Wednesday, January 27, 2010


New thread.


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Mits said...

good morning again everyone:)

Mits said...

back again..

Mits said...

eating leftovers.

Mits said...


ceil said...

Mits thanks for the call over

ceil said...

One eagle at NBG

Mits said...

hmmm, maybe new food, looks small

Mits said...

yeah, love that nest, but so hard to tell when there is an egg:), should be soon for them

Mits said...

digging in nest cup

Mits said...

laying in nest cup now

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Our beautiful Belle is laying in the egg cup, huh?

Mits said...

Lib flew off, hope he brings back food

Mits said...


Mits said...

good food was brought

Mits said...

I have no idea what it is...looks round

ceil said...

He brought food but what is it?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well that didn't take him long to gather up that part of breakfast!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Definitely a mammal!

Mits said...

I was hoping turtle;)

Mits said...

weather for nest...

Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. West winds 10 to 15 mph.

Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 20s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 40s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming west around 15 mph in the afternoon.


ceil said...


Mits said...

what do you think it is??????

stronghunter said...

Peeking in for a moment before my class arrives. Turns out the meeting is for tomorrow. Thought maybe I had misread, but I did not. The counselor did not say what day the meeting would be.

floralgirl said...

Looks like a chuck of meat, could be from roadkill deer.

Mits said...

ok, I'll go with that

Mits said...

she needs to clean her beak off..yuck

Mits said...

guess she does not like it, has stopped eating.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, and I meant chunk, not chuck, which might lead one to believe it is a chuck steak...

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone! Had early dental appt. for an abnormal gum! He took Xray & said there is abcess up around the roots of tooth where it doesn't even hurt! Waiting for Rx so I can get to work. Have to go back in week & 1/2 & have it yanked-last molar on top. AARRGGHH They'll have to catch me first!☺
And was much better this AM, too. He said that root area won't get better, despite PenVK. That's enough about that!
Gotta check cams.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yeah, it was like a big ole lump of sumpin when they brought it in. Didn't see any legs dangling or anything.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, breakfast!

Is she gonna eat it or what....

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe she is full

NatureNut said...

Question for Botanist Megan!
I planted a few tulip bulbs the other day. Regular ground was moist, but I did have to use dry top soil. Instructions are to water after planting which I didn't do yet.Even tho it will get real cold at night, now, can I still water them? I just got new bag of mulch, too.

floralgirl said...

Yes, Loretta, you can water them.

NatureNut said...

Got cam open....
Wow, looks like they've been to the grocery!

Mits said...

yep, just a hunk of something, almost looked frozen, maybe she is waiting for it to thaw.

paula eagleholic said...

HP twice already today? ♥♥

NatureNut said...

Thank you, Megan! I'll be lucky if they come up---planting so late.They had to be chilled for few weeks in fridge when I got them & by then we had BAD weather.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe Belle is resting up from all that HP

wvgal_dana said...

Mits the one with mm://tv.eene something like that

Lori O. said...

Gosh I had to check in and see if that white thing in the nest is an egg. :)
I just figured out that HP is for Hanky Panky?

Mits said...

oh ok, Dana....let me try it, not lucky with the tiny url at times, it was quiet there this a.m., just a bunch of ravens

Mits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mits said...

ok that did not work

Lori O. said...

Hey everyone, Megan, Paula, Dana, NN, Mits, Sharon and all ...

Megan did your basement get through the rain okay?

Mits said...

odd it works when it comes in on my blog email...I'll get it

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes, Lori, HP is hanky panicky.

Chatty group on here this morning. Wanda, I do hope GG is better fast.

Lynn, what were you doing up in the middle of the night? Goodness, Girl!! I guess satellite is all you can get there? It is so expensive you would think use of it would be better.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Mits maybe email it to me and it will work that way. Thanks for trying.

I need to leave to go to DR appt.

Keep eye on that ball of "whatever". I'll read comments later.

All take care..prayers for those that need them. Hope GG is better.

floralgirl said...

