Monday, May 25, 2009


Happy Memorial Day Thread.


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Joy said...

Thanks Steve . . . . welcome back!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Joy and Steve!

deb said...

Thanks for the new thread.

normabyrd said...

Thanks for the NEW MEMORIAL DAY thread!---Thanks JOY!---I will call the crew over!!

normabyrd said...



SUZANNE!!! and JIM!!!!

(are there any others?)

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Joy...Thanks for taking time out to give us a new thread, Steve. Enjoy this day!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Brought over:
Good Morning and Welcome to Eagleland those here now and those coming in later.

We are # 1 Yesterday and for 7 Days we are # 1 on Beakspeak!!!!!!

As we watch Liberty and Belle and their eaglets throughout the years. We know what our EAGLES STAND FOR---FREEDOM. We also know how that has been gotten. Fly those FLAGS, Remember Our Present Day Service People and Those That Have Gone Before Them. Let Freedom Soar In Your Hearts. As you have watched in person or on a video our precious Liberty and Belle soar the skies.

floralgirl said...

Happy Memorial Day all:)
Good day to be thankful- I would just say, that thank goodness reportes and web sites and newspapers do keep track of the number of soldiers who have died in the current wars. The current count is 4299, by the way, and while it may be a 'small' number compared to other wars, evry number represents a father, mother, son, daughter, spouse, of someone who will be without that person for the rest of their lives. I'm glad we are now allowed to view the caskets of our soldiers returning from the front lines, it is an honor when their bodies return to our soil, not something to be hidden. The costs of war are always huge financially, but the human toll is a factor that should never be forgotten by Americans. My Father served in the AIr Force during Vietnam, and was a changed man when the war was over, soldiers carry scars from battle, mental and physical for the rest of their lives. War is Hell- hug a soldier today......

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - great videos...

Lolly certainly deserved and enjoyed her dessert!!

Off to work on the lawn! Will do pictures later today...

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Norma, there are others. Capt. Eagle served in the Army for 16 years and then there is Red who also was in the Army (I believe, Army).

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Paula, Lolly deserved that rich dessert and seemed to enjoy it;)

wvgal_dana said...

Yes my first husband was in Vietnam (Army). ED served Marines (as our Jim is a Marine).

Wanda I loved the videos thank you.

normabyrd said...


GENE!! and RED!!!

(any more)

wvgal_dana said...

We are very HONORED to exercise beside and talk with a Marine from WWI. He is a Mustang. Wanda Gene has probably heard of them.

My DAD served in the Army during WWII. I will replace the flay on his grave today.

Costume Lady said...

Hug a soldier...Good idea, Megan. I'm going to see if I can find Capt. Gene and thank him and hug him;)
He is getting ready to go on his Spring Fishing Trip and well deserved, I might add!

wvgal_dana said...


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' & CONGRATS! JOY!!--you are our #1 'EAGLE MOM' today & every day!!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cam ham again!

wvgal_dana said...

Earlier he was flapping those wings and went from one side of nest to another.

Looks like a poop shoot.

normabyrd said...




(any more)----

paula eagleholic said...

Had to watch Hidey for a few more ham, poop shoot and fish jerky time now!

(I was doing a Margy, LOL)


paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ceil said...

Good morning all. Thank you to all who have served and are serving in the military so that we might enjoy our freedom. Have a great day.

normabyrd said...

DANA---I mentioned SUZANNE & JIM!------oh--they say the mind goes first!!!---sorry--i have done this the last couple of years---sorry--
mind left yeeeeaaarrss ago---

normabyrd said...

WOW!---You EAGLE MOMSTERS must have had a BALL---yesterday!!---What FUN----

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All!
Let the flags fly high in honor of all those we are remembering this special day! As we say "Freedom is not Free".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

A big heartfelt thank you to all our veterans!! My daddy was a cook on the ship in the Navy. He was in the Korean War and I am thinking WWII but not totally sure about that. I do know that he lied about his age and joined the Navy at the age of 17.

hedgie said...

