Thursday, March 25, 2010


New thread.


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Lolly said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve! I will go yell and my buddies!

Lolly said...

Back from my appointment and now waiting to hear when I need to head to Laurel's. Can not believe Joey is having surgery tomorrow and they have not even told him what time yet. GRRRRR!

Whoops! Joey just called. He is to be at the hospital at 10, so looks like I can sleep in my own bed tonight. Yea! I will leave here about 9 in the morning and be at the hospital with Laurel during surgery.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay on the new thread!

Mits said...

Beavis and Butthead, must have had a is at the top of the nest the other is at the bottom of the nest at BWE

Lolly said...

Brian posted this on facebook yesterday. He went shopping for Natalie. Thought you would find it amusing......

now I can say I have done it all. Went bra shopping for my wife, spent a half hour finding the right size & type. I got a lot of strange looks but finally found what she needed.

Bless Brian!!!

movin said...

Thanks, Steve. Great looking cam pictures these days.



Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve! We needed that!

Hi Jim

Go going Brian! That is True Love!

Love those names for BWE
But do they have a chance of being selected? lol

Mema Jo said...

No - I have NOT done any errands yet. I was on the phone taking care of business as our Jim would say!

Mits said...

well, they were Wanda's names...maybe she should send them, but you are right, will not be selected...

movin said...

Hi, Mema Jo.



Lolly said...

Well, darn! Forgot to buy cat food while in town. Guess Annie would like to eat, so back into town I go. Grrrrrr!

paula eagleholic said...

Well Bless Brian's heart ♥

Mema Jo said...

But the names are sooooooo appropriate!

Hi Jim! Get your taxes sent in?
I hope you get 'big bucks back' so then in Oct 2010 you can come and visit with all of us!

paula eagleholic said...

NBG cuties eating the swinging tree :)

paula eagleholic said...

They sure are getting big fast!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, they are eating in the swinging tree, they are not eating the tree!

Mits said...

hey hey, Paula....Wilmington falcon has an egg.....3-24-10

Our new female falcon from Harrisburg laid her first egg in Wilmington, Delaware today!!!(which was yesterday)

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you get to stay home for tonight. Hope all goes well for Joey tomorrow. Go Brian!! That's a good man!

B&B are growing visibly every day, as is Noah! Palmer will be doing the same thing quickly! Aren't we glad that OUR babies don't grow up that fast??

Mits said...

seems like NBG is having cam problems.....

We are aware of intermittent problems with the video stream and we've asked our video streaming provider to check their distribution servers. Thanks for your patience.
by 13News at 3/25/2010

Mits said...

from BWE...go to their site to see video

Video on YouTube showing the Ft St. Vrain Eagle Cam during the snow storm.

As a reminder, we updated our Eagle Cam Web Log with four new videos of our amazing eaglets and a video of our unusual white pelicans.

Mits said...

wow that video from Colorado eagle nest was great...thanks for posting it Lisa:)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits, I hadn't been keeping up, how cool is that. Sorry to hear about the former female, tho.

paula eagleholic said...

Seems like they need more nest boxes in Wilmington!

Mits said...

update on BWO....on this pairs markings pic on their site....

Nest Update

Normally an adult female osprey has darkish coloring on her chest and a male has none. But our birds don't quite follow this pattern, so we're making a guess as to the identity of each bird based on photos from last year and head markings.

hedgie said...

Look at the feet of those BWE kids!!!

hedgie said...

Cool video, Mits. At one point it looked like he came in and laid down with her, didn't it??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Palmer is alone. Growing so fast.

Lolly said...

Palmer is all alone.

hedgie said...

Still alone.....what a cutie.

Well, gotta leave in an hour, so guess I better go get ready for dinner out. See all y'all later this evening.

Mits said...

yes, Lynn it did....have a good time.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just talked to Normabyrd and she is good! I just love her!!! ♥

Mits said...

some big sticks being brought into BWO now.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon for touching base with Normabyrd
BWE video from Fort St Vrain is very good. So thankful there wasn't 10 inches of snow. Hoping that soon they have their hatch.

Have a good time this evening Lynn!

magpie said...

Hello after sme Z's and catching up...sort of.

looks like Ft. St. Vrain has a hatch, if I read the pages and see the video correctly ☺

magpie said...

