Monday, February 22, 2010


New thread.  Rain is coming...


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wvgal_dana said...

Hi Steve thanks for the new thread. I'll go over and get the Eagle group. Have a good day.

Mits said...

thanks, Dana for the call over

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Dana, and thanks Steve for the new thread.

Lib is on duty :)

Mits said...

update from BWE........

Nest Update

In anticipation of possible hatching this week, we've posted a new entry in our Eagle Cam Web Log discussing what you should watch for when the hatching begins.

Mits said...

from BWO...

Nest Update

Blackwater Refuge is currently hosting a huge amount of snow geese. Visit the latest Eagle Cam Web Log post to see photos of the large flock.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Dana for the call over & Steve for the new thread

Mema Jo said...

We'll need to keep an eye on the BWE this weekend....
I remember in the past when we would try to decide if there was a hole starting in the egg or if it was a piece of fluff. Mits, you always got your magnifying glass out....

Mits said...

ready and waiting, Jo:)

Mits said...

NZ panda cams are back on....I have written to them several times, telling them to get their act together with these cams, just in case we have a new cub, probably will get fired:)

Mema Jo said...

You can't fire a loyal volunteer

hedgie said...

Have noticed the Sitemeter logo on home page.....wonder what that is???

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is back, Lib up off eggs and on the back of nest, just took off.

hedgie said...

Stay on them, Mits!!! You go, girl.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - I have been wondering the same thing, I figured it's a counter. So I just clicked on tracks blog statistics...

Mits said...

well they are really ticking me off, when you are in the cam room, you have no idea if it is going out over the internet,,,why sit there for 3 hours if it ain't going anywhere.

Mits said...


NatureNut said...

Morning Everyone ☺
How eggciting about BWE having a hatch at end of week, maybe.Wonder if Bob got snow geese pics?
I hope we get at least one Eggbert to hatch. I guess there will be no more laid, no new clutch. I was hoping #4 was the beginning of a new group.
Helen, Sock It To 'Em!!

movin said...


GOOD Morning,

Every BODY.


i THOUGHT the live feed was down, and I opened a couple of other sites. I was about to mention it on here, when I heard that big wind sound ripping through the area...sure enough, the site is working beautifully now.



NatureNut said...

DID U Know---got call from Park &
if anyone buys a fishing license this year, they must register w/NOAA!? There is no fee, but if contacted & you have not registered, there will be a fine!!!!!
WHY wasn't this info made public at end of '09???? I am not positive if this is everywhere, or just MD, but assume since a Fed. agency probably all over. It's to do random contacting about fish/environment conditions I assume. Someone brought a poster to Vis. Ctr. w/website & phone #.

Mema Jo said...

Have any of you submitted a name for the CRC eaglet?

Mema Jo said...

Jim - took my live feed longer than usual to load... Like you I heard the

Mema Jo said...

Very Deep Egg Roll

Mema Jo said...

Tucking in the fluff

Mema Jo said...

Change in position and lots of
wiggle wiggles..........

Mits said...

article from newspaper this a.m., will be long, but thought you all would be interested in it.....

Sam D. Hamilton, 54, the director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, died Feb. 20 after suffering chest pains while skiing at the Keystone Ski Area in Colorado. The Summit County, Colo., coroner told the Associated Press that his death was consistent with an underlying heart problem.

Mr. Hamilton, a 30-year veteran of the agency who became its director in September, was one of the leaders of restoration work in the Florida Everglades and along the coastal wetlands and wildlife habitat along the Gulf Coast after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. When the ivory-billed woodpecker, long thought extinct, was spotted in his region in 2005, he told The Washington Post: "It's given us a renewed hope that all these efforts, all this work, can pay off. It's the story of how you can get a second chance."

Jamie Rappaport Clark, who was director of the Fish and Wildlife Service in the Clinton administration and is now executive vice president of Defenders of Wildlife, said Mr. Hamilton "clearly was able to unify and mobilize the Fish and Wildlife Service after what was a long number of years under the last administration. He was on his way to restoring the incredible prominence of the service; he was very well-loved and respected . . . by all walks of conservationists. He was certainly a biologist first, and at heart, and spoke with a lot of integrity."

In a statement during his confirmation hearings, he said he believed in collaboration and that conservation work must be driven by sound science. Most recently, he was working on the land-and-water invasion of exotic species, which he called "probably the single greatest threat in our country to our native wildlife."

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar on Saturday lauded his "forward-thinking approach to conservation -- including his view that we must think beyond boundaries at the landscape level -- will continue to shape our nation's stewardship for years to come."

