Saturday, February 26, 2011


Evening thread.


Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

You are probably over on the other thread getting everyone else.

Hope you and everyone else are well today. Hunter is with his dad and Kathryn is at a party. I am being lazy.

Poor Luna fell down the stairs this morning, but she seems okay. She was not willing to go down the front steps at first, but did go later.

stronghunter said...

I will be back. I'm checking the other thread.

hedgie said...

Put a cute pic of the BWE eaglets on my blog...sent to Lisa, too!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, poor many steps????? Hope she isn't too frightened.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lynn.

Saw that Mai has been losing baby teeth. I remember the first time our German shepherd lost a baby tooth. It scared us because we didn't know dogs lost baby teeth.

stronghunter said...

From the upstairs to the downstairs of the house, Lynn. Kathryn was with her. She said Luna kind of slid down. I heard it and rushed out of my bedroom. We were probably more upset than Luna.

I just let her out the front and had to guide her down the steps there.

hedgie said...

Thanks for calling us over, Judie!!
Your breakfast sounded great...I assume you got your piece of pie, right???? Is Darth feeling better??

stronghunter said...

Judie, thank you for your offer of a veterinarian. I think Kathryn is happy with the one she has. Dr. Corcoran is a veterinary eye specialist that our vet here sent her to.

Kathryn said that there are only two eye specialists in Fairfax. The other one is at SouthPaws. I took George there once. Susan takes her pets to Pender. That is where Luna will be kept for her overnight stay. That's my knowledge of Fairfax vets.

hedgie said...

Another canine tooth gone! Did NOT find it...but she bled again!

hedgie said...

Wow, Shirley...Pender has been there forever!! We went there when I was growing up---with Penny, I know; not sure about Gretchen, tho'.

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Darth is better today, Judie. Well enough to grab for the apple pie, it seems.

stronghunter said...

Susan loves the doctors at Pender. I do not remember the name of her favorite.

hedgie said...

Well thank goodness she slid rather than tumbled, Shirley. I'm sure Kat's heart did a leap, and yours, too.

hedgie said...

I'm sure the vets are all different now....we were there 40 yrs. ago!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!
I am so tired, might not make it thru dinner! And I wanted to call "Peggy" tonight about the 'puter meeses!
Very strange at Park today~~~lack of birds except seagulls!I always fill feeders in AM & didn't see anyone come all day. In River, no eagles, herons, etc! We thought it was a pleasant day, too!?
I was able to see the eagle across the River w/the telescope.
So sorry to hear about Luna's tumble.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Shirley, sorry to hear that Luna took a slidey tumble down the stairs! I bet that scared everybody! Sure hope she's OK.
Emma fell off Hubby's lap onto her side this afternoon. She often goofs around and pushes on you with all 4 feet while laying across your lap, and I guess she didn't realize just how long her legs have gotten!
She is OK. She didn't hit her head or anything. Just kind of knocked the wind out of her. Hope she will be more careful next time!
Lynn, hope the tooth fairy doesn't go broke tonight! We have only found 3 of Emma's baby teeth--one molar, and 2 canines.
I am really weary! Just finished doing a 7-page autopsy report as part of my homework. Think I'll quit on that for the day. Need to feed Emma, then go put the bulldogs in the laundry room for the night. Hope to get back here after our dinner.
The sun did come out here today, but the breeze is absolutely FREEZING! Will be back later tonight. :o]

Mema Jo said...

I guess I am thankful it was Luna that sorta slid down the steps rather then it would have been Kathryn!
Thanks for the call over, Judie. Just got home a while ago and was reading the few comments on the previous thread since I had left for Mass.

Hope you enjoy your weekend, Steve.

I need to check out my TV programs for tonight if any...........

stronghunter said...

Just had a little scare, but things turned out okay. When I put Luna out awhile ago, she got her lead tangled in the rosebushes. I unhooked her and let her in. But I left the door open when I went out to untangle the lead. I tried to watch for George, but I missed his escape.

I knew something was wrong when I put out George's food and there was no George. I looked for him for about an hour, even called Kathryn to come home and help. George isn't wearing his collar right now.

