Tuesday, February 08, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Yes, here we are.

Good Morning Steve!

Lori O. said...

It's not often I get this honor.

magpie said...

Nice going, Lori,
thanks for the call over

and Thanks Steve, for the new slate

Best Wishes for a good day everyone...

bet it does smell like Thanksgiving, Wanda! And I know some people that will be giving thanks tonight around Soup Kitchen time !

magpie said...

Thanks to Lolly for doing the final put-together finding Andy...

I guess we ARE like a bunch of Mother Hens here, that's a good thing

Good Nesting this morning by Belle and Liberty...

Lori O. said...

Great day to you, too, Mags.

I've got to get off now, too.

Be back for dinner. I hope Lib brings something good!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Fround this on the old thread................. stronghunter said...
Blogging at my doc's. iPhone is interesting. Hope to see egg today. Glad Andy found.

Thought she might not have realized there was a new thread. Takes a while to blog on your phone.

magpie said...

Best wishes with Mai today Lynn, hope the session goes real well
also, your Flutter pic on the E-M album from yesterday morning is really good !

Suzan, by the way, I was in the cheering and support squad HERE, was not directly doing battle with the unpleasant trolls on the Outdoor Channel comments...
many others on here did the battle, including the Outdoor Channel person Arnel....

got to go...see you all later
Be Careful with the Wind!


Lolly said...

Cold here this morning 34 and we have wind too! In the wee hours of tomorrow morning is when we start to get bad stuff. Can not believe we are going to be hit again.

Well, so Belle has not produced egg#2. I really did not expect it this morning. No reason why. Bet it is this evening....in the dim light.

Lolly said...

Have a great day, Margy!

Lolly said...

I have a dentist appointment in a couple of hours. Oh joy, oh happy day! LOL Regualar check up!

Going to read the paper now and lurk.


grannyblt said...

Morning all. I've read back and see that Andy has been located and the egg is an "only" at this point. That wind and swaying nest is giving me a headache, so I'll check in later. Hope everyone has a safe and happy day.

hedgie said...

Winds are fierce, as you can see by watching the nest....seasick yet?? UGH!
High wind advisory until 8 tonight.

hedgie said...

I was not the Lynn showing on the Outdoor forum! I was on it once last week and can't get logged back on! Glad now that I couldn't!

Shirley, let us know what doc says.
Megan, too, is at the doctors.
Lolly, glad it's not me with a dental apptmt.!

Thanks,Margy....hoping the session proves hopeful and beneficial. So much trepidation here.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning!
#1) Andy has been found
#2) I am having a snow flurry in my valley
#3) I need to read the previous thread.

hedgie said...

I can hear Belle calling out......

Lolly said...

Oh, Belle is upset. What is flying around?

paula eagleholic said...

She is really upset about something!

Morning, all!

Lolly said...

Did you see the shadow/ Maybe it was just Lib. Whoops, Belle has poofed. Bet it was Lib. She would not leave if it was a threat.

Ah, Eagle back. Lib or Belle?

hedgie said...

I THINK she wanted Lib to take over....out and an immediate fly-in.

Lolly said...

Back on the egg promptly. Was uncovered for just a few seconds.

hedgie said...

Cam froze up....geesh. PIA.

Lolly said...

Good to see the sun shining on the nest.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

I see Belle or Lib on the job. That's a good sign. Maybe #2 later on today/evening?

So happy Andy was located. I'm not good at technology and would hate to be designated the security person.

May all doctors and therapy appts meet with good news today. I plan to ask about permission to begin using the cane most of the time. So tired of dragging that durn walker everywhere.

So, off to the school house to talk about psychopaths this morning -- lead in to specific serial killers.

Wishing everyone a great day. Stay warm. Don't go out with an umbrella or you may end up playing Mary Poppins.

Lolly said...

Just had a thrill. Looked out a window and there was a r s hawk on the ground under the birdfeeder. Ran into the kitchen to tell Jack and get to a closer window. It had flown up to the branch holding the feeder. Grabbed my camera but it flew off. Just beautiful to see up close. Gorgous birds! Bet that was one of our babies. LOL

glo said...

I think folks who do not have a facebook account can see the action eagle photos I just uploaded today by following this link. I would love to know if this does work for you. You probably can't leave a comment there but you could tell me in here if you can get to the photos individually or just see thumbnails of the album. Hope you enjoy and thanks for your info re this.

Eagle Action Feb 3

floralgirl said...

Lib flew out. Empty nest.

Lolly said...

Glo...thumbnails..nice size. Can click on them and see larger pics.

Lolly said...

Eagle back!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo you can enlarge them - Really great pictures...love the flowing ice and eagle.

Wishing Mai and Lynn a good day.

Prayers for those at doctors or other appointments.

OoOpp Good Morning ( :

Lolly said...

Egg was om clear view and now covered!

wvgal_dana said...

Megan above it says your at the doctors? Do you have a dr appt.?

Lolly said...

Glo, I wonder if someone who does not have a fb account can see the pics. You need a response from someone without an account. JMHO

Mema Jo said...

Watching that little lonely egg
Glad it is covered - not warm out like yesterday.
Judie - you're the one we call in order to solve the situation.. Have a good day at school.. Don't blow away..
Wish you would use the wheelchair so you could anchor down!
Kristen is here this morning.. Watching a lot of birds feeding..

floralgirl said...

I haven't read all the comments, I did not post anything about a Dr visit here, Dana.

Mema Jo said...

Some other furry friends at the zoo

You can tell I am a 'cat' person!

glo said...

From LollyGlo, I wonder if someone who does not have a fb account can see the pics. You need a response from someone without an account. JMHO

Yes Lolly thanks. That is what I am hoping for.

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, Glo. I commented on FB.

Doctor says no big problem with my knee. Just bruised cartilage. Made a follow-up appointment for me just in case, but doesn't think I should have issues. Just wear comfy shoes and exercise if I wish.

Retrieved George from the vets. He is happy to be home. Will had taken the carrier away with him, so we had a meowy trip home with George uncaged.

Got my car washed and vacuumed. Oh, the things you can do when you have a little time off.

Hmm, noticed someone over on the eagle forum with the screen name that said something like "trolls a lot." You think that might be one of the trolls? I hope they get things straightened out over there.

wvgal_dana said...

I wasn't logged into fb when I went to see the pictures and they enlarged just fine.

Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone. So we still only have one egg?

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning everyone. Looks like a good day for a second egg.

Glo, your pictures are beautiful that you posted. I can't even imagine seeing such great eagle action so thanks for sharing.

Again watching still cam from work. Just not the same. Was that an egg roll??

Will be popping in and out to watch for egg #2.

It's me, EdgySu, from the Yahoo Momsters email group. Wasn't sure everyone had made that connection.

stronghunter said...

There was a huge dog at the vet's who was interested in barking and growling at a smaller dog. They had to move big doggy to the other side of the room so that I could exit with George without disaster. (Smaller doggy was quickly called in to exam room.)

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley why was George back at the vets??

glo said...

OK Dana Thanks for that info. If you can see without being logged in then it should work for all.here and my guess is if I email to a friend who has internet but won't touch facebook :-).

Thanks everyone who has looked and commented. It is fun to watch them and film them but man is it ever cold today. Still haven't decided if I am staying in where its warm or getting bundled up and heading out.

stronghunter said...

George has chronic constipation problems and had to be taken care of. We have problems from time to time. He had been okay for about a year.

Egg roll?

Wiggle, wiggle.

stronghunter said...

That little sprig of pine is next to our eagle. Bell, I suppose? The nest is really swaying. Breezy here, but more windy there.

Geula said...

Windy.....getting a bit dizzy, but it's better when I minimize the screen...then at least I don't see the ground amovin, only the nest! And YES, I DO have sound...I hear that wind!

stronghunter said...

Had the sound turned down. Just turned it up, and wow, I hear that wind, too.

stronghunter said...

Hunkering down in that windy nest.

hedgie said...

From what I have learned from others.....you don't have to be logged on to your FB acct. to view others FB links. But if you don't have a FB account, you usually can't view t hem.

We DO need someone without to let us know.

Geula said...

Dinner time! (for me)

Geula said...

Is there a troll story somewhere here....on the blog on fb? Trolls are a bother!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy may be the person to check that out Glo. I pretty sure she does NOT have fb.

stronghunter said...

Trolls were showing up on the on the Outdoor Channel forum under the live cam picture. There seem to be a number of really nice people there who are interested in the eagles, but there are others who are not so nice.

WV sUSAn said...

