Sunday, June 25, 2006

Locked Up Sunday June 25

Just had a chance to look at the cam and I see that it's locked at 9:55. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

I just stopped in to see if the cam was fixed, but Steve know's, maybe tomorrow????
"Its storming now" I hope we get some SUN SHINE soon.
Hope everyone has a great afternoon

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the threads, Steve. Maybe tomorrow!

Bird Girl said...

hello everyone, did you miss me? LOL...

been under the weather and then my internet crapped out which totally bites

but i'm back, baby!

Just Vicky said...

Well at least it's not that color B - - -!

Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back Bird Girl, hope you and your computer are feeling better!

Bird Girl said...

About the pelicans in SoCal, it's true that they are being affected by an algae. But there's also a problem in the LA-SF region where several juveniles are starving due to lack of food.

A couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to have rehabilitated two Brown pelicans who had been injured here in the northwest Phoenix metropolitan area. I know, I know, "Pelicans in Phoenix??"

The Brown pelican will come to AZ lakes looking for food when their normal resources are lacking. Unfortunately, they were mistaking mirages for water, and were crashing into the asphalt.

One of the pelicans had a tear in his gular (the pouch), which was very tricky for our vet to repair due to all the blood vessels in the area. The other one was suffering from malnutrition and dehydration.

I am happy to report that both pelicans were successfully released back to the wild from Sea World in San Diego (where we were required to take them, since they are an endangered species).

Would anyone be interested in a post about pelicans -- and "my" pelicans -- on Nest Watchers or my other blog?

Bird Girl

p.s. I have special training and authorization to rehabilitate the Brown pelican, above and beyond my permits and licenses for wild bird rehabilitation, because of it's endangered status :-)

Bird Girl said...

The monsoon season will be starting in Phx soon, and the change in the weather/pressure affects me a great deal. I have fibromyalgia and Epstein-Barr.

We need the water, and I love the intensity of the thunderstorms, so I can tolerate the affect on me as long as the season isn't too long :-)

Anonymous said...

I have a couple of new posts on Nest Watchers, BTW>

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome back, Bird Girl! What an awesome job you have. I don't know if my heart could take it though!

belle_wv said...

Welcome back Bird girl! I'd love to see the great things you do. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. My friend has FM, so I know how the weather here effects her, funny though, they'd thought of moving to AZ to escape, I guess the suffering season is much more intense but confined there, though.
Hope you are feeling 100% soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bird Girl! I'd be very interested in anything you have about pelicans. I've always been fascinated by them!

Anonymous said...

If you check out the Osprey Blog at Blackwater, there's a short video of some aggressive eaglets trying to attack the parent who just made a food drop! Ingrates!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just saw the title for today's blog thread. That is cute!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We need Nilla to write us a song titled "Locked up Sunday".

movin said...

Thanks for the further info on the Brownies, Bird Girl.

What kind of fish do they feed on along the Central Cal. coast, and why aren't they getting them?? Do you have that information?

I grew up along the coast in the North San Diego area, and I recall seeing those beautiful birds fishing just along the outside surf line...they either skim the crest of the swell with their lower beak in the water, or if they find a school of fish, the whole flock will circle and wheel around the area as each bird takes his turn plunging head first into the school.

They are kinda ugly birds on the ground, but they are very, very beautiful in flight.

I'm glad to see they are making a comeback, like the Bald Eagle.


Anonymous said...

Hey all, I'll put together a "Pelican Post" for Nest Watchers :-)

Anonymous said...

Belle---If you haven't found the puzzles, Geula email them---if you didn't get one---w/email it to you----it's RAIN, RAIN & MORE RAIN here today---flood warning--took long nap----

Anonymous said...

Bird Girl---How interesting your job must be----working w/birds---must be very rewarding---would like to learn more about the pelicans---don't know much about them-----So sorry--your illness----a friend who has FM---that must be a terrible disease---

movin said...


I definitely like the sound of Pelican Post, even though I don't exactly know what it means in Internet terms....

Let's do it!

Anonymous said...

Jim---I see you have learned to use the HTML tags---cool---I haven't as yet-----

Anonymous said...

Good for you Jim, you learned how to the html tags. Norma, I've tried to do them, but my computer keeps saying that it will not accept me doing the tags. Bird Girl, I love watching the pelicans at my place in Ocean City, Maryland. They are so graceful when they fly together.

movin said...