My list of favorite links is growing by leaps and bounds...
thanks for all the neat things, incl the Osprey nest in Annapolis, Mits
baby Palmer seems to be sleeping while Parent gazes around

magpie said...

Lolly - great post about Brian...
that is true L♥ve going on there!

magpie said...

Prayers for a good surgery outcome for Joey in the morning, Lolly

magpie said...

thanks for the update on Norma, Sharon -
hope you told her we are missing our Morning Sunshine ☼

Ragdoll said...

Hello My Eagle Friends!!! Why is parent eagle just standing and looking around? Cover up little Palmer....It's only 39 out there. Is everything okay at our nest?

magpie said...

Hi Ragdolll
Maybe it is Vitamin D time at the nest ☺

Ragdoll said...

Hi Magpie, That makes sense.

magpie said...

That egg at Wilmington DE is a beauty....

Wilmington DE Peregrine Falcon Nest

Mits said...

Margy, been watching CO, since you mentioned it, either there has been a hatch or soo to be one she is like a jumping bean...up, down, up, down....

Mits said...

hey Jo, the Red Pandas are on view

Mits said...

Rag Doll, current temp at nest is 67°

magpie said...

sure is, Mits..
I haven't seen the chick with my own eyes yet, but the Raptor Cam link that I checked seems to show a little bobblehead...
sure is good to see the sunshine there !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did you all just see the little poop shoot?? Oh, how precious!

magpie said...

Two O's at BWO

think I am going to unblog and check live Palmer feed, think baby is awake now ☺

Ragdoll said...

Look at little Palmer sit right up.....Opps, Look at Little Palmer fall backwards

magpie said...

nope I'm a poop shoot too late Sharon...ut I'll go listen to some chirps

Mits said...

Margy, thought I saw a little head with eyes, but not sure...enlarged it too, oh, forgot to use my magnifying glass

Mema Jo said...

I missed Palmer's Poop Shoot :<(

Mema Jo said...

I also missed those beautiful red pandas :<(

magpie said...

Can't see either, Mits...Mama Colorado fussing but she needs to move aside a little
saw the Poppa there for a few minutes also

magpie said...

I think I heard the Day Care kids at NCTC also...
squealing just like Palmer

wonder if Palmer has a preference for chow....
tomorrow is Friday, it should be Fish Day

magpie said...

Nice to see those sticks coming in to BWO
will be fun to watch the nest materialize in front of our eyes

Mema Jo said...

Yepper, Kittenface caught a pic of the little newly hatched fluff ball
at Fort St Vrain
Thanks for the heads up Margy

magpie said...

sleeping in the daytime...just not the same as nighttime rest

going to put a few pics on the Momsters album and start getting ready for work :(

Tomorrow, is Red Friday
get out your red shirts or red somethings ☺

Ragdoll said...

Hey, I just got booted out of blog. Had to restart. As I was saying, I saw the poop shot but wasn't sure if it was what I thought it was. Now that you stated it I now know. Mom Saw it too. Palmer has quite the poopa.

magpie said...

well thanks for steering me to the right forum, Jo ☺

magpie said...

Momma at Colo up off the nest cup now

a feeding ??? ☺

magpie said...

well it was quick but I THINK I saw the weeble wobble

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, I am so sorry you missed that poop shoot. It was so little and dainty! BEAUTIFUL!

magpie said...

Wow, we have three new members, I believe Judy is one of them ☺

magpie said...

Welcome aboard New Members...
though I am not sure of the names yet!
Hop on over and make a visit !

Ragdoll said...

I don't think I can catch up on reading. Have missed several days. Very Busy at work. Tired...Hit the hay early. Doing interviews for next years students at voc center. We interviewed about 700 students for 200 openings.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - sounds like you all could utilize a larger voc center! It sure does save a lot of kids!

Mema Jo said...

Kittenface from Fort St Vrain posted: Thank you very much and PLEASE tell everyone over at you place Thank you for the prayers

floralgirl said...

Palmer has been catching some sun today. it's 68° here now.

Mema Jo said...

Have you also been catching the sun's rays, Megan?

Ragdoll said...

We are working for a new larger voc. center. You have to go through so much bull. Takes years.

We had a 2 1/2 hour lockdown today. Senior tried to kill a Junior with a knife. One arrested, one is hospitalized. Shocking. Makes you do a lot of thinking when it's your school. Too close to home. What is wrong with our kids.

floralgirl said...

