin said...

***A VERY GOOD ***



Thanks for the new thread, Steve. AND I believe my live cam is up this morning.

I'll go over to tell everyone about the new thread now.



Mits said...

Thanks, Jim and Steve.....

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Two osprey in CC this morning.

movin said...

ZZ acting up

Here is one funny video of ZZ ... amongst many.

I was looking for clips of when they laid down the sod. Still looking, but there are many pages of clips of ZZ. Take a squint at them.



deb said...

I got an update on the osprey. A4 is still in Empire, LA, A15 is still in La Coma, Mexico.
A00 has finally moved to Flamingo, FL. He had made it as far south as Marquesas Key, but turned around and headed back into the Everglades.

glo said...

Aww cute video Jim Thanks. Off to worship and then "maybe" some pictures in the snow. Depends how the roads are. So glad to have the cam on :)

deb said...

Both osprey are gone, at least I got to see them again.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----STEVEN---MOVIN'JIM---HELEN---DEB & GLO!!!-----WHOA!! MOVIN'JIM is our #1 EAGLE DAD today & every day!!---Have you been #1 before??---Hope every one had a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!!!----It is a dark rainy am---predicting snow or sleet!!!---Feeders were empty--got up early to fill them!!---Lots of birds out---considering misty rain!!---anxious to see what ZZ is doing---love watching her!! --LOTS OF READING TO CATCH UP!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!

deb said...

Good morning, Norma. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving??

normabyrd said...

THANKS! JIM!---I could watch her all day!!!----One would have to rise early to get ahead of this ADORABLE BEAUTY!!----Hope SISSY get to see this!!!----

deb said...

It is snowing here, one of those nice snows with the big flakes. It isn't supposed to amount to much.

normabyrd said...

I had a wonderful THANKSGIVING day!!----I ate too much!! ho!--Aren't You all having your dinner today??--ENJOY! ENJOY!!----

normabyrd said...

DEB!---I would rather see big flakes than this sleety stuff we are getting!!!

deb said...

I agree, I like snow, but can't stand the ice. We were going to have Thanksgiving yesterday, but my sister got the chance to go to Ohio, so we will do it Saturday. I bought the turkey, so might as well cook it.

deb said...

Osprey back in CC. Human in the puppy cam.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to Everyone!

Thank you Jim for the call over and thank you Steven for the new thread. JIM I loved the video of ZZ thanks alot. It was really cute.

I like looking at all the different avatars. Cute and fun..

Well welcome back NORMA...

Hope the Bluefield gang will be enjoying what sounds like a yummy Thanksgiving Dinner today. Sharon glad your taking it more easy. Sissy sorry you got a sore foot..sounds like your still cooking though. ENJOY and GOD BLESS...

wvgal_dana said...

Deb I love the Conn. nest. Is that the one you are watching?????? Oh now that I thought about it your probably watching Cape Coral Osprey nest.

I use to get Conn.Osprey. For some reason I can't. Been working on trying to figure out why.

Hope this Saturday then your Thanksgiving Dinner is GREAT!

deb said...

Pook put a picture of Alfalfa, the moose with the hole in its antler, up on her page.

Moose Cam

wvgal_dana said...

I believe I see either snow or rain coming into our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Yeppers and not even that will take Spidey's web down. It's going this week though. Hope he/she doesn't rebuild it.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Deb. Glad that Moose had its rack up above its body.

wvgal_dana said...

It is rain, snow, sleet coming down or a combination of some at the NEST.

deb said...

Do they turn off the Connecticut osprey cam when the osprey go south??

Both osprey now at CC.

wvgal_dana said...

Got Maine up think that is an Eagle calling.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA!!---Love you new AVATAR!!----GREAT NEWS!---SHARON is home!!---SISSY has a sore foot!!--So SORRY!!---BLESS HER HEART!!----She works too hard---I need to read yesterday's blog!--

wvgal_dana said...

No Deb they don't turn on Conn. Cam. We have gotten to see other birds in there. That is where the seagull I named "Oscar" was at. We had a lot of fun with old "Oscar".

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning while it still is morning - cold dreary & wet - but I am
alive! Alive like Live is good and both are up/running.
Puppies are napping... I really will miss all 6 of them and their playfulness.
Watching the beautiful eagle sight on Caltrans. Saw the one fly in - cam is great and such a great view!

hedgie said...

