Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Still wondering how this season will evolve.   No news yet.

New thread.


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Linda said...

Yipee!! A new thread!

Thanks Steve!!

I'll call the others on over!!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve. Have a nice day.

Good morning, Linda. Nice to have you back with us.

Linda said...

And yes, Steve....we are wondering as well....hoping we will have some eggs and a family soon!

JANET - Very sad news about the plane crash, but so thankful that more weren't killed or injured.

SANDI - Great news that your Mom is slowly but surely doing better.

HODA - I could feel the excitement through your words and posts about the twins!! What wonderful news. What a blessing!!

LOLLY - Hope you and Jack are back to normal today!! Talk about a knock out!!

Linda said...

Thank you, JUDIE!! It is good to be back.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I think our season will evolve right in this nest. They are frequenting it quite a bit. :)

Sandi said...

Hi all from the middle school house!

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Linda for the call over.

Glad to hear our eagles were in the nest already this morning. Sounds like more ice/snow for the WV area tonight into tomorrow and then another storm headed that way for Sunday night - good grief!

Denny is supposed to drive to Brian's/Lynnis's on Wednesday afternoon to deliver Little Miss's dresser and stay til the weekend while their new windows and doors are installed. His van does not have 4-wheel drive so I hope the roads are OK for him to drive on those mountains. We don't have hills, much less mountains, here in southern DE - we just have flat!

The young lady who had agreed to finish out the year for our math teacher who has been out since Novemebr has announced that she is DONE after this week. She lives quite a distance away from school (about an hour drive) and is making a whopping $83 dollars a day as a sub. For that money, she is expected to plan the lessons, deliver the instruction, grade the papers, and do report card grades and parent conferences. Plus the kids are horribly behaved in there b/c the original teacher didn't lay down the law in September as she should have, and Erica feels that she is getting no support from the front office with regard to disciplining the kids when she sends them out.

So, starting next week, our kids will have their 6th different math teacher so far this year. If I was a parent, I would be on the phone to the superintendent. The district just CREATED 2 new positions for the principal and assistant principal at the local elementary school who were having an affair. I thought they were fired but just heard this morning that they have simply been reassigned to new administrative positions in the district. Yet the district can't/won't offer enough money to a substitute teacher - someone who spends every day in a classroom teaching kids - to make it worth their while to do everything that's associated with the job of teaching. I don't blame Erica one bit for doing what's best for her, but the priorities of this district disappoint and frustrate me!

Off my soapbox. TTFN!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

My mouse just died - once I revive it
I will return Off to find the batteries


Linda said...

Wow SANDI, that is awful and you are absolutely right. Sound like too many chiefs and not enough Indians!

If you pay the people who actually do the work better and cut out all the garbage that is not necessary at the top, everyone would prosper!!

Linda said...

GOLDFINCH Update: A friend from church loaned a bird cage she has for my rescued goldfinches, so their environment is more than a box!!

We are going out of town for a few days Thursday and I was looking into a cage that would be better for them food and water wise, too.

So....one of the little ones was flapping all over the box and Dennis thought he could fly. He brought the box outside and took the mesh off the top and out they both went. Only they couldn't really fly. They could get about 18" off the ground and they took off.

We were able to catch one and bring it into the cage. He is doing well.

The other one is fluttering all over the place outside. Yesterday he was outside my office window in the bushes and we tried to catch him, but did not succeed. I'll be looking for him today!

We are just worried they won't be able to get food with all the snow coming tomorrow. So the plan is to keep them until they possibly heal a bit more and release them when it gets warmer.

They don't lack the energy and effort to get around, that is for sure!!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds and thank you ever so much for the New Thread, STEVE ! Always interested in what you folks near the nest observe. Fingers crossed, of course !

LINDA, those feathers are looking mighty good on you ! I make any comments that don't echo what you had to say to STEVE,JANET,SANDI,HODA and LOLLY in your 9:05 post ! Thanks for expressing my very own thoughts !

SANDI, Erica's position is understandable for sure. Hope for the kids sake that something constructive is done on their behalf and soon ! Prayers for safe travels as Denny makes his way through the hills to lend a hand to Lynnis !

LOLLY, glad the punyness is fleeing so that you and Jack can soon make your getaway in the new trailer, too. Yes, very exciting to have a son presenting before the Texas Supreme Court ! Congrats on raising such a fine son !

JO, I never mourn the death of a mouse, except when it comes to our electronic friends. Hope you have the right batteries on hand !

This is haircut day and I can't wait to have my Judy Dench look back ! I'm a right shaggy dog after canceling every Tuesday since Jan. 6th. Must create a forward looking grosserie list for a Kroger stop. We have "severe weather" warning with heavy snow due in the late afternoon and continuing on for the foreseeable future ! Penny and I will be in for the duration !

