Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Blue Screen Blues

Sorry about the blue screen. I suspect it may be the same problem as last time, where the microwave channels have been messed up.

There was an extended, planned power outage at NCTC yesterday, I believe, and that may have contributed to the problem.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Steve: Couple of us went over yesterday to spot eagles in the sky!
The guard said the gates were opened to let the electrical crews in on the grounds. Hopefully tomorrow will just be to reset the button for us. It's been a crazy weekend.
I pray all went well for you & the family.

Anonymous said...

Steve, hope your Mom is on the road to recovery.

NillaWafer said...

Welcome Home Steve hope all is well with your mom now. We know about the electrical problem as Myself,Jo , Janet and Ang was over yesterday. We parked along the road with blankets n chairs and binoculars and camera's and watched. WE saw 4 of our Eagles soaring high in the sky together!!! Was a show just for

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Steve -- how is your mom doing? We've been sending messages for her good health to you "on eagle's wings".

As you can see, we sure manage to entertain ourselves even with just the blue screen! It will be great when we can see the eagle family again.

glo said...

Welcome back...You have been very missed. hoping your Mom is doing well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the new blog page Steve. Although we were trying to see if we could get to 1000+.

Hope all is well with your mom now.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I knew you would be on the new blog, Glo!! How is the packing going?

NillaWafer said...

Ok Steve now your back need to let us know what kind of homemade pie you want or even cake.. i make a mean wacky cake (deep chocolate with peanut- butter iceing) PS. charge Jo for using the port-a-potty at the guards

NillaWafer said...

Hey Mits how was the steamed crab's?

glo said...

LOL Got a phone call from a friend in NJ actually so yes while I was gabbing with her, i checked in here too! Glad there is a new thread too. Lets me know the screen has a good chance of not being blue tomorrow which means we have a good chance too, except for me its back to work, and my chances to enjoy viewing much will be a lot less. Counting on pictures pictures pictures.

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got to see some osprey overhead while we we eating at this place in Annapolis and it was so much cooler by the water. Thanks for asking NILLA.

Anonymous said...

Just checked the live stork-cam in Germany (the no sound one) and its getting dark, but the whole family is there,Mom,Dad, and 2 babies.

Anonymous said...

Just checked the one with sound,a the storks are really loud....

Mema Jo said...

FYI: My most favorite cake is deep chocolate with PEANUT BUTTER topping.
YUM YUM ! I got your number, NILLA!
Next year, maybe we can rent a room at the hotel on the NCTC grounds for a weekend & watch eagles & do some serious bird talk. Let's plan ahead, momsters! The Eagles Convention!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Mits i was just at Annapolis web site looking for a good crab place to eat.. I want by the water on an outside deck. I had a great crab casserole yesterday.. yummy

NillaWafer said...

LMAO Jo i suggested a sleep over at my house.. think we would get some sleep? No you cant wear those red flannel jammies with the trap door in the back...lollllll Oh Jo I will bake one and drive over we can set on your deck and yack.. okie dokie i have along wknd next wknd off. Except for Sunday have that Christing to video in Winchester.

NillaWafer said...

Yeah i was watching Storks also but got dark in Germany. The kid was begging for food and sounded like hacking up something i turned it

movin said...

I hope everything is good with Steve's mother...and father, for that matter.

Re: Catalina Cam
That nest had one eaglet, which was discovered to have a broken leg at banding and was removed for medical recovering on Santa Cruz Island now. They moved that camera to the Santa Cruz nest with the first eaglet to be naturally hatched in the islands in more than 50 yrs. It's an interesting site.

There was also a second nest with camera on Catalina all season, but the one chick (adopted) fledged a few days ago, and I'm not sure what you can see now.

The Kent, WA, site has one excellent camera angle and one fairly well developed eaglet in it.

...Oh, I did check Harrisburg, and there appears to be the youngest chick to fledge was on the corner where the father liked to perch.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday and Fathers Day.


Anonymous said...

