Tuesday, February 17, 2009


New thread.


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Just Vicky said...

Good morning, thank you Steve

movin said...

**GooD MoRNING**




movin said...

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread.



movin said...

Take a quick look at BWO. Besides the notes on vultures, a pair of eagles just landed...perhaps a mating pair of the future. The female looks mature and the male is just about there, if I read his markings right.



Just Vicky said...

Cams seem stuck!

movin said...

Now it's just the adult, maybe BW's, with a fish. Could be BW's adult chasing off one of the offspring of yesteryear.........



movin said...

Morning, Vicky. I just opened my live feed, and it seems to be working OK.



indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning, thanks Steve; it
looks like it's going to be a
great day.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Just Vicky said...

You're lucky Jim, mine isn't!

Good morning Indiana Dave, neighbor!

Just Vicky said...

Just got the still cam to tick!

Just Vicky said...

OOoooops, both working now!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Thanks for the new feed Steve.

Got to open our cam, Two Harbors and Norfolk first thing today. Ours for obvious reasons..Norfolk and Two Harbors well to see if the stork has made another stop.

Then off to coffee and dog treats.

Set 3 of photos for the contest I can sure use your help with is now on Glo's Glimpses. Thanks if you have a moment to stop by and leave your vote. My Blog does take anonymous comments so even if you are a lurker but enjoy eagle photos leave me your votes. It won't appear right away though does get approved first through email. If you are a blogger you are already signed in..so just comment as you do on here.

Ok off to coffee and dog treatssoon.

Mits said...

Good Tuesday morning everyone.

glo said...

Talk about a list of well used links take a look at this Something to Bookmark

OK got to get dressed and head on out for a bit.

Mits said...

seen that one before, that is way to much to bookmark for this little puter, :):).

movin said...

Boy, I just got a flurry of large wings in front of the BWO cam, and when it refreshed there's an adult and a subadult on the platform again.

And they are vocalizing like it was their territory.



movin said...

Good morning to you too, Mits, Glo.



movin said...

Now, one adult and two subs on BWO. It's becoming the most popular spot on the reserve.



Mits said...

but I bookmarked it anyhow, Glo;)

glo said...

oh Mits its only one bookmark with like 200 attached. You can now have cams on your list and a Multi purpose link Good to go...works for me.

Too bad they don't have a category for wonderful webcams...then animals and people LOL.

Mits said...

I bookmarked it once before, then when I periodically clean out favs, deleted it, because I never used it.

Mits said...

have fun, Red.

movin said...

It's way too many bookmarks for me too, but I wonder if there is a way of breaking it up into more usable sizes.



Red said...

Good morning everyone. Guess I was asleep and missed the new thread and was talking to myself.

Biscuits and sausage is good. Now I have to Shower, Shave and put on clean duds so I can go to the Senior Center for the first day of my Computer Graphic course.

movin said...

Did you see the fiord or archipelago waters in Finland are freezing over again??



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good Tuesday morning everyone!!

Red said...

Gosh you shoud see my bookmarks. I must have 500. But I break them up into folders as I'm a neat freak.

Mits said...

put mine in folders too.

Mits said...

Jim, the ice flows come thru there all the time.

Mits said...

hello, Miss Sharon, how are you feeling this a.m.?????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Egg turning time at our nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been better Mits but have been worse too! :)

Mits said...

turkey strut PA

Mits said...

too bad, Sharon:(

Mits said...

Valmont owl is back.

Mits said...


Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 40s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming south this afternoon.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. A slight chance of snow after midnight. Lows in the upper 20s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent.
Rain and snow in the morning...then rain in the afternoon. Little or no snow accumulation. Highs in the lower 40s. South winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precipitation 80 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail

Costume Lady said...

I have 126 bookmarks, Red and am trying to eliminate some of them that aren't my fav sites anymore. It takes forever and I don't have forever. Would like to delete ALL of them and start all over:)

Mits said...

I find it really easy to delete favs.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagleland

Red enjoy your class...or will we find you have started teaching it lol

Sharon sorry hope soon you will feel MUCH BETTER.

