Thursday, February 10, 2011


New thread


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magpie said...

Almost an hour, no one has discovered the new Thursday Thread...
Thank You, Steve, I will go over and let them know

Lynne2 said...

I found it....called everyone over just now!
Thanks Steve!

Lynne2 said...

I found it....called everyone over just now!
Thanks Steve!

glo said...

:-) I think its one of those days

magpie said...

Great report from Judie ! ☺

Too Cold where you are Glo

Great Avatar Lynne... and

I just realized, I won't be needing to change my avatar for Valentine's Day

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals, still morning on the West Coast though, and is nearly Evening Overseas

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just dropping back in to let you know I am getting ready to go to school early and take a transcription test and buy the English book I will need for next quarter. Emma is asleep right now. That little rascal really learned "sit" last night--and "watch me". When I fed her this morning, she sat there and stared at me for the longest time--expecting a treat! Only thing is, I didn't give her either command! I did say, "good watch me" and "good sit" and gave her 2 treats. Then she decided to eat her breakfast. She is certainly a smart pup!

magpie said...

Those are tough and discouraging reports on the Stink Bug :(

It's going to take some time...glad you got to go Megan

Big Crowd....hope some of those folks did some carpooling !

Just passing through....hope the rest of the day is a good one...
especially for all the Eagles on their respective nests

ttfn xo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Judie, that is an absolutely fantastic doctor report! I would keep the cane handy for a while, but golly, you sure are progressing well! Thank God! Hope the Aleve works well for you. Probably is a good idea to switch from the narcotics. How IS the incision? Did it finally heal? Sure hope so. Have a fun rest-of-the-day!
I've gotta get going and take that test, so I can begin my between-quarters break! Will check back in later.
I will take my camera to puppy class next week, and hope to get a good picture of Emma and Chuck. :o]

Mema Jo said...

Well, Margy when you having so much fun you fail to recognize things.. Thanks so much for the call over.
Hi Steve - loving this sunshine!

Egg Roll

Mema Jo said...

I'm was watching Ted and Lucky's den cam when they brought in new straw for the bedding. At first they were angrily deciding to whom it belonged. Scary they for a while... and loud.
Lucky raked all the staw over to him and Ted didn't like that!
Suz was watching with me.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break -


hedgie said...

Argh....can't get anything done today!!!
Just one thing after another.
Mai has been a little bit more of a handful today....maybe yesterday's reprieve was because she was still tired???!!!! Two open wounds, and a tear in my sleeve cuff. She is sleeping now.
Need to call the Momma----she called in middle of tax stuff. Still haven't finished reading papers.

Can't get Sutton cams open, nor Lucky's cam.

Judie, relieved that you got such a good report. Assuming that infection is ALL gone????!!!!!

Lynne, love your avatar, too. You folks are SO creative!

Wanda, is comcast really faster than frontier??? Not that it matters---no comcast available out here.

Costume Lady said...

First of all...Lynn, my heart goes out to you and Baby? Mai. I know that you have done everyting possible to make that little missy behave. You have had a lot of experience with pups, so if things aren't going right, NOT your fault. Just Miss Mai's genes...can a dog be made to act differently than what her genes call for?...I don't know...MTBR.
Secondly...yes, Comcast is much faster than Frontier. I have not enjoyed being on this computer ever since Frontier bought out Verizon. Comcast is much better than Verizon, also. Going to change GG's also.

Lynne2 said...

a little eggg roll a little fluffing

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn...2 steps forward, 1 step back is to be expected. Keep up your new training.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, glad to hear your Dr report. Sounds like you are making good progress.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll....

Mema Jo said...

Another egg roll our nest

Lynne2 said...

3 different people all at the same time just said they saw 3 eggs at NBG. I'm confused. If they are watching what I am watching, there hasn't been an egg roll or exchange of parents! how can they see something different that I see???

Lisa said...

Congrats on the two eggs, all!!


Mema Jo said...

Not possible unless they did a close flyover! Better read comments...
Congowings knows all!

Lynne2 said...

I know Jo! SO strange...the 3 posts were a 2:51 and sure as I'm sitting here now, I was watching at the time and reading comments and I didn't see any eggs!

Lynne2 said...

then I checked the time on my computer, feed and discussion and they are all in sync. Hmmmm.....

Lynne2 said...

our eagle is having a snooze!