Yes, Norma,

I think Glo or one of the other girls showed me how... I tried it just now, but it won't let me use the chevrons (<)(>), so I will use (( )) here.

All you do is before the passage you want to embolden (b), underline (a) or italicize (i), you put a ((whatever letter you want)), and at the end of the passage you put ((/same letter)) (which ends the special tag line).

It's still kind of slow for me, but I found copy-pasting was faster than doing them over for the end of the passage.

Now, if that didn't confuse you, you should be able to get right to it.


Anonymous said...

Well, that seem to work, Sharon, but I'm still sooooo confused. I will have to play with it.

Anonymous said...

Just checked on the eagles out in BC. Mom is there with a tasty meal and checked the puffin-cam, that is an amazing site, they really get up close and personal with the puffins.

belle_wv said...

Can someone email me the puzzles? Sounds like fun to try them, and one of my students loves puzzles and computers, so doing a puzzle with the computer would be great!

The html tag thing isn't too hard it is just the following steps:

1.left angle bracket
2.letter of what you want to do
b makes it this way
i makes it itallic
a makes it looks like this

3.right angle bracket
4.text you want the 'thing' done to
5.left angle bracket
6.back slash /
7.same letter as in 2
8 right angle bracket

Hope this isn't too confusing - I break things down into steps the way I think, so thought it might help out anyone else who does it that way

floralgirl said...

OK! I figured it out too-Thanks Jim !

belle_wv said...

< a > text < / a >

without all the spaces
pardon the grammar error above too makes it look like this.. is what I meant

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm just the dunce of the class, I can't go out to recess. I know I will get it one day, just not today. My brain is mush brain lately. Thinking about that 1st grandchild.Did I tell you all about that? HEE HEE HEE!!! Getting a thunderstorm here in Bethesda, hope my electric stays on.

belle_wv said...

HI floralgirl,

Hope you weren't in the 'dry pocket' again - we finally got some rain. We're usually in one of those places, too, where the clouds just separate on either side of the area and it rains north, south, east and west of us... If you got rain like we did, your flowers (and your back) will be very happy!

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...


You have way more important things on your mind! I can hardly wait until I'm in your 'waiting for the grandchild to arrive' shoes!!! How many days/hours/minutes left? Better make sure there's batteries in the camera and the video cam is charged and by the door waiting for the call!

belle_wv said...

YOU DID IT! Yippee

floralgirl said...

Yes, Belle WV, we finally got about half an inch of rain around 5 pm today,up til that point we had only a few sprinkles all weekend. Some places really got heavy rains with flooding.I sure don't want that, but I'm still hopeful I'll get some more rain tonight.They are calling for possible showers all week.

Mema Jo said...

I took a very long nap - rain does that to me. But I did awaken to the thoughts of our fine-feathered friends out there... I bet they are ruffling their feathers.
BirdGirl: Welcome back! Anxiously awaiting the PelicanPost - I, like Mitts, watch them at the ocean.
Floralgirl: Great irrigation system out there coming down from the sky..Hope the sun shines for you tomorrow-Did the farmer's market close down today?
Sharon: Got the mail..You should send the one out where Spunky branches off the limb at the nest-that one made me laugh...
Nilla-Glo-Angie-wvgalVicky: Miss you guys today.
Steven: Thank you for watching out for us. Hope this means the cams will be running first thing Mon morning.
GLO is going to be so proud of us for learning the HTML... anyone know any others we could use?

belle_wv said...

Wish we could see how our eagle family made out today with the rains. Maybe spidey's creations got washed away?

movin said...


I think you got it!!
Just need a little practice....


Anonymous said...

Thank you Belle, still need more practice. Baby is do September 2nd, I have a gut feeling it could be sooner. TU also to Sharon for being patient with me. Mema Jo, how's Sophia today? I sent the pictures to my sister and she agreed, she is a beautiful baby. Life is good!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jim

floralgirl said...

Mother Nature truly does have the best irrigation system. Jo- it rained pretty hard at market this morning,but only for about 20 min. which unfortunately drove out all the customers briefly, but it takes more than a little rain to get us vendors out of the street! Once you set up your stand,you are in it for the long haul.Once it stopped raining ,people eventually came back out.