Yes I have, Jo.

NatureNut said...

Just turned cam back on & Palmer was peeping! So cute---when Belle came closer he stood straight up for awhile!

Ragdoll said...

These students are in the room across the hall from me. Also they are in my room twice a week. They say it drug related. The Perp was on cocaine.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It almost looks like she has Palmer back in a cave under the fluff.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Magpie for welcoming this newbie! :-)

Mema Jo said...

Deb - I don't have an answer. Our cultures/societies are really changing much to my dislike. Hubby was an aide at an alternative school and I worried more at that time then when he was on a police force.

Going to fix some dinner....


Ragdoll said...

Mema Jo, I can see now why you worried more school then Police officer. SAD...SO SAD!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Slept in really late this morning, and am paying dearly for it. Just got caught up on housework, and am waiting for Hubby to get home from work. He took my car to work today.

Am going in to school early, and hope to finish work and get it turned in early so I can come home early. Nice that I can do that--just have to remember to sign the attendance sheet, so I get credit for being there. Need to talk to Hubby about Lefty. Not sure at all that he's gonna let me bring a pup home. Please say a few prayers if you're prompted to! BTW, forgot to mention that Barbara and her mother are definitely on my prayer list, Lolly!

Well, better go do some hair and makeup damage control. Don't want to frighten any small children while I'm out and about! Will be back later tonight. Have a good evening! :o]

magpie said...

LOL Sharon, yeah, Right !

Congratulations on all the good grades, Andrea

Good Night everyone, prayers for all needs, thanks for the blessings given, and
Love to all.
xo ♥

Ragdoll said...

Be Back Later. Need to cook dinner and my computer is acting funny. Need to reboot. ^..^

Mema Jo said...

Fly out our nest.....

Mema Jo said...

Sure is a sound sleeper... Must be hiding under the fluff!

Going to dinner now..........

T-Bird said...

Hello my eagle friends.

T-Bird said...

There parenting still amazes me.

kickngbird said...

So great to be able to see and hear Palmer being fed!

Lolly said...

Have been watching TH today, guess I should have kept an eye on CO.

Jack called early. He is going to be home tomorrow night. So, plans have changed, going to Denton tomorrow but will be home Sat afternoon WITH THE BOYS. Yea! Will take them home Sunday and Jack will be leaving to go back to Houston Sunday.

NatureNut said...

Wow, the wind has kicked up at the nest. Had to turn volume down.
Lolly, glad things are getting straightened out w/family. Hope surgery goes well.

Ragdoll, read about the school incident--just awful. Glad you're safe!

Mema Jo said...

Feeding Fort St Vrain

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Tried to post from work, the computer was messed up! I KNEW THERE HAD TO BE MORE POSTS ON HERE

Breezy at our nest, sorry for the caps, don't feel like retyping it!

Mema Jo said...

I see 3 eggs in the Decorah nest
They just did a switch.......

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is all tucked in the grass while Belle is grabbing a bite to eat

becky said...

Hi everyone! I've been so busy the last few weeks I haven't checked in.

So I see we have one chick? Palmer, huh? Cute! How did he get that name?

I hope everyone is well!

paula eagleholic said...

I think what I thought was a fish is a corncob!

Mema Jo said...

Both at the nest at Hornby... Getting ready I think for a switch........

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is named in honor of Deb Palmer, a blog member who passed away last year...she visited the nest at Open House in 2008, and was a wonderful lady.

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, where are my manners! Hi Becky! Glad you could pop in!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now, Paula, don't be yelling at us! :)

NatureNut said...

Is little Palmer going to get din din?

Hi Becky. Palmer was named for a beloved Momster who unexpectedly left us last Fall. She lived in SD, visited us in '08 & was a great nature lover who shared her fantastic pics with us. Her name was Deb Palmer & the Blog Home page has her picture of Belle & Lib.

NatureNut said...

Din din for us~~~~~ ☺

Mema Jo said...

An eagle is resting (incubating???) in the Lake Washington nest.
Late March starts their egg laying season. Just Maybe!

paula eagleholic said...

I was watching TH aw well today when I could, didn't even peek at CO today, so glad they have a hatch so far...gotta check out Caltrans, too.