Lynne2 said...

well, something woke her up.

Mema Jo said...

Congowings said he didn't see that and he wished he had but DGIF will look at the film.........

You're not blind, Lynne

Lynne2 said...

no, but maybe I've gone crackers, as Chrissy would say!

paula eagleholic said...

hI lISA...thanks...we are waiting on the 3rd one!

floralgirl said...

Fly out and a switch!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Megan...was wondering...thought my eyes were deceiving me...wondered how Lib suddenly appeared in the nest...

Lolly said...

We just made a quick trip to the grocery store. See where you are wondering about NBG. Interesting!

paula eagleholic said...

egg roll

hedgie said...

Did we have any zoom effect t oday? If so, I missed it.
Duh....turned out my cam froze up around 10AM and I didn't notice it until a few minutes ago.

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't seen any zoom today, Lynn.

floralgirl said...

Liberty just flew out of the nest. Talking, hp, maybe, not sure of that, cam was shaking.

Lori O. said...

mEGGan you are amazing at how fast you can tell which eagle is which!

Lynne 2 - what an adorable avatar - where on earth would you find something so cute? Or do you make it?

Hi Paula! I hope your heart is healing. I've thought of you often this week. :)

Mema Jo said...

At 5:12 Congowings said the 3rd egg is NOT comfirmed.
Just now at 5:14 the eagle did an
egg roll... camera zoomed.. You
only could see one of the eggs..
Egg well was nice a dry

Lori O. said...

Hey Lynn/Hedgie thanks for looking at my HP question. Basically wanted to know if they have to have HP to have an egg ... do it again to get another egg, etc.

Maybe I should find a book and stop embarrassing myself. :(

mEGGan, if you find out anything the sounds remotely promising in the Stink Bug war, please let me know. I'm surrounded by woods and the SB's basically wallpapered 2 sides of my house last summer. Awful. And that stink is something else isn't it?

Hello Jo! I hope you're feeling well and happy despite this cold weather.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Lori, but all you have to do is watch these eagles for a while, it gets easier to tell them apart.
As far as stink bugs, I have no answers, we took a big hit last year, and we've got to figure out some sort of game plan to deal this season.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo. shaking cam ♥

BEagle said...

Good evening Eagle Folks.

I just checked on the Windows for Wildlife. The two little chicks at SQ are so cute. The eagles are working hard to keep them dry and warm.

BEagle said...

I was surprised to see the snow covered nest at NBG. The eagles seem to be very diligent also. There was an icicle on the end of the beak of the eagle that was nesting there. They just had a change hands though.

Red said...

Lori Eaglicious, HP is the male fertilizing the egg. Without HP the egg would never hatch. Sex Education 101

hedgie said...

Lori, bet Paula can answer your question!!

hedgie said...

BEagle, neat that you saw that icicle. EVERY time I looked at cam, I just saw tail feathers facing cam!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think they have to keep mating to produce additional eggs...JMHO

Oh, Red, we did finally tell Lori what HP was, LOL.

Lori O. said...

That was my question, and thanks for the answer Paula.

Well, I 'm off to bed, another no nap day. It was a day at the dentist.

Paula, is it possible to have another egg tomorrow, or when?

Sweet dreams all. See you tomorrow. Rest well.

hedgie said...

Red, Lori knows THAT. She just wanted to know if there had to be a specific incident immediately preceding an egg laying or whether the sperm from previous HP's will still fertilize a pending egg.

hedgie said...

Lori, if there is to be a #3, it should be in the next 2-3 days.

Red said...

HP does not produce an egg. The eggs would be layed without HP but would never hatch. Just like chickens but eagles only do it for a short period of time.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn! You got with Valentine's Day with your avatar! Like it. Oh, and that was very put to Red. ☺

Lolly said...

Oh, just on the news. A kinkajou was found wandering around in our county. Had frost bitten feet. Poot baby. They are looking for the owners.

BEagle said...

Well, I best go get the dictionary to figure out what a kinkajou is!

Lolly said...

Nice weekend coming up. High in the 60's, then Monday 70's! Wahoo, lots of sunshine, too!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, sad......who has it now? Animal control? Hope they find the owners. Wonder how it got loose?? :(

BEagle said...

Hedgie, when I checked in on the NBG nest, the cam was zoomed in on the face of the eagle. So pretty it was.

Lolly said...