Stronghunter. I read some of the Outdoor Channel forum yesterday. I'm surprised that OC hasn't already shut that down. What a waste of such a good effort to provide a chat area for the nest. And speaking of efforts, Paula sure did her best. Hopefully the ones truly interested will not be too discouraged by such nonsense.

paula eagleholic said...

They have been able to block the trolls from rejoining. There are a couple still there, but they've been quiet.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'll be heading out in this cold air...I don't want to but have an appt.

Just ate so need to brush teeth.

bb before I leave.

floralgirl said...

They are playing a new game where they post a question implying something is wrong with the egg or the eagles.

WV sUSAn said...

Thank goodness Paula. I can't for the life of think of why folks would waste the time and energy.

hedgie said...

Will be leaving in about an hour for our evaluation with the behaviorist. Wish us luck. Carolyn is going with us.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I am ignoring that stuff.

Heard a call out, now Lib back on the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, good luck Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Hope things go well for you and Mai, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Gonna go ahead and log off. Hope that Belle holds on to that egg now until tomorrow...or at least until early evening before dark! Won't get home til close to 6.

hedgie said...

Thanks for all well-wishes.

stronghunter said...

The nest is rocking like a ship in a storm at sea.

stronghunter said...

Eagle off the egg.

WV sUSAn said...

Floralgirl. New games since yesterday? I saw that about a truck. I mean, seriously, what's the point?? They have waaaaaaay too much time on their hands.

stronghunter said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lib off to the right

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back

stronghunter said...

Is that Belle?

floralgirl said...

Yeah, there's a few of them still posting today.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Luck Hedgie and Mai...(:
fingers crossed it goes well and you learn a lot and that Mai is easy to correct. fingers croxxed (:

wvgal_dana said...

I'm getting off too.

Want to give Little Man some luv'ns before I have to go.

see ya later

WV sUSAn said...

If they have all that time and energy, perhaps some volunteer work somewhere? And make a positive difference rather than being so scandalous.

WV sUSAn said...

Going to get some lunch. BBL

floralgirl said...

They are trolls, playing a game. Ticking people off is what amuses them. Best to try to ignore them.
Belle was off the egg for a few, back down now.
This cam is making me so queasy today.

glo said...

Good Luck Hedgie Will be watching for reports on your return

movin said...


Good Morning, aLL.


Looks like the second egg has not arrived yet. Is that right??
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

floralgirl said...

Yep, Jim, still just one egg.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!
Phew! Made it back on here today. Think I will just NOT sign off, and there will be no trouble signing back on!
Still one egg--I'm thinking maybe tonight for the next one. Good to see an eagle there keeping little "Eggbert" warm!

I will be lurking when possible today, but have a whole boatload of work to do for tonight's class, so will probably only post a few times.
Praying that Lynn and Mai have a successful meeting with the behaviorist, and a good report!

BTW, I have set our security HERE to exclude any trolls, just in case they are out there!

Need more coffee. Will be back later this afternoon. Oh--Emma needs some attention, too. Would you believe that I am seriously considering getting a used treadmill? If I can teach her to use it, MAYBE I can manage to tire her out! Wouldn't hurt for me to use it, either!LOL :oD

stronghunter said...

Hi Andy,

Nice to see you on here.

I don't usually get to post at this time on a workday. I'm usually standing over the silly ones at this time of the day.

Hope you can finish up your work and study soon and enjoy a little down time with us.

Ms Bookworm said...

This silly puppy has some SERIOUS endurance! I think she must be from a line of hunting Springers, not from show dogs. Her favorite thing to do when outside on a leash is to stand there and just point her nose into the breeze and inhale(or, follow a scent trail in the grass). She has the nose of a bloodhound!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley!
Good to see you! I'm hoping that George is doing better now. I can remember one other time he had the same problem and had to go to the vet's for it. Bet he's glad to be home!
Well, better get busy on that homework. Will check back in later.
Hope everyone has a good day! :o]

Lolly said...

Hi all! Back from the dentist and the grocery6 store. Ready now for our winter blast headed our way.

See that Lynn has departed. Hope she gets good useful advice for Mai.

Hi Andy! I was really hesitant to call last night, but glad I did. You had not furnished us your number so I just was not sure. Did not want to intrude. Felt like a spy agent searching for your number. LOL Maybe I will take up a new business...tracking down folks.☺ Got your number but did not look at your police record. LOL Only giving you a hard time, of course!

magpie said...