Bringing my morning greeting comment over from old thread, in case anyone missed it:

Good morning, Eagle dudes and dudettes.
Memorial Day greetings to all. While we remember all who have served and their families, take a moment to ponder this: war is hell, and every loss is a tragedy. Present-day pundits keep running tallies on these losses, and 4000+ has become a platform for many arguments against the current war. Keep in mind that during the Civil War, right here on our own lands, brother against brother, over 500,000 died and over 600,000 were injured. It's a matter of perspective!

wvgal_dana said...

Thought this was cute to share with everyone. Just click on link-give it a few seconds to start.

Jaquar Triplets Unveiled On May 19th Born 5 weeks before

Costume Lady said...

Norma, check out the videos on my WILD AND can hear and see that we had a wonderful day. Lot of fun, laughter, friendship, name it:)

deb said...

I am off Kayaking with Roger, Donna and Mary. Have a great day.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL & MEMA JO!---CEIL how is MM this am---Is she still at your house?

Stevie from Kentucky said...

Good morning everyone and Happy Memorial Day. Salute and honor to our Veterans. My daughter and son-in-law are currently serving in the US Navy.

Costume Lady said...

Good for you, Deb...enjoy!

Stevie from Kentucky said...

Hello Heidy!! (She's looking straight into the camera)

Costume Lady said...

Jaguars are adorable, Dana.

normabyrd said...

STEVIE!!---We should salute your family---BOTH DAUGHTER & SIL!---Please THANK THEM for us!!!

wvgal_dana said...

See you did Norma your right the mind goes first lol

Have a fun day Deb

Stevie God Bless them and Thanks to them.

Mema Jo has several serving that this time also "God Bless Them and Thanking Them.

floralgirl said...

WOw! now that was some serious wing flapping!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Megan, it certainly was!

normabyrd said...

My husband was in KOREAN War---college ROTC students could join & no finals!!---SOUNDS CRAZY--But they knew they would be called soon as they graduated----Lots of kids joined!---(they were kids--too)

normabyrd said...

DANA!---LOVED THOSE JAUGARS!!--Wish they had let them run!!!

normabyrd said...


Morning 'CUMBERLAND TIMES' paper says ----'SNAKES IN MD PROTECTED BY ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT'!!!--SERIOUSLY---snakes--native to MD without a permit from the Dept. of Nat. Res.--They are protected by Non-game & Endangered Species Act.---2 venomous snakes native to MD----RATTLESNAKES & COPPERHEADS!!!!----(remember--you heard it here first)----ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am hoping that Hidey is at the 6 o'clock position!

Mema Jo said...

Link to 2006 First Flights!
I have saved this video - love the excitement of the 2006 season - Love the song! Stars & Stripes and the Eagle Flies!

This is one of Glo's masterpieces!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hidey is definitely living up to her name right now.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon, I am hoping too! We best keep watching for some movement..

Gabriela said...

Yes she is. You can see the tips of her tail feathers at 6 o'clock.

Mema Jo said...

I see Hidey's feathers moving at the 6:00 position......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What great memories! Thanks Jo and Glo!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really need her to stay in view! :)

Mema Jo said...

Gab - thanks! Our cam is NOT angled in the right direction for this!

Mema Jo said...

There she be!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She could fledge from up there and we would never know.

Mema Jo said...

Come on! Cam Ham it up for us!

Mema Jo said...

That is my fear, Sharon!
I thought she favored the 2:00 position

Maybe Hidey will start making the
"Puppy" sounds like she did yesterday!

Mema Jo said...

Plopped right down in the egg well

Mema Jo said...

Hidey has the piece of petrified prey!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She had her talon stuck on a stick. Skeered me!

Mema Jo said...

HIDEYGot her talon stuck on one of the nest limbs... Dancing away from it.....

Now she is grabbing it again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She is tearing up jack!

Mema Jo said...

Skeering me also!

Determined little bird!
Hope she doesn't knock herself out of there!

Mema Jo said...

Back to the Cam Ham position
Hope she stays there for a while

Wish a food drop would come in

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She is trying to rustle up some grub.

normabyrd said...