LOL Google kinkajou! South American animal. Sooo cute! Jack promised me one once upon a time. He backed out and I even had it in writing!

wvgal_dana said...

Hoping on just so you all won't send out any "ALERTS".

I have a stomach I haven't been on all day. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Judie I did not go back and read but it sounds like you are doing better. I am keeping you in prayers.

Hedgie-Lynn I am keeping you and Mai in prayer also.

Wanda comcast is nice isn't it (:

Prayers for all those that need them whether people or creatures.

Take care and I love the new avatars lol so cute...I feel like I am missing so much.

Hugs to ALL

Lolly said...

Yes, animal control has it now. They did not say how they captured it. Might be tame. They had a picture of it in a cage.

Lolly said...

Belle has already tucked her head. Wonder how light the cam will be tonight? I am all for having another egg tomorrow evening! ☺

Mema Jo said...

The last time the NBG zoomed I went right into the snow - Egg well is so deep it's impossible to see down in the nest with that snowbank on the side. Perhaps tomorrow we'll see if there is a 3rd egg.

BEagle said...

The kinkajous are cute little critters!

BEagle said...

Wikipedia says they are also called 'honey bears!'

BEagle said...

I wonder if I can tame Stink Bugs to eat weeds.

Lolly said...

Well, if you can train sb's to eat weeds, next come to Texas and train the armadillos to eat weeds and fire ants and NOT dig holes!
You just might become a millionaire!☺

Lolly said...

Egg roll!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm home from school. Took my test and bought my English book that I need. I'm frustrated, though. The hand-written schedule I have for next quarter says my English class will be on Mondays. The computer print-out that I got today along with my transcription test, says it is on Wednesdays. I couldn't find anyone who would REALLY know, so that I could ask them. Last English class, the teacher talked as if class will be on Mondays. Trouble is, our puppy class is on Wednesdays. Please say some scheduling prayers so that this mess gets straightened out. Doggone it, this sort of thing happens EVERY quarter! Aaaargggghhh! (Sorry--and thanks for letting me vent!) :o[

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm sorry you've been feeling puny today! Lots of prayers for healing going up! ((HUGS))!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, have some bills to pay online. Will check back in some time after dinner.

BEagle said...

I am with you Ms Bookworm!

hedgie said...

WANDA..........your email doesn't work! It keeps bouncing back!!!!

floralgirl said...

Trust me, you can't train those d*mn stink bugs to do anything.

hedgie said...

The moon on the crest of the OLD fallen snow, is NOT giving much luster of daylight to nest objects below.......not quite a half-moon yet, and it's doing pretty good here....I could see to walk without a flashlight if necessary for any insane reason. Wish it would do better on nest.

hedgie said...

Dana, sorry you are feeling puny. It is really going around. SO many kids, especially, seem to be afflicted.

Andy, they can sure mess with your head with those crazy schedules, can't they? It was like that 40 yrs. ago and hasn't gotten any better! Hope it is Mondays for you!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, hope that nasty ol bug soon leaves you alone!

Lolly said...

Guess it is time to go prepare dinner. Baked a couple of loaves of banana nut bread and the house sure smells good. And, I am NOT going to eat any! Will power!!!! I must have will power!!!

Lolly said...

Paula, did you see my attempt of a video? Have any idea what could have caused that compressed picture? Family pic blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Hearing the fox, perhaps.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, does it look like that when you play it on your computer? If not, I would say it's blogger that did it. Maybe you could load to youtube instead.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

Beautiful shot at the White Rock nest. Don't know how long it will last.

Lolly said...

No, not blogger. I sent it in email to myself and to Laurel and it did the same thing. It does not look like that on my computer.

Have never loaded anything to utube.

BEagle said...

Two eagles at White Rock now. One brought a very big stick in. They remind me of Lib and Belle fighting over the stick.

Now they are angry with each other. One is in a snit.

hedgie said...

Seems like only a couple of days ago that they said the NC eaglets were entering their 4th it's already 5th!!! They'll fledge before we get out of winter!

BEagle said...

Really, those Jordon Lake babies are huge.

It's light enough on our nest to see most all of Belle. Tomorrow night will be even better probably.

I would take a gander that Belle lays another tomorrow evening.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Lynn, I was still thinking 3 weeks for the Jordan eaglets.

Lolly, do you have any clue how you saved it in movie maker...or basically you just hit save?

