Friday, July 18, 2008


New thread for a steamy day.


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ceil said...

Thanks Steve. Will get the others.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy Friday. Thanks Ceil. Thanks Steve.

ceil said...

Morning all. Last night there was talk of the Grand Canyon. Would love to see it. We were suppose to take that route back but decided to come home. I saw my first redwood tree. Beautiful.

ceil said...

Will be back later. Have to check on my neighbor have not seen her dog today. Called no answer. Last time she fell.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

live feed gone again!! Poop.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. I agree with you Norma on the Glo thing. She can't just leave us!

They were talking to Mei Xiang this morning and she was so not interested!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ceil, let us know about your neighbor!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Just finished my long 'monologue' on the other thread---then I read 'NEW THREAD'---Thanks CEIL!! & CONGRATS!!---Our #1 EAGLE MOM today & every day!!---HELEN'S weather forecast on other thread too!!----YEP--SISSY--left "LIVE" on the other thread too!---BUT IT'S A BEAUTIFUL "TGIF" DAY!---LIVE--LOVE--LAUGH--DANCE---and MAKE SOMEONE ELSE HAPPY TODAY KIDS!!!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning All Earlybirds;
It's going to be another hot one
today,and it's TGIF

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, read last night about your dizziness. I get spells like that, where the room spins around and if I lay down on right side, the dizziness goes away. If I turn over to my left side the dizziness returns. My problem is due to sinuses and inner ear problem. Usually goes away by itself.

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---(please bring over my monologue on the other thread)--if you can!!---Want GLO to read it!!!

Costume Lady said...

DAVE, hope you continue to be one of us and send photos after your retirement. RETIREMENT IS WONDERFUL!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!---You have made everyone on our blog HAPPY!!
We so ENJOY your morning visits!!---How are the 'SOARING THREE' this mornin'???

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

MESSAGE TO LYNN: Have you considered using spray paint on your deck rails? I guess it depends on what kind of rails you have and wheather they are wood or wrought iron. We have black wrought iron and spray much easier than a paint brush.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----I have been reading yesterday's blog!!----My--My---So much was happening!!!---- I can't digest it all!!!---ENJOYED THE COFFEE DISCUSSION!!----No one mentioned "SEATTLE'S BEST"--I ENJOY STARBUCK'S too---but MEGAN---I am going to try the BLACK DOG BRAND!!---That's sounds COOL!!---HELEN---Try some 'EAR PLUGS'--there's is nothing worse than trying to sleep & some one is YAKING it up!!----WRITE a 'un- fan' letter to the WV GAL!---whose is putting down your city!!---(mark it up to her bad manners)----WANDA --- WILL keep DUSTIN in my prayers!!-----SHARON--SHARON---please have that dizziness check--could be an ear thing?--WHOA!!!--GLO!!---You can't just leave---we have to vote on it!!---You were one of the 1st that welcomed me to this "MOTLEY CREW" ---- we are the best around!!---have the best eagles too----(wv bred)---ho!---

Costume Lady said...

Miss Norma, I can't believe you don't have a garden. How about some Patio tomatoes in a large pot and a couple of squash plants?

Costume Lady said...

Somehow, I just pictured Miss Norma out in the garden with a large straw hat and a basket to put her veggies in.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

costume lady,I will be here and
continue to post photos,normabyrd,
The eaglets are doing great.I went
and got a new camera yesterday
and i will pick it up today,it is
a pentax dig.SLR 10 mega pixels.I
will put it to good use.I am going
back to northern Canada the first
of i will post photos when
i return.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

indiana nesting eagles dave said...



paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!


paula eagleholic said...

We enjoy having you here Dave.

LOL, it's really a TGIF day!

normabyrd said...

Thanks SHARON!!---Did you have the dizzy feelings when you were at UV Hospital?---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Norma, no dizziness then. When I take Lasix, my ears get stopped up. Think it might have something to do with the inner ear thing from Lasix. Ears didn't get stopped up yesterday but got the dizziness. I don't know, just trying to self-diagnose I guess.

Dave, we are so glad you are on here with us! We all complement each other so well!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like Mei went right outside the den door and just sat down.

normabyrd said...


