Wednesday, July 23, 2008


New thread.


indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning everyone

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning to you too Dave and thanks Steve!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING STEVE!!---Thanks for the new RAINY thread!!---"LIVE" IS GOOD!!-----Will call the crew over!!!


Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
DIANE...sorry I didn't get to meet you. Wish you had come into the Eagle Express and had lunch with us. If I had known who you were, I would have dragged you inside to cool off and chat. Hope your hand has healed and is feeling better.
I hear that this is YOUR DAY...enjoy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:34:00 AM

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the invite to come on over, Dave. I was just posting away on the last page and realized I was over there by myself!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Sharon and Miss Norma. I think I heard on the weather last night that Romney was suppose to get a pretty bad thunderstorm...did you, Norma?

ceil said...

Good morning everyone. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANE. Sorry you could not have stayed longer at the nest gathering. Hope you can come in October. Off to work for me also.

floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve:) Helloooo everyone:) cool, rainy morning here, 68°- the birds are loving it- hummingbirds are zooming all around the yard, I can hear them zipping by my windows as I sit here. Fierce storm blew thru about 1:30 am, lost power for about 5 hours. Weather gurus say more severe thunderstorms expected later today. Have to get out in the garden and stake some sunflowers so I don't lose them in a storm, been meaning to do it for days. They are about 7' tall- Have a great day !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all you beautiful people!!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Diane!
Happy Birthday to you!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Cloudy here today, supposed to rain. We missed all of the storms last night, heard a touch of thunder and that was it. All is quiet in panda and eagle land this morning (wish I was a panda).

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---It is a cloudy foggy rainy morning with slate blue skies here in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA!!!!---temp is 67° with partly sunny skies later today---highs in 80s this afternoon--68° in Martinsburg this am---near the nest of "THE THREE MOUNTAINEERS --- PLUS THEIR MAGNIFICENT PARENTS---LIBERTY & BELLE"!----CONGRATS!! INDIANA DAVE---You are our #1 EAGLE DAD today & every day!!!!---Lets all REJOICE on this RAINY MORNING!!!----& BASK in the SUNSHINE later today!!!----HEY!--LET US LIVE--LOVE--CELEBRATE & DANCE---WHEN WE GET OUT LIVE BACK!!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!!

normabyrd said...


YES--We had a dark & stormy night!(as snoopy would say)!!

normabyrd said...

MAGPIE---T-BIRD---BUTTERFLY MAMA-- MEGAN & WANDA were the EARLIEST OF THE EARLY this am!!----If I missed anyone---please YELL!!-----As my granddaughter says---'i like to yell granny'---She's COOL too!

MITS said...

GOOD WEDNESDAY MORNING EVERYONE. No storms here last night temp is already 80°. We have a flash flood warning for today, should be fun out on the Asian Trail today

MITS said...

I can hear Brenda talking to Mei Xiang

MITS said...

now Mei is going to honk at her

Red said...

Good morning everyone. Life is good here today. Had lots of much needed rain yesterday. I'm off for a Doc appointment this morning. Nothing serious, just sinuses. BBL

normabyrd said...

HEY SISSY---Have you checked the 'LITTLE PRINCE' this am---Just heard on NPR--Bluefield temp--64°!

MITS said...

Hubby was flying to Houston yesterday, the plane he was supposed to take was diverted to New Orleans for an emergency landing, glad it didn't come to DC

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!!---Bet you are looking forward to an exciting day at the ZOO!---We will await your up-dates from the ZOO today!!!----STAY COOL!----ho!

MITS said...

will try to stay cool and dry...Norma

MITS said...

Mostly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms this morning...then showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Some thunderstorms may contain heavy rainfall this afternoon. Highs in the lower 80s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy in the evening...then becoming partly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the lower 60s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 80s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' RED EAGLE!---Just walking into a Dr's Office is SERIOUS to me!!----will be thinking of you!!

MITS said...