Heard the dogs on the cam, Belle awake looking around. Sound is good without all that wind.

paula eagleholic said...

I am saying Saturday for the 3rd egg :)

magpie said...

Hey there Jo...
when you reappear:
the only way I knew about the new thread at noontime or so is because I had shut computer down while sleeping and woke up to find it! ☺
So I was missing all the morning fun.

Like the beautiful new avatars that are showing up.

Reading Wanda's comments:
I wonder if should switch BACK to cable for my internet...had Adelphia (which became ComCast) when I first got this one going six years ago...switched to Verizon because it seemed like a better deal at the time...

Good Evening Eagle Friends...

BEagle said...

Saturday early, early?

magpie said...

my computer is in revolt mode right now

time to shut things down AGAIN -
wanted to try to hear the fox at the nest!

Hoping those with ailments feel better pronto! Dana, that means You for example...
several people at work have been sick...but not me - yet !

Early Good Night Everyone....
grabbing a quick nap here before work, was out doing Valentine's Day details with James earlier...
God Bless Us Every One
xo ♥

stronghunter said...


Today was very busy. Trying to wind down a bit. Peeked in a couple of times.

We were wondering why Spotsylvania Schools were closed today until we went out on the roads. It was cold. Lots of ice on the secondary roads and streets.

Lolly said...

Awe...let's go for tomorrow evening! LOL

Paula, I clicked "publish movie". It then takes you to several choices. Earlier today I clicked "publish for viewing on my computer". Made another a little while ago but "published to email" and mailed it to myself. Same thing!

Lolly said...

Need to do another video and see what happens. Right now I am getting ready to watch Grey's and PP.

I will say good night to those who are leaving. Sweet dreams! And, I will be peeking in occasionally. My lapboard and laptop keep my lap warm. LOL

Mema Jo said...

I am going to watch 2 TV shows.

Lolly said...

Egg roll, saw those eggs!

stronghunter said...

Heading upstairs. See you tomorrow. Have a good evening, everyone.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Shirley. Sleep tight.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night to those turning in.

Lolly, the publish for viewing on your computer should be good. Maybe there is a bug in the Vista version...never had any problems with the xp version.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, sent you an email about movie maker

Lolly said...

Paula, received your email. Thanks! Have not looked at it yet.

Mema Jo said...

Good night to those headed for the pillows

One more TV program

NatureNut said...

Good Evening and Good Night to some who are hitting the hay!
Missed the whole evening~~Giant Panda nap in lounge chair!

NatureNut said...

Yay!! No sign in again!

Lolly said...

Oh, those panda naps in the comfortable chair are grrrreat!!!

NatureNut said...

I just figured I should never quit work, because I would become a lounge chair potato!!

I know we're not taking bets, but I thought the 3rd egg would be Sat., too. The girl's gotta rest!
Beautiful avatar, Lynn & many others, too! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I really hope it is late Friday after a good day of sunshine...

NatureNut said...

Just got an interesting bit of news yesterday from our former Park Sec, who retired a year ago & went home to TX. They had new house built outside of Dallas. They were socked in w/ice for 4 days!She said only bridges and overpasses are treated. They laughed when the went to Lowe's before storm--TX doesn't sell snow shovels & they left their's w/house they sold here!They were having snow/ice mix when she wrote & it was 19°, worst weather in 15 years.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like she is not too far from Lolly. Glad your temps are perking up, Lolly. We are headed for the 50's. Whoo hoo! Heat wave!

paula eagleholic said...

I've been paying bills and such and gathering up paperwork.

I am settling on the beach house on Monday! Yay!!!

Lolly said...

Yes, Loweeda, that is the weather we have been having. No snow plows in this area either, but with the super bowl here they brought them in. And, they certainly did not use them on residential streets. Also, mostly what we have had is ice.

Yea, Paula! When is the beach party?

NatureNut said...

Congrats, Paula!!Now we really do need some spring!!

I need to do some stuff & try to go to bed!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Nice Valetine's Day gift to yourself Paula ☺ ♥

Oh! Tomorrow is RED FRIDAY

lay out some red duds to wear, a way to show honor and tribute, appreciation for our Military Personnel

magpie said...

sorry today was not such a good day with Mai Ying....
hope, and pray - that Friday will be better

also I passed your Carolyn today on Rt 7 - right around 2:15 - figure she was going home from YOUR roost, and I was on the way to Berkeley Springs -
I always go up and down Park's Gap thru Tomahawk to Rt 9
by the way, revolving map shows me posting from Berkeley Springs...!
better than Rochester New York !

magpie said...