GLO! & JO!----WHOA!---I'll remember those EAGLETS as long as I live!!---Did you notice the nest was placed in a perfect spot---to take the pics!!---AWESOME--WONDERFUL--MARVELOUS, ETC--(can't beat that)--

normabyrd said...

That's the reason I am positive our 'BABY' is a SHE!----She loves to be the center of attention!--the LITTLE IMP!!---She is ADORABLE!!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey just Wacked the cam

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is playing Hide & Seek with us.

I can see her beak at 6:00 every now and then!

This is very un-nerving viewing!

normabyrd said...

JO!---Do you suppose there is no food drop---because PARENTS think she should be 'moving out' -- you know--flying???---They do that-- don't they??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, they try to lure them out of the nest when it is time but I am not sure if it is quite time yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Hidey sure likes playing those Hide-an-seek games lol

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---There is a WING FLAPPER in the 'REBEL' nest!---FLYING ACROSS THE NEST---other 2 are ignoring him! ho!

Mema Jo said...

I keep hoping for a food drop
You're right about luring her out of the nest with food.
I can't remember if Lib & Belle did that with their others or not!

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO.......OMG.....Jack says you all must have been intoxicated by them. That video is so funny!

Good morning eagle buddies! A wonderful Memorial Day to you. Jack has our flag flying proudly out on the fence. A big THANK YOU to all veterans and those serving today.

I am out sitting on my patio having my coffee on a beautiful day.

paula eagleholic said...

Cam Ham!!

My sucky weedeater died. Never did like it anyhow :)

May as well take a break and get some breakfast!

Lolly said...

The dessert was wonderful.....and calorie free!! Wowee!!!!!

Wanda...Gene....thank you for the videos. Feel like I really was there. And, by the way, Capt., I was NOT stoned. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - From Wanda's comment Jack was
able to ID her Crystal Green Rock. I didn't check to see if Wanda labeled it yet -
What did Jack say it was?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my, have to put the flag out!

Lolly said...

No, Jo, he has not identified it. Found a rock that looks like it, but he was not sure. Interesting, right?

paula eagleholic said...

My Dad served in the Korean War, Stateside. Found some neat pics of him stationed in Alabama and Colorado when we were cleaning out the basement.

paula eagleholic said...

That rock is beautiful!

gotta go check my breakfast...bbialw

Mema Jo said...

I need to break away for a few

Keep your eye on Hidely if you can -
she is getting antsy!

hedgie said...

Norma, all I can say is that if rattlers and coppers are protected in any way in WV, then DNR better be here within 1 min....otherwise the snake WILL be dead as fast as I can do it!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just served a wonderful breakfast from Mattie and Thelma -- scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and oven toast! YUM, YUM!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LOLLY!---What do you folks serve for a HOLIDAY BREAKFAST??---

Lolly said...

My dad did not serve. They thought he was too valuable as a farm implement dealer. Had to keep farmers up and going producing food. Have an Uncle buried at the Natl. Cemetery in DC. I have visited his site twice now.

While in Italy we literally stumbled up the American Cemetery there. Jack and I were so stunned that we drove in silently and soon tears were streaming down both of our faces. It was a beautiful cemetery, wonderfully cared for.

Lolly said...

Well, Norma. Jack had a bowl of cereal and I have not had mine yet. LOL Still on the diet, however I do believe that tomorrow I may reach my goal of 40 pounds. I did go off the diet yesterday, but back on it today. No holiday from the diet.

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---The SNAKE LAW refers to MD!---Not WV ho!

normabyrd said...

Just had to ask LOLLY!---ho!

Lolly said...

Doed Lynn have a snake?

Lolly said...

Make that "does". Ahhhhhh!!!!!

normabyrd said...

LOON was off the nest earlier this am---LARRY was QUITE worried the EGGS would get chilled!----She finally came back to the nest TO SAVE THE DAY!!!

normabyrd said...

LOON was off the nest earlier this am---LARRY was QUITE worried the EGGS would get chilled!----She finally came back to the nest TO SAVE THE DAY!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula that is neat finding pictures you didn't know where there. Yes put up that flag....