Lori, basement often floods when we have heavy rain. Shop vac takes care of the problem. We built our house onto older house to make one residence, basement is part of older house and has always had issues. Right now, leaking roof is bigger concern. It's always something.....

Lolly said...

Really windy at the nest again. Belle's feathers are a blowin in the breeze!

So nice to bring the cam up when there is an eagle in the nest. A great way to start the day.

Mits said...


Finland Winter Feeding grounds

Lori O. said...

I can remember a leaky roof growing up and the drip, drip, drip into the buckets!

Mits said...

eagle sitting in nest NBG

floralgirl said...

Ah, the drip, drip, drip...know it well.

Lolly said...

Ah, ha! Have figured out how to have blog up and watch Belle at the same time. I am a happy camper!

Lori O. said...

Getting ready to hit the road and go home.

I wish for you all a peaceful day full of smiles and a heart full of joy. ♥


Lori O. said...

Yeah for you Lolly!!!

Mits said...

poof, left the mystery food

movin said...






wvgal_dana said...

Pulling a Margy haven't left yet.

Mits I used that link finally in google got it. Now does the cam show on the page or does it use Windows Media Player instead?

paula eagleholic said...

BWE nest update

It's official: We have a two-egg clutch for the 2010 season. Read the new entry in our Eagle Cam Web Log to learn more about our growing eagle family.

Wouldn't it be funny if Lady BW popped out a 3rd egg could happen!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

movin said...

Either the San Diego cam has frozen, or ZZ is dead asleep sitting on the ground in her enclosure.

Speaking of ground, look at that beautiful turf.



movin said...

I refreshed and ZZ is sitting in the same spot, but she has come to life and is eating her bamboo ration.



movin said...

One of our eagles has landed on the nest.



glo said...

Might want to take a nap today. Could be we will need Labor and delivery watch tonight Ya just never know :-)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! I was reading the comments and then a call came in from Germany and then our eagle came into the nest. You have all been busy this am - I can be of no help trying to ID the food source.

Mema Jo said...

Glo Sounds as thought the time is fast approaching.

Mema Jo said...

I love that sound!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I don't mean the wind either!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lib in our nest.

glo said...

I haven't even tried to ID an eagle UNLESS they are side by side the same distance from the camera. I find it impossible to know for sure.jmho But its fun to speculate. I will leave the identifyin got those who feel more certain of who is who.

paula eagleholic said...

Me too, Jo. I think the sound is better this year

paula eagleholic said...

Lib in his favorite spot, 12 noon on the back of the nest

glo said...

The sound is awesome so good to see and hear them live on a regular basis.

Mema Jo said...

Poof! MT nest for now

Mema Jo said...

I was also listening to Lily's cub
Such a contented sound

lindan96 said...

Hello all. I just started watching this nest. Can some of you update me about this pair, names and any other info on them. I saw one of them in the nest early this morning and one feeding two days ago. Thanks in advance...

Mits said...

black birds at BWO

glo said...

This is Lib and Belle. They have been online since 2006. Paula will help you to find all the info you are asking for. She has a blog and lots of info there on there. history, photos etc. If you click on my name here and go to the NCTC Eagles of Sheprherdstown Blog you can also find past history lots of photos and tribute from those who found them way back then. We love them and so will you. Things are gonna really start happening over the next few days so stick around and enjoy.

Not to leave anyone out though there are lots of names you will see blogging here with various posts photos and videos of this pair.

glo said...

OOOPS forg tot say Welcome Lindan Now read my post above :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome, Lindan!

Here's a little history for you.

The egg laying history for this pair is as follows -

1st Year 2004 - First Egg Feb 14 - 2 Eaglets hatched and fledged.

2nd Year 2005 - First Egg Feb 15 - 1 Eaglet hatched and fledged.

3rd Year 2006 - Eggs Laid Feb 9, 11 & 15 - 3 Eaglets hatched and fledged. (First season for the cam).

4th Year 2007 - 2 eggs by Feb 9th (cam was down). 3rd egg Feb 12th. No hatching this season, probably due to the late inclement weather.