When I came home from searching the neighborhood once again, and just as Kathryn arrived home, I found George in the garage waiting to be let in the door. I wasn't really surprised, but he had me worried. I think he has been out overnight only once, but he was much younger then.

He would not last very long without his medications now.

hedgie said...

So Andy, the molars DO come out, too? I didn't remember seeing them back there until just the last month or so! Oh, my, been too long since I had a puppy!!!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is glad she wasn't the one who fell down the steps, too, Jo! Last time she did that she broke her leg.

Basset hounds have huge bones. It would be hard to break a basset bone, I would think.

Judie said...

Just checking in after snorting down my pizza and two glasses of wine -- please excuse any typos!

Shirley, glad Luna was not injured but so sorry for the fright AND for having to worry about George being out. Worst fears I've ever had were when pets were on the loose. Glad it was not Kathryn who took the tumble. Not familiar with the vet clinics you mentioned but do recognize the names. Pender has a good reputation.

Yes, Jo, I did manage to snatch up a slice of pie but I can assure you I had to be quite speedy fast for a cripple.

Andy, sounds like you're getting close to my business with transcribing autopsy reports -- fun stuff, huh? Hope it was a good homicide.

Speaking of which, I was watching local news last night and saw one of my former students, a sex crimes detective, interviewed about a serial rapist.

Lowreeda, interesting about the absence of birds but it seems that is the same as our yard -- not many birds for the past two weeks or so. Not typical at all.

Darth is feeling better. Has headed down the hallway to bed but I think it's because he's weighed down with pizza (and pie). I think he just needs sleep -- arthritis is giving him fits.

Will be turning my light off soon but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, leaving tooth fairy money under pillows (or paws), or just stumbling around in the dark.

Pleasant dreams. Goodnight Belle and Liberty and the eaglets to be.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad Luna is OK.

Back home, with my brother in tow. He's having fun playing with Nugz. Got to get some boxes loaded up, and will try to get out of here between 8:30 and 9 tomorrow morning.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about Darth's arthritis. It is no fun. I have a touch of it now and then.

magpie said...

Happy Trails on Sunday, Paula... know it must be nice to have your brother with you...

stronghunter said...

I haven't read everything Paula, but I think you are packing things for the beach house.

magpie said...

I had a feeling I should not have used the words
Service Error 503
yesterday...believe I jinxed the blog !

Blogger cop is what it brought it to mind !

stronghunter said...

Or maybe I am wrong.

magpie said...

that would be correct, Shirley....but I know Paula will come back on and talk about it...
she got some white wicker furniture to take down, and said something about a kitchen table...

magpie said...

been reading the posts...sorry about Luna's tumble, and still have the prayers going for everyone about her illness

magpie said...

have not heard much about Flash lately ?

magpie said...

wondering how Lynne and Steve are doing today...can't recall seeing an update

Sounds like Judie had a nice kind of Saturday, but am sorry to read of Darth's aches and pains
Hope you feel better on Sunday, Darth

magpie said...

seems like it was a still, mild kind of weather day...
cuoldn't be outside for it though
only birdie things I can report on is a pile of crows and a bunch of Turkey vultures....hanging around on antenna poles

So, no shrieking at nightfall at our nest tonight? I read where there was some calling out this morning

stronghunter said...

Flash is fine. He just misses Luna right now.

magpie said...

I seem to have the whole slate to myself here ☺

Hope there was some good things about the day for everyone

getting ready for work more midnight, two days off, then I am not sure what schedule is coming on next....looks like some dayshifts, wouldn't bother me a bit with Springtime coming

ttfn back before work xoxo

magpie said...

Oh Thanks Shirley!

magpie said...

glad he has George the almost missing cat for company ♥

stronghunter said...

Except George doesn't approve of Flash!

magpie said...

forgot about that

stronghunter said...

I admire you, Margy. Not sure I could handle your schedule.

paula eagleholic said...