Thanks!!-- WANDA----I am not a Southern Belle who wears a big hat & has a garden!!----That sounds so COOL!!-----But I am just an 'out spoken' woman!--- (too out spoken) ho!

normabyrd said...

DID you folks read that GLO is going to leave the MOMSTERS!!!---We do have to vote on that---don't we?????

paula eagleholic said...

Norma? Outspoken? NO!?!?

paula eagleholic said...

MY RP is down...sending an email to Steve.

normabyrd said...

SHARON---A friend of mine---suffered from the same kind of thing!!---dizzy, etc.---It was an inner ear thing----that's why I asked!---love ya!!

paula eagleholic said...

Norma, she was just upset about the goings on at the WE nest yesterday.

Costume Lady said...

Miss Norma, we love you just the way you are. Don't ever change!

normabyrd said...

I'll get you for that PAULA!!---I know what state you live in!!---ho!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Absolutely Norma. Your messages in the morning are always so uplifting. Wouldn't have it any other way. I hope Glo decides to stay with us, cam or no cam.

MITS said...

I think they are trying to coax, Mei out for an ultrasound, don't think she is interested, right now:)

MITS said...

Ceil is always #1:)

ceil said...

Just got back from trying to reach neighbor. Dog did not bark so I know it was not there. She has dialysis 3 times a week. Called son he said she got sick at dialysis yesterday and they took her to the hospital. He is on his way down from Philly. Other son has dog and did not pick it up until late last night. Norma you are great. I am outspoken. Dave keep pictures coming. Sharon have dizziness checked out.

normabyrd said...

VICKY!!-- MISS YOU TOO!----hope you are feeling well----or on a long-----vacation?----bet that's it!!!

MITS said...

well, Mei Xiang is back inside:)

MITS said...

PAULA you have mail.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma, we love you just the way you are!!


paula eagleholic said...

Backatcha, Mits :):)

MITS said...

thanks for the update on your neighbor, Ceil, and thanks for watching out for her.

normabyrd said...

SISSY!---Earlier I thought TAI was acting as if he had been attacked by 'gnats'----He kept swatting around his face!!!----Now the 'LITTLE PRINCE' is snoozing away in the ROCK DEN!!!----Noticed MEI is inside sleeping on the ROCKS too!

ceil said...

My neighbor loves animals. Got to get going. Lots to do. And they say lazy days of summer. As Suzanne would say Eyes to the skies see the raptors fly.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mei just wants everyone to leave her alone, don't touch me!! Don't even look at me! LOL.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I remember feeling that way when I was pregnant.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!!----Enjoy your lazy days at the BEACH!!---How tan are you?----I agree---you do have a COOL sister!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Mei is like that even if she isn't pregnant, she is a drama queen at times, we all know people like that:)

paula eagleholic said...

Skye, the eaglet that was placed in the hack tower...fledged yesterday!

normabyrd said...

WHOA KIDS!!!---'gettin' deep in here---but if you MUST---it's all right!!----ho!---ho!---(now i sound like santa)---

floralgirl said...

Wow- chatty bunch this morning:)Hello everybody:)It's already hot out there, and no ocean breeze- Forecast for the garden today, hot, humid and buggy-no winds out of any direction and sweating is to be expected. 78° on the way to 94°.. yuch- Hey Norma- WV NPR is having a rhubarb baking contest tomorrow at the CHarlestown mkt.- a promotion to do with GArrison Keillor's latest show. The winner gets tickets to his show at the WV state fair I believe, and gets to meet him. Last night I got confirmation that our dog has lyme disease. Apparently last year he tested positive for it and the vet's office never told us. They said they tried several times and couldn't reach us by phone and never followed up with a letter or tried to reach us again. They made no apologioes for this screw up and the poor little guy has been showing symptoms lately and we didn't even consider lyme cause he has the medicine every month to protect him, and we didn't know allthe symptoms of lyme in dogs. So I'm off to the vets and I'm not real happy with them. Later-

MITS said...

just a little tan, when I'm by myself, don't go out til 2 or 3, Norma....might sit out on the balcony for an hour or so now, but have been watching Mei, on and off all night.....I love eagles, but there are so many things to watch on the internet, never have enough time

MITS said...

man....I'm mad at your vet too, Megan....$%^%$#*!!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---That is GREAT!!!----They have been successful in WV with a similar plan -- which seems to be working!!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---How is your SON adapting to living at home again?----It's different---isn't it?