5th Year 2008 - 3 Eggs Laid Feb 4, 6 and 10 - 3 Eaglets hatched and fledged.

6th year 2009- 3 Eggs Laid Jan 31, Feb 2 & Feb 6 - 1 Eaglet hatched and fledged.

The first season with the cam saw Liberty and Belle successfully fledge 3 eaglets, Big Boy, Ms Inbetween and Spunky.

Our second cam season was met with great heartbreak as the winter took its toll on Liberty and Belle. They tried to incubate 3 eggs in 2007, but were unable to keep them warm and dry through several snow/ice storms. Consequently, the eggs did not hatch.

Our third cam season saw this seasoned pair successfully incubate, hatch and fledge 3 more healthy eaglets!

Our fourth cam season saw this pair lay another set of 3 eggs, but only one eaglet, Hidey, hatched and fledged.

The eagles were named Liberty (M) and Belle (f) in 2006 by the eaglet momsters members.

paula eagleholic said...

And we should have a couple of eggs in the next 1-2 weeks....could be any day now!

They have laid 3 eggs every year since 2006.

lindan96 said...

Thanks for the info and the welcome glo. I will try to catch up and check out all the news. I'm also watching other nests and relly excited about this season...

lindan96 said...

Thanks for all that info paula..

eaglecamfan said...

hi everyone i am new here but i am a Eagle Fan all the way and i look foward to seeing them everyday..

paula eagleholic said...

OH yes, a lot of us follow other eagle, osprey, panda, bear, donkey, underwater, volcano, etc cams as well!

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome eaglecamfan!

paula eagleholic said...

Both of you, (and anyone else lurking) are more than welcome to join the eaglet momsters yahoo group...just click on my name and send me an email.

There is always room in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Lindan to our nest. I assume you are watching the Live Feed and hope you don't have any problems/concerns - Speak up if you do cause it is a new provider - so far we are pleased with it.
Are you a local - we have viewers from CA to TX to FL to UK to Israel & all along the eastern seaboard. We are a very friendly group and you have certainly come in at the very beginning of the season which is good.

paula eagleholic said...

And thanks for taking the leap and posting on the blog!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome eaglecamfan! I think you have found a good place here on our blog as far as finding lots of good cams to watch. Especially the one in Shepherdstown WV! Yes, I am biased!

lindan96 said...

I'm in SC and have watched other nests for a couple years. Just found this one by chance and it's really nice. No problems here. I do love the fact it's not bombarded with adds, though I know the bills have to be paid... Thanks for the invite Mema...

glo said...

Welcome eaglefan I see Paula has taken good care of you. You will enjoy and see some things you have never seen before.

Lolly said...

Welcome Lindan and Eaglecamfan!!!
Many of this group have been on from the beginning and some of us less. I joined two years ago, this is my third season. This is a fantastic group....we love Lib and Belle. Yes, and we watch Lily, pandas, and much more! And this group is
WONDERFUL with computer help. Sometimes it is the blind leading the blind but we muggle through!

lindan96 said...

Thanks Lolly. I'm sure I will like it here, though I will probably watch more than post...

Costume Lady said...

Well, you learn something new on here every day...I did not know that the Momsters named LIB & Belle. I guess I thought they arrived here with Lib & Bell tagged on their legs:) DUH!

Mits said...

Welcome to lindan96 and eaglecamfan:).

Lolly said...

The nest really looks ready and welcoming. You are expecting snow this weekend? Hope Belle waits til this next snowfall is over.

lindan96 said...

Thanks Mits. OK going to look at cams now. Hope everyone has a "sightfull" day.

Costume Lady said... will find yourself wanting to say more than you ever imagined once you get used to us and this blog:) But feel free to just watch and let us know you are still with us, from time to time.

Lolly said...

Well, actually, they have tattoos, Wanda! A heart with their names.♥♥♥

Mits said...

no worries, lindan96, alot of people watch more than they post:)

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Wanda....but glad you learned something new!