NILLA, this place has a web-site, just google Cantler's Riverside Inn, 458 Forest Beach Rd, Annapolis, Md 21409 Outside-deck overlooking the water, what I liked about it was that it was on a quiet creek, its off Route 50, not far from the Bay Bridge. I saw your comments about the crab casserole yesterday, made me more hungry for crabs. Jim, all the Harrisburg Falcons have fledge as far as I know, they just keep coming back to the ledge for a few more weeks.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Janet wasn't my idea for the convention you can thank Jo for that.. Well gang im out of here til 9 am tomarrow morning another long 13 1/2 hour day for me monday.. Guess i will be yackin alot... Hugs Enjoy whats left of this hot Sunday Father's Day.. Oh Janet i am going to asked my son if we can ride up to see your kennel, he is off work and has a jeep.. lol yesterday i saw him at the bank with Buddy and he had the top off and sides and there was buddy ears floppin in the wind.. so cute I will bring Buddy along. (Buddy is my lab grandson) Oh i had word that while at Hershey Park today my son's girlfriend passed out from the heat.. Told them not to go.. but she is okay. Bye for now Hugs, Nilla PS Jo u behave yourself...

Just Vicky said...

Yes Yes Yes, a Eagle Momsters Convention next year! Someone get this into motion! I'm from Illinois!

Anonymous said...

Movin Jim, All 5 falcons have fledged in Harrisburg, PA.

floralgirl said...

Here's hoping Monday cures our blue screen blues.looking forward to catching a glimpse of any of the eagles at this point.I was going to ride over there today, but it was just too hot by the time I got a chance. If you come to Shepherdstown on a Sunday morning to look for the eagles you should check out the farmer's market,it's off German street right behind the library.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would love to do an Eagles Convention. Do you think they will come and sing for us? LOL. I am game. Maybe with enough notice, I might even be able to come. More will be revealed. Been out for a while this evening. Miss seeing our babies really bad. Hopefully, tomorrow we will be back up and running!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I read the other page to catch up...Thank You Steve for this "new" blog page....we were worried the other page was going to "blow up" lol. Now I'm caught up with this blog.
Can't figure out were you all are talking about the storch video with "sound"...can someone help me.
Hope everyone had a "Happy Fathers Day"..even though my Dad past 1980 age 58 I always take my Mom out in respect to celebrate for Dad on this Special Day.

paula eagleholic said...

What would you all think about getting together at the NCTC open house in the fall? It is in October?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good for you WV Gal. My daddy always told us we had to tell him Happy Mother's Day because if it hadn't been for him, she wouldn't be a mother. That is vice versa too! I hope everybody had a wonderful Father's Day!! Been a little tough for me but it is almost over!!

paula eagleholic said...

It is October 21, to be exact, have thought about getting the Momsters together, maybe Steve could take us out to the tree.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new blog, Steve. Hope all is well with your family.

Mema Jo said...

Conventiton time would be great if it would be when first fledges were begining or about to begin ... Just for the better viewing at the tree. That would make it in June if it follows this years schedule. However; just to get together would be great - but would be greater if there were activity at the nest. For those traveling a distance, more then a 1 day convention would be best. I hate one-day get togethers when distance comes into play. you no sooner get started then it is time to say good-bye. Just my ideas.

Mema Jo said...

Not to change the subject but how is the poll for the parents' name selection coming along?

paula eagleholic said...

Working on it as we speak!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

JO -- ALL GREAT IDEAS!! I would have to travel a little way to get there and would love for it to be when there is activity.

Mema Jo said...

Now to consider the flip side of the coin on when to schedule the Convention - If it were held (OCT) after our successful eaglet season, we sure would have a lot of talking to do and memories to rehash. I don't know what Open House means for NCTC - Steve could certainly tell us. I am just thinking that I heard there were accommodations(sp? never sure about the cc & mm) at the training center - don't know if we would qualify. Low cost is what would concern me for everyone. Possibly come in on a Sat by noon - lunch-gatherings-dinner-more gatherings- Sun breakfast & leave around noon. I am certain all these things could be ironed out.. Sorry if I am rambling & giving you to much food for thought. But I so do want this event to take place and for it to be set up so that as many as possible could attend.

glo said...