Switcheroonie time

magpie said...

and some egg and nest cup tending

magpie said...

not a whole of dining going on at the nest is there...
wonder what's been on their daily menu

eagle looking overhead

magpie said...

I had a good laugh earlier, when I read your post about the red-shouldered hawk:

It had flown up to the branch holding the feeder. Grabbed my camera but it flew off

I thought at first, it flew up the branch actually holding the feeder in its talons, and then, kinda made myself think it had grabbed your camera and flown off too !

But I know what you were talking about ☺

magpie said...

sounds like a good report on your knee
and glad that George is back at his roost

magpie said...

ISS started six days of morning flyovers hereabouts, this morning...
wonder if the crew saw the nest ☺(as Jim suggested they might)

looks like some nice bright views coming up

magpie said...

and I'm starting five days of midnight shifts....
so headed for some sleep now

Best wishes for a safe and warm evening, Everyone


Lolly said...

Egg roll

Lolly said...

Sunny but windy as well at the Vian, OK cam.

Lolly said...

Been watching the Vian cam. I would like to see the eaglets. I thought there was still snow on the nest, but have decided it is feathers. The white is blowing in the breeze.

Egg roll our nest. Good view of the egg. Wiggle waggle back into the cup.

Lolly said...

I finally got a view of the two eaglets, then the cam frozse and when I refreshed I lost it. Grrr!

It is presently 57 and sunny. Think I am going to go outside for a while.

Lolly said...

Fianally saw the two little ones being fed at Vian. Hard to see them for all the white feathers in the nest.


Mema Jo said...

I am alive and I am extra happy to see you Andy! Boy we think of every reason except the old "computer down"
Thank you Lolly for finding Andy.

I am getting ready to leave to meet another daughter and hubby - taking them out for dinner - They were married on Feb 14 and we are doing this early. Feb 14 you can't get good reservation on that lover's day.

We all may need an egg watch tonight!
OR maybe Lib & Belle like having an 'only eaglet' .

Touch base as soon as I return before my Terrific Tues TV shows come on.

WV sUSAn said...

Hello All. About to head home from work YEAHH and to a live cam. Just wondering if anyone watched the black eagle in South Africa last year who sufffered tagging injuries and had to be taken from the nest and treated. Then to rehab.... Anyway, just saw report where "Bafana" has now been released. What happy days ahead for him.

WV sUSAn said...

Out of vitamins. Stopping at GNC. BBL

magpie said...

I was able to see Eagles in Action Part II
and of course I am not on facebook
sorry it took me so long to answer your question!
I had to get up to take care of something and just checked that link
Very nice !

magpie said...

If I clicked on View Photos it took me to a sign on pge for fb so I backed out of that, and
as Dana had said earlier
all the little pictures were there and would enlarge individually if I clicked on them one by one

glo said...

Thanks Magpie Sleep well

Lolly said...

ahhhh, two eagles. Are we going to have a switch. Yep, Belle departed and Lib is on the egg.

Lolly said...

Well, bad news here. Have been out in the yard. Watered my garage plants as we have not moved them back yet to the greenhouse. Poor things, not getting a whole lot of light. Have the door open today and there are little windows when the door is shut.

Anyway, went to cut thyme for dinner seasoning and it looks like my thyme is a goner. Guess the low temps got it. Also, my dafodils with are starting to have blooms looks like they have suffered. Picked one that had opened, but it is hanging it's poor little head. Sad!

Lolly said...

Lib just poofed...egg is alone.

Lolly said...

Belle just returned. She did not get a long break.

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, sorry about your plants. Everything reacts differently to the cold weather, doesn't it?

Glo, your photos are awesome.

Lynn, can;t wait to hear how this behaviorist time went.

Hello to all I have missed.

Judie said...

Good early evening, everyone.

Egg-sitting is in progress. So very windy at the nest.

Andy, so happy you have set the security to EXCLUDE trolls. Thank you and welcome home.

Shirley, glad George is okay and you two can have some recliner time to yourselves tonight. Also happy the knee is not seriously injured -- I have a walker if you need one.

Lynn, how did the session go with Mai? Sure wishing for some serious progress in the right direction.

Jo, have a nice dinner out with daughter and sil.