Good Morning NORMA--know she isn't on the blog. Just want to wish her WELL and miss her wonderful Good Morning comments.

Oh the facebook issues...not sure if any way one can get off. Other than just closiing down. They probably have all pics.

Eagle at TH

glo said...

well with spring cleaning can do bookmark cleaning too. One folder says cams..one says everything else I need to know.

Limit it to a nice number...

Its not easy but It is what it is.

Red said...

Dana, You WILL NOT find me teaching a class. I taught some computer classes when I was in Canada. NEVER AGAIN.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
I had to find a back door in order to come on this morning.
Read quickly backwards - good to see all of you! Wow must go see Lady Valmont and read their blog... This old birder worried about her all evening...

deb said...

Good Morning!

I have folders for eagles (2), birds, osprey, webcams, Alaska and other stuff. I have been thinking of breaking it down even more.

Mits said...

I am constantly reorganizing my favs. Adding, deleting, its fun:)

Costume Lady said...

When I first started BOOKMARKS, I didn't know how to make a folder. I just barely knew how to turn 'puter on and off! Then, I tried making a folders but they were all empty when I went to open them. I gave up and haven't tried since. Maybe I'll work on that today. Capt. Gene has Jury duty and I will have no interruptions;)

Mits said...

I did not know a thing about doing that kind of stuff, Wanda, just started fooling around with it....they have some addictive games on that list, and some great food sites I have not seen in awhile....the computer has such a wealth of info.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, I learned to use the computer, as you said, just fooling around and with a lot of help from you all. It has been a wonderful experience and couldn't do without it now.

Red said...

I bought a silly computer game yesterday and played it too much. Had dreams about it last night. lol

Red said...

I have a folder Titled "Cams". Beneath that folder I have several sub folders. Eagle cams, owl cams, Other Bird Cam and Misc. Cams.

Costume Lady said...

Deb, I have used your photos of birds that we don't have around here, to quiz my oldest grandson. He is 21 and about to graduate from Shenandoah University in Winchester, Va. He has studied Environmental Science and has loved birds since he was old enough to talk.
I will copy one of you photos and send it to his Blackberry and he will send me back the name of the bird. We did that last night for 2 hours. His girlfrieind is home from school and probably didn't appreciate me taking up his time, but, he said "I like this game, grandma..send me some more,,,challenge me with some hard ones. Loved it!

Mits said...

I love learning about the computer, wish I knew more technical stuff.

Mits said...

that must have been fun, Wanda

Costume Lady said...

It was fun, Helen. Made me feel good that a 21 year old young man would spend so much time with his grandmother...but then again, he was probably showing off for his girlfriend:)

Mits said...

windy up in Maine

Costume Lady said...

BTW, I fooled around with the photo of Margy on the train platform and I think I have it just a little bit clearer. It does show more of the train station, which I think is beautiful. On WILD AND WONDERFUL.

deb said...

That sounds like fun, Wanda. Soon there will be lots of birds around. It is hard to find them when everything is iced over.

Too bad I didn't get a picture of the Townsend's Solitaire we saw the other day. I didn't take my camera, too hard to carry it that far when it is cold out.

Mema Jo said...

They say you learn by doing - I sure agree with that! Don't know what I would do without this computer and the friends that come along with it!

Mema Jo said...

Lady Valmont may need to lay some new eggs from what is being observed.

CO eagle is staying in the nest for long periods of time..... Can't be too much longer even though their news says March.
Seems like the weather may have started the eggs coming early this season.

Red said...

Spring is getting close. My Maple trees are blooming.

deb said...

Empty nest!, oops back already.

Lolly said...

Good morning, and how is everyone this Tuesday morn? Gloomy here, no sunshine. That will keep me inside today.

Sharon......hope you are much better SOON. This is going on too long!

Wanda, I love the picture of Margy at the train station. How much fun! Margy...you are a special friend!

