Saturday, January 09, 2010


Evening thread.


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stronghunter said...

Thank you, Steve.

stronghunter said...

Oh look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a flying garland!

stronghunter said...

Looked at my blog, and it got in. Got away from that little girl in Wanda's blog!

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
Right now, the weather looks really good for our CONOWINO trip next Saturday. Megan, Dana, Nilla, Paula, Bob & Sarah, Shirley, Judie, Lynne, Diann...LET'S GO!!:)

Saturday, January 09, 2010 6:54:00 PM

Costume Lady said...

Yep, that's it Shirley!

stronghunter said...

I want to look at a map and figure out where Conowingo is and talk to my children tomorrow and see if any of them might go.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you very much for our fresh Sat
thread, Steve. Hope you are staying warm!

Shirley - sure looks like what Ceil described! Glad you got it away from
little girl that Wanda saw holding it.
Now all we need is for Ceil to claim it

Mema Jo said...

Wanda are you naming those Momster/Dadster that are planning on going in the Eagle Express or are some going to meet you there?

Mema Jo said...

Now our cam screen is blue with black lines!

Mema Jo said...

Bai Yun is sleeping in her SD garden den... I'm trying to watch to see if Diego is snuggled in behind her and is hidden.

stronghunter said...

Pretty blue! But not what we want. Not at all. Now I see the black line. Yuck.

stronghunter said...

I see that Conowingo is north of Baltimore.

Mema Jo said...

Moose cam - Alfalfa sticks close to Pook's cam range

Mema Jo said...

It is confirmed - Diego is behind his
momma. Bai Yun just rolled around and there he was.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, the names that I just posted were Momsters & Dadsters who have not responded to the invitation to go on our Road Trip.
Right now, it is just me & Gene and Lynn & Margy...possibly Shirley.
We will go no matter how many or how few want to go:) Only snow will put the brakes on the trip:(

Mits said...

I think Ceil's garland was silver, but I may be wrong

Judie said...

Garland and shiny things and little girls, oh my! I think there might be some clones flying about. I saw a shiney garland-type object fly by the window only moments ago. I called out for it to stop and visit but it said it had miles to go before it sleeps. Looked like it might be headed to Baltimore by way of WV.

How's Maggie tonight? How are others who have been less than 100%?

Watching Forensics Files while preparing the evening repast (leftovers) and the case was solved by a former student (D.C. arson squad detective). What a shot of adrenaline for me! Got to email him!

Bob, love the pictures, if I forgot to mention earlier.

Bai Yun and Diego sleeping.


stronghunter said...

Let's hope for good weather!

I did hear something about possible problems on Ch. 7 this morning, but they were just talking about some computer thing.

Judie said...

Oh man, just heard this really loud screeching sound. TRAIN blinded by flying shiny silvery flying object.

stronghunter said...

Don't know how long I can hold onto it. It's heading the other way now.

Quoting Robert Frost to you, it is, huh Judie? Cool!

Wow! How exciting for you, Judie. You must have taught him well.

stronghunter said...

If you look closely, there are streaks of silver on it.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I am still waiting for daughter to pin down the exact date for her dad's dinner. It is a combination of her daughter (my gd) and her dad's (my hubby) birthday

What time element are you putting on the Conowingo trip?

Mema Jo said...

Judie that is great about the accomplishments of your former student
You taught him well!

Mema Jo said...

I really can't ID the bull moose on the cam now. I guess he is a new bull but not the one Pook photographed with the lopsided antlers......

Mema Jo said...

I am looking at some of the daily pics to see if Lady Valmont visited the nest box today. No sign of her yet but
I did find in the 6am frames a small black bird back in the one corner.
I'm still searching some more of the hours........

magpie said...

Lake Washington has its evening eagle

magpie said...

shucks, did...maybe a return soon

Mema Jo said...

I found Lady Valmont and the bird I had seen was her catch of the night!