Red said...

Good morning everyone. It's so nice today I think I'll take the day off.

NatureNut said...

I know this will get chopped,but Magpie wanted link to WE Videoes.
They are on CHIL-Comments-Nest Obs., 1st subject, Pinned:Breaking News & at bottom of page click Blue "Stranger on the Nest"

NatureNut said...

Gotta hit the road....BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, just watched a nice panda poopy-roll!! :)

MITS said...

Mei, is taking a dump ...and the kids are loving it.

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GIRL!!----That is terrible----I am so sorry---bet he has been so uncomfortable!!---POOR THING!!----I think a VET would realize just how HORRIBLE it would be for you all not to know!!!--- Very lame excuse too!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei is venturing that way!

normabyrd said...

OH SHARON & HELEN!!!!!----It takes so little to make you kids happy!!-----the 'LITTLE PRINCE' loves to make every one SMILE!!-----

paula eagleholic said...

Norma, it's like he never problem at all.

Have a great day off, Red.

Megan - I can't believe your vet didn't try any harder...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Changed her mind, maybe!

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Been busy this morning, so just getting caught up. Cloudy and cool this morning, 72 headed to 83.

hedgie said...

Morning all!
Wanda...railings are wood, 2x4's w/ 4x4's posts. Thanks for hint, but don't think spray would work too well. Way too much of it, for one thing...and really can't take the chance of overspray getting on my log house!
Norma, right about Glo...she can't give up!
Mits, I re-checked Hopkins and Dr. Snob/Snot/Twit most definitely said she was from WV, but when riding thru' the little town and she said "our jeweler" or whatever, it sounded like she said Blueville, VA...????
THought for the day, from Wm. Carlos Williams in RD: "In summer, the song sings itself." Tra-la!
Still cam is black...anyone elses?

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA'S 'BUTA BUTA' is sound asleep atop the LOG TRI-POST!!---Read the ZOO'S COMMENTS---A part-time employee-- who works with the PANDAS----said one of the first things she learned about the PANDAS is that they are very SMART as in "REALLY SHOW OFF FOR THE NEW GUY SMART"!!---We learned that didn't we?---(oh yeah)!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie - do you still see a "skull" in our nest?

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!-----I have read WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAM'S work!!---Another GREAT THOUGHT FOR THE DAY!!---what does the RD mean?

bet she said bluefield, wv
instead of blueville??

normabyrd said...

PAULA---That's COOL!---I was always asking (out of habit) where are you going?----wasn't a good thing to ask???

normabyrd said...

checking mail--

hedgie said...

Ceil, you are a good neighbor!
Megan, I understand your anger at the vet. Remember my situation, but yours is much worse. Same vet I had the problem with also "forgot" to tell my son-in-law that his dog needed antibiotics after surgery and that they were out of it and never called when they got it in; duh! they could have written a script to get filled at pharmacy! They stock vet meds, too!

hedgie said...

Norma, I listened really carefully and it sounded like the other...I'll check the map to see if there is such a place.
RD=Reader's Digest!
Lolly was on Weds., I think. HAven't heard from Vicky or Chrissy, tho' in quite a while. Hope they are okay!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

"The gold in one's heart is far more precious than the gold in one's purse." --Confucious

ceil said...

Lynn I will get old one day and may need my younger neighbors to help out. They already do ask if we need anything. She is 80 and still does well and is very determined to stay independent. After the fall they wanted to get her a medical alert and she will not get it. We help out another lady. She is the opposite and does not want to help herself. I push her a little to do things. Off to do more work.

ceil said...

So true Sharon.

movin said...


I hope you are all well and readied for the weekend.



hedgie said...

Good one, Sharon!
Don't find a Blueville, VA but there is one in WV, near Clarksburg! Maybe Dr. Snot can't speak clearly or maybe my hearing isn't too good or maybe the show's audio is off!!!
Getting ready for my baby's birthday lunch. 33--where does the time go?! Always loved the song from Fiddler on the Roof--but now I can't recall the title, but sure you all know which one I mean!

hedgie said...