Wah, I missed the poop shoot, been waiting for it!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, not going to dinner?

I thought LW had an egg...

Mema Jo said...

We ate at our very own table tonight!
Ate out last evening with Alexis!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Palmer at an hour ago...

paula eagleholic said...

I think Palmer ATE an hour ago. Man my typing has gone to he**

paula eagleholic said...

900 viewers watching TH

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Think TH just went down!

Lolly said...

My delete comment....blogger cop causing problems!

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, it was me...

Mema Jo said...

Well ME Forum thinks there is an egg in the LW nest..... 3/16.
No report yet from anyone seeing a 2nd egg..

paula eagleholic said...

So they have been back in the den, Lolly?

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to get some Kids Easter Cards


Lolly said...

I have TH, Paula.

Lolly said...

Yes, they are in the den. Were the out today? Lily is staring into the cam right now. Hello Lily!

Lolly said...

WHAT? YOU causing me problems, Paula? lol

Lolly said...

Guess I should go fix something to eat. Tonight is Greys as well as PP. Busy nite. lol

BEagle said...

I thought I would stop in and say Hi but I don't know if I can get this typed because I am laughing so hard. xD

Reason? I read some of the earlier posts just to see that there was a big celebration and oohing and cooing because Palmer did a poop shoot. XD

Palmer is cute and you all are fun relief after a difficult day at work. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is up, time for a bedtime snack

My feed is not the best tonight, seems slow and not real smooth

BEagle said...

I noticed there were two eggs again at TH. The other must have been hidden from view when I looked yesterday.

Palmer is eating well at the moment.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle - first poop shoot seen is a big deal :)

paula eagleholic said...

We just haven't been able to see one until today!

OK Lolly, I'll take the blame, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is under wraps for the night!

paula eagleholic said...

Where did our rain go? Not that I'm complaining, I heard it was going to rain this afternoon into this evening...

BEagle said...

I really thought the one I saw (Monday) was a spit wad slamming the other side of the egg cup. Wham it went.

paula eagleholic said...

Great pic on CO site of feeding....shows their eagle is banded on both legs it looks like.

I only ever saw one eagle on the nest during the snow storm video...

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

I missed Palmer's poop shoot but about to do my pooped out.

Missed so much I won't try to catch up tonight. Tried to check a few cams but all is quiet now. Hoping everyone had a nice day. Wind is fierce here and guess the rain is soon to arrive. Have a faculty meeting tomorrow -- usually boring.

WV playing right now -- down 1. GO MOUNTAINEERS!

Need to get some sleep so turning my light out early but will leave the night light on for others.

Goodnight all.

hedgie said...

Good night, poor pooped out Judie!!! Hope your faculty meeting tomorrow is a short one!

It was raining when I left the restaurant, but nothing as I came westward....still none here. No wind yet, either. They are talking 20 degrees for tomorrow night....brrr again.

Good to see some folks we haven't heard from lately!

Deb....missed news, so didn't hear about your scary situation until I read your post. I swear----teachers need bulletproof vests to work in! These kids are brutal idiots.
Yeah, at least when Jo's Ed was a trooper, he had a gun!!

hedgie said...

No luck getting the western cams up....don't know what that's all about. Not dark there yet!

stronghunter said...

Hi everyone!

I am plumb wore out tonight. Going to write a lesson plan for a sub and sleep in tomorrow. Got a new prescription to pick up for the colitis. I hope it helps.

Had hoped to stay at school this evening and recruit for dual enrollment, but just could not make it.

Costume Lady said...

If you like basketball, WV & Washington State is a good game...not watching, just listening.
As you can hear at the Nest, the wind is really fierce, but it is still in the 60s. Not to worry, parents won't let Palmer blow away:) No rain, yet.

stronghunter said...

Ragdoll, that event at your school sounds scary. Sorry you had to experience it.

hedgie said...

Sharon, did Norma say why she'd been AWOL??? Is her puter okay?

Sorry I missed the poop shoot from our baby.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, you teachers wear yourselves out all the time, or I guess, it's the kids that wear you out. Didn't know what all teachers had to go through until you three joined our group, including Judie and Deb. Mauley is a teacher, also, I believe??

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, did you have a girls day out with daughter (s) again? Love that. Never have a chance to do that with my girls, although I do enjoy or Family Night on Friday, it's just not the same. We would probably get into trouble;)

hedgie said...