Mema Jo said...

Ya All Hear That?

Adult in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in nest...peeping....

paula eagleholic said...

Is there fish too?

Adult went up above

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, there is something under Hidey's talons!

Mema Jo said...

A little fish is better than No fish!

paula eagleholic said...

A small fish, but a fish nonetheless!

Mema Jo said...



paula eagleholic said...

He is tackling that fish right away...good view too!

Lolly said...

Have finished my coffee. Going to fix my breakfast. NORMA....I am going to fix three small blueberry pancakes, a soft boiled egg, and a banana for my breakfast. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Looking up and telling parent to stay away from his fish!

Lolly said...

He is feeding himself like a big boy!

Lolly said...

I am leaving...I'll be peeking in now and then. Have a GREAT DAY everyone!


paula eagleholic said...

Ate about half the fish, then flew to the noon branch and cleaned his beak...guess he wants some jerky for later!

Back out to the yard!

Mema Jo said...

God Bless You Hidey!


normabyrd said...

PUTER FROZE UP---Just logged back in-----SHE SNEEZED!----what does that mean???

normabyrd said...

JO!---I forgot to say---BLESS YOU!

Mema Jo said...

I think we had her covered with the Bless You!
I love having sound -

Mema Jo said...

Here comes the Puppy Sounds from Hidey!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey jumped (flew) down from the Cam Ham site to the middle of the nest.
BUT she came right back!

ceil said...

Hi again all. Taking a break.My flags are out. We used to hang a large one from the neighbor across the street to our house but neighbor has not been able to find it.
Norma MM is still here. She wants to go home but is not suppose to lift and she has the cat.
Will try to looked a videos.
Went to Peabody Institute yesterday for piano concert. Our friends Mel and Sherrie daughter Lucy played. She is 5 and a half. She played Honey Bee and Twinkle twinkle little star. She was the youngest. I was so nervous for her.Last week she was a grasshopper in Cinderella. Loved it.

normabyrd said...

SHE is ready!---flew right up to the cam!!---SHOW OFF!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Ceil! I'm sure MM misses her feline friend as well as she is missed. She has another week before her check up - right?

Mema Jo said...

I so remember piano recitals at my young age. Now when grandkids have any kind of recitals I am a bundle of nerves for them.

normabyrd said...

CEIL!---GREAT news about MM!---Bet she is getting antsy to get home!!----I remember those 'little concerts'----I had 3 girls---same as your Mother!---such fun--

movin said...





to you all.

Thank you all, especially Norma this morning, for your appreciative comments for us veterans. Most of us are proud to have served, proud to have been able.



hedgie said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim!
Hope you are enjoying the freedom of the day! Thank you Big Time for serving! So glad you also have good contacts with all of those that served with you!

hedgie said...

Maybe a blob of body showing on right side of cam??? Hard to tell w/ glare and smear!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is fying all over our nest

She is not going to be ours for much
longer......... :>(

hedgie said...

Ah...there (s)he is!

ceil said...

Jo surgery was two weeks ago today.
She does not go back again until June 5th. She is doing well. She can stay as long as she wants but her neighbor is watching the cat this time. Don't want to impose.
Just watched the videos. Mattie great job. Gene thanks makes me feel like I was there.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - seems like you just need to Hold Your Breath as your heart stops until Hidey jumps or flys back into view!

normabyrd said...


ceil said...

Hi Jim. Our dad was not in the service. He was a longshoreman and he loaded the amunition onto the ships. They were off shore and he would be on the ship for days. He was on a ship when I was born and did not get to the hospital until the next day or a few days after my birth.

Mema Jo said...

Just let us know when you Ship MM Out!
lol We'll just think of her and pray more often so that the Lap Cat doesn't cause any damage!

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey has his back to the launch pad...if you can't see him....little turd!

Mema Jo said...

There she be - at 6:00

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!!---I Think she is female!----She is so inquisitive!---Checks out every thing!---such a show off!
"God love her little heart"--

paula eagleholic said...

