606 am Bella is awake. Rolls eggs and settles back down.604 Bella and Scout call out to each other - 605:28 Scout attempts to land in the nest near the LOP he misses the landing and falls back out of the nest. 606 Bella gets up repositions, resumes incubation. 607 to 630 A conversation ensues - I can not see where Scout is, I checked the NN and Scout was not there; both are very vocal.
630 Bella is up moves to the back of the nest near the LOP and is calling for Scout, she exits, Switch to Scout 631 - Scout has a perfect landing this time - checks his eggs, rolls the eggs, and begins incubation duty.h
3 pm Bella has not touched the partially eaten headless fish that Scout brought in earlier. She is staying on the eggs to keep them warm and dry.
4:01 pm Does it look like Bella is making the egg bowl larger to you? Maybe getting ready for no. 33
432 pm Scout returns; he lands on the LOP. Bella vocalizes to greet him. Bella is not happy to see him without food.
434 pm Bella gets up off the eggs; moves over to eat the headless fish; she mantles her meal. Scout drops down into the nest Scout rolls the eggs .
435 pm Scout rolls the eggs again then resume incubation of the eggs.
436 pm Bella is done the fish; she moves up to the top of the LOP and exits from there.
Scout gets up and he wants to follow her out; he looks at the eggs likely asking himself do I go or stay with the eggs. Scout stays!!!
437 pm Scout resumes incubation; good 521 pm Bella is back; Scout gets up off the eggs. Bella moves in and takes over incubation duty.
553 pm Bella starts to alert, vocalize. Scout landed in the tree on a nearby limb. They exchange vocals.
556 pm Scout is now perched at the babysitting tree (BST).
557 pm Bella is checking and rolling her eggs. She rolled them a couple of times for good me521 pm Bella is back; Scout gets up off the eggs. Bella moves in and takes over incubation duty.
Bella rolls the eggs 556 pm.
754 pm Bella is up; she shakes the moisture off her coat feathers. Rolls the eggs then resettles then gets up walks around the eggs then resettles again.
Eggs Check 755 pm. 754 pm Bella is up; she shakes the moisture off her coat feathers. Rolls the eggs then resettles then gets up walks around the eggs then resettles
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