Well Its been a pretty long day. I think I'm well on my way to AZ on WEd. For tomorrow its my early to work day, so probably will not be on until the afternoon. Sure hoping I won't see a blue screen then. I couldn't make the little project i had planned for this weekend with out several more pictures of our fledglings and their parents. Please save me some nice stills tomorrow if you can get some, If you will email them to me, I will try to get the project onboard before I leave for AZ. thanks

Anonymous said...

Storks are waking up in Germany and Dad just went to get breakfast for the kids. Good Night All! Also, just heard on a local D.C. news station that they are having water problems up in Sheperdstown, WVA. They are looking for the problem now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night everybody. Sleep tight! Sweet dreams!!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight, All. See ya in the dawn's early light............... LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Night Sharon and all leaving site...catching up here on comments.


paula eagleholic said...

Last thought for the day...

Maybe we will not be blue on Monday!

Gnite, all.

Anonymous said...

Up early, checked in, still blue.
Sure can't wait for Steve and the team to fix the problem.

Good Morning every one, hope you all have a wonderful day.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am blue, I am blue, I'm so blue, I'm so blue without you (or something like that). Good morning everybody. More will be revealed.

floralgirl said...

Screen's still blue...I'm so blue..The open house at NCTC is always in the fall, it is a great opportunity to see the inside of all the facilities, it's a beautiful place,and the activities are nature related and always interesting.There is a couple who brings animals they've rescued,they put on a great show and there is usually some sort of raptor demonstration.It's a nice event,they even open the cafeteria and you can have lunch there.We never miss the open house,it's free and a great way to spend the day.

wvgal_dana said...

7:17 Good morning friends; I thought we would still have a "blue" screen; got to give them time to get in to NCTC I'm telling myself.
Buzzing in my head since I seen the "blue" again "blue on blue heartache and heartache" humming the rest. Guess that tone is going to be in my head till it changes now.

glo said...

Good morning all. Hope today passes with flying colors for all of us!!! I'll stop back later. Please, pictures, pictures No NOT of the blue Screen Thanks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I also just noticed that the blue screen was stuck on yesterday at 9:37 a.m. Okay, that is all I have to report for now!

Anonymous said...

Morning, everyone. Could someone please give me a link to the storks? That sounds pretty interesting!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Suzanne I want to go to webcam for the owl thanks for the link want to check out what else you say it there. Have a good day...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I have been off to the Netherlands to see what you were talking about! Their picture is frozen and is not updating but I see the larger bird. (Also see lots of mouse carcasses lying around).

In looking at pictures from 6/17, they have 5 owls, one is larger and darker than the other 4. Here is the link to that page that has the picture.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, oh, Steve! In knowing that your life is all about catering to your faithful eaglet_momsters, could you let us know the status of the camera?

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne made it to the owl webcam but had to do search to get it couldn't use the link you gave...and yes there is a "long legged bird" in there....I don't believe it is a storch. By looking at the babies in Germany and can't think right now of the other place; they are bigger than this bird and they mostly sit-type-walking and standing...don't know what that is.....hummmm interesting.....

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne found it ok link I got is

You get there on left click on cam 1 and then 2 yes it is frozen but can see good.

wvgal_dana said...

Well it cut my link off in here too lol

paula eagleholic said...

Nice live osprey nest at:

It's blue!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That osprey cam makes me a little sea sick with the water going underneath.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay the time and date is right now on the blue screen picture. So, that is progress.

Anonymous said...

Mine still says 6-18-06 9:37 a.m.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, hit F5 and see if it changes.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope so. I keep trying the live feed to no avail. More will be revealed!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Gang, I feel like singin this morning so here goes... Oh I Am So Blueeee..I Clicked on the site and its Blueeee.. Oh what are we going to do??? Steve please there is a homemade pie in it for you... So please please fix our blue screen.. We all miss the kids and wont be happy til we see them and Big Ole' Locust tree again.. But i guess all this heartache is just us being weined... Ok add your own

Anonymous said...

