Thursday, January 14, 2010


Update:  Just got an email that both birds were seen near the nest at dusk.  They're back.


ceil said...

They will be in the nest soon

floralgirl said...

That is great news! Thanks for sharing it, Steve. Now everybody relax and hopefully we'll see them tomorrow:)

magpie said...

Oboy, a new slate.
So, birds tomorrow maybe?
Good Evening Everyone...

Beautiful calendar arrived today, Thank You, Lynn, and Pam and Dianne and Amanda...and Deb ♥

Costume Lady said...

Super News, STEVE, thanks for relieving our minds and hearts!:)

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Margy, I got my calendar today too. Lovely. Many thanks to Deb for the photos and to her Family for putting together the calendar...most of all THANKS LYNN for taking the time to mail them to us. You are a GEM!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for letting us know, Steve. We will be looking for our couple in the nest very soon.

magpie said...

having a little trouble getting some things to work on this here antique computer...
hope everyone is doing well and I will catch up on all the news in a bit.

Mema Jo said...


glo said...

Whew. What a relief. They are in the process of forgiving our trespasses. Tomorrow tomorrow I love ya tomorrow your only a day away. This is such good news to end the day with.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - forget about that 5:00 comment I made... Thank goodness Steve was checking out our concerns.

ceil said...

Lynn I agree with Wanda. You are so good to us. You had to get them to us even with not feeling well. Thank you

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Brought over from old thread

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. What time are you all expecting to be at Conowingo? Jim & I will be driving down and this is a new trip for us. How about a cell number Wanda or some one? I'll email mine to Wanda.

glo said...

How about that MeMa Jo Steve's MaMa raised him right. He knew we were all getting more and more anxious as time passed and we didn't see them. MaMas need to know.

As our Sharon struggles with her "little boy" not calling mom. I am sure he and his ship are OK, but I do understand her concern for sure.

ceil said...

Good night all. Prayers for all that are in need.

Costume Lady said...

I emailed Diann with that info. She and Jim will meet us there. We should arrive about 10:30 or 11:00 if the traffic flow is good.

Costume Lady said...

Nite Ceil:)

hedgie said...

G'night, Ceil!
So cool that Diann and Jim are coming!
Wanda, do you have more beads??

hedgie said...

Glad that Lib and Belle have been spotted! Now everyone can rest easy, and look forward to a morning visit---we hope!

stronghunter said...

But Belle and Lib will do what they want to!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the phone number Wanda.

magpie said...

I have the two older threads to finish going through, easy to keep up with this one so far.

GLO - I went to your glimpses but got shut out when I tried to post my picture picks, will try again in a little while...
they are wonderful, I can tell you that much here.

Things seem to be shaping up nicely for Saturday, more or less, just wish everyone that wants to go, could go...


magpie said...

I did get a new memory card for the camera...
have camera, will travel
Wonder if some big eagle will swoop over me as the one did for Glo this morning....

magpie said...

Good Night, Ceil...sorry I missed you

Mema Jo said...

I too, Glo loved your phrase of intruding at the nest for the new cam as "Our trespasses" !

Good Night Ceil..........

Judie - Please come on and say good night

stronghunter said...

Good night. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Anyone hear from Judie today?

stronghunter said...

Even tried to tempt her to make comments with my spitwad remark.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Shirley

Nope - no Judie yet.

Mema Jo said...

Looking at our nest - I think that the infra red light is shinning in just the right area. The eagles will be in the egg well and not the actual light. We should be able to see them really well.
Last year you couldn't see them that well right in the infra red light from what I remember.

Mema Jo said...

Lily is sleeping so soundly - breathing so slowly - so relaxed!

Mema Jo said...

The deer are back at the Okie Bird Feeder. Three were there last evening and now there may be four.

Mema Jo said...

Two bucks and a doe feeding at the USee cam.
The snowman cam really doesn't have much wildlife.... some deer and then before winter the black bear..

hedgie said...

I was wondering about Judie, too.....must have had a long day.

Mema Jo said...

Wondering about Mits too. Perhaps she was helping Annie with the children.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - I am watching at ten the mentalist.. Then to bed..

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I do have a few Eagle Beads left...have them in my Travel Bag. If we get another round of "Friends" with the new eagle baby season, I will have to order some more...that will be a pleasure!
Thanks for thinking and reminding me of them. I do need my memory jogged every now and then:)

NatureNut said...