MEI is playing with the Kong toy, she is supposed to be cradling it....hope she doesn't do that to the cub, if there is one:)

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE'---is leaning against a huge log & eating his bamboo with both hands---the little 'IMP'--some times he twirls it in the air!!---I see MEI inside eating bamboo too!!---slower than the PRINCE is!!!----hi!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!!! DANA!!---checked the DONKEYS!!!!----There are 2 or 3 paces there now!!!---WOW!!---

normabyrd said...

TURKEYS at the PA WOODS site!---BIG ONES!!!

movin said...


I just broke the "sleep" away from my lids and am heading to the coffee jug in my kitchen.

Have a great day, all, who love our American eagles.



normabyrd said...

I'M guessing all the EAGLE BUDDIES are still snuggling in their beds!!----We have had a steady rain here this am!---checked the FLAMIGOS--doesn't seem to be raining at the ZOO!---Today is study group---will try to check back in before I go!!---MULTICOLORED NEST THIS AM!!!---ENJOY YOUR DAY!

movin said...

Take a peek at what I found at the SD Zoo site.



China's youngest Panda

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'MOVIN JIM!!---I love ya!!--please tell me how you break your SLEEP AWAY FROM YOUR LIDS!!---Whoa!---must remember that!!---take care!!!

normabyrd said...

Awwwww JIM!---Thanks for the ADOABLE PICS!---Wake up SISSY!--She will just die when she sees GAO GAO'S TWINS!!!----running late!

MITS said... Guo-Guo, Gao- Gao is the male at SD

MITS said...

Mei has a hearty appetite this a.m., seems very active also

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG Jim. How beautiful!! I forget to check there sometimes on their babies.

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagle Friends!

Happy Wet Wednesday!

paula eagleholic said...

We had a storm blow through in the middle of the night. I didn't hear a thing. Knocked my swing over! Guess I'd better get it staked down!

movin said...

If you look for updates on Buddy (none yet), you can see a good picture of a "flight cage" on the right.



paula eagleholic said...

Did ya'll hear one of the Delta chicks fell out of the nest? Last I heard, Hancock folks were still looking for it!

MITS said...

Mei is resting now

deb said...

Not only that they said there wasn't any food delivered yesterday at all and only one feeding on Monday. Thanks, Paula, for letting us know. The nest is pretty well gone from the looks of it today.

Good morning, everyone.

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Thanks Jim for the S.D. Link. How wonderful it would be if our Mei at National Zoo would have would be wonderful too!

Costume Lady said...

I have not been following the progress of the Delta chicks...are they old enough to survive out of the nest? I wonder how it fell out of the close to the edge or knocked out by another?

deb said...

I was just checking on the eaglet chart. They are 11 weeks old this week.

Costume Lady said...

Mom will find the chick and take care of it. Some of those babes just can't wait to leave the nest!

MITS said...

wow, that nest is a mess, no wonder it left, no room at the inn

Costume Lady said...

I think back to the times our Mountaineers got too close to the edge, but never went over. They have excellent balance. It's the Wild and Wonderful WV countryside air.

deb said...

From what I read it was flapping away when a big wind gust caught it and flipped it out of the nest backwards.

paula eagleholic said...

That Delta nest seemed small to start with.

deb said...

Helen, I read about your hubby's flight and am glad it all ended safely!

MITS said...

yes, Deb, glad it had the problems, before it came to DC, was in computer room last night had TV on in Bedroom, hear something about a Continental flight, Houston and emergency landing and almost had a heart attack, or at the very least a broken leg when I jumped up to view the TV

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
My Hedgesville kids are coming up for lunch & a visit today!They are the 5, 3 & 2 yr olds of my granddaughter Melissa Jo. Should be a good play date!
So - I will be lurking/reading all your comments.

deb said...

I can imagine, that would be so scary to hear! I read it last night and when I saw your comment, I figured it had to be the same flight.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Diane!

movin said...




yOU probably have some email today, Diane.

MITS said...