Jim is Dadster of the day!
Morning all.
Dreary, raw day. But thankfully, very little ice...raining steadily.
I can smell all of Sissy's good stuff from here....peanut butter pie---hey, Sis, send me some!!!
Deb, isn't it unfathonamable how far those birds wander??
Welcome home, Norma. Glad you had a nice holiday!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mema and Lynn.

The Cape Coral Osprey don't leave. They are there year round.

Deb I mean't they DON'T TURN OFF THE CONN. CAM.

wvgal_dana said...

Need food bbl

Mema Jo said...

Just watched Caltran eagle fly off the limb right down over the bridge -
Guess none of the drivers had their eyes to the skies!

hedgie said...

Hi back, Dana and Jo.

deb said...

Puppies are waking up.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO & HEDGIE!!---That's a great AVATAR!!----I love all these new avatars!!----DEB has a cool snowman!---DANA a green wreath with a cool snowman---HEDGIE has a cool lighted reindeer with Xmas balls!!----time to start counting down!!

Mema Jo said...

Puppies didn't nap very long...

Need to read earlier am comments - want to see if Megan was here


normabyrd said...

HEY HEDGIE!---Did you watch that WVU-PITT game?----Our biggest rival over the years!!---Favorite YELL!!!-----"BEAT THE HELL OUTA PITT"----I was sick!----SORRY!!!!--

normabyrd said...

I don't have the PUPPY site!--Would some one please send it to me!

Mema Jo said...

Heading out to celebrate Aaron's 29th b-day over at Jenny's. To think it
has been that many years since I saw
him birthed! Such a magnificent memory.

Talk to you all later.........


normabyrd said...

I see the 'LITTLE PRINCE' is chewing on his bamboo!---ignoring his fans!!----He's a little IMP!!--

Costume Lady said...
Try this Miss Norma.

hedgie said...

No, Norma, didn't watch the game...saw a few minutes near the end. Sorry, but I'm not a fan...since not a born/bred WV'ian, it just doesn't interest me. Even w/ a good friend being Nate Sowers' aunt! I root for Maryland, Georgetown and VA schools!!
Try this for puppy cam:
Puppy Cam

hedgie said...

Whoops, that didn't work! Try Wanda's!!!!

deb said...

Puppy cam

deb said...

It took me 4 tries to get it to work, Lynn. My puppy cam is froze, anyone else?

deb said...

I closed it and reopened it and it is working again.

NatureNut said...

Have a cozy Sunday Everyone!!Rainy here--think I will curl up in afghan & watch Redskins!!
Happy TDay dinner to all having it today.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda glad you got your temporary files deleted. Should make your puter run better. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn Redskins are playing today at 1pm channel 5. Then Ed Steelers play at 4pm channel 9. I think tv will have football on the big screen today lol

hedgie said...

Game time...GO SKINS!!!! Later, gators.

wvgal_dana said...

Checking in and out....heading out with Lynn....GO SKINS!

deb said...

I am off to Freeman, again, BBL.

normabyrd said...

Thanks!!----HEDGIE---WANDA & DEB!!

floralgirl said...

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

16 Tons

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!!----Love "Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head"!
Reminds me of Paul Newman!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Sure is windy up in the nest. That piece of tree bark is overtop (I think) of Spidey's web. Maybe it will come down with the wind and pull spidey's web with it.

magpie said...

Mr. Moose reclining in the Snow...

Hi Everyone ! ♥

magpie said...

Man (handsome at that) just filled all the feeders at Snowman cam, and threw seed all around...
He's gone now.
Gotta read and see what you folks have been up to today!

magpie said...

Loretta: when you check in:

Your cardinal avatar is spectacular !

I love all the new pictures everyone has....
Wanda : You will have to share these with GeeGee...!

Oh Megan good to see you...♥

magpie said...

computer is being a real Pill this afternoon...
Lady next door - 80 - cannot found her house door key, so she is housebound...a prayer to Saint Anthony and off I go to help search...wish me luck!

I have not seen any Eagle Alert except for Wanda's this morning...
hope to see something when I come back ! xox

NatureNut said...