Anonymous said...

Hope someone brings the keys tomorrow to unlock the cam.

floralgirl said...

Raining again here-YEAH! Right now I'm enjoying the antics of the hummingbirds on the feeder out my window.They are zooming thru the rain as they get their last drinks before the sun goes down for the day. If only I had their energy.

Mema Jo said...

My daughter had about 5 Hummers today at the feeder. I've only had one and that was only once. Guess my flowers aren't the greatest selection in the neighborhood-need to get my feeder out.
Hey Mitts You're Good! You know your Labor Day may just be what it says for your son/daughter-in-law! What a way to remember a birthday.
I'm glad I've never had a 4th of July birthdate - but I do have a lot of little firecrackers!!!

movin said...

I just got a look at the video clip they got of one Susquehana (sp?) eaglet attacking the parent, and the parent, probably to avoid injury, backed off and then left the nest...

It's fascinating, and it shows again how well things have gone with the Shepherdstown eagle family. Once or twice that I saw, Mr. Inbetween looked like he was going to question Dad's authority, but Dad stood his ground and probably had some choice words for Inbetween...Mr. Inbetween backed off.

That was when most or all of the family was in the nest, but usually they all seemed to get along well and maintain their proper place of authority in the family.

If you get a chance, take a peek at the clip.


movin said...

I forgot to say that this is the same site that Sunny mentioned earlier........


movin said...

Anyone know why my messages, and only my messages, have that 'trash can' looking icon at the bottom??


belle_wv said...

Thanks for the reminder of the ungrateful offspring video - poor daddy eagle, just wanted to check in on the kids...

As for the garbage can, I have it under my posts, and since I sometimes see 'comment deleted' I"m guessing it is a way to 'trash' a msg you have sent and changed your mind about?
I haven't tried it, though

Anonymous said...

Jim, you're the only one who can see that trashcan, because you're the only one who can delete your posts! I see trashcans on my posts only.

movin said...

At the apt. I had previously, I used to feed at least 3 families of hummingbirds (Black Chin) and various individuals of the Anna's and Rufus sided tribes. I had it set up so I could watch and take pictures of the feeder on the patio from my living room.... Very, very interesting critters.

Anyways, I learned that they originated in the rain forests of South America, they love rain and fresh streams for drinking and bathing. Also, many New World plants with the bell or horn shaped flowers developed in conjunction with the hummers, and only this bird can reach the nectar and pollinate the flower while doing it. They love Honeysuckle, Gladiolas, Cups of Gold, Fuchias, Bouganvillia, Hibiscus, etc., if you are thinking of planting something for them.

Damn, I think I'll get my feeder out and set it up again.


movin said...

Well, that makes sense, Ladies.
I also wondered how certain messages got "deleted." I will have to give it a try.


movin said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
movin said...

As you can see, the message has been deleted.

Boy, I learned quite a few things today. By the way, I really enjoyed that "Beautiful Eagle" puzzle that Guela sent, although I had one box left over on the first two attempts (not the same box either).

Now...does anyone know how to put the 'whammy' on the cam when it goes down?


Mema Jo said...

No secret Whammy from this gal! I wish! I was just in on the Blackwater site - I certainly hope that our Steve Wunderley takes up next year with the type of info Lisa-webmaster submits. I learn so much from her pages. Steve did his master's work on Eagles.
Ok? question of the evening: (No poll submitted)
Which would you prefer on the cam lens **(1) spidey
**(2) poop shoot
I rolled in laughter when Lisa-webmaster started discussing the view from the osprey lens.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jo, she could know the true meaning of "LABOR", Baby will come when he/she is ready. We have been having storms here in Bethesda for about 2 hours, one right after the other. Electricity went off just long enough to have to reset the clocks and the answering machine. P.S. I do not have any trash cans on my page, just the ability to edit my comment.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Evening, Eagle watchers in Eagle Land...

Hope the rain hasn't been too much, but enough to be beneficial...we got 3 inches plus here today in Northern Frederick County, MD.

Had to have the "cookout" "in"...all camped out in the house and had a great time...

I was reading about the pelicans in California...they say the babies are starving and having a hard time finding food, because the population has come back so well that there is a lot of competition for food...a bad thing, yet a good thing, because they are coming back so well....