Jo, our trip to the zoo was great. Since school was out there were no large school groups there. Also, the weather was cloudy and very cool and that kept the crowds away. Also, LOL, we saw the zoo backwards. Instead of starting with the apes, we rode the train first to the far end of the zoo...and walked back. Usually when we get to the Texas section we are tired. It was fun!

Also, Joseph did the rock climbing for the first time. They put a harness on him and up he climbed, never made it to the top, but he sure tried. Also, since there was no line he got a longer bit of time and some coaching. He was one happy little boy.

Returned them to their parents late afternoon. They were precious, good little boys, it was a wonderful day. (Also, saw penguin HP!} My question is do penguins mate for life?

Lolly said...

Wanda...what a great relationship with your grandson. That's what I want with my boys when they are that age. I think I will. At least with the older two. Zach I do not see as often. He is very close with his other grandma who keeps him EVERYDAY!

Norma...we miss you and hope you are much better soon.

Lolly said...

I have just sent a message to OK to find out if their nest is in such a location that it can be viewed by the pubic. Jack and I might consider a trip to the area if so. Wouldn't that be neat?!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lolly I've been waiting to hear about your Zoo Day - sounds perfect to me!

Daughter has arrived & we have made a pot of Chili! Now I need to find the cornbread!


Mits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mits said...

hmm, got different info at USPS...

Mailing Services Prices Effective Monday, May 11, 2009

On May 11 the price for a 1-ounce First-Class Mail stamp will increase from 42¢ to 44¢. Prices for other mailing services — Standard Mail, Periodicals, Package Services (including Parcel Post), and Extra Services — will also change. The average increase by class of mail is at or below the rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

See Complete Price List (PDF)

Customers can use their Forever Stamps — regardless of when purchased — to mail 1-ounce letters after the price change, without the need for additional postage. Forever Stamps are widely available through Post Offices, commercial retail outlets such as grocery stores, and online.

Prices for mailing services will continue to adjust each May. Prices for most shipping services, including Express Mail and Priority Mail, were adjusted in January and will not change in May.

Lolly said...

Time for me to get up and moving. Been watchin NBG. If she has a third egg, guess it will have to be today.


Mits said...

for those of you who get posts to your email, that 1st post was my bad, copied any pasted wrong info, last post was from USPS....I always use the forever stamps anyhow.

deb said...

That would be great, Lolly.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

HI2 cam is a little much when they are eating!!

deb said...

I use the Forever stamps, too.

Mits said...

raw and uncut:)

Mits said...

I have no problem with the rate increase, our postal system has to be the best in the world, besides, we have a great postal woman, in our neighborhood.

hedgie said...

Morning all.
I would sure love to know how you put favs into folders, if anyone can help!
Red, did you get tired of teaching dummies when you taught that class??? I would have been right there as one of them! But understand...I absolutely hated "training" people when I was working. Always told the heirerarchy that if I had wanted to be a teacher, I would have been one!

hedgie said...

Well, duh....do I go to Organize Favorites???

hedgie said...

Never noticed that before. LOL!

Mits said...

do you have a favorites button up in your browser, Lynn, just go to the organize button, and follow that, to make folders, organize button also lets me add, or delete, or make new folder or combine.

Mits said...

:), eagle at H2 finished its food and wiped its beak.

Mits said...

that is where I go....I'm sure there are alot of things on this puter I have not found yet.

Mits said...

Sharon taught me alot.

Mits said...

my d-i-l was amazed that I can do a system restore, and she works on computers all the time.

hedgie said...

Blooming trees, Red...you are so lucky!!! Can't wait til they start here!

Mits said...

look at those beautiful feathers on the Hornby eagle

hedgie said...

Helen, system restore is VERY useful!!

Mits said...

has saved my butt a couple of times, Lynn

hedgie said...

Another tragic animal story...in New England...a "domesticated" chimp gone wild...attacked and severely injured people and was shot and killed by police. Will humans ever learn??

hedgie said...

Belle looks like she is getting a lot of Vit. D in all that sunshine!!!!

hedgie said...

Time for a bite to eat, and then to vacuum sunroom...gd dragged in a good bit of mud yesterday in those heavy-treaded sneaks kids wear onto my white berber! Let it dry , so now time to suck it up!

