Monday, July 07, 2008


New thread for the new week.


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Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

One eaglet in the nest...
Good morning and Good week everyone.

Thanks for the NEW THREAD, STEVE.

Costume Lady said...



magpie said...


Have you ever noticed...sometimes...when we say something about eaglets in the nest - they go POOF !!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I just looked and no one was home; thought you must be speaking of another nest. LOL

Costume Lady said...

We had some good convesations going last night, didn't we?

Costume Lady said...

Have you ever gotten a caterpillar and watched it spin its cocoon and then hatch out and fly away?

Costume Lady said...

I haven't had my coffee yet; waiting on the Capt. to wake up. Can't wait any longer. BBS

magpie said...

COSTUME LADY: You are such a naturalist! NO, I have not been able to view a caterpillar fledging ! Yes, we did have some GREAT dialogue going...And CARLA's PICS were wonderful. Treat for me too was FINALLY being able to open up SUZANNE'S PICS TOO.

MEGAN: Did you get to Suz's pics yet too?



indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning costume lady and
magpie, We are getting more rain

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Still going thru the posts and mail. Fascinating conversations last night, sorry I missed it, but my body was yelling LAY DOWN!!!

magpie said...

Hi Indiana D and MITS -
We've had a bunch of rain here over the week-end...I'm SURE it held down the brush and house fires with all the Fireworks going off...

CARLA's PICS site noted on Bob's post late last's a treat! And BE SURE to check out Paula's NCTC visit slideshow and videos - GREAT WAY to start the day...also fireworks on DEB's page and WANDA's WISHES - with new facials to boot !

xo xo

hedgie said...

Good morning all! Just heard on the news that one of the relocated Woolong Panda's gave birth to twins!

MITS said...

yes, Lynn, heard that too...sent out a video on the Momster mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone in eagle and panda land! I slept until 8:15. I could really get used to sleeping in like that but I hate when my work day is extended longer. Oh well.

Twin pandas. One taken, 2 given. Hope they both are well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Justin just brought my breakfast. He had bananas in a circle around the plate and watermelon and cantelope in the middle. What a kid. He can be so precious.

magpie said...

Our morning numbers are growing.

HO HO HO NORMABYRD: We're waiting on ya'.

magpie said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Magpie, Justin is actually my great-nephew, Mattie's older brother!

magpie said...


magpie said...


magpie said...

SHARON - You have a wonderful family all the way around ! Maybe I should have said: special treat for a special MOMSTER !

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---CONGRATS!!---WANDA & MARGY----Both of you are our #! EAGLE MOMS today & every day!---1st time we have had a tie!!---COOL!!!---Bright SUNNY day with isolated thunder showers this afternoon---birds are singing & I saw rabbit ears in the lawn --- Rabbit was hidden in the high grass & clover!---THANKS STEVE---"LIVE" IS GOOD!!---temp at 64° here in WV---"HOME OF LIBERTY & BELLE---PLUS---3 MOUNTAINEERS---DROPPING IN FOR FOOD!!----This will be a GLORIOUS day!!---Everyone is back---CELEBRATION is over!!----REMEMBER---LIVE---LOVE & CELEBRATE the birth of the 2 NEW PANDAS!!---Thanks for video HELEN!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!---ENJOY!!!!!

magpie said...

Howdy Norma!
Great Day to you too, Cheery Lady.

Adult eagle at BWE -

MITS said...

I'm getting excited, Norma, would be nice for twins at the NATIONAL ZOO, but I know the keepers are hoping for just 1 healthy cub.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE & BLUEFIELD SHARON!!----INDIANA DAVE---bet you don't need more rain!!---We have had a shower most every day!!---
HEY!--Did you retire?

WHOA!! SHARON---The party is over!! & you are ready to GO?---ho!--

magpie said...

Connecticut Osprey are HUGE and frisky with breakfast this AM.