Flying now from one end to the other...

Mema Jo said...

Now at 2:00

Hidey is a fast mover!!!!

Now in the middle of the nest....

Spreading those wings!!!

I thought she was going off the edge at 2:00

normabyrd said...

CEIL---That means you are SPECIAL!!
(remember to tell your siblings) ho!

ceil said...

Jo, She is thinking of going home in a few days. Break over BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Where is the daggone bird???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cam was frozen. Skeered me!

ceil said...

Norma I tell them that. LOL

hedgie said...

Lolly, congrats on reaching this sure do look fine!
Nope, no snake at the moment....but here it could happen at any time!!

Ricky376 said...

I think Hidey has to grow a flight feather or two. When I first turned it on the nest was empty. Blind spot at 6 o'clock.
Cant wait till next year now.

Mema Jo said...

Keep your eyes on Hidey!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle-Eye is on it, Jo! :) ☺ ☺

normabyrd said...

food time---later

paula eagleholic said...

Ricky, if you want to check out some newly hatched eaglets, check out the Delta cam at Hancock Wildlife...they hatched about 1-2 weeks ago!

hedgie said...

Sharon, are you home yet?? Did you and Mattie get my emails?

paula eagleholic said...

Adult with fish!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thar went Liberty!

paula eagleholic said...

I think there's a fish...there sure is a puppy dog whining eagle!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yea! It's a fish! Hidey digging in!

movin said...

Well, Ceil, some of my family were exempt from service in WWII, because farmers and the foodstuffs they raised were at least as important to the war effort as combatants...same for longshoremen and merchant seamen, etc., etc.

You can't win a war without food or materiel or ammunition. So your longshoreman father and my SeaBee father were both necessary to the victory and should be just as proud as anyone who served.

My father's older brother kinda did the best of both. He was a Navy cook, but he went in with the 'second wave' of Marines in the invasions of some of the Pacific islands.



paula eagleholic said...

Cam Ham time!

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey's feathers are looking just beautiful!

movin said...

Look at ZZ in close-up at SD.



movin said...

OH, now they have Su Lin in close-up. I think they are keeping them in adjacent enclosures now, and they intend to 'introduce' the sisters to each other soon ... not sure what the purpose is for that.

They look almost like twins, but Su Lin is a lot larger, of course.



hedgie said...

Quite a stiff breeze at nest, but nada here....very, very still...maybe the calm before a storm.

hedgie said...

Whew....i think the first flight is going to be a backwards launch! Turn around, Hidey!

hedgie said...

Nice little uphill flight from right to left side of nest!

ceil said...

Jim I never thought of it that way. But you are right. I knew it was dangerous to be loading the ammo but he never said that it was. Thanks. Going to watch the Oriole game.

Ms Bookworm said...

GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON, Everyone! Checking in to see what you're up to today. Have quite a lot of blog to catch up on! A HUGE THANK YOU to all our veterans, and hope you all have a very special Holiday today! Caught Hidey being a cam ham earlier. I'm a bit concerned because you guys were saying Hidey was making some unusual noises yesterday. Do you think she/he might have something like a fish fin stuck in her/his throat? Don't know if that ever happens, but the rascal eats such big bites sometimes, and it just makes me wonder. I certainly hope I'm wrong!I'm probably being a huge worry wart, but just wondering...
Hopefully the little cutie is just being a character, and experimenting with some new noises! Will check back in when able today-- Hubby has the day off, so will be in & out. Have a great afternoon! :o]

floralgirl said...

Wow, Hidey is really flapping those wings! Nice day for flying, cool breeze...Shower passing by here, doesn't look like it will hit the nest.
Posted a picture on blog of this afternoons peony harvest-under flowers. It's an armful.

YveBart said...

I have a question about the eaglet: does he/she ever eat? I see the adult come to the nest every now and then but I never see them eat.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She eats all the time. Parent brought food a while ago and she fed herself.

YveBart said...