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, what was the favorite animal of both your grandsons? My Dustin loved the otters (still does).
Going in to check on GeeGee...BBL

deb said...

A farmer in WA euthanized an old horse with meds given to him by a vet. Unfortunately, he didn't properly take care of the horse's body. At least 6 eagles are very ill and one did not survive. He didn't do it intentionally, he just didn't consider the consequences.

Poisoned Eagles

Mits said...

that is sad, Deb:(

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all.

Finally found my way in, blog page looks really weird for me today.

Had to attend a funeral this morning...finally here at work.

I heard about the horse and eagle issue...very sad.

paula eagleholic said...

Action our nest!

paula eagleholic said...

It's like watching slo mo here...

paula eagleholic said...

I think Belle is eating and Lib left...

Mits said...

wonder when the updates are going to be completed at our nest?

paula eagleholic said...

$#%^%*@# Blogger

IDK, I hope it's soon....the live feed may as well not even be on for me...

Mema Jo said...


Ft St Vrain did it!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I am trying to get my bookmarks organized....taking forever, but then I haven't worked on it in awhile...I must have 20 folders set up already.

paula eagleholic said...

WOW, cool Jo...I thought TH would be next!

Mema Jo said...

Kittenface does it again!!!

Pic of newest egg - CO

Mema Jo said...

No on e can seem to get the live feed cam up at CO.
Mainly looking at daily pics.

Mits said...

was watching her this a.m., thought she was incubating.

Mits said...

Free forum by hostingphpbb.com



this is what I get when I try to open that kittenface link, Jo

paula eagleholic said...

My CO went down too...was on until I tried to switch views...

2 at WE this morning

paula eagleholic said...

It worked for me Mits. It's pics on the Maine forum

deb said...

I just opened the CO cam--waiting to see the egg.

deb said...

Both eagles in CO.

deb said...

I see an egg!

wvgal_dana said...

Wowweee Co laid their egg great news. ty

We use the Forever Stamps also.

deb said...

It sure wasn't a good view of the egg, but maybe there will be a better one. The one eagle that is left hasn't settled down on the egg yet.

hedgie said...

Something big going on at Shepherd U...firearms discharged in a building....MTBR.
Working on Favs....a bit tedious since I have so many! But kind of fun.

hedgie said...

Deb, remember last month I mentioned a farmer in Missouri who had used poison for coyotes, I think it was....and eagles died from eating the carcasses....he was convicted and I think was in prison...Bush pardoned him right before leaving office. Unintentional for sure, but consequences are far-reaching.

wvgal_dana said...

I see her/him turing the egg Co

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle flew in at TH it is calling but there is a loud squeal in the sound system. Anyone else have that problem?

deb said...

I do remember that, Lynn. He was poisoning coyotes that were on his land.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - yes, there is a loud hum on the TH cam...

Mema Jo said...

Kittenface link is really the Maine Forum
Ctrl End to last comment.. There is a pic.

Checking out CO live feed
(Had to check on Owl cam first - Valmont is in the hutch.. Have no clue as to the eggs' condition)

Eagles' live feed is working now for me
One eagle on egg well.....

wvgal_dana said...

2 in our nest

deb said...

Two eagles on the still cam for me, nothing on live feed.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula are you using any players for West End?

paula eagleholic said...

2 our nest

Switch happening

paula eagleholic said...

No Dana it comes up automatically on their page...don't need a player.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok ty that is what I am doing.

Something switch for me when in email and someone sends me WMP it plays it in WINAMP instead of windows media player. Paula do you know what I need to fix to straighten that out?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Is anybody looking at the pandas at SD? They are cuddled up together!!

Mauley said...

Good afternoon all. Hope this finds all well and watching the nest. donna

Mits said...

Hello, Donna, how are you?

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of vocalizing at WE both at nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Both just flew out of WE

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, you need to open up winamp and change the options, then go to preferences.

I think you have to uncheck the WMV and WMA associations under general preferences, file type.

