Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Fresh thread.


Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Belle, I think, is still arranging flugg.

Busy morning for me. Need to read back. BBL

Have a good morning.

Judie said...

Oh my, cannot get either the live or still cam. Don't know what happened.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning and thank you Steve for the fresh thread and Hello Judie
Congratulations on that beautiful feather.

You answered my question about the cams not being on. I'll email Steve about them.

I'll just read back to see if it was up earlier for any of the early birds

Judie said...

Mornin' Jo.

Yes, the live cam was working and it was Belle, I think, working on the nest. Cannot get either cam now. Hopefully Steve will come to the rescue.

Off to forage for food before the "anticipated" snow and ice.


Judie said...

Oh, think I'll stick a feather in my cap when I go out.

Judie said...

Checked on Derek and Savannah for the first time this season. Looks like an egg(s) are being incubated and also see snow.

Okay, bye.

Mema Jo said...

The Live Feed is up/running.
Nestorations being done.
At least it was until I refreshed that spinning arrow

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Nice to see some sun and one of our eagles in the nest this morning!

Have had a very busy few days and another one today!!

Need to read Monday's thread, but did catch up on the one through Sunday.

SANDI - Wonderful news that your Mom agreed to come home with you for a while. I hope this lifts both of your spirits and she enjoys some TLC from you and Denny!

PAULA - Not happy about Larry's news, but confident he is in good hands with the medical team and the care of someone to love and care for him!! Will surely keep those Momster prayers going for you both.

Have a long day today and should not have started so late, so off I go.....

Blessings to you all.

Mema Jo said...

9:56am Still cam is on now - don't know for how long or why it was off
Just to keep us on our toes I suppose.

Going to try Live Feed again..

Mema Jo said...

Live feed is on also

I had sleep later then usual this morning. Hubby and Michael left the house around 6:30 - they sure were quiet. They were stopping for coffee before heading down to Baltimore and hopefully would beat the traffic jams. Appointment was at 8:45am.

Sandi, I sure hope Mom perks up a little and does get dressed today. Perhaps just being in a different surrounding and being out of her norm is the temporary reason... I pray she relaxes and takes advantage of you and your family's love.

Mema Jo said...

I have so many of you and your loved ones in my prayers for better health. Love you all and am waiting anxiously for some good reports in the next few days.

I am going to bonkers about this snow storm coming. I want my spring to be here with budding trees and daffodils. ♥


grannyblt said...

GM all. I had cam issues also, but when I restarted my computer all is well.

Jo, I am with you about the budding trees and daffodils. Thinking daffs, I planted several in big pots outside last fall--didn't think of them during the sub zero temps. I will be truly amazed if they survived. I do have others in the ground that should be all right.

Mema Jo said...

I hope the bulbs in the pots survive for you. I see robins around here - the other day there must have been about 12 of them in the one tree - it was dusk. No longer do they serve as a 'sign of spring'. But daffodils and hyacinths do.

Mema Jo said...

The other night on FB, Ruth took a pic of the nest for the Eagle Cam and it really really looked like a support wire around the nest. I emailed Steve for information and he did email me back and also went on Eagle Cam to state: " Hi Folks, there's no support cable on the nest... "
Also in my email reply, Steve mentioned "Still waiting to see what happens. I think now that it may be the very cold weather more than another nest. Time will tell."

Mema Jo said...

Eagle Alert

Belle is in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is frozen and I have emailed Steve

The live feed is running

Belle still in nest and seems to be
reclining at 12 - 2 position

Mema Jo said...

I missed something because now our eagle is just sitting at 2:00 towards the center of the nest.

Still cam down and Live feed took forever to refresh... Not sure which of our eagles is there.

Mema Jo said...

Still in center of nest
Looks like Belle with her feathered neck piece and the inverted "V"

Mema Jo said...

You guys are going to shoot me when I admit that I have never taken pics from the Live Feed :(

Mema Jo said...

Michael called and is a half hour away - I will be absent for a while
Then I'll be back with full report.

I wish someone else were watching our nest - Both cams are giving me trouble.

Hoda said...

Good morning
MICHAEL must be done from his appointment?
Any news yet JO?

Praying for LARRY as he was going to hear about surgery today or tomorrow.

SANDI praying for a snow day and your MOTHER'S comfort.

LOLLY did you send me the head cold??? I sneezed this morning!!!
Cancelled my dental today and rescheduled for March 25!

Mema Jo said...

No Hoda - I am waiting for him to arrive here and walk through the door as I make this comment. Trying to be patient lol

Hoda said...

Thank you JO waiting with you.
No cameras here.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still have 12 minutes of morning left here! LOL

Looking at the nest, looks nice and fluggy. Wish Belle would sit down and protect it!

Slept late this morning, Had several severe coughing spells during the night. Not fun!

I am thinking I am better, but will just have to wait and see. Eyes are watering, head is hurting, and generally yucky.

Had a meeting tonight at church and it has been cancelled. hurrah
Laurel, Joey, and the boys are enjoying the day at home. 30 and wet. Bridges are icy.

JudyEddy said...

on lunch and find a new thread


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


NBG Bald Eagle NX

Mema Jo said...

Drs at UMMC are ok with Michael's skull - They did prescribe him a new medication and it is for the nerve pain he is experiencing. He goes back in 30 days after taking this medication. Dr's feel that the pain could be for the rest of his life since it has been 2 years since the injury. They are thinking it is the nerves and or muscles.
God will bless him I'm sure with some relief. Thanks for all your prayers and please continue. ♥

Lolly said...

Will do, Jo! I am now thinking a nap is in order.

JudyEddy said...

don't know if you all say on the Nat'l Geog channel We Move Animals this past month on Challenger the eagle here it is on youtube I thought it was a interesting piece on him
We move animals Challenger the eagle building him a safe crate to travel in

JudyEddy said...

should have been if you all saw not say

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Went shopping for a bit after bowling. Bought three tops.

I enjoyed watching Belle in the nest while I was at the bowling alley. First time I've seen the nest on my phone. Loved it!

Bowling was good. We won 2 of 3 games and had the high total points which counts as 3 out of 4 games.

stronghunter said...

Had thought I might pick up some groceries today, but decided to wait until tomorrow. Just want to relax now.

Judie said...

Home from pre-storm foraging. Two little girls here don't seem to care one bit about weather when they are hungry.

Keeping everyone in my prayers for healing and recovery. Will check in later.

Waiting to hear about Miracle Michael and Larry.

MT nest but sunshine.

Steve Chase said...

new thread.

Hoda said...

STEVE is NOT kidding!
Come join me on the new thread

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...