Kay said...

LINDA, of course I meant to say, "I can't make any comments that...."
Blessings on you and your dear Dennis for being guardian angels for those sweet little birds ! Hope they both survive !

Mema Jo said...

My mouse is alive and is up/running as the saying goes - with a little help from me.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread! Congrats Linda on the feather.

Kay - my haircut is tomorrow - I hope the weather lets me get there. Freezing rain tonight but up in the 40's tomorrow sometime.

Linda - good luck in keeping the 2 little birds until they recuperate. Like you and Dennis I think they are not yet ready to fly free. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I need to pull up the end of the old thread and see what was happening this morning. BRB

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the morning nest report Judy.
Nest is MT now - really looks rugged

BWE - looks like Lord Blackwater is incubating those eggs. Reminder on their news is a reminder that hatching could start around
February 17

I am very happy that your Mom, Sandi is improving. So glad you had a good-news call yesterday.

Janet it is so horrifying to hear about the plane crash - Kudos to the pilot avoiding the buildings. very sad


Mema Jo said...

When I leave here I always check out the DC and Atlanta Panda cams. Well
both the mommas are eating and DC little gal is snoozing - the 2 Atlanta gals are trying to get comfy up on the gym set and one of these times one of them is going to bounce off of there.
Lun Lun is in the hammock eating.

Mr Red is out at the feeder - yesterday I had 3 Mr Reds at one time.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just spent 45 minutes or so watching the Texas Supreme Court. I admit...I was lost! LOL Jack says that he now understands the case a little more. Michael was with a firm that folded. When he became a partner in the firm he is in he brought this case with him. They won the case....big time!!! This is an appeal to the Supreme Court. Did not see Michael. :(

Lolly said...

We have not moved around very much this morn...but I am a little head achy.

We got .3 inch of rain. Gotta have more than that!! Lakes still way down.

Hoda said...

Good morning!

Messy situation SANDI! The underpaid sub leaving!
Why in heaven's name did they not out her on Temporary contract with benefits? I do not understand that part at all!!! The kids will put another notch in their belt about getting rid of another teacher! The next one will have an even tougher time! Poor administration!
Sand bags. Ask Denny to put some sand bags in the Van over the wheels. It will help his traction up hills. At least two in each side.

I have pictures of the beautiful babies!
My heart dances. I so hope Edward gets on with telling the others. I will burst from joy and it must be shared.

Thank you...

JUDIE today I volunteer with the Yoga Spirit Festival and the Grans. I also go to yoga. This Saturday the Grans are holding a Children's Festival for the wee ones. 2-12. Organizing the details...fun times for everyone.

Enjoy the day.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks to all of your prayers and positive thoughts this is Christine's remark
"Just got some amazing emails! I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel:) please continue to keep us in your prayers as our current housing situation will be coming to an end soon. There are some great possibilities though!

I am hanging in suspense ! ♥

Hoda said...

Prayers continue JO for Christine and her family.

Janet said...

good afternoon.

THANKS STEVE for the new thread!
LINDA: so glad you have a cage now.
Its been a busy morning..this n that…getting stuff done.
Regarding the plane crash….there was a father, a mother, a daughter and a granddaughter. So very very sad.
No rain yet, but sure it is on its way.
Gonna run some errands. Light and love. Have a safe afternoon!

JudyEddy said...

on lunch and find a new thread


Lolly said...

Hoda, the pictures are beautiful of Edward's family!

We have made a decision. We are not leaving this week. We are postponing until week after next. We really are not up to par and could not enjoy it.

JudyEddy said...

WARNING GRAPHIC just went and check Ft Meyers Southwest cam and I guess after Harriett tried to move E3 from the nest and find to heavy she has fed him to E4 a Calf gal witnessed it this am and still remains in the nest Dick P was gonna turn of the cam if that happened but everyone on chat insisted it was a learning experience of nature and should be left on so they did The schools were upset with kids But they can turn it off

JudyEddy said...

were are the pictures????

Hoda said...

Good decision LOLLY.
I am glad you two are taking the time to heal.
So trailer to storage and focus on healing and keep looking forward to that first trip.
Way to go.
Thank you.
I so want to show everyone Edward and his family. I am afraid to go to FB and make a mistake and family would see them. Best just to stay put.

SHIRLEY I got an email from you yesterday where my security system warned me of Fraudulent Webdite.
It came through your yahoo account and had family names on the to list.
Have you been hacked?
I deleted and ran a scan.

stronghunter said...