Frame 1/9/2010 Time 6:18 am
Daily Pix - 6 am 4th line down

Lady Valmont in her snowy nest box with her breakfast

magpie said...

Jo, you are doing a great job keeping us up to date on Lady Valmont ! Thank you !

Mema Jo said...

Margy Lake WA - it is a shame that the Live Feed cam only shows the limbs and not down in the nest....

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if Ceil is out hunting down that tinsel/garland? I know
she wants to close that last box of
decorations and get things put away
til next year

magpie said...

Whoa, woman on Antiques Roadshow just had a collection of 18th century jade carved items, appraised at close to one million dollars!

stronghunter said...

Jo, I was about to ask you who Lady Valmont was. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Margy it is like looking for clues in order to find Lady Valmont.

magpie said...

eagle or no eagle, Lake Washington looks supreme

Lake Washington Eagle Nest

magpie said...

and those pictures on Moosewatch, are great !

hedgie said...

Judie, that is really cool that one of yours solved the crime!!
I thought Ceil said silver garland with green balls...???? After all the flying, the smashed balls are probably imbedded in the silver!! Shirley, it keeps changing directions----guess from the train hit!! LOL!
Shirley, you should just meet us in Frederick, right Wanda and Capt. Gene??
Wanda----did you call Suzanne and ask her???

hedgie said...

Margy, have never had any luck finding shed antlers----Bill says they can disappear overnight!

magpie said...

Yes, have taught your students well...

Taking a bite out of crime!

magpie said...

I was wondering about Suzanne too...I can make the call if that would help Wanda....
also wonder if Norma could make the trek...
I can arrange to drive if the Eagle Express fills up....

magpie said...

Scott Shalaway had an article a few weeks ago, it was a repeat article that I saved the first time I read it!
Would love to just wander the woods and look, but this snow intereferes greatly...

Eggcited said...

Good Evening everyone! Hope everybody is feeling healthier and warmer. been lurking, its hard to type with one hand!how is little maggie? children should not suffer, you know? thank you all for your concern. no one realizes how tenuous life is until its almost too late. you take it for granted, you know? but life is good. it may be cold and wet but it is good. and soon ther will be eggs and more life is good!

Eggcited said...

i would love to go to conowingo. it looks amazing. maybe next time for me!

stronghunter said...

Hi Eggcited! Nice to see you back this evening.

Eggcited said...

thank you,btw, my name is suzan. i will work on my blog page as i can. the hospital wireless has lots of security, like i cannot sign on to fb, etc. so as far as photos and all i will have to waait til i am home. i was reading about the antlers...whenever i find some i hang them on my fence, the little squirrels love them

magpie said...

Oh yes, Big Hello to Eggcited...
Well, if you can view our pictures on our blog profiles, it might be almost like being there !

I need to get a new card for my camera before this trip for sure !

magpie said...

When you get home you can spend days and days looking at our pictures !
And we hope our Sycamore Palace is open for viewing by then !

magpie said...

Pawprints on Fun and Dandy link on my profile page...

xo Time to eat...very hungry right now. Potatoes and chicken on the stove....

magpie said...

pretty name suzan...
we have a Suzanne, we sometimes call her Suz...she can't blog these days but someday maybe again....

Judie said...

Hi Eggcited! Yes, life is unpredictable yet the one thing we have that IS predictable is the love and friendship our blog family provides.

Oh, well, there are a couple of other predictables: TRAIN and the never ending travels of a certain silvery christmas garland.

Glad you stopped in.

stronghunter said...

I did not know that squirrels ate shed antlers until you all started talking about it.

magpie said...

I have a wind chime made up from Antler tines...but it came apart over the winter, a little gift from a hunter friend of mine ♥

hedgie said...

Can you fix it with some fishing line, Margy??

Not only squirrels, Shirley, but mice and chipmunks, too!

