Thursday, February 03, 2011


New thread.  There is a new report on the eagle cam produced by USGS in Ft. Collins.  See it here.


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magpie said...

Okay Steve..Thanks...will check that out...
and go round up the others too...

floralgirl said...

Eagle back in nest!

floralgirl said...

Now both- stick fight!

floralgirl said...


floralgirl said...

Belle is back working on the nest cup. Lib just flew out.

Lynne2 said...

FIESTY again this morning...more HP

Lori O. said...

After that HP, I guess we are clear which one is Lib and which one is Belle. ☺

Lori O. said...

Morning Megan, Maggie and Lynne2!

Lori O. said...

Any estimates / guesstimates on when we'll see the first egg?

Hokiejoe said...

Just once, what is HP?
Belle had an egg 365 days ago, didn't she?

floralgirl said...

Good morning:)
Just a silly way to say they just mated- hanky panky

Lynne2 said...

Hi Lori! Hi JOE!!
HP is what we call "hanky panky".

Lori O. said...

It's ok Joe - I had the same question last week.

Lynne2 said...

I think first egg last year was Feb 2 so a year ago yesterday.

Lynne2 said...

We are silly sometimes Joe...comes from months of watching NOTHING while waiting for the BIG DAY! We joke about our "blogtionary".

Lynne2 said...

come on Belle.....


stronghunter said...

Good morning--just settling in at work. I see an eagle on the egg cup.

hedgie said...

Oh, we go again......

Yep, Feb 2nd it was......thank goodness the sky and the nest are clear!

Guess Belle got the cup comfy again and now settled down....for how long?!

Lynne2 said...

found this interesting article on Hancock
Egg Developement

magpie said...

45 pages on that USGS report....from the link that Steve posted on the New Thread comment...
no I haven't read it all yet...some great pictures....
of the NCTC nest of course!

think it will be a good read...

Thanks Steve !

Hokiejoe said...

They have been fornicating for 2-3 weeks! :)

Lynne2 said...

yes, they certainly have! I was wondering about that so I looked it up and found that article.

Lynne2 said...

OH MY....manners have gone out the door....
Thanks for the new thread Steve, will check out article ASAP!

floralgirl said...

Lib came back, think he brought leaves for the cup.

Lori O. said...

Gotta go - Lynne,email me if we get an egg today!

Lynne2 said...

Lori, I have to go too......won't be here ALL DAY have to get to work.

Lynne2 said...

don't know if I'll get a chance to check in from there, but I think they do have internet...

SOMEONE EMAIL LORI PLEASE when the big event takes place!

Lynne2 said...

oh, and ME TOO!!!!! I can check my email so much faster that catching up on the blog!

Lynne2 said...

NBG was down this morning for a while but there are no eagles in the nest so I doubt they laid and egg yet either.

hedgie said...

Well, going to clean out truck mess, drive out to get the papers (safer on this ice!) and then put truck in the garage (I didn't last night because SO slippery to try to walk with dog pulling on leash. )

Lolly said...

Good morning! Felt for sure we had an egg when I saw her in the egg cup then read the blog starting with when I went to bed. Dern! Just saw them go through that routine of digging in the egg cup. Sure hope Wanda is not right!

Lynne2 said...

be careful Lynn...hope you aren't getting sick!

Lolly said...

LOL Sitting here in my pjs. I always get dressed first thing...not this morning, cam right to my laptop. Jack just brought me a mug of coffee.

Oh, I heard eagles! Wow, what wonderful sound!

magpie said...

remember the sounds last year Lolly when we were watching Two Harbors?
laying that first egg?

magpie said...

you me and Paula
I think it was Feb 17

Lolly said...

I knew we had wind sound last night but was not confident we had good sound from the nest. How fantastic! We will hear the eaglets. But, I did not hear the fly out.

Yep, remember that Margy!!

Lolly said...

16 here this morning and no sun. Snow coming tonight. Want to try to get to the store today. Will have to go in Jack's truck cause I do not want to open the garage door. His truck is small, hate to go in it but no choice.

WV sUSAn said...

Floralgirl. They really do need to keep puttng leaves in that egg cup. Considering the possibility that one may have slipped thru last.

WV sUSAn said...

Night. Last night.

hedgie said...

No local paper out there. Called....they said district manager was out this way and they'd have him bring one---I asked that it be brought in to porch!!
Truck mess was worse than expected. That stuff doesn't freeze. ARGH!

paula eagleholic said...

