Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tuesday Picture 6 June


Anonymous said...

Oh Mom - - Dad - - We're getting a little hungry, here!

Anonymous said...

OK, now how about 06:06 PM on 06/06/06 for a fledging? Doesn't that sound auspicious? In Steve's photo, I think it is In-Between on the left, Spunky in the middle, and Big Boy on the right. Big Boy, your feathers are all GORGEOUS and it's time for you to fly on out!

Anonymous said...

barbara, I won't be near a computer at 6:06, so you'll have to let me know! Every time I see a poop shot, I think okay, they've lightened their load, and it's time to head out! I'll really miss watching them, but I know it's time for them to spread their wings and move on.

Mema Jo said...

4:41pm Jo-MD
6:06 it is - I'll put my money on it!!
It's going to be a very long evening for them if no food comes in! Good reason to fly out for BigBoy. Inbetween could just follow him, you know. Then Spunky could have it all - a whole fish!

NillaWafer said...

Barbara beleive me were anxious for them to fly out, but on the same hand, NOT anxious. But the "MOM's here watching since eggs will be scared for them and i now myself shed afew tears. Living in Maine i bet you have alot of wildlife in your area like eagles? I am going to the zoo web site to check out the panda's. Hey Jo thats another adventure we could go on to the zoo..lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Barbara in Maine -- I totally agree with you on who is who in this picture. 6:06 would be a good time, huh? Not sure if I am ready for it though!! It is so amazing how mother nature works, you know. Instinct of these birds is amazing to me -- all of wildlife for that matter!! Love it, love it!!

Anonymous said...

I've been watching these eaglets since they were eggs too! I just haven't posted until recently. There is indeed much wildlife here in Maine, but most is in the northern, less populated part of the state. I live in the southern part. I have lived here for almost 8 years, but I've never seen a moose, and that's my ambition! The closest I came was one day there was a deer standing in the middle of my yard... It then sauntered off down the street.

Mema Jo said...

6:06pm Jo-MD Guess I lost all my money on the flight date & time. Didn't see anything devilish happening.

glo said...

6:15 eastern time parent came in with small feeding

Anonymous said...

Boo hoo, no fledging at the appointed time. But there sure has been alot of flapping and even hovering. I haven't seen any of them go beyond the perimeter of the nest. The bigger two seem to be daring each other, because one flaps and hovers, then the other. It's going to be very very soon!

Mema Jo said...

7:01pm Jo-MD
So I guess that's Spunky with the meal. I think the other 2 are going to gang up on him at the same time.

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Actually as usual. spunky stayed back and waited for left overs. Really speaks loudly about that term "pecking order". They all did get something. What they got was pretty much related to size. some beaking between two bigger ones for a little bit, and actually, one of the bigger ones did try to get the little piece spunk finally salvaged, and he did defend "his bite".

glo said...

Parent in the nest...didn't bring anything. They are all crying for him/her to come back. Think the parent was saying Follow me!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I missed what got brought in but i see one of them munching on it.... what did they get for din din? the parents are bringing smaller meals in hopes to draw them out of the nest... let's see if it works.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mom/dad flew away... babies are looking at mom/dad like HEY COME BACK HERE.

Anonymous said...

Not much of a bedtime snack, was it?

glo said...

Nope It really was the left overs from two hours ago. Every now and thenone of them picks it up and tries to munch on it. Pretty slim pickens. Then a parent kind of peaked in again about 10 min ago. didn't see that it had anything either. They literally dive on the parent if it arrives with food. No diving. Just looking hoping, saying bye bye anyway!!!

movin said...

I too have been anxious for the older eaglets to fly, but I was thinking about it today, and I really don't see why the hurry....

We won't be able to see much, if anything, of their activity after they fly out of there, and there's really not much need to hurry them...except the youngest one will have more room to stretch HIS wings (and maybe get more food).

The adults have been through this before and have an excellent idea of when the young are ready, so I decided to relax and let them handle it.......


movin said...