We knew it had been diverted to NO, he had to take a later plane, but did not know why til I saw it on news....scared the heck out of me, and of course, there were some politicians on the flight and now they want an investigation,.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Mits, glad everything OK w/ hubby. Must've scared the crap out of ya!

IrisF said...

Good Morning Everyone!!!


IrisF said...

No word yet from Glo, so I will post this information again...This is last night's information, but since we have not heard anything else, I think it still applies.

Hey everyone...
Vicky got a call from Glo a few minutes ago and we just found out
that our Glo out there in Quad Cities area is still without power!
They had 100 mile an hour winds two nights ago knocking out
everything...Glo is fine and didn't lose any trees. But just being without power in this heat is bad enough.

She had to drive 15 miles to find a gas station with power to get
some gas. Please keep her and all the folks out there in your prayers.
I will try to find a URL to find out more. She needs to conserve the battery on her phone for now.

Here is a URL to the Quad City Times..
Hang in there Glo and Dexter!!!!
Love and hugs and prayers,

MITS said...

yes, Paula, it did, but I have 2 plane trackers I watch when he is flying and everything had looked ok, they even flew around the bad storms to the south of DC

MITS said...

off to the zoo...TTUAL!

movin said...

It looks like that remaining eaglet in the Delta nest will either be doing some permanent branching or fledge soon himself.

There's only part of one edge of the original nest left, and with all that wind blowing, it's not sure how long the remnants will stay in place.

The second chick does not look confident of his footing at the moment.

Good news is they probably are old enough to survive outside the nest.



hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters. Heavy storm here last night around 1 am, and now a really good steady rain--woohoo..won't have to water tomatoes today!
Happy Birthday, Diane!
Karla, love your pretty avatar!
Hoping that Lolly's part of TX isn't affected by Dolly!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey the live feed is up!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you NCTC :):):)

deb said...

Thanks for the live feed, now we just need a visit!

NatureNut said...

Happy Eagle Day Everyone---hope we see some!! &
Happy Birthday Diane ;>))
I'm here at the Chelsea farmhouse office & last week we had 4 tiny Carolina wrens fledge on our back porch! It is screened in, but one of the doors is off, so they built a nest on a window sill. We opened the other door and finally all 4 went out!I got pic of one--will post some this evening.

hedgie said...

Great pic of Guo Guo's twins! So cute. Thanks for link, Jim!

Costume Lady said...

Paula, have you seen your third FACIAL results? Your secret is out!!

deb said...

UPdate. I live in Delta, and just called the O.W.L. office. They have found the eaglet, and are bringing him in to check the condition. I do not have any further information at this time, but was told to call back this afternoon. Again, they have found the eaglet and are taking it into O.W.L to check it over.

deb said...

I found that update on the Wavelit site. So a happy ending so far, will have to see what they find when the check out the eaglet. They believe it is Dawn that fell from the nest.

Good facial, Paula and Wanda!

paula eagleholic said...

Post from the Hancock Site

Here's a post from the Wavelit site:

booty (51 seconds ago)
UPdate. I live in Delta, and just called the O.W.L. office. They have found the eaglet, and are bringing him in to check the condition. I do not have any further information at this time, but was told to call back this afternoon. Again, they have found the eaglet and are taking it into O.W.L to check it over

paula eagleholic said...

Man oh mighty! Love it, Wanda!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles and/or juvies at the Sydney cam!!

NatureNut said...

Good news about Delta. I checked that site over wkend & cam seems SO close to nest you couldn't see much but 2 BIG babies.
Can't see any cams on this 'puter-retarded.

paula eagleholic said...

Certainly have some nice color on the live feed today!

paula eagleholic said...

Certainly have some nice color on the live feed today!

paula eagleholic said...

Stoopid Blogger!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You can say that again, Paula! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Live feed going a little whacko!

Red said...

completely wacko from here.

Red said...

Guess I spoke too soon. It cleared up now.

movin said...

Here's a little more on the Delta eaglet which fell from the broken nest. I got it in their forum.

I just spoke with Bev Day....


That was him flying behind the nest..observed at 8:55am.