Fort St Vrain CO looks empty except for turtle shells, saw that two eaglets were at the nest late yesterday afternoon.

Beautiful morning at WildWatch Osrpey, and Hummer Feed still not up and running yet in the Rain Forest..

Been seeing some young cardinals at Okie Bird site, and check out the Photo Gallery on that page !

Adult eagle bailed from BWE already, as did the Hooded Crows from Over the Water...

normabyrd said...

MARGY---I think you have the GREATEST facial of all!!!!---Isn't it COOL or what????----

normabyrd said...

I have a ZILLION things to do this am----Bridge luncheon at noon!--need to make myself beautiful & then "maybe" they won't notice what a lousy player I am!!--

magpie said...

Bands and Tags in place at Loch Garten, those chicks are really growing! One of them seems to have stick stuck on its back...

MITS said...

Mostly cloudy. Isolated showers and thunderstorms this morning...then scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs in the mid 80s. West winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. Scattered showers and thunderstorms in the evening...then a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms after midnight. Lows in the upper 60s. North winds around 5 mph...becoming east after midnight. Chance of rain 50 percent.
Partly sunny. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning...then a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 90s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent.


normabyrd said...

WOW!---I forgot---Can't wait until SISSY gets back!!---SURPRISE! SURPRISE!!!---STEVE fixed the RP just for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---ho!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

normabyrd hi I will retire on
the 29 of August,I'm getting short.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

magpie said...

Yes, NORMA - that facial is so Dreamy and Serene - just what I need in my life! And YOU WON'T have to work hard to make yourself beautiful for Bridge - - You're a NATURAL BEAUTY - INSIDE AND OUT !
x o x o

magpie said...


magpie said...

nice HO NORMA...

Yes - YOU are the #1 Eagle Mom this morning - LIVE FEED IS UP !!




hedgie said...

Neat video, Helen. TY!
Sharon, that is one special nephew!! Hi Justin and Mattie!

movin said...




hedgie said...

Glad everyone enjoyed the duck story. Pics were embedded in the one I got, but Jo had trouble w/ Yahoo saying file was too big, so she had to adjust; sorry you had attachments to open! I don't know how to send a "mass mailing" to all Momsters/Dadsters. Will have to try to figure it out! But I sure thank Jo for passing it on for me!

MITS said...

Woman just picked up the cribs, what a great service.....girls loved them.....

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. We had storms in the night, so the dogs had to wake me up. I didn't get back to sleep until 5, so I am just getting up.

deb said...

Nothing severe, they just don't like lightening when it is dark outside.

paula eagleholic said...

Did you know RP was up?!?!

MITS said...

yes, we did, Paula, Norma told us:)

MITS said...

Mei Xiang is sooooo comfortable

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been out watering plants. Soooo dry here! Certainly wish you would send some of your rain here. Would really appreciate it!

Go to the eye doctor today. Time now to get my new glasses. NO surgery on the other eye...that will just have to wait!

Have been reading more lately and not spending much time on the computer. Need to drop in more often and say hi.

Lolly said...

Just checked out my latest facial, or should I say Jack's! Okay, no more facials. I am going to stay right there!!!!!! Could not get any better! Thanks Wanda!

Lolly said...

Time to eat some breakfast.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Day to all, I just checked
my webshots site and found that i
had over 11 hundred views on the
eagles over the 4th weekend.Wow
thats alot of people that love
eagles,and that's great.My eagles
here are doing great,they are
learning to fish and hunt.They
have been spending a lot of time
at the watershed and have not
returned to the nest.With three
eaglets to teach it takes all the
adults time.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Mema Jo said...

Good Mid Monday Morning to all of you
Reading all the post - Funny that I should even try the Live Feed before reading - Suprises never ceased!
Thank you NCTC/FWS!! Now get me some children in that nest!!

Hey There! This is my first comment and I am already signed in - how did
Google know it was me????
Watch it crash!! Better copy in case I have to paste! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Dave - glad to hear about your triplets! I'll have to check out your pics...

hedgie said...