That spider's web really screws up the night viewing of the nest...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

4:49 a.m. Wednesday - Jim, I was thinking the same thing about the spider web. It just blocks everything. I see one of them perching this morning though, I think.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:23 a.m. Wednesday - From what I can see through spidey's home, there has been a lot of flapping happening this morning. Can't tell yet if all three are in there but it is coming as day light is starting to happen. Yep, I see all three still there this morning. Is today the day? We will have to stay tuned to see. More will be revealed for sure!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If we could get a message to one of the adults to just fly by and sweep it away with their wings, that would be wonderful. It wouldn't be that hard for them to do! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:33 a.m. Lots of activity this morning. Getting some serious air under them. I think I have seen all three doing flapping this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I have the picture from March 30 saved as my background. It is a wonderful picture of all 5 of them. The babies are so tiny. What a difference 2 months can make.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so grateful that the web disappears in the day light.

Anonymous said...

We have a fledgling!!!! Big Boy has flown!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:06 a.m. 2 minutes ago, we had a fledge!!! Oh my GOD. Today is the day!! He took off from the right side of the nest. Start praying guys that he comes back.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo - I have saved it on Fraps!! I am so excited. Please pray he comes back okay!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That was the coolest thing I have ever witnessed. He had his wings out a little for a few seconds, teetered back and forth and then took off!! Steve, when you get to work, please look around and see if you can see him!! The moment we have all been waiting for with excitement and dread.

Glo- You've got mail!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Marie, there are still 2 there. If you would go to my blog and send me an email so I can have your address, I will send you something!!

movin said...

Wow...I missed it!! I'm up early to get some meds for my cold, looked in on the chance I might catch it, but....

Can anybody describe it...which direction, etc.? Do you have any pics?


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to work on the file as it is too big to send. Any suggestions from anybody? It is an .avi file for RealPlayer. Too big to send through my virus scan or email or something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jim, I saved it on Fraps but the file is too big as it is to send it through email. It was absolutely wonderful. Look at the post 2 above yours. It really got my heart pumping this morning!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

An adult just came in with food. They were holding out for Big Boy to leave I guess. MOTHER NATURE - ain't she something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, maybe there was no food. Neither one of them look like they are eating.

Mema Jo said...

6:48am Jo-MD Congratulations, Sharon! I am so excited for you for what you witnessed. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving Eagleholic! I wonder what Inbetween is thinking? There's the adult - just flew in. And off again.
You have my email, Sharon- Thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, check your email again. It looks like yours mine have went through. If so, maybe you could forward it to your home email. Let me know.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Let me tell you how God works in my life. My normal work day starts at 6:30 a.m. This morning, however, I had to start at 5 a.m. Otherwise, I never would have been sitting at this computer to witness the 6:04 a.m. fledge!! What a miracle to be able to witness it!!

Mema Jo said...

7:11am Jo-MD Sometimes we just need a reminder of how special we are in God's plan! You are blessed-Sharon. Did you realize that your announcement was typed at 6:06 !!Barbara in Maine is going to like that one!
It did look as though Inbetween did have somethng to eat - I am so excited that I can't type straight.......I've got to get that 1st cup of coffee in me & settle my nerves. YAHOOOOOOOOO!

Mema Jo said...

7:20am Jo-MD MORE FOOD! This time Spunky is the receiver! (I think) It is a really big fish!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Adult just flew in again with food. I am grateful to see that. I am absolutely so amazed at Mother Nature. Glo - Spunky is eating too!! Yeah!!

glo said...

BOY do I feel happy and sad. Thanks so much for capturing it on FRAPS for me Sharon. Lord would You please draw Big Boy back to cjeck in for us. Some of them do and their are lots of human"mama's" and a few Papa's who would love to know that he is OK.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just talking with Jo and we decided they were still trying to figure out where there brother is. I know when he flew off, they just kind of sat there stunned. InBetween is eating again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wouldn't it be funny if BigBoy/Gal swooped back down and started eating on the fish?

glo said...