Still cam okay now...don't see my "skull" anymore.

hedgie said...

Sunrise, Sunset" was the song, I think!

Red said...

FYI, Vicky is alive and well.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Red. Tell her we are asking about her, please!
Update: python in washer was in Maine!

Red said...

She knows Hedge.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Huuby and I walked half way down several years ago, thought I was going to die coming back up....had to make room for the mules going by

MITS said...

Th average time people stay to see the GC is 15 minutes....hubby and I could not get enough of it, my friend saw it and said what's the big deal, its just a big ole hole......but what a HOLE it is!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Our nephew was the same way, said Big Deal!! I would love to go there, think I would have to stay longer than 15 minutes, though.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Women over 50 don't have babies because they would put them down and forget where they left them.

movin said...

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the latest on the SC chick on the hacking tower.



Skye flies

MITS said...

today is the day they are supposed to climb up and get the remains of the eaglet from Lake Washington, woild really like to know what happened to it, don't think they will get many remains

MITS said...

Sissy, it is well worth the trip, it is like watching the ocean, it is constantly changing...

MITS said...

BTW it is one of the "SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD" lets see who knows the other six;)

hedgie said...

I resent Sandra's pic on yahoo group. Hope it goes through this time!
Let me know if you get it...if not, I'll try sending it a different way to those I have e-mail addresses for!
Off I go. Later, fowl friends! And panda friends, too, Sissy. LOL!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

well, i was going to try to cheat and google it and came up with a billion different answers.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

What I get for trying to cheat!!

hedgie said...

Last word before I go....have only flown over the GC, which was amazing, but sure would love to see it in person someday, too. TaTa.

MITS said...

lol.....I cheated too, there are many, but these are the seven natural wonders of the world

MITS said...

Mount Everest
The Great Barrier Reef
The Grand Canyon
Victoria Falls
The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro
Paricutin Volcano
The Northern Lights

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Grand Canyon
Great Barrier Reef
Harbour of Rio de Janeiro
Mount Everest
Parícutin volcano
Victoria Falls

MITS said...

off to sit on balcony before sun disappears from the front, been watching riptides, one rescue so far this a.m.

movin said...

I visited the Canyon a couple of times in the 80's, stayed the night before and after in Flagstaff, and spent most of a day at the rim both visits.

You might as well fly over at 35,000 ft. as spend 15 minutes there.

I don't know how you could do it in 15, or why you would want to.

Has anyone been there since you have to take a bus or tram or something? How much does it cost?



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And, of course, I knew those right off the top of my head! :)

normabyrd said...


movin said...

My INet connection has slowed wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy ddowowooownnnnnn.

Got to reset everything.




normabyrd said...


I have gone through BLUEVILLE a zillion times!!---It's outside of Grafton --- used to be just a restaurant---no jewelery stores, etc.

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I opened up the albino eagle----but couldn't print pic!!

MITS said...

I WONDERRED if you did that, Sharon:)

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

HELEN!!---SHARON is from WV----(we never cheat)-----ho!

normabyrd said...

My computer has been 'freezing' up!!----JUST STOPS!!
any suggestions JAMES?---

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!---My last complaint!!!---I have kinda (not really) accepted the gas prices!!------BUT!!---Yesterday the price of A LEMON went from $1 to $1.16 within a week!!!!!---NOW THAT'S CRAZY!!

and that's the end of my story--

normabyrd said...

SISSY----BUTA BUTA is playing with the white bucket toy!---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I missed it Norma. Now she is eating bamboo, or playing with it or something. What a girl!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

She is hiding from us now, Norma.

normabyrd said...

SISSY!---When I told you she was playing with the bucket--she was----standing up too!---I told you as soon as I could!!---Then when I check back in she is lying up next to the window!!---No way she could have moved that fast!!---Must have some video some where!!---ho!!
All the kids watching the LITTLE BEAUTY sleep!!!

Mema Jo said...

Otter Brothers
are out and about........

Mema Jo said...

I just saw a little flamingo
darting around..............

Red said...

Calif, West End kids are doing fine today. Both were in the nest earlier. Both left and one has returned.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon My Eagle Friends ( :

Red said...