Just had twin fawns out back. No sign of mama but sure she was nearby. They are so cute...spots are still so vivid!
Gotta go get ready for Dr. apptmt. Even tho' office called and said PET was "normal" I prefer to read report myself and ask questions! Normal takes on varied connotations, under the circumstances!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - love your bee and thistle!!

Hope you get all the right answers, Hedgie!

Dave - really enjoy your pictures - glad you can track down your 3 juvies.

Mema Jo said...

Just a reminder about the site where you can daily Click to Give For Free

Rainforest & AnimalRescue

Mema Jo said...

Going to fix some lunch since I was up and too busy to fix any breakfast
Coffee will only take me so far!


paula eagleholic said...

Don't know if ya'll have seen this story....has video too!

Fledgling eaglet rescued

deb said...

That was a greatl story, Paula, I hope the eaglet recovers quickly.

Lolly said...

Paula, enjoyed the story and video about the bald eagle. Like stories with good endings!

Mema Jo said...

Great story - should name the juvie Independence! Very good coverage and informative to those watching that don't have eagle knowledge!
Thanks, Paula.

deb said...

I was checking to see if there was a Buddy update and found these get well cards from a first grade class.

Get Well, Eaglet

MITS said...


deb said...

Adult and juvie in the nest. Adult brought in a fish.

deb said...

There goes the adult.

NatureNut said...

Good PM Everyone!!! Have not been able to get on until now.
Since we had a great discussion last night on insects (my specialty), I posted some butterfly pictures--2 sets & a pic of my little case w/dobsonfly.
I wanted to add some info on Monarch, but this 'puter won't let me. In fact, it isn't even capable of going online!!??Had this site in My Fav for over 2 years, & clicked it one day & POOF---went to the nest!!

deb said...

Juvie is enjoying the shade after a fish lunch.

Mema Jo said...

Just hung up with the Germany crew.
Got to see both little ones and both big ones and also Chloe (English Bulldog) said WOOF!

Nest looks a lot better with a child in it! Sorry I missed the parent.

deb said...

Looks like he is getting ready to take off. (or she) No, settled back down.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - I am glad you found those cards from the 1st graders to Buddy!
Loved it that those youngsters are so attached to the eaglet!
Especially like the comment about being Sorry you got that bump on your head! They know what is going on! The cam has provided a great education for them.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to say that when this juvie landed, it was probably one of the most ungraceful landings I have ever seen!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Which dog is that?

I didn't see him land --
did you get any pics?

Mema Jo said...

HO HO!! Maybe that is why he/she is staying in the nest so long - Knows that when he/she takes off the landing can't be far away! Kaboom!

Mema Jo said...

Advise me when you think Anne Marie is coming home & what is the date
that Ceil will return.

Hoping the Pink Kitty Lady gets on here soon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, that is my Buphals!

I did get a video of it. I will send it to you.

Mema Jo said...

I really knew who it was I just
couldn't remember how to spell his name! Good pic of him...

I suppose that he and Buddy get along very well.

deb said...

I am loading video of the landing,too. Anne Marie gets back on the 8th, don't know what time. Ceil should be heading home now.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, that was a slam on the brakes landing!

paula eagleholic said...

adult took off right towards the cam...

magpie said...


Have enjoyed all the posts.
Be sure to treat yourselves today to NatureNuts, Deb's, and Paula's sites today, and back track to late evening post from BOB QUINN for Carla's Osprey Banding Trip photos. The Children in the group, look so proud!

Those Get Well cards for Buddy, Priceless: And their drawings, so precious.

Still two stuck sticks at Loch Garten, don't know if that is normal or not, and Solo looks so much like Isla now at Loch Lowes, it is hard to tell them apart...but Mom is feeding "Baby" right now, to that makes it easier..


magpie said...