I never know what my Susan might post on FB next. This is today's comment:

"so it's going to be one of those days where you find yourself sucking oatmeal off your robe and discover that the salt shaker you have been hunting for is, in fact, in the refrigerator."

All I could do was click "like." I just did not know what to say. Isn't that what the like button is for?

Hoda said...

Oh JUDYE I sent a couple to LOLLY in a text. I am so afraid of fowling up on FB and family would see them. Even with text I had to check twice to make sure I was sending to LOLLY and not to my American Suster.
I so want to respect Edward's and Kalliopi's wishes... My oh my it is hard

Hoda said...

One of those days for Susan!
Yes for Like SHIRLEY.
Yesterday for the life of me I could not find my cashews jar! I knew it was full but where?
Where else but with my banking papers bin!!!
Oh yeah! Do looking forward to more of this. I love surprises and I love to laugh and I love discovering where things are!!! Ha ha ha such a bright future!!! Please God just make sure I remember to pay my bills!!!

Lolly said...

So, Hoda, are they coming for a visit and just hand the baby's over to the family as a way of announcing? LOL

Lolly said...

Love Susan's comment! Rather funny! Yep, have had days like that. Just hope there are not too many days that are that way!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Hoda, I will check my e-mail account.

stronghunter said...

News of the plane crash on CNN right now.

Hoda said...

Not likely LOLLY.
They are coming back States Side in July.
Edward promised me he would let everyone know soon.
When I asked for how long soon is he said before July.
It is important that Kalliopi not be criticized, I am afraid she is a bit sensitive and sometimes our ways bring up issues for her. Compliments are heard as criticism!!! She has personal issues. She is the mother of those two precious Batchelder Boys. I am determined that we all reach a loving hand... The boys must know younger Batchelders as their parents will be older in twenty or so years. My niece's son is over two years older than the boys. They are Great Uncles to Harry I think it is Great Uncles am I right? Edward is Abby's uncle so Achilles and Theseus are Great Uncles??? Harry in England will be a terrific play mate I hope.

stronghunter said...

Odd. I am trying to change my e-mail password, but I keep getting a message that their system is over capacity and I should come back later.

Not seeing evidence that anyone has tampered with my e-mail, except for this odd message. I had changed my password fairly recently.

stronghunter said...

Bowling was good today. We won all of our games. It was close, though. As I've said before, we know very well what it is like to be in last place. We remain surprised by our good fortune.

Mema Jo said...

I guess I have heard enough about E3 and E4's nest. That's nature for you.

Good decision Lolly about your traveling plans. In a week or two perhaps we will have Spring like weather

Way to go - Cyclone Shirley! Quite a win

Shirley - Janet - did the pilot survive?

Mema Jo said...

Christine's good news is that
She has been offered an internship with
the Operation Second Chance program. She
would be at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. She does have great qualities as a caregiver.

Hopefully soon now she will receive housing information for her family

Hoda said...

Very excited about CHRISTINE'S internship offer JO.
Blessed Be. She is capable and it will give her more and deeper understanding to deal with her hubby's condition.

Me too in regards E3

Healing energies to all.

Sandi said...

Hi all - just opened my laptop to see an eagle arrive! In the NHZ but there.

Sandi said...

Hoda, I absolutely agree with you that the kids on our team will be even worse with the next sub - they are so full of themselves right now and there have been no negative consequences from the administration for their actions!

Thanks also for the tip about the sandbags in the van.

Jo, great news about Christine and the internship. If she's at Walter Reed, then housing will have to be in taht general area.

Looks like Shep is in the nest. Eating something that he found there, not that he brought in.

Sandi said...

No Belle yet in the nest. Shep is moving sticks at the 5 position.

Sandi said...

Forecast for the nest - our poor eagles!
Winter Storm Warning remains in effect from 7 pm this evening to 1 pm EST Wednesday.

Precipitation type: snow, sleet and freezing rain. Accumulations: 1 to 2 inches of snow and sleet. One-quarter to One-third inch of ice from freezing rain.

Timing: snow and sleet will begin between 7 and 10 pm this evening. Precipitation will change over to freezing rain after midnight and continue through Wednesday morning. Pockets of freezing rain may persist into early Wednesday afternoon.

Hoda, thanks for the photos - they are beautiful little boys! Love the onesies with the Miles Davis and John Coltrane graphics!! I assume the parents are big jazz fans?? I hope you don't have to keep your secret too much longer - I fear you might explode!! :)

Mema Jo said...



stronghunter said...

:) Smiling because I see an eagle at our nest.

JudyEddy said...

get home to see Shep in nest and wow the spot sure does show

Mema Jo said...

Yep - the spot is there!

Waiting for Belle I would think

Lolly said...

I see Shep!!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Jo. Saw your comment on fb.