Rain and wind here now!

paula eagleholic said...

I checked the radar a little while ago, rain in PA and in WV , but not at nest yet...

wvgal_dana said...

Thought I would be on here sooner. Errands became more that started out.

We have another admirer of our Eagles and Little Palmer. He got to see Little Palmer being fed. He and his wife have a 12 yr. old girl. Who loves the outdoors. He is hooked on the live feed.
I am to email him the webcam plus when information comes out for NCTC in October. He is taking his family down.

I have Comcast internet but have DirecTV. So I'm getting a better deal with more channel plus thank God 25 alive for news and a faster internet speed. I have always like my Comcast Internet you can call them about anything and they help out.

I still can't get over the man's reaction to seeing Our Eagle and Little Palmer.
You know we are a lucky GROUP. Even if one of us hasn't been in for awhile. Someone is ready to help catch them up on things. I Thank Each And Everyone of YOU For Being My Friend.

Mema Jo said...

Just got back home - wind is fierce!
Had to check very quickly on our nest and it seems like it's ok but Spidey
could hopefully blow away.

I missed seeing the GHO take a break.

Totally quiet at the nest unless my speakers went out!

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

I lost the cam and can't get back on...

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think it's me, can't get on thru IE or firefox, the circle goes around for awhile then goes away but live feed isn't on.

Costume Lady said...

Me too, Paula...maybe the wind blew someting out of place??

paula eagleholic said...

JO, check your feed, it's really windy here and it was at the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Still cam is updating...head tucked back now, it wasn't a few minutes ago.

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! Paula! I was about to tell you that mine was still up/running BUT
timer is dead. I refreshed but the current image is NOT coming on and the timer has never started.

To the Still Cam I go!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes thanks Mits and Lisa for that video. Hedgie-Lynn I thought that also. That he came in and laid down ontop of her to help protect her.

paula eagleholic said...

Perhaps, Wanda.

Ragdoll said...

I can't get the live feed up either. I just get the turning circle. Earlier I had no movement and the circle move only when I moved my mouse. Strange!!! I also got kicked of the blogging site 2 times. That has never happen to me before.

Mema Jo said...

Ribbon Cutting April 3rd 10 am
Rick Garland-Shepherdstown Market
Yea!!! Spring is here and the farmers markets are opening!!! Real food, "produced" not "manufactured", by real farmers! Healthy produce and foods, not genetically altered, and even meats from grass fed animals from a real farm, not disgusting feed lots! May you have a long and successful market season!
Mark your calendars!

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, even if you missed the news I don't think you would hear about our lock down. I live in Maine. I don't think it has hit national news. This Guy stabbed the other student in the chest and back. He meant business.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, blogger cop finally got you, eh Deb?

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

DEB...that sounds awful!
Sounds like you need combat pay!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


wvgal_dana said...

Did I miss the answer as to why Norma hasn't been on the blog? Is she alright Sharon?

paula eagleholic said...

Getting dark at CO, was trying to catch eagle up, must have missed it at some point...

wvgal_dana said...

My live feed went down too. Getting as the world turns. Maybe the wind did something. When I was outside putting trash out it was really windy. A box came blowing down the street.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Normabyrd is alright Dana. It was really good talking to her. How are you Dana?

Ragdoll said...

Paula, I be bad! Will look out for cop next time.

paula eagleholic said...

I had posted a couple of days ago that Caltrans had a pip,,which apparently wasn't true...however, I just read they do have a pip now...

hedgie said...

Oops...missed you Wanda. Nope, not with my girls. With two gal pals from work. Both of mine had evenings out with others: Carolyn with schoolmate working on their 20th reunion; Chris with her MIL.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle tenting now

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone again~~~ when I left 'puter, put Live on pause. When refreshed, got the circle too.
Put the Estonia piggies on & getting tough noises!!

NatureNut said...

That's right!! EERS are on--were ahead last I checked!

paula eagleholic said...

I sent an email to outdoor channel about the cam being down.

Costume Lady said...

Game is over, Loretta.
Hey, don't know if you read about our church Soup Kitchen, but, today we got a donation of crackers to go with our soup, from Ledo's, huh?
Every little bit helps:)

Mema Jo said...