Hooray, Hooray! They came and we didn't see them.
Thank You, Steve!!!!

Costume Lady said...

I don't think I told you that I go an email of sorts, from Indiana Dave this morning. I snagged a cute photo of his and put it on Wild and Wonderful...couldn't get it on Just for Fun, where it should have been. Did it with my FLICKR acct. and it is picky about where it places photos???
Check it out, I thought it was too cute!

NatureNut said...

I thought it was Ind. Dave who made a comment on Glo's picture on flikr.

magpie said...

That's a great picture, Wanda...hope HE makes a visit soon to the Momsters and Dadsters nest

magpie said...

Lynne2 -
am very disappointed too that you did not get the job...but, there could be a silver lining in there, maybe their choice will not work out either...remember Paula's story about her son's job search

Your computer earlier, sounds like mine right about now :(

glo said...

Yes Indiana Dave did leave a message with that photo today.

magpie said...

having trouble typing, fingers aren't playing nice, so it must be time to head for the pillows.
One more long day...then some fun on Saturday....
Wanda I'll check in Friday night...
and Glo - I'll try posting a comment in the wee hours of the early morning...

Good Night Everyone...wish I could say more about everyone's things...but I wish you all a good, restful, restorative night's sleep.

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

and of course, prayers offered for our many needs here and everywhere.

Remember our Military, active and Veterans Friday, and
Wear some Red....
Please and thank you

floralgirl said...

I got my calendar today too, Lynn. Thanks. What a wonderful way to remember Deb, she was always so happy to share her pictures with others. The January pic really makes me smile thinking of her excitement in getting that shot.
nite all.........

Costume Lady said...

MEGAN! Hope you read this: There is room in the EE for your Hubby, too!

Costume Lady said...

But, only one of you can sit up front:)

Costume Lady said...

Only room for one more if Megan's Hubby goes...if it is not taken by noon tomorrow, I may take Dustin.

Costume Lady said...

I did tell DAVE that we missed him on the Momster & Dadster's blog. Maybe he will drop in for a hit & run visit, like he used to:)

Condolences to CRUNCH and his sad.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, that is beautiful news and I just found it. Beautiful, beautiful!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I want to go with you all so bad this weekend but. . . maybe next time!

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur! Love you all lots!

Costume Lady said...

ANDREW just told me to tell you..COOL IT MOM!
Love you Sharon and he does too!

hedgie said...

Cool that you heard from Dave, Wanda. Wish he'd drop in here more often! Retirement is keeping him busier than working!!
Night, Margy!!! Have a good day tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Steve.

Also, they might just be taking a break before all the HP to come!

Wanda - I will be coming...will send you an email. Wasn't sure if I was going to get something done before Friday, I'll stay late to do it so I don't have to work over the weekend. It has to be ready Monday morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and the Mount lost 3 points this time. Not a very good season right now.

Mema Jo said...

I often wonder how In Dave is and now
I am very glad we had some communication from him.

PAULA - that is great that you can come
Saturday. We are getting quite a good eagle buddy crowd! Looking forward to it.

hedgie said...

Jo, I watched Grey's and Private Practice and taped The Mentalist--will watch after I take my bath. Hope it's a good one!

Well, fine, fowl friends (my FFF's!), I am going to sign off for tonight.
Many of you will be earlier birds than I am, so hope someone grabs a pic of our pair in the nest in the AM!
Sleep tight. Prayers and peace.

Costume Lady said...

PAULA is going with us...SUPER!
Now, the gang's all her, except for SUZ:(
Going to read email now.


Mema Jo said...

Time to go down the hall.....
Lolly is really late........
Judie is still AWOL and sure hope she is ok! Same concerns for Mits.

Good Night All
Peace to All
Prayers for All

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Yes, I am late Jo. I developed a head ache this afternoon. Went ahead and went to church and glad I did. I always love that group of women! Love and laughs! But, my head is still hurting. I came home, called Jack, then buried under a blanket and watched Grey's and PP. I had taped them.

So glad to hear that Lib and Belle have been seen near the nest. Steve is taking care of us. He knows us and is always taking care of things. Thank you, Steve!!!!