Loretta... when you will take you all of about one month to get yourself on a schedule that includes more than couch potato-ing....
I truly believe that !

magpie said...

looks like the weather will be good for your trip to the Beach Monday Paula...or, do you have to go all the way down there to do that ?

magpie said...

I bet there were some minor fortunes to be made in the areas which generally do not have much snow and ice...
hard-working folks who magically found some snow-removing equipment...or could improvise

seriously, sorry to hear of any and all misfortunes due to the weather, here, there and everywhere...

time to sign off and find the fairy -
worktime looms
Enjoyed "your all's" company today...and look forward to more of it Friday

Good Night and Sleep Sweetly - you sleep, I work.... xox
(and we'll trade roles daytime Friday ☺ )

magpie said...

Oh Wow, just checked BWE and BWO - there are some AWESOME new picture links at both sites !

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Margy, have to travel all the way down there for a walk through, and then settlement. Need to take some pictures and measurements while I am down there.

Beach party can be anytime!

magpie said...

okay Paula...
that's a lot of driving...
hope you get plenty of good rest this week-end...
best wishes with all of the arrangements

'Nighty-night all

computer going night-night here

magpie said...

well, just one more comment

take a look at the last image for the cam on BWE for the night...
since that site has gone nighty-night also at 22:59:59
wakes up back up at 0300

neat view !

Mema Jo said...

Great news Paula about settlement on your 2nd home! Wishing you many good memories to come!

Mema Jo said...

Moon is out tonight and bright out my back windows....

Please hurry here, Spring!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading for the covers. Work tomorrow, then watching the gkids tomorrow night while John and Ajay go to dinner and of my Christmas presents to them.

See ya tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Thanks, Margy. Today has been discouraging. But tomorrow is another day...and maybe it will be good.
Carolyn, by that time, was on her way home from having lunch out with Charlie! She left her at 12:30.
Hope you have a full complement tonight, and that it's a quiet shift.

Loretta, maybe your chair has catnAp in it like my sofa!!

Paula, wahoo for Monday! And weather DOES sound decent.

hedgie said...

Oh, Topper is saying snow Sun. night....maybe he means the Northern Panhandle, not here. Must be as he also said P/H of Md. Ha---Chris and Shannon are headed for Deep Creek in the morning for 2 days of snow tubing.

hedgie said...

60 by Thursday....wish that would be permanent for a couple of months! isn't working!!!!

I am tired, and the tub is calling me, so I will say Adieu, Adieu to you and you and you......hope your dreams are sweet, and that Friday is good to all.

hedgie said...

Bear report

Mema Jo said...

Adieu to you too!

Valentine party tomorrow with Alexis.
Another reason to wear Red!

Good night everyone and pleasant dreams
Prayers for all and also for all the pets of which there are many.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Nite Jo, Nite Lynn, Nite John Boy, Nite all!

Heading to the shower.

Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...


Costume Lady said...

Watched all the good TV shows tonight and now checking out all the FREE MOVIES on our new Comcast package...less $ than what we were paying!


Lolly said...

Yea, Paula!!! Thank you!

I have uploaded to family pics the video....looking great. No half screen, no green. Thank you!
I followed the method 2 advice and unchecked all the filters. Again thank you! ☺ Wahoooo!

Lori O. said...

Good early morning Eagle watchers!

WOW - Paula - congrats on the beach house. How incredibly cool!

Lynn - great new avatar! I need to change my name on here and my avatar!
Love Lynne2's eagle and heart, too.

You gals are sooo creative!

Nest is dark, really dark. I can barely see the white on Belle's head.

Geula said...

Starting to get light. Good Morning to Eagles and Eagle Moms and Dads!

BEagle said...

Good morning Eagle Fans.

The nest is lighter now. Belle is tucked back in her warm feathers.

Looks like a warm up is headed our way.
Hedgie's avatar is so-o-o-o-o pretty.

Have a wonderful day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Enjoyed your "Take 4" video, Lolly.

Nice avatar, Lynn.


Lori O. said...

Good morning, Strong, BEagle and Geula!