Margy, have a quiet night at work. See you tomorrow. I too had a mental picture of Lolly's RSH perched on a branch holding the bird feeder -- what a hoot that would be if it were also taking a picture using Lolly's camera.

Good news about the black eagle, WVsUSAn. Thanks for the update.

Hi to Megan, Paula, Dana, Glo and any others I missed in catching up.


PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Hope all is well and welcome to any newcomers since I've posted.

Fighting a cold and back/leg pain for a few days. Just not feeling good at all.

I see Jo gave you the Harrisburg Peregrine falcon info. The live cam isn't active yet but did see both of them at the nest area about an hour ago. Will be checking in there as often as i can.

Too many cams to watch!!!!!! I can get a 2-3 up on the desktop but only 2 on this computer. Maybe I need a larger screen?

Just skyped with Max & family. He's been sick with fever and cough and now daddy is suffering with the same. Daddy (Bob) just finished his job with Bruce Hornsby. If you have fb, i tried to attach a pix of Bruce's combo.
BTW Max is better, just a cough.

Must check on tonight's leftover.


Lolly said...

Hi Suzan! Well maybe it will come back from the roots and maybe some daffodils will make it. However, lows again around 13, not looking good.

Two eagles. I thought Belle was on the nest, but this looks like Belle.????

Lolly said...

Sorry Max is sick. Little ones get sick so often. Not fun.

Switch at the nest. I think now this is Belle, but who knows!???LOL

Lolly said...

I do think she should settle in and lay an egg. What da ya think, Belle? Yep, sure this is Belle. She is filling up the cup a little better.

stronghunter said...

Picked up Hunter from the sitter's. Kathryn had to make a trip to the bank this evening before coming home.

That wind has really picked up, and it is cold.

Change of duty at the nest.

Judie said...

Um, Lolly, the thyme may revive if it gets some warmth and bright light. Can you bring it inside until the temp increases outside? Maybe Megan can offer some advice.

Hi NCSuzan.

BIG NEWS: therapist is very pleased with my progress. Have permission to use the cane instead of the walker if I feel comfortable AND to begin taking steps without cane or walker inside the house (not allowed to run up and down the stairs, yet).

Tired now and need to elevate the ankle. Pizza for dinner tonight -- yippee!


Lolly said...

55 here, 3 in Amarillo....it is coming! Sleet, freezing rain and then snow. Two to four inches of snow for us, up to 6 for Laurel. Bet schools close once again.

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang, I got on 1/2 hour ago, saw Belle in nest,read most Comments, checked emails & wrote a couple letters. When trying to send the 2nd, the mouse arrow stayed up top & wouldn't move to Send!!!!!!Screen saver finally came on, jiggled the mouse & still have goldfish swimming! I don't want to lose my composed letter~~it's not showing on this old snail 'puter! Maybe I can swap mice!! Is there a techie in the house? Be back shortly~~~need coffee!!!

Judie said...

Hi Diann. Sorry you are also having some ailments. Hope all gets betters soon and that Max and Dad get better, also.

stronghunter said...

Geese and barking dog at the nest.

Egg roll.

Lolly said...

Egg roll.

Nope, can not bring in the thyme, unless I want to dig up my herb garden.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

So happy to hear about your progress. Soon you will be running up and down the steps again. But carefully.

Waiting to hear what Lynne has to say. Hope things went well for her.

Got an explanation of static electricity from Hunter this evening. We discussed electrons and such. He was full of information today. Sometimes he has very little to say.

Need to get going on dinner.

becky said...

I love, love, love those photos Glo! Thanks for sharing those.

Geez, a lot of drama in the last day - glad I missed most of it. There are enough crazy people in this world without having them intrude on our eagle watching :)

NCSuzan said...

Nature Nut, first make sure mouse is plugge incouple q-tips.. Have you had any issues leading up to this? It could just need cleaning. Get some alcohol and a couple of q-tips. Unscrew the bottom and take a q-tip dipped in the alcohol and clean the rollers and the ball. You will be surprised at the amount of crud in there. If that doesn;t work, reboot and if that doesn't work, you may need a new mouse.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, I read today that Giffords shooting was deemed a workplace event and Federal Workman's Comp is paying her medical bills.

NCSuzan said...

Judie, what did the doctor say about your infection?

floralgirl said...

Judie that is great news.
Lolly, what kind of thyme is it?

Lolly said...

I have two kinds of thyme and really do not remember what it is called.

