Thursday, January 28, 2010


Looks like nest preparations are going well.  The critical week is approaching.

New thread.


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Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Thank you, Steve. We're watching and waiting.

Missed the hissy fit. Well, not the one in class but the panda one.

floralgirl said...

Eagle back in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Yes, we are keeping our eyes on Belle!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I thought that was old news, Megan. Just got here .

paula eagleholic said...

Guess BWE didn't surprise us with a 3rd egg.

floralgirl said...

Could be, Paula. But I think nest has been empty for a little while.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

OMG, I am so eggcited. Just found out that the eagle cam is on twitter! @liveeaglecam! Yay!

Mits said...

thanks for the call over, Judie:)

Mits said...

Lynn when you get here, in answer to your question, she has no sense he is even her child, to her he is just an annoying male panda, by the way she growls at him when they are in the yards next to each other, but most of the time just ignores him.

magpie said...

Good Morning All Eagle People...
Belle seems to be test-driving the position in the egg cup - warming it up maybe...

well, so many things to think about it

Hope everyone has a good day ☺

hedgie said...

Sharon, I think it obvious that your dream is a subconscious plan to go kidnap Tian before next Thursday!!!!
Do you need help?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! We could make it a first egg date before that critical week gets here, Steve. They sure have been going at it and that egg cup is ready.

ceil said...

Morning. I did see the HP in the nest egg
PA falcon cam is up

ceil said...

Mits and Lynne know what you mean about finding

Mits said...

yeah got their letter this a.m., seems they have not seen the male yet, but not to unusual for him to be a little late, they will be more concerned if he does not show next week

ceil said...

Sorry phone rang. about finding the person who did that to the little dog. Terrible. As I say they are just scum.

floralgirl said...

OK, Ceil, put down the mimosa and finish your sentences...hahaha

ceil said...

Megan I love mimosas

floralgirl said...

Me too:)

ceil said...


Mits said...

what, you started the mimosas without me...

Costume Lady said... answer your question about GG; her doctor took her off MIRALAX and put her on COLACE for a few days to see if that was causing the tummy upset. Well, when you are on a very strong pain medication, constipation is a VERY big problem. Miralax has been a God-send for her (I think it was very poor judgement on the doctor's part to suggest that!)
Anyway, she became so constipated that she took Colace AND Miralax, BIG overdose, I guess. She doesn't know how much she took. I got a call from her on Saturday and she said she needed help...she was in so much pain that she couldn't stand it. Went to her house and she had had ACCIDENTS all over her bedroom carpet, bathroom carpet and bed. That went on for two days. She didn't want a doctor or hospital...NO, NO, NO! Really ties my hands when she refuses medical help.
She is doing pretty well now.

Mits said...

oh, Wanda, poor GG, but no how she feels about hospitals:(

floralgirl said...

SO sorry to hear that, Wanda. She is lucky to have such a wonderful daughter:)

Mits said...

yes, Wanda you are the best:)

magpie said...

Two in the nest now, hold on to your hats !

Mema Jo said...

Oh Wanda you have had your hands full.
You do what you have to do and hope you'll be blessed for doing so.
Have you notify the dr about the med change effects?

Mema Jo said...

Both in nest again

magpie said...

When God was making the prototype for fantastic daughters (and wives, grandmothers, friends, etc)
He Definitely had you in mind...
I agree with the others, you are the BEST ! xoxo
Prayers for dear GG continue every day...and YOU as well

hedgie said...

Halleluiah!!! Shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to launch on its 13-day mission at 4:39 a.m. EST Feb. 7.
East coasters, we DO get another chance to see it!!!! Sure will pray that skies are clear that night!!

Costume Lady said...

BTW, no one will clean carpets soild by human is considered HAZARDOUS WASTE or something like that. Carpet has to be torn up. Mom just had new carpet installed 2 or 3 years I got a bucket and some cleaning products and cleaned it myself...looks pretty good. I may go into the FECES CARPET CLEANING BUSINESS:)

Mits said...

so, who is making the coffee, that early:)?

magpie said...

I'll say Hallelujah Hawaii, Lynn..
I seem to be off that morning, "so far"
thanks for the tip, be sure to remind us !!!

Mits said...

in the yellow pages...Wanda's Waste Department...we clean poop, so you don't have to:)

magpie said...

