12:36 PM. TL V We return to the nest with a stick. So nice that the wind has calmed down today. He does a lot of desperation, moving the betting back and fourth, laughing it up.
I really do seem to be spending more time. In this nest than the other nest. 12:41 PM we exit the nest out the front door.
12:36 PM. TL V We return to the nest with a stick. So nice that the wind has calmed down today. He does a lot of desperation, moving the bedding back and fourth, laughing it up.
I really do seem to be spending more time. In this nest than the other nest. 12:41 PM we exit the nest out the front12:43 PM we return to the nest.
12.57 TL v PM he arrives with a Talon full of bedding and he also has them in his beak. I've not seen that before.
12:58 PM. She arrives with a Talon full of bedding also coming in the side door. They both immediately start spreading the bedding around. 1259, they both seem to be watching something looking around. Their head always seems to be on a swivel. I like doing it fast forward because it's funny.1:03 PM. We have mating and it looks successful. He snuggles
Standing around looking around 👀 😏
1:0 he exits to the camera
1245 PM we exit out the front door.12:46 PM NN both of them in do Nestoration digging Bury in their heads up to their neck line into the bowl bowl taking turns
3:20 PM ON scouting.
3.22 PM up to the LOP 3:26 Up to that LOP
3:43 PM to the lap on the O. N. 353 she arrives.
3:44 PM he enters the O.N and lands on the LOP, he just left the NN.You need to hear more acronyms 😆
3:45 PM.He is on the lop and he's calling out to his love. No answer heard
3:48 PM again calling out.
3:53 PM he is. down from the lop.
3:53 PM she arrives at the nest with the stick. When she arrives the stick that she has lands on the back of his neck. 355:50a small peep.I'm not for sure out of which one. 3:56:57 PM who's sort of request.Maybe this happily noise.She gets down in front of him. .Does her Talon backward digs breast snuggle down tail up in the cup356, he also goes up to the LO.P 3:57 PM. She is pulling bedding from one side of her to the other side while she's down in the cup. He's on the lop that a big Shruggle at 3:57 PM.3:58 PM down to the nest he goes. 3:59 PM up to the LOP 4:01:11 PM a little bit of squeak out of him again.402 11 Asking for mating, she remains on the lop and he snuggles down in the cup does a little digging.I hope they pick this nest I think everybody does.she goes4:04:38. Also little noise one up on lop and one at the base. 4:06:03 PM. Definitely asking for mating he's on the lop really request. She talks back to him. No, no mating. 4:07 PM. She exits and heads out toward the road.419 talk419 11 /50 420 49422 29/49, 423 20424 10. 42535. 4273942915. 43055, 4:35 PM finally exiting the nest. Gonna go find him to see where dinner is. She's been calling for I'm sure I think.
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