NATURE NUT: Love your butterfly and insect collection! I saw a GIANT Swallowtail last year at Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Research Center in Kearneysville (Jefferson County, WV) was a Beaut! Wish I could photograph like you and the others on here do...

xo xo Good Afternoon all...

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie sat on fish for a good while before eating it

magpie said...

Looks like NAP TIME our nest...that gives me a great idea...

TTFN z z z z z z

magpie said...

...and WANDA's site too...
So much to see, so little time...

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - the butterfly pics are gorgeous! Just don't know how God created sooooo many different vibrant colors for us to enjoy. I have always felt blessed whenever a butterfly lands on me! Makes you feel special!

paula eagleholic said...

WE eaglets are 12 weeks old this week - Tues & Fri

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Pearl to me! Dark tail, just a touch of white.

Mema Jo said...

Out of my way,I want that fish
That is a good one Deb! He/she looked as though it was going to be
Topsy Turvy, talons over beak & flip right out of the nest! lol

Mema Jo said...

Everyone is waiting for the WE juvies
to fledge - Don't think they have to date. Jim has been keeping an eye on them and expects it to happen at any time now!

Mema Jo said...

Like Margy said - nap time in the nest sounds like a good idea to me.


paula eagleholic said...

Nope, WE gals still on the nest...been getting some awesome height hovering over the nest, tho.

deb said...

Buddy update:

Surgery is scheduled

NatureNut said...

Hi, I'm baaaaack! Stupid 'puter wouldn't print program confirms., so I had to reboot - hour glass takes almost an hour LOL!!
Anyway I won't get an answer til I get home, but is that the same juvie in nest for about an hour??
Glad you like the pics. I have more ;>)

deb said...

Same eaglet, Loretta.

NatureNut said...

Deb, Thx for posting the Buddy update! I don't work that Sat., but there probably won't be any surgical news 'til the following Monday. I'm gonna light another candle this evening.

hedgie said...

RP still up and juvie in nest!!
Is it Tiny??

hedgie said...

Great coverage of the poor eaglet up north! Did the left wing look strange to any of you? The way it was dangling down the side of the perch made it look as if it's injured...what do you all think?

Jo...I always like to think that anytime a butterfly is flitting around me that it's my daddy stopping in to say hello!

Everything fine from Dr. No recurrence and no metastesis!! Woo Hoo....39 months!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonderful news, Lynn, from the doc!!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Bluefield Sharon!!

hedgie said...

Loretta, thanks for sharing your butterfly pics and your collection! Beautiful!

deb said...

Great news, Lynn. I am glad you got a good report from the doctor.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hey everyone!! Glad to be home.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lynn, so glad to hear your news!! What a wonderful thing. Read up on Buddy, bless his heart! That baby is staying home a long time, ain't he?

magpie said...

Aaaaahhhh - Baby just stretched its wing...that has been one LONG roost, nice of this "EAGLAT" - to share so much of its time with all of us...

LYNN - Congrats and Hallelujah on the good report! Your thought about the butterfly - is as gentle and sweet as YOU are..

Mema Jo: Are you up yet ?


magpie said...

COSTUME LADY! That must have been SOME CUP OF COFFEE !! You must have a busy schedule today, or maybe, just relaxing and doin' nothin' at all....

magpie said...

I had to make myself learn something: I think the "Stuck Sticks" I am seeing on the Loch Garten Osprey chicks, are part of the Satellite Tag system...just didn't realize they would look like that. The Blog on that site sure contains some HOT DEBATE from some of its bloggers on that one chick which failed to survive. But I think the integrity of RSPB's decision is holding up well.

Welcome Home Double E-Sissy - did you do any flying this past week-end? Undo any dastardly deeds?

Safe travels home from work everyone.

magpie said...

It's a real good time to see those "sticks" right now, the chicks and MOM are chowing down.

I wonder how the Bloonies are doing...?? and all the Baby Woodies...

magpie said...