Hi Dana. How are you today?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon, Dana. How is your day going?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Been watching the pandas. Our nest has been MT all day. No action at all that I have seen. Pandas are just laying around (wish I was a panda). Mei is so miserable.

wvgal_dana said...

4 shots in the nerves in my back
a bum left foot
2 taxes bills but only 1 is ours
but they have us down as owning
2 no way
trying to get indoor pool therapy
and closes one wants more money
because they are running it as
a gym grrrr

My Day Is Just Fine ( : ( : thank you Sissy for asking. How is yours?

Red said...

Gee whiz Dana. Remind me not to ask again. lol

wvgal_dana said...

It's all good Red Eagle ( :

I count my blessing "I am alive" and really not much pain.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I have to tell ya, I think it must be something in the air. Mine is the pits, slow as Christmas, Sharon is dragging. Tuff all over.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wish I was a panda.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan sorry to hear about your doggie...prayers for him....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I just checked my line count it is 666. Devil of a day!

paula eagleholic said...

I thought maybe the live feed would be up by now....

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Sissy, do you want to be a panda when you grow up?

( grins )

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I really do Paula. Can't imagine a better life. Don't think I have ever seen a more relaxed creature. Plus they are so beautiful!! Wish I was one.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Except maybe Mei right now. Don't want to be a pregnant panda or think I am pregnant. Want to be a boy panda.

wvgal_dana said...

Just like Tai huh? lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


movin said...

Well, Norma, our gas prices have eased slightly in So Cal too, and if the price of oil keeps dropping, just maybe gas will too.

But I noticed last night that diesel fuel here is $5.099/gal, and that's what is driving up the price of about everything that is hauled by truck ... anytime in it's mercantile cycle.

Diesel was always much cheaper than gas when I was growing up, because it isn't refined as much; but various technical and ecological things have combined to drive the price of it up.



movin said...

Your frozen computer, Norma, I can't defrost without a lot of information I don't have.

It could be a lack of RAM, or the fact you don't restart it often enough to refresh the RAM.

It could be many other maintenance issues, and I recommend you let one of your offspring, who is a computer guru, take a serious look at cleaning up and tuning up your puter.

These cams and other graphics things we do really use a lot of RAM (Random Access Memory), so my first guess is that your RAM should be increased, or if you have an older machine (5-years-old or so), get a new one.



movin said...

The way slow Internet apparently was the cable co.'s problem somewhere.

Slowly they got it back to near top speed, which is what I'm operating at now.

I believe it wasn't running as fast as the old dial-up connection I had for awhile this morn... AOL took about 15 minutes to decide it recognized my password, etc.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I ain't seen a bird all day in our nest.

movin said...

Hey, I found another interesting IWS Update Report.

Hope you like the cute, little undersized puppies.



Island Foxes

wvgal_dana said...

Jim I raised a fox from a pup to 1 year old. Kept her wild so I could release her. I never forget when we found her on Interstate 81 yes in the road way!!! I jumped from car and grabbed here as an 18 wheeler was about to get her and me. It was in the summertime so I named her "Summer"...

magpie said...

West End just had a chick ON THE NEST when I signed on, now, she seems to be off to the far side...

movin said...

Not many birds on any of the eagle or Osprey nests, Sissy.

I checked a couple of Peregrine nests down under yesterday, but they have not started up yet.

Last year the birds were early down there, and they had shown up in the first week or so of July.

Shouldn't be too much longer now.



magpie said...

Now, Two at West End...
reading backwards to catch up on what I have missed all day....

paula eagleholic said...

Falcon in Harrisburg...

movin said...

That must have been a fun thing, Dana.

Did you release her near your place or near where you found her?

Lot of times out here, foxes and coyotes make their dens in the center divider or along the exit and on ramps of the freeways. So, that's probably where Summer came from.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh where, oh where could our little eaglets be, oh where, oh where could they be?

paula eagleholic said...

Under the boardwalk....

hedgie said...

See my "skull" IS still in the nest...must just be way the light hits it to make it visible or not!

magpie said...

Sharon: What's a "line count."

From what I can tell, no eaglet sighting OUR nest since Thursday morning....

West End Eaglet flapping wings, but I think the Pic is frozen...

And my computer has been slow as molasses....I have verizon...


paula eagleholic said...