LOL Well in a way, but I was just going to type...Hey "Littlest Big Guy, you better get something to eat before your brother gets back". I think maybe brother has a fish of his own he is enjoying right now. You know the parents saw the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

I see only two eaglets in the nest this morning. (8 am, Wed., 06-07)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

With meals like this, InBetween ain't never going to go anywhere!! Spunky looks so little sitting over there. I keep trying to spot the third one (habit).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Charlie - read above. We had take off at 6:04 a.m. this mornign. It was an absolutely beautiful sight.

Mema Jo said...

8:09am Jo-MD I keep looking in the background hoping to see BigBoy flying home. I bet he is having the time of his life! I left a phone message for Steve & I hope he is out there in the field trying to spot him. Who knows, BigBoy is probably down by the river! I would like to know just how long a first flight lasts - like when could we expect him to return. Blackwater eaglets returned, but now are hardly ever there at the nest. They are still looking for their brother!

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon Big boy! come back and visit your brothers!!!!

Oh, I so want to see him return.... worried about the little guy.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sharon, old buddy, old pal. You have my e-mail address don't you? Whould I be watching my mailbox? Please? Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he he. the brothers look so confused this morning. I'm hoping they don't get any ideas on going to find him yet!

I'm so glad they got to eat... they were all so hungry. I wonder what Big boy went after for a nice breakfast... wish we could follow him... here's to hoping he comes back for a nap!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I think I've read that they will get hunting and fishing lessons for 4-6 weeks from the parents before it's time to move on. THe Blackwater eaglets came back to the nest at night in the beginning, but weren't seen much during the day after fledging.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I compressed the file and sent it out. Let me know if any of you received it. Also, if you would like a copy (if it worked), email me at shurnlea@comcast.net.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings----sorry I missed it----but at the same time I don't think I could have watched it without fainting---- I feel like I did when my first child left for college-----but then I remembered, she always returned with her LAUNDRY-------this has been a beautiful experience----being an eagle mom----LIFE IS GOOD-----

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings----sorry I missed it----but at the same time I don't think I could have watched it without fainting---- I feel like I did when my first child left for college-----but then I remembered, she always returned with her LAUNDRY-------this has been a beautiful experience----being an eagle mom----LIFE IS GOOD-----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am still working on how to get this sent to everybody. It will probably be after 1:30 before I can get it figured out as I am supposed to be working now. Not getting much production out of me today, that is for sure. I hope my supervisor never gets on here and sees how busy I have been!! LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

Live video is up! Maybe we'll see Big Boy fly back in!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of flapping activity this morning, looks like Spunky and Inbetween are enjoying more room in the nest already!

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
movin said...

I don't believe they hurry back to the nest on their first day ... perhaps can't negotiate that accurately anyway ... but keep your eye on the second one. He's getting so active in the practices, I think he could fly out today too.

Even the youngest is getting more practice flights in than usual.


Mema Jo said...

9:29am Jo-MD What a day! Paula, don't you have a graduation to go to? Guess you'll not soon forget the date of the first flight!
Anonymous: From your comment this morning you also saw BigBoy take off. Could you let us all know where you're located?
Next big event will be when BigBoy returns - they say their landing gear is not built in - probably going to be a nosedive into the nest! I hope again that someone gets to witness it happen!
Adult eagle in the nest - got to go watch! Going to do some personal feeding!

glo said...

I'm off to work too. Have a good day. We need to know if anyone sees Big boy. Please post on here for sure ok Thanks.

We will get that video shared. I found the FRAPS originally. I will find someone who knows how to get it online somewhere for all of us to see. I have sent an email to Sharon already giving a suggested sight that just might work easily I hOPE!!! off to work.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like mama just came in to offer some comfort to the remaining two eaglets, she is feeding that remaining fish to both of them....

glo said...

Parent in the nest, nibbling with the kids. "Settle down it's all ok ". here have some breakfast littler ones"!

paula eagleholic said...