I went off the page and when it came back on, it had correct time. Been watching the radar and they may get storms this afternoon. I also posted last night that they were having water problems in Sheperdstown. Don't know, but that could affect the NCTC buliding, if there is no water, I'm sure they will not let people into work. Haven't seen any update on the news, I'll check around. Good Monday Morning to everyone out there in Eagle Land. Can't wait to see them!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just watching a 5 minute clip of the Vermont Bald Eagle Restoration Initiative where they put 2 eaglets into a hacking box (their new home). It shows closeups of 2 eaglets who look absolutely scared to death. Closeups of their eyes and everything. I guess this is a good thing but it seems kind of cruel to take them out of their natural habitat.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes diffently one improvement time right on "blue screen"... I am glad we all have searched together and shared other sites during this time. It does show that we can do other things (if we want to) lol....but for now I MORE INTERESTED IN OUR PARENTS AND BIGBOY, MS INBETWEEN, AND OUR SPUNKY come on Steve, Brad, John anyone at NCTC that can fix it...
We all know there will be that downtime until they return.....but FEEL FOR US...We Are Naming The Parents In Here and want to be able to see and call them by name before you shut us down for this season.....NCTC PLEASEEEEEE READ THIS LAST PARAGRAPH PLEASEEEEEEEEE NCTC...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, have you called them this morning?

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to the water problem in Sheperdstown. NCTC is past Cress Creek Golf Course, on Sheperd Grade Road.

paula eagleholic said...

***NOTE*** ***NOTE*** ***NOTE***

We will begin voting later this week to name the NCTC Eagle Parents.

In order to suggest names and/or participate in the vote, you must join the Yahoo Eaglet_momsters group.

The link to the group is available on the main blog page.

This group is available to everyone, all you need is a yahoo id.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, where are you? Can you call them and find out what is happening? HELP SOMEONE. This is my day off and what am I doing, hitting F5 a lot and play on the real player -- all to no avail!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I think Jo is at the beach til Wednesday??????

paula eagleholic said...

Check this out:

Puffin cam from Maine

NillaWafer said...

SHEPHERDSTOWN - Two communities face a hot weekend without water and Shepherdstown and surrounding areas are on the verge of losing water service as town officials struggle with a major leak in the water line.

Cress Creek and Willowdale are without water and pressure is rapidly declining and tanks emptying, threatening service to the town and other areas served by Shepherdstown.

"In town we're OK, outlying areas don't have much," he said.

"We have a major leak we can't locate," said Shepherdstown Water Works Superintendent Bill Myers. The source of Shepherdstown's water is the Potomac River.

Shepherdstown residents should boil their water for 1 minute before drinking, Myers said. While no contamination has been detected, the situation requires precautions, said Myers. The town has issued a "boil water advisory," he said.

Water tankers have been placed at Town Hall on North King Street and at the Food Lion grocery store, located on W.Va. 45. Residents should bring their own jugs to the tankers, officials said.

"We urge you to use the water provided in the tankers so the Town can restore the water levels in the tanks," reads a portion of the town's Web site.

Connie Rutledge was pumping water from one of the tankers into a jug.

"We're having a picnic, and I think we might run out of water," she said.

A recorded message at the town's main number advises residents to boil water and limit their water use until full service is restored.

Problems in the water line were initially discovered on Thursday when Water works staff noticed a seemingly large increase in demand for water. Officials quickly determined a large leak was the problem, but discovering the location of the leak remains the puzzle, according to information from town officials posted on the town's Web site.

While officials hoped Saturday to restore water supply to Cress Creek and Willowdale by day's end, however, restoration could not be confirmed Saturday night.

I went to our local news paper site and found this for anyone interested about the water problems.. the site is

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I talked to Jo yesterday and she didn't know whether she was going or not!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, they don't need water to run our camera do they? You know, it is all about us! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Nilla, I saw the report on Fox 5 New last night (a local Washington D.C. news station) and was concerned for the citizens of Sherperdstown, WVA!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just went to the puffin cam. I am glad we don't have to name all of them!! They are beautiful.

paula eagleholic said...

Puffins are so cool looking. The first time I remember seeing them was at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

This site has beautiful color and closeups, pretty neat.

Anonymous said...

I hope she got a chance to go, it is soooo much cooler at the beach, than it has been here. I have friends down there that call me to let me know what I am missing.

NillaWafer said...