I couldn't handle Margy's schedule either! Got the truck all loaded, heading for the beach tomorrow, should be a nice day. Wasn't too bad out there today. I'm going to take Nugz, bringing some towels in case he decides to go for a swim!

magpie said...

we have three additional minutes of daylight Sunday:


looks like it will be high 50's but cloudy Sunday, and thunderstorms possibly severe on Monday...

hope the weather is good for your Beach trip Paula, warm enough maybe to squish some sand between your toes

magpie said...

can't see diddly squat on the live feed but it sounds breezy
that sound, sometimes I have to turn speakers WAY up, and sometimes, not at all...

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, sometimes that wind hits the mic just right and the wind is loud.

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to call it a 'good day'
Pillows are going to feel just right

Paula, enjoy your trip and most of all enjoy getting the house ready for a lot
of wonderful times.

Hope your shift is quiet, Margy.
I hope things slow down for you soon, Shirley and that all the animals are well. Wishing Hunter a fun time with dad.

Hedgie - you didn't get your feet muddy and have to stay in the basement, did you??? Oh Right! That's Mai! Love ya gal - get to bed soon.

Mema Jo said...

Good night Friends
Prayers for all your wants/needs
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo.

hedgie said...

No, Jo, no more mud!! But I WAS in the basement earlier taking my bath!! Watched a good movie, too, this eveing.

Just had a scare. Was reading comments and suddenly an SB was on the keyboard. S-h-r-i-e-k!!!

Peaceful sleep for all turning in.
Jo, you've been going earlier than usual....hope you are feeling okay!

Shirley, glad all is well with George!

Paula, hope everything is still in the truck when you wake up!

Judie, I, too, was wondering the COD on Andy's autopsy case!!!

hedgie said...

LOretta, I've noticed a lack of birds, too----wonder if all those high winds blew them away??!!

magpie said...

Good Night Everyone...
wish I could just crawl into the covers and onto the pillows right about now...
thanks for the well-wishes, Jo, hope it is quiet too, people need to behave and be nice !!!

Thanks for your precious friendship, Eagle Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Bro went to bed a little while ago...he's an early riser...

Gonna hit the hay, will check in when I return tomorrow.

Have a great Sunday!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Safe trip, Paula!!!

Goodnight from here, too. Hope everyone rests well-----except Margy! Will wish her a good shift and then a good morning's sleep!
Prayers for all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, time to go upstairs. Kathryn considered some before she took Luna upstairs tonight, but it is so much easier to watch over her if she is nearby.

She will have to get ahead of Luna coming downstairs from now on. Of course, that means she will have to be careful that Luna doesn't knock her down the stairs. Luna weighs more than 75 pounds. She is very large for a basset hound, especially a female. Not overweight, just big.

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

We are home. Rather an uneventful evening with the boys. They have movie & pizza night every
Friday. Well, they did not have it last night because of the basketball game, so Laurel told them they could watch a movie. Not much interaction when they are zombies watching TV!!! Grrrr! Oh, well, it was fun being with them anyway.

Heading to bed now. Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

wvgal_dana said...

I wasn't going to start commenting yet. Thought I would get caught up.

I just seen an eagle fly aroung the right side of nest. Then Belle flew in from the left. So it must have been her. Lib just now flew out. Belle was trying to arrange big stick in front of nest. Now moving onto eggs.

Good Morning Everyone. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry about Luna having a sliding down the steps. So happy she is fine.
No Kathryn doesn't need a 2nd broken leg. Glad it was not you or her.

Judie I read your comment about seeing on tv news one of your former student. He is a detective in sex crimes. Do you remember him well? Was he a good student?
That surely had to be nice seeing a former student as a detective.

Lynn if Mai was a child you would be broke lol

Darth prayers for that arthritis. I remember how bad my husband had it. He wouldn't let the doctors
do anything though. No knee replacement or hip replacement for him he said. They aren't touching me!
It is one of the reasons he retired at 62 wanted to stay to get full but arthritis just tortured him at work.

Paula see you and your brother are soon to be headed I guess for the beach house. Have FUN!!! So nice your brother is going with you. (:

wvgal_dana said...

Margy have a good sleep. Are the people upstairs till making a lot of noise?

I'm nosey I would like to know COD on Andy's case too.

When does Luna go for the overnight stay at the vets? Did I miss something and that already happened?