I believe Wanda was joking about an egg slipping through! Susan, we have been joking about how they brought in so much more fluff and twigs to cover the snow in the nest...that the eagles were building a 2 story nest!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, Wanda was joking!

hedgie said...

Please say a special little prayer for 10 y.o. Cedric----he is a local boy who has been missing since 2/1. No other details yet as to circumstances.
They said Endangered......Center for Missing and Exploited Children are on the case, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Lower left corner of the cam looks foggy

hedgie said...

It sure does, Paula.......hope it's not a creeping fog. Wouldn't that be the pits?
Did you take Boo to work?

WV sUSAn said...

Of course we will never know and I sure hope not, Paula. I'm viewing still cam today from work so will be checking blog to make sure I don't miss anything. Heaven forbid. Haha. Is that Lib on nest now?

floralgirl said...

Lib came back with food. Belle has it now.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

AHA! Ya'll can't hide from me! Lib just brought Belle some breakfast! We are gonna get us an egg today!

WV sUSAn said...

Ahhh both on nest

WV sUSAn said...

And one gone. Fast

floralgirl said...

Must have been a little fish. Looks like it's all gone.

paula eagleholic said...

That fog is disappearing quickly now.

I left Boo at home, gave him some taters for breakfast :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Great shot of the cubs on the Lily cam!!!

hedgie said...

Today is the Chinese celebration of the Lunar New Year and Year of the Rabbit. Let's have a party!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Morning from here in the valley!
Not really too disappointed but being realistic this is what has happened in years past. Test drive with an over night and then fuel up with fishes before the main event! lol
One thing for certain is that this event gets all of the Momsters/Dadsters

Mema Jo said...

I don't remember where to find a
Pop-Up cam........ Glo or someone help me out here

floralgirl said...

Belle flew out, empty nest.

floralgirl said...

Eagle back with a stick.

glo said...

MeMa Jo Its under the still cam on the main page. Look where date and time are and you will see Pop Up

magpie said...

for still cam,even though you might not be able to see the words Pop Up Cam cause I cannot,
click underneath "image will reload...might have to click it twice...wait for should come up

You'll get a better tip from someone else probably

Lolly said...

Love the sun on the nest...only sun I have.

Lolly said...

I do not use the pop up, but split the screen between two windows. Really like that!

Lolly said...

So, I type away on the blog, keep and eye on the nest, and I can hear little cubbies nursing away. Live is good!

Lolly said...


Mema Jo said...

I see Pop Up Thanks

wvgal_dana said...

Been here watching and there is too much fluff under fluff for an egg to fall through. Wanda was just kidding.

Prayers for all people and animals in need.

Mema Jo said...

I really wish the pop up would stay up until it is manually put down....
I know what you are saying about the split screen-Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

NBG Cam is Up/Running
Nest is MT

magpie said...

I can see the words Pop Up Cam at the work computer, Jo...used to be able to see it here on the home computer, so I just use my imagination and x-ray vision

ttfn got to disappear for awhile

hedgie said...

Wish I could understand how you do that, Lolly. I can't get my windows to shrink down to do that. Any tips would be appreciated. As soon as I make a click on a screen, the cam gets moved to back and out of sight.

glo said...

That is strange MeMa Jo I leave my pop up up all day long. It does stay up til I put it down. If you go to a site that you have full screened or whatever it could get hidden but it should be there. On the other hand for me it is the live feed that I can't keep up all the time on my laptop and still do anything else.

Judie said...

Hi. Darth here.

MT nest, but with a big inviting egg cup. C'mon Belle, lay one or more on us.

A story you might enjoy while waiting:

As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Kentucky back country.

As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight.

There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played before for this homeless man. And as I played "Amazing Grace," the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together.

When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full. As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen nothin' like that before and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years."

Apparently I'm still lost....

Bye, bye. Time to haul Judie off to the big school house.


Mema Jo said...

BWO has a car at the platform.....

Mema Jo said...

Darth - you made me laugh
Take care of Judie - tell her to be aware of Black Ice and for Heaven's sake not to slide on the sidewalks!
Love you guys!

Mema Jo said...

Glo I don't mean that the pop up Shuts down but when I start to type on the blog or bring up another program - It just drops to my Menu bar and disappears from my sight.

hedgie said...

Hardee-har-har-har, Darth!!!
Take good care of that gal of yours--and youself, as well!!