I also have unchecked the box for 'restore file associations at winamp start-up'

Lolly said...

Yea for CO!!! I thought it might be soon. She had been sitting in the nest a lot. Certainly a lot earlier than last year.

paula eagleholic said...

I hate it when each player tries to be the boss!

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll our nest

paula eagleholic said...

FYI - I just found out that IWS will NOT be using neokast this year!! YAY!

paula eagleholic said...

Closeup at NBG....pretty!

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, eagle at NBG just tucked head back :)

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll our nest

Close up of NBG eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula I had to add alittle to the directions. Now when I get something in email. My WMP opens and plays it. I like that better. ty

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...

CU later!

hedgie said...

Hughesnet has penalized me again for hogging the airwaves! Don't know why, cause I haven't downloaded anything, or had live cams up...ARGH!! Very irritating. Can't even get my mail open now. Who knows how long I'll be able to blog with you before it stops refreshing...if I totally disappear this pm, you'll know why!

hedgie said...

I put in the disc that came with the camera and downloaded the 164 pg. Users' Manual but thought it was on the disc....maybe it went to the net to do it....but don't think so because it seemed to be almost instantly finished!

Mema Jo said...

Hope you can stick around, Lynn!
I have had trouble getting into the blog today.. Twice I have come in the back door. Daughter went home around 3:30
Chili for dinner - yummy!

I think I have 3 good TV shows in a row this Tues evening.

Mits said...

yep Tuesday is a good night, I still can't get totally interested in The Mentalist yet, after about 15 minutes my mind starts to wander and I start flipping channels

Mits said...

closeup at NBG

Mema Jo said...

Belle is being distracted by something
No Sound, so I haven't a clue

Mits said...

NBG, just turned eggs, I could only see 1, her nest cup is pretty deep.

Mits said...

eggs showing at BWE

Mits said...

eagle back on eggs BWE, only 10 days till hatching begins

Mits said...

CO, update, they have a nice pic there too.

Latest News
The first egg has appeared today! It is very windy at the nest but the eagles are hanging on tight.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder how all the FL nests are doing.
I would think they have eggs down there.

I guess we are waiting now for LW, OR and the Catalina Island nest to start their season.

Costume Lady said...

Tuesday is my favorite TV night. We tape NCIS and watch A. Idol. The Mentalist (I'm having ADHD with that show too, Helen) and Without a Trace.
GeeGee is still not doing well. She says she is no longer nauseated, but is VERY weak. She called out loudly in her sleep, twice while I was there. Don't know what to think about that. She DOESN'T want to go to the doctor. I won't have any choice but to take her if this continues:(

Mema Jo said...

I forgot about the Maine nest.....

Deer at the snowman cam!

Mits said...

yes, Wanda, maybe a trip to the doctors would be a wise decision.

Mits said...

Jo, its like we have eggs everywhere, I miss the FLA nests.

Mits said...

yes and this year we have the 2nd Maine nest

Costume Lady said...

Would anyone like to know where Pearl, Middy and Tiny are right now? Maybe we could get Dr. Sharpe (Yahoo!) to come to NCTC and band our new babies when they get here;)

Mema Jo said...

Good decision to go ahead and take GeeGee to see the Doc tomorrow. She needs some nourishment - weather could be a little wet morning hours. There isn't any sense in you & Gene sitting around worrying.

Mits said...

she's not even my Mom and I am worrying.

Mits said...

Nest Weather update.....

Mostly cloudy. A slight chance of snow after midnight. Lows in the mid 20s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent.
Freezing rain...snow and rain likely in the morning... then rain in the afternoon. Snow accumulation around an inch. Ice accumulation around a trace. Highs around 40. South winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.


Mema Jo said...

I have an afternoon hair cut appointment tomorrow... Should just be rain if anything at all at that time...

I so hope we keep our nest

Mits said...

and ice free too.

Mema Jo said...

So Where oh Where is our

Pink Peony Floralgirl ?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I love the pic of Margy on the
train platform that Mary Margaret took!

The white cat & eagle is also one of my

Red said...