Info from OWL....
He could fly, but not get any height.
His is a little on the skinny side.
His feathers are a little pale in color also.
They will be putting him in a flight cage with other eagles.... so I assume he will not be put back into the nest.

Karen is going over to see him.



NatureNut said...

Good news, Jim! Guess eaglet was not injured. Have not seen new update on Norfolk Buddy yet today.

News at 2PM said Dolly has hit land at Brownsville, S. Padre Is., TX area w/winds from 70-110 mph. No injuries, most people left.

paula eagleholic said...

MY RP needed restarting...but it came right back up :):)

NatureNut said...

Here's link for new IWS post about A64 & 65 flying all over the island in CA!!!! Success

hedgie said...

Thanks, Loretta, for updates!
Storm close...shutting down!
All stay safe.

Lolly said...

Hi All! Busy with grandkids yesterday. Then today had fun having a root canal done. Fun and games! Also, today sat in front of the TV watching news on Dolly.

We are supposed to go to South Padre Island at the end of next week. Sure hope we get to go. Guess it depends on the damage done. My brother went to the island Monday and retrieved his boat. He will be back this weekend to check the damage to his condo.

Just got an email from my brother in the Valley. He is okay but two of his sons are without electricity and one is battling flood waters. So far the sand bags are keeping the water out of one of my nephews house in Harlingen.

Sure wish we could get some of the rain up here, but fear we are too far north.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear your family is safe, Lolly.

My RP is down here at home..anyone else, or is it just me?

paula eagleholic said...

Star is at TH, Miracle and Surprise are at WE...and the Delta eaglet is safe. O.W.L. has the Delta eagle...they think it's a male...named it Dan after a member who just passed away.

movin said...

Hi, I just opened some cams, and there are an adult and eaglet at Lake Washington.

Then at BWO there's an unusual pic of both feeding, and it looks like one might be eating a snake (Osprey's supposedly eat only fish).
Can't tell if it is exactly a current pic or not.



movin said...

I don't know if you connected with the partial url that nature nut posted, but in case you didn't, here's a clickable link to the action on Santa Cruz.



Skye back on SC

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim - Thanks for the link to IWS
BWO cam is down for a couple weeks-
not sure when that photo was taken.

Mema Jo said...

I just received a personal (funny) email from Lolly in TX. Asked her how the weather was at her house - didn't get a reply yet. Just glad to have heard from her since I forget where she is in TX.

My thoughts are also with GLO!
There are times you wish you had a

Mema Jo said...

I had rain rain rain here all afternoon. Looks like it could start again. Megan will be thinking that we are all doing rain dancing!! She won't need to water for a few days!
It was a beautiful garden rain!

Mema Jo said...

MITS was leaving the zoo around 7 pm I think she said. Both panda cams are on but I can't tell one panda from the other when they are eating or sleeping!!

floralgirl said...

Yes.. someone has been dancing..I suspect it may be Norma:) Another line of showers passing thru- some heavy rains..

Mema Jo said...

I can hear it and see it coming, Megan!!
Best I get the house cat in the house! (Got Him)

Megan - I was late planting those
Four O'Clocks but guess what I just saw-- The very first flower!!

Mema Jo said...

I read back up a few comments and realize that Lolly is high & dry!

floralgirl said...

Yay! aren't the 4 o'clocks beautiful!! they smell so good- I have one with lime green foliage and hot pink blooms, and then lots of other colors, they are all over my yard. Just remind me next year, I will make sure you get some plants early:) I always grow lots of 4 o'clocks.

Mema Jo said...

IWS updates for 7/23/08

Mema Jo said...

Thanks - I won't forget to ask you!
I love their colors! Did you go to market yesterday?

Mema Jo said...

My RP is still down.
Live cam is ok but Spidey has started the web.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo Got a Facial!

floralgirl said...

I did- did very well at all my markets this past week. This rain is wonderful, the storm at 1 am was wicked, but then the rest of the day has been steady showers. Almost out of the rain for a while here, storms weren't too bad, looks like a lot of nastiness towards DC and Baltimore, lot of lightning strikes showing on radar.

magpie said...

