Sunday, February 02, 2025

2/2/25 PM M/f

12:01 PM scout comes to the original list O. N. He has a stick in his beak. He walks the stick over and places it at 5.

He picks up other sticks and moves them around also. 12:04 PM. He exits the nest near the SP and heads toward the road. I'm sure to theriver .

12:29 PM scout comes in with a very large branch y shaped on the end?It'll be a good for hooki


12:46 PM he returns to the nest with a loadofbedding.  

12:48 she is in with a sm load of bedding. 

1250 he exits the nest.

1:35 she is still in the nest. 1:53 PM she exits the nest.

1:48 PM scout comes to the nest with a Talon. Full of dry bedding. He places it in the center cup fluffs up some around it. 152 something made him jjump.1:53 PM he exits the nest and heads toward the road.

2:52 PM bella comes to the nest and lands on the lop. 301 p m hop down from the lop. 3:01 PM. He also comes to the nest with a stick. 302 back up to the lop

3:04 PM not for sure. This is alerts or they're just having conversation. But they're doing it big time first I thought I was asking for mating, but then it turned into big convo.. 3:07 PM. He decides his time to mate. He jumps up to where she is on the lap. She apparently says no. He immediately drops back down into the nest. She jumps down into the nest now also. 3:08 PM. 

4:04 PM. He returns to the nest. She was still on the lap. He has a stick in tow in his beak. It looks like a wishbone. He places it at the 7 position then over to the 3 position. 4:06 PM, he decides to leave the nest.

 Off to the stick store, 

3:11 PM we have a successful mating 3:13 PM a little tiff going on over at the lop back-and-forth Beaking.Her wing looks a little jacked up.Also k she's straightened it out finally in the nest.314, she is eating nestovers.He is standing right next to her at the Bottom of the LOP 3:16 little beaking still going on She makes herself comfy in the bowl area. Three seventeen p m he pops up to the lop. 3:23 PM she exits the nest. And heads toward the road. He is still on the lop. 3:40 PM she is still steadfast.On the lop he has not returned.


4:22 PM, he's back from the stick store. 4. 25 PM she takes off from the lop heads toward the Ground. She looks to fly underneath the nest to the left. Four twenty five 4:25 PM. he exit the nest also

. 5:42 PM we come to the nest. Bella has a full crop.She's been feeding her good.She picks up the nest base.Pulls up some nasty material pulls it around her 544 something catches her eye. She walks up to the crib rail from there. She hesitates for a few minutes. Geese can be heard squawking going by. She exits right to the camera.

Five forty two p m scout comes to the nest

5:42 PM he returns to the nest. 5:45 PM.She comes to the nest and lands on the lop 5:46 PM short visit gone. 547, she leaves the nest now


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...