Friday, March 23, 2007


New thread.


CamsGrammy said...

Good morning to all! Have been praying for a chick today!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Camsgrammy for heads up on new thread and Suzanne.

Thank you Steve for the new thread you always know we'll use it.

Sorry Suzanne we both missed it I guess.

wvgal_dana said...

Tiny get back away from the edge BW eagles nest.

Just Vicky said...

LIve feed is up!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well the prince listened to me. hee hee but he keeps going over near that edge.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Vicky

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I got it up live feed

Chicks at BW sure moving around alot.

Just Vicky said...

For some reason I have to keep re-starting it, but it keeps coming back on each time! Sure would be great to have it working all day!!

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky are you useing Real Player?

Just Vicky said...

Yes Dana I'm using REalPlayer,

wvgal_dana said...

For those that don't have the "live feed". What you have been seeing so far is what we are seeing. Belle on the nest sometimes just moving her head alittle.

Just Vicky said...

Is it just my connection having problems or are you having to do the same thing Dana??

wvgal_dana said...

Hey my real player time is behine the time on the "still refresh"
8:15am on 30 second refresh on live 8:10

wvgal_dana said...

No Vicky but she was putting her head on her back on the 30 second refresh and had not done that yet on the live feed then she did. EEKsss somethings not right. Oh well can't ask for perfect.

Just Vicky said...

Time does not show on my RealPlayer, what you talking about Dana??? Only the time the connection is Live is showing on mine.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok now my live feed is first and the 30 second refresh is second.

Vicky if you still have the old page. You might want to go to control panel add/remove programs take out real player then reboot then from the old NCTC page download real player again. For some reason I had too.

wvgal_dana said...

We have mating at the Osprey BW nest

Just Vicky said...

Ok may have to do that but can't right now, off to work!

wvgal_dana said...

Have a good day Vicky. I will be leaving within a 1/2 hr myself.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne is Chubs pecking Tiny on the head at BW eagle nest?

Belle still remains sitting on the nest.

kirine said...

Good morning all.

Was odd seeing the eggs left all alone, no matter how briefly. I'm beginning to wonder if Lib and Belle know something that we don't. =\

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for today, though.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----CAMSGRAMMY--SUZANNE--DANA--& VICKY---BELLE is up on the limb showing us two eggs----Guess she needed to stretch & get LIB back---BELLE flew away "in all her glory"----SHEEEEEEEE BACK!---Hunting for LIB & FOOD ---(I would guess)---LIFE IS GOOD NOW!!!!---Great to be watching her---I think she is going to KILL LIB---if he doesn't get there soon! ho! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning all of you anxious eagle egg watchers Couldn't help but call us that - I see the two beautiful eggs in tact in the nest..I wish we could see half shells! PRAY!

Camsgrammy Haven't had a chance to say hello to you. I am always the late one on the blog.
Dana So glad you're back on here!

normabyrd said...

HI JENNIFER----I think BELLE seems very restless too---Maybe she DOES KNOW SOMETHING we don't----PRAY---she does!!!-----DANA---Just reach in & "peck" that beautiful little "bully chick" on the head---AREN'T THEY FUN TO WATCH!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I have to run back later today.

Belle is off the eggs on live feed I see two eggs. She is working on the nest hole and turning the eggs. Taking some of the tuff out of the bottom of the hole. She is moving me grass into and around nest.

normabyrd said...

HI MEMA JO---I think "MOM BELLE" appears to be the anxious one this a.m.----Maybe---I am hoping she is---ready to SURPRISE us!!

Geula said...

LOLOL! Hi.....for days and days now, I've been trying the view our live cam and all the time......nada. so I said that maybe i should try to do what Dana said, delete and reinstally my RealPlayer yet again...

Good thing that I decided to check one last time before sending the realplayer into dreamland! And there it was! Pretty as a picture-an eagle sitting in a tall Sicamore (sp) tree!

Busy eagle in the nest now! new nest material, general clean up and declutter...squiggle-wiggle to settle down. Up again.....down again! GEE it's so wonderful to see this LIVE! Thank you Eagle Angel and all the people who made this possible!

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I can't stay this morning..
Will be back late afternoon anxiously reading your comments and checking our nest.

movin said...


Belle does look unusually agitated this morn, and it's a nice warm day (in living action).....

Could be....

Let's hope....


normabyrd said...

moving around & around this a.m.----It's a warm morning--64°---I agree GEULA---she is a delight to watch---I thought something was terribly wrong with my REALPLAYER too!!

movin said...

She's repainting the nursery, rearranging the furniture, turning the bedding....


normabyrd said...

WOW---"MOM BELLE" ----appears to be expecting GUESTS---Keeps redecorating the nest---Moving lots of soft grass around her, ALL AROUND HER---PRAY EAGLE BUDDIES!!!

normabyrd said...

VA LADY sitting up with "little rebels" around her---SHENANDOAH #1 & #2 black--#3 is still showing the trap for the raccoon---JAMES RIVER--Beautiful falcon----

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE--I have a name for the BW chicks-----CAIN & ABEL---& we know which is which---ho! ho!----KIDDIN'
KIDDIN'-----(couldn't resist)!!!

normabyrd said...