I'm watching for Eagles, but in the meantime just saw an adorable cottontail bunny in the back yard..and then a Great Blue Heron flew over! Wildlife in the City!

Hello Everyone..

I've been watching those Delta the late evening when the other sites are dark...
Hope things will go okay there.
Thanks for the updates and other site news.

magpie said...

That storm this early afternoon came in with a vengeance, mostly very heavy rain. Several accidents down in Inwood area on the interstate, including two tractor trailers that jack-knifed. No one got hurt seriously but it was Wild and Wooly at 911 for awhile...

magpie said...

And right now a rainbow out back...going out to see that one...


magpie said...

Wow - that was nice, just enough sprinkles and just enough sun through the clouds! A beauty of a rainbow!

Buck Deer at Pix in Pa

magpie said...

I'm thinking that remaining eaglet at Delta is going to be kinda lonesome...he was just peeping...

MITS said...

HELLO EVERYONE Humid at the zoo today, but time went fast, as did the pregnancy watch, even though she slept the majority of time, one of the keepers before they went home for the night said not to worry her hormone level was too high to drop that fast in my 3 hour shift...didn't want to learn how to do a mother cub watch that fast

MITS said...

storming now in Bethesda

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the update Mits!
Hope you don't lose your electric!

Paula - this is going to really be a challenge for Wanda! lol

Megan - It's very hard to resist buying your flowers even if you just come to market for veggies!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy - The Delta eaglet looked lonely earlier today too.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margie - glad your day at 911 wasn't too eventful!

There is a link from the IWS crew's newest update for today a couple of comments up....

deb said...

We didn't make it to 75 today and have had rain off and on all day. We are having the weirdest weather year in a long time, haven't even hit 100 yet.

Mema Jo said...

Heading in to see if any decent shows on tv.


paula eagleholic said...

Pretty clear view of the nest - spidey's web not interfering too bad right now...too bad the nest is MT!

magpie said...

At DELTA, If they named the Fallen Eagle "Dan" - does that leave "Dawn" AT the nest? She is picking through everything looking for something to eat it looks like...peeping some, and flapping some...must be getting hungry too.

MITS said...

closing down for the night, not much of a storm, little bit of rain, thunder and lightning....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening Eagle Buds!! Been lurking again this evening.

I hope all is okay with Glo, will say a prayer.

Wasn't that beagle bringing home a friend just the cutest thing? All my animals ever brought home was dead varmits.

We have had a few storms come through today but nothing major. Thank God!! Wouldn't mind a good strong shower to sleep by though.

Hope everyone has a good night. Got to sit with Tom's mother in the morning. Me and my little helper Mattie.

NatureNut said...

Started storming like crazy here at 8 PM. Off & on 'til 12:30 AM they say. Electric stayed on tho, but I better get off + the kitty has the 'puter chair!!!She's the techie!
BBL when she moves...

hedgie said...

Storm here was not bad--mostly just heavy downpour and then light rain. Watches and warnings were canceled early. But it sure must have been worse to the south and east.
Glad everything is okay w/ you Lolly, and hope so with your brothers' property.
911 sounded pretty busy, Margy! Glad you didn't have to work over!

magpie said...

Good Night, PJ Club....

Two little ladies at West End..

hedgie said...

Good night, Margy and all other fowl friends! Peaceful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Just read that Delta Dawn got a parent AND a food delivery..I guess that's a current post on their site.

magpie said...



magpie said...

I think the West End girls have flown off now...

I'm going to roost soon.

Good Night, All, Take Care, and Prayers, for safety, wellness, comfort, joy, and Peace (and an Eaglet in OUR NEST in the morning.


Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the update on the Delta Dilemma. Quite an eagle season of unusual stories!

I am going to call it a day....

Peace to you and yours
Prayers for all our needs
Everyone try to stay dry....


Costume Lady said...