Well, "no one" doesn't include me, Wanda...anytime, be sure to ring me up...Deal ?

hedgie said...

Oh, dear Wanda, that has certainly been hard on you all. I'm sure that GG is so embarrassed, too. Pain med doesn't have to be strong to cause the constipation---just having a narcotic in it will do that, for sure. IF I am remembering correctly (don't always, ya' know!), Colace is just a is not a fiber preparation. Action is different. If he felt Miralax was causing a problem, then should have tried Metamucil or FiberCon. YOu know how I feel about him if you are referring to B. Maybe she needs to see a gastroenterologist. Only Fishkin in town, and don't care much for him. How 'bout good ol' Dr. Hendricks?

magpie said...

Quick technical question:
If I have 55.8 GB of Ram, is that more than or less than 1GB Ram (memory) as the Help screen for our live feed says I need...
I feel dumb for asking this, I downloaded newest version of Adobe and my feed is still stuttering.

magpie said...

Second bird back again...

floralgirl said...

Building up the sides of the nest.

magpie said... sure are a wealth of helpful information for us here....
if I never said it before, I sure appreciate I am sure we all do

Mema Jo said...

You remind us Lynn!

Oh my the sun just burst through
I sure have a dark stretch of clouds in
the valley.

I will return - going to Ledo's to see if I can find Larada aka Loreeda!

hedgie said...

Unless she would want to go to Winchester to someone there.....know what she means about being in the hospital, tho'.

magpie said...

well, they need to work on a canopy Megan....
keep out the rain and snow

magpie said...

wind picking up big time here

floralgirl said...

Their wings are the canopy:)

hedgie said...

Don't know answer to your question, MArgy....seems like 55 would be bigger than 1, but not sure if it all means the same!! Paula is the one to help you with that stuff!

Never fear---you KNOW I will remind you about the shuttle!!!

Wanda, I have a carpet cleaner machine (Bissell, canister). Do you want me to bring it to you???

Mits said...

I don't know any of the techinical stuff, Margy, but when I have the cam up, it slows everything on my computer....have to shut it down, and go on with other stuff that I like to browse and do emails...

hedgie said...

As for professionals----were you trying named companies??? Try calling Mark Stroop 229-4634. He's independent. He might do it. He's a firefighter at Martinburg. Good guy, right, Margy?

hedgie said...

Mark is also very reasonably priced!

magpie said...

Yep you are right, Megan....
wings of love and devotion.

Thanks Hedgie..

Headed to the grocery store with pal...
See you all later
xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I put a few pics on the momsters album, also so did Wanda...

See that Jo has the Feb's album all ready to go ! Thanks Jo !

Mits said...

typical Mei Xiang, they finally let her, she wants back in.

floralgirl said...

This cam slows my computer way down too. Not sure why.

magpie said...

Yes...Lynn...good guy, Mark, all the family is....


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I keep the cam open on my big computer and work and blog and facebook and twitter on my laptop so it works well for me. :)

Mits said...

from BWE.....

Nest Update


Nest Update

Awesome look at an immature bald eagle on the camera arm.

someone got a fantastic shot, worth a look-see:)

Mits said...

well only a lap-top here:(

Costume Lady said...

Hey, thank you all for your suggestions for carpet cleaning. I think, now that I have 99% of the "mess" cleaned up...I am going to call someone for an over-all cleaning of the whole house and feel no need to reveal what USED to be in the bedroom. Is that dishonest?

hedgie said...

Nope, not all. Never heard of there being a disclosure law for carpets, Wanda! If you don't know someone imn particular, try Mark. Think you'll be pleased and you can say I referred you to him, and you can say that you are a friend of Margy!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just a quick look in to say good morning. Have a dentist appointment this morning for cleaning.

TANGO...just love it! ☺

Wanda, bless you! Poor GG. Know she was embarrassed, but maybe feeling too bad to be embarrassed. Bless her! You might have to start regulating her meds so she does not do something like that again. My sister in law visits her mom every evening to administer the meds and to lay out clothes for the next day. She has to do the clothes or her mom will put on the same clothes even if they have food stains.

Belle has been in the egg cup for a while now. I have not said a date, but bet it will be this weekend.