Belle looks cold and cuddled up like that. :(

BEagle said...

Congrats Lolly! Getting it all figured out and a big yay for the beach house!

Gotta boogie. Later.

Lori O. said...

looks like still just 2 eggs as Belle moved around to get comfy.

BEagle said...

BUT not before I get to see those eagle eggs! Belle is rolling, and stuffing and now a wiggle waggle.


BEagle said...

Hi Lori and Geula!

BEagle said...

Hi Strong! Almost missed you in there.
Have a nice day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Gang!

Still 2 eggs? I'm thinking there'll be another one tonight.

The winds here finally quieted down yesterday. What a relief! Now to clean up the leafy mess.

Belle looks like she's tucked in nicely, and keeping warm. Glad there is no wind there at the nest!

Wishing a really good red Friday to everyone. Think I am going to head out to the kitchen and find some breakfast, especially some coffee!
Emma has been a good girl, and is even learning to let me through the front door first! She waits until I say it's OK for her to come out or in.
We're really making progress! She slept almost 7 hours last night, too.

Oh--Belle is awake and talking. Now she's tucked her head back in. Always feels good to sleep just a little longer.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, going for some coffee and food. Be back in a little while. :o]

floralgirl said...

Both in nest- beautiful wing stretch, fly out and a switch.

Lori O. said...

Andy - you're the only person I know who wakes up as early as I do.

Lori O. said...

Good morning mEGGan!

Dang, I missed the switch. Who's on now?

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Lib has arrived, and Belle has poofed. Lib is settled on the nest, facing 12 o'clock--no, slight adjustment and a wiggle, and now facing 1 o'clock.
Okay, maybe this time I'll make it all the way to the kitchen.LOL :oD

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lori!
Yup, awake every weekday at about 2:15 am. Hubby leaves for work by about 3:15.

MEGGan, I kinda like your new name spelling! VERY appropriate! OK, off to get some coffee now. BBL...

floralgirl said...

ha ha yea, I didn't come up with that spelling...
Trying to catch up, but it never happens. But congrats on your beach house news, Paula!

floralgirl said...

EGg roll!
Morning Lori, Andy, Geula, BEagle and everyone else here who I missed. Still half asleep...

Lori O. said...

Hi MEGGan -

Andy - someone, can't remember who, of course I can't remember anything anymore, but someone came up with that spelling for MEGGan the day we saw the second egg and everyone was so eggcited.

floralgirl said...

OH, that was Margy:)

glo said...

Good morning everyone. its like 35 degrees warmer this morning than it was yesterday. Oh Happy Day :-). Its 17. Yes that is a very good thing.

Costume Lady said...

GLO, we are at 8° right now...going up to 40°.

Costume Lady said...

We are in for a stretch of warm days with no snow in sight...even going to be 60° one day...maybe Thursday.

floralgirl said...

I hope that we don't hit 60° next week, too warm, it could really hurt the fruit trees.

Judie said...

Good morning!

I am typing this via remote control as I was exhausted last night and slept through my night light assignment. Now I'm afraid Mema Jo will find me with her eagle cane. Shhhh...don't tell her where I am.

See someone is tending the nest this morning while the sun comes up.

NBG has a beautiful picture of dad on the eggs. Apparently no 3rd egg there, either.

Lynn, sorry you had a bad day with Mai yesterday.

Paula, congratulations on the new beach house.

Will catch up later. Off for coffee and newspaper.

floralgirl said...

Belle just arrived, she wants Liberty to get up. There he goes, switch.

floralgirl said...

From NBG chat just now-
While I have not received word from CCB or DGIF I do believe we can safely say she laid three eggs again.

floralgirl said...

ZFrom NBG- it's official- 3 eggs!
Official time for 3rd egg is Feb 9, 2011 at 5:55pm

hedgie said...

Good morning!

Norfolk has egg#3!!!!

floralgirl said...

Fly in, both in nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, 3 eggs for NBG...C'mon Belle give us one more!

Morning, all! Busy day here, hope to catch up with ya'll later!

paula eagleholic said...

Both in nest!

Mema Jo said...

What a sunny morning! I signed on in time to see the last switch and our 2 eggs. Glad to see that there are 3 Rebel Eggs at NBG. We'll have 3 soon, I hope. NBG one year had 4.