Is that 2 hunks of meat in our nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - they keep changing the forecast for snow on FRI/ we'll see!

Mits said...

sure does look like it, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Daddy-O incubating on the BWE nest

paula eagleholic said...

It's been there for awhile, just looks more like food than earlier

Mits said...

well I'm hoping the snow stays way south of us for the big PLUNGE on Saturday:(

Costume Lady said...

I think Megan may be right about the uneaten meal in the nest. Roadkill deer meat...some of venison is VERY tough and not easy to tear apart even for an eagle. Of course, if they are VERY hungry they will find a way:)
Turtle is tough too, but I think it is too big to be turtle...Oh, no! Could it be Snappy?

Going to GGs. BBL

lindan96 said...

Another question. What is the BWE nest?

Costume Lady said...

Oh, The Plunge...I fully intended to try to make the Plunge this year, but according to what I read, there would be no parking for the Eagle Express. Maybe we could work on that for a Road Trip next year if a parking problem could be solved:)

Costume Lady said...

That would be sooo much fun!

Mits said...

it is really easy, Wanda, they have a huge parking lot at the navy-marine stadium in Annapolis, and shuttle buses to and from Sandy Point State Park, we have done that route the last 2 years, but this year we are going to Kev's house in the a.m. and a bus is picking the plungers up.

Lolly said...

Black Water
Eagle Cam or BWE

Mits said...

and we would love to have anyone come, and bonus, you would get to meet Maggie:)

Lolly said...

Lindan, just click on the link I provided.

Mits said...

give GG a (((hug))), Wanda

Lolly said...

I am off! Have a package to get to the post office and think I will shop for some new shoes. My low black heels for church are in sad shape. I have worn them for years and I know no one looks at them, but I know! lol

Have a great day. Keep and Eagle
Eye out!

lindan96 said...

Thanks Lolly. I thought so but just making sure...Don't want to miss out on any action.

Mits said...

looks like a sub-adult at BWO

magpie said...

Welcome eaglecamfan and

always a treat to have some new nest-watchers join us here

You have already been told, this is a great place to be ☺

magpie said...

Might be a challenge to match our "real names" with our monikers, so I'll start with mine:

magpie = Margy

Mits said...

lindan, BWO can be found on the same link Lolly gave you, it is the osrey cam.

magpie said...

Right now the most important abbreviation you need to know is that HP one..Hanky Panky

ha ha had to laugh, Lolly called it hanky panicky this morning...not sure if she was lol'ing us or if that was a typo ☺

magpie said...

OH see that sub-adult Mits...thanks

magpie said...

When anyone is over on BWO there is a link posted for Bob Quinn's recent photos from Blackwater Refuge...great wonderful photos.

Bob is one of our premier photograhers....there are many as any newcomers will quickly learn !

magpie said...

chunk of venison on the nest? I better check my freezer for any missing meat !

magpie said...

Sure hope the weather system stays South Mits for the week-end...when the report says "the tracking of the storm is uncertain at this time" it is somewhat, hopeful....

magpie said...

Thanks for the Full Moon name and the legend for it
James the grandson will like to hear about this...
in fact, he will this afternoon, going for a pick-up while I have the "free time."

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I see the juvie at!

magpie said...

Here's another abbreviation or two:

TTFN ta ta for now
and BBIALW - be back in a little while

and if you see the words Eagle Alert that means to check the NCTC nest !!


xo ☺

Mema Jo said...

I took a break for lunch......
Got a message from Carolyn - Lynn's daughter......
she wanted me to let you know that sheis unable to get on the internet at this time. Carolyn

Mema Jo said...

So I bet Lynn is now finding time to work on some more of her slides.....

stronghunter said...


Just a short moment to check in. I have my new third block class reading and taking notes. I have the volume turned way down because the wind is blowing so hard.

stronghunter said...

Welcome to Eaglecamfan and Lindan!

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Welcome Lindan and Eaglecamfan. Keep a paper and pencil nearby unless you have photographic memory 'cause this group can really get busy at times. Trust me, mixing up bloggers can lead to some very funny comments.

