Sunday, February 02, 2025

2/2/25 AM f/m

6:44 AM scout comes to the O. N. 6:44 a m up to the lop. 6:51 AMP exits the lop.And heads toward the river.

The morning birds can be heard The Sun is just coming up over the mountains. I love the pink and the yellows

7:02 AM scout returns to the nest I thought I heard wings at the same time that he left landed. Maybe someone's in the basement. 7:05 AM, he exits the nest. I do believe he went downstairs at the angle. He flew down. Add noises could be heard below.

7:03 AM, here comes Bella. 7:05 AM. You can always tell when someone's coming in.They gotta do a little ducking.He lands in the nest right on the cribrail at 3. 7:10 AM he exits the nest.

7:50 AM. Scout arise at the nest with a mighty fine crib.Ble that has a perfect curve to it. 7:50 AM as soon as he placed that cri brown, she arrives with her own. She does get the cribrail wrapped in her wing for just a split second. 7.55 AM mating occurs. 756 we exits the nest through the back door right to the camera.

758 to 838

8:26 AM we go wiggle. Wiggle down into the nest bowl, making sure it's just the right fit. 8:38 AM.We finally exit the nest after waiting around.Stay right out the Back door toward the camera

8:43 AM she comes to the nest. With a load of bedding. She goes around and snaps a few twigs off the stick Add the cribrail pokes at the base for a minute and then 8:44 am up to the lop.

9:14 AM down from the lop and at the same time he was arriving. 916 up to the lop. 9:22 AM he exits from the base Of the nest toward the road. 9:25 AM she exits the lock.And heads toward the river.

9:34 AM Bella returns to best with the stick branch. 9.36 AM he returns with a stick also.

 They have a little disagreement when he lands with it. Who was going to place it? 9:39 he exits. And he exits right after.

9:42 AM we enter the nest. Here it is right afthey both arrived with sticks. 9:45 AM he exits the nest out the back door right toward the camera 9:47 AM she exists the nest at the same door.

10:22 AM he brings a fish. Looks fat. 10:23 AM here comes bella' a squealing. With the delight, you can hear her before you see her. He seems to answer her back sort of her chucking. You can hear him chucking back to her like saying darling, this is for you. There's is no fight over it. He gives it up freely. 10:26 AM he exits the nest and the Heads toward the road but circles back toward the woods she continues to eat.

11:03 AM. Stick entry nest before Eagle. Nice crab rail. He picks it up with his Talon and places it. Then he picks it back up and places it in another spot. 11:03 AM. She arrives and lands right on the crib. Rail at 12 he basically didn't move? He takes her stick from her and places it. How sweet she sort of looks at him like how rude. I swear she looks like she actually pushed him aside with her body 11 . 11:07 AM snug in the Cup moving bedding around while the other stays watch 11:08 AM.We exit toward the camera again.Bella pops are head up.Like she was surprised he left.

After standing around for a while 11:29 AM we start picking up the nest base. I think we are waiting for another stick delivery. 1133 There's still no delivery 

Long wait is over 1137. We have a delivery. He picks a stick up on landing. He drops it, she helps him pick the stick back up, cooperation. 11:38 we snuggled down in the cup. Tail up chest down. 11:39 AM they both walk up to the 12 position. He picks up a stick. She decides she wants to help him with that stick. Well, we know what happens after that a little beaking. 11:44 Bella exit the nest first and he follows her right afte

10:34 AM he returns to the nest with the stick. She has eaten and watches him come in with the stick Flying over her head as he lands. He does some digging in the area of the bowl. Ten forty three a m he does a backward fly up to the lop. 10:44 AM down, he jumps As he noticed her working on the rail and the food was laying there.He began to eat.She turns around and looks at him like okay, I guess it's alright, I'll let him eat 1045.He still is eating.. 
1047, she goes up to him cocks 
her head makes a little noise like what are you doing? But he continues to eat. She just stands there 1048. She makes the noise again and again . 1049 she had walked over to the crave. Rail started picking the dinner, turned around. Immediately walked back over to him and start a squeaking again. Making her little noises he continues to eat. He is not intimidated by her, it seems. 
10:53.AM She goes in for a piece and gets some of it. He does stop for her picks up a stick walks away and places the stick. I am surprised that she did not take that meal earlier. She's not as aggressive as she used to be. 1055 he exits the nest heads toward the road while she continues to eat.
11 0 3 exit the nest stage left. She has a full crop. You can see it sticking out.


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...