At Loch Garten earlier, I also saw a Real Cool Insect crawl across the lens...looked like a Helgrammite ! I see from the Blog that it might be a "regular."

xo Time to get ready for a visit with the Grandson....water balloons and all...

T-Bird said...

Hello everyone-it is good to see live feed up and an eaglet visiting us. It is all about us right? :)

T-Bird said...

I always get nervous when they sleep or don't move for a long time.

magpie said...

Good point, T-Bird - that eaglet has been there for about three or so hours now, and I have not noted that there has been any other action...he stood straight up at attention for quite some time, then settled in for a nest, so Mema Jo and I did the same thing.

T-Bird said...

he/she's stretching now beat she's hungry after that long nap i know i would be

magpie said...

Good E.S.P. Wishes T-Bird...."Eaglat" up and moving around and gazing at the countryside....checking out some snacks maybe !

hedgie said...

Thanks, Deb, Sissy, Magpie!
Thelma...Can't believe that Juvie has stuck around so long! MAybe he/she was just homesick for the comforts of home!!

hedgie said...

Norma--have you gotten hit by a storm. Coming this way from your way!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, that was a beautiful and unexpected takeoff!

T-Bird said...

hedgie-i believe you are right-homesick
i've got a storm headed my way and we lost power at the hospital 8 times today-lost phone service for about 3 hours. Those are two things hospitals can't do without.

MITS said...

LYNN, just read the wonderful update...God Bless:)

magpie said...

Well, Eagle Buds - I am headed to Morgan County, Westward, so I guess I might be driving into the storms!

Take Care all.

Two adults two babes in the Wildwatch Osrpey Washington Cam.

Love to all....xoxoxox

MITS said...

figures it would leave when I got on....did see it briefly before take-off

MITS said...

WHAT A GLORIOUS BEACH DAY!!!!! Temp never got above 75, and there was a nice breeze....seeing more dolphins each day:)

hedgie said...

THelma, we dealt with that all the time when I worked at the hospital...but that was 30 yrs. ago! Can't believe that generators haven't improved enough over the years to prevent power loss!! The newfangled phone systems that depend on electricity are a problem...I begged for a pay phone at least in the clinic at GM so that when power went out I still had a line to EMS in case we had an emergency....fell on deaf ears! Luckily, nothing bad ever happened.

T-Bird said...

hope you fine folk have a good evening got to sign off-later

Mema Jo said...

I am up & about! Enjoy your water balloons Magpie! With that report you can celebrate now, Hedgie! Thanks for the Buddy report of surgery, Deb.
Here is link:

Link for Buddy's Candles

Mema Jo said...

Off to fix some dinner
MT nest but such a clear picture!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have my new glasses ordered. May get them by the end of the week. Yea!!! Double Yea!

DEB, thanks for the update on Buddy. I had checked earlier and there wasn't an update. Yes, it is time to light a new candle. Loved the children's pictures and letters! Takes me back to school.

LYNN, and I have the same thoughts about butterflies. I have always thought of my daddy and he was saying hello when I saw a butterfly. This started 39 years ago!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Mits and Jo!
Lolly, it's been 38 1/2 yrs. for me. I was only 20 when we lost him...he was only 50. Still miss him bunches.
Storm getting close, so better shut down. Later, y'all!

NatureNut said...

Because I'm stubborn, I stopped on way out of Park to have a look at the eagle nest area.As I was walking down a woodsy hill to a clear spot at edge of marsh, what to my wondering eyes did I see? Not Santa, but better.....a BIG BROWN EAGLET soaring in the sky over the marsh!!!!Had the cam in its case & couldn't get it out in time, but he/she made a U be and disappeared behind trees right next to nest.I shortly did hear some little squeals.I won't forget that image above me. Also saw a scarlet tanager in same area--(where I saw it before).It went up to tree tops.
BBLW----din din

Lolly said...

Lynn, I was 25 and Daddy 58. It will be 39 years in November. Same here....I miss him so much. When we came home from the funeral I saw a butterfly. I can't believe it is so close to the same time for both of us.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - sounds like a wonderful day!