Mema Jo said...

Judy they must have heard you come in the door lol

JudyEddy said...

thanks for the pic Hoda and Lolly

and I get the hint don't need to hit me over the head to many times no more eagle news from me ever

stronghunter said...

Really sad about the situation in that math class, Sandi. I remember a similar situation. A boy came into my class bragging that they'd run off another science teacher. It seems like they might need to split that class and put the kids elsewhere.

And I do not blame that teacher one bit. That's pitiful pay for so much work. When I went on a long-term sub job for awhile, they offered me a mini-contract with pay up to what they were paying the teacher I replaced. I didn't get health insurance benefits, but it was still a much better way of treating substitutes than most schools do.

JudyEddy said...

gonna take laptop out on the porch its so pretty out

Sandi said...

Shep has been patiently waiting for Belle for almost 45 minutes now.

Lolly, sounds like a good plan to postpone your first road trip with the new wheels til you and Jack are both feeling 100%.

Linda, love hearing about your goldfinches - I hope you are able to nurse them back to 100% and release them.

Good that lots of folks are here watching our eagles this evening.

stronghunter said...

So nice to see Shep sitting there in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Come on in Belle
My spaghetti is going to be on the table any minute now

Shep is really keeping a lookout for her

Sandi said...

I don't think I have any sound on the cam this evening - what do the rest of you think??? Is it just really quiet at the nest or are we soundless?

Forecast is just for rain here tonight and tomorrow - fine with me!

Time to feed people and pets. Later.

JudyEddy said...

still cam he is NHZ

JudyEddy said...

but at 5 in live

stronghunter said...

Cam shake!!

Lolly said...

Jack and I did get out to the post office and then to Fort Worth to the TCU bookstore. We just feel off. Not sick but certainly not 100%.

I Shep messing with the egg cup?

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

I have no sound.

JudyEddy said...

no longer visible in the NHZ on still but on live yes

Lolly said...

Shep is moving the furniture. Belle won't like that!

stronghunter said...

Shep is rearranging sticks.

I need to go summon Hunter. It is getting dark.

stronghunter said...

Maybe Shep thinks Belle will show up if he starts moving things around.

Lolly said...

We will aways wonder about the spot on Shep's head. LOL Really visible this evening.

JudyEddy said...

not in still but in live

Lolly said...

He is looking restless and is now out of sight.

JudyEddy said...

I guess it isn't a scab like someone said on another site LOL

Mema Jo said...

Fixing egg cup and moving sticks to the rails - now at 4:00 waiting for Belle -
Just saw his tail in the NHZ

MY Dinner is served - Take over Momwsters


Lolly said...

Now see his head at the very top of the cam. Comes and goes.

JudyEddy said...

still in NHZ see body in still

JudyEddy said...

digging in cup again

Lolly said...

Shep still there!

JudyEddy said...

I see talons

Lolly said...

I am thinking I might have sound. It just is not windy.

JudyEddy said...

I no longer see feetsie in either screen Are you there Shep

JudyEddy said...

I put my ear to speaker and only hear the white noises

Hoda said...

Oh my oh my oh my!
Carol just phoned.
Wanted to know why I was so cheerful as she called it!!!
I was writing SANDI about the onesies with Jazz photos!
Edward had them made for them. When he first dressed them up they were polite and smiled. The minute he left the room they screamed their lungs out letting it be known how they really felt about their outfits. Edward and Kalliopi are still laughing!

Thank you for the eagle reports.
I must find a way to not answer the Batchelders when I am thinking if Achilles and Theseus. That is very hard because I love my contact with each one if them.

JudyEddy said...

I can hear a faint music on the speaker again Put your ears to your speaker and let me know if you hear it faintly on my desktop not lap top Battery lo on laptop came back in :-(

Hoda said...

I love eagle news JUDYE. I just can not handle the situation that was developing. Yes it is nature.
Do give news just stay balanced. Thank you friend

JudyEddy said...

Me thinkith he be gone what do you think

Lolly said...

Hoda, explain to me, (slow learner) is Edward your Amer. brother?

Lolly said...

I think he is gone. No recent spotting. I am on laptop and have not heard the music, but don't doubt you.

Mema Jo said...

I always put up the still cam and the live feed. I know that the still cam is the real time image and then it appears on the live feed once it is transmitted onto the internet. I prefer to take pics from the still cam (too dumb to snap from the live feed) and I like the
still cam pics due to having the date and time stamp. I do love watching their movements on the live feed once I see that they are there in the nest.

Hoda said...