How nice of you to remember. I have a son that is "fledging" today too. Definitely a memorable day!

paula eagleholic said...

And now Papa, too! A Celebratory meal!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mom and Dad are having second thoughts about an empty nest, cuz they are actually feeding them....I wish they could tell us if Big Boy is OK!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, could go look to see if you can see BigBoy? The other 2 keep looking off to the right, which is the side he fledged from. Maybe he is right over there on a limb?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Does anybody know Steve's email address right off? I am thinking now about copyright laws and such with this little video I have and certainly don't want to get in trouble. Wouldn't that just suck? I have been trying to upload it on a website but think I will cancel that for now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can you all believe how long Momma is staying in the nest now that BigBoy is gone. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I missed it!!! But I did see the parent spending time in the nest and beak feeding Ms In Between. Spunky did come over and get something too -- from the comments here, it seems there has been lots of grocery deliveries today! And yes, the first thing I noticed was the time BigBoy left -- just a few hours late! I think morning is a better time to go out anyway. I hope he's out with the other parent. They seem to be resting now.

paula eagleholic said...

I hope that NCTC can keep the live feed up early in the a.m., which seems to be the more likely time for fledging, judging from some other sites also, they seem to like to take off early in the morning...

Anonymous said...

Sharon could you please explain how to do the Fraps.

Mema Jo said...

10:17am Jo-MD I just sent Sharon Steve's email address.
Sure looks as though the adult and remaining 2 are as anxious as we all are for BigBoy's return. If they all start looking in the same direction - we'll assume they are watching BigBoy! Unusal for the adult to stay so long - maybe it's just because there is room available. I sure hope NCTC gives us an update soon. I keep loooking in the background for a flying black speck to appear...... You all keep blogging as I am away from 11-1:30 today...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anonymous, Fraps is a program you can download to save 30-second shots of video on. If I can every figure out how to do it, when you receive it, it will play on RealPlayer just like we are watching now. More will be revealed!!

glo said...

Sharon I certainly understand your concern and we will all patiently wait for Steve's OK, but FRAPS is not an illegal tool. And You Tube isn't either. it has to be your video that you captured, not something you stole from someone else. It is your work, however it looks and of course we are all very eager to see it LOL. If not you know you are going to have to send CD's out to all of us LOL. There are innumerable numbers of eagle videos captured on FRAPS and posted to You Tube this season alone. SOme are cute some are hilarious all are wonderful!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Glo. I have not deleted it from Youtube yet but it is not available yet either. We will see. I did email Steve but haven't heard back yet. CDs are a real possibility if I have to. I can't keep this lovely thing to myself!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They keep looking over to the right. Wonder if he is over that way? Sure do wish NCTC would feed us some info!!

Anonymous said...

Where in the heck is Steve and the gang when we need them??? Steve please update soon, because we are having "empty nest syndrome" here....LOL

All three of them are keeping a close watch on their surroundings though, hope everything is OK

Anonymous said...

I am using real player but don't know how to record off the screen

Anonymous said...

Oh No! I just went back and read the post from Steve when we were setting up our little meeting. He's not in today or tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

InBetween keeps beating Momma's head. She is so tolerant. Wish I could be that tolerant with my son! LOL.

Anonymous said...

I bet he's on a branch over there... cuz they aren't looking down, which would be a bad sign, they are looking out... much better sign.

I hope he flys back in and says hello!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sunny, I could not figure out why we hadn't heard anything from him on this RED LETTER DAY!! That would explain it!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, InBetween just went absolutely nuts!! I hate it when it freezes up for a second when there is so much movement.

Mema Jo said...

10:44 Jo-MD Couldn't stand waiting any longer - phoned Steve & then went to the operator - Steve is on travel today & Steve Wunderly (Eagle Expert) isn't there today. She promised that she would have some one look into the first flight & call me back. She graciously notice that I was having a PANIC ATTACK. I do feel she will help us out by having someone look at their tape!
MAN oh MAN! Inbetween is going crazy in the nest...Trying to prove to the adult that he/she is ready to go, I guess.