Magpie - hope you had fun w/ the water balloons!

Nature - it is soooo cool to see an eagle flying above you!

My boss is on vacation at his beach house...I spoke w/ him today and he said he saw 4 eagles soaring above him today...2 adults and 2 juveniles. He is on Indian River Bay in Delaware. He mostly sees lots of osprey.

paula eagleholic said...

Nature & Hedgie - I lost my Dad when I was 35...not quite as young as you all, but still young enough. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him.

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - thanks for the update on Buddy.

Lynn - glad you received a clean bill of health!! YAY!

Almost rained here...passed us by...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

With our dad, I think it is a rainbow for all of us. We saw one the day after he died. All 6 of us saw it from different parts of town at the same time. Now everytime I see a rainbow, I think it is Daddy saying Hi! Butterflies make me think of my sister, Donna. Don't really know why, just do.

paula eagleholic said...

I am off to do some kid is coming home to work 3-4 days per week. Put the AC in his room tonight...washing sheets...gonna clean up and dust room as a surprise. Will certainly be nice to have him home, even if for only half the week. Going to go back to GF apartment in PA for other half...still has a part time job there he's going to continue to work.

Tomorrow night going to Thurmont carnivial w/ son, DIL and grandkids - it's ride all night for one price - best thing for the 2 1/2 yo GS who loves the rides already.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ain't it funny how almost everyone has something that reminds them of lost ones. With my children, it is spring flowers, dandelions for Adam. He used to pull the tops off of em and bring me a handful of "favers". He would have been 30 this past weekend. He was 2 when he died. Baby Aaron was only 8 months old. But spring flowers always make me feel like they are saying it is okay.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta Laugh!~Thought the rain had passed me by...just let in 2 wet dogs!~Can't hear the rain down here in the basement....bbl

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am going to go veg out. It takes me a day to recoup from camping. Getting old I reckon. Love it so much though. Everyone have a great evening. Hope the storms aren't too bad out there. We appear to be okay for now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Daddy has been gone 6 years and my mommy has been gone 10 1/2 months. I still feel like a 46-year-old orphan!

Robyn said...

Good evening everyone

We are still in Florida and should be leaving this weekend. I hve seena new bird here that I haven't before, a swallowtailed kite. Mom said it is the first time she has seen them since she has been here and there are many.

We also drive past the Tesoro nest quite often but they live in a gated community and we are not permitted lol.

I hope everyone had a great 4th.

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Robyn...Good to hear from you. I'll bet it's hot there. How's Tori?

deb said...

Cool Facts

The Swallow-tailed Kite rarely flap its wings while flying, but it almost continuously rotates its tail, often to nearly 90 degrees, in order to hold a heading, make a sharp turn, or trace tight circles while drifting across the sky.
The Swallow-tailed Kite frequently eats while flying.

Robyn said...

Wanda Tori is doing good today. I love this weather and ready to escape the winters.

Deb, interesting you mention that,I saw two of them one was sitting on a tree branch the other kept trying to get to it but couldn't connect. It just kept flying to the branch tried to pass it food then took off with food in mouth sqwacking the entire time till it finally connected with the youngster or whoever lol.
It had a frog or something limp hanging from its beak.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula!
Lolly, Paula, Sissy: I think what hurts the worst is that Daddy never knew my girls or my grandgirls. He would have been such a special Grandpa!
Sissy, so sorry that you have lost children...that is the cruelest loss of all, I'm sure.
Storm skirted around us after lots of boomers! But Martinsburg got it!

deb said...

Robyn, I had to look it up to see what it looked like, and that was on the page. I thought it was amazing that a kite would use its tail for steering. Neat that you got to see it. They don't come much farther into the US than Florida.

deb said...

Osprey in Finny on the water.

hedgie said...

