12:03 PM I am viewing the ON and I am hearing them downstairs, but they do show app here in a few minutes, so we're just gonna wait LO, L, will you hang with me?
12:07 19 PM scout comes to the nest ON. He does have a stick with him naturally. I just love how he puffs his chest out. As he walks a stick over to the rail at 5, then he picks it up and moves it to the other side of the nest where you got it. From 12:07 29 PM Bella arrives seconds after he did. She is on the lop he is working on the Cribrail Until2:16 PM. Then he jumps down into the nest. And helps with nestoration at 12:18 PM. He jumps up to the lop 1221, we come down from lop and help with nestoration. 12:22 PM she goes up to the lop
12:27 PM.Are we asking for a mating. I believe he is. She answers him back. They still remain in their same positions. One on the lop and the others in the nest, so no mating. 12:30. PM he let's add a small peep of a plea. LOL. She jumps up to the crib rail at 5. 12:33 PM she exits the nest and heads toward the road. 1:56 PM he leaves the nest also via the lop
2:21 PM we have a flying squirrel. Coming to the nest scout is bringing one in. He floats in the nest with it. He stands around for the longest time waiting for bella 2:33 PM.
2:36 PM exit the nest. He leaves the squirrel in the nest surprised he didn't take it.
3:09 PM. We have a crow float in and land on the lop. And there are people walking on the road at 309 also 310. He exits the lop making noises as he leaves.
1201 he joins Bella in the nest. 1203, She seems to be looking at something. not for sure, if there are alerts. 12:04 PM, she exited the nest.1205 He follows.
2:39 PM scout comes to the nest with a stick. It's a branch with AY on the end. Those are interesting to stick out in the nest. Good anchor points. I noticed this before sounds like a little growl or something at 2:39. When he picks up the branch, there's like a little noise first I thought it was frogs or something, maybe I'm not for sure. The branch of the Brought in is sticking up in the Is air at five
Standing around just watching and looking at 2:45 Very watchful, 251 still looking around. No sign of Bella and the white stick is still sticky in there. 254 he existed in us right toward the camera, but the little higher up.;;,.^,,;¿?]
4:11 PM back up to the lock. She goes and he remains working on the cup.08 PM scout comes to the nest. And lands in the nest at the same time. Bella comes in and lands on the lop. 409 p m a big hop down from the lop
4:15 PM he turns around she turns around. Looks down at him and starts to chatter. He communicates back with her no mating though. So I don't know what that was about again. Maybe if she, where's the squirrel at? By the way, I'm wondering nobody ate it. It's gotta be tucked over there in the corner.I've been watching all day. 4:17 PM a small squeak at her. They both remain in the same position very watchful. 4:19 PM Another small squeak. I'm so hungry. I don't know what to eat though. I just keep things what's gonna happen. Happen before cause in my mouth not hurts. 420 nice big or squeak squeak from him. 4:26 PM she is Instigating the conversation so I don't know if it's for mating.Or for food
431, she jumps down and joins him in the nest. She pushes him out of the cup. So she can take possession of it. She does her shimmy down. Chest down tail up digging with the feet. He's standing right next to her. She decides she's gonna turn around and do it in a different area. And test a dig in with her feet in that area also. 4:34 PM we have mating and it looks successful over on the rail at 5. They both exit 4:36 PM she first then Scout.
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