Hi Suzan---hope you are feeling much better. I am Lynn. Any idea how much longer you will be in the hospital??
Hope it won't be long!
We haven't gotten a Maggie update today from Mits or Ceil......hey, gals! How's Maggie??????

stronghunter said...

Earthquake in California.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

Eggcited-Suzan Just sent you an ecard - not sure if you can access
your emails or not..
Any word from Dr on Expected Time to Go Home? I know you are anxious but take advantage and relax during your healing time!
It is good to see you again - even if you are a one armed bandit.

Eggcited said...

Lynne, hi thank you for asking. of course, i want to go home now. i have workeed very hard to get back physical strength. so maybe tomorrow or monday is not too one point they were talking rehab but that just made me mad! LOL

stronghunter said...

That sounds wonderful, Suzan.

stronghunter said...

You are exercising your fingers now!

magpie said...

Yes Lynn, I can fix it up, and will add a few more little tinkly things...when I get around to it...
one of these years....

Eggcited said...

MemaJO, yes i can access my email but not fb, or my photos. and frankly, being on such a large wireless its good to know that i'm protected too. i have read most of your profiles in the past and let me say that we are similar in age and stuff....and how important it is to maintain some core strength. as we uh...mature we lose so much but this has to change. for everyday you are down in the hospital, it takes three days to recover. that is a substantial amount of time. we cannot all be Madonna, but we need to keep our legs and upperbody as strong as we can so that in any defense we have an advantage. i think i have been given too many drugs!!!

Eggcited said...

yes, i am talented one handidly! and wouldn't you know they just came in and poked my finger.

hedgie said...

Check this out for info on quakes/tremors in CA and NV in last week:


Eureka is in NW corner of state.

Mema Jo said...

Rest Well Suzan
I understand what you are saying about not losing the strength we do have in our body - Must keep fit as best we can

I applaud Norma for going to Wellness Center!

Eggcited said...

i see christmas garland mentioned, i have been in here since dec 23. its hard to think christmas is over. i vaguely remember making my daughter some divinity.......

hedgie said...

If I'm reading it right, there was an 8.8 less than an hour ago, and the 6.3 was 15 mins. that how it looks to you all??

hedgie said...

Oh, Suzan...such a long time to be in there, and missing Christmas. So sorry for you. BTW---love divinity....but haven't had any since before my Grandpop passed in 1979----he was the divnity maker in the family! And he always made me some without nuts!

Eggcited said...

you all may know this, i didnt. my throat is very swollen and painful after all those tubes and the ability to eat protein is rare. one of the rehab people recommended whipped peanu butter...good flavor and lighter in consistecy. and it is really good.

hedgie said...

Nope---reading chart wrong. Not 8.8magnitude...that was the depth!!!! So guess 8.8 miles underground...????

hedgie said...

The peanut butter is also useful in exercising the muscles in your mouth and throat, Suzan! The protein is a plus.....but the flavor is delightful, too!!! Man cannot live on bread alone....he must have peanut butter! One of my favorite qoutes!

hedgie said...

Suzan, I hope your family has a very special Christmas celebration planned for you when you get home!

I will BBL----heading for tub...good night to any who are leaving. Prayers for healing and wellness.

Eggcited said...

it will now be one of the staples in my life!

so far i am reading that there is little to no damage and no tsunami warning

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynn. An 8.8 quake would have been really bad!

It was off the coast of Eureka. It's north of San Francisco. It already shows up on Google Earth.

stronghunter said...

I am watching CNN.

Eggcited said...

i must sign off. getting a little tired. again, i cannot thank you enough for opening your doors. a hospital can be a novelty for a day or two but i was gettin' a little claustrophobic and needing to yell! thank you

stronghunter said...

I put a greeting for Suzan on my blog, but not sure she is still logged on. Maybe she can look later.

magpie said...

That is precious!
I refrained from leaving a comment.....

It is to precious for me to put my mark on it ! ☺

magpie said...