Here I am again, poping on here and everyone has gone to bed...I know,that is where I should be too.
Went to my Mom's today and her AC is kaput. She has a 10 year warrenty on it and it doesn't run out til September. Gene called Sears and they said they can't get to her til NEXT Friday. Something else to worry about now...90° temps and no AC. SCREEEEEEEEEM!!
OK, I feel better now. Thank you for listening.


Lolly said...

Just returned to the computer. Put my nose in a movie tonight.

Just emailed Jo. We are fine where we are. We are in north Texas, 500 miles from the storm. Texas is a big state! Do wish we could get some of the rain but it is not likely! BUMMER!

Time for bed. Nite all!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear Delta Dawn got fed!

Gnite, all!

movin said...


Is there news of the Delta eaglet that fell out of the net. I read where they found him and took him in, but what did they discover when they examined him?



magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds, had some fog overnight, it's clearing now, just waiting for OUR Eaglets to make an appearance...might be a LITTLE cooler hereabouts today.

Too foggy too see "Lacrosse 3" at 4:25 AM but I did see my favorite little star cluster Pleaides in the North,NorthEast sky! Also Perseus...another favorite! THAT was worth being up that early for!


magpie said...

MOVIN: Regarding Delta Nest: Seems as though the Eaglet might have gotten flipped by the wind out of the nest, but he - now named "DAN" after the recent loss of someone out their way, was seen flying around the nest some, when he was located he was perched on a fence post near the nest, checked out okay, a little scrawny and feathers not all filled out, I think he is going to be placed in a nesting tower and probably not returned to the nest...Should be some things on the CAM Site you can access.. DEB and PAULA will probably post what you need today on that, they were filling us in Wednesday. "DAWN" remains in the nest, what little there is of it. She did get a parent visit and a food drop off late Wed night.

magpie said...

JIM: That was kind of the short version, and I'm sure the others will do a lot better with the updates through the day...
xo Have a Good One Out Your Way!

magpie said...

Thanks to everyone for keeping us posted on GLO and LOLLY -
Hope everyone else throughout the country and "across the pond" are doing well too...

COSTUME LADY: Bummer about the A/C at your Mom's -- I have a little floor fan I could take over if that would help any.....hopefully the temps will be a little cooler until the repairs get done. Cool Timing about that warranty! Blessings come in strange ways, this could have happened AFTER the warranty had expired !

magpie said...

Nest still empty, but that big brown bunch of stuff towards the lower right of the nest is a teaser! almost looks like an eaglet bowed down over something..

MEMA: the sailboats are out early at Ferry Boat Finney's!

magpie said...

Hobblets are nestled down looking plump and fuzzy...waiting for chow. All the Scottish nests are interesting these days, and the Finney's nest too, those rascals are getting LARGE !

XO Hope this finds everyone rested... xo

magpie said...

NORMA: Want to make sure you know that last nght I had a bunny rabbit in my back yard, followed by a flyover of a Great Blue Heron, and shortly thereafter, a beautiful end-to-end Rainbow! I think it stretched from Romney down to Bluefield, with a side trip to Middletown, Shepherdstown, Baltimore and Silver Spring...Emmitsburg, Forrestville, Bedford, and all the other good places! xoxo (don't mean to leave anyone out !

magpie said...

I think that rainbow went to California, Texas, South Dakota, and Indiana and Illinois, Alabama too, and ALL POINTS in West Virginia!

Time to get ready for work, still watching for EAGLETS !

xo Good Day to All....

magpie said...

Eagle Alert!

Adult !

magpie said...



floralgirl said...

OK, I heard you!! looks like it has food.

magpie said...


Looks like Parent is eating an Egg !!

Man this is tough trying to get dressed and watch!

magpie said...

This means that rainbow was directly over Sharpsburg !

floralgirl said...

I walked out and looked last night, but I couldn't see it. Wish the live feed was working, looks ike it may be a piece of fish. WOnder where the juvies are. Hope you have a nice, quiet day at work.

magpie said...