Sounds like plans are shaping up for this weekend. I want all of you to have a wonderful time.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Just got in from school. Got all my homework done and handed in. Hubby has tomorrow off, and Monday, too--and I don't have school on Monday! YAY for a 4-day weekend!!!
Sure do wish we were close enough to go with you on the Saturday field trip! Can't wait to hear about it, and see pictures! Should be all kinds of fun!
We're planning on doing something fun with Hubby's Sis tomorrow. Not sure what yet, but sure we'll think of something good to do!
Bet Judie came home really tired tonight, and fell asleep early! Hope to hear from her tomorrow morning.
Sounds like you had quite a day, Shirley!
Sure happy that Steve had good news about our eagles! Thanks for letting us know, Steve!
Margy, and Lynn, hope you both get lots of good sleep tonight--sorry I missed you!
Looks like most everyone has hit the hay. I need to go watch Grey's Anatomy. Turning on the night light and porch light, and setting the eye scanner. Prayers being said for so many needs tonight! Sleep well, and stay snug, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Sweet dreams, and goodnight! Love all you guys! :o]

Lolly said...

Was just watching Lily. Heard her scratch and hurried over. She was moving around a little. You know the little advertising thingy that pops up on the bottom of the screen? Well, the one that popped up when I was watching was about black bear hunting in Maine!!!! They must be desperate for money to let them buy an ad on there!!! Woof!!!! (To borrow an expression!)

Lolly said...

Time to be heading to bed. Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Prayers for Haiti!

magpie said...

Good Morning....
I haven't been able to access the FWS website, had to come in here throught the E-M home page....
noticed it late last night on one of my sleepwalks...

So I can't even peek at the empty nest....
hope the rest of you can...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just passing through heading to the loo. I can't get it either Magpie!

magpie said...

Maybe it has something to do with going to the loo...that's when I discovered it, sometime before midnight...

Best wishes for a Good Day, All...
talk to you much later on this evening

xoxo ☺

stronghunter said...

Can't get the website either.

Hope that gets fixed.

Bye for now.

floralgirl said...

It appears to be another FWS problem...none of their pages will open for me.
Morning all:)

Costume Lady said...

OR IS IT? Lost the Still Cam around midnight. I just emailed STEVE and asked for help!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I am so DELIGHTED to have received DEB'S CALENDAR!!----MANY THANKS HEDGIE!!----I can't explain how I felt when I opened it!!!---Certainly filled my heart with JOY!!--BEAUTIFUL DEB----i hardly knew you.....but will remember you forever!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MARGY--SHARON--SHIRLEY--& WANDA!!-----We are truly having a 'HEAT WAVE----A TROPICAL HEAT WAVE' in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!---'HOME OF LIBERTY & BELLE'!--Highs in 30s--40s & 50s!!! & just maybe we will see our ROYAL COUPLE at home today in the nest!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!----PRAYERS & PRAYERS FOR HAITI!---MAY GOD BLESS!!

floralgirl said...

Probably nothing NCTC can do to help, it appears to be a FWS issue.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!!---I read earlier that you are going on the trip tomorrow!!---ENJOY--Bet you folks will have fun---(even if you didn't see EAGLES)---ho!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Eagle buds!! Scary night! My brother fell in his bathroom, broke his nose. Middle of the night phone calls scare me to death. They are keeping him in the hospital, just to make sure his heart is okay and check a few other things, trying to find the cause of his passing out. Nose is broke in three places. Bless his heart, he musta landed flat on his face on that tile floor. He was worried about not being able to the blood out of the grout on the tile bathroom floor!!!! MEN!!!

normabyrd said...

SORRY---I missed you INDIANA DAVE!!--Stop by again---Have missed you & your photos!!

floralgirl said...

Wow, Sissy, hope he is okay. I hate those middle of the night calls, too, had too many of em, and they are never good news.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I hate that our cam is out again! BUMMER!! But, I am grateful that Belle and Lib were seen there yesterday!!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Norma and Sissy.
So sorry for your brother, Sissy. Hope the fall was not from something serious. Wow...nose broken in 3 places, must be painful. Be prepared for black eyes, and swelling when you go to see him...can be a startling sight.
Bleach should get the stain out of the grout.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY!---SOOOOOOO SORRY!---I can just imagine how painful that must be!!--You must be feeling better that he is in hospital -- where they can help him!!---prayers & wishing him a 'SPEEDY' recovery!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I went over there at 3 a.m. this morning. He looks pretty rough for sure. It is gonna be a struggle to keep him in that hospital, I do not envy his wife.

normabyrd said...

FINNY SITE!----STILL FROZEN OVER!-----not much change--

normabyrd said...

SISSY---I hope you understand---but I am so happy he has a wife---I mean you won't have to be taking care of him---but if I should ever need a nurse---I SURE HOPE YOU WILL BE AVAILABLE!!! ho!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Always Norma!!! Always available!!! I am grateful for his wife too. Us Criscos don't make very good patients for sure!! Too hard-headed and impatient!!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---A night call is the only call I pray is a WRONG #!

normabyrd said...

pixPA----A balmy 39°----several BIRDS calling & a few BUSHY TAILED SQUIRRELS eating!!---evidence of snow melting---

floralgirl said...

BWE has an eagle

normabyrd said...

WHOA SISSY!!---we need to check your family background----I am sure there are 'CAINS' in 'THAR' somewhere??-----ho!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

aaah!---Just checked S-DIEGO!!---The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is curled up in his bed---SLEEPING!---ADORABLE!!

glo said...

Good morning all. YEP I think FWS went down about 11 pm my time last night. No one mentioned anything on here so I didn't say anything either. When I couldn't load their site I decided its FWS and not the cam. Meant no eagle sighting this am til they get their site up again though :-( . Theres the afternoon visit though. Hopefully all back in order by then.

Sorry to hear of the middle of the night calls Sissy. Hope brother does very well very quickly. It has to be so very painful argh.

Off to coffee and dog treats.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!---If you are going to visit your friend from CUMBERLAND, MD----Please tell him they are -'REVAMPING' down-town CUMBERLAND---MORE SHOPS, ETC----It was fairly run down for a while---But it's beginning to look like he probably remembers!!-----

Mema Jo said...

Morning All! Had to get up earlier than usual for a morning appointment and was excited to be able to see our Royal Couple - NOT. We know they are right up there in their tree.. Not to
worry. Good to see all of you here!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEMA JO!---I always want all my appts to be in am!!---Those afternoon appts---wear me down!----BIG dental appt Wed at 2:30--
LORDY!---I will probably be in the middle of my NAP!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

At last - I am early enough to see Finney snow covered nest and water. That is amazing.

Can't fine much wildlife this am on the cams... black squirrel at the Snowman feeders but not much else.

normabyrd said...

JO!---I have been trying to get a decent pic of the FLAMINGOS!---Lo!--their pics are screwed-up too!!

normabyrd said...

A very few DONKEYS out this morning---guess they are being quiet---so our 'DANA' can get some sleep this morning!---Aren't they so very thoughtful!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

Watching a PANDA at NZOO!---Must be TAI?---PANDA is lying on his back attempting to eat his BAMBOO!!---Nothing I enjoy more than watching PANDAS!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


floralgirl said...

Lily update- Update from Research - Jan 14, 2010Share
Today at 12:05am
Lily became active today around 2pm. She did her usual routine of checking out the camera, scratching, etc. But she did something we hadn't seen before. She curled into a tight ball and was licking -- perhaps licking her genitals. She later appeared to be licking the bedding.

The following are quotes from emails I received from Dr. Rogers:
"I don't know why she is licking so much. Did her water break? Does the water break in bears? Does this mean birth is imminent? Is she licking the bed where water broke or does she have a cub we can't see?"
"I don't know what to think. We know so little. We are learning along with everyone else. We've never witnessed this before."

We are unsure what happened today and what it means. If someone has captured video of her today it would be good to post it for all to see. Dr. Rogers and I would certainly appreciate being able to review it in detail. Right now, Lily is resting peacefully and her breathing appears normal. I see no obvious progress towards delivery.

-- Sue Mansfield

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the info Megan. Wonder if their birthing process is the same as pandas?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning ALL in Eagleland

Thanks Steve for getting the cam back online.
Thanks Sharon for the yell it's up! ( :

So sorry about your brother. Keeping him, wife and you all in prayer.


floralgirl said...

I don't know, sure is interesting to watch though. The Lily cam isn't working for me right now, seems to be having issues again.

Mema Jo said...

There is a b-day today of my granddaughter who turns 24

WOW! time surely does fly right by you.

Time for 2nd cup of coffee.

floralgirl said...

Finally got the lily cam back up.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Dana. When my phone range at 4:41 this morning, it scared the crap out of me. As soon as I answered the phone, Sissy said nobody is dead! I was grateful to hear that. Poor Randy. Bless his heart and the medical staff's heart cause I don't think he will make a very good patient.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Megan, my Lily cam is working.

ceil said...

Good morning all. Stopping by to say have a great day. Will be busy this weekend. Hope everyone has a good trip to Conowingo and sees lots of eagles. Lynn hope you feel well enough to go. Bye

hedgie said...

Good morning all.....woke up early and found NO CAM, so went back to bed!
I don't know, Ceil----feeling very clogged up this AM........we shall see what the day brings. Hope whatever is keeping you so busy is FUN!!!!
Sissy and sorry about your poor bro....OUCH!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The sound on the Lily cam sounds like Mork has invaded her den.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, and it is stopping and starting, watch the viewer number, it's all over the place.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the heads up about our
cam being up, Sharon.

wvgal_dana said...

In the BWE nest there is a piece of that oh is it called top of the cornstalk flower? Maybe it has been there awhile don't know.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday to Jo's granddaughter that will be 24 yrs young.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My Lily cam just stopped right in the middle of a yawn, mouth wide open and tongue curled up! Wish I could save that picture!

glo said...

Norma Didn't see you info about downtown cumberand until I got back from coffee. I will tell him tomorrow or whenver I remember :-). Thanks for the info. Think I will pull up our working cam and wait for that visit we will have sometime today and get a few things done aorund here. New Glo's Glimpses is posted. Has yesterdays unique photo and 14 more. Just click here on glo and when you get to my Blog list choose Glo's Glimpses. Love to share and thanks to anyone who takes time to leave info on their favorites as well. I do keep a tally and choose one or 2 of your favorites and then my favorite for my Cam Club entry.

floralgirl said...

Lily cam has gone haywire here....
TWo eagles at BWE-whoops, now one

floralgirl said...

Well now none

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - there's been lots of cornstalks at BWE.

Rats, missed our opportunity since FWS was down!

Lynne - meant to tell you yesterday, I'm so sorry you didn't the job and had such a whole lousy day. Things will get better!

Lynn - hope you are feeling better!

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to leave and will be in touch with you later this afternoon.

paula eagleholic said...

2 back at BWE

Lynne2 said...

Good morning!

Sunny and 41 here heading to 50, so they say!

Thanks Paula, I'm really disappointed because it's a place that I would have like to be a part of.

Does anyone think it's weird that I keep calling my poor dog LILY instead of Daisy??? LOL!
Speaking of which, my Lily cam is not working right now. But glad to see our nest cam back up after this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Megan, the other bear site is not choppy like that.

floralgirl said...

I have tried about five different sites to open Lily cam, they all work for me for a while, then I start having choppy feed and strange sounds....

Lynne2 said...

Cindi sent a yahoo email to us this morning (you have to do the test, really interesting) which led to a website that is REALLY neat!
Science and Nature>

Lolly said...

Good morning, see that I missed the nest visit that was NOT. Glad I did not miss a visit, not glad that you did not see them.

Lily cam is off and on, was doing that last night too. There are funny noises. Anyone else have that?

Jack has already called. He will be home middle of the afternoon. He is going back Monday.

Mema Jo said...

I am leaving now

Did you hear that Lib
Did you hear that Belle

You can come into the nest NOW

Capture a pic when they do... Thanks

hedgie said...

Jo,know you are gone, but wanted to say Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!!! What is her name???

hedgie said...

Just received:


We are expecting our technical issues to resolve on the website within the next week. Bear with us in the meantime. We have experienced some staff setbacks as of late and are swamped. As always the birds come first, so other projects have had to wait! Thanks so very much for your donation, your inquiry and your patience Lynn!

Best Regards,


hedgie said...

Cool website, Lynne! Thanks! Haven't gotten to Momster mail yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - thanks for the email message from Janie!

Lynne2 said...

I just took the "Spot the Fake Smile" test and got all but one right!

Good grief why did I have to find this site...I'll never get anything done....

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,

WorlD of EagLes..


Hahahaha. I could not find a single animal cam link this morning...not one!

I thought they had been wiped out overnight or something; but then I found them under another subheading ... with Bob's photos, etc.

Everything is back in its place now.



normabyrd said...

MEGAN----I finally just fell on to LILY'S site--sometimes I can't find it to save my life!!

I don't understand--but I have been watching this am!!---She has been digging in her burrow!--then she began sleeping!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!---I think that is our adorable S-DIEGO lolling around in a bunch of BAMBOO!!--He looks so COOL!!--LITTLE CUTIE!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Only have a couple of minutes to say hello, then must do damage control with the hair & makeup--Sis-in-law will be here shortly, and Hubby & I will be spending the day with her. We're for sure going out to lunch, and the rest of the plans we'll decide on when she gets here.
Great to see the still cam working--has anyone seen the eagles? Haven't read back very far...
Sissy & Sharon, prayers for your brother! (Randy?) Hope they find out why he fell, and soon! Big prayers for healing of his nose! That call must have been really scary! Hate middle of the night calls like that!
Showed Hubby Glo's fantastic eagle picture, and he says she needs to enter a contest with it! I agree!
Shot of a LIFETIME!!! Good job!
Better run--must get fixed up so I don't scare any small children--talk about bed head!
Lynn--my nose and sinuses do the exact same thing when I sleep lying down in bed--blow my nose for about an hour straight in the morning, then finally clear up. If I fall asleep in the recliner, no morning congestion at all! Go figure!
It's all (100%) allergies.
Well, gotta run! Say hello to the eagles for me! (And to Judie, if she shows up this afternoon!) Will be back when we get home later. Love all you guys! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - My gd is CLAIRE MARIE

Look at the pic I put over on FB

Mema Jo said...

I am going to leave again for about 2 hrs.

Where are those eagles?


normabyrd said...

no W/OUT---going to lunch--

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We could just about do brain surgery on Lily right now!

floralgirl said...

Pass the scalpel....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so excited. I have my first squirrel out here eating the corn! Yay! Actually, looks like he might be burying some of it! :)

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Had a not very good week.

Sissy, so sorry about your brother's fall. Prayer for a quick recovery and the cause was nothing serious.

Seems like plans are going well for tomorrow. I do hope everyone has a wonderful time. Weather is supposed to be very nice.

I can get Lily cam but cannot get NBG. NBG all I get is a blank white rectangle with a little red x in upper left corner. I even tried going in throught google. Making me unhappy.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Judie said...

Mema Jo, happy birthday to Marie Claire. What a beautiful name.

hedgie said...

Jo, love the name Claire Marie!! She is lovely, too!
It's gotten quite cloudy here, but melting is going well!

stronghunter said...

Good to see you on here Judie. I hope that the things that have made it a not so good week are not to hard to fix.

hedgie said...

Judie, Judie, Judie.... :( Hope your bad week was work-related and NOT more problems with your health, or Darths', or the washer or car!! Too bad you all can't make the trip tomorrow---that would surely cheer you.

stronghunter said...

. . . that's too hard to fix.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you, Judie . . .whatever the bad things are.

Judie said...

Lynn, thank you for the calendar. It is lovely and an especially lovely tribute to Deb and her legacy.

Yes, the problems are work-related and no, it is not going to be a quick fix. Not a happy camper right now.

Might try again to get NBG and watch Lily.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sure do wish the royal couple would grace the Sycamore Palace for us!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Waiting for Sis-in-law, who had some errands to run before meeting us.
Lynn, thank you! Got my calendar today, and it's beautiful!!! Many thanks to Pam, Dianne, and Amanda, too!

hedgie said...

Judie, don't let the wannabe adults get you down. Watch some cams and you'll feel better!!

hedgie said...

Shar---did you get my email??
BTW----once the squirrel tells his buddies about the corn, it will disappear very quickly! One year I tried corn cobs-----it was hysterical to see them wedged in branches up in trees and in bushes!!! Found some hundreds of feet away. And watching a squirrel try to carry one up a tree was a hoot! Drop...come back down, pick up and try again...and again...etc.!

Ms Bookworm said...


Hi, Judie!
Mighty glad to see you here. Sorry you're having such a miserable week; many prayers that the lousy situation can be resolved! (((HUGS)))!!! Hang in there!

Well, some of my patio plants look thirsty, so gotta go water them. They're predicting rain here all next week, but don't think the plants will be able to wait thru the weekend. Will be back later...

hedgie said...

Wow, Andy, can't believe the calendar got there already!!! So glad---hope it arrived in good condition.
BTW---found out form sis last night that another package that she sent east (Northern Virginia) the same day as my Christmas box also was badly damaged, with NO gift wrap remaining on gifts, PLUS an item in that box, too, that she did not include. Highly suspicious. she just got platitudes from Postal Service, too. ARGH!

movin said...

Morning, Norma.. sorry I didn't respond earlier, but I had a "little" crick in my back when I got up, which got a "little" worse ....

So I decided to have a "little" liedown to rest my back.........

"Little" Panda nap!! At least a "little" hour's worth of Panda nap too.

How are you doing, Norma??
Since your email went to pot, I haven't been talking to you much.
You should start another account, and just forget that old one. [:~D]



movin said...

Could someone give me a little
rundown on the "Claire Marie" comment?? I scanned but didn't find the original.



floralgirl said...

Another Lily update-

Watching Lily in her den is as exciting and new to us researchers as to anyone else. We have many questions and are waiting for answers.
On Monday, I visited her den to adjust the camera. She came out and stood facing away from me a foot away. Her genitals were more swollen than I’ve ever seen on any bear—a larger area more swollen than any female in estrus. Was she about to give birth? Had she produced a stillborn cub? If the latter, why didn’t anyone see her eat it? I saw nothing in the den.

On Wednesday afternoon, a viewer saw her bury something in the bedding and thought it was a cub. Was the viewer right? Why didn’t anyone else report it?

On Thursday morning, she curled up and spent over 20 minutes licking her genital area and the bedding. Had her water broke? At 3, Lily is at the minimum for reproduction, so there is a question whether she can complete her pregnancy. She was plenty heavy in fall, but a nagging thought is that she may have used up too much energy after fishermen unknowingly disturbed her from this den. Lily temporarily moved 2 miles away and tried unsuccessfully to dig 3 dens in soil that was too rocky. After a few days, she lay down and idly gnawed at some branches. Then she seemed to make a decision. She got up and returned to the present den and raked bedding into it for the winter.

Females that weigh over 175 pounds in fall have a good chance of producing cubs. 10 of 14 females of that weight gave birth at age 3 like we hope Lily does. Lily was well over 200 before her unsuccessful den-making foray. We will all be relieved when she gives birth and we can begin watching her care for them at each stage of development. —Lynn Rogers, Ph.D.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Claire Marie! It is a lovely name.

movin said...

I like "Marie" too... MY mother was called Marie all her adult life (not by us kids though. Remember that rule?)

She named my sister Ann-Marie, which name I also like.

And Marie is a name all nationalities seem comfortable with..even the English and Germans, in fact all European races, never seem to mispronounce "Marie" and are happy to speak it...



hedgie said...

Jim, Claire Marie is Mema Jo's granddaughter who turned 24 today. Jo posted a lovely photo of them together on Facebook!

movin said...

Thanks, Hedgie, I'll check for the photo on F.B.

Happy Birthday to Claire Marie.



hedgie said...

Jim, Marie is indeed a beautiful and international name....Maria.....all derivations of Mary from Biblical times.

Judie said...

Well, here's a bright note. For those who like the name Marie, it is my middle name.

floralgirl said...

I used to watch Donny and Marie...

Lynne2 said...

Sounds like Judie AND Shirley have some work woes.... well, at least it's FRIDAY! Prayers for some peace of mind for you both.

Unbeilvable about your sister's package situation. Yours and another, what are the chances...

Megan, thanks for the Lily updates!! I love watching her and even if she doesn't have cubs this season, it's been charming to watch her, and we'll always be able to keep track of her!
When do you start planting seeds for you seasons flowers? When I worked at the little garden center, we started in Feb. It was mostly garden type annuals.

Daisy Mae Soper was so good on her leash yesterday! Right up untill she saw my neighbor and then she got so excited she couldn't contain herself....she pull SOOOOO hard for just being 43lbs!!! We need lots more leash manner work.

Lynne2 said...

Oh, and a big Happy Birthday to Claire Marie!!
(my middle name too, although some just call me Lynne Marie...especially when I'm in trouble!)

floralgirl said...

Hoping to start early Feb, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

I just returned - have not read any comments made while I've been gone.
I hope it is not my imagination that there looks like some new fluff in our nest. I am so crossing my fingers that Lib and/or Belle paid a visit.
I could be sooooooo wrong & then I will cry!

paula eagleholic said...

oh, DON'T cry Jo...we'll see them soon!

Mema Jo said...

Sob Sob tears tears

No visit yet!

stronghunter said...

I keep looking at that empty nest.

floralgirl said...

There's a post on FB about the lily cam and it explains some of the problems people were having with the cam today.

hedgie said...

All you gals sharing Marie for a middle name have great combos. Jo and I share Ellen for ours!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo...eagle in the nest!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...