My mom used to have a beach house in southern MD, on the Potomac at Point Lookout, and we had pelicans down there, they were really neat to watch...we would see their nests on top of poles out in the water..couple of eagles down there too, although it was harder to catch a glimpse of them down there.

paula eagleholic said...

I really like the Blackwater site too. Lisa (the webmaster) does a great job on the web logs, and I, too, have learned a lot from their site...only thing it lacks is a blog!

Mema Jo said...

Boy, MITTS - no trashcans? I would feel slighted if I were you.
We just had another storm..Lots of rain - but we do need it.
Jim What you said about the type of flowers the Hummers prefer - I know last year I had a hanging plant of 'Million Bells' They really loved it.

Mema Jo said...

Just saw a Spidey on the Osprey Blackwater cam...... I wish I could see our nest !!!! Hopefully in the morning..... Probably looks like a swimming pool with floating turtle shells..................

paula eagleholic said...

I am in Emmitsburg, pretty wet here today, stopped long enough for me to do the burgers on the grill at least, raining again now...

Anonymous said...

Oh, thats why, I always sign in other. Just thinking about those flowers and hummers makes me :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe one will float out for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Jo, thats more of a spider then I care to see, creepy!!

paula eagleholic said...

I have one little hummingbird that visits the feeder on my deck. If it is quiet out, I can catch him around dusk, getting a last little hit before nightfall....

Anonymous said...

Sunny, I just looked at him about 10 minutes ago, both parents were in the nest at that time, I'm still hoping he hangs in there. I have not been able to get on the stork cam with no sound the last few days.

Anonymous said...

I just looked in on Hugo again and he stood up on his own 2 legs, and when he did Mom spit something out of her mouth. Yuck!!

Mema Jo said...

I had just been on that cam, MITTS. I usually enter it through beakspeak...They seem to be ok - Daylight coming in on them......

Anonymous said...

Sunny, he is looking stronger. but I still hear wheezing.

Anonymous said...

I have it on my favorites list and enter it there, list is really getting long.

belle_wv said...

So glad to hear Hugo is doing better. I haven't been brave enough to look in on that cam, was afraid he wouldn't make it. Keep the updates coming!

My dear friend from childhood and still today lives in Emmitsburg, too.

Anonymous said...

Harrisburg has been rainy today, Saw 1 falcon baby fly in earlier this evening and it looked like he wanted to get into the building out of the rain, he was tapping on the window with his beak.

Anonymous said...

Jo, what's your e-mail. I want to send you something about turtles.

paula eagleholic said...

Or maybe he was wondering where all the people were!

Anonymous said...

That could be, they have a peep-hole that one woman uses then gives an update on them when she gets to work

Mema Jo said...

I have been looking at little Hugo. He still looks so very weak--he keeps lying his head down on the side. Sounds better - but too heavy breathing... Momma did step on his back to reach something on the other side. I guess she shifted all her weight to the other leg.......


Anonymous said...

Jo check your mail, please.

paula eagleholic said...

Well folks, I am outta here for tonight...everyone have a good evening...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, MITTS - I got the mail & now I have a new bookmark for the ZOO. I never knew all that about turtles. Guess that is why they are so easy for an eagle to catch - out sunning themselves.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight, Paula........It will be my turn in just a little while.

Anonymous said...

You are so right about that Jo. Have a good restful night. Good Night Eagle friends.

Bird Girl said...

FYI on hummingbird feeders:

-hummingbirds will not use your feeder as their only source of food, so don't worry about that; they also eat insects and pollen, which they must obtain from other sources

-clean and disinfect your feeder at least every other day in the summer; hummers are very sensitive to molds and fungi that can grow in the sugar water during periods of heat and/or humidity

-make your own hummer food instead of buying commercial food: use pure cane or beet sugar and water, no coloring needed (1 part sugar to 4 parts water; boil until sugar is completely dissolved; cool completely then fill feeder); store extra food in an airtight container in the fridge for no more than a week; NEVER USE HONEY OR ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS, EVEN IF THEY ARE MADE FROM SUGAR

-the red coloring agent in storebought hummer food has never been tested for potential toxicity to hummers

-hummers don't need to perch while feeding, so to discourage other birds from raiding the sugar water, remove the perches from your feeder

-plant hummer-friendly flowers such as cape honeysuckle, hibiscus, trumpet flower, etc.; red tubular flowers attract hummers the best

movin said...