I think she might have said, that she cannot check pictures right now, but did I read wrong maybe?

I am watching a Hallmark Movie, The Wishing Well,
featured lady was in a newspaper warehouse, and there was an Osprey flying around! And, he poop-shooted her! Funny, and I so rarely watch television....


magpie said...

oh great and Charlie Daniels playing fiddle on a commercial for Geico !

magpie said...

I couldn't wear what Madonna wears, but I could start going to the Wellness Center like Norma does, or, I could get my bicycle fixed and start riding to and from work !

Judie said...

Okay, ladies and gentlemen. It is time for me to say goodnight.

Suzan, our prayers are with you for a quick recovery and release from the hospital. There is something to be said for the healing power of pnut butter. Also, don't be surprised if you see a shiny christmas garland fly through your room -- it's the peanut butter express with super healing power.

Hope the quake was uneventful for our CA bloggers.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Need sleep -- only two more days before I have to face the wannabe adults. By Tuesday night I will need some dwine. Andy, please set the alarm when you come in.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Good Night Judie, I seem to be missing saying things to you...
but I sure enjoy your comments and admire your work...xoxox
I have something to send to you..
a surprise!
xoxo (( hugs ))

Mema Jo said...

Didn't mind my manners and let you know I am wrapped up in a Hallmark TV movie...... Be Back Soon....

Good night to any already headed for the pillows.....

stronghunter said...

Margy, Suzan said she couldn't get to pictures, but I thought that might be her pictures on Facebook. I hope she can see our blogs. Guess we will find out later.

stronghunter said...

Would you believe I am reading research papers as I blog. Read. Sigh heavily. Blog. Smile. Read, etc.

hedgie said...

Shirley, that was a very nice welcome for Suzan! Beautiful shot.

magpie said...

Mema! Are you watching The Wishing Well as I am ???

Did you see what I think, was the Osprey in the Warehouse?

Shirley ! Whenver Suzan can get to that picture post message she will Fall Over ! Just hope she does not hurt herself ☺
AND, she gets to see your smiling face.
I am doing stuff in the kitchen on commercials, and checking blog posts...

Nice to be spending the evening with you pals..

hedgie said...

That does look like a good movie, Margy and Jo---will tape it on repeat at 11! And that Charlie Daniels ad is great, isn't it??? Wonder how many bows he goes through in a week/month/year????

Mema Jo said...

Sure am, Margy. I just quickly read and saw that we are both watching. I
love Hallmark movies.

Have you guessed the ending?
I hope it works - I love little Abby!

Mema Jo said...

Love the comment on our Eagle's pic for Suzan, Shirley! We'll be sure she sees it tomorrow.


NatureNut said...

Hi, Everyone. Was spending a lot of time on dinner--got some steamed crab legs yesterday from grocery & cleaned the other 1/2 for tonight!
Boo Hoo, I have to work next Sat., but maybe I'll see a few there.
SIL called and outside of Austin, he said it was 15° when he got up, but made it to 40°.
He posed a question for me to ask Blogsters about deer color change. He said their's have much darker fur now in the winter, too. He wants to know HOW? We know why---better camo against tree trunks. Summer is tan to blend in w/weeds, grasses, etc. I'm wondering if temperature change causes it, or the lower rays of the sun. And is it hormonal or genetic or both? similar to some songbirds who change to bright breeding colors in spring. How's that?

stronghunter said...

Sounds good to me, Loretta.

NatureNut said...

BTW, I like this car. When we got it I was told I should take it to work. However, it's much lower to the ground & there was warning about hitting bumper/ground effects on front type curbs. So I said NO! It has GREAT brakes that stop on a dime & is very responsive. I might be OK if I never park it! ☺

NatureNut said...

Shirley, I didn't answer it LOL
Maybe Margy's naturalist friend might have a clue!
BTW, just changed channels & saw that Dallas is beating up the Eagles! for shame!!!

magpie said...