The son of an Air Force pilot, Mr. Hamilton grew up in Starkville, Miss. His first outdoors job was as a Youth Conservation Corps member on the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi, where he learned to band wood ducks and Canada geese, to build waterfowl pens and to understand the importance of managing wildlife habitat. Mr. Hamilton graduated from Mississippi State University in 1977. He rose through the Fish and Wildlife Service from being its Texas administrator, to assistant regional director of ecological services in Atlanta and then director of the agency's Southeast region, based in Atlanta.

There, he supported efforts leading to the establishment of a carbon sequestration program that has allowed biologists to restore 80,000 acres of wildlife habitat. During his tenure, the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership was established to restore aquatic habitats across the region. He oversaw and managed a $484 million budget and 1,500 employees working for 128 national wildlife refuges, protecting more than 350 federally listed threatened and endangered species.

Survivors include his wife, Becky Arthur Hamilton, of Atlanta; two sons, Sam Hamilton Jr. and Clay Hamilton, both of Atlanta; and a grandson.

hedgie said...

Wanda, fire trucks coming your way! 777----structure fire.

hedgie said...

Make that 775...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits - that was newsworthy info.

So what number is Wanda.... 420

Lolly said...

Good morning...or should I say good afternoon. Went to bed late last night, had to take a muscle relaxer and then slept til 9. So, just now getting on. it was an island fox I heard last night at TH. I had no idea what I was hearing. Cool!
It was very startling. My laptop sound is pretty quiet...until you hear Lily's cub or and island fox. lol

Thanks Mits for the CRC video. Really enjoyed that!

movin said...

Has anyone followed the Hummingbird site lately??

There's a different scene up with no explanation today.

There is a link under the picture to a really great PBS program on Hummers though.



hedgie said...

That's a shame about Mr. Hamilton. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Mits. It's too bad that so many public servants die young while taking vacations...makes you wonder...probably type A personalities who don't relax often enough.

glo said...

Snow has ended and we actually only got 5 inches. The sun has pulled surprise and is shining on the "cloudy" day so Dex and I will have lunch and head on over to the dam. Hopefully they will have plowed out the access road by the time we get there I hope I hope.

movin said...

I found a note at the top of the comments section at the Hummingbird site, which says the young one passed away Saturday.



Mema Jo said...

testing ?

I had to close down and then I just
prayed I would come back in and all
would be good......

Mits said...

yes Jim we know about Sassy, Paula posted it yesterday

Mema Jo said...

I'm back and all is well!

Once again I must say that the coloring on our still cam is exquisite.
So very very clear.

Mema Jo said...

Sheets of ice in the Penguin's Pond.

Mits said...

yeah I watch the still cam more than the live feed, because of the clarity, and if I see any action, I go to the live feed.

Mema Jo said...

Norfolk news: Azeala - looks like she is near Norfolk. Maybe coming to see mom and dad for a visit? lol

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles at NBG nest
Maybe a switch.

movin said...

Both eagles are on the WE nest.



wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo anything about a meet up for lunch?

Thank you Mits for link CRC and Loretta and Paula for videos, they were great.

Prayers for the family of James Clark who sounds
like he loved and added a lot to wildlife, thanks Mits.

Sorry Jim was hoping and praying for that little hummer. I must
have missed Paula's post ty too Paula.

hedgie said...

Has started sprinkling here. Cover up, Belle!

Mema Jo said...

No word Dana.

Sprinkling! Oh No! Let's pray it is just wet stuff and no s..w .
Thanks for the heads-up Lynn - not that I am going to do anything about it! All my windows are closed! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo you have my cell #'er?

If your answer is yes in your next comment. Will you call me if you hear or you call her please.

movin said...

i can't make out what's what, but there appears to be more than one eagle at BWE.



Mits said...

only 1 eagle BWE

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles are at the Sidney nest.
Might not be now - I have been yakking on a phone call from gd.

Mema Jo said...

Dana I have both your numbers
but haven't heard anything yet.

Mema Jo said...

A downy woodpecker has been putting a show on for me. Along with my cardinals. I have male and female cardinals and I really think I have a few juvie ones as I look at their coloring.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon all!

Mits said...

just a staling at Sidney now

Mits said...

that's starling

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon! Are you in Bluefield or Bedford today?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Neither. I am in Scott Depot/Charleston.

Mema Jo said...