Yes LOLLY Edward is the youngest of my American siblings. He is very bright, several degrees from Harvard and Columbia University. He is a University Professor in his own right, held the job for years. Became tired of it and is now a free lance writer and editor. He was on top of the Berlin Wall when it came down and no he did not bother to get a piece as souvenir. He is a gentle and kind soul. This is his second marriage. Both times he married University professors.
He has distanced himself from the family yet he and I continue to communicate regularly. Over the recent few years he has started to answer emails from the others... I see that as a good sign.

JudyEddy said...

HODA the babes pictures are just to cute want to just squeeze them so stinkin cute

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE. Me too for the squeezes.

Mema Jo said...

I had been on FB but put it down while watching the eagles and now I can't connect with it. Could be my computer but I have our blog up --

Tonight is Terrific Tuesday TV - all new episodes. Seems like I haven't seen them for couple weeks.

Sandi with this unpredictable weather I hope the window company shows while Denny is there with Lynnis.

Lolly said...

Hoda, very good that you are in touch with him. Very sad when families are not close. As much as my brother drives me up the wall (and yes, he did this weekend) I keep my mouth shut, love him anyway, and glad he lives 500 miles away! I see him once or twice a year and that is fine. He is such a braggart (is that a word?) He is loud, impulsive, and does not listen. completely the opposite of me. He is a good person, he has a very kind heart, a softy in many ways, and he LOVES dogs. So, he is not all bad. LOL

Lolly said...

Wasn't it last year that Belle dropped down into the nest at night? Wish Steve would go look and see if they are sleeping in the tree. Maybe Wanda should go check!!!

Janet said...

good evening all.

No MemaJo, sadly, no one survived the plane crash. The debris covered an area roughly the size of a football field, I understand. The NTSB and others were on scene today. I didn’t have to work, so I didn’t venture over there. The people whose cars were damaged by debris might be able to get their cars tomorrow or Thursday. Just so very sad.

Been a busy day, just little things done. Am feeling tired and lazy right now. It’s a cold rainy day and I am glad to be home and in my jammies tonight!
Wonderful news for Christine, Mema JO!
Hope everyone has a comfy, snug, safe evening!

JudyEddy said...

Facebook peeps being its 10yrs for FB they have made a mini movie of the past 5 yrs of pic from our page find yours you can click on the share on the right of the screen to post on your wall the cool this is one link is the same like for everyone spooky in a way

Find your lookback on this link on facebook I do have a couple of eagle pic in mine also check it out I just posted mine on my feed

JudyEddy said...

Glo posted hers and in the middle of her mini move is a pic of Lib and Belle Sure enjoyed seeing others

JudyEddy said...

oh mine also has my visit to the nest and 2009 Denise and June made me cry on that one and a couple of nest pic on it too odd how FB pic the pic

magpie said...

Good Evening, Eagle Pals...

Just popping on to say Hi,
and to let all you know I am thinking of you....
and soon I am headed to the pillows...
workday Wednesday 0600, could be
a busy day if we get the wintry mix...
could be a busy day anyway!

Hope to catch up with news and the doins' here amongst us "Soon."

Prayers for Wellness....

G'Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Judie said...

Wowser! Sandperson just dumped a load of sleepy dust on me. Pillows are calling.

Hoping the nest clears of snow and Belle and Shep are ready to be parents in a day or two.

Sandperson has already departed. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Sleepy here, too. It is 33 degrees and raining. Not good. I am wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Stay safe.


Mema Jo said...

Finished all my TV shows
There is precipitation outside and since it is only 26° I think it is the freezing rain - I am surely not going out to test it!

Mema Jo said...

I sure wish school closings would be announced this evening rather then 6am - Parents and teachers need to know ♥

Mema Jo said...

Heading for the pillows
Sandman is a comin'

Goodnight to all my friends
Prayers and positive thoughts to all


Lolly said...

I give up!! Never did get the share button for my fb movie. It is pretty good and it starts out with a bright blue sky and an eagle soaring. And, of course, plenty of family pictures!

Going to put my nose in a book for a while. Cold weather is here again...heading down down down, but apparently no precipitation.

Good night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

See you all tomorrow

Hoda said...

Empty nest

Hoda said...

Nest empty

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

LORI, are you up and at em' ?

HODA, it is such a compliment to you that Edward and Kalliopi are entrusting you with their secret. I hope they tell the whole family soon so that you don't have the burden of carefully watching what you say to them. Sorry we non-FBers can't see those adorable little great-uncles, too !

JO, Christine's message is both thrilling and cryptic---can't wait to hear where that dear young family lands !

LOLLY, glad you and Jubby have reached the point of just "feeling a little off".

JANET, news of the airplane crash is so very sad. Prayers for the family(s) who mourn the losses.

