6:42 AM scout comes to the nest in the dark. Works in the nest for a few minutes. Diggs, moving Betty material around gets comfortable in the cup and exit at 6:54 AM.
6:55 AM he comes to the nest first. She follows him right in. 659 he bends down and nips at her wing feather very enduring. 7:01 AM, he exits the nest. She
follows out the door.
😍🦅❤️🌿 🐟
7:41 AM scout arrives to the O. N. With a fish head or a piece of fishe hops over with it from the middle of the nest to the edge of the nest. Looking around for her. 7:44 AM up to the LOP he goes, the fish is still in the nest. 8:16 AM he exits the lop and leave the fish in the nest.
8:15 AM She arrive at the nest tail up on landing? 818, He arrives on the scene. With a nice load of bedding. : AM we have mating in the nest.
8:25 They both are working On the rail and he decides, he wants to be a juggler. Throw it Over his head. A couple times I've seen him do that. Bella sees this and beaks at him.. 8:32 Working on the base of the nest and there's a little beaking going on.
8:33 poof One right after the other.
8:38 AM. He returns to the nest with a load of bedding. 8:45 AM we exit the nest through the front door.
.847AM TLV He comes back to the nest with a stick. 8:48 AM she comes to the nest with a stick also. Nestoration going on 8:58 AM poof both.
9:17 AM scout comes back to the nest. With a stick, He looks down at the fish. 9:20 AM the saunters over to the fish and starts to eat 9:44 AM. Apparently he has his fill of the fish. He starts to dig in the cup area. 9:51 AM he exits the nest stage left.
9:53 AM Bella arrives and lands on the lop. 2 seconds later, you can see Scout approaching the nest as he lands. 953 down from the lop.
She discovers the fish And starts to eat. He is digging on the cup area right underneath her tail.
10:01 AM he aces the nest she remains.10:01 AM he exists. She
remains eating. 10:21 AM up to the lop she goes, the children can be heard very clearly this morning in the wind. And she exits from there.
1033 he gets Amorous again.He starts nibbling on her Wing. And yes, there was mating. It looks successful.
ǰ 10:44 PM he exits the building. 10:54 AM. She is still holding steadfast in the nest. And the wind waiting for her love to return. 11:12 AM still the same position hanging out on the front porch. Looking out on Her territory. 11:20 AM she exits the front porch.
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