Aha...the white thingy around 3ish??

magpie said...

That turtle shell reminds me of the old timey army helmets !

magpie said...

West End not frozen anymore...

paula eagleholic said...

BC eaglet in nest eating...parent there also

magpie said...

Turkey and Crow Party at PIXController PA

magpie said...

Parent and Baby at Barton Cove in the nest !

paula eagleholic said...

Eating fish at CT osprey

hedgie said...

MOre about the dad took the burro ride down and back up--he was an arthritic cripple, so it was not an easy ride, but he loved every minute of it. He was also on site during the building of the Glen Canyon Dam at Lake Mead (I think) and climbed the scaffolding on the face of the dam w/ his cane hanging out of his pocket! (He was a State Department foreign participant trainer who took mostly Asians around the country to learn about government engineering projects)

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, how cool is that magpie!

magpie said...

paula - we are going through the same routine cam-checking !

HEDGIE: That's a great story about your Dad !

wvgal_dana said...

Jim we went back looking for other pups and to see it we could spot the mom. After I found out that I hadn't recused a kitten lol. Found the mom and 3 pups killed on the other side of Interstate 81. They was doing construction and I think she was moving them and got killed.

At that time we lived in the country. So it was easy to let her be wild. So much fun watching her catch mice and moles. She loved playing with grasshoppers. There was other fox around so I was told by an old farm animal vet when to release her. So her scent and mating with a male would take place so she would be accepted.

Only seen her one time after that. I was sitting on our steps and she came out of the woods just so far and she let me see her. We both froze in a loving stare seem like forever as I spoke my love to her.

Well bbl

magpie said...

DANA - That is a sad, touching, and beautiful story about your little Fox Family and that loving gaze....

magpie said...

PAULA: Been checking Barton Cove often the past few days so it is a REAL TREAT to see the Eagles there...

Cam View is in process of being changed at Loch Garten...for better viewing, pretty dark there now. Hobby site too dark to see anything...those babies should be pretty big by daylight...maybe a third one by then, haven't been able to watch it today.

Turkey has left the party in PA.

Red said...

Both West End eaglets are still there. Guess all is well there now.

magpie said...

WE down to one chick maybe? Of one is off to the far side of the nest again..cannot tell...
Going to check Jim's sites of WE and SKYE for a bit.

magpie said...



hedgie said...

Yeah, Paula...about 2 or 3...see it??
Dana...your entry about your last fox visit brought tears to my eyes.
I once raised three baby possums by hand (and doll bottle!). Ugly, but they had so much personaloty. They absolutely loved burrowing into my girls' hair to nuzzle and sleep on their necks. Vet told me to put them on catfood after weaning, and then the odor became unbearable!!! They were about 8 weeks old when released in the woods.

NatureNut said...

Margy, you're welcome. I hope you could get on there ok.
I have not been here on Blog all day & wondered if anyone heard about identity of the WE Visitor yesterday?!(& I hope it's OK) Do we have to wait until Dr. Sharpe's Wed. update?

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home catch ya'll later!

ceil said...

Evening everyone. Posted a thank you to Jim before regarding the island fox story but it went into cyberspace somewhere. Thanks Jim. They are cute.

magpie said...

Loretta: "Catalina Bird with Orange Wing Blings" is one description of the unwelcome visitor. I did get on to the site and the videos...had a little trouble navigating some of the connections but only because I don't know exactly what the instructions are sometimes...

That was some heavy-duty drama! Interesting thoughts throughout: why wouldn't the adult land on the nest, esp after the intruder left, or even while it was still there. But I have concluded that all of this is part of the Eaglets growing up being bullied by much to let them do for themselves, and how much to intervene and be the "Heavy." I think one of MOVIN's comments was that the intruder needed food...

I'll be trying to read and understand more about it. I don't have the live feed to that site, so the videos were very instructive. With no sound on our site, it is always strange to hear the Eagle sounds, adults and juves.

Thanks again.

Magpie xo

magpie said...

Parent has left Barton Cove, child still there.

One chicklet at West End...that I can see...


..I wonder if Wanda and family are having Crab Legs tonight !

magpie said...