My naturalist friend in New York could tell us in a minute, Loretta...but I can't ask him until Monday !
I bet you get your answer on here soon though....
Gene, or Megan....or ....

Shucks, water boiled off the pan I was cooking chicken in for Chicken Salad for lunches...caught it just in time though before chicken burnt :( some cook, I

magpie said...

Well, I am sorta guessing the ending, Jo, that Abby is a dear...

magpie said...

oh that's funny, I was typing while you were posting, Loretta... !
He only has a computer at work...

magpie said...

ha ha ha,
show is talking about meteor showers !

stronghunter said...

Well, you listed a lot of ideas that impressed me, Loretta.

magpie said...

I also think the deer actually have more hair/fur in the winter, how they grow it I don't know, but they also seem to lose it in the spring, when it looks all mottley...

hedgie said...

Quake article

hedgie said...

Loretta, I don't know a scientific explanation, but it is true that hair gets thicker and darker, but not really longer! What accounts for the change in coloration IS probably hormonal and I'm sure is for camouflage effect. Cows and horses also get thicker hair, but no real color change---because the Lord knows they don't have to hide, I guess. I can.t wait for Monday! Think I will Google!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the article, Lynn.

magpie said...

Yes Lynn, thanks...I like this comment from the owner of an Antiques store there:

"We'll be having a sale on broken china for those who like to do mosaics," she said.

Show is over, eyes are tired, going to try some reading and definitely some sleeping.

Good Night, Precious Pals..
Prayers for everyone in all our Eagle Corners...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley - is that a garland?

Suzan - glad you made it back onto the blog tonight, hope you get to go home soon!

Nice catching up on the posts...friends left at 9ish, we has wine and appetizers for dinner. Michael got home after 7, so he got to visit with them too. Then we sat and talked for a couple of hours...nice evening!

About ready to hit the hay, catch you fine people in the morning!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Check this out for some info:

Deer Coats


As previously mentioned, deer vary in color shadings from area to area. They also vary with the season. All whitetails shed twice a year. In the spring, they get a new coat that is a bright reddish-brown, the hair solid and thin. As cold weather approaches in the fall this hair is replaced by the winter coat, which shades from bluish to a grayish-brown. The winter hair is long, kinky, and filled with air pockets providing excellent insulation. I have often seen deer whose bodies lost so little heat that snow and sleet did not melt on their backs but remained encrusted on the hair.

Mema Jo said...

I love happy endings! Wishing Well had a happy ending like all Hallmark movies do.

Sounds like a very nice evening, Paula
Has John gotten to shop yet for any new
clothing to start his new position? It would be cool to help him do that -
you know 'dress for success'.

stronghunter said...

Paula, the garland flew into my blog tonight, and I can't do a thing with it. The dang thing is something else.

Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well.

Looking forward to the new cam :)

My diamond doves, Barbara and Nemo, have a little chick, hatched on Jan 6th. Will be Jerry or Geri, depending on the gender, because that is Hubby's uncle's birthday.

Here's hoping the too-cold places warm up soon!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - That is very interesting
Also tonight I learned for the first time about the fallen antlers and the squirrels - nature takes care of it's own.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading down the hall.........

Good Night All
Many prayers for many people being said.. Healing, Wellness, Happiness..
Rest well and pleasant dreams........

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Will read the deer article tomorrow. Also will continue with research papers then.

Kids are coming in the evening to celebrate Will and Susan's birthday, so I do have to finish up the papers and get ready to celebrate.

Good night!!

stronghunter said...

Can you imagine what that little girl would think if she knew what happened to the garland she took to the restaurant?

stronghunter said...

I did go to Google Earth and visited Conowingo Dam. I see that we can drive right onto the dam.

hedgie said...

Congrats to Lolly, Jack AND Norma on their 'Boys win tonight......only good thing in my book is that they beat Vicks' team.......!! 'Nuf said.

Good night, lovely friends. Many prayers going up for all in need.

magpie said...

Hey Birdie... Congratulations "Mom" - on the new baby diamond dove...maybe you can send a picture or two on the E-M page...

And one last Happy Birthday Wish for Lolly....hope it was a Great Day, to be followed by a Great Year

Thanks for all the newsy articles Lynn...

xo now the bed is all warmed up and I got my PJs on

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene was on my 'puter this evening checking out Conowingo area and the Route which Paula said was a nice drive (Rt. 1). It is a 2 hr. and 19 min. drive from Martinsburg.
We will probably leave 8 or 9 o'clock Saturday morning and return home between 3 and 4 o'clock.
The timing is approximate.
We can pick up anyone who is along the route.
Will talk more about this when everyone is awake.


Lolly said...

Hi all! Birthday is over, it has been a good day.

Thanks Lynn for the Cowboy comment. That was very big of you!!!

GO COWBOYS! We had fun watching the game up at Laurel's. Then we about froze when we got in the van to come home. Seemed like it took forever to warm up. Down to 23, everyone is getting very tired of this cold weather!

It is late and I am tired, but just HAD to read the blog before going to bed.

So....nite all! Sweet dream! Love and hugs to all!

Good morning Early birds!!!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----brrr! COLD!!!--GD---'MARLEY'--in FL is FIVE today!!---She wants PJS with feet!!---don't we all????

normabyrd said...

WOW! MOVIN'JIM!--You need to go to COLORADO!!!--they are having a 'FRUIT CAKE TOSS'!!! ho!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!! HEDGIE!!---I THOUGHT OF YOU WHEN 'VICK' THREW THE BALL!!--(bet HEDGIE is with the COWBOYS now)!!!----thanks---

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Eagle tail at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, gone!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Norma!

You are our #1 Momster today!

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful sunshine here this morning, but cold. Don't know how cold, my indoor/outdoor thermometer broke!

And my outside sump pump pipes are frozen...have to pull them apart and lay them in the sun today!

paula eagleholic said...

eagle is back at BWE

normabyrd said...

TODAYS SHOW---a CAMERA showing a BEAR "LILLY" in her den!!--preparing to give birth!! (hope that works)

normabyrd said...!---Take your pick!!---

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's wildearth tv, Norma. I have the same show on! I found that cam yesterday, but the lens was blurry. Hope they got it cleaned off.

paula eagleholic said...

You can also go to to learn about the center and Lily.

paula eagleholic said...

I think their website has crashed again! I read it crashed the other day with all the traffic!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---CONGRATS!!---You are 'OUR BEST ALL AROUND EAGLET MONSTER TODAY!!!--It is a bit COOL here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!---temp 13° --- SUN IS SHINING---SKIES ARE BLUE--& THE BIRDS ARE EATING!!---GIVE THANKS!!--it is a great day to be alive!!!---LET US ALL GIVE THANKS for this wonderful world we live in!!------aah! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!

normabyrd said...

Thanks PAULA!---that why i love you!---you are so very knowledgeable!--It is a COOL site!!

...don't think i would want a camera on me though---if i were in labor & expecting maybe---1--2--3 or 4 CUBS!! ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - just heard that Mei and Tian are supposed to return to China this year, too. Is that true?

normabyrd said...

JOHN MCRAY has an interesting photo on the BWE site---2 eagles mating!

normabyrd said...

JON MCRAY!----sorry--I really messed up your name!--But it is still a COOL pic!!!

normabyrd said...

FINNY site---looks like a white-out!

normabyrd said...

More DUCKS than FLAMINGOS at the NZOO site this am!!!

floralgirl said...

Morning all:) Sunny and 16° here.
Too bad the personality on the today show couldn't spend more time on the bear story. They had to get right to the story about male mid life crisis, with an expert from tv guide?

ceil said...