Anonymous said...

You don't think In-Between will take off with Mom sitting there do you? She looks like she is getting really antsy and doing alot of jumping aorund....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

InBetween is looking pretty ready to fledge. I don't know if my heart could take 2 in one day!! Thanks Jo for calling them. Hopefully they will let us know something. Not giving up on my video though. It is going to happen, just got to figure out how.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, she does look pretty worn out right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, did they even know at NCTC that we had a fledgling?

glo said...

:-( I can't get live cam at work. Guess they think I would be playing instead of working LOL. Anyway sometimes I can't even get blogger to come through. Is anyone else having trouble. Figure maybe we are using a lot of bandwith being "anxiously empty-nested by one" LOL.

Mema Jo said...

11:23am Jo-MD The sweetheart of an operator did call back.. & No, Sharon, I don't think they knew. Steve Wunderly will be in the office tomorrow morning & I got his extension. I will call today & leave him the message. She thinks Steve Chase will be in Friday am hour...Both of those guys are going to be hearthbroken to have missed this & not be able to go out looking for BigBoy in the Sycamore! The Operator spoke to Steve W.'s supervisor - I am disappointed that they don't have a backup person...I have to leave for those 2 hours..Keep posting. Steve has been in DC before & checked his emails or the blog. Let's hope he does it today......

paula eagleholic said...

This $%^*#@ blogger is driving me crazy today, this is the 3rd time I have typed this,...having problems too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve just emailed me and said "no copyright worries". Now I just have to figure out what to do to make it sendable.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, this is my second time typing this. Driving me nuts too. Okay, who lives close enough to by there and see if they can locate Big Boy/Gal. I am dying to know where and how he is!!

glo said...

Sharon I have sent a private message to the person I mentioned in previous email who does so much FRAPS work. I have asked him to tell me how to get FRAPS to You TUBE. He doesn't have an email contact on the other forum bUT does have PM for registered members. Hopefully he will answer me soon LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have emailed YouTube to see why it is not taking it. It is the right kind of file they use so I don't what the problem is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lunch time! I guess those 2 young'ns will be too fat to fly today! Mama must be pleased that one left, and know that it's not time for the others yet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:30 p.m. - Mom is back with lunch - but no Big Boy!!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can you believe this? Another feeding. Big Boy is saying, man I shouldn't have flew yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits I thought it was Big Boy too until I saw the white. I was disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Big got his very own fish today, somewhere out in the world, as a reward!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo has turned me onto another place to possibly upload the video too. Trying now. Will let you know when I know!!

Anonymous said...

With today being Big Boy's first flight, how does he know how to fish by himself - he never had to do it before, Mom and Dad always took care of the feedings? I hope Mom/Dad are with him showing him how to do it!!

Anonymous said...

Joni, Mom and Dad are taking good care of him. They'll be giving hunting/fishing lessons for 4-6 weeks, I think.

Anonymous said...

1:05 pm - Sunny, I hope you're right...The least Mom/Dad could do is make Big Boy stop in and say "hi" to all of us Eagleholics!! This is totally nerve racking, just sitting and waiting to get a glimpse of him...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I see a fish laying there but I bet their bellies are plumb full.

Anonymous said...

Goodness - Mom sure is checking in on the other two a lot today. Do you guys think this is normal? Maybe all four of them couldn't fit in the nest and that's why she is there a lot now...She usually only had two eggs before, right?

glo said...

Yep I think Mom or Dad are right there watching over and teaching him. I had read the same thing somewhere. I don't know if they will send him bakc up to the nest to check in with the rest of us, bUT assuming his flight went well, they are right there finishing the excellent job of parenting they have been doing all along.

Anonymous said...

Was the one that Fledged this morning around 6:04AM born on March 18th - first eaglet born?
Does anyone think that is right?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, that is correct WV gal. Big Boy was hatched on March 18!! Okay guys are you ready --


This is the moment you have all been waiting for!! It is not a really clear picture but you can see it!! I feel like the most important person in eagle blogland today!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I went to that site, took awhile to download the file, but I can't see anything! Do I need to know more?