Have a good evening and a great week, everyone.

A couple of points on hummingbirds
... I follow the directions fairly closely but not religiously. For example I only clean the feeder before refilling it, but I do remove all fungi, etc. If you find that is not often enough, don't put so much food in it at a time. Also, I try to put the feeder where it will be out of direct sunlight as much as possible, and it's easier on the plastic and everything else.

I find that, for myself, if I make something too fussy or complicated, I probably won't do it too long.

However, I read that you must NEVER feed a Hummer honey
... there is something in honey, which causes growths on Hummers' beaks, which causes them to be unable to feed, which causes them to die (of course)!

They're very interesting, and you might even get to know them somewhat if you spend any time on your patio or deck...they seem to have little personalities.


Mema Jo said...

JIM Try this site for enjoyment of the HUMMER...........

One of the bloggers sent it to us.

Bird Girl said...


You are correct about not using honey in hummer feeders. I did mention that, tho :-)

All: I have published The Pelican Post. Please go to the Nest Watchers blog to read the article. Remember that the URL does NOT have "www" in it!

Anonymous said...

goodnight all.

p.s. a Blogger tip: if you post comments by logging in as your blogger ID, your name becomes a hyperlink to your blog profile (the blue underlined name at the top of the comment); if you choose "Other" and just put a name in the box, the name hyperlink will not exist in that comment.

A few acronyms for you:

BRB Be Right Back
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
AFK Away From Keyboard
IDK I Don't Know

Geula said...

Good Morning, sleeping people!

I guess we've gotta wait till Steven gets to work to fix the cam. ::sigh::

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone! Good Morning, Geula. I'm up, but, barely awake. Hoping, cams and live feed are up sometime today. I live right outside Washington D.C. and we got over 5 inches of rain yesterday. So I'm up checking all my National Zoo cams to check on the animals especially Tai Shan the panda cub.

floralgirl said...

Good morning everyone- still raining here-got about 2inches of rain so far.LOVE IT-this rain will make a huge difference in my gardens, I was really getting frustrated with the dry weather. Hope the cam is up soon-maybe we'll catch a glimpse of the eagles today."Singing in the rain..."

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Floragirl . So glad to see you got rain. Everything is really wet here, but, it looks nice and clean, the flowers and grass are loving it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Hopefully cam will be up soon. Getting ready to start work.

Everybody - MAKE A GOOD DAY!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, SHARON . Have a good day today, keep your fingers crossed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am hoping shortly after 8 a.m. we will have something to look at. Fingers and toes are crossed!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All out there in Eagleland.... Still hoping the cams come up shortly. I know we will be seeing some wet birds...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

For sure about the wet birds. Here in Bluefield I have wet birds and wet dogs. Raining pretty steady here.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone....
I'm seeing this BIG ORANGE BALL, Oh my, its the sun. I picture yet?
I wonder if the bad weather last night is part of the problem in getting it fixed? Hope its up soon.

Geula said...

hi we are again, sittin' and waitin'! hmmmmmm, it's still 9:55 yesterday. another ::sigh::

Anonymous said...

I doubt it CINDI , Steven keeps saying some of the problems start out in Denver.

Anonymous said...

Floralgirl may I please have your e-mail, I have something I would like to send to you.

Geula said...

Denver? Like in Colorado?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is either in Denver, Wheeling or Shepherdstown. 8:30 a.m. - Do you know where your eaglets are?

I just went to check on the poll for the names and realized that I had not voted on this new poll. Oooops! I have now! I was getting ready to ask if everybody had voted.

Steve, are we working on the problem this morning? Two days without anything is hard to do!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Geula, Denver, CO.

Anonymous said...

Sharon , Do you think they keep track of the down time, so that they are not paying for this cam when it does not work?

Mema Jo said...

During these moments-I do go visit Hugo-Little guy looks as though he has grown twice his size from yesterday-it's windy & maybe his feathers are just ruffled. Mom is with him & he is just talking away to her. Sounds pretty good. He was up for just a momment & did extend his wings-pretty wide span. The sound system is so sensitive..I feel like I am going to blow away.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am sure there is a connection time counter somewhere. Hopefully.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...