Hi Margy, Taking a break from Skins squashing, but I can hear it! Glad you like my cardinal. I got a few good birdie in the snow pics year or so ago. Been saving them up---may put set on blog when it REALLY is snowtime.
Hope your neighbor finds key.
Wonder if our birds will show up in all this rain.

magpie said...

* Saint Anthony Rules *
He is (one) of the Patron Saints of miracles I guess you would say, in the Catholic tradition, and we have always called on him to find things! Walked right in, the key was underneath a glove which was on the floor...neighbor lady almost cried, then laughed...Thank you Saint Anthony, and to you all for your well-wishes too...☺ ♥

Now, this computer...gotta shut down and start all over before I miss any Eagle Alerts! ♥

magpie said...

Eagle at Maine, and our cam is kaput !

magpie said...

Make that: Eagle WAS at Maine...

sigh, flew off, it was pretty, but now the nest is empty :(

magpie said...

Beautiful lone eagle at BWO with fog in the background.. :)

magpie said...

Still cam has rainbow effect, live cam is a'rollin...don't know if it is completely out of service, or what..... :( :(

magpie said...

distant Eagle sound at Maine....

I have deleted cookies, internet files and histories a bunch of times in the last few days...
uninstalled QuickTime today, will try to re-install Monday when I have some time to get frustrated, then see what else is going on here, time to clean the old girl up I guess, delete, delete, delete...

Hope everyone is staying warm and dry and enjoying your favorite things....just don't know if OUR EAGLES are going to be part of that this evening...

xo ♥

magpie said...

Happy 29th Birthday (for the first time) Aaron !! ♥ ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I see that the Moose resting in the snow, is a capture from this morning around 0900....
wonder what he is doing now...
Unbelievable picture of the Antler with the bullet hole....Saint Francis must have been watching out for him that day!

magpie said...

Endeavor and crew are back on earth !

… EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – Space shuttle Endeavour and its seven astronauts are safely back on Earth.

The space shuttle landed Sunday in sunny California, after being diverted there by stormy weather at NASA's Florida spaceport. Commander Christopher Ferguson guided Endeavour down at 4:25 p.m. EST.

The safe landing at Edwards Air Force Base ended a trip that spanned 16 days and left the international space station freshly remodeled and capable of housing bigger crews.

NASA had hoped to bring Endeavour back to Kennedy Space Center, its home port. But dangerously high wind and approaching thunderstorms scuttled two landing attempts, and Mission Control opted for the temporary runway at Edwards

...NOW they get to do the piggyback back to Florida!

xo Welcome Home ! xo

magpie said...

ISS won't be back out until Dec 5 - in the evening, and the toolbag is drifting farther and farther away from it..

magpie said...

Well, I've hogged the blog....

You are in for an unfortunate disappointment with OUR CAM...

Hope the football games are going the way you want them....
of course not EVERYONE can be happy..

Back in a little while.

hedgie said...

Well that game sure s----ed!!! Should have known that thoe nasty Giants would beat us up...for the 2nd time! But now I've got a headache...too much stress...woe is me!!!
Megan, glad to see you are alive and I hope well!
Margy, so glad you found the keys for your friend!

wvgal_dana said...

Not sure about our live cam???

hedgie said...

Sorry I missed the shuttle to watch them come back to earth! ZNews this am made it sound like they were going to stay up for an extra day because of that bad FL weather...hmmmm. Mission control had other ideas!

magpie said...

Yes, the cam went belly up around the time I went to find keys...

Wah Wah and Triple Wah !

Just one of those things that I am sure will get worked in the days to come....Steve will take care of us!

Well, it's that time...I go in for only 6 hours tonight...I hope! unless someone on next shift coming in goes belly up!

You all take care, be careful if you have to be out in this Novembery weather...and tomorrow, you get to change all your calendar pages !!

Love, Peace and Prayers xo ♥

magpie said...

...and then my Fairy gets a break for a few days....poor gal, she has had her work cut out for these past few days.... ☺ ☺ ☺ xox

hedgie said...

Have a good shift, Margy. Fairy doesn't have much to do for've got the kind of hair that will do so many things...I love it!
Atlanta has apparently already turned out the lights for the night...very dim, but lil Luney is sleeping soundly.

magpie said...