Lolly said...

It is getting dark at the nest....time for an egg!

floralgirl said...

Most of the thymes I have a perennials. They do not like to be real wet, though, snow and ice may have done them in.

NatureNut said...

We're back!!! Unplugged mouse & plugged back in & TAA DAA, got juice!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back! Lolly, I am so glad you called last night! Wish I had gotten to the phone in time, so we could have talked! Don't feel bad about calling. I just feel bad that you all were so worried about me! Durn computer, anyhow!

Well, I got my "business flyer" done for class tonight. I did it with a "free software" download, and some "free graphics" from an online site. Since I don't want to purchase either the software OR the "free" graphics (they want $10 for it!), it prints up with the software company name superimposed over my info at the bottom right corner of my "flyer". Guess it will have to do! Grrrrr.
Well, have to finish and print out my resume cover letter. Will be back later tonight, after school. Have a good evening! :o]

NatureNut said...

Thx Suzan for tip! It probably does need cleaning.
I was also wondering if Judie found out about an infection or not from the Dr. Glad you're feeling good enough to just use cane!
Gonna check on vooking something!!

PA Nana said...

Back briefly. Belle seems a bit restless. Another egg on the way?

NatureNut said...

BTW, GLO, I do not have facebook, but could see all your pics from that link and enlarge them. They all are great, but I love the 2 eagle fish fight & the juvie eagle w/fish snowshoe!!! ☺

Lolly said...

Yes, Megan, my thyme is a perinnial and is more than several years old. It has spread nicely. One I am sure is English Thyme. The other is stiffer, coarser, not sure what it is. I am sure the extremly low temp, plus ice did it in. I had parsley out there, too, and it is not looking so well. Shamrocks have suffered as well as my colombine. Colombine should come back, not sure about the shamrocks.

floralgirl said...

tonight's nest weather- Partly cloudy. Isolated snow showers this evening. Cold with lows around 12. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph...becoming west 5 to 10 mph with gusts up to 20 mph after midnight. Chance of snow 20 percent.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle sure is squirming around. Come on,girl, just let that egg out. We all want to see!!!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, thymes just get burnt out after several years anyway. Guess you'll have to plant some new ones in the Spring. My parsley looks so pathetic, but I uncoveerd it out from 10" of snow after the storm and used it anyway. It still has great flavor.

WV sUSAn said...

Diann and Jo. Thanks for the update on the peregrines. I'll be anxious to see their activity this year.

Belle is still moving a lot. Now facing 1:00.

BEagle said...

Hi Eagle fans.

The SQ nest eagles are looking at the bird mess they made. He he he he.

Belle is restless, and looks a little pluffft. Like ready to lay a egg.

WV sUSAn said...

Interesting light

Lolly said...

The nest is already so very dark. Tilking is not helping!

BEagle said...

The White Rock nest has a beautifully formed egg cup if you are interested in that nest.

floralgirl said...

The only time you can really see well is when those car headlights hit the nest. We need more traffic on that road.

Lolly said...

Yes, BEagle, earlier I thought there was snow on the nest earlier and then realized it was feathers. They did create a mess!

NatureNut said...

The nest is very dark. Hard to tell if there's another egg.

Park report---couldn't see anyone in the nest today, but coworker saw one when he came in after me. I'm sure she's in there incubating, just can't see her.A juvie and an adult flew up the river along the bank near office. Crow was following juvie, but not too close. I've noticed tons of crows this winter.

BEagle said...

We won't get a full moon until the 18th, half of which we will have on the 11th.

Lolly said...

Well, Megan, you are one of the ones who live close....get with it! LOL

floralgirl said...

Ha ha. I just asked hubby if he would go over and shine his headlights on the nest. He said it's just too cold, sorry.

BEagle said...

I did get to see the chicks on the SQ but the cam does not do close ups.:(

I get easily spoiled by all the new cam technology.

Lolly said...

Wimps! ☺

floralgirl said...

Them's fighting words!

WV sUSAn said...

Ok security has left, Belle, and ya have the place to yourself. Just relax....

Lolly said...


hedgie said...

Home. Dinner's done. Carolyn is heading for tub and then bed until time for work. She's such a sweet and helpful girl.
Need to catch up, but will tell you that we had a good session. Hope is not lost for M ai. It is not vicious aggressiveness. It is play aggression. Distractions, more exercise, and Less talking and petting by me should get us on the right road.

wvgal_dana said...

Just wanted to check in and let everyone know. I'm going to the couch early.

Have appointment tomorrow about headlight drivers side. Someone told me it is dimmer than the passenger side.

I won't be at the dinner if there is going to be one. Need to be home after being out today for appt. and then tomorrow for an appointment.

Prayers for those that need them whether animals or people.

Take care

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Hedgie back in the comments I had ask God that it be something good like that ( :

I am so so happy for you and Mai

stronghunter said...

Good, Lynne. Happy to learn that you have a good report.

stronghunter said...

Humm, I see lots of play aggression in my work. Teenagers. They're kind of like large puppies sometimes.

Lolly said...

Looks like Belle is tucked already.

Lynn, glad to hear the news. Hope this works.

Megan, saw the picture of the dog missing from the farm down the road. Sure hope they find it. Love the picture of her with the chickens. Bosco is half great pyrenees. Not sure of the other half but they are beautiful dogs.

Time to go vook. Having a really special dinner tonigh. Yum!

floralgirl said...

Belle is awake and looking around some. Changed positions again, has her back to the cam.

stronghunter said...

I see what you mean about the headlights on the nest. Just a few brief glimpses from time to time.

Back when I was in college, we had a small airport on the edge of town. It was said that if a plane needed to land at night, people brought their cars in and lit the air strip up with headlights. I never really knew if that was true. Might very well have been.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is sure working on something. Looks to b a little upright. Not sure. Wind died down for a sec. Oh it's back.

Hope everryone is having a warm and cozy evening. Belle appears to be resting and so am I.

Mema Jo said...

Back from dinner - need to read comments to see what is going on.........

floralgirl said...

I would swear I see two eggs

floralgirl said...

Belle was up,really moving around a lot, back down now. Really thought I could see two white objects. But don't get excited, cause I have been wrong before.

WV sUSAn said...

Welcome back Jo. Belle is a little restless But who wouldn't be in that wind. Brrrrrrrr

Belles on the move. Egg roll. Now facing 3:30. Think only one egg still. Settled again.

Mema Jo said...

Well Megan if you say so that is good enough for me. There really should be 2 by now!
I wish you could get a picture!

Good News Mother of Mai! Get your armor on and play with that little agressive girl!

I am about ready to disappear again
I will check back during commercials.....

floralgirl said...

I tried, Jo, Wasn't fast enough.

WV sUSAn said...

Was sure hoping for 2 but can't b certain.

Costume Lady said...

Hello...back from Soup Kitchen. Another good crowd; 31:)

I see Megan thinks she may have seen two white objects in the cup. Hope she is right! Don't want them to be too many days apart.

Time for Tuesday TV.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, that is certainly positive news. Are you going to meet with her again? I am so happy for you and Mai. Finally some hope.

Mema Jo said...

Coming home on RT15 we almost blew away! Hubby had to fight the wheel!

Good news Wanda! 31 is great!

NCIS I am watching.....

hedgie said...

Oh, Megan, hope you are right!

Thanks all.....I feel more hopeful. Basically, they said that she is being a teenager.....testing me, pushing the envelope, etc. The more words I use, the more she tunes me out. And the more I try to control her by touch, the more excited she gets which just perpetuates her excitement. We shall see how tomorrow goes! I may be scarce as we work our way into a new kind of schedule. One of her trainers who lives near here will be coming to the house Monday. We will take it from there, week by week. NOT CHEAP! Today was $175 and each subsequent session is $95. ARGH!

Sorry about your herbs and such, Lolly.

Dana, did you wash off the headlight??? Amazing how dim they can get with salt and stuff in the winter.

Judie, glad your PT session went well. Is Th. Dr. day?

Andy, agree it might be best if you stay logged on!

Shirley---it is true.....headlights to run up a runway not at all abnormal....especially for small rural airports back in the day, but also in emergencies if airport lights are out, even today----except more likely firetrucks!

Lolly said...

Vooking and peeking. Sure wish we knew!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn so glad to hear you and Mai had a productive session.

CL. 31... That's great. Turkey GOOD.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm home and will try to keep an eye on the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Great news Judie. One step at a time. Bet you're glad to chuck that walker.

Lynn, good news, too. Any clue how many sessions she thought you might have?

Judie said...

Pizza has been devoured. A glass of wine has also been devoured. Sandperson seems to have arrived early tonight.

Lynn, glad you had a successful session and some positive options for working with Mai. Yep, surgeon is Thursday a.m. before class.

Wanda, terrific turn out at the soup kitchen. I know you and the Capt. are so comforted by the work you do.

Too dark to see egg(s). Can just make our head and tail white feathers.

Dana, hope the headlight gets fixed if needed but do check to make sure it isn't just dirty.

Shirley, you see play aggression, Lynn sees play aggression, I see real aggression -- anybody wanna trade?

Going to look at the nest once again quickly then head to bed. So turning on the night light for others coming in. Pleasant future eaglet dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone see anything.... in that nest??
By morning's light we will know!

NCIS was good!

NCIS:LA may be better


Mema Jo said...

Missed ya by 3 min Judie! Good Night

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is moving her head around, but that's all I can see. Wind is finally quiet.

glo said...

Hedgie Glad to read good reports on today's work with Mai. Play aggression sounds much more possible to work with for you. You two will get this worked out. Hmmm teenagers. I think a big Dog teenager can be a bit tricky to deal with but once she settles down there is so much there to hug and enjoy :-)

floralgirl said...

Belle changed positions, has her back to the cam again.

stronghunter said...

I think the huge dog at the vet's today was a mastiff. It was barking and growling, could have been unnerving.

I was happy that the staff asked the owners to move to the other side of the room so I could carry George out. Still, it is a small room. I exited quickly and put George in the car.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just turned, but I couldn't see a thing. Facing noon now.

movin said...

Not sure, but after that last egg roll Belle has her head up and is squirming some, as though she might be about to lay an egg..

[:~D] Jim

Lolly said...

Dinner over and watching Belle. Also watching House, which I recorded last night.

stronghunter said...

Don't want to deal with the real aggression you deal with, Judie. I really respect what you do. I have two girls in my class this semester who are interested in working in the criminal justice system in some aspect. I hope they make it.

I am so pleased that Mai is just trying to play. Maybe you should have gotten two, Lynn, so they could play with each other. (Just kidding.) I am sure one is enough. I hope you will find that the money is well-invested.

We do invest a lot in our pets--both emotionally and financially. I have dropped a wad of bucks on George in the past month. Today was almost $200 of my hard-earned money.

Lolly said...

Belle is moving around.

stronghunter said...

I can't see Belle except when a car light shines on the nest, then just very briefly. I appreciate the reports.

Wanda, you and Gene are doing a wonderful thing feeding all of those people. You must have many stars in your crowns.

hedgie said...

Good night, Judie. Hope you get good pain relief while sleeping. Hope you don't have to go anyplace tomorrow in this cold.

Carolyn is sacked out in my fleece sheets until 11......bet she won't want to get up! Trying to be quiet as a church mouse. Lights dimmed so excuse typing if I goof!

Wind is still blowing here, but intermiitant now instead of steady. Should have built a fire, but too tired. Wind chills may only apply to warm-blooded beings....but I KNOW my house is colder when the wind blows!

hedgie said...

I always did say that more money was spent on vets than on pediatricians!
Shirley, hope Geo keeps going now!

Wanda, is 31 your best turn-out yet??? Super cold night could account for that!

hedgie said...

We picked up Chinese food on our way home....tasty, but as laways, I'm hungry again already!! Had some great crab rangoon appetizers---love them!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I am with you on the crab rangoon. I bought extra ones with our last Chinese dinner and had some with my lunch today.

hedgie said...

Mastiffs are usually gentle giants, Shirley! If I had a BIG house, I would love to have a Neopolitan Mastiff!

stronghunter said...

We have been going through a lot of those fire logs we get at the grocery store. Really should buy a cord of wood, but these are so convenient for two ladies who come in late tired from work. Of course, a gas fireplace would be even better.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is getting antsy again. Turned. Anybody see the eggs?

stronghunter said...

I read the info on Mastiffs, Lynn, and saw that they are gentle. This dog was probably nervous because it was in an unfamiliar situation and encountered a strange dog. I wasn't frightened but wasn't about to go too close, either.

I leave strange barking dogs alone whenever I can. No need to tempt fate.

paula eagleholic said...

Now Belle is facing towards 6ish, I missed her moving around..hard to see here tonight, too.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...