Weather sounding even better here, though I do not want rain.

Pond and stream up and running, fish doing okay.

Lolly said...

No, Wanda....that is NOT dishonest!

Lolly said...

Have to go now. Washed my hair and have to go "fix" it! Then off to the dentist....oh, the joy! NOT!

Have a great day!

Oh, forgot to tell you...Sharon dreamed about Pandas, for the first time last night I dreamed about eagles. lol It was watching that show late last night that did it!!!

Costume Lady said...

Thank you, Lynn for the offer of the Bissell cleaner, but I think I will call Wanda's Super Duper Pooper Scooper Waste Co. (LOL, Helen)

NatureNut said...

Jo, I'm here at home all day!!!
Have Ledo salad left for lunch. Slept late & planned to finish my poor bulbs & their 50° is NOT very warm, but will force myself to plant anyway---last good day.Think I'll stay in my sweats!

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone :) Lunchtime @ the nest, looks like a fish.

Costume Lady said...

OK, will call Mark. Thanks for the phone number!
Thank Margy, for your offer to help.
Gotta get out of here. GG wants home-made chicken broth. I make a mean chichen broth. Put carrots and celery and onions in it (no onions this time) then strain veggies out. Could make egg-drop soup with the broth, very nourishing. Might have some myself.

Costume Lady said... the name LARADA, very pretty!

NatureNut said...

Wanda, so sorry GG had those problems & you are so great to be able to help.
If you go into Carpet Cleaning, can you do overeating cat results?? Big cat is a piggy.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, I think you are confusing your disk space of 55.8gig as ram. Disk space is how much room you have to store things.

Ram is much memory you have to run programs with. Look under windows help on how to find out how much you have, there is a shortcut in there somewhere you can click on and it will show you.

floralgirl said...

More nest material just flew in... get ready for a 'discussion' on the placement of it.

NatureNut said...

Strange that I'm getting Latin type names & family is European!!
SUN!!!!!I gotta head out--look out knees, here we go!

Bird Girl said...

So sorry for GG's problem, it does happen. At least she didn't have the problem in a dress shop like my best friend's mother did. In the dressing room, down the aisles, in the's one thing to have to clean up at home; quite another to have to clean up at a public store. At least you have the privacy at home.

Bird Girl said...

big clump of grass to soften the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle just arrived with more fluff


Bird Girl said...

Belle (is that Belle?) seems a bit snippy & cranky!

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is really rocking.

Cam slows down this computer too

Judie said...

55.1 is way larger than 1.

floralgirl said...

Wind has really picked up, as you can tell. 15 to 18 mph. Supposed to be a very windy afternoon, with gusts up to 35 mph.

Lynne2 said...

Sounds like a tornado at the nest!

Oh Wanda, I'm so sorry about GG. She is so lucky to have you! Prayers that she is feeling better.

Hmmm...I LOVE mimosas! We have a great big one growing at the end of the drive near the woods, and I dug up some seedlings last fall to plant later.
but I guess it's not THAT kind of mimosa you're all talking about...LOL!

Sharon had now given a whole new meaning to the phrase "panda napping"

Bird Girl said...

Hey folks, here's a little video about banding some eaglets at Lake Pleasant here in Arizona. The lake is about 25 minutes from me.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

But see, I wasn't panda-napping. They (now it is still questionable who they is) let me take it for 2 weeks.

hedgie said...

Wind is really howling. Cord on my flagpole broke--had to replace it. Now I see trashcan down---hope it doesn't start to roll. Probably should put a rock in the bottom!

Mits said...

while I was manning the cams last night, police came rushing in, and I said, what's up???....they said they had heard a noise near the one of the entrances to the building, and had I gone out the door outside the building, no I had not, so they checked it out and guess everything was fine. Always concerns me someone could be up to no good with the animals:(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mits, I promise it wasn't me! :)

Bird Girl said...

Ok enough goofing off, I'd better get something useful done.

Have a good day/night everyone!

hedgie said...

So that was panda-lending, huh, Sharon?

Lynne, LOL---love mimosas to look at but not to clean up after!! Drinks are good, too.

Oh, Delphia, that would be a terrible thing---that lady must have been REALLY embarrassed.

Thanks Paula and Judie for helping Margy. Hope she catches up when she gets home.

Mits said...

I can just see you in the car now with Tai, taking him to the Train concert:)

hedgie said...

Mmmm, Wanda, egg-drop soup sounds good!
I just threw some french fries in the oven and heating up some good cheese dip for them. Still have a little salad left to finish off.

Mits said...

eagle laying in nest at NBG, breezy there.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Just dropping in to say hello. Am working on homework so I can turn it all in tonight at school.

The nose spray and antibiotic are really helping~~this is the first day this week that I haven't had a splitting sinus headache! Am not certain what is causing such allergy symptoms. They are the worst I've had in literally decades!
Am allergic to all different kinds of grasses, some molds, and a few trees. Always seem to get about 10 days to 2 weeks worth of BAD allergies in both the spring and fall. Am seriously considering a referral to an allergist to see what can be done to prevent this sort of thing. Can barely function when it's so bad!

Wanda, so sorry to hear about GG's problems with the laxatives. Many prayers for both her, and for you! Hope she's on the mend.

Well, better get back to the homework. Will check back later. Have a great day! :o]

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL


EagLe LanD ! !




movin said...

They have various camera angles of Diego acting like a jester this A.M.

Little earlier they had ZZ in an unusual position up a tree.



hedgie said...

Hi, Jim! Diego is a cutie, for sure! Still can't get used to calling him Yun Zi!
Guess you saw/heard that Tian will be leaving the Nat'l. zoo one week from today. Sad to see him go....but as Mits says, time for him to start his own breeding program and agreement is that it must be in China!
Andy, do you think that your allergies are related to all of the unusual wet spells you've been having?? As in MOLDS!!!???? Glad you are feeling better...take your a/b until it's gone!
Time to get back on the taxes and hopefully finish and file! Turbo Tax is now saying 8 days refund time--cool!

Mema Jo said...

I've returned from lunch. Need to read about 40 comments since I left.

movin said...


Lady eagle is on nest, and the Man eagle is out front on a branch... Wonder if they are close to laying.



Mema Jo said...

Well interesting to hear that Sharon almost got nabbed by the NZ police at the back door that Mits left unlocked for some panda napping to take place.

magpie said...

I have 55.8 GB drive C
and 383 MB Ram
so I don't think I have 1 GB Ram which would allow me to
have the live cam with no "stuttering," ...I was reading the Home Page on the Live Feed this morning

Thanks to all for the tips and help.

Going to put a few dents in some pillows...wind pulled all the energy right out of me.


floralgirl said...

I hear she took a train to DC...

magpie said...

Wow ! Those are some pics on the BWE and BWO pages...
of the eggs in the nest cup, and the sub-adult on the camera arm

Mema Jo said...

Dent those pillows Margy, Gal!

Mema Jo said...

Both of our most favorite pandas will enjoy their trip together to China.
Mei Lan (From Atlanta) will be right with Tai leaving Dulles.

Question: If they are both at mating ages WHY didn't they just get together here in the states?
Are they related in any way?

Lolly said...

Good day at the dentist! Good report! Yea....I'll go for that!

Can't you be arrested for being an accessory to the crime, Mits???? Did you leave the door unlocked for Sharon? I hope you acted innocent when the police cam around.

Rain and thunder storms here now. Yuk!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping back in to see what's happening. Still working on homework/housework.

Lynn, I bet all the rain and molds have something to do with my allergy situation. Even today, it smells like 'wet dirt' outside. Thank God we have several days of no rain lined up here, so things can dry out! DO plan on taking all my a/b. Sure don't want any more sinus headaches! Feels SO good to not be hurting!

Better get back to work. Will stop by later! :o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Plead the 5th Helen!

hedgie said...

Don't know why I keep misstyping Tai's name....duh! Brain-freeze. Mea culpa.

Wayward trashcan retrieved and chained to tree!

Federal taxes on to state. BBL.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I went to see my panda van and I think I am going to get it. Really nice and will hold lots of dogs and maybe 1 or 2 people! :) Oh, yeah and maybe even a panda.

paula eagleholic said...

Catch ya'll later

Judie said...

Oh dear, we have Helen in cahoots with Sharon who put her van in the TRAIN to NZ where Helen left the door open so Sharon could panda-nab Tai; Lynn is out chasing runaway trash cans armed with a rock and chains; Margy can't tell if her gigas are bigger than her megas and Lolly probably got a new toothbrush to clean up all this mess. That must have been one amazing mimosa party!

Wanda, sorry about GG's difficulties and yours. Darth's mom had some problems and it is understandable but unpleasant.

Andy, do hope you continue to improve. An allergist might be a good idea. I think testing these days is much easier and quicker than years ago. Have a good night at school.

Early light dinner tonight. Darth has another meeting. I think an omelet and toast.

Shirley, heard about a mother who had an unedited version of Anne Frank's diary removed from a Culpepper school because of some sexual reference. I guess library cops are still around.

Thought of a name for our blog: As The Nest Turns.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Mits said...

no way, Jose, not me, did not leave the door pay might get docked if I do something like that....oh wait, I don't get paid.

Mits said...

answer to your question, Jo...Tai is technically still not at sexual maturity yet, starts around age 5, and she is still too young, and her Mom and Mei are sisters.

hedgie said...

Judie, you have me ROFLMBO!!!! You should be a stand-up comic!! I love it.
ATNT is surely a good moniker, too!

Sharon, is your new van new? Hope it's not a Toyota!

floralgirl said...

HP in the nest!

Mits said...

holy cow, that was a long HP

ceil said...

Belle is eating something. I think it is fish it has inners.
Judie you are so funny.
More HP

Mits said...

yeah and she gave him a dirty look, because he interrupted her lunch.

ceil said...

Lib is laying in the egg cup getting it warm for the egg. I think the first egg will be today.

Mits said...

not if he does't get out of the cup

ceil said...

She will get him out of it

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Van is not even near new but new to me. 1996 Ford Windstar minivan.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She knocked him off of her that time!

Mits said... were right Ceil, she got him out, but he got her again...more HP

ceil said...

Good grief more HP

Mits said...

now where do you think an 11 yr old kid would get this idea to do this...grrrr

SPOTSYLVANIA, Va. - Police say an 11-year-old Spotsylvania County boy shot a neighbor's dog because he thought it barked too much.
The boy is being held at the Rappahannock Juvenile Detention Center on charges of animal cruelty and several weapons-related counts. He wasn't identified.

The Spotsylvania County Sheriff's Office said Thursday that the boy shot Molly, a German Shepherd mix, on Monday with a .22-caliber rilfe he had stolen.

Molly's owner found her lying on his front porch with a gunshot wound to the neck. The dog was treated at an animal hospital and was released.

ceil said...

Mind is really bad today. Forgot I was suppose to go to my neighbors and look at some papers she got from the city. She just called.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From twitter:
2 eagles currently in the nest and eating on the Live Eagle Cam:

And I saidL
@LiveEagleCam And doing a little mating!

glo said...

I think I need to say my Hi's and post my observations but forgive me if I start sounding like I haven't read the Blog. Some of it is so very very upsetting to me. I actually had nightmares last night after reading the blog before heading to bed. And more such sad animal stuff today. I don't deal well with suffering. So its about me not you. I will post as I enjoy the eagle cam with you but some of what I read really ties my stomach into a knot. I get more than sad or angry I get sick and well I don't want that. Like osmeone on here said yesterday they cry at the humane Society commercials. I turn the TV to mute till they are over or quickly change the channel I can't stand it. BUT I donate funds to those who help. I believe int he cause for sure. It is what it is for each of us.

Nest is so very very windy today.

hedgie said...

More "have-Panda-will-travel" coverage coming up on Ch. 9 news at 5!

Mits said...

Channel 4 too, Lynn...

Mits said...

beautiful pics of the eagles at NBG, with the sun setting

hedgie said...

Wind is TERRIBLE. Had to wrap the flag around the pole and tie it----figuring wind-whipping is what broke the old cord, so no point in letting it happen again....I felt so bad seeing the flag draping down the railing onto the deck. Technically, guess it should be burned...but it's almost new.

So glad the dog that was shot is recovering.

hedgie said...

Got the fire going again....supposed to get VERY cold tonight.

Sharon, when do you get your Windstar? What color is it??? Did something happen to your car, or are you just trading in? Hope you are paying close attention to the forecast----not sounding good down your way at all for the weekend!

Mits said...

yes, he is a lucky dog:)

Mits said...

such a nice close-up of the eagle's head at NBG

hedgie said...

OMG, someone suggested trading EAGLES to the Chinese for Tai!! I don't THINK so!
Keeper looked very emotional.
The FED-EX plane has Panda motif on it! It will be a 13+ hr. trip.

magpie said...

right here with you and for you, Glo...

magpie said...

I'm on channel 4 Hedgie, Panda story coming up.....
guess you already saw it on 9

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Whoever does the eagle cam on twitter just asked me when I thought the first egg would be laid. I said within 2-3 days.

hedgie said...

Oh, Mits, NBG is BEAUTIFUL!!!

magpie said...

Here's some weather for you from up near in Erie Pa but in NY

"Stiff wind here bringing lots of lake effect snow and supposed
to last until tomorrow night. Lake effect snow is funny. It will be
coming down so hard you can't see anything and then all of a sudden
there will be blue sky and sun until the next band moves in. It
always comes with a strong, cold northwest wind."

sure there are some on here that have experienced this kind of weather

Mits said...

I can't believe I missed it on channel 9, will catch it on their website, when it gets there.

hedgie said...

I bet you are right, Sharon!
Jo and I think we should all start taking shifts when behavior indicates likelihood......who's in for that???

magpie said...

eggs getting turned at BWE, or just did = oh two adults there now

magpie said...

was...maybe they just switched, takes awhile for comment to post

magpie said...

oh Eagle our nest

magpie said...

Lynn - Fairfax fire and rescue just now arriving at the fire academy...on ch 4

magpie said...

going to be repeated at 6 pm Lynn....
maybe you will see someone you know... ?

NatureNut said...

Yes, it sure sounds windy at the nest! Now they are saying the Sat. snow will be S. of here, in VA, but we may get an inch. BOO, I wanted to stay home!

NatureNut said...

Bird in the nest!!!

Mema Jo said...

Guess eagle in our nest is going to turn on the night light!

hedgie said...

Not me, Margy, but probably Shannon knows some of them! Welcome Home, Fairfax Search and Rescue!! Job WELL DONE!

Mits said...

yes they did do a fine job:)

hedgie said...

J.D. Salinger has passed away. Everyone remember Catcher in the Rye??
Sure that one has been on banned book lists more than once, Judie!

NatureNut said...


hedgie said...

Great reception for those great folks!

magpie said...

16 survivors pulled out of the rubble, set some kind of record, at least for that team, Fairfax Fire & Rescue that is...

still waiting on the Delicate Cargo story on Ch 4

hope you are feeling better and smiling happy today

magpie said...

sounds like the ocean waves at our nest

magpie said...

big old moon already out

magpie said...

I might even know some of them, Hedgie...know some of our Berkeley County folks are down there...

magpie said...

"coming up" on news programs, means wait until the last few minutes of the show sometimes


know why I don't watch the news very often

Lolly said...

Larada, how did the bulb planting go? Your knees forgiven you yet?

Lolly said...

The nest actually looks comfy!

Lolly said...

Just talked with Jacob, who announced when I called that mommy was in the bathroom. I told him we could talk and he promptly said "I had a fun day at school." We talked for a while and then he said, "Mommy is out of the bathroom, by the way." lol

Mema Jo said...

Finally there is snow in Edmond OK at the Okie Bird Cam!

Mema Jo said...

Moosecam is live at the feeders.....

magpie said...

what's the weather??

magpie said...

Wow, Jo...have never seen the snow at Okie! Saw where Okla was going to get trounced with rough stuff

hedgie said...

Here's a good one! Jennifer just taped a piece of paper to the TV screen...Carolyn asked her what she was doing...her response? Watching pa-per view!!!! 11 yr. olds!

magpie said...

sounds like phone fun Lolly, with Jacob ☺

awesome cardinal pair at Okie

Mits said... the pa-per-view

magpie said...

always a treat to see the Mooses...

short little piece on Tai fan has come from Michigan 9 times over the years, just to see him...

TTFN time to move around here a little...

magpie said...

story in the local rag today, man indicted on 186 counts of tax fraud preparations...
he is the one that did my taxes last year ! He was a very nice man....don't think I got bilked...

floralgirl said...

Friday night's full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. It's a "perigee Moon," as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than other full Moons you'll see later in 2010. But that's not all. Mars is having a close encounter with Earth, and on Friday night, Jan. 29th, it will join the Moon for an all-night-long conjunction.

Mits said...

gee, Margy, I hope not.....good info, Megan.

Lolly said...

Margy, weather here is wet!!! Thunder storms, pouring rain, water every where. Still say the winter weather mix and snow and ice will stay north and west of us. Keeping my fingers crossed. 55...not cold but yukky! Also, just learned on the news that some folks have had wind damage.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just dropping in to let you know I'm getting ready to eat dinner and run to school. Have been absolutely amazed at how strong the wind is at the nest! Hope Belle and Lib have rocks in their pockets!
Gotta run~~will be back after school, later tonight. :o]

magpie said...

not a typical winter weather for Texas is it Lolly?

Yeah, Megan....all that is neat!
Now, will we be able to see any of it ???

Ha Ha, I see we have meteors in February called the "Normids" -
which radiate from the Southern Constellation "Norma."

magpie said...

forget that ! That shower is in March....was looking at the wrong new magazine

Lolly said...

Cold is a comin!!! 18 in the panhandle, expecting a foot of snow. Yep, OK should be getting a lot of snow.

Oh, lovely, just said we will get a mix of rain and freezing rain by noon tomorrow.

magpie said...

You might as well be with us in West Virginia and surrounding states, Lolly.....

magpie said...

Hope we hear from Shirley last night....was reading Reader's Digest last night...think both Shirley and Judie could make some extra $$ sending in some of their school stories !!

and Lolly and Candy and.....

magpie said...

geez, hope we hear from Shirley last night, I mean TONIGHT !

guess I better TTFN like I said

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So, will it be Normidbyrds?

Lolly said...

This has been a colder winter than we have had in the last few years.

In 1964 we got a foot of snow. I was in college (TCU/Ft. Worth) at this time. Loved it.

I am originally from the Rio Grand Valley, 500 miles south of here. It is semi tropical...palm trees, poinsettias, orchards, vegetable farming. Had never seen snow until I was up here and in college.

hedgie said...

Temp has dropped 20 degrees here since 2pm. 29 now. Wind chill?? Don't know, but COLD!

hedgie said...

Getting Verizon emails twice from a friend---15 minutes apart. Mits and Ceil's didn't do it....wonder if friend has CRS or if western MD Verizon is just messing up?!

Mema Jo said...

We are back to the chili and corn bread dinners! Love it!

hedgie said...

Megan, what will result from a Mars/Moon conjunction??? Is that like HP/Tango??? LOL! The moon looks VERY big tonight!! Beautiful!

hedgie said...

Margy, maybe you should have someone go over your taxes form last year and double-check!!! He might have absconded with some of your entitled refund! Crook---and so is his girlfriend!

magpie said...

Might do that Lynn...but it all seemed a good refund...usually about the same every year...will go to the same company and have them double check...he was, in fact, very courteous, talked of his young child, seemed very sincere...guess that is part of the ruse...

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, can you twitter from your phone and the internet?

paula eagleholic said...

Don't know how that guy could make off with part of Margy's refund? Maybe he wasn't doing taxes properly...

magpie said...

the morning I had to go to work at 3 am,
guy drove his car into too-deep water got it stuck..
went home for larger SUV to try to get the first one that partly submerged too..
fire department and police went out to check it all out...found both vehicles empty...
man finally called the fire dept to tell them about it
one simple phone call would have saved a few manhours

paula eagleholic said...

Heading out for awhile....

magpie said...

Wow. Moosewatch pic is great

magpie said...

maybe when the tax crook guy saw that I worked for 9-1-1 he figured I was off limits!

magpie said...

after I laid some cash on a few bills, is when I went to buy the digital camera...would hate to have to give it back ☺

magpie said...

Oh, we are headed for THE SPLIT SOON....

Mits said...

Margy alot of people pretend to be nice....but I would definitely have it checked out....just plain old GREED.

hedgie said...

Paula, the guy was creating false return copy for customer, and then having real refund sent to his own bank account alomg with his girlfriends and his mothers!

Margy, was that the Golf Club Rd. incident? Woof! Pox on him!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...