Wanda I went to China City yesterdy. Got a plate of the crab legs. Best I ever had nice and hot. Meat came out in long strips. Was so so good crab legs.

Janet is a Great Grandmother. I put yesterday evening wishes on her blog page.

Costume Lady said...


Went shopping in Hagerstown yesterday. Couldn't find what I'm looking for (Southwest style area rug), but I did find some nice sweaters for GG.
Went to Red Lobster after shopping as donee and the parking lot was jam-packed full. Went inside and there was a wait of 1 hour and 20 minutes:( Went to Olive Garden...people were standing in line there...went to Golden Corral and there was a line there, also. We decided to get in line and take our chances there (we were starved by then...7pm) Only waited about 15 minutes. They had some wonderful seafood choices, along with steak and chicken, etc.
So, Lobster Dinner, down the drain again:(

Have a Blessed Sunday♥

Costume Lady said...

DANA, glad you enjoyed your crab legs...agree, they are the best, ever!

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning!

Aw, Wanda, such a disappointment! The BEST time to go to Red Lobster is mid-afternoon!!! No crowd and you can still get your lobster!
They DO have call-ahead seating, too, so could try that for later.

Dana---nope, wouldn't go broke even with a kid. I still firmly believe that a tooth isn't worth any more than a quarter!!!!! These parents who give multiple dollars for a tooth are foolish---JMHO. Hope I don't offend anyone.

Margy got stuck working over 4 hours so she won;t get off until noon. :(

hedgie said...

Charlie never showed up yesterday to measure for the fence, so playing the waiting game again today. :(

hedgie said...

See that no one checked my pic of the BW 3 yesterday!!!

glo said...

Hedgie Just went to see your photo of the 3 litte eaglets at Blackwater. Too cute indeed.

glo said...

Luna and stairs

I have a halter collar for Dex it gives me really good control over his footing for going up and down stairs. I use it ALL the time. I can lift a little if his step isn't quite high enough and of course hold back a little as we head down so he gets firmly on each step. I taught him the word "easy" as soon as he went bling. He seems to know a step or curb is approaching when I use it and slows for me to help him up and down just a bit. Works good for us.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning Everyone - Pray that my prayers were answered and that you all awakened feeling well and anxious to make this a good day.

I guess you're saying that Margy is working a 12 hr shift. At least she is looking forward to some days off.

Did Mai get her treat for all those teeth she is loosing? I agree that the children of today are being misled when receiving $$ for teeth - No tooth fairy would disagree - It's the 'magic' of a fairy reaching under your pillow at night without your noticing her.

hedgie said...

Article in paper today----I got this book (I had told you all about it a while back when I first read about it)....Scott is right: it is great!!!


hedgie said...

LOL, Jo....Mai gets LOTS of treats! All part of her training! But occassionally special ones, too! Like PB!!! Great treat for humans, too!!

hedgie said...

Feeding time at BWE---little guy getting his bite now!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Glo!
Halter is a good idea. I use a one designed for seat-belt use when we go out, and it IS better control without choking!

Mema Jo said...

BWE feeding is finished. Looking at those 3 sets of little dark eyes creates a very appreciative feeling of nature.

Good descriptive review of Crossley's book. Jenny could use one along with her other birding books. Glad I read pg 2 so that now I will know a juvie cardinal when I see one!

Need some p-nut butter and honey toast


wvgal_dana said...

Sorry poor Margy that gal works too hard!!

Lynn I hope Charlie shows up today for you. I know how it is to depend on others.

Lynn it didn't say so I guess not. I'll ask anyways. Does it have sound for each species?

hedgie said...

Jo, I almost ALWAYS put PB on my toast---rarely butter. Love it with jelly, or apple butter or pumpkin butter!!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda For $3.00 it was a BIG plate full and best of all. Pieces came out is full strips because the crab legs were "hot". Not sitting in buffet pool of water. Sweet and tasty!! Mom really enjoyed her plate too.

wvgal_dana said...

I loved what my cookie paper said too "Look ahead". (smiles)

Lori O. said...

There's a NEW THREAD let's head over!

hedgie said...

Bobbleheads are alone. Getting some sun!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...