Oh, yea, Hedgie, Thanks..You are sweet: I have my make-believe "perm" after spending the day in those crazy sponge rollers!

Sharon: check out your get well card, you will see one of those pink sponge rollers ! (after you recover from the Thanksgiving Feast, that is..)

Take Care all, this is IT !

TTFN xoxo ♥ ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Raccoons have taken over the Deer Cam PA

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I know your gone but praying you have a good shift.

Deer starting to show on Snowman Cam.

hedgie said...

Just had two does out back, nibbling on the corn. I have motion sensor light out in the woods that shines on the feeder. No sign of my ten pt.---haven't seen him since early Oct.

hedgie said...

4 humans playing w/ puppies! No sound.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening Eagle buds!! Our dinner was a wonderful success today. Had a great afternoon visiting with my brother and sister-in-law, Andrew and Kelsey got here right on time for dinner. Of course Thelma was here along with us, Becca, Mattie, and Justin. Everything turned out great. Burned the marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes but I peeled that right off and no one was the wiser (except Thelma, she saw the flames!!)

Mema Jo said...

Human dad in Puppy Land

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like human mom and dad!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

They seem very attentive to the pups, don't they?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We just finished straightening up the kitchen. I can be a messy cook sometimes. Wasn't too bad this evening though. Me and Tom tackled it and it was done in short order. I love that man so good.

I sent out an email on the eagletmomsters thingy about wanting physical addresses for everyone. I don't know if everyone gets that email, so I am asking again. I am updating my address list for cards and want ya'lls physical addresses if you don't mind. Just send them to me over the eagletmomster mail if possible.

Mema Jo said...

Yepper,Lots of humans in the Puppy Pen

Mema Jo said...

Puppy cam had been down for a few -
only count 4 puppies....... This may
be the remaining few.... Don't know -
I thought it was next weekend that some were starting to leave......

OH! this feels like a first fledge feeling!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sissy! Happy to hear from you and that your dinner was a success!!!
We never thought it wouldn't be - we were just worried about the Cook and
I am hearing that all is well. I bet
you and Tom are ready to put your feet up now!

Mema Jo said...

All 6 are there! Puppies that is.

Mema Jo said...

Nail clipping time in Puppy Land.
They are so gentle with them.

Mema Jo said...

Going to catch a movie on TV


Costume Lady said...

Sissy, I just had my chuckle for the day...reading about your burned marshmellows and Thelma seeing it happen:) I hope she didn't give you away ;);)
Glad everything turned out alright. Now, sit down and prop that ankle up...Christmas dinner will be here before you know it. LOL

hedgie said...

So glad, Sissy, that Tom felt up to helping you. Don't feel bad about the marshmallows...I've done the same thing. And one year I couldn't find any mini's and used big ones and put on too many, and I had marshmallow allover the oven!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. Today has been a wonderful Thanksgiving Day for us. The grub was excellent as well as the company. My sister is an awesome cook. I did, however, cut up the potatoes to cook and mash.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would like to add to Sissy's blog that I was there too!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah, if the marshmallows were the only problem, it surely was a good day. I desperately need life to slow down for a few and let me catch up. I am so grateful that we are all relatively okay. Everything could be so much worse.

Our sister-in-law, Janet (Doug's wife) went with her son and his wife on a cruise for Thanksgiving. Her and Doug had already planned to go and they persuaded her to go with them. I haven't spoken to her yet since they got back. Hope she was able to find some peace while she was out there.

Ya'll are just so special, just can't thank you enough for all the kindness you have shown us. Thanks so very much.

I am gonna go right now and kick my feet up, watch CSI New York I recorded the other day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I assumed that everyone knew you were there, Sher. You were included in the "us". ☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good nite my Eagle buds. See you in the morning light!!

NatureNut said...

Sounds like great TDay for the Bluefield Gang!!☺ Glad it all went well & everyone is feeling a little better. Great food & Family sure help!!
Just had open face hot turkey sandwich & topped it off w/next to last slice of pie! (not the turkey LOL) Yum, yum.
Well, our beloved Skins konked out, but Ravens & Pitt won. Now I get to watch Da Bears!!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Jack and I were busy all afternoon,after church, putting up the outside Christmas lights. Now I need to start on the inside.