Isn't it cool that we who have united because of our love of nature have also found that we are kindred spirits in so many ways? It's always nice to meet people and get along...but we all are really in sync in so many ways! In Spanish it's called "simpatico" and I appreciate every one of you!

Costume Lady said...

Are you still moving to S.C. Robyn?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn - good to hear from you on here. I'm glad Bertha didn't come to see you all! lol

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - how is our very own Butterfly Lady? Hope she is doing well. I didn't see her pic on the 4th's group.

deb said...

both osprey at Finny on the water.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - You have come to realize why we are all still here after 3 years time. We are kindred spirits in a lot of ways.

((hugs)) to all Eagle Buddies

Mema Jo said...

Going to TV for an hour


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bakatcha, Mema Jo!! What an awesome place we have!

Robyn said...

Deb I saw them last year in Gulf Port Ms when I went to visit my crazy cajun cousins it was my first time seeing them.

Wanda no, I am not moving, the market isn't good to be selling my home today. I graduate next year and hopefully before I start my MBA the market will have improved.

Hey Jo, no Bertha wont be affecting us unless it hits the Carolinas this coming weekend.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, Madamn Butterfly is doing very well...I couldn't find a photo of her. Gene took the photos and I guess he forgot he had two daughters!LOL

deb said...

Thanks, Robyn, the map I looked at must be out of date!

Robyn said...

Speaking of Osprey's they are a dime a dozen here. We had them flying over the truck. I will try and take a pic of their nest near mom and dads house.

Costume Lady said...

I found a photo of Butterfly Mama; she was hidden in the crowd, but I plucked her out. She is now stuck with the insects on my blog. I don't know how to put her with the others, so there she is.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, my avatar is suppose to be blinking. It blinks when I first put it on my profile, but when I SAVE it, it stops. Followed your directions, but I must be missing a step. Any ideas?

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Sounds like everyone had a great 4th or 5th (when some fireworks went off).

Glad to be back online

Wanda any of those pics any of Gene's side of family? Great PIcs

hedgie said...

Hey, Dana...where have you been gal??

MITS said...

July 7
Mei Xiang is moving in slow motion these days, preferring to spend her time sleeping on the rock mountain inside, and sometimes in den three. She has found a special place that she molds her body on to, right on the edge of the mountain in enclosure two. She picks all the poses that epitomize comfort, resting on her arms either all tucked up or all stretched out in varied and always creative positions. Last week it took 20 minutes for her to come out for her ultrasound procedure. She must trek all the way from her inside enclosure, into the chute to the specially designed training cage, just outside the doorway. Once there, all she has to do is lie down with her belly exposed, while a keeper feeds her little tidbits of her favorite foods. What an effort it is now for her to travel this mere 50 to 60 feet. Even the reward of a fruitcicle or sugar cane may not draw her out. Just two weeks ago, she was her normal responsive self.

Mei is also beginning to leave some of her biscuits and produce, although not consistently. Every time we think she is going to establish a trend with her behaviors she changes her plans on us. We continue to plan for every possibility.

The 4-7 p.m. shift of the pregnancy (or pseudopregnancy) watch will begin tomorow.

MITS said...

They are also practicing showing Mei a lacrosse stick, just in case there are twins and they need to retrieve one

MITS said...

as for me, I have no gut feeling either way, if she is pregnant or not, seems to me she is following last years pattern to a tee.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks those who put Buddy's update and childrens pics. Relite candle.
The other Osprey pics slideshow was great.
Wanda continues with facials I see. lol
The Juvie eaglet gotten out of the water; hope it's wing is ok.
Hi Hedgie been recoop after walking on grass to have fun seeing fireworks and watching alot of fun people play volleyball.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits for the news on Mei..

Costume Lady said...

Hi Dana...None of the photos were Gene's family. He has no one left. Mother, Father, Brother and Sister have been gone for a long time.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - is your blinking pic in Photobucket?

wvgal_dana said...