Mema Jo said...

2:04 Jo-MD This BLOG site is going to BLOW the server anytime now, I just know it. My FirstFlight video from Sharon did the same thing that Sunny's did-I know Sharon will find a way to get it to all of us... I am thankful that Steve emailed Sharon & we now know that he is aware of things going on in Shepherdstown. I don't really want to get anymore tics from walking the Eagle Path to the Sycamore but I am really thinking hard about it!!I bet he would return the moment I started down the road-you know, like waiting for the meal to be served & you light up a cigarette & there it is in front of you. Well, once again the 2 of them are getting active. I'll be in touch.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay guy, I ain't giving up yet. I am going to get this thing to you guys!!

Anonymous said...

3:05 pm Your right this site is acting up so much like it really is going to blow. Can't get into here to read the blogs for over 1 hour kept acting up. Finally get here and it would let me into the 146 comments to read lol wow....Sharon tried your site checked it out can't find Big Boys First Flight in there. I know you are trying to get it so we can see it wish you all the luck..no ticks for me see what I want to see from the car lol...hope Big Boy (Unity as I call him) is having a treat with Mom and Dad bet he feels SPECIAL which to us he is !

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glo said...

I made a site for the eagles, actually started it a long time ago, updated a little bit today. You can get to Big boy's flight from here too. Enjoy. Hope Blogger can get this post out there now !!!

OK This is the third time I have tried to post this. It keeps leaving off the end of the url

So I will type the end after....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If anybody else would like a copy of the first flight, just email me at shurnlea@comcast.net and I would be happy to forward it to you. What a day this has been!! It just took me about 13 1/2 hours to do 8 hours of work but it was worth it in the end!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon i so appreciate you sending me that video. it was amazing.... it was cool to see him go, but i was so sad at the same time. and inbetween has been giving me mini heart attacks all day long. lol.

Anonymous said...

Wow. what a treat! both parents!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Whatever just came in does not look like a fish! OOH! Might be but I don't know! They are eating again. What is this, about 5 feedings today?

glo said...

Yep I kinda think Mama has a we bit of a touch of empty nest...she is feeding the kids and enjoying it as much as they are!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you will look at the real player about 9 minutes ago at the top right of the screen, you will see a bird fly into the tree and then fly off. It was black. Could it have been BigBoy!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is about time for spidey's web to cover the screen for the night. I have to go to bed now as I have been up since 4:45 a.m. Thank God I was up early or I would have missed the big time!! I will definitely keep an "eagle eye" out in the morning for anything exciting to happen!! Good night everyone in our little blogland!! Sleep tight! I really am going to try to stay away from the computer but Jo, if you see anything, call me and I will get back up!!

Mema Jo said...

8:33pm Jo-MD Well, I just tried this site & was amazed that it was up again. NILLA at 6:35pm called me & we both swear that Big Boy was sitting outside the nest with only his head & neck visible (about at the 2:00 mark)We then swear we saw his beak!!! I need to let Nilla know the blog is back! You can hear it from her!!
I have been to GLO's blog site & it takes your breath away! All the pictures & the video of the Take Off!

Mema Jo said...

Jo-MD Yep! I got your number, Eagle Eye.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, when I went to Glo's site, I cried like a baby!! Also, I know I saw (or at least think it was him) fly into a tree in the background and back out again. Parent just brought more food in and InBetween is getting it again. Should have been plenty for both of them today and Spunky should not even be hungry at all. I know that makes Glo feel so much better! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Jo, I am really going to bed now!! Good night but remember to call if he shows up or if anybody else fledges!! Getting pretty dark now though and spidey's home is really starting to glisten.

Mema Jo said...

8:48pm Jo-MD I backed up the RealPlayer & saw the black bird you saw! It was large enough that it most likely was BigBoy!!! He better get his bird butt in that nest! Inbetween is doing a crazy dance!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my i dont know where to begin, this day has been one of joy and saddness for all of us. I went to the web site of Glo's and the tears just started flowing seeing "OUR" babies and hearing the music. Thanks Glo for that experiance, I have been keeping in touch with many thru e-mails and this is so much easier..lol OK i have along list of things that have been going on since shortly after 7:30 pm tonight. But before i start that yesssssssssss Big Boy was back, i immediatly called Jo, he was setting not in the nest but outside near where he always set. The 2 in the nest became picking at each other, then a parent flew in with food, so they have been fed. 7:42 pm alot of wing flapping by Mr Inbetween, flying around like crazy. Spunky was flapping his wings also and with his talon's grabbed a branch and started draggin around nest. Dinner time at 7:50, they ate being fed by parent. Ok it is now 8:45 pm and Mr Inbetween sure is looking at something over the nest. Jo we still going over n look for Big Boy????? LOL JUST KIDDIN... Hope all my rattlin on is ok but these birds just make all of us smile, but tears are flowing knowing they are about to leave for good. BUT there is always next year,, so plan on that!! Hugs To All, Nilla

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Jo, haven't gotten there yet!! Anyway, you could not imagine how many emails I have gotten requesting this first flight. I absolutely love it!! This has just been the greatest day, even if it did take me 13 1/2 hours to work an 8-hour day. Worth every bit of it!! Now off to Neverland!!

NillaWafer said...

Yes Marie read please the above, he was back after 6 pm tonight. As for 6-6-06 i need to tell ya'll this at exactly 6 pm my electric went out at my store, and i had to close it WEIRD HUH???? lol I am so happy Sharon witnessed the flight of Big Boy, Its now getting dark but can still make both out in the nest, also the spider web glowing in the left hand corner..lol

glo said...

Well it has been quite a long but wonderful yet kind of sad day.

I am going to sleep tonight knowing that some "expert eagle eyes" have seen Big Boy and he is OK!!! I am glad some of you went to my site and enjoyed it. Get some rest all..more fledging AND I hope and pray return visits over the next several days. Good night.

NillaWafer said...

Good Night Everyone, To each and everyone one of you and especially those i met over at NCTC on monday a Big Hug to all. And a special thanks to Steve for this adventure and privledge of experiancing this awsome part of nature. Niters, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

One last post it is now 10pm and its raining, hope Big Boy is some where safely tucked away. Niters

Anonymous said...

Wish i knew where to go to look at the picture of big boy.... hoping he is ok and comes back tomorrow to visit. :)

glo said...

anonymous go to my website if you want tosee the first flight it is


It keeps leaving off the end of the url so just in case....

I will type the end after....


I don't think anyone captured the still of Big Boy in the tree around 6 pm I didn't see it but I'm glad someone did.

Anonymous said...

I have not written before but have so enjoyed reading all the comments. I too have watched this wonderful little family since the beginning. My boss sent me the link at work and I check it all day on the stills. I only recently was able to get the live feed at home and have loved it. I went to glo's site to see Big Boy's fledging and I too sat here and cried like a baby. Thank you so much for sharing. Your site is beautiful and moving.

Anonymous said...


Just Vicky said...

Glo, I could not bring up your website, I want desperately to see it! please send to bvconnell@sbcglobal.net


glo said...

LOL It could be Big Boy. between the dark and the rain and the spider LOL. I can't tell if I can make out 2 lying in the nest or just one. But I do see the one standingon the edge at 12 pretty clear.

Anonymous said...

Spidey go make a home somewhere else!

Mema Jo said...

11:04pm Jo-MD I had just put my live feed down around 10:40pm. I pulled up the blog just to see any last minute comments -- Now I have the live feed up again. For sure there is an eaglet perched at 12:00 on the nest. For sure there is an eaglet moving around at 10:00 in the nest. If only I could see another one lying where he was earlier then it would be BigBoy. Come on - everybody shift your body.... The spiders have made it impossible to see it all... I just know that when I closed it down - an eaglet was not perched at 12:00 on the nest.... Well, I guess we won't know till dawn's early light! Just hope whichever one it is - doesn't take off. I'm finding it impossible to close the live feed.......

Mema Jo said...

11:15pm Jo-MD You're right about looking at the Eagle Cam's still picture. Sure shows only 2.
Time to say a prayer for 'safe return' and go to bed.. Goodnight all. See you in the morning, good Lord willing.

Anonymous said...

hey xomiss - you're right about the still being easier to see right now than the live cam. I'm off to bed at 11:15. There's one perched at 12:00, and one perched at 9:00. Can't see a third shape. I sure would like to see
Big again with my own eyes! Nighty-night.

glo said...

vicki You've got mail. Hope you saw it OR check your spam filter LOL. Let me know if you didn't get it, I'll send it again either before I sign off for the night...really LOL or I'll resend tomorrow.

movin said...

Glo, Sharon, and all...
Thanks for all the observations, as I can't look in on them much during the day.

And a "Big Thank You" for the video clip of the "Large Lady Bird's" takeoff to Glo.

[I was wondering if you had tried the "Blog this" button next to the video, Glo???].

It IS really awesome to see it all work so well after these past weeks...the parents are really bringing a lot more food, and I wonder if part of it might be an attempt to entice the fledgling back to the vicinity of the nest.

Did anyone get a pic of the new flyer returning to the nest?

Anyway, great help all you bloggers. Watch tomorrow morning, I have feeling the older male will be giving it the plunge.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:45 a.m. Got rudely awakened by dogs needing to go out so I thought I would check. Live feed is not working right now. Looking at the stills, I see only 2 of them, one at 9 and one at 12 o'clock positions. Was truly hoping to see 3 of them but maybe he is hiding in his favorite spot at the trunk of the tree. You never know!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Live feed this morning so maybe I will get some work done today! :) Two very wet eaglets this morning. Looks strange with all the fog around! I too would love to see an appearance from BigBoy. I feel in my heart he is okay and enjoying his freedom. Everybody make a wonderful day!!

Mema Jo said...

6:05am Jo-MD Two wet ones in the nest is also what I see this morning. I so wanted to see three. Too misty to even see a black speck in the background. Need a little sunshine here & hope we get contact from NCTC.m Keep the faith!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo - I got the faith this morning. After seeing that bird fly out of the tree across the way yesterday evening, I knew he was okay!! From the way they are looking out the right side of the nest this morning, I wouldn't be surprised if he was back over there this morning.

Mema Jo said...

6:38am Jo-MD I am thinking the same thing as I see the 2 of them stretching out over that right side of the nest like "What ya doing down there? Come on up!"
You have email, Sharon. I'm trying. I think something is wrong with the live feed & that it has nothing to do with 11:00am start time.
I will try to call Steve Wunderly this am hour & see if he has seen anything. I guess tics don't come out in the rain HaHa.

glo said...

Jo You are rightTicks hate rain...Go ahead over there, NO ticks

Good morning Sharon...work now so you are ready with that eagle eye and FRAPS when the camera comes back on.

Good morning everyone.

Movin: I will get the video to my BLOG over the weekend. Blogger was such a mess yesterday, I tried right away, couldn't get it done. Waited 2 hours, still no go...had a paper to work on last night. I too am a little behind at work "SH-h-h-" don't tell anybody. I am off for 3 days. It will get moved to a site that already has some neat eagle footage (other eagles) some that live very close by "They didn't let me up in the tree to watch the goings on though"

Have a good day everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Glo.

Jo - Good idea. Hop on over and see if you can see him.

Mema Jo said...

7:46am Jo-MD OK, you two! You know who I mean. I am first going to make a pleading phone call. I am asking to have the tree checked & get the live feed up & running.
Enjoy your 3 days off GLO - What got you up so early this morning? I'll be in touch.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...