That blasted Sandman hit here while I was in my recliner--about 8pm. I woke up at midnight and headed for my cozy bed. Natchurly I woke up at 4:30 all wide eyed and bushy tailed ! There will no doubt be nap time this afternoon.


Kay said...

Oh, and JO, I hope you're able to get in for your haircut in spite of the weather. May you be as happy with your cut as I am with mine ! Justin had never seen my hair so long and he loved "tearing" into it. He and his wife have a baby boy, Cash, due to arrive in April. I rejoice at the news of each new baby--wondering what life will be like when they are my age !

Kay said...

Back in a hurry to thank HODA for sending the baby pics through e-mail ! Miles Davis and John Coltrane on their onesies ! Oh, yeah ! Those boys are going to grow up with some good music ! No wonder they are so cute--their parents are very attractive.

Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay and all my eagle friends. Nest is MT - something is falling from the sky there but I can't tell if it's ice or snow and I can't hear anything to give me a clue.

Al rain falling here.

May have a chance to check in from school today while state testing is going on - 3 more days of this before I can get back into classrooms. Report cards go home today - had to call a handful of parents last night to let them know their darling children are in danger of failing the 8th grade!

Have a great day all - stay safe if you're living where it's slippery!

DanaMo said...

Good morning.
It's freezing rain here, Sandi. I'm so done with this weather.
The forecast for the weekend is sketchy. Looks like one model says we get hit, the other sends it out to sea! Pray for the later. I can't take anymore!

My plans are so screwed up. I didn't bother turning them in yesterday. I mean, why bother, they change every day!

HCC is delayed as well and Aric got snow, so Dayton has a delayed opening. Not sure if it even effects him because his classes are scheduled later...he will not be happy. Of course, I texted him already this morning, lol. I'm sure he is feeling the love. Although, he probably didn't even hear it.

I'm actually considering going back to bed.

So sad the news from the other nest. I don't keep up, but I'm assuming an egg didn't hatch and female tried to get rid of it?

Sandi-those kids are just going to keep taking advantage with sub after sub. How sad. Not good for the students, but sometimes I wonder if the systems really have the best interest of the students in mind.

Started one of my math classes last night. Don't know how you public school teachers deal with all the red tape. What a bunch of malarkey.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds MT nest so far with a few lakes falling once in a while

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I really don't think we have sound again like before .

JudyEddy said...

LOL just looked up and realized that there are lakes not Flakes falling at the nest

JudyEddy said...

no wonder the eagle don't want to come to the nest with all the lakes falling

I think we are being stood up Come on I have to leave shortly for work

JudyEddy said...

just read the forcast for the nest ICE ICE baby not flakes 1/3 ice expected wow Stay safe all in the are of the nest

JudyEddy said...

Its raining here just started and none was in the forecast LOL

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

good morning to all. Mid week yet again.
Tired this morning. Hmmmm. 2nd cup of coffee before I get moving. Typically one cup gets me going, and the other is just to enjoy.
Another cloudy coolish day today. More rain by the weekend. It poured yesterday. And it was cold cold cold. I would rather have 20 and dry than 35 and rain. Of course, we need the rain, so not complaining about that, just feels so much colder! And I see many of you are anticipating snow. We might get a mix…but mostly rain again this weekend. Since I am teaching, I suppose that is better.
So glad our eagles seem to visiting the nest daily and often. Maybe they will use this nest. It seems likely to me.
Not a lot going on this week, and I am glad. I am starting to get hungry for spring. Just a few more weeks and we should see a weather turn around….of course, we have had snow in march…sooooo, maybe by april?????
Light and love, hugs and smiles to all! Stay warm. Stay dry and stay safe, please.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you do not say anything about the babies on FB.
My family is on there and I do not want them to find out there...thank you.
I have NOT posted anything on FB KAY.

LOLLY they are not identical. Cute as buttons the picture I got today.

I have become a doting aunt! Oh me oh my!!!

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Wanted to check in and wish everyone warmth and safety today!! Be careful on those roads if you're in that icy mix area.

So far just 7-8 inches of snow here and hopefully we'll remain north of the change over line to ice and freezing rain. That is the worst.

Stay safe!

Mema Jo said...

Good Icy Morning to All ♥
I feel like I am in a Frozen Palace.
Electricity is still on - it did go off/on a few times since 6am. I had my coffee pot a perking as soon as my feet hit the floor. If I disappear know that I am safe and sound and cancelling hair cut for today. Kay I hope you got a good trimming yesterday.
I was hesitant to open our cam but so thankful our Sycamore is standing tall.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - so happy that they are sending to you the pictures of the twins. They are adorable little boys and I'm sure the parents are proud - I pray they will soon share their joys with all the family. Mum is the word on FB

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I had a double post - my delete

Mema Jo said...