Guess not..Wanda...Did get to see Karla mixed in with others. Glad you pulled here out so others could see her. ( : Butterfly Mama ( : Tell her hello and she is missed.

Costume Lady said...

I am really excited about Mei. Hope it is the REAL thing.


paula eagleholic said...

Amazing that Mei may be so uncomfortable w/ something the size of a stick of butter in her! Guess we all know what hormones can do!

Costume Lady said...

Will do, Dana...Nite Nite.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Mits and Wanda I am following you out the door.....getting ready for some nice sleep awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Dana - good to see you. Was wondering where you were all weekend. Hope you were busy with family.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, maybe she has two "Sticks of Butter" in her. Wouldn't that be great?

hedgie said...

Hey, Jo...if you are a weather buff...Ch. 9 has a Hurricane Tracker you can download to follow tropicals. Even history of old storms can be shown! Go to, click on Weather and click on Hurricane Tracker. Follow instructions to download & install on your 'puter!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Paula, blinking photo is in photobucket.

hedgie said...

Good night dear fowl friends! Talk at you tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, so happy to hear your GOOD NEWS!

Costume Lady said...

Goodnight once again.

deb said...

I am headed for bed also. Just got caught up on comments and pictures. Night, all.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - you have that pic in photobucket twice. Try deleting one of them, then try and copy and pasted the url again...use the url that says direct link.

Mema Jo said...

Time to say Good Night!
Thanks for the weather info, Hedgie.
I think Margy got Done In by the water balloons tonight!
Lollie - did you get sexy looking glasses??? lol
Mei Mia -- we'll need to check her out more often - would be great to have a new panda baby or two to watch until our Eagle season starts again.
Glad you are on here Dana - Happy it was just fireworks that kept you away.....

Good Night
Prayers for all being offered
Pleasant & peaceful sleep & dreams

Lolly said... sexy as I could get them! LOL But then I won't be wearing them much...Jack and I will be spending our time in the surf!!!!

Lolly said...

Watched the Bachelorette tonight. Ahhhh, young love!

magpie said...

Hello and Good-Night Everyone.

Big Raccoon party at PixController...think it is parents and their babies...

Came home nice and wet from water balloon fun.

Love to all, thoughts and prayers .


Lolly said...

Nite all1 Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Did I miss something, or is Live Feed down?

magpie said...

Also, has anyone noticed what looks like AN EGG in the Isla'sLoch Lowes nest? I don't recall seeing it before today...

magpie said...

Those "stuck sticks" on the Loch Garten chicks are called aerials I think. I believe strongly in what RSPB does, but it sure is hard to comprehend that these little antennae would not get tangled up in something or other.

magpie said...

HO NORMA! I know you hop on here pretty early: Did you TRUMP or NO TRUMP at Bridge on Monday? Or, just dazzle the team with your loveliness ?

My parents were BIG Bridge fans, and sometimes hosted Bridge Tournaments at our home. I remember all the card tables, people and lots of good humored fun!

I won't be on this page so early in the morning, have to sleep in a little, but I'll be watching for your early morning greeting when I do check back in...


magpie said...

Okay MOVIN - Your turn to be the last one on ...

Good Night, it is WAY PAST my bedtime.

movin said...


I crashed fairly early, and I didn't say good night or turn anything off until now.

Hope I get more rested from the experience.

Have a good Tues., talk to you then.



T-Bird said...

good morning all live feed is up

T-Bird said...

has anyone heard an update about the rescued eaglet on independence day-did anyone else think its breathing was labored?

T-Bird said...
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T-Bird said...

also have any of you fine eagle momsters or dadsters heard anything about the eagle that had the beck transplant-will it ever be able to feed on its own

T-Bird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T-Bird said...

two in fact

floralgirl said...

Morning Thelma- sorry I can't answer those questions.. just wanted to say there are two juvies in the nest, hard to see cause live feed pic is a mess right now. Only see one eagle to work, have a great day.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...