I am on the Puffin site and brought up live i had speakers way up and wow what anoisy bunch. I love the way cam moves around had a beautiful view of the surf and ocean breaking on the rocks awhile ago.. Thanks for the site.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great pics of the eagles, very informative. I hope you're well paid for all the work you all have done. I also hope you Mom is doing well. Janet

Anonymous said...

Nilla, do you think thats what the Eagle- Mom Convention will look like, lots of conversation and fun!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to kick in a few bucks for sound for the eagles next year. I love going to these cams and hearing them. I swear a puffin just said "HELLO" Maybe I need to step away from the computer.....

paula eagleholic said...

Watching that puffin cam, I'm ready to pack up and head to the beach!

paula eagleholic said...

Your losing it already, Mits!

NillaWafer said...

Ok i am going to call over there to NCTC and see what i can find out.. hang on

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I heard them say "come on over and visit us. We like eaglet_momsters too!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You go, Nilla, find out something for us!

Anonymous said...

Yes, sad, but true, I have officially LOST IT!!!!!! Where are eagles? Where are eagles? LALALA!!! Wait there is a knock at my door and they are coming to take me away! Hopefully to the beach. Paula I'm with you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

"They are coming to take you away, ho ho, ha ha, he he!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Puffins are really beautiful birds!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sharon , I have my own theme song now, just like the eagles, I feel blessed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are so welcome Mits!!

NillaWafer said...

Sorry i tryed several phone numbers and got no answer over at NCTC..Maybe they are closed.. Paula i tryed joining and had trouble with e-mail i put my yahoo in the box and it also showed an old aol e-mail i had years ago.. I couldn't get it to change to the correct e-mail at yahoo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess maybe because of the water thing! Is God trying to tell us something? I hope not!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Mits,
Tell them to come pick me up too....ready for the beach!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just went to the NU Eaglets. They are sitting at the edge of the nest where you can only see their tail-ends. Wish they move into better camera view. Don't they know I am trying to see them. I have to say, though, it is not the same.

I wonder if there is a blog for a live cam anywhere else with such dedicated (obsessed) people as we are.

paula eagleholic said...

I found this on the groups site about signing up.

Joining Yahoo! Groups is easy! To get started you will need to register for a Yahoo! ID and link it to any email addresses you wish to use for Yahoo! Groups.


Click on the Registration link on any Yahoo! Groups page.
Complete the registration form and click on Submit This Form.
Note: The Yahoo! ID you choose must be unique. It does not need to match your email address.
You should receive an email confirming your registration. Make sure to record your Yahoo! ID and password. You will need these to sign into Yahoo! Groups.

Setting up your account
Sign in to your account to access the following features.

Use the Membership Wizard to locate your current subscriptions or to add up to 5 email addresses to your account.
My Groups allows you to manage your account and group memberships.
Click on the Account Info link near the top-right corner to change your Yahoo! account and profile information.

paula eagleholic said...

Here is the link for groups help


paula eagleholic said...

She wore Blue Velvet.....

Mema Jo said...

Did someone call out my name ?
Called nctc front desk - they are there - BUT their cam/monitor in the lobby is also down. Could not get a report of activity. Transferred me to JOHN - got his voice mail - That means he is out working on the problem - I pray. More to be revealed - as someone often says.

Anonymous said...

OMG, we are all getting a little daffy here. AMEN to all of the above, but don't you step on my BLUE suede shoes.:):):)

Anonymous said...

Jo, where you at????????????????????

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Blue Suede Shoes....guess I'm still in "Blue" Mode

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I just sent the picture of the 5 owls that I found on that website to you. Do you reckon all that stuff in the bottom of their nest is rodent leftovers?

NillaWafer said...

Ok Paula got it to work my membership is

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blue eyes crying in the rain!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I think I may have solved the issue about the out of place bird in the owl. I think I see 5 in the nest now. The oldest one I bet is standing up straighter on his legs whereas the other ones haven't perfected that art yet. He appears to be the oldest as he has more color than the other 4. Just call me Sherlock Holmes! LOL.

NillaWafer said...