I'll read back shortly - just wanted to get my comment in quickly

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been playing on fb. This morning I could share my movie as the green button was there.

No ice or snow here, in fact sunny but it is 27 and not going up today. Low in the teen tomorrow. They have mentioned possibility of flurries but not sure when.

Annie is driving me crazy this morning. She is meowing all the time. Not in pain, just so very vocal!!!

Mums the word on fb, Hoda. And, we expect you to be the doting auntie and we want to see loads of pictures of those two cuties!

Bad news...is I feel crummy! Coughed during the night, throat raw this morning, and my tummy still not up to par. So, very happy we both did not want to try a trip right now. Think we had the norovirus, it is going around. One high school here was hit with it. But, Larry was coughing too, so he shared more than the virus.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Trees look beauteous covered with ice. The street looks wet but not icy.

Nest MT when I checked. Still lots of snow.

Hoda, when I opened your email, I did not see any attachment or pictures. Still, I know the babes are adorable and you will be an important influence on their lives.

Quiet here today. May just do some reading.

Sure hope Lolly starts to feel well soon. Not fun to be sick.

Wonder about Lori driving in ice/snow and Margy, too.

The D.C. Snowy owl is getting better. Starting to be more aggressive and eating. Still no decision on how/when to release.

Everyone please stay safe and warm. BBL

Kay said...

LOLLY, so sorry you've relapsed and now have more distressing symptoms ! Stay in, stay warm and stay hydrated !

I've had some good exercise this morning, though it's not recommended for ol' gals like me. Our snow service came through, but piled a huge mound up just barely clear of my garage door. I don't plan on driving for several days, but want quick emergency access in case. So I went out and shoveled at his mountain making a clear path, then cleaned the apron in front of the garage as his plow never reaches that. Also took care of my rear access and dog walking exit across the deck. I wanted to clean the garage aprons for two neighbors, but ran out of steam, so set the shovel out and let them know they can use it. The snow is like none I've dealt with before. It's shin deep on me and has an icy crust both top and bottom. Very difficult to walk in and a real bugaboo for my poor little doxie ! Oh, those short legs.

Seth just called--his campus is on shut down except for food service and library. He says Julie's campus, Columbus State is off today, too. Snow days are rare as hen's teeth there, so I know it's bad out on the highways and byways.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Kay said...

Yep, they're at it again, SHAR ! I have to think this is THE nest they're going to use.

Kay said...

They POOFED in short order, waiting a few minutes to see if one or both return. Then I'll heat up some Trader Joe's Spicy Red Pepper/Tomato soup for a winters day lunch.

Kay said...

Belle's back and doing the flugg thing !

Kay said...

She's moved up, just sitting with her talons showing at the 12 position just left of the nest cup, I believe.

Kay said...

She turned and now her tail is visible. This view of the nest makes us itch to see the whole thing. Arrrrrggggghhhh.

Kay said...

Had to answer the door, so missed a POOF. SHAR did you witness that ?

Kay said...

Nice neighbor, Jonathan, asking if I need anything from Kroger. Snows never intimidate him and he always checks to see if I need anything. He's the age of my kids--so don't get any ideas ! He pointed out that the city plow and salt truck has already been down our street. I didn't hear it and am amazed. It usually takes 2 or 3 days for them to get to such side streets.

Kay said...

Okay, time for soup. BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Judie said...

Hmmmm, missed the action at the nest which is now MT.

See that Kay has a young studmuffin helping her out. Kay the Kouger. Nice ring to it.

Seriously, I remember my days in Dayton and being literally snowed in with car tires frozen into ice. Was always so grateful for help - especially if cat food was needed.


DanaMo said...

Judie, did you go to Dayton? Is that why you were offering the help. We never connected before the problem got solved.

Campus opened at 10. I'm sure Aric was disappointed that it wasn't completely closed (unless that changed since I last looked) he has a packed day on Wednesday, but classes are all later.

Someone is in the nest unless it is frozen. We need some sun to melt that snow!!! Oh goodie not a frozen screen and just had some HP!

DanaMo said...

I was lying on the couch and I said, "this is what a teacher looks like in winter", turned and looked at Andrew and said, "oh, I guess this is what a teacher looks like in summer too" LOL! He said, yeah I was going to say that! LOL

Mema Jo said...


There is an Eagle Alert Out

Kay said...

Just got the cam up in time to see one eagle POOF from the 3 spot, but there is another visible at the tope of the nest again.

Kay said...

Ha, at the tope--oh yeah ! It's Belle and she's moving around, can see all but her head now.

Kay said...