This is one amazing group of people and you will feel welcome.

Wanda, how's GG today? Better?

Who has tattoos of hearts?

Jo, when will Alexis be back? If you said, I forgot.

Speaking of The plunge, maybe Sharon can get TRAIN to provide entertainment next year.

Okay, back to school work.

Mema Jo said...

Headed down the hallway for
street clothes..........


Mema Jo said...

Thurs is flight back from FL for Alexis

Judie said...

Hey, Margy what about the one that fooled me -- ROFLMBO?

Thanks, Jo for sending along the update on Lynn. Bet she's is a happy camper NOT!

Okay, seriously back to school work.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did somebody say TRAIN? :)

Their new single, Hey, Soul Sister, just went platinum, sold over 1,000,000 copies! Yay. A couple of those were mine! :)

magpie said...

Oh yeah, Judie.... guess I better put most of it on here:

Rolled on Floor laughed my (you-know-what) off !

Have a Good Afternoon everyone I'm going to find my street bibs now too.

Prayers for wellness....

xo ☺ ♥

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all and welcome Eaglecamfan and Lindan!!

You may need a cheat sheet to keep us all straight on here!

You still here Botanist Megan? Why are my bulbs coming up already?? What can I do to protect them? I guess the good news is that the mole/vole didn't eat them!

Hey Lolly....I'm about halfway through Coyote Daily! FINALLY got a chance to actually read now that the holidays are over. It's really good!

floralgirl said...

My daffodils are poking thru the ground here. That's okay, it's normal.

magpie said...

OH dear there is an Eagle in the nest

Eagle Alert !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Way too much mammalian matter laying in that nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Both in the nest, Belle is eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like there was 2 hunks of meat in the nest, she is really chowing down on the one that was closer to the egg cup.

lindan96 said...

Checking back. Thanks for the added welcomes. Name here is Linda. I'm glad someone decided to get rid of the meat...

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is at his spot on the back of the nest

lindan96 said...

Wanted to ask what that nest is in. It looks like a fence structure below or around. Still can't make it out. Help please...

paula eagleholic said...

Aww Poor Lynn, was wondering where she was!

lindan96 said...

The Hornby Eagles are at home also..

paula eagleholic said...

Wondering if Lib raided that field full of deer carcasses in Jefferson, MD. Some of them had hunter's tags in their ears.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice stringy nestovers!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda so glad you have joined us. You will find that we are a group like NO OTHER!

paula eagleholic said...

That looks like bugs from yesterday morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle looked around real quick and jetted off to the right...

paula eagleholic said...

Lindan, our nest is in a sycamore tree on the NCTC campus in Shepherdstown, WV. What you see to the upper left is part of a barn

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda, the nest is 80 feet up in a sycamore tree. To the left is a barn. It is on the campus of the National Conservation Training Center. When the weather warms up, you will hear kids from a nearby day care.

paula eagleholic said...

If you click on my name and go to the Eaglet momsters blog, you can find pictures on there from visits we have made to the nest. Check out May/June posts. Also, October.

lindan96 said...

Thank you paula. I have been looking at it for two days trying to make it out...

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is still at the back

paula eagleholic said...

There are also pics on this blog, you have to go back to Sept/Oct 2007

paula eagleholic said...

There is another barn at noonish also, just to the right of Lib

Lynne2 said...

Field full of deer carcasses? You mean someone killed deer and left them?

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the info Megan

Lolly got her cam to come and also can blog at the same time...someone help me! I don't know how to do that!

Paula, don't you just love your laptop!

lindan96 said...

I just minamise two screens. If someone knows a better way I'm all ears...

lindan96 said...

I can't spell today. Minimize...

Mits said...

well I am off to the zoo, for 4 to 7 shift...ttyal:)

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - you just have to have them open in separate windows, not tabs. Then you can resize each window so they appear side by side.

The deer carcasses were dumped in somone's field...they aren't sure where they came from. Most were already butchered from what I read. They were going to ask the landowner if he gave permission for them to be dumped there.