Sorry did not get on last night I also watched Hallmark The Wishing Well.
Not my garland. Mine is real white pine with the silver balls and bows. Almost have all the decorations put away.BBL

Costume Lady said...

Ceil, do you have any idea how much fun we have had with your missing garland?
Have you sent those photos yet?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN & CEIL!!---Thanks for MARLEY'S Birthday Wish!---She has invited 2 girls & 2 boys to her party!--ho!---It is more than a bit chilly in FL today!!

Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MARLEY and I do hope she gets RED jammies;)

normabyrd said...


stronghunter said...

Might have known this wasn't Ceil's garland. Hers would surely have wanted to go home and grace her window again next Christmas. This is a free-spirited garland that wants to fly like the eagles. I will release it soon! I think it has rested long enough at my blog.

It is too much fun to watch it fly free.

floralgirl said...

Darn, been watching that bear all morning, now I'm locked out...I don't like that today show much....

Costume Lady said...

Megan, your TVs on the posts look like a prize winning photo to me!

ceil said...

Wanda doesn't take much to make us happy.
Shirley great greeting for Suzan.
Have to get dressed but don't feel like it today. Want to stay in my jammies and robe.

normabyrd said...

One needs a pair of BINOCULERS
this am to see our S-DIEGO!!---A wee PANDA eating bamboo!

ceil said...

Megan I agree with Wanda. Should enter your tv pic in a contest.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN!!!!---LYNN2--& I suggested you print your AVATAR--a few days ago!!---Now -- WANDA is suggesting the same---We all can't be wrong??

stronghunter said...

Still in my pajamas here. Went out and filled the feeders with my coat over them. Brrr!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! The cruise ship has docked in Baltimore and Jenny/family will soon be heading home!

Update for Mason

Good old Alfalfa on the Moose cam now.

I need another cup of coffee - my typing is not so good this morning.. I have had to backspace too many times.

normabyrd said...

PAULA!!---I hope your sons can be there to help you with your pump?--
Will be HARD to get anything to thaw today!!---Can't you call a plumber?---

Costume Lady said...

Miss Norma, we are taking the EAGLE EXPRESS and FRIENDS on a Road Trip to Conowing to view their eagle, hopefully some will be there. We would love to have you come along. What do you say:)?

normabyrd said...

pixPA---temp is 4° now!---There are several birds this am!!

Costume Lady said...


stronghunter said...

I keep trying to look at Megan's avatar and really want to see a larger version. Also, I don't know all of the details. This is a picture she took. I am sure I have missed some information on the blog.

Yes, she should print it.

paula eagleholic said...

WildEarth.TV is trying hard to cope with the traffic. The spike is massive, WE are loading a new server every few minutes to try and cope.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - no plumber or sons needed, I've done it's the outside pipe that directs the water to the front of the house, it's in the shade. Just need to disconnect it and pull it out to the front yard and lay in the sun to thaw, and then reconnect later. Just don't want to get dressed and trudge out there yet, still in my jammies too.

normabyrd said...

WANDA!!--Thank you so much!---you are so very kind---I can't do COLD OUTSIDE weather!---Maybe--will wait until it's warmer!!----I do envy you all--would love to go there!! HAVE FUN!

paula eagleholic said...

I already went out and disconnected it from the main spout so it is draining into the back yard, which I don't like it to do...makes the backyard too wet!

stronghunter said...

It is so windy out there this morning.

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, it is warm inside the Eagle Express. I don't know if we can see the eagles from where we will have to park or not.

Paula, do you think those who cannot walk very far could see anything from INSIDE Motor Home?

normabyrd said...

The pride of the SAN DIEGO ZOO!!--is showing his CLIMBING ANTICS!--He is such a 'SHOW OFF'---Reminds me so much of TAI!!!

hedgie said...