Today is the school Valentine's Day party. Alexis doesn't know that I and her other Mema are going to show-Should be a fun surprise.

Both in the nest - what's with that?

Mema Jo said...

mEGGan - you sure are living up to your name by announcing our 1st egg and NBG 3rd egg.

floralgirl said...

Yes, whatever, it's very eggciting..
Hello Jo:)

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is hanging out, not sure Belle is going to budge again

floralgirl said...

Nope, she's not budging. Lib left.

Mema Jo said...

BTW - did anyone see where Judie went

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Belle needs to stay in the nest for a good reason... What do you think?

floralgirl said...

You mean cause you think she's eggspecting again? Hard to tell, guess a 3rd egg would be today or tomorrow. Maybe Lib will come back with some food.
Maybe she's just enjoying laying in the sunshine.

hedgie said...

Good morning! Sun is shining but it is still COLD.

NBG DOES have egg #3! Cool!!

Lost phone and net for a little while.....but all back now. Just hope it stays up!

Lolly said...

LOL Jo! She went thatta way!--->

But, don't tell her I told you!

Good morning! Boy did I get a good nights sleep and woke up feeling great. Jack got up and left for an appointment and I never heard him. Wow!

See that the third egg has been confirmed at NBG! Yea!

Lolly said...

All week I have had itcy nose, runny nose and sneezing. Got Zrytec yesterday and it is doing its thing! Something came in with this last front that did not agree with me.

Lolly said...

Time to read the paper. Oh, and my first glimpse of the nest...two beautiful eagles. Who's on first right now? Belle?

hedgie said...

Good that NBG was able to watch tape to ascertain time of egg being laid.....must have been busy for it to take him so long to do so. Cam would have been off by then, right? So she did precede the precip!

hedgie said...

Lori, don't change your name! I love what you use!!!

hedgie said...

Belle seems very alert and watchful.

floralgirl said...

Fly out- empty nest

hedgie said...

Out and in....still 2 eggs....guess she's rolling, but she has her back to cam. And now wiggle, wiggle.

Mema Jo said...

Back on those eggs!

Mema Jo said...

Signing out for a few hours


Lolly said...

I love it when she sits in the nest and rearranges the flugg, pulling it up around her. Guess it gives her something to do. Could be boring to sit there for a month!

Lolly said...

Egg roll, two pretty eggs!

paula eagleholic said...

wiggle wiggle ☺

Lolly said...

Wiggle wiggle always comes after the egg roll. ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Just noticed I have the Old player today. Maybe too many problems with the new one for others?

Lolly said...

Yes, I have it as well. Had not even noticed. Wonder what's up?

Paula, Michael gave me a smart a__ reply to my video. Gave me a good laugh. He told me videos are good as long as they are funny or interesting. Mine did not qualify. Bless him! Told him that was all the action I was seeing around here.

hedgie said...

My cam was the "new" one this Am, but after I lost internet and then got back on, it's back to the old format, too. Weird.

Lolly, Michael sounds a bit too big for his britches!!! Tell him he's never too old for .......

hedgie said...

And gone again. Lunchtime, and Lib is apparently not serving!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon eagle friends ( :

See two beautiful eggs in the nest of Liberty and Belle.

See where Megan announced 3 for NBG.

Hope all are having a good day.

I think it is Belle flew in.

Crazy blog shows I'm already signed in. Then when I go to publish. It takes me to my blog to put in same stuff I would have put in here. ???????? Who knows???

Costume Lady said...

Wow, did I see a third egg?

Costume Lady said...

Something white at about 1 o'clock in the cup...

Gots to go...look next time nest is exposed. BBLT

Costume Lady said...

Probably just the sun shinging on something, making look white.

Lynne2 said...

just got home from babysitting and....

I'll post pic later.

and, MAYBE a 3rd egg????

glo said...

While we are waiting to see if there are 3 eggs yet, I just found out today that one of my entries for February Camera Club was a High Scorer as I had left before the actual competition at our last meeting. Anyway this one is not fishing BUT I still think eagle lovers will like the photo. There is a place to click to enlarge. Also you can see some of the other photos that scored high in our monthly competition. We always have well over 100 entries.

posed for a Leggings shot

Hoping this link will work

floralgirl said...

still just two eggs.

Lynne2 said...

oh she nust jid and egg rolll.....

no third egg but I saw what you saw Lynn, and she stepped on it!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...