Sissy, take care of that ankle. My wrists are still sore and I don't use them for walking. ☺

We had hamburgers last night so tonight is was Thanksgiving again, eating the leftovers. Yummy!

Still can not get rid of this hyper, high kicking Santa. I click on remove picture and it disappears for half a second. Help!

Mits said...

sunday update from Atlanta...

Sunday, November 30
I don't know how many of you have noticed from the photos of the cub, but his eye patches are unique and quite different than those of his parents and his sister. They look like ordinary panda eye patches until you see him in profile, and then you can see that the outer corners sweep upwards quite dramatically. It looks as if someone took a paint brush and added a bit of flare to the edges of his eye patches. He does not need any help looking adorable, but I certainly think it enhances his cute factor! Take a look at some of the close-up photos posted here on the updates page to see what I am talking about.

Oh yeah, and don't forget to vote! There are only a few more days left to cast your vote for the cub's name!
Heather Baker Roberts
Keeper I

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY...Right click on the "delete image" link on your profile. Select open and click. Nothing should happen.Then click the "delete image" link again, and the options of either loading to blogger or image url should appear and then stay there, allowing you to change your picture. ALSO, make sure you use the left arrow on your keypad to scroll back to the beginning of the url, than save your profile.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, I answered you on the Santa yesterday

Lolly, you have to right click on delete image, and say open. Answer yes if you want to navigate away from page. Then click on delete image again, and it will let you load a different one.

Saturday, November 29, 2008 3:41:00 PM

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear everything went well, Sissy.

My oven flamed up the other night from some leftover dripped cheesecake that had spilled onto the bottom from back at the Open House!

I did my sweet taters in honey this year....really good! My son said I should have put some marshmallows on top anyhow!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like those instructions I sent you last year, Wanda! The last part is if your photo is hosted in Photobucket...the part about using the arrow key.

paula eagleholic said...

Took my brother back home to Moms, and we visited Mom today. She is doing good...spent the day snuggled up in bed...good day for it...rain was nasty and cold, just glad it wasn't snow or ice!

paula eagleholic said...

Can't wait to see what little Luney is named...can't remember what I voted for!

paula eagleholic said...

My dogs are entirely played out from all the company this weekend!

Gotta go check on the puppy cam!

Lolly said...

Wanda and Paula.....THANKS, but it is not working.:( That silly Santa disappears for half a sec and then starts bouncing around again.

paula eagleholic said...

Humans in w/ the pups

Lolly said...

I'm glad I am not the only one who can not remember what name they voted for. ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe try the right click twice, then try delete.

Lolly said...

That does not work either. That little dude can pop right back up faster than anything!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you everyone for all the updates on the various cams....I didn't get online at all today!

paula eagleholic said...

Puppies really rasslin! Wish the sound was on!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, you have mail

Lolly said...

Paula.....just checking to see if you have had any luck.

Lolly said...


deb said...

I am home and got the tree up tonight. Now I can work on the rest tomorrow.

Person in the puppy cam.

Lolly said...

Testing...1, 2, 3

Lolly said...

YAY back to the real Lolly, now...

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, you have mail...and you're all fixed!

Lolly said...

Well, I am going to change it....let's see what happens now?! ☺

Lolly said...

Now, this is the real Lolly. I am not going to change 'til after Christmas. Promise!

Paula....again, thanks!

Mema Jo said...

I watched movies all evening! Very relaxing. But now the puppies are sound asleep. I missed their last
spurt of energy burn off.

Costume Lady said...

Amazin what two ladies from Maryland and Texas can put their heads together an do...kill off one Santa and produce another ;);)

paula eagleholic said...

Too funny, Wanda! It is pretty neat isn't it!!

paula eagleholic said...

And your welcome, Lolly. Anytime :)

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene is sound asleep and I should be too. Here I go zzzzzz.


Lolly said...

Yes, it is great to have such wonderful friends in WV and Maryland. So far apart...yet working and helping each other. ☺

Mema Jo said...

Well it is Dec 1 in Iraq
SSG RYAN has just spent his last night in Iraq! WHoo HOoooooo !
This evening of DEC 1 he will board flight to Kuwait to catch the flight home (this can sometimes take awhile)
to Ft Stewart GA.

I will keep you posted.

deb said...