Well I bet NORMABYRD is dancing.
Wash Huskies 56
WV Mountaineers 69

Ragdoll said...

Well, Good Night My eagle Friends!!!
Going upstairs. Need to be rested for tomorrow. The students will be all wound up. Have counselors coming in for students. Hope it helps them.

Prayers for all. Sweet Eagle dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I just know you and Gene and the Man upstairs will make this Soup Kitchen a roaring success!

Costume Lady said...

Nite Deb:)

NatureNut said...

Wanda, that is so cool!! You guys are so special for participating in this venture. Good to know you good volunteers! ☺

Ledo's here didn't reopen yet--has sign saying "Coming Soon"! But went to grocery nearby on Sunday & lights were on & workman going inside!Yippee

NatureNut said...

sp. Got

Costume Lady said...

Well, Jo...I can't believe how excited we have become. Gene has met so many needy people as he has traveled to other soup kitchens and the Rescue Mission and Salvation Army. I am making flyers and he is distributing them. Met a woman who got some bags of food and had to walk home with car. Another with a little 4-5 yr old daughter who needed clothes, another who couldn't take but a small bag of food because she had no home or car to sleep in or cook in. On an on:( I suggested he write down all the stories he has been hearing...may need to speak of his experiences some day.
My real work begins April 13.

Costume Lady said...

It's raining pretty good here, now.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, thanks Paula for emailing Outdoor folks:)

stronghunter said...

High School Stabbing in Maine

This looks like Deb's story.

Tomorrow will be a difficult day there.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

THought I would check live loaded to 100% but then froze up my puter! Had to reboot.
Jo, I think wishful thinking that Boris will blow away, darn it all.
Belle tenting real good over her pipsqueak!!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, prayers for Joey.

Costume Lady said...

Rain is letting up now.

hedgie said...

Thanks for posting the article, Shirley. Terrible, isn't it?
Wow, Deb, the biggest school in the state?!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle still tenting...heading to bed here.

Lolly, hope all goes well for Joey.

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful tenting going on in our nest!

Not sure how long the rain is to stay here but once it leaves I think it is to come back Mon,Tue,Wed. Oh Joy!

It really unsettles me when I hear of violence within the schools. You really used to feel that school was a safety zone!

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is red Friday and
Pizza. Guess I could do grilled cheese! Think I'll stick with Dominos' Pizza!

Going to head back the hallway...

Prayers for Joey's successful surgery and for Jack's safe return home. Maybe Lolly will go back to Houston with him.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley hope George lets you sleep in tomorrow! Get it straight with him before you go to bed this evening. lol

Good Night All and Prayers for All
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Going to head up to bed. I will turn off the alarm and sleep as long as I want tomorrow--or as long as George permits. Maybe if I keep him awake this evening. . .

I was able to get my English teacher friend to cover for me tomorrow. She loves to teach Macbeth.

Mema Jo said...

**maybe you could close the bedroom door

Mema Jo said...

**maybe you could close the bedroom door

Mema Jo said...

Go ahead and close the darn bedroom door lol

hedgie said...

I am heading for the tub in a few minutes. Gotta put more time in on the book I'm reading there....momma is waiting to read it next!
Wanda, you and Gene will see the best and worst of people during your ministry. Just remember to be careful in all your efforts.
Good night, my fine, fowl friends. Prayers for all.

stronghunter said...

That's my retired teacher friend. It is rare to get someone who can walk in and do Shakespeare cold.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

George would meow and dig up the carpet!

stronghunter said...

Yes, he is spoiled.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo, and anyone else headed to bed. I am going now, too.

Lolly said...

Thanks all for the concern,well wishes and prayers for Joey.

No, I will not be returning to Houston with Jack. I would have been there if my sister and her hubby were not traveling. He will only be down there a couple more days next week.

I am signing off. Need to pack for a night in Denton.

I probably will not be on in the morning. Have to leave by 9.

Nite all. Sweet dreams!

Oh....have been watching TH. Have not seen anything there yet, but eagle has been up and is not sleeping.

Costume Lady said...

Keep us updated on Joey, LollY.

Costume Lady said...

Uh, Oh...I'm over here all by myself:(

Oh, it's 11:39, I guess everyone has gone to bed...not sleepy here yet. Guess I will read facebook and then turn in.


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...