Going to read another chapter or two of On the Wing by Alan Tennant. Where I an at now, he just got the transmitter attached and the pilot is getting a signal so they are about to go air-borne.
He's a great writer!

ceil said...

magpie Wanda said they were going to get crab legs tonight. She said the last time Dustin was too ill to eat them. He is doing better now. Enjoy your reading.

magpie said...

Thanks CEIL, it is such a joy to have you back on here...

Just loaded up the coffee pot with fresh ground Starbucks for when I finish reading..

Remember, the Full Moon should be a dazzler tonight too!

and finally; NORMA: Your early post this morning said to do something nice for someone today:
I DID! I drove my elderly neighbor lady to the Dairy Queen so she could buy us both Banana Splits, a late birthday present from her to me. How's that for kindness?? !!

TTFN Love to All, Pleasant wonderful evening to all of you.

MEGAN: Hope the Pooch is okay...
(I think I am almost more worried about the VET !!!!!)


ceil said...

Wow. Such a nice treat. Banana splits. You are such a nice person,magpie. Thanks for reminding about the full moon. Have a great evening. Going to watch the Oriole game. Where's my sister? Where are the eaglets?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Magpie, Sharon must not have seen your question, so I will answer for her. Line count is how we get paid. We have to type 1200 lines a day, based on a 65 character line. We get paid so many cents a line, 7.5 cents to be exact. Her line count when she checked it at one time today was 666. That is what mine was yesterday when I left my m-i-l to come home.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG Dana, what a great story, except for the getting killed part, of course. You really made a difference, how cool is that.

paula eagleholic said...

Dr Sharpe thinks it might be K74 that visited the WE nest yesterday...last year's eaglet crop from that nest

paula eagleholic said...

One eaglet at WE

paula eagleholic said...

BC is now MT

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go do some more watering...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Computers have a mind of their own, just don't understand em sometimes. And I am on mine all the time. Just eats stuff sometimes.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I sure would like to see some of our eagles this evening.

hedgie said...

Just heard that the Winchester Starbucks is one that's going to be shut down. Probably also means that the one scheduled for Ranson won't happen!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of Osprey at Cape sound!

Cape Henlopen

paula eagleholic said...

Star is back at TH

paula eagleholic said...

Parent feeding in CT as well

NatureNut said...

Paula, Thx! That's exactly what I thought last night.We could tell that it was an older juvie by the coloring & it seemed logical that it might go back "home"!

magpie said...

Just saw parent and eaglet at West End..but now parent is gone...mighta brought in chow..

Thanks Sissy for the line count info...

If our Eaglets are MIA for much longer I am tempted to go check on them in person !

Mema Jo said...

Just can't believe we have had a "Birdless" day! My little bird (3 yr old Alexis) went home after our play day - so many giggles we had!
She likes my eagle cane.

magpie said...

So interesting about the West End intruder, maybe a "brother or sister" from last year, but in Nature, getting along is not part of the equation in these circumstances...hard to put a human thought into an Eagle brain...or maybe it is the other way around, put an Eagle thought into a human brain...


Starbucks is brewing......


Mema Jo said...

Well it is after 1am Saturday in Germany - the bus has loaded for the 3-4 hr drive to the air field. And
yes my Grand s-i-l is on that bus and will be flying into Kuwait headed for Bagdad where he will be for 15 months. Grandson Ryan is already there-he will come home early 2009. With both my army guys over there - things are about to be straightened out!!!
Prayers needed for them to safely come home. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Magpie - you visited your grandson the other evening - did the two of you see the bright shinning moon?

magpie said...

That's some high speed feeding going on there at Henlopen...

Mema Jo said...

This eagle season we have learned so many new things about our majestic feathered friends that we never knew before. So many different happenings at so many nest.
We did have an intruder at our nest early this season... Very interesting about all the immature
(juvies) we've seen returning..

NatureNut said...

Jo, Prayers are with your family. Also we have very good friend in Navy reserve w/family who will very soon be going to Afghanistan!

magpie said...

MEMA: Yes, the Little Guy (James) and I enjoyed it together, then he picked out the Big Dipper !
Chip off the old Grandma.

Prayers, definitely, for your two grandsons...Safety for them, comfort for the families, an end to this conflict, and Peace in the World...

Take Care.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...