Thanks Sharon. I'll keep watching. Do we know how old the eaglet is?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is raining at the nest.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

I think she is beating the raindrops!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She was 10 weeks old this past Saturday.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Boy
That was a doozy movement!
Made me catch my breath!!!

Mema Jo said...

This is when I NEED a Pop Up Cam that will stay UP as I blog. I am half afraid Hidey will have disappeared when I go back over to the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, you can drag the sides in on this cam and just bring up another tab.

paula eagleholic said...

YVE - sometimes they eat once a day, sometimes 3 times a day. The fish can be gone in as little as 10 minutes...the eaglet has already eaten twice noted on the blog earlier.

Mema Jo said...

ok I'll try it, Sharon

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, and you can resize the blog page as well...I have them up side by side

OH, yea, your'e doing a browser with just bring the nest up in IE and resize it

YveBart said...

I just started watching about an hour ago. I usually watch at night since I work during the day.

Thank goodness that rain stopped!

paula eagleholic said...

Practice time!

Mema Jo said...

Got it now. Thanks.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope that rain cooled Hidey off a little's pretty warm out there today!

Where are you watching from Yvebart?

paula eagleholic said...

BBIALW - have to go let friends kitty in before it rains...she hates the rain!

Mits said...

Hello....Happy Memorial Day...

Mits said...

girls left around noon:(, place is too quiet, dong laundry and going to sneak in a panda nap, storming here breeze

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Mits. We have missed you!

I am heading home now. Will see you all on the other side! :)

ceil said...

Hey Mits. Is Jay still there?

hedgie said...

Hi ya', Mits!!! Good to see you. Bet it IS quiet there....I'm sure your weekend was a fun one.

Mema Jo said...

Safe Journey Sharon & Mattie!

That Panda Nap should really feel good after your busy fun weekend, Mits!

deb said...

I am home from Kayaking. The wind came up from the south, but it was still a nice day out on the lake. It was much easier paddling north than when we head back to the dock though. :)

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Hello Deb! Good to hear you had a fun paddling day!

I think it is quiet enough at our nest that I can go do a few things! Hidey best be here when I get back or I'll know I have very poor timing!
Keep an eye on Hidey!


paula eagleholic said...

Just heard an owl...

magpie said...

There was just an Eaglet at BWE - there was a nice half a fish there, think Chess or Chop grabbed it and bailed ! Well in and out again....each refresh has a different pic

Good Afternoon Eagle Friends ☺ ♥

magpie said...

And there's our kid on the move again at NCTC -

Now to see what you have all been up to.

Mema Jo said...

Hidey! Hidey! Hidey!
Don't fool around with the BIG sticks!

magpie said...

He was pretty interested in that log, wasn't he Mema Jo !! The stick won this time....

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Margy...hope you had a good sleep.

Thanks for the BWE update.

Hidey is not waiting for that second fish to become jerky...he's tackling it now.

Mema Jo said...

Both loons can be seen on their cam. One on the nest and one in the water.

Mema Jo said...

The one loon swam off out of the cam view but the other is keeping an eye out for it.

magpie said...

Hidey is resting at a spot that I have seldom seem him resting at...
new bevahiors every day.

Whew! Sounds like you folks had quite the interesting day watching our nest today! Lots of heart-pounding excitement.

Thanks for the Loon Nest Alert J0 - I have to hop on and off that one, freezes my computer up big time. Larry must be all akimbo as he says hatching could be just about any day now...over the next few. Bet he can't wait until sunrise to start watching each new day !

magpie said...

"kinda sorry" about your weed-eater, Paula -

hope you were able to accomplish what you needed to anyway without too much extra work ☺

Bet your yard is beautiful ! Especially with the flag out

Mema Jo said...

Switch at the loon's nest - 2 golden eggs to be seen!

magpie said...

I slept okay, but would rather have been able to watch some of the Memorial programs on television.

This is such a special day for all of us, and I surely want to add my deep heartfelt gratitude to all involved in any part of the war and peace Jim and Ceil and others have mentioned today. Every one of us plays a part in our Freedoms, some of course more painfully than others.

Our prayers for World Peace must continue every day....

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...