Car is gone at BWO but Eagle is there with food

WV sUSAn said...

Trying to blog, watch stiill cam AND work is gonna be tough today. Whew. I just hate when the job gets in the way of my fun. Hahaha

Costume Lady said...

Love that one, Darth:)
My daughter sent that one to me shortly after she had to have her septic tank dug up, in the middle of winter a few years ago.

hedgie said...

Me, too, Jo.......except with Windows 7, there/s not an icon on the taskbar.....I have to roll mouse onto the internet icon--it gives a list of everythig open and then I have to click on which one I want to show.

hedgie said...

Feeling puny. Took cold meds. Heading to sofa for a snooze while Mai naps. BBL.

Lolly said...

On this laptop I am able to open two windows. Then I right click on the bar at the bottom and a list pops up and I click on "show windows side by side". I can have three or four up, but go for two.

floralgirl said...

I just open the Outdooor tv page, full screen, then I use my mouse to minimize the screen-if you put your cursor over the edge of the open page,then it will become a sideways arrow, left click and hold down, and move it in to make the screen smaller. It becomes a small rectangle just big enough to show the cam view. Then I open another browser window and resize it to fit beside my cam page.

Mema Jo said...

I took a break and had a phone call from my Bragg Gal. Everything is good.

My problem is that I have FF and IE
IE is where I have the Live Feed and
FF is where I blog. Thanks for all the different ways to view things all at once.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Well, I'm glad to see that it looks like the sun is out at the nest! Still pretty cold there, though.

I'm going to go to school pretty early (for me) today, and attempt to get everything done really early. That way I won't have to go to class after dinner tonight. About to get Emma to chase her tennis ball for a while, and slow her down a bit. Can't really wear her out--energy is her middle name--but if she runs around for a while, she usually takes a long nap. That will hopefully enable me to spend a bit more time at school.

Darth, loved the bagpipe story! Really a good one!

Lynn, prayers for your speedy return to perfect health! Get lots of rest, and hopefully the meds will do the trick. Tell Mai to take it easy on you today!

Well, better get busy with Emma, so I can get this show on the road. Will check back later. Hope we soon have an egg, and hope the weather cooperates this year!

floralgirl said...

Why do you use FF for one and IE for the other?

Mema Jo said...

lol Because that is the way hubby set it up to open...... Good question!
I'll ask him.....

Mema Jo said...

I think I am going to the dogs!
I have help controlling my Blood Sugar
with Metformin.. However, I also have
each morning a piece of whole wheat toast with honey and peanut butter spread on it. Isn't that what Boo and Jack also have?

floralgirl said...

Doesn't matter, whatever works, I was just curious.

hedgie said...

Great info from Dave Hancock about the egg-laying process.

Feeling a bit better.....maybe some lunch will help, too.
Saving leftover Chinese food for dinner, but definitely want something hot forlunch.

Just finished a short practice with Mai. She is NOT catching on to the "down" position at all. It is the next step from the sit, which she does very well......when she's calm.

movin said...


Good MorninG



Looks like last night with Belle must have been the trial night.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I hope you awaken from your nap feeling much much better.

Sharon - I hope you are feeling better with your back pain.. I was really excited last evening with Belle in the nest... Guess we'll try again after Lib feeds her well - so again tonight!

So Far NBG hasn't produced their first egg yet!

floralgirl said...

Eagle alert!

Mema Jo said...

Eagle Alert

Mema Jo said...

That's Lib and he came in empty handed

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lolly---new one on me! It worked!!! But now it disappeared again....gotta try that again.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break
Need to do Feb cards......


hedgie said...

From my eldest:

A momma, poppa & baby tomato are walking down the street. Baby tomato is lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets mad, goes back & stomps on her-and says "Catch up"!

hedgie said...

Still can't get it to work again, Lolly. What am I doing wrong?

floralgirl said...


Mema Jo said...

I saw that HP this time!
Good ole' Lib

Mema Jo said...

ROFL Lynn Now that was very entertaining and I bet when I pick up the Ketchup bottle I'm going to remember the joke and laugh out loud!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle flew up into the tree, Lib still in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula - check your email when you have time for a message from Yahoo
E_M site. Thanks.

NCSuzan said...

I have 4 cams up and can do 5. I save the most room for the blog unless something is happening but I use Vista and IE8

hedgie said...

ANother of those "makes no sense" conundrums. It worked once, and now won't. If I move the blog window to one side, as soon as I click on the mouse, it moves back to center, and if I do the "show windows side by side" all I get now is a quiver of the blog and nothing else appears. Suzan, I have IE8 and Windows 7.

hedgie said...

Maybe I should reboot!

hedgie said...

Well, that didn't help any. Darn puter.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't work on my card list yet but I will

Need to check out FB


NatureNut said...

Must be Lib at top of nest. Can't see all of him.
Hello, just getting on~~daughter had to plug modem into her laptop for conference call at work.

NCSuzan said...

Vista works like Winxp. I can make the window any size I want and they do not minimize to the tray unless I put it there. Can you hover the mouse and drag the window in or out? Sorry that I am not up on Win7.

hedgie said...

I can move it, Suzan, but if I resize it by dragging, as soon as I try to do anything else, it returns to full size. GOing to desktop puter and see about it---it's Vista.......think I was able to do it on it before.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, maybe there is a desktop setting. Try right clicking on your desktop to see if it gives you any options. Can't see Windows giving up this option as it is one they advertise about so much.

hedgie said...

Okay, that works on PC. Have them side by side now.

Lolly said...

Sorry, Lynn, just not an expert enough to help you. This computer is Vista. On the other laptop I was unable to get two windows. You have to have two open and up, then click show side by side.

We just ventured out and went into town. That was fun.....NOT!! We have two ways into town, either country roads or the interstate. Decided to do the interstate thinking it would be clearer. Well, it probably was but it was still just tire tracks and sometimes sheets of ice. I was a nervous wreck! We are home safe and falls! I really did not need things from the grocery store but wanted more cd's for pictures.

Have you ever had a really simple person wait on you? Now, I am so glad they are employed but this woman at Staples was a riot. She was ramblin on about John Wayne. She told us his real name was Sue. That was why he sang that song "Boy named Sue." John Wayne??? LOL

hedgie said...

Okay, Suzan when I go back to laptop, I'll try it there instead of on the taskbar.

Costume Lady said...

Hey Lolly, are you sure she was an employee...maybe an imposteer:)

Mema Jo said...

lol How about Johnny Cash???????????

Costume Lady said...

I have so much trouble doing any of those neat things that you all are talking about, since FRONTIER came on the scene.
We switched to COMCAST today with a guarantee that I would have a faster 'puter and less difficulty. So, we shall see. Got a package which includes TV, Phone, my 'puter and Gene's laptop. So anxious to get it started.

Costume Lady said...

I didn't get to see the last HP, but I did see the first one this morning. I find that so reassuring that they are still a 'couple'.
Got a picture of it and put it on Momsters Album. Also on my Wild and Wonderful for a quick check.
I think it is beautiful.

hedgie said...

Posted a great cartoon on my blog!! Check it out.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

That was me deleting.........stutter-stepped x3!!!!

hedgie said...

Duh, Lolly.....everyone knows that John Wayne was really Marion somebody! (My Dad's fathers' name was Marion!) Sounds like she is a real dork!

Wanda, good that you have a choice about your net options. No cable here-----they said they would NEVER come back here. Let us know your new email address!!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL that 3 great cartoons, or one cartoon that is Great X 3 ??

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, good for you. Hope it works out. You deserve the best.

Lynn, do not know what else to suggest. I just minimize, reduce it further and fill up my screen. I do open the browser for eace window. That way they are not connected.

hedgie said...

Nope, no desktop way to do it, Suzan.

NCSuzan said...

Eagle at NBG

paula eagleholic said...

Cute cartoon, Lynn!

Lolly said...

Like the toon, Lynn.

The sales clerk is just real simple. She talks and talks and every other word is "M'am". We did not correct her mis-information. We just got out of there as fast as we could.

Lolly said...

Poor Laurel. She has a sick boy. Jacob woke up in the night with an intestinal both ends. Had to change sheets in the middle of the night. He just sat on the floor by the toilet. She wanted to hold him but he said no. Then he fell asleep sitting on the bathroom floor. Poor baby. He has eaten now and kept it down, but is just lying on the sofa.

Told her to be glad she was home. I bet there is no school tomorrow too. It is way below freezing and no sun at all. Roads are terrible and snow predicted for tonight and tomorrow. Not a lot of snow, thank goodness.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to work on pictures now.

I'll be lurking!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, I posted a pic of my laptop screen on Suzan's Snaps just to give you an idea. I can enlarge at any time without disrupting the other windows.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Suzan.....I'll try doing it that way....opening each thing in a seperate browser......

Glad you like the cartoon! LOL, Paula.....good one! Just stuttered on the anouncement!

hedgie said...

Okay, finally got it using a seperate browser!!!! Amen!

hedgie said...

Wanda, I think that if you go back through my blog I've posted one other eagle cartoon. Just don't remember when!

NCSuzan said...

Yay!!!!!!!!! Lynn.

hedgie said...

Cannot believe that after all of that blizzard Tues. at GLo's that she is heading out today to go look at eagles! I think she's an addict!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, poor Jacob.

Lynn, I can't log into the comments under the cam from work...the window just disappears again...and trying to login just like I did from home...sigh.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, the amber alert you posted on FB for Cedric Hardy there is now a comment
that he has been found and is safe.

Mema Jo said...

I called Glo a 'snow bunny' in disguise. Don't know what to call Dex

Mema Jo said...

From FB Do watch this on
The majestic plastic bag. [VIDEO]

Really sends a message!

NCSuzan said...

Egg at NBG!

NatureNut said...

Great cartoon, Lynn!
Darth has out done himself this time!!!
Kid went to grocery for "no-carb" food! We do have some, but she's still following S. Beach Diet. I should do the same, but I think I'm old enough to cheat now & then!! LOL
SIL in TX is supposed to fly up to Balmer Friday. Wonder about weather down there. Austin's usually OK.

Donka Maria said...

NBG eagles First Egg!! 2:49 PM today.

hedgie said...

Well, scanned backl through and don't find it, Wanda! Guess either I'm wrong and you are right, or maybe I deleted it!!!

NCSuzan said...

Just laid. so exciting!

hedgie said...


NatureNut said...

WOW! How eggciting for NBG & guess they had close up on at the time! Beautiful pic. Wish she would stand soon so we can see!

NCSuzan said...

Nice looking egg at NBG. She had an easier time laying this one. Can't wait to see how the rest go. Come on Belle!

NatureNut said...

Got a pic of NBG eagle & egg---on blog.

hedgie said...

Excellent news about Cedric, Jo! Thanks.

Paula, I can't get logged back onto it......not even through Google. Maybe I'll have to make a new ID....????

paula eagleholic said...

Little birdie picking around our nest...he just went back the far left corner of the screen

NCSuzan said...

Got a pic of egg roll.

floralgirl said...

I saw that, and it makes you realize how big that nest really is. That bird looked so tiny.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay for NBG!!!

Costume Lady said...

Great photos, Loretta!

Costume Lady said...

Wow, must have a 27" moniter:) Do they disappear when you type?

floralgirl said...

Awesome, egg roll at NBG. That cam is the greatest, what a beautiful picture.

hedgie said...

Can't get NBG up----says cam is unavailable.....too many watchers???

Okay, Mai has been off leash and out of crate for 30 mins. Everything is going well....except she won't stay off the I pick my battles??? Acquiesce on that in order to have her being (so far) a good girl?

hedgie said...

Just opened up my fortune cookie from last night. It says "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts." Hmmmmmmmm.....probably some truth to that!

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert!! With food?

Yup, there's Belle, mantling.

Donka Maria said...

Eagle in our Nest!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, it's another squirrel!

Donka Maria said...

Both of them!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is digging in the nest cup. Any eggs in here yet?

hedgie said...

Squirrel is well hidden by Belle.......

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, no. My monitor is 15 1/2 in. Though I am looking at a 17 1/2 inch laptop. Just because mine is almost five years old.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! I just watched the video from NBG showing the laying of the egg What a zoom!

Congratulations NBG! As Norma would say - A little Rebel

NCSuzan said...

Took another pic of NBG egg. Want to be in better practice form for another first egg here!

hedgie said...

Isn't it funny how we make such a big deal over eagles and osprey laying their eggs......but that chickens do it every single day and nobody pays attention???!!! I'm just sayin'.........

paula eagleholic said...

I wasn't sure what it was at first, but then when Belle grabbed it, you could see the long fluffy tail. She is still in the nest, eating away!

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Have been lurking most of the afternoon.

What great news from NBG and a great cam!

While eating lunch a hawk came through and got one of our feeder birds. Jim saw it go by so I got a sweater and went to see if it was in our big tree. It was with the little one in its talons.

When I came in I had to look at my Peterson Field Guide and think it was an immature sharp-shinned. I couldn't see its tail but by its size it had to be a sharpie.

I'm disappointed we don't have an egg today since watching late last night, but surely before the Super Bowl when I won't be watching. Come on Belle, it's time for a touchdown!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, they're just chickens! Just sayin....

paula eagleholic said...

No test results from the lab on Boo today. Call back tomorrow :(

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, cool, Diane.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - hope Jacob recovers quickly and pray it doesn't run the whole way through the family.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle down in the bowl, checking out the egg cup

WV sUSAn said...

Shazam. NBG closeups are seriously close. Any closer and I'd feel the need to apologize. Haha. Wow and yippeeee for their first egg.

floralgirl said...

I admire chicken eggs every day at breakfast. Just sayin...:)

hedgie said...

Loretta's captures are wonderful, and the video was great.
Belle has finished eating, but I sure don't know where the fur and tail went. Standing over cup now.......maybe a full tummy will make a difference??

Donka Maria said...

The chicken farms (even Eggland's Best) do not take delivery of the male chickens. The chicks are sexed about 12 hours after hatching. The males are all tossed into on giant trashbag, and the female chicks go on to be raised to laying size.

You do not need roosters for the hens to lay eggs. The hens that lay eggs for your table will never see a rooster again , after sexing (when they are just hours old).

Any rooster that is found to have made it through sexing, as the chicks mature, would be killed on the spot. Rosters have no place in commercial chicken farms. They chase the hens and breed with them. That in turn causes a tiny spot to appear on the fertilized eggs (right next to the yoke). Fertilized eggs are rejected by the average consumer, so they don't allow any roosters.

Since hens produce eggs without roosters, the males are all killed on commercial chicken farms. They try to make sure that the males are all gone when the chicks are just hours old.

Just sayin . . .

glo said...

Ha Ha Hedgie I can stop any time I want to. I have been dry for 6 weeks. :-). Well I had been dry up til about 2 hours ago. There is in fact a rush to eagles here in the winter and I was far form alone when i got there. Most of us will be at camera club tonight as well. Its so good to be home.

hedgie said...

Exactly, Megan.....the incredible, edible egg!!! One of my favorite foods---so versatile.

Yes, Lolly, sure hope Jacob feels muchn better by now. Poor kid. Is all the illness they are having this year new, or do they often come down with things?

paula eagleholic said...

She wasn't doing any fur plucking, just eating. Don't know where that tail went either!

paula eagleholic said...

There she goes..poof!

hedgie said...

And she went.

stronghunter said...

Just read on FB that Rebecca's mother is safely out of Egypt and in Germany. She is scheduled to fly out of Germany tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I have so been waiting for word on her mother. Just stated that no more flights...

PA Nana said...

Paula, hope you soon get some good news about Boo.

Saw I lost out to Glo with the heated bird bath, but ...

Jim want me to check his medication at the pharmacy. bbl

Mema Jo said...

Take a break and read up

on Mason's latest news

Mema Jo said...

Good News from Christine

Yay my diploma came in the mail today! It makes it seem more real. Can't wait to see it! I had to have it mailed to my grandmother since we were in the middle of moving to the states from Germany!

hedgie said...

Gee, Donna, thanks for all that chicken info. Doesn't sound very nice.

Glo, glad you got your FIX! Have fun at Camera Club!

Mema Jo said...

No problem getting on the NBG cam
Female is incubating her egg!

hedgie said...

Starting to feel feverish. More meds. Warming up dinner and then heading for sofa.

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Our nest MT. Absolutely stunning closeup of the eagle and nest at NBG. Congratulations to that pair!

Got home about 10 minutes ago. Finished school and therapy (good session w/lots of progress). Very tired and ankle is protesting so need to elevate my foot with some ice. Will catch up later.

Sure hope Lady Belle will deliver soon.


NatureNut said...

Missed our birds, but checked NBG & cam is busy!!! ☺

Glo, glad you got out of the cold, but bet it was exciting!
Lynn, Get Well!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, relieving news about Rebecca's mom, Shirley. Thanks!

Can imagine how good Christine feels, Jo! What is her degree in?

floralgirl said...

We get our eggs from a local farm. Haven't eaten commercial raised eggs in over 10 years. They taste so much better, and the chickens are also treated much better.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...