Blue Moon Of Kentucky keep on shinnin.. Shine on the one who makes me feel so blue.. Was on a moonlite night the stars were shinnin bright... Blue Moon Of Kentucky Keep on shinin shine on the one who gone and left me BLUEEEEE

NillaWafer said...

Sharon whats the site for those 5 birds?

Anonymous said...

BLUE Moon!!! LALALALA!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Song Sung do do do do do,,,,,

Anonymous said...

My stomach hurts from laughing!!

NillaWafer said...

Ok i found the owl web site..I only see 4 owls

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, Sherlock here, I think the 5th one is in the right hand corner behind the other ones. That is where I saw it a while ago.

NillaWafer said...

suz it is

Just Vicky said...

Don't It Make Your brown eyes BLUE!!!!

What a blue mood for so loooonnnggg!!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo just sent out an email that reads:

Just came over to post a message since everything, even the blog sheet
at this time, is down. My Live Eagle Cam is frozen on today's date at
11:24:16. F5 doesn't start it up. Blog sheet is under repair so I
can't leave a message. Maybe all this means: new blog page & Eagle
Cam will be up & running shortly. I had called front desk at NCTC -
they are working - but their live cam (which never goes down?) is
down. The electrical work they were doing on Saturday probably caused
all this commotion. IT staff, JOHN, was not at his desk - so Keep the
Faith that he is working to restore our LIFE line. LOL Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Blue side of lonesome....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lavendar blue!!

glo said...

Ok I want to see/hear the cute noisy birds with ocean surf in backfround. What is the link for that please.

Home for lunch and feeling blue. day is nOT exactly passing with flying colors at all!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, this is the puffin site. It is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Haven't been able to get on the blog for about a half hour or so:(:(:( Also, having trouble with the owl cam, got it this a.m., but know its a no-go.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just got the owl cam up! They are so ugly. I am glad they get prettier with age!

Now our eaglets, of course, are absolutely beautiful. Thanks Glo for your web page so we can at least keep fresh in our memory what they look like!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, puffins just swallow fish whole. No ripping apart for them. Pretty good sized fish too. They are such gorgeous birds!! I love how they do the closeups and move the camera around!!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, maybe this will work....

I am leaving the computer for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, have you ever seen that picture, "THE SCREAM", you see the masks out at Halloween.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good idea Paula. I think I will join you in that effort!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes I have parts of the movie "Scream".

The puffins just went blue but they came back on. Why can't we?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, I am with you on the other birds. I don't even want to watch other eagles. Just ours!! Okay, Paula, I am leaving.

Anonymous said...

FYI!!!! Don't get behind a puffin when it poop-shoots. Man, that was awesome. Think I will go do some shopping on the web.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info Mits. I will try to remember that if I am ever around any!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, Jo, why don't you call John back!!

Anonymous said...

Love the storks and the Puffins!

A storm is about to hit Shepherdstown Hope our babies are ready for it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Storks stretch out on their sides too and stretch out their legs. Now that is a lot of legs!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh, so lonesome for you
Tears fill my eyes 'til I can's see
1 o'clock in the afternoon, here am I
Sittin' here so lonely, so lonesome I could cry

Oh, so lonesome for you,thinking your flying high, learning what you need to, but we all hope to see all three. before you take off and make a world and life we wont see. Blue Im so Blue without you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You all think you have it bad -- I LIVE IN BLUEFIELD!

NillaWafer said...

I think I know the way this story's gonna end
It's getting to the part I hate, when heartache closes in
The stage is set, It's time for the eagles to leave
because I don't wanna see the final scene im just going to

Fade to blue
We didn't make it through
Let the curtain fall

And fade to blue
We played the part of eagle lovers
Knew every eagle by heart
But sometimes love just can't erase
What's written in the stars
So before the very end come crashing down
Let's leave what's left, and the let the lights go down

And fade to blue
We didn't make it through
Let the curtain fall
And fade to blue
Most happy endings have a way of coming true
Once the feelings start to blue
We did make it through
So let the curtain fall
Just fade to blue remembering all the love we feel for you. Fly Free, Live Free, and Glide on the wings of our prayers. This is sorta my way of letting go, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should all get "BLUE" t-shirts with eagles on them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, that was beautiful but I ain't ready to let go!!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good idea, Mits, our eagles printed on them!!