WOW---Whaaaat's happening---She is up off eggs---spreading soft grass everywhere---Do you suppose she knows she is REALLY WORRYING us to death??????

movin said...

Boy, they did something to the West End cam, and it has the best picture I have ever seen on it now.


MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Have a good Friday:).

MITS said...

The eagle up in MAINE actully looks warm today with the sun shining on her.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Belle is up and strectching again.

MITS said...

live -feed acting crazy.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. MITS---Just checked the "Little Prince"----IT'S SHOWTIME!!!---Did you learn how to fix his meals??? ho!---ENVY YOU!!!

normabyrd said...

SOME THING IS MAKING BELLE "ANTSY"!!!---When was the last time LIB checked in?

MITS said...

He is right down by the window and the crowds are loving it.He pretty much eats what the adults eat, but in smaller quantities...we did get to eat a leaf-eater biscuit which is one of their treats and it was not bad:).

MITS said...

I saw LIB fly by, but that was about and hour and a half ago

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is in hammock w/LUNLUN---UPDATE reads they are preparing the out side for the LITTLE BEAUTY!!---Hopefully she can go outside within the next week or so!----SHE WILL ENJOY THAT!---LUN LUN will never catch her!!! ho! ho!

MITS said...

live feed is gone:(

MITS said...

Eagle on the KENT branch

MITS said...

OSPREY UP IN CONN are already sprucing up the nest

normabyrd said...

HI CAROL & SUNNY----CAROL--I think I agree with SUNNY---It's fun to say the "poop" word!! ho! ho!----Have missed you CAROL!---What's happening in Pendleton?----

MITS said...

Have a good weekend, Suzanne, know you are leaving soon

normabyrd said...

MITS---Have you seen the videos of the PEREGRINE FALCONS---"GEORGE & GRACIE"---They are in San Fransisco-----I found them while scanning through the Channel Islands Discussion Area----I want to go back & read more--- HOPE LIVE FEED RETURNS---

MITS said...

I will go look them up when I get a chance, Thanks, Norma.

normabyrd said...

TAKE CARE SUZANNE---ENJOY THE WEEKEND!---Good one to sleep---rain--rain!!!--ho!

normabyrd said...

HAVE you all seen "KNUT"?--A little POLAR BEAR--(given up by his mother)---OH!!!! this bear could give TAI---"a real run for his money"---VERY PLAYFUL!!! & he is JUST AWESOME!!!----Every one seems to want to see him!!!

MITS said...

He is a cutie, Norma.

MITS said...

Lisa has a good comparison shot of the male and female osprey on her site.

Barbara said...

Am I hallucinating, or is that a chick-let near Belle's left shoulder?

Jill said...

Your in Pendleton County. I an orginally form Grant. Hope to get up there next weekend for some photography. Smoke Hole has always been one of my favorite places. I want to take a trip all the way through soon. It is beautiful it the Spring time. I read somewhere that they were turning a Golden Eagle loose soon in Mt. Storm. Would love to see that.

normabyrd said...

CAROL---Last year when we were watching this nest---It became almost a game---To let everyone know there had been a "poop shoot"----What amazed me was it didn't take long for those little ones to learn----They are neat---aren't they---Watch the falcons in PA---Not neat!---"poop" was everywhere!!----I bet it is getting beautiful in Pendleton!!---Have you seen any eagles?-----I so HOPE we get to see EAGLES here SOON---

paula eagleholic said...

@#$%@#$ blogger, stealing my post

NO, I don't think that is a chick, Barbara.

But, we would know for sure if cam were working is not refreshing for me.

normabyrd said...

HI JILL---I am almost a neighbor too----I am from Hampshire County & when I was working---went to Grant Co. too----My wonderful Dr. is from Grant---Keith Wolfe---I know several people there too---

MITS said...

I was wondering if I were hallucinating about the cam not updating......PUGET SOUND CAM IS UP AND RUNNING WITH WHAT LOOKS LIKE 2 EGGS, I sent pics out to some of you.

paula eagleholic said...

Cam seems to be updating now, or eagle finally decided to move some other way!

paula eagleholic said...

So, has anyone seen both eggs today?

paula eagleholic said...

I'm sorry, stupid question, duh, Steve has pic on Blog page.

MITS said...

Yes, Paula, diffently still 2 eggs.

MITS said...

Both eagles at KENT.

normabyrd said...

PAULA---BELLE showed the 2 EGGS many, many time this a.m.----Left the nest & flew to a limb, etc----She has been so RESTLESS all day----We decided----THIS MUST BE THE DAY!!!----She rearranged everything in the nest 50 times!!!

Jill said...


I am in Martinsburg now. But still visit your area quite a bit. Where do you live now? RAMPS?? UGHHHHH. But I know people up there love them. Is there still a big ramp feed up around Alpena/Harman every year? I haven't actually gone all the way through Smoke Hole in years but I really want to this year. It changed alot after the floods but is still beautiful.

Mauley said...

Praying for a chick, while grading papers. donna

Mauley said...


paula eagleholic said...

Just got a couple pics, probably just grass on the eggs.

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

2 eggs in full view...Belle just took off

paula eagleholic said...

Appears to be digging in the nest bowl

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...