Wow. I got to draw a STOP sign in my graphics class today. MTBR

Mema Jo said...

That Facebook is really really causing a stew! So glad I was too lazy to sign up and join even though I had many many invites.

glo said...

Getting ready to go to work here. Wanda I am glad you have decided to take GeeGee to the Dr. I sure think lots about Norma too. I do hope her Dr visit went well and she is in fact feeling better each day.

Stork stop in Colorado how cool. And 10 days til Blackwater hatch may begin to happen. Our season is into full swing.

Cams are missing and new cams on board.

Hopefully we will get the new link for our live feed soon as well.

deb said...

The forecast for tonight here is rain/snow. It was 50 today, only supposed to be in the upper 20's tomorrow. I want more 50's!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Red! Great to learn something on the first day! Now don't forget how you did it! You know about your memory!

deb said...

Sounds like you had a good time at class today, Red. I sure hope GeeGee starts feeling better soon and that Norma is on the road to recovery also.

hedgie said...

FIRE at one of local nursing homes....evacuation complete....trying to get school busses in to transport patients to a school and to hospital. Bad....units called from Washington Co., MD, Jefferson Co., WV, Loudon Co., VA to backfill Jefferson, etc.

hedgie said...

Wanda, it's Heartland.

hedgie said...

Pretty sure I hear Margy...she either never got away or got called right back. Taking some to a nearby church...many patients on oxygen that will be going straight to hospital.

Mits said...

Atlanta's stingy update for today

Tuesday, February 17
He may not be ready for actual mountains, but he's got his climbing legs and is ready to take on any small, well-built, wooden structure that doesn't offer too much of a risk and has something relatively soft below it.

Mema Jo said...

BRSteve pulls out tomorrow from San Antonio's brief vacation. Can't open cam but it says to HOLD ON there is a broadcast problem. There is also a 2nd site.. I clicked on it and huge screen came up - it has a 2 sec refresh.
Regular cam just came up and it's at the truck stop

hedgie said...

I worked there for a few months between my hospital and GM jobs....they say the fire is in the basement....I don't remember that there WAS a basement!

Mema Jo said...

Finally - Belle has her head under her wing!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn Heartland is the one near VA Center right?

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

I hope it is rain before I have to leave early tomorrow...taking Drano Boo back to vets, drain is no longer draining and his ear has filled back up with fluid...so probably have to do surgery to sew his ears flaps back together. But don't worry, he'll get a new drain :)

Gonna go walk the doggies...BBL

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

I got it off Williamsport ave. from where that Warm Springs eatery was.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - When you say it is Heartland
Is that the same as Homewood

hedgie said...

No, Dana....off Warm Springs Ave.

hedgie said...

No, Jo....Homewood I think is what the assisted living facility used to be called...has a new name now.

Mema Jo said...

I hope that Belle is not Tenting
Maybe just airing out her wings.....

Mits said...

looks like 2 black lungs;)

Mema Jo said...

That it does! Just like my CT! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Got it Lynn heading west on Warm Spring Ave. pass where Warm Springs Eatery use to be turn left into Heartland.

hedgie said...

On 2nd thought, Jo...Homewood is in Williamsport, MD!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

WE brought food into nest other eagle flew in. Eagle with food left looked like something BIG.

Mits said...

yeah, sorta like an xray

Costume Lady said...

CARE HAVEN is the nursing home near VA center. My Dad was there for 6 months. He escaped out the back door, twice, in a wheel chair:)

wvgal_dana said...

I think an egg is trying to be laid at TH. YES EGG JUST LAID!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I SEEN THE EGG LAID AT TWO HARBORS!!! 7:55PM EST their time 4:55pm

wvgal_dana said...

I SEEN THE EGG LAID AT TWO HARBORS!!! 7:55PM EST their time 4:55pm

Mits said...

feisty, little devil, wasn't he, Wanda.....?

Mits said...

where did he go, when he escaped?

Mits said...

split coming soon!

Mema Jo said...

Headed into the TV


Mits said...

see you after the split, Jo

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 399   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED