Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thursday June 8

It was a big day yesterday, and thanks to all who kept me up to speed while I was battling the traffic of DC.

I'm out of the office again today, but will check in a the office to see if we can get any additional info about the fledgling or the other two.


glo said...

Good morning Steve...thanks for the picture. There's our next bit of excitement greeting us and the day. Of course it would be awfully exciting if Big Boy would check in. Kind of need him to stop by while the other 2 are still there so we KNOW for sure it was him!!! What do you think the chances of that are? Any idea? Also how long would it take him to build that amount of heighth to get back up there?
Have a good day.

glo said...

OH Steve I have a web page, it's not done but here it is's.html
Blogger will leave off the end of the url bUT it is


This weekend I will move the Fledge clip to my Blogger site with probably the picture collage from a few days ago some other fun stuff etc. Do you think then we could ad it as a link for BLOGS linked to this site?

glo said...

Ummm I see one eagle in the nest!!! It is 7:40 your time

movin said...

Morning, Glo...
Everybody is up early to see if the male has fledged, but I think it is too wet still.

You can see his tale by the right side of the trunk.

Could you send the clip of Big Gal to Steve to add to this blog??

Have a great day....


Mema Jo said...

7:51am Jo-MD Thank you so much for some clean space to Blog!
Good Morning, Steve - Sorry you have to go down the road again - I know you would rather be in WV taking care of all our needs! We'll keep you posted.
I like GLO's idea of a link to her web page - Next year let's have a Gallery page on this site.
Back to the Cam!

glo said...

Movin Sharon made that clip. I think she already sent it to Steve, yesterday. My guess is we will see something on here about the fledge in the next day or two. We are thinkin NCTC has a nice live clip of their own. Time will tell.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info Jo. Glad we have a new page to crash today! LOL. Still waiting and wondering and praying!!

glo said...

OK still two..Or did Big boy grant our wish and fly in LOL

Anonymous said...

Good morning Steven----You are right yesterday was a very BIG day-----but I think everyday that I have been watching these eagles has been a big day-----THANKS GLO---I visited your web page----AWESOME-----Thanks for sharing!!!!

Mema Jo said...

8:16am Jo-MD Just hung up the phone with Steve Wunderly - He will check out the live feed (didn't realize it was down) & he said they would need to go out looking for BigBoy but that he could be anywhere with a mile radius.
ALSO: Lisa-Webmaster at Blackwater sent me an email that complimented the video of Sharon's & Glo's combined efforts on the first flight. Lisa does the EaglePage for Blackwater.

Anonymous said...

Morning, everyone! I sure would like to see Big with my own eyes! There was so much flapping last night that I was sure another one would be gone by nightfall, but I guess they were too stuffed to move.

glo said...

Once I go to work, no live feed for me, until I peak in at lunch time :-( But if Blogger will work I can check there so keep good notes. Oh but not so good that we crash them today LOL...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope they get the live feed up soon. I am working too hard here. LOL. Hope somebody gets out there and finds him for us too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The nest looks a little cluttery this morning. Do you think Big Boy is the one who did all the cleaning?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No feeding yet this morning. You reckon they are starving out Ms. Inbetween today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think so too Suzanne. It won't be long for her. Yes, I would say the weight they gained yesterday will keep them from flying for a day or 2. Sure do wish the live feed would come up.

Harbinger said...

9:39 am - And then there was one??

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

9:39am Jo-MD
#1) Just talked again with Steve W. & he said they did go out & check but did not sight BigBoy.However; he feels that one adult eagle is with him! That's reasuring.
#2) On the day we were visiting, the Frederick News-Post was publishing an article for the 6/7/06 newspaper titled, Webcam gives bird's-eye view of eagle nest!!! The picture of our jumping eaglet is there. The link is long but here goes:
You can just go to Fredericknewspost under the archive dates & pull it up.
#3) live feed still down
I think I had scheduled things to do today - just can't remember what???? I think I have another bout with the Bird Flew!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I missed it. Is she gone or hiding in BigBoy's hiding place. My heart is pumping hard again!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I missed it again, didn't I? I sure hate having to work for a living!!! Is InBetween gone??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't see any movement at the tree. I am afraid she might be!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think Spunky is by himself now. I am sad/happy/sad/happy!!

Mema Jo said...

9:47am Jo-MD So as I am making a comment, you gals lost another bird? I truly don't see anyone's head under the cam. I'll keep watching - I just don't see Inbetween..... First person that sees her - send up the alarm!!
Man, we need that live feed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think she is gone. I am so sad!!

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

I am looking too, I'll let you know if I see anything...196 comments, no wonder the blog had problems!

paula eagleholic said...

aha she is there

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, where did she come from?

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of Flappin

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She was just wanting to make sure we were paying attention.

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

10:12 Jo-MD That was not nice of MsInbetween to get our attention by hiding & then jumping out and flapping all around. I jumped the gun and sent an email for HELP to Steve W & then had to send a FALSE ALARM. The Help one didn't go through because I was so nervous that I didn't even type his name correctly. Suzanne - I'll always believe what you say from here on out!
We need that Live feed right now! Please.

Anonymous said...

HEY JO----I love your expression---suffering from the "bird flew"---COOL-----I think we are all suffering from the "bird flew"-----Do you suppose Ms. Inbetween is just letting Spunky know she is "TOP Gun" now!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hopefully at 11 a.m. we will have the live feed. Regularly scheduled time and all. HINT, HINT to the powers that be!! :) Still not getting much work done today.

Anonymous said...

HEY JO----I love your expression---suffering from the "bird flew"---COOL-----I think we are all suffering from the "bird flew"-----Do you suppose Ms. Inbetween is just letting Spunky know she is "TOP Gun" now!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I have terminal bird "flew". Sure do wish we had the live feed so I wouldn't have to switch back and forth to look at the stills. I think Denver is where it comes out of and they don't come in until 8 their time and 11 our time. Patience is a virtue I am told. God, grant me patience, but please hurry!! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Probably leftovers from the 25 meals they got yesterday!! Well, maybe not 25 but a lot!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Smart little raptors, huh?

Mema Jo said...

10:45am Jo-MD Who's under that nest? They keep stretching to see down there. Probably looking for some food - have not seen any feedings yet today. I know the live cam on Mondays always starts around 11am - but you all know that it seems to run continuously throughout the week. I hope it comes up.
Out of here for 2 hrs - Hope I miss something Great.

paula eagleholic said...

Inbetween is entranced with something below the nest...wonder if Big Boy is calling to her?

Mema Jo said...

10:49am Jo-MD Must have heard me express concern over feedings.... They are such good parents. I gues Mom/Dad brought some food - I really didn't see the landing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:01 a.m. Live feed not up. Oh, patience, I forgot!! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Both parents in there a minute ago. I don't like that because they need to be following BigBoy around!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Just Vicky said...

Ok where's the live cam???? The other is better than nothing but I sure am spoiled! Always wanting more!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now I am impatiently waiting on the live feed!!! Is there anybody out there who can help us?

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is up!!! YEAH!

Just Vicky said...

It's up!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

Harbinger said...

It may be just in time, Too!!! I thought for sure she was going to take off that time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey Glo, we are famous!!

Harbinger said...

After a brief nap, she's up and about again. As so is the little guy.

Harbinger said...

Oh my goodness!! I just went to the loo and came back and there's only one that I can see and he seems to be straining to look to the right. Did Ms. In-Between take flight and I missed this one, too?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, she is in BigBoy's hiding place at the tree.

Harbinger said...

Oh, yes! There she is!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fish was delivered around 3 PM... It looked like Dad, and Ms Inbetween yanked the fish away from him! Then Dad did some tidying up chores (between 1 and 3 o'clock of the nest) and then Spunky took the fish away from Ms Inbetween and dragged it over near the trunk and is eating away. There was some flapping around earlier, but no sign of Big Boy coming for a visit. Hopefully he'll come back to the nest, or the NCTC folks will get a visual on him and let us know.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Barbara in Maine, what a good description. I went back and watched for a minute and you did good! Thanks. I am glad to see people posting. I thought everybody was gone!?

Anonymous said...

It's not that we are missing -- Blogger has been in a twist! I couldn't log on to read or write for a long time. Here's another idea for next year: how about a Yahoo chat group? That allows the posting of photos on the group site and also messages that go out to all members. I'm not sure if video clips can be posted too.

Here's a question for our friends over at NCTC -- at what point can you tell if the eaglets are male or female? Will these babies be captured and tagged?

Hey, just had some synchronous flapping going on!

Harbinger said...

Wow!! First they were just sitting there on the edge of the nest nodding their heads at each other like they were having a little chat and the nest looked so big and empty, and then they were both jumping up and down and flapping their wings and the nest looked awfully small again.

Harbinger said...

Food again!!! Is that Mom or Dad?

Nancy K. said...

Oh MY! This is the first time I've read the comments in ages. Guess I'm a bit 'out of the loop'. I just needed to leave a comment to ask: "why do I feel SAD that one of the eaglets has fledged?" Now I know what they mean by "empty nest syndromw"....I never felt like this when my own KIDS left home

Nancy K. said...
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Anonymous said...

OK - I saw Big Boy!!!!! Everybody back up to where mom leaves the the top of the screen, you will see bit boy land in the tree at (12:00 a.m.) and then mom comes in right behind home (you can see her white, so you know it's her!) Let me know if you all see it!

glo said...

Are we talking to just over the right of Spunky's head. I see a large enough black bird flapping wings over there. Still doing now as I type!!!

glo said...
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Anonymous said...

i followed your link to the first flight of the one you all call "Big Boy" My heart leapt out of my chest when he took off - thanks for posting for all to see!

Anonymous said...


glo said...

OK Live feed is down, and blogger is pokie pokie not a real good sign :-(

Anonymous said...

:(:*( live feed is down............. watching them this slow is devestating. i'm so spoiled by live feed!!!


Ms. In between is giving me small heart attacks cuz i can't see what she's actually doing. all i see is wings flapping. AHH!

Just Vicky said...

Oh what a night, NO LIVE CAM! Won't get to see "spidy" build his web on the lens!

Mema Jo said...

9:38pm Jo-MD Guess I'm a die-hard since I just found the blog not to be under maintenance! What a night: no live feed (well I didn't try it-I will when I finish this comment) No Big Boy in the nest - Ole' spidey weaving his web. Once again we will need to wait for dawn's early light! I am going to email some eagle mom's that the blog is up - that is if I can publish my comment.

glo said...

Yep I t was a long dry spell Geesh. Had another attack of bird flew come into my email... I didn't have it this time, someone else did. LOL It's going around so be watchful.

Kathi do you mean the video of the first flight or the video of those who saw what appeared to be Big Boy and mom. If you mean the flight go to my web page...I have the url in the second post of the day...or email me and I'll send you a direct link. I can't help you with the other one though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:58 p.m. I have been out all evening. I don't think the bird you all saw in the tree was BigBoy. I saved that part on FRAPS. I think it is a bird that pinged InBetween just a few minutes earlier (Have that saved in FRAPS too). I also think Momma Eagle attacked that bird in the tree!! At least that is how it looked in the clip. I will try to send it out to a few of you tomorrow and let you decide. Going to bed right now though. Been another long day!! I hope everybody has a wonderful night.

glo said...

OK Good night Sharon. You didn't miss too much, kinda haaving a dryspell info wise. just the 30 sec (LOL) cam. Got some neat shots of In between wingin it though. Will get a couple of them to the website tomorrow.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ang, I guess we will just have to get a life when they cut the camera off! Although, as I have said before, this one is pretty good. Get to work and eagle watch all day and never have to leave the house!! I love it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, it is a tough life but somebody has to live it!! I am a medical transcriptionist. I have bird feeders right outside my office window so I get to watch birds live and in person as well as my eaglet babies online and never have to leave my seat!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I was saying mine was a tough life but was only joking. Yours really sounds like it really is!! 1:30 in the morning. That is when I am sleeping my best. Don't think I could handle that too good!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, I on the other hand, have to work at least one day every weekend. Every now and again I get both days off but not often.

Both babies look wet again this morning but both are present and accounted for. Hope the live feed doesn't stay down all weekend. Steve C. is supposed to be back today so maybe he will get that fixed for us!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, My name is Kim and I live in Hagerstown, MD, I have been watching the Eagles since they first laid eggs, and I am just entranced by these great creatures. Infact my hubby works for Eagle Construction out of Greencastle PA, Hagerstown did have a article about our Eagles when they first hatched, I have called them about an update, also , I am a really bad with computer know how, can someone Please tell me how to see some photos of Big Boy Fledging or any other photos of the kids in the nest, I can be emailed at, Thanks so much

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Kim -- you've got mail!! I just sent you the video.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love "bird-flew". That is the coolest term for what we all have!

glo said...

Bird flew...Have you noticed that some seem to have worse symptoms than others. Hallucinations have started to develop in those who seem to have the least resistance. It also does appear to be contagious.

Good morning everyone. Hope your day is wonderful. Wanted to say that while Blogger still works (sigh)

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo - are you talking about me having worse symptoms? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! I'm in H-town, too. Channel 25 did a news story on the eagles back in March. That's how I found out about the eagle-cam. Little did I know that it would lead to a serious cand of bird-flew!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, Thanks for welcomimg me to Eagle Land,and for the photos, and links, Gosh I wish everyone would respond to my needs like you guys have, Yes, I have the Bird flew, and it has had my entire family and friends wondering if I have lost my mind and I have been glued to the computer for the last few month watching our babies. since mom and dad only had one last year I suppose they made up for it this year, my niece graduates from High school this morning so I will be gone for a while, so Please keep me posted.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Kim, if we don't do anything else in a day, we do post on here every detail -- at least until we crash the blogger! LOL. These eaglets have so many mommies and daddies it is unreal. They have to feel the love in the air!!

Steve, are you back today? We have missed you. Could you see if it would be possible to keep the live feed up for the weekend?

Just Vicky said...

Morning Glo and all the rest! I checked with "local" residents of Oakwood and they do remember commode races! It was a BIG event of the town I hear! I too have "Bird Flew" fever, even developing an irritating "rash!" Does that make me "official?"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think InBetween just took off!! 8:59 a.m.

Steve Chase said...

Confirming, number two just fledged. Our Director, Rick Lemon, saw him go on the closed circuit.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right, Sharon. 8:59 AM and she was perching just about the same spot that Big Boy took off from, and then in the next shot she was gone.

Anonymous said...

And I missed it because I was trying to get into the blog!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is the launching pad. Exact same spot where BigBoy took off!! I could cry. Steve, can we get a copy of that closed circuit takeoff?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am thinking she is the exact same age at takeoff as BigBoy was. Is that right? Sunny, do I have your email. I just sent out a mass email to most of the addresses I have of the picture I saved when she was getting ready to take off!! I am shaking!!

Nancy K. said...

I HATE that I can't use the live feed because I'm on dial-up! I noticed that MS. Middle was acting very similar to Big Boy before he fledged and now I haven't seen her for 5 minutes. Why do I feel so SADDDDDDD?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, check your email. I sent the picture that I saved!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sharon, I got your e-mail. Thanks! You're good!

glo said...

Well I was at my neighbor's for coffee. And of course we have no live feed. I feel sad for spunky actually. Good eating I guess but kinda a lonely reality that says, "I too must make that "Leap of faith" or stay here alone . Darn!!!

Steve Chase said...

We're working on getting a video clip.

glo said...

Thanks Steve....And maybe today sometime there will be a chance to go look for Big Boy and Ms-In-Between. So glad you are back. You have been truly missed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you so much Steve!!

glo said...

Sharon did you send me the still you got just before? I have a great one of her last night with winhs outstretched, sun caught her colors beautifully too. I will get it to the website today>

glo said...

Sharon..."Well let's just say, yesterday there were a series of strange reports of what "bird flew" in and out of here, on more than one occasion. We difinitely do have something going around here!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I sent it to your work address. I just resent it to the other one.

movin said...

Case your interested, we've got a Friday blog going now....


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...