It could say:
NCTC Eagle Cam Bloggers and then a picture of all five eagles on the front!!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!! Great idea, Sharon. Anybody out there know someone who prints t-shirts?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I do. Let me check on that. They won't be open until tomorrow so I will let you know!

Anonymous said...

I was just over reading about the stork in Germany. THe chick is named Hugo, and he's adopted! Quite interesting.

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! The pouring down rain came so quickly - I guess it will stop just as fast....... HI THERE! No, I did not go anywhere - stayed at home in my AC. Too humid out there for me. Kids did go down but only for 2 days. Our eaglets do have water repellent feathers, you know. They will be fine.I need to check out these sites that you all are using for 'Keep your Sanity' purposes. I will call again to NCTC - but I am going to ring Steve's phone. Will let you know what happens.
TWO THINGS to PONDER: #1) I want to get an eagle statue (sm desk size) for us all to give Steve C. Oops! I forgot he reads these comments...Sorry, no surprises! I found one on the web - it has 2 carved eagle's heads on it. I'll post the site so you can see it.
#2) I want a personalized T-Shirt: Eagle's head on front upper left shoulder with NCTC-FWS, Shepherdstown,WV & on the back EAGLET_MOMSTERS & a silk screen pic of the 3 babies in the nest with Mom like GLO used on her web for the momsters. OK? I did post message on Momsters site because I could not get in on the Blog. Be in touch.

Anonymous said...

The shirts are a great idea!! And maybe we could get a couple of locations in Shepherdstown to sell them with the proceeds going to maintaining/upgrading the website. Is the location of the nest 'a secret'?

Mema Jo said...

MITS: I did not read comments before I made my last one - T-Shirts! Great minds run on the same wavelengths-right!?! Someone on our Momsters comments mentioned having a business - like customized T-Shirts. Would be a good fund raiser, maybe - then we could buy the eagle statue or support the audio idea for next year.

NillaWafer said...

Sorry didnt mean to upset you Sharon.. Maybe its just easier for me since i have seen them for real so many times and then seeing them soaring saturday i knew in my heart they will be fine. Hugsss

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sharon, You da WOMAN!!! Jo, I like that idea about the ----- for Steve.

NillaWafer said...

Anon no its not a secret some of us have visted it afew times and seen the eagles really close on a visit to NCTC..

Mema Jo said...

Anonymous: Great Thinking. Can you ID yourself? The nest isn't a secret it is just in a secured area - News coverage has made the surrounding area aware of it. The grounds are secured.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

A couple of weeks ago, I found a plate (like a knick-knack) That has an eagle flying on the plate and then the stand has a nest with three eaglets in it. It is so cool!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, darlin', you didn't upset me! It is all good. I know they are going to be fine, just not willing to give up yet until they say, go away people, it is over! :) Hugs bakatcha!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, they was very nice. Fade into the blue. Speaking of "BLUE" just checked the ospey cam in CONNECTICUTT and Mom and baby chick are sitting there with the "BLUE BEAR"

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: how lucky can you get - 3 eaglets!!! That is toooo cool. I bet it is right by your PC so that when BLUE takes over - you still have a bird's eye view of our babies. I bet you even know which one is SPUNKY! You are off today - right? The rain has stopped and the sun is shinning. All eaglets are ok!!! I just know it.

Floralgirl: Thanks so much for all the info about the Open House at NCTC!

NillaWafer said...


Mema Jo said...



paula eagleholic said...

Darn, It didn't work!

Anonymous said...

A bit of information: let's not get overexcited about t-shirts. There are some in the works, and they will come from a business located right in Shepherdstown!!! They won't have just ANY eagles on them -- they will be OUR eagles. There might be some other items too, like tote bags. When all the details are worked out, an announcement will be made.

glo said...

top to bottom Spunky Ms In Between Big boy that's my guess and what a wonderful surprise!!!

glo said...

Of course I'[m back to losing the live feed if I try to post, so am going to enjoy watching for a while I hope. No more Blue Sky LOL

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...