Jo, that gives me goose bumps--HOORAY!

And I thought my news about the Vikings beating the Bears, so far, was good.

I am tired tonight and signing off. Have a good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Great news, Jo.

Have a good night everyone.

Hugs to all.

hedgie said...

What great news, Jo. Know how excited you all must be! Does he get his 30 days leave when he gets back??? Will he come see his Mema?

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Wanda, Deb and Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Not sure of his leave time, Lynn
I'll see him ASAP......
For sure at Christmas......
He will be stationed at Ft Stewart for the upcoming year....then on to
Ft Benning GA as his orders read.

hedgie said...

Bet you can't wait, Jo!
Guess I'll head for the tub. Talk to you tomorrow. Sweet Patrick dreams!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a day

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for everyone's needs being said

(((HUGS))) ♥

hedgie said...

Oops...meant Ryan! Of course, I bet you dream about Patrick, too!!!

Lolly said...

Hurrah Jo!!! That is so exciting and I am so very happy for you and your family. A great way to begin the Christmas season.

Nite all!!! Christmas blessings to all!

Lolly said...

Still playing with the avatar...need to go to bed!☺

magpie said...

I like your new avatar Lolly, and I was getting a "Kick" out of the other one too!

Hedgie: Yours does not glitter and sparkle anymore :(

Sounds like a very special day for many today...wondering how all the ones we haven't "seen" are doing...

All done work for a few days! Wee-Doggy ! ☺

magpie said...

More snow again at Snowman Cam!
The "gauge" was all cleaned up earlier all snowed up again...

I didn't hear any PIE STORIES on the menu at Bluefield...

magpie said...

I think I am losing Hedgie's avatar is all sparkly again...
guess it is time for me to go to bed...

Good Night, Everyone.

xo ♥

movin said...

Have a

*** GOOD NIGHT ***

*** EVERYONE ***

and have a good week too.


Costume Lady said...

Where is everyone? Can't sleep in on a Monday morning!! WAKE UP!

Glad Margy has a few days off...that girl works her feathers off.

Sissy and Sharon are probably still asleep.(nooooot) Those two girls have really had an exhausting month.((Hugs to you both))

magpie said...

Hi Wanda ! I just got up - well sort of, I have been up and down since I signed off last night...going to chiropractor shortly, for some sciatica relief and some Biofreeze! Good to see you ♥

magpie said...

Nice Eagle Action at BWO - chow in the platform

magpie said...

Guess I better get crackin'. I didn't write down my appointment time but I think it is 8:15...and then on to about 5 places...
So, when I come back I will look for the rest of you AND OUR EAGLE NEST...

Good Day to All...


ceil said...

Good morning all. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here on the blog.
Jo so happy to hear about Ryan.
Margy sent a beautiful poem about a soldier and Christmas Eve. Maybe she will put it on the blog for all.
Off to get some breakfast.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, hope you can get some relief after your Dr. visit.
I'm turning the heat up and the coffee pot on. BBS

magpie said...

Hi Ceil...

Okay doctor at 0830 so I can play around just awhile longer...
Yumm Eagles having quite a meal at BWO - looks kinda "fresh" should we say?

and pile of Gobblers at Pix PA, and fog at Maine and Finney's - our cam still not up and running..yet...

magpie said...

If those eagles at BWO dare to leave that chow unattended I think there will be a food party!

magpie said...

The poem is rather long, Ceil, do you think the Blog is an okay place to post it?

floralgirl said...

OH, Margy, pass the Biofreeze please.....
Maybe this will wake everyone up-it's Dec. 1st, you know:) let the Christmas music begin- I'm Gonna Lasso Santa Claus

magpie said...

Oh, those Gobblers !

Just "ate" some cookies and cleaned out temp internet and history files...

Off to the bone-cracker!

Yah! Megan, bring on the music and start opening up those little Advent Calendar windows! Great to see you!

TTFN xoxo ♥

floralgirl said...

I gotta get back to work- c u later- hope your Dr.s appt. goes well, Margy.
Hi Ceil:)

ceil said...

New thread

Mits said...

new thread is up

2/19/25 PM uneventful

 12:31 PM Scott returns to the scene. With a nice load of Bedding Getting ready for the Cold front coming through again. 12:33 PM. He goes u...