Good morning all!
Happy Birthday to Marley!
Ceil, you have our permission to stay in your jammies ALL day if you want to!
I forgot to put last load of laundry in dryer yesterday---duh!! So no dry comfy jeans, so I am in sweats---feels cozy!
Saw the bear den spot on NBC this AM----Mits gave me the website yesterday but I can't get the cam to open. Will need to try on PC and hope for better luck!

T-Bird said...

Go Ravens!

stronghunter said...

The garland is now headed toward Conowingo.

I thought I would share a view of what we really want to see now, and hope that we will see soon.

magpie said...

Good Morning Mateys!

I am sure Megan will spot your question and answer it, but here is what Megan posted on Monday:

" In the winter months if it is foggy or wet in the morning, the vultures line up on the fenceposts in the field next to us to dry their wings and wait for warm air currents. Sometimes more than 40 at at time. Last week we watched a fox walk by them, most raised their wings at him, some flew away, he just ignored them."

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning T Bird!
It sure is shivering cold outside!
Hope you don't need to walk any of the dogs today.

I saw Sharon's new hair do on FB yesterday - looks very nice.

hedgie said...

Interesting update on Mason.
Jo, bet you will hear lots of cool stories from Jenny and family! Did Aaron go, too??

magpie said...

You are Woman, Man, and Child all rolled up into one !

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy.

Megan surely has lots of birds around her.

magpie said...

and I'm hoping Jenny took some cool pictures you can pass along Jo

magpie said...

Norma, if we can twist your arm we will make it as easy and warm as and I are about the same size, I will lend you my warm weather outdoor bibs !

And I have one of those hats that fits over your entire head

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, I think you can see the eagles from inside the eagle express...just bring your binocs for a better look, whether you are inside or outside.

magpie said...

Nice avater, Wanda....yes, we are suffering! Good to see our Royal Pair

my avatar is me waving to all of you from the top of Swinging Bridge...yesterday...

magpie said...

When I first read that it was Marley's birthday I was thinking of Marley and Me the dog, and chuckling about a pup in feety pj's

Happy 5th Birthday to Norma's granddaughter Marley - Half a Decade ! ♥

NatureNut said...

Hello to those that are awake. I will have to take a Panda nap already.
Was awakened early by call from the Park. They had an unusual sighting and sent me a picture w/cell phone. I just put it on Blog.

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

Loretta, NatureNut is the perfect moniker for you - you don't miss a trick !
Coool Photo !

NatureNut said...

Norma, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your sweet little granddaughter!!☺ ♥

magpie said...

calling suz now...
got machine left message

hedgie said...

Hi Thelma!! And Margy came in, too!
Hail, hail---SOME of the gang is here!!!
Right on---Go RAVENS!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Margy...I don't have her phone number:)

magpie said...

I think since they woke you up on your day off, they should give you Saturday off!
Hey, maybe Greg the Naturalist would want to come along and make it a business trip !!

magpie said...

Eagle on the platform at BWO

magpie said...

I never got to my home chores yesterday except some cooking and reading, have much to catch up on today.

Best wishes for a good, warm, healthy, comfortable and fun day for all

TTFN xoxox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

well forget what I said at Eagle at BWO - he disappeared

magpie said...

righto Wanda....I had it on the mailing address list from Christmas ☺

Costume Lady said...

I need to get that mailing list. All I have are the two addresses that you gave me for Christmas Cards. Going back now to find them.

Playing hooky from church today. We have a guest preacher whom we do not like very well. Very arrogant person. Doesn't even look at you when her shakes your hand!:(

Costume Lady said...

Will ask Delphia for a copy.

Costume Lady said...

Her doesn't shake your hand, HE shakes your hand#%$@&*

stronghunter said...

I wondered what your avatar was, Margy. Thanks for explaining.

magpie said...

Wanda - I will resend it to you, was the email with the Word Doc attachment...going to do that now

magpie said...

It is Shadow can see some pawprints on Fun and Dandy, I think they were muskrat and...something else I am not sure

Mema Jo said...

Wanda/Margy you have mail.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...