I do love the laptop! Keyboard has a nice touch! Just realized I haven't checked out the movie maker on it yet.

paula eagleholic said...

BTW our nest is MT

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda, I used to be the proofreader of the group but had to give that up, too hard of a job! :)

eaglecamfan said...

Thanks everyone for the Welcome i watched a couple of years ago. But than i got a new Puter and could never find the Website.. But than it dawned on me to do a Search and i am back and enjoying my Eagles. My home is done in Eagles. They are Great, is there a way to know the Sex?? i think Belle spends more time in the Nest right now with home chores and Dad brings in the Dinner.

glo said...

eaglecamfan this website might give you some idea of how the sex of an eagle is determined

how to determine sex of an eagle We have learned some of their mannerisms etc and many have a very good idea of who is actually on the nest by that behavior at NCTC

eaglecamfan said...

thanks Glo, i am watching them both in the Nest right now..i Think Belle is the one eating ??

glo said...

Yes I think you are absolutely correct and she doesn't share right now at all. Stocking up :-) He brings it and she eats it.

hedgie said...

H-e-l-l-o!!! How are y'all??? I made it back in, finally!! Still catching up!

glo said...

Golly Hedgie I do not want your ISP. I don't understand at all what they are doing with you.

hedgie said...

Nice to see some newcomers on board. Welcome! For your cheat sheets: Hedgie=Lynn.

hedgie said...

Amazing how much email piles up in a days time!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Welcome back to cyberspace Lynn! I saw an ad for HughesNet the other day and said "oooh, that is who puts Hedgie in jail all the time!"

hedgie said...

The noon forecast for the weekend made it sound much better----except maybe down south of the city. Think the Plunge might be okay! Keeping fingers crossed, for sure.

paula eagleholic said...

Both in our nest now.

paula eagleholic said...

They are both checking out the right rear treeline

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO...Lisa also has a pic of eagle w/ huge fish at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

LIb just flew off to the right

paula eagleholic said...

Lib came back and flew off again...don't hear any calls, but something must be in the area

hedgie said...

All caught up one verything now but FB.

No, Jo, I finished slides last week.
I've been cleaning out the filing cabinet today...and ARGH----can't find ANY of the paperwork on Jennifers' PrePaid Tuition account. Where in the world did I put it??? I need to use the St. Anthony prayer---is that right?

Lolly said...

Oh, my! Is that Belle in the egg cup Oh, My!

NatureNut said...

Wow, ready to Split from this place. Got the important stuff done. Want a Ledo's salad, so will go to one here in Largo and see if I get a new name!! ☺
Can't believe that I may get a chance to watch some that it's almost dark!

hedgie said...

Yep, Sharon, Hughesnet is the jailer! But it's the same with DISH Network and WildBlue and SkyWay.
We did get notice last week that Verizon is now available here.....but I've got too much money tied up in the satellite to change now, plus have not been over thrilled hearing about the problems others have had with Verizon. Have been reading that Frontier is going to be taking over Verizon lines soon in WV---and Manchin is pushing real hard to make it happen, because Verizon has NOT met his goal of broadband availability for all!

NatureNut said...

See ya on the flip side~~~~

hedgie said...

Here is more info about the policy if you are interested (sounds like any ISP can impose it!):

Fair Access

paula eagleholic said...

Belle has been standing in the egg cup for quite some time.

My Verizon DSL works great.

Lolly said...

Been reading back through the blog. Chatty group here today.

Welcome back Lynn! You were missed this morning,

Hanky Panicky...mmmm????I sorta like my new term. LOL It was a typo!!!!!

LYNNE, I open up two windows, then right click in the area of the tool bar and a list comes up on how to show the windows, I click on show windows side by side.

Lolly said...

Paula, is she standing or sitting?

Lolly said...

I think I am going to change and go outside for a while. Weather is changing to rain,...and then cold. Need to get out while I can.


paula eagleholic said...

She is standing

Lolly said...

S P L I T !!!!!!!!!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 383   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...