How long will you be there?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Until in the morning. Andrew and Kelsey are having a performance at the Cultural Center at the State Capitol, symphonic band and choir.

Mits said...

Sharon have you met Kelsy's parents???

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sure have, sitting in their dining room right now working. Everybody else is at school or work.

Mema Jo said...

What more can you say?!!!
I hope the performance is awesome...
I know you are really one proud momma!

Mema Jo said...

Checked out the CO eagle and owl cams
Snow in their area.
No eagles in LW nest... their streaming is still just the branches and the still cam is the actual nest.

Mits said...

LW eagles were there last night and this a.m., Jo

Mema Jo said...

Mits - check out the NZ Flamingo cam
There are some flighty men there...

Mema Jo said...

So much for human watching......... lol

Mits said...

I see them, think they were at the Ape house this a.m., think they are going around the whole zoo, looking for things now that the snow is melting

normabyrd said...

Oh!---Just got home--& need FOOD!--But was checking on BELLE!---Bless her heart--It sounds as if it is raining there!---It is raining here!!--- LATER....

hedgie said...

Did You Know....?? Kitchen refuse can be reduced by more than 90% by using an enzyme-producing bacteria extracted from Giant Panda feces.
Just think....if there were enough pandas in the world, we wouldn't need as many landfills!

Mits said...

well that is down right interesting, Lynn:)

paula eagleholic said...

Some sleet and rain here...

Mits said...

yuck....nothing here yet.

Mema Jo said...

Very few raindrops in the valley .
Keep that Precip down in Frederick, Paula

hedgie said...

So much for wishful thinking....sleeting here now. ARGH!

Mema Jo said...

Going to see if I have any munchies for later this evening! Hubby has to
go get his Diet Coke on sale at Safeway.

Mits said...

sounds like sleet at the nest:(

Mits said...

radar shows mixed precipitation going by now

ceil said...

Raining here. Think it is just rain but it sounds hard

Ragdoll said...

Hello Eagle Watchers. Just got home from work. I was more relaxing then being down in the basement.

Checked on Lib and Belle. Is that Lib on the nest. Is it raining at the nest. I hope it's not freezing rain.

paula eagleholic said...

Gee Mits, sounds like you could bring some of that stuff home from the zoo...put it to good use, LOL

Mixed precip here....

Mits said...

yes, Ragdoll, mixed precipitation at nest

paula eagleholic said...

Dad feeding chicklet at CRC

Mits said...

they do have note papers and cards made out of panda poo, Paula, do you want some:)?

Mits said...

amazing how fast the chicks grow...

hedgie said...

And now it's doing the S word. :(

Mits said...

noooooooooooo, not the S word!

glo said...

Thought you might find this article interesting

Tough Winter for Wildlife including eagles well and piglets too

paula eagleholic said...

They aren't scratch n sniff are they Mits?

Mits said...

gives a whole new meaning to "when pigs fly".

Mits said..., no scent:)

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, Guess they have woody poop? Thus the notecards...?

Mits said...

bamboo goes right thru them...

Mits said...

actually they are nice cards,with a nice texture

Mits said...

panda update....from NZ

We had hoped to get news to everyone sooner but the Chinese New Year celebration has slowed down communications a bit. Thanks for your patience!

Tai Shan's primary keeper at Bifengxia Base is Wu Daifu (nicknamed Boogie), shown at right with National Zoo keeper Nicole Meese. Tai Shan is lucky to have Boogie as a new keeper. He is experienced, possesses great knowledge of giant pandas, and has just the right character and temperament for Tai Shan. When saying goodbye, Boogie complimented Nicole on her care and stewardship of Tai Shan and pledged to do the same for him in his new home.

ceil said...

Mits I sure hope he does take good care of Tai and that Tai likes him or look out we will come after him

ceil said...

Off to finish dinner

Mits said...

he looks like a decent guy:)

hedgie said...

Do You Know......who Boogie is??? Check your email!!!

Mits said...

Tai Shan's new keeper:)

T-Bird said...

Good evening Momsters and Dadsters.

hedgie said...

LOL, Mits....I should have read back before I posted!!!

paula eagleholic said...

They corrected the 4th egg date at outdoor channel.

paula eagleholic said...

Little bit of tenting...sounds like rain

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Tbird

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, catch ya later!

hedgie said...