Tee, hee, Kay the Kouger ! That'll be the day ! Jon does call me Kay Girl because he knew a Kay Girl years ago.

She POOFS from the 2 spot.

Kay said...

DANA, cute exchange with Andrew !

Mema Jo said...

They really need to get the egg cup in shape I think we are running out of time before our first egg is laid.

Get the Flugg into the nest
(Guess most of the flugg is frozen)

Mema Jo said...


Both eagles have returned

Lolly said...

I see two! Looks like fresh flugg! Trample down the snow, you two!!

Lolly said...

Can not keep the cam going. Going to reboot!

Kay said...

Belle POOFed and Shep surveys the scene after one of his feeble attempts to do some nestorations.

Kay said...

Shep POOFs

JudyEddy said...

awqw hockey stick loooks like I just missed the visit

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I'm sure they will be back - They have been in and out many many times this afternoon. Flugg brought in but not near enough for the egg cup.
It's FEB 5 and I just know that egg want out ! lol
I have pics on FB and our album for you

JudyEddy said...

I could go back and look but how late is the latest that they have laid a egg??????

stronghunter said...

First egg has been as late as Feb. 15, Judy.

Belle is working away on the nest!

stronghunter said...

Both now visible.

stronghunter said...

They are very busy this afternoon.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful baby boys, Hoda. And handsome parents.

Looking at mom's "before" picture reminds me of my pre-twin days. Twins are lots of work, but lots of fun, too.

Lolly said...

Shut down and then had to leave for a while. Now I am back and I think the cam is going to work for me.

Would someone please go tell Belle the cup needs to be moved down a bit!!

Lolly said...

Going to read for a while but have the cam up and running. Ready for some more action. Maybe the are out flugg hunting!

Lolly said...

Reading...almost missed the eagles.

Judie said...

Grrrr. MT nest again. Need to get my timing tuned up to eagle speed.

DanaMo, I did not attend U.Dayton. I lived outside Dayton (Vandalia) when I worked for the Air Force. That's how I met Darth. However, in those younger days I spent a lot of time in an area called Oregon Village - revitalized and lots of places for singles to mingle.

Pizza tonight. Pepperoni, caramelized onions, sauce, cheese. Y'all come on over.

Back to read a few more pages.

Lolly said...

They are both working on the nest.

Lolly said...

JUDIE.....they are in the nest!

Lolly said...

Belle is in full view. Shep now out of sight.

Lolly said...

I may have them mixed up.

Lolly said...

Faintly see a spot on his head, so it is Shep. It was more pronounced last time I saw him.

Lolly said...

Belle working on egg cup.

Lolly said...

Poof Shep!

Lolly said...

Beautiful Belle still working in the nest.

Lolly said...

Dern twirly thingy again! Grrrr!

Lolly said...

Belle still there even though I have to leave to refresh.

Lolly said...

She is just standing and looking around.

Lolly said...

I think she poofed on that refresh. Going to reboot again!

Judie said...

Guess my timing got tuned. Had the pleasure of seeing both our eagles.

Lolly said...

Eagle is back with dinner. Fish tonight!!

Lolly said...

Once again, not sure, but think it is Belle chowing down.

Lolly said...

Can see Shep's tail.

Mema Jo said...

You remember how Belkle would overeat before staying the night in the nest ?

Mema Jo said...

rofl Belle just became know as
Belkle lol

Lolly said...

Maybe she will tonight!

Lolly said...

I figured it out, Jo. LOL

Lolly said...

She has been chowing for a while. That is good.

Lolly said...

Now back to nestorations.

stronghunter said...

Both just poofed revealing some fresh flugg near the cup area.

Mema Jo said...

It's 38° at the nest and the next 2 days do not call for precipitation. I hope that would give them more time for the egg cup to look better for the egg(s) to be laid.

Lolly said...

Well, they poofed some time. Time to reboot again. At least that works for a while.

Mema Jo said...

BBL Off to see what's for dinner.. ♥

Lolly said...

Oh, good, glad to hear that, Jo. We are presently 31...our high for the day.

Lolly said...

We are nearing a split! Beware!

Buckle up!

Judie said...

Might be overly optimistic but looks like Belle is wanting to settle in. Sure hope so.

Lolly said...

Quite windy....a bad feather day!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle certainly is beautiful!

Looks like we will get to see 1/2 the egg cup...

paula eagleholic said...

Seems like their activity level has picked up lately

Mema Jo said...

DC ZOO panda cams - Mits aka Helen is on the cams today. Momma is sleeping and so is Bao Bao - However, Bao's bed
is at the usually place except bamboo is her roof today.


Time for the Split

Mema Jo said...


NCSuzan said...

Her little feetsies got to be cold!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...