Thanks, Megan -
Enjoy the posies, hope the storm did not damage anything.
Hope the nest fills up for you and everyone else!

Gotta split...don't think "I was watching the Eagle" will work as an excuse for being late !

xoxoxo Happy Day to All xoxoxo

Butterfly Mama said...

Good Morning!!
How exciting to see some activity in the nest. I haven't seen anyone there for quite some time and I was reading the blog and got the alert. Thanks Margie!!

Butterfly Mama said...

All gone!! So glad my timing was right. Gotta go to work also. Have a wonderful day!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Eagle friends!! At Falls Mills at my m-i-l house. Time to make the donuts! Have a great day. I will be lurking around. Missed the visit to the nest but really glad to hear we had company.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Oh what a BEAUTIFUL--GLORIOUS---MARVELOUS DAY!!!!!---The SUN is shining---skies are BLUE---our WORLD has been washed clean---by the rain and it's a COOL 60° !!------CONGRATS!!---MAGPIE---You are our #1 EAGLE MOM -- today & every day!!!----MORNIN' STEVE---"LIVE" IS GOOD????----PUFFY WHITE CLOUDS FLOATING in the sky here in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA!!!!-----"HOME OF THE 3 MOUNTAINEERS----PLUS THEIR REGAL PARENTS----BELLE & LIBERTY" ----LIVE--LOVE--DANCE & TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM!!!---CELEBRATE this JULY MORNING!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Norma. Look forward to your cheery greeting every morning. Have a great day.

normabyrd said...



normabyrd said...

MAGPIE!!!----That must be my RABBIT in your lawn---mine is missing--ho!

normabyrd said...

Just read LOLLY is safe from the storms!----I was worried about you folks----

normabyrd said...

SISSY---If you have a min--check the 'LITTLE PRINCE'---he is doing what he does best---eating bamboo!!----But it looks as if he is holding a TREE of bamboo!!--He loves to move his bamboo around!!!-NO NEW NEWS about MEI!!---HELEN will have the info when she checks on!!

normabyrd said...

SISSY---ho!---KIDS don't call me 'CHATTY CATHY' for nothing!!--Got a bit carried away this morn--
But we have had rain all day--all night----YEP MEGAN!----That dancin' in the RAIN WORKS!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have been watching him, Norma. Just too precious. (Wish I was a panda).

normabyrd said...

SISSY!---Weren't those 2 twin pandas----that JIM showed us yesterday morning----AWESOME???

normabyrd said...

SISSY---I just wish I had one of your doughnuts!!!---ho!----

floralgirl said...

Any chocolate donuts?? Norma, your rabbit was just in my garden, please come get him and his 32 friends...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Norma, I think your rabbit's cousin lives at my house. He is fat as can be, loves by flower beds.

Been watching Mei. She is acting strange, maybe she will give us a baby.

Morning Megan and anyone else I missed this morning.

normabyrd said...

This morning---MAGPIE told me she had my RABBIT at her house this am!!!---Those RABBITS are fast!!! ho!

normabyrd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...


normabyrd said...

Has anyone been following the ALANTA PANDA--LUN LUN!!----Must check on her -- at 10:00----

MITS said...

Not really, Norma, just know they are doing a pregnancy watch also.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!---What is the latest on MEI!---When I checked this am----didn't see an update!!

deb said...

New Thread, come on over.

Costume Lady said...

I smelled doughnuts and thought I'd check out the blog and see who has them. I love chocolate doughnuts with chocolate icing. I haven't had one in many years.
SISSY...I wonder what ever happened to the man who was in that commercial saying, "GOTTA MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS, GOTTA MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS"?

MITS said...

I reported last night when I got home Norma, nothing really new, still in a holding pattern, at times she exhibits signs of nesting licking, cradling, and other times nothing...looks like now since she is off cam, might be trying to do an ultrasound.....I did post info on what happens if there is a birth on blog the other night, that info is on the panda page......they will keep her OFF CAM if birth is imminent

my blog said...

hey good morning everyone :)

Myspace Stuff

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...