Interesting article, Glo. Sad for the little pigs, but....that is just the way it is sometimes. They call it's basically just ol' Darwins' theory: survival of the fittest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I've been laying low today, and my stomach is finally feeling less jumpy. Took several panda naps, and it seems to have helped. Hubby's feeling OK too. He just got home from work. Tried to catch up on the blog by scanning back over it.
Jim, noticed you asked about the hummer cam. Phoebe was fixing up a previous nest, so they changed the camera to view that one. Hope all works out for Phoebe--she's a cutie.

Will be back later, after dinner. Need to spend some time with Hubby and catch up on his day. Have a good evening! Gee-sounds like rain at our eagles' nest. Thank GOD it's not snow!

paula eagleholic said...

Caltrans has 3 eggs as of this morning

paula eagleholic said...

OK, finally read the article on the it now. Sorry for the farmer, but sometimes you just can't fight nature.

paula eagleholic said...

Windy and rainy at the nest...have some sleet mixed in here in Eburg.

Mits said...

update CO cams....

The eagle cams are out of service due to technical difficulties. We apologize for the interruption. At this time, we do not know when the cams will be restored

Lolly said...

From OK

22 February: It looks as though the eagles are settling on the alternate nest site. We expect
to complete the technical arrangements for video viewing at this site within 2 weeks,
weather permitting. We are developing some new methods and equipment that will
be used to make things work at this new location.

paula eagleholic said...

Well that sucks. HOpe they can find the problem and get them fixed soon.

Andy - glad the fish didn't make you really sick. Probably be a long time before you eat one of those again!

paula eagleholic said...

Good news on OK...

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to peek in on the sunny Ca cams :)

paula eagleholic said...

A third egg would be rare for TH, they usually lay 2. I'm surprised hers were 4 days apart...

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula. I was wondering about the history of TH. Could not remember. She waited till Sunday night, for me to be home and watching.☺

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and really glad ya'll got to hear the island fox...pretty cool, isn't it? You can hear them on the PH cam as well.

Lolly said...

I did not know what it was. I guessed it was 81 screeching at something. I think he was adding to the noise.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, that was all island fox...

Mema Jo said...

Checking out my TV for the evening....
8-10:00 Hallmark Movie
10:00 Damages

Mema Jo said...

It is still raining here.. I guess it could change to sleet/s..w but so far just the wet rain. Suppose to be in the low 40°'s tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I always wondered if an eagle could swoop up a cat - I guess it depends on how hungry and what else is available before he would do that.
BUT you gotta eat. I would think the pig farms could find a better way to keep those little piglets covered by a wire fencing or something since it is $600 a shot!

Mits said...

that sitemeter, and the new revolving globe on the home page of the blog is freaky....big brother is watching..

Mema Jo said...

I was messing with it... Lots of info..
I agree with you. I can see having something like that on the eagle cam for info but this is like Spyware......

Mema Jo said...

going to check on some cams before sitting in front of the tube..

Mema Jo said...

Off to TV


Lolly said...

Going to work on slides and watch the olympics. That site meter is interesting! HMMMMMMM??????????

magpie said...

This is pretty neat
Home Page NCTC

If you scroll down just a little bit, go to NCTC Journal, there is a view of the front cover of the March Issue of Wonderful WV, and a little paragraph or two also a notice on the death of Sam Hamilton

If you scroll down to the NCTC e-journal box 1 had Dr. Hamilton's notice, and box 2 has the front cover and a little bit about the March magazine...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say hello. Can't stay long. Have to get some sleep tonight.

Had to check out the site meter.

magpie said...

Nice link to the CRC video earlier, Mits

I lost internet for a little while.

Been noticing that site meter, figured it reflected levels of activity. Don't see the revolving globe that Mits mentioned though

magpie said...

I checked the Wonderful WV magazine site and still do not see the March issue...


magpie said...

Hi Shirley, I was thinking about you and wondering where you were
I can't stay long here either

magpie said...

EAgle is moving on the nest,
or was..

magpie said...

Mounds and mounds of dirty snow all over the city.
glad we have rain instead of snow tonight, had the sleet earlier also here

Lolly said...

On the blog home page, under the pict of Belle and Lib, there is a globe going around. Burleson, TX is one of the labels on the globe. Big Brother is right!

Mits said...

Margy it is right under the picture of the eagles and Steve Chases' picture, it shows where you live.

magpie said...

Well lad di da, clicked on site meter, does have a lot of information about visits and average stay and page views and all that
that's pretty high tech.
My average stay is longer than 4.02 I think
unless that means Hours instead of minutes
Hope everyone is having a good evening, going to take care of some family emails

bbsometime xo

Mits said...

is there a back way we can sneak in:)?????

magpie said...

OK I see that, thanks.....see where Burleson and Martinsburg got logged ☺
Wow I feel famous

Mits said...

off to watch some Olympics

Mits said...

BTW, the map is wrong I live in Butte Montana:)

Mits said...

and I have a grizzly bear for a pet.....

magpie said...

Just checked the beakspeak ratings too, we are in the running for yesterday and last seven days, but we are not in first place...YET

thanks for the info Lolly and Mits...

Mits said...

and he belongs to the NRA:)

magpie said...

When we come out of the clouds this week, then I will ask Megan for the upcoming Full Moon name...
'cause it will be here in about a week ☺

magpie said...

I'm getting lost now, can't follow what you mean,
so bbsometime for now

magpie said...

my animal tracks on Feathers Fur link, are Crow's feet...
naturalist friend in NY identified them for me

Lolly said...

I am wondering what Mits has had to drink tonight. Butte??? Grizzly bear???? Trying to sneak in a back door? hmmmmm?????

magpie said...

Food delivery at TH - K82 chowing down now

stronghunter said...

I think Mits has a pistol packin' grizzly bear for a pet.

stronghunter said...

I see Fredericksburg on that globe. And it says how many visits and how many recent hits.

Interesting . . .

Costume Lady said...

Gene and I were gone most of the day, so new computer hasn't been installed yet. I've waited this long, can wait a little longer:)

Did anyone check out Paula's video "I feel like flapping"? Haven't seen any comments, so I guess not. My daughter thought it was hysterical!

I posted a photo that INDIANA DAVE took. It is a beautiful sunset, taken from his front yard. It also, is on my WILD AND WONDERFUL blog.

Back to the it.

stronghunter said...

I had big plans to get school work done tonight, but I am so tired my brain is scrambled.

magpie said...

Get some rest, Shirley...brains like rest ! especially scrambled ones ♥

magpie said...

I'm sorry Wanda.. it is not that I didn't care, knew that I had seen it and want to see it again. I hope you get lots of hits on it !!
It took me three days to get to Clouded Leopards, and bunches of links I haven't checked yet.
My E-M email page is bulging too !
well, my Prairie Dog brother John is headed to Colorado soon, if he can escape the 57 inches of snow that Frostburg had...
I need to go send him an email...
back in a little while. I have to bring him up to date on NCTC

Mits said...

I'm just trying to throw off the people that are watching this site, Suzanne always warned us about lurkers, and what they can find out about you when you are on a blog or chat room...that's my story and I'm sticking to just creeps me out, to pull up I site and it knows where I am...

Costume Lady said...

Margy, thats funny about your brother...Gene and I were just talking about him yesterday. We were outside Denver and saw a gazillion Prarie Dogs and I told Gene about your researching brother:)

I put Paula's video up for the newbies to enjoy or anyone else who wanted to see it again. Does not benefit me in any way except to do something to make my friends smile. This is one of my very favorite videos. It just touches my funny bone:)

Costume Lady said...

LOL...we weren't outside Denver yesterday...I told Gene about your brother yesterday:) Didn't know about your brother when we were in Denver.

Costume Lady said...

Know whatcha mean Margy...I have lots of videos and photos to check far behind!

Mema Jo said...

Commercial - I keep seeing Hedgesville on the spinning globe!

Mits said...

I love that video, Wanda, I remember you said you were posting it, then I forgot....I don't have a cheat sheet to write things down.

Mits said...

really, it does not show you hometown??

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - Where are you this evening?

Mema Jo said...

Back to my Mystery Theater... I haven't figured it out yet I need Judie

stronghunter said...

Haven't seen Judie on here tonight.

magpie said...

That's funny Wanda!
I kinda knew what you meant but your clarification sealed the deal.
He has a spot on an upcoming Discovery Channel show..will have to get the particulars and post them sometime...he said the interviewers didn't suit him very much...asked, "The Wrong Questions." lol

I think the newbies will very much enjoy the video you posted...Paula's videos are are yours and others'.

My whole body is scrambled...just sprayed on some biofreeze, now think I will crawl into a heated blanketed warmed bed with a few stuffed animals for company ☺
Best wishes for all for a good night...see you Tuesday sometime

God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

Going upstairs for the night. See you tomorrow.

God bless.

magpie said...

and there goes Martinsburg on the revolving globe !

I see Jo
has prepared our new March Momsters Album spot....

Thanks Jo

Good Night now everyone....

magpie said...

the fire on Gosling Marsh Rd mentioned earlier in the day,
was a furnace malfunction with a smoke condition....
think things turned out OK there, thank goodness


ceil said...

Stopping in to say restful sleep to all

Judie said...

Oh my goodness, I'm just trying to catch up and all I can figure is Mits is lost and can't find her way in a door and maybe she was trying to find the shiny garland wrapped around the headless angel located outside a bear cave. I need Sherlock Holmes!

Truth is, had a really unexpectedly busy day. We are having a spell of "if it can go wrong/break it will."

Need sleep as tomorrow is a 5:00am day.

Did see TH has a second egg. So happy.

Will try to catch up sometime tomorrow.

Goodnight all. Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Hope Andy will set the alarm when she comes in.

hedgie said...

I'm here, Jo---was on sofa watching Damages, with doggie on my lap!!

hedgie said...

Been lurking all evening during ads. Watched 24 and now this show.

hedgie said...

I didn't see Hedgesville on the globe...just Williamsport...???

Judie, hope that whatever the latest problem is won't be expensive or difficult. Good night to you, Shirley and Margy! Rest well for your busy morrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, it thinks I'm still in Frederick! Back to Ice Dancing!

paula eagleholic said... case you're wondering, it does it by IP address...we each have one...

hedgie said...

Yeah....and that's how they trace hackers and pornos and predators....I don't like them tracking us like that.

Mema Jo said...

Well who is in Rohresville....

Mits said...

I have no ideal, perhaps some one that is visiting the nest or just the blog, who knows...have a good night everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Well, Damages keeps getting more and more complicated with each episode. I
really like it.
Looks as though Belle is still tenting. There isn't any precipitation
here in the valley.
Time for me to go down the hallway...

Good Night All & Prayers for All!
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Jo.....5 months ago......:)
I'm heading for the tub. See all y'all in the morning. No precip here now---hope it stays that way! G'night. Prayers for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Great competition....night all!

Hugs to all♥

Costume Lady said...

Canada won the Gold in ice dancing, as well they should, they were a beautiful couple (exquisite)! America won Silver, another exquisite ice was from PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (LOVELY)!
Russia took the Bronze...very nice skating and choreography. Their costumes consisted of ropes, which they used in their dance and may be ousted next time!
Wonderful, entertaining evening with the Olympics:)


Lolly said...

Nite all! Enjoyed the ice dancing while working on slides. I work on a tray, then edit them, and email some. I sure had two cute little my former life. It seems soooo long ago!

I will post some of my favorites.Will tell you when I do it.

Sweet dreams!

movin said...


Good nighT, aLL.



magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Belle is snoozing, almost looks like she has some fluff on her back, but it might just be an illusion
Eagle at Blackwater looks pretty wet....

magpie said...

It's that time again...time for work.
Best wishes for a good day, hope there is lots of Sunshine, for real, and in your hearts today

See you much much later tonight.
xo ☺ ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Eagle buds! Still a balmy 39 degrees here in the big city of Bluefield! Praying for that snow to go somewhere else!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---MORNIN' MARGY--HAVE A GOOD DAY! & MORNIN' SISSY!!---What's happening in Southern WV?---We had rain yesterday & now it is FOGGY--FOGGY here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!---HOME OF BELLE & LIB!---School delay---BELLE is huddled down in the nest!---BLESS HER HEART!

normabyrd said...

I haven't had time to figure out the changes!---Going to W/CTR this am!---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Norma!! Nothing happening down here for now! Hoping the weather passes us by. I would love to see what my yard looks like!

normabyrd said... this!---it should pull up WEST VIRGINIA WILDLIFE magazine---It's a good magazine--& it's FREE!

Mits said...

Good Tuesday morning everyone...back in a sec with today's weather:)

normabyrd said...

SISSY---WHOA!---Not sure I want to see what my yard looks like!---I know all the gravel in drive is gone!!---I will quote SCARLET--'will worry about that tomorrow' ho!---LIFE IS GOOD!---

Mits said...

today's weather for nest....

Widespread fog this morning. Cloudy. Highs in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 20s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS!--If the forecast is SNOW!---I will wait until tomorrow before I read it...... ho!

normabyrd said...

WHAT--NO S?---I am hurt---

normabyrd said...

SERIOUSLY!---So much FOG--I can hardly see across my lawn---going to get dressed & then decide if I am going to venture out!!

Mits said...

Norma fog is good, weather guy last night says it eats the snow:)

normabyrd said...

Thanks MITS